Most of the information contained here is the result of the diligent work of Bill Stein, former director of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, and his volunteers in surveying cemeteries within the county.
There are direct links from this page to information, including directions and an up to date list of burials, for every known cemetery in the county. We appreciate John Konesheck's help in extracting the names of those buried from the Nesbitt Memorial Library's data. At the request of a patron, we have added the following designations: (W) all White or White/Hispanic burials; (B) all Black burials; and (M) mixed burials.
There are also lists of those believed to be buried in the county, but where the name of the cemetery is unknown (see Burial place unknown or Cremated).
Colorado County cemetery records are also available online at the Nesbitt Memorial Library web site in the form of an alphabetical listing of all known burialsin the county.
Lists of Cemeteries |
A - B |
C - G |
H - L |
M - O |
P - S |
T - Z |
Abell Cemetery (W)
Barton Cemetery(W)
Bretschneider Cemetery (W)
Adams Cemetery (W)
Batla Cemetery (W)
Carl Bretschneider Cemetery (W)
Adkins Cemetery (W)
Besch Cemetery (W)
Britton "Grave Site"
Alexander Cemetery (B)
Boeer Cemetery (W)
Brown Family Cemetery (B)
Allen Cemetery (W)
Boetcher/Boettcher Cemetery
(See Bottger Cemetery)George W. Brown Burial Site (W)
Alley Family Cemetery (W)
AlleytonBorden Cemetery (W)
Brownson Cemetery
(See Golden Rod Cemetery)
Alleyton Cemetery (M)
Designated a Historic Texas CemeteryBottger Cemetery (W)
Brownsville Cemetery
(See Union Hill Cemetery
Amthor Cemetery (W)
Boykin Cemetery (B)
Brune Cemetery (W)
Bachelor Cemetery (W)
(See Zoar Lutheran Church Cemetery)Braden Cemetery (W)
Ludwig Brune Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas Cemetery
Bratton Cemetery (W)
Burttschell Cemetery (W)
Hahn Cemetery (W) Kellner Cemetery (W) Live Oak Cemetery (W)
H - L
(See Nada Cemetery)Ijams Cemetery (W)
(See Pleasant Grove Cemetery)
(See Bretzschneider Cemetery)
Halyard Cemetery (W)
Independent Methodist Cemetery (B)
Kollmann Family Cemetery (W)
Harvey's Creek Cemetery
(See Pleasant Hill Cemetery)Jacobs Cemetery (W)
Kretzschmar Cemetery (W)
Hasse Cemetery (W)
Johse/Jokse Cemetery (W)
Laas Cemetery (W)
Hebrew Benevolence Society Cemetery (W)
Jones Cemetery
(See Abell Cemetery)Lakeside Cemetery/Lakeside Latin
Eagle Lake
Lehrer Cemetery (W)
Heinsohn Cemetery (W)
Kaiser Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas CemeteryLilie Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas Cemetery
Himly Cemetery (W)
Kansteiner Cemetery (W)
Updated 10/2/11
Lostracco Cemetery (W)
Nativity Cemetery (W) Myrtle Cemetery (W) Paradise Gardens Cemetery (B) St. Roch Catholic Cemetery (W) If you find bad or missing links, please notify the county coordinator.
M - O
Eagle Lake
Miller High Hill Cemetery (B)
McGrew Cemetery (B)
AltairMiller Oak Grove Cemetery (W)
Oakes Cemetery (W)
McLeary Cemetery (W)
Montgomery-Thatcher Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas Cemetery
Updated 2/16/25Oakland Cemetery (B)
Mentz Catholic Cemetery
(See St. Roch)Mount Zion Cemetery
(See Boykin Cemetery)Oakland Hill Cemetery (B)
Mexican Cemetery
Muckleroy Cemetery (W)
Obenchain Family Cemetery
(See Pinchback Cemetery)
Rock IslandObenhaus Cemetery (W)
Miller Cemetery (W)
Nada Cemetery (W)
Old Osage Cemetery (W)
Gerhard Miller Cemetery (W)
National Cemetery
(See Nada Cemetery)
Osage Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas Cemetery
Updated 6/28/24
P - S
Updated 3/26/25
Reichardt Cemetery (W)
Updated 3/24/25
Pest Camp Burial Grounds (B)
Richardson Homestead Cemetery
(See Rock Island Cemetery)Sam Houston Cemetery (B)
Pinchback Cemetery (M)
Updated 1/22/2023Riesing Cemetery (W)
Designated a Historic Texas CemeteryShaw Cemetery (W)
Pleasant Grove Cemetery (W)
Rising Star Cemetery (B)
Shaws Bend Cemetery (B)
Pleasant Hill Cemetery (B)
Rock Island Cemetery
Shepard Memorial Cemetery (B)
Sommerlatte Cemetery (W)
Prause Cemetery (W)
Designated a Texas Historic Cemetery
St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery (W)
ColumbusSteitz Grave
Private Colored Toland Chapel Cemetery
(See Gay Hill Cemetery)St. Mary Catholic Cemetery (W)
St. Michael Catholic Cemetery (W)
Who Died During Year Ending June 1,
Slaves Who Died During Year Ending June 1, 1860
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