Judy Talkington suggested we add newspaper accounts of weddings to our site. Let us know what you think about this and feel free to submit wedding photos of the happy couples. For now we are going to have a cut off date of the 1940.
Do you have interesting wedding articles to share? Pictured to the left are Gray Payne and Elizabeth Alberta Taylor on their wedding day, October 17, 1893.
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Paap & Toliver
Married, at Alleyton, January 27th, 1876, at the residence of the brides mother, Mr. HENRY JOHN PAAP to Miss MARY A. TOLIVER, all of Colorado county, Rev. W. Daniels officiating.
Colorado Citizen, February 3, 1876, page 3
Pachel & Mehrens
Hy. Pachel, and Miss Lola Mehrens, popular young people of this community, went down to Columbus last Tuesday and were married. The bride is the oldest child of Gerhart Mehrens and wife of this community while the groom is the eldest child and only son of Herman Pachel of this community. We wish them much happiness through out their wedded life.
Weimar Mercury, December 6, 1918
Papenberg & Buescher
Frelsburg, Oct. 28.--Married, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Ms. H. A. Buescher, on the 27th inst., their daughter, Miss Emma, to Prof. William C. Papenberg, Judge J. J. Mansfield officiating.
Weimar Mercury, November 12, 1904, page 7
Parma & Seydler
SchulenburgRev. A. Raska recently married Miss Martha Seydler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seydler of Holman and Vit Parma, son of Mrs. Agnes Parma of Ammannsville. Witnesses were A. P. Parma and Louis Hluchanek. Bridesmaids were Misses Agnes Tengler and Lillie Seydler. John Parma and John Hluchanek attended the bridegroom. Little Betty Jean Seydler was flower girl and Billie Bohuslav ringbearer. The couple will live in Schulenburg.
Weimar Mercury, March 11, 1938
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonPaschal & Tyler
Sheridan News
A big wedding took place at Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor’s last Wednesday eve at 4 o’clock, when Mr. Garrett Paschal of Rock Island and Miss Ora Tyler were united in marriage. A big supper was served, and everyone enjoyed same. The happy couple then left for their future home. We wish them good luck and happiness in the future.
Weimar Mercury, March 12, 1920, page 7
Paulsen & Burford
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hahn, at eleven o’clock Tuesday morning, Mr. William M. Paulsen and Miss Mattie Will Burford were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. P. Morgan, pastor of the Methodist Church. Only the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends were invited. The house was tastefully decorated with plants and flowers. After the ceremony was performed, a dainty luncheon was served. The bride wore a navy blue traveling costume, and the groom wore the conventional black. Amid showers of rice and hearty good wishes from a host of friends who had gathered at the station to see them off the couple left on the noon train for a brief trip to Houston. Colorado Citizen.
Eagle Lake Headlight, February 22, 1919, page 2
Phillips & Mersfelder
Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, last Thursday night, Mr. T. J. Phillips and Miss Annie Mersfelder, Rev. C. W. Thomas officiating. May they enjoy a long and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, February 10, 1887
Pokluda & Binder
Borden News
Last Wednesday Mr. Machler Pokluda and Miss Frances Binder of Oak Grove were united in marriage at Weimar at St. Michael’s Church, Rev. Szymanski officiating. The bride is a daughter of F. A. Binder and wife of Oak Grove, who some time ago moved there from Schulenburg. The groom is the head of the Borden Mercantile Company. After the ceremony the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to Houston and other points. We wish them much happiness.
Weimar Mercury, January 16, 1920, page 4
Poulk & Evans
On account of their license failing to come Mr. Dan Poulk and Miss Viola Evans were not married until Christmas day. A large crowd assembled to witness the ceremony, which took place on the porch her home, the guests filling the whole yard. Think of an open air wedding up in the frigid north during Christmas week.
Weimar Mercury, January 5, 1912
Pryor & Early
The City
A Mr. Pryor was this week married to Mrs. Myra Early of Columbus.
Weimar Mercury, June 10, 1893Submitted by Deborah Smith
Putney & Dorman
CitizenEagle Lake cor.
On Wednesday night of last week, Hugh Putney and Miss Emma Dorman were married at the Union church by Rev. Collins of Columbus. After the marriage the crowd, or most of it, went to Davis hall and enjoyed themselves dancing till late at night. The occasion was a great social event in the history of Eagle Lake and will be long remembered.Weimar Mercury, November 5, 1892, page 2
One of Weimar's Most Popular Couples Married At Lutheran Church In This City
Wednesday afternoon at 1 p.m .was celebrated the wedding of Miss Hylda Nitschmann of this city to Mr. Emil Rabel of Columbus, the vows being pronounced by Rev. Paul Piepenbrok at the altar of the Lutheran Church of this city.
The rostrum was banked in ferns and Shasta daisies with a background of spingerie. Bows of white maline marked the pews reserved for the family and suspended above the altar hung a large white wedding bell.
The wedding music was especially beautiful. Mrs. Chas. Wern presided at the piano and Mrs. Henry Herder of Sugar Land on the violin. The ceremony was opened by Miss Katie Cornelson of Schulenburg, who sang "I Love You Truly." She was beautifully attired in an orchid crepe frock, with hat to match.
The entrance of the bridal party was announced by Mendelsohon's [sic] Wedding March and was distinctive, the ushers, namely Messrs. Elliott Hubbard, Erwin Reinhardt, Ray Kusey and Jack Brasher, entering doubly from the side aisles. The groom entered with his best man, Judge Jno. C. Hoyo of Columbus. Then followed singly the matron of honor, Mrs. Gus Ulrich of Sugar Land dressed in pale pink chiffon, with picture hat to correspond; maid of honor, Miss Selma Nitschmann, wearing a costume of mountain haze crepe, each carrying arm bouquets of pastel shaded gladiolas. These attendants stood on either side of the officiating clergyman, and were followed by the little ring bearer, Hilda Merle Rabel, niece of the bride, winsome in a frock of white crepe and carrying a long stemmed lily, in which the marriage symbol rested. Then the dainty flower girls, Misses Olivia Rabel and Kathryn Herder dressed in pink, carrying flower baskets and strewing rose petals in the path for the bride, who entered on the arm of her father Mr. F. J. Nitschmann. She wore her going-away suit of gray poiret twill, with trimmings of henna, and hat, slippers and all accessories to match. She carried a shower bouquet of brides roses.
Throughout the ceremony the sweet strains of music softly played on the violin and piano made the affair very sacred and impressive.
The exit of the bridal party was made with bride and groom leading and the maids and ushers following double file.
The bride is one of Weimar's favorite daughters. She was reared in our town and with her sweet disposition and congenial manner has endeared herself to a large number of friends who regret that her marriage means her departure from our midst.
The groom is also one of Weimar's proudest sons. After being in business in this city of a number of years he was elected to fill the office of county tax collector, which he has ably filled for two terms. He is a also one of Weimar's proudest sons. After being in business in this city for a number of ears,he was elected to fill the office of county tax collector. which he has ably filled for two terms. He is a gentleman of sterling qualities and is held in high esteem by all who know him.
After a honeymoon for several weeks in San Antonio. they will make their home in Columbus. The Mercury joins a large circle of friends in wishing them much joy and happiness thruout their married life.
Weimar Mercury, July 13, 1923
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonA BRILLIANT SOCIAL AFFAIR
Miscellaneous Shower Tendered Charming Bride-To-Be, Miss Hylda NitschmannFriday afternoon from 5 until 7 o'clock, Mesdames R. L. Watson and E. I. Reinhardt gave pleasure to some sixty friends complimenting Miss Hylda Nitschmann, bride-elect, with a miscellaneous shower.
It was the intention of the hostesses to entertain out on the lawn at the spacious Brooks residence, but a disappointing shower of rain made an out-of-door afternoon impossible, so accepting the enforced change of plans with good grace, the scene of activities was transferred to the porch.
The date of the "shower" falling so near the Fourth of July, a patriotic idea was carried out which embodied many uses of the "red, white and blue." After two delightful vocal selections rendered by Misses Eleanora Armstrong, Eloise Holman and Henrietta Leidolf, the guests enjoyed a contest entitled "The Bride's Trousseau." Then from a secluded spot on the lawn came three small soldier boys dressed in Khaki uniforms, marching to the beat of a drum, pulling a miniature army truck, which was loaded to overflowing with lovely gifts for the honoree. After opening and admiring the many presents, the soldier boys distributed small cards with "comfy" bags of rice attached, on each of which was printed the following verse:
Declaration of Independence
United to stand through weal or woe,
THEIR Independence they declare
Against life's every dreaded foe,
And with this shower of gifts today
This wish do WE declare
May they have peace and happiness
And joy beyond compareA salad course consisting of Chicken salad with lettuce garnish, pickles, wafers, tea and angel food cake was served. On each plate waved a tiny U. S. silk flag. This was followed by the cutting of the bride's cake, a large heart-shaped affair with miniature bride and groom, in the center, the same being the handiwork of Mrs. Chas. Potthast, accomplished in the difficult art of embossing. The ring, button, thimble and wishbone or good luck pin afforded much merriment among the unmarried ladies.
After a second inspection of the handsome collection of gifts and wishing the bride-to-be much joy and happiness throughout her married life, the guests departed declaring they had spend a most pleasant afternoon.
Weimar Mercury, July 13, 1923
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonRamsey & Neal
Columbus Citizen
Married, at the residence of Dr. B. H. Neal, Frelsburg, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 23, 1892, Mr. Ramsey of Columbus and Miss Willie Neal, Rev. G. H. Collins officiating.
Weimar Mercury, December 3. 1892Reager & May
Married, last night, in Columbus, at the residence of Mr. Dillard Cooper, Prof. F. M REAGER to Miss CARRIE ELLA MAY, all of this city, Judge Chas. Riley officiating.
Colorado Citizen, July 3, 1879, page 3
Rees & Miller
A popular young couple came over on the train yesterday afternoon and were married at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. J. M. Mizzelle officiating. The couple we refer to is Mr. Flem Rees, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rees of Sublime, and Miss Katie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Miller, of the Oakland section. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Will Rees of Sublime. The happy young couple leave today for a wedding trip to San Antonio, after which they will go to housekeeping at Sublime where the groom has recently become owner of the Smetana blacksmith shop and he will engage in that business.
Mr. and Mrs. Rees have the best wishes of a host of friends. Hallettsville New EraColorado Citizen, February 6, 1920, page 3
Submitted by Deborah SmithReese & Hope
Oakland Newsy Notes:
At the residence of Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Woolsey there will be a quiet wedding next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The contracting parties will be Mrs. C. P. Hope of Oakland and County Clerk J. W. Reese of Hallettsville. Rev. J. W. Sims will officiate, and after the bridal ceremony Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reese will attend divine (services) at the Methodist church. In advance congratulations are extended.
Colorado Citizen, March 5, 1896
Submitted by Deborah SmithReese & Ilse
Married, at the First Baptist church in Houston last Monday at 11:30, Miss Ivaugh Ilse and Mr. Spencer Herbert Reese of Columbus. Rev. J. L. Gross of Houston performing the ring ceremony, which was witnessed by a few of the immediate relatives and friends. Columbus Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, June 22, 1907
Submitted by Deborah SmithReichardt & Koehn
Married,Tuesday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Koehn, near here, Mr. Theodore Reichardt and Miss Annie Koehn, Rev. Weiss of Content officiating.
Weimar Mercury, October 21, 1893
Rerich & Heger
Wild Wood News Items
Miss Emilie Heger and Emil Rerich, two popular young people, of this section, were married at St. Michaels church in Weimar, Monday. At night a ball was given in their honor at Holman. We extend hearty congratulations and wish them a long and happy life.
Weimar Mercury, November 17, 1911, page 9
Reynolds & Garrett
MARRIED, at the residence of the bride’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. Mack Garrett) about two and a half miles north of this city, at 7 o’clock Sunday evening, Mr. Rufus Reynolds and Miss Florence Garrett, Rev. H. M. Haynie of he Methodist church performing the ceremony. The bride and groom are well known in our community, and have a large circle of friends, who extend them hearty congratulations. May their voyage through life be one of uninterrupted happiness, prosperity and contentment.
Weimar Mercury, May 16, 1891
Reynolds & Rankin
Married on the 20th inst., in the vicinity of Weimar, Mr. Allie Reynolds and Miss Addie Rankin, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating. No cards.
Weimar Gimlet, January 28, 1886
Submitted by Deborah SmithRichter & Ferguson
Mr. Fred Richter and Miss Daisy Ferguson of Borden were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Rev. John Nickens of this city, Rev. Nickens officiating. The fair bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferguson of Borden, while Mr. Richter is a popular young farmer of that vicinity. Our best wishes go out to them for a long and happy life. [Married in Weimar on December 13, 1899]
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1899
Photograph contributed by Linda WiesnerRichter & Pophanken
New Ulm Enterprise: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pophanken and daughter, Miss Lillian went to Frelsburg Sunday to attend the marriage of the former’s sister, Miss Lena Pophanken to Mr. O. E. Richter, which occurred at the home of her mother, Mrs. D. Pophanken, at 9:00 a.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Gustav Szillat.
Weimar Mercury, December 15, 1911, page 1
Richter & Warnken
Schulenburg Sticker: Two weddings took place in Weimar this week, Judge C. T. Hancock performing the ceremony in his usual dignified and impressive manner. The first took place on Monday night at the residence of Mr. Ed Seydler. The contracting parties were Mr. Hugo Richter and Miss Siddie Warnken. After the ceremony all repaired to the opera house, where a ball was given by the young men of Weimar. The second wedding took place Tuesday at the residence of the bride’s mother, where Miss Lena Seydler was happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Anton Grossinger. Both weddings were quiet, and none but a few of the nearest relatives were invited. The Sticker wishes them much happiness, and may their troubles only be little ones.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895
Rinn & Heinsohn
Wednesday morning in Weimar Mr. William Rinn and Mrs. Louisa Heinsohn, both of this community, were united in marriage, Judge C. T. Hancock officiating. Mr. Rinn recently came here from Austin county, and Mrs. Heinsohn was the widow of John Heinsohn, Jr. The Mercury wishes them a successful and happy life.
Weimar Mercury, November 3, 1894, page 2
Ritterhaus & Yancey
Married, in this city at the Baptist church Sunday last, at 8 P.M., Mr. Otto Ritterhaus to Miss Kittie Yancy, all of Columbus, the Rev. J. B. Armstrong, pastor of that church officiating. A large crowd gathered to witness the interesting rite, and the congratulations that followed were many and ardent. The Citizen joins their innumerable friends in wishing them perfect happiness.
Colorado Citizen, February 7, 1884
Roberts & Harrison
MARRIED, at the residence of the bride’s mother, at 4 p.m., Thursday, Mr. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Irene Harrison, Rev. M. M. Wadsworth of the Baptist church officiating. Both are well known in our city, and are beloved by their many friends, all of whom join with us in extending congratulations and wishes for them a life of happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, May 2, 1891
Roensch & Damon
Joseph Roench[sic], Esq. of Winchester, and Miss Adelia Damon, one of the belles of Eagle Lake, were married at the Union church Tuesday morning, Rev. G. H. Collins of Columbus officiating, and took the train for Winchester the same morning. May happiness and prosperity attend them through life.
Colorado Citizen, November 19, 1891, page 3Rollins & Koenig
Rev. W. L. Hightower, local Methodist minister, officiated at a wedding Monday night, in which the participants were Mr. Silas Rollins and Mrs. Mary Koenig, both of this city. The groom is a nephew of Mr. A. S. Dunn and recently moved from East Texas to Weimar to make his home here. The bride came here from Houston several months ago with the intention of making Weimar her future home. If we mistake not she was born and raised in this section. Our best wishes for a long and happy future go out to them.
Weimar Mercury, March 17, 1933, page 3Rose & Gerstenberger
MARRIED, at the residence of he brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerstenberger, near Oakland, last Tuesday evening, Mr. F. A. Rose to Miss Amelie Gerstenberger, Esquire C. D. Barnett of this city officiating. The handsome groom is a son of our worthy townsman, Mr. A. F. Rose, and is well and favorably known to our citizens. The bride is a beautiful and talented young lady, in whom Mr. Rose has found a worthy mate, and our best wishes for happiness and prosperity in life are extended the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, December 21, 1889Rose & Richter
Cards have been issued announcing the approaching marriage of Mr. Otto Rose and Miss Selma Richter, which will take place Thursday evening, Oct. 3. at the residence of the brides parents. THE MERCURY tenders heartiest congratulations to this popular young couple, and wishes for them a long, happy and prosperous life.
Weimar Mercury, September 28, 1895Mr. Otto Rose, a popular young man of this city, was united in marriage Thursday evening to Miss Selma Richter, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, the ceremony taking place at the residence of the brides parents, and being performed by Judge C. T. Hancock in an impressive style. An elegant supper at home, and ball at the Verin Frohshim hall, followed the ceremony, and all present had an enjoyable time. Our very best wishes for success and happiness in all future life, are extended the happy couple.
Weimar Mercury, October 5, 1895Rosenfield & Hollingsworth
Weimar Items
Married, our old friend Niman Rosenfield to Miss Sallie Hollingsworth by Squire Mullin. The old saying is true, better late than never. Old boy, we wish you success. May you live long and prosper and may you both enjoy life to a good old age and may the blessings of heaven rest upon you and yours.
Colorado Citizen, July 18, 1878, page 3Rutledge & Lockett
Married, at the residence of the brides aunt, Mrs. A. Darby, Wednesday evening, Rev. J. T. Rutledge to Miss Minnie Lockett, Rev. T. W. Staton of Yoakum officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair, only relatives and a few invited friends being present. Shortly after the conclusion of the ceremony, the loving and happy couple repaired to the depot, where they took the 5:47 train for Edna, Jackson county, where they will reside in future. Rev. Rutledge is an energetic and capable young minister of the gospel, admired for his many good traits, and popular with all who know him. The winsom bride is a niece of Capt. John A. Lockett, and is a lady possessing many admirable characteristics. THE MERCURYS very best wishes are extended them for a life rescatge with happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, November 18, 1893Rutledge & Owens
Mr. Andy Rutledge of Wichita Falls and Miss Maggie Owens of the Live Oak community were happily united in marriage Christmas eve, in this city, Judge W. A. VanAlstyne officiating. Both are popular young people, the bride being a daugher of W. M. Owens, a prominent farmer and stockman of this section. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, January 2, 1920, page 1Sachs & Engels
Our popular Justice of the peace, Judge J. W. Holt marrid his first couple Thursday evening at 4 oclock, at the residence of Mr. G. Buske, the same being the wedding of Mr. Harman Sachs and Miss Alvina Engels, two young people who are well-known in this vicinity. The Mercury wishes them much happiness.
Weimar Mercury, July 26, 1890, page 2Sheridan & Dial
Married, on Thursday, January 23, 1879, at the residence of Mr. T. L. Townsend, Mr. HUGH SHERIDAN and Miss SIDNEY C. DIAL, all of Colorado county, the Rev. M. G. Jenkins, officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 30, 1879, page 3Schetzing & Seydler
Married, last Thursday evening, August 9th, Mr. M. Schetzing, a prominent jeweler of this place, to Miss Emma Seyder[sic], one of Weimars most interesting young ladies. The wedding took place a the residence of the brides mother, in this city, C. D. Barnett officiating. No cards wee issued. Only a few invited guests were present, and those who attended say they passed a most enjoyable evening.
Colorado Citizen, August 16, 1888, page 3Schindler & Herder
MARRIED, at the residence of Mr. I J. Gallia, in this city, last Sturday evening at 7 oclock, Mr. Jos. Schindler to Mrs. Josephine Herder, Esquire Willrich of Schulenburg officiating. The marriage took a number of their friends by surprise, as they noted nothing unusual in Joes demeanor Saturday, but then people shoud not always judge from appearances. Mr. Schindler is one of our best citizens, and is popular with all. The bride is an accomplished lady, daughter of Mr. Frank Russek of Schulenburg, and is universally esteemed by her many good qualities. The happy couple left on the west-bound train Sunday morning for a bridal tour to San Antonio and other points. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Schindler a life of happiness replete with prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, August 11, 1889Schoenfeldt & Koehn
Today [Dec. 12] there will take place the wedding of Mr. Herman Schoenfeldt and Miss Anna Koehn. Both the bride and the groom are favorably known in this section and generally beloved. Miss Anna is the daughter of Mr. John Koehn, who owns the Ocker place. Rev. Frehner, formerly of Ellinger, will tie the knot. An accurate account of the wedding will be given in our next letter.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1893
Schulze & Kerasek
Mr. William Schulze and Miss Mary Kerasek were married last week. The young lady went to Columbus on the train, he followed in a buggy. They were made one in Columbus, and came on a bridal tour to the home of the bridgroom’s father, where at night they were serenaded after the fashion of the French (Charivari they call it.) The boys, it is said, removed him from his little bed, took him out into the fresh air, where they kept him shivering in the cold, in his night clothes until he promised to come to town in the morning and stand treat all round. Rumor says he came and “set up” the beer, cigars, et cetera, as das war elne andere bochneit in unsere Staadt.
Colorado Citizen, December 7, 1882, page 3
Schumann & Gloger
Weimar Local Matters
Paul Schumann and Miss Anna Gloger were married in Weimar at the residence of F. Schenk the evening of the 17th inst, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 24, 1889.
Submitted by Deborah SmithSchwede & Kieler
Married, near Weimar, on the evening of the 25th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Chas. Schwede to Miss Annie Kieler, in the presence of a host of friends, Rev. J. T. Warner officiating. We extend to the bride and groom our best wishes for their future happiness.
Colorado Citizen, February 3, 1887Sciba & Freis
The marriage of George Sciba and Miss Paulina Freiss[sic] took place at St. Michael’s church Monday morning. Rev. J. Szymanski officiating. A number of relatives and friends were present to witness the interesting ceremony. They are well known young people of this section, popular with all, and a large circle of friends join us in the wish that their future may be replete with happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, November 24, 1911, page 1Seim & Nitschmann
Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nitschmann, two miles north of Oakland, on Tuesday, Mr. Emil Seim and Miss Louisa Nitschmann. A good many from here attended the supper and dance at night.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1893Senftenberg & Merseburger
ELOPEMENT. Mr. A. Senftenberg, salesman in the house of H. M. Ehrenworth, and Miss Minnie Merseburger, only daughter of the Mayor, left our city at 2 o’clock last Sunday afternoon bent on matrimony. The irate parents pursued at 8 o’clock, but fate and the little blind god seemed to favor the lovers. No more was heard of the twain until they returned Tuesday evening happily united. Our best wishes attend the happy couple, and we advise the distressed parents, now that resistance is useless, to “Kiss and make up.”
Colorado Citizen, July 13, 1876, page 3
Seydler & Warnken
Cards are out announcing that the wedding of Mr. Ed Seydler and Miss Annie Warnken will take place next Wednesday. In advance, the popular young couple will please accept THE MERCURY’S heartiest congratulations
[See page 2 of March 17, 1894 edition for more details.]Weimar Mercury, March 10, 1894
Seymour & Montgomery
Mr. Ernest Seymour and Miss Katie Montgomery, two well-known society young people of Columbus, were married Tuesday afternoon in that city by Rev. Coble, the Baptist minister, and left on the evening train for a bridal trip to Houston and other points. THE MERCURY wishes Ernest and his fair bride a long life of usefulness, happiness and prosperity;
Weimar Mercury, February 9, 1895Sharp & Zweigel
Mr. Prince Sharp and Miss Therese Zweigel wee married at Columbus last week. Our congratulations ae exended them.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1898, page 8Shropshire & Hahn
Last Wednesday afternoon at 5:30, Mr. Charles T. Shropshire of Tait and Miss Nellie Hahn were married at the residence of the bride’s parents in Columbus, Rev. Father Spinneweber officiating. Both bride and groom are “native and to the manner born”: and number scores of friends in this community. The groom is an honest, energetic young business man of many fine qualities, and the bride a beautiful and accomplished young lady of estimable traits of character. The Citizen wishes them a long life of felicity. Citizen
Weimar Mercury, December 9 1893Small & Stockbridge
From a special in yesterday’s News and Post we learn of the marriage on Tuesday last, at Eagle Lake, of Mr. B. F. Small of Chappel Hill and Miss Lizzie Stockbridge, of Eagle Lake, Colorado county. We wish the young couple all the happiness and comfort vouchsafed the married state.
Colorado Citizen, October 27, 1881
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonSmith & Grace
Miss Susie Grace, a well known and popular young lady of this city, sister of Mrs. Annie Hill, was quietly united in marriage at Del Rio Dec. 21. to Mr. W. G. Smith. Mr. Smith holds a government position and the home of the happy couple will be in Washington, D. C. We wish them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, December 29, 1911, page 1Smith & Holloway
Yesterday (Wednesday) at 11, a. m., Miss Clemmie A. Holloway, daughter of Banker J. J. Holloway, was united in marriage to Mr. Sidney P. Smith, a handsome and prosperous young man of Waco, at the Christian church of this city, Elder J. J. Cramer officiating. The church was handsomely decorated with evergreens, intertwined with the rarest flowers. The attendants were Miss Annie Grace of Weimar nd Mr. C. C. Hill of Hallettsville, Miss Maud Hefner of this place with Morton Smith of Waco, Miss Isabel Dyer of Richmond with Mr. Mack Webb of Weimar. The couple marched up the aisle, followed by the attendants, while the organ pealed forth the melodious harmony of the wedding march, charmingly rendered by Mrs. C. S. Tatum. Arriving near the altar, they stood under a wreath of evergreens and pure white roses. The cossumes [sic] were pretty, elaborate and costly. The happy couple received many costly presents, both from friends in this city and from a distance. After the ceremony the couple left on the 11:27 west bound train for San Antonio and other points and will make Waco their future home.
Colorado Citizen, January 7, 1892, page 3Smith & Letter
Married, at New Bielau on the 14th inst., Mr. Jim Smith and Miss Mary Letter, Judge T. M. Laidley officiating. A feast was spread for supper and was partaken of by all present.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1889Smith & Loeder
Mr. J. Q. Smith, the well-known machinist, and Mrs. Loeder, were married at the home of the bride on Sunday. Feb 24. in the presence of a few relatives and friends, Rev. S. H. Morgan performing the ceremony. THE MERCURY extends best wishes to the couple for a long life of happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, March 10, 1894Smith & McBroom
The Columbus Citizen says: The Citizen acknowledges receipt of card of invitation to the wedding of Miss Lillie McBroom and Mr. Jeff Smith of this city, to take place at the Baptist church at 5:45 next Wednesday, 22d inst.
Weimar Mercury, November 18, 1893Smith & Shiver
Mr. H. E. Smith and Miss Nettie Shiver of this city were married at the courthouse in Columbus last Monday by Judge E. J Sandmeyer.
Weimar Mercury, August 24, 1895Smith & Townsend
Mr. Ernst Smith and Miss Netta Townsend, both of this place were quietly married at the residence of the bride’s aunt, Mr. J. L. Townsend, at Columbus, last Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. John E. Green officiating. Mr. Smith is one of our most promising young men, being a valued employe of the Weimar oil mills and a partner in the Prairie City stables of this place, while Miss Netta Townsend is the charming daughter of Mrs. Jake Townsend, and is a most estimable young lady. The Mercury wishes them much happiness.
Weimar Mercury, October 1, 1898, page 5Stafford & Payne
Weimar Local Matters
Married at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Josiah F. Payne, near Oakland, at 4 o’clock, ;.m. the 10th inst., Mr. Dan Stafford, of Weimar and Miss Ione Payne, Rev. M. G. Jenkins officiating. May God’s richest blessings accompany the newly wedded couple trough a long life of usefulness. They are now comfortably domiciled among us.
Colorado Citizen, September 18, 1884Stafford & Schoellmann
Married, at the residence of Mr. Robert R. Stafford in this city, on the 3d instant, Mr. Richard Stafford and Miss Annie Schoellmann, Rev. Father Weimar officiating. Both the bride and groom reside at Vox Populi, in this county.
Weimar Mercury, January 10, 1891Stafford & Zwiener
Columbus Citizen: Married in Columbus in the presence of a few friends, at 3 p.m. Tuesday last, at the residence of the bride’s mother, (Mrs. Ida Zwiener,) Mr. Charles Stafford and Miss Ella Zwiener, all of this city, Rev. T. E. Muse, pastor in charge of the First Baptist church, Columbus, officiating.
Weimar Mercury, January 3, 1903, page 2Stapleton & Hubbard
Weimar Local Matters
Married, at Borden Sunday evening at 3 o’clock at the residence of Price Pincham, Mr. Alex Stapleton to Miss Nannie Hubbard, daughter of Mr. Fred Hubbard, one of Colorado county’s oldest citizens, Rev. T. B. Graves officiating. We congratulate the happy couple and wish them a happy journey together o’er life’s stormy sea.
Colorado Citizen, November 15, 1888, page 3Stech & Havemann
Mr. Fritz Stech, son of M. John Stech, and Miss Agathe Havemann, daughter of Mr. Theo. Havemann, were married Thursday evening near Content by Rev. J. Frehner.
Weimar Mercury, December 7, 1895Stowe & Haynie
Another happy marriage was this week consummated. Shortly after 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon, at the handsome residence of Col. and Mrs. T. H. James, Mr. J. W. Stowe, Jr., and Miss Marie Haynie were pronounced man and wife by the bride’s father, Rev. H. M. Haynie, who performed the interesting and impressive ceremony. Only a few relatives and near friends were present, and the wedding was a very quiet affair. The loving couple left on the evening train for their future home in Galveston. The beautiful and accomplished bride is a daughter of our respected Methodist pastor, and is admired by all for her kindly, winning disposition and many excellent traits of character. Mr. S., the handsome groom,is chief clerk in the auditor’s office of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railroad in the island city, and is highly spoken of by those acquainted with him. THE MERCURY’S best wishes are extended them for a life replete with happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, November 26, 1892Strunk & Berthold
Married, at the residence of Mr. M. Ehweiner, Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock, Mr. Ernst Strunk and Miss Annie Berthold, Judge C. T. Hancock officiating. A grand feast followed the ceremony, at which many friends were present and had an enjoyable time. Our congratulations are extended the happy couple. May they have a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.
Weimar Mercury, September 26, 1896, page 4Sturrett & Evans
Cullings from Cheetham
Last Sunday at 2:30 o’clock, at the residence of Mrs. “Patsy” Evans, Mr. Ernest Sturrett of Eagle Lake and Miss Ona Evans were made husband and wife, Rev. Rabb of Sweet Home officiating. They left on the evening train for their future home at Eagle Lake. A deluge of rice, good wishes and congratulations were showered upon them as they got on the train. May their pathway be strewn with roses of happiness.
Weimar Mercury, February 29, 1908, page 1
Styers & Townsend
Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Townsend, Sr., yesterday evening at 4 o’clock, Mr. Buda E. Styers and Miss Lannie A Townsend. The marriage was quite a surprise to many of their friends in this city. Both young people are well-known here and are universally beloved and esteemed by their host of friends. To the young couple THE MERCURY extends heartiest greetings and trust that their lives may be roseate with happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, April 18, 1889Sugarek & Wallek
Frank J. Sugarek of Beeville and Miss Emalie Wallek were married at Content on the 27th at the residence of the bride’s parents, Judge W. A. Van Alstyne officiating. A sumptuous dinner followed, with a dance at night at the Content schoolhouse. The young couple will reside at Beeville. The Mercury wishes them a long,prosperous and happy future.
Weimar Mercury, December 30, 1905, page 1
Sutherland & Schulenburg
(Glidden Correspondent)
Miss Lena Schulenburg, daughter of Mrs. Anna Schulenburg was married to Sam J. Sutherland of Rosenberg on last Saturday evening at the residence of Rev. J. H. Estes, pastor of the Methodist Church in Columbus. Miss Lillian Sronce of Columbus was the bride’s only attendant. Owen Mehrens served as best man. Miss Lena Schulenburg was born in Glidden and Mr. Sutherland is an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Rosenberg.
For traveling the bride wore a blue ensemble with accessories of gray.
Congratulations from their many friends are extended to this splendid young couple.
Colorado County Citizen, April 26, 1934
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonTackaberry & Oldham
Announcement is made of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss M. Garnett Oldham and Mr. C. G. Tackaberry.
The ceremony will take place Wednesday, July 11, at high noon at the home of Mrs. James W. McCarty, aunt of the bride-elect, at Eagle Lake.--Houston Post.
Eagle Lake Headlight, July 7, 1906, page 6Tarvin & Dodson
Beauregard Tarvin, a son of Dr. M. E. Tarvin, who formerly lived at Columbus, was married at Brackettville, Tex., on the 28th ult., to Miss Delia Dodson.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1893Taylor & Chapman
The marriage of Miss Cora Chapman to Mr. Geo. Taylor, last Thursday night, was the grandest nuptial ceremony every witnessed by a colored audience in Columbus. The church was handsomely decorated, and the solemn ceremony most impressively performed by Rev. S. Smith. A number of white people attended, and many valuable presents were presented by both white and black.
Colorado Citizen, December 3, 1891, page 3Taylor & Graves
Mr. Charles Taylor and Miss Ada Graves, two popular young people residing a few mles northeast of Weimr, wre united in the holy bbonds of matrimony last Tuesday, Judge W. A. VanAlstyne officiating. Both are industrious and deserving, and we predict a bright and happy future for them. Our heartiest congratulations are extended.
Weimar Mercury, January 4, 1902Taylor & McMillan
Miss Lella McMillan and Mr. Jim Taylor were married near Osage the first of the week. THE MERCURY extends them its hearty congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1895Taylor & Neal
Rev. H. M. Haynie of the Methodist church of this city performed the ceremony Wednesday which united the hearts, hands and fortunes of Mr. William Taylor of Osage and Miss Rosa Neal, daughter of Mr. Ben F. Neal of Frelsburg. We wish the happy couple all pleasure and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1892Taylor & Reaves
A very quiet wedding took place in our community Wednesday night, Dec. 14. The contracting parties were Mr. Harry H. Taylor and Miss Ioma Reaves. The groom is a son of Mr. Tom Taylor. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. May Reaves. The young people are too well known in home circles to need an introduction at our hands. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes go out to them.
On the dreary night of Dec. 14, when all our community was wrapped in slumber, the cold wind was sighing, the rain and sleet were tapping on our window pane, what should disturb our dreams? The sounds of “Hello!” and sweet music came to us from over the hills as the sounds drew nearer. It soon proved itself to be a bunch of serenaders on their way to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor. Congratulations and greetings were soon exchanged and the guests were invited into the home. We soon discovered that Mr. George Goode was the merry leader of the band. His was the first number on the programme for the evening. He played the grand march on old “Bossy’s” cow horn, he being a noted hand on this instrument. Then came the toast offered by Mr. Henry Taylor--”May your lives be a bed of roses, while mine is a bed of thorns.” Misses Alice Goode and Helen Cejka sweetly sang, “I Wish He Was Mine,” accompanied by Bill Kainer on his famous dishpan. Ed Michalke, who was the flag bearer--all you could see was his coat tail. Henry Kainer rendered on his slide trombone, “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles.” Mesdames George Goode and Henry Taylor sang, “We Won’t Go Home Till Morning,” accompanied by Frank Bohac on his famous old cow bell. The junior members of the band, (Douglas and Kenneth Goode) gave selection “Pour It On Pa.” Last but not least, Anton Friedel, with his good looks and dignified thought, closed the programme with a little talk and thanks.
Weimar Mercury, December 22, 1933, page 3Taylor & Sanders
Married at the residence of the bride’s father, M. M. Sanders, July 14, 1885, Mr. John H. Taylor to Miss Sallie Sanders, Rev. J. B. Armstrong officiating. May He that doeth all things well guide this newly wedded couple through a long life of usefulness.
Colorado Citizen, July 16, 1885Taylor and Slack
Married, last Saturday evening at the store of Marx & Co., in our city, Hattie Slack and Thomas Taylor (col.), both living on the farm of Mr. R. L. Fisher, Rev. Brooker McCurdy officiating. The wedding was a very quiet affair until the bride’s mother was notified of the event She was very much dissatisfied with it, and immediately set to work to annul the marriage. After a few hot words the bride consented to go home with her mother, who said the marriage didn’t go. Rosa Slack, the mother, was then informed that the marriage was legal, but she wouldn’t be convinced, and set into chastising her newly ___ son-in-law. The officers were sent for and finally everything was quieted, and the happy couple repaired to the residence of Wm. White to spend a portion of the honeymoon.
Weimar Mercury, December 27, 1888Teltschik & Tiemann
New Bielau News
On the 30th ultimo Mr. Rudolph Telshek and Miss Bertha Tiemann were united for life, Judge Creed Hancock performing the ceremony.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1898, page 8Terrell & Frazar
A wedding took place at Richmond Tuesday, in which the contracting parties were two of Eagle Lake’s most popular young people. Mr. Waldo Terrell and Miss Eloise Frazar motored to Richmond Tuesday, at the home of the Methodist minister in that city at one o’clock Tuesday afternoon were joined in marriage, he Richmond Methodist minister officiating.
After the ceremony they continued their journey to Houston where they are spending a few days’ honeymoon visit. They returned to Eagle Lake today.
While the wedding was not unlooked for, as the two have been sweethearts for a long time, still it came as a surprise to their friends here.
The bride is the charming daughter of Mrs. J. F. Frazar of this city. She was born and raised in this city and has always been a favorite with all of our people. She is a beautiful girl, possessed of a sweet disposition and many admirable traits of character.
Waldo is one of the most popular boys in Eagle Lake and is held in the very highest esteem by all. He is a prominent and successful young planter, being a member of the firm of Brisbois & Terrell.
The Headlight joins the legion of friends of this splendid young couple in wishing them all the joys of life and abundant prosperity throughout their days to come.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 21, 1918, page 7Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Terrell returned home Saturday form[sic] their honeymoon visit to Houston. The were detained there longer than they had expected on account of the condition of the roads, not being able to come home in their car sooner.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 28, 1918, page 8Thatcher & Shortt
John R. Thatcher, Esq. and Miss Cora Shortt, were happily married Sunday night at the residence of the bride’s mother, near Eagle Lake, Rev. Trammel officiating. May they have a long and happy journey through life and after death, eternal life in the New Jerusalem.--Eagle Lake cor. Citizen.
Miss Cora is a sister of our townsman, Mr. Frank Shortt,is well known here, and, with her many friends, we extend hearty congratulations and best wishes to herself and husband.
Weimar Mercury, August 8, 1891Thompson & Blish
Caught At Last
The genial, whole-souled and popular railroad man, Capt. E. G. Thompson, of this city, Master of transportation and Assistant Superintendent of the Sunset Line, was married on Wednesday, 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Seymour, Ind., to Miss Emma E. Blish, a pretty and accomplished young lady of that city. Thompson was just a shade sly about this arrangement, and many of his best friends were taken wholly by surprise at the denouement. They had set him down as a confirmed bachelor, and had little hope of welcoming him to the staid ranks of the Benedicts. In order to give him a good “send-off,” the railroad boys fixed up a special, with palace car, to receive him and his bride and escort the party to Columbus. The arrival of the special at the depot in this place was announced by the explosion in loud and rapid succession of torpedoes placed upon the track to greet the coming of the party. Mr. Thompson and lady were accompanied by Col. A. B. Andrews of San Antonio, Vice-President of the road; Maj. W. H. Albertson and lady, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Miss Bryant, Mr. E. W. Howe of Houston; Miss Blakeley of Richmond; and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Van Vleck of this city. Arriving at this place last Sunday evening, the party repaired to the residence of Mrs. Campbell where the bride and groom are domiciled, and partook of refreshments provided. After ample discussion of the good things and quite to the surprise of the newly-married, Col. Andrews opened the door of an adjoining room, and displayed an ornate, massive and recherché silver tea service, which in one of his peculiarly happy addresses, he presented to Capt. Thompson and lady as a token of esteem and remembrance from the officials and employes of the road. The surprise, the happy recollections evoked by this graceful token from the men connected in service with him, was quite too much for our friend Thompson, and he remitted the task of returning the grateful thanks of himself and wife for the honor conferred to his friend Albertson, Paymaster of the road, who responded in his happiest vein. Everything passed off most pleasantly, and the same evening the Houston party left on a special for home.
We desire to congratulate the gallant groom upon his happy marriage and to wish for the couple a long life of connubial felicity.
Colorado Citizen, May 19, 1881
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonThompson & Dunlevy
ORANGE BLOSSOMS.--Miss Florence Dunlevy and Mr. Bennett Thompson were married on the 2d instant, at the residence of Mrs. S. A. Gregory, Dr. D. G. Gregory, officiating. May happiness attend them.
Colorado Citizen, May 7, 1885Thompson & Finney
News Special: Alleyton, Tex., April 17.--Married at the Methodist Episcopal church in Alleyton today by Rev. W R. Campbell, Mr. James Thompson of Houston and Miss Mamie C. finney of Alleyton.
Weimar Mercury , May 2, 1896Thumann & Koym
Fritz Thumann, a prominent young farmer of this section, was married Thursday night of last week to Miss Mathilda Koym, daughter of Mr. John Koym, one of our substantial farmers. The Mercury extends congratulations and best wishes to the newly-wedded couple.
Weimar Mercury, June 11, 1904, page 4Thumann & Schmand
New Bielau News
May 28.--Wedding bells were ringing in our neighborhood Sunday, when Mr. Fred Thumann was united in marriage to Mrs. Norma Schmand fromSchulenburg, Rev. P. Piepenbrok performing the ceremony. Congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, May 31, 1918, page 4FRITZ THUMANN MARRIED
In the New Bielau correspondence of last week appeared an announcement of the marriage of Fritz Thumann to “Mrs. Norma Schmand of Schulenburg.” This was an error. The bride is not a widow, as might be inferred from the item, but was a Miss Norma Schmand of Houston. Mr. Thumann and bride were pleasant callers at the Mercury office Thursday afternoon, on their return from Houston. The bride seems to be a most pleasant lady,and will doubtless receive a warm welcome among our people. The groom is too well known to need any introduction at our hands, having spent the greater part of his life among us. They are a worthy couple, and have the hearty congratulations and best wishes of a large circle of friends.
Weimar Mercury, June 7, 1918, page 5Tilly & Frick
Quite a surprise wedding occurred at the Good hotel, in this city, at 3 o’clock last Saturday evening, in which Mr. Stephen Tilly and Mrs. Lucinda Frick were the contracting parties, Rev. J. H. King officiating. Mrs. Frick is in the 65th year of her age, and has spent the most of her life in this and Wharton county. She is industrious and energetic. Mr. Tilly is one of the county’s oldest citizens, being in his 84th year, and having served in the war with Mexico. They left on Sunday’s train for Columbus, their future home. The Headlight extends congratulations.--Eagle Lake Headlight.
Weimar Mercury, September 5, 1903, page 6Toliver & Lott
Eagle Lake advertiser: Mr. Eugene A. Toliver and Miss Mattie Lott were married at the residence of the bride’s partent, Mrs. S. S. Lott, on Wdnesday evening, the Rev. R. E. Nunn officiating.
Weimar Mercury, June 14, 1902Tooke & Paine
Stonewall Tooke and Miss Minnie Paine were married at the residence of T. A. Kindred in this place the evening of the 1st inst., Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating. Stonewall and Miss Minnie were raised in his community, and belong to two of our oldest and most honored families. May heaven’s richest blessings follow them through a long life of usefulness.
Colorado Citizen, June 9, 1887Tooke & Yancey
MARRIED, at the residence of the bride’s parents, last Tuesday, Mr. J. L. Tooke, of the Weimar neighborhood, and Miss Kate Yancey, of this city, Rev. J. A. Duncan officiating. After the impressive ceremony and congratulations of friends, the guest were invited to partake of a sumptuous collation prepared for the occasion, which was duly discussed and enlivened by the sallies of wit and repartee of the gay assembly. The groom is an energetic, deserving young man, and the bride one of our fairest and most popular beauties. The Citizen acknowledges a liberal donation of the wedding cake, and joins the numerous friends of the happy couple in wishing them a long and prosperous life.
“May zephyrs waft on every breeze
The sweet perfume of glad heart-ease,
To each passing hour may joy be lent
With prosperity, health and heart content.”
Colorado Citizen, November 26, 1885Townsend & Toliver
Married, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, at the residence of the bride’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt) in this city, Mr. A. M. Townsend and Miss Jessie Toliver, Rev. H. M. Haynie, pastor of he Methodist church officiating. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party and the invited guests took carriages for the palatial residence of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Townsend, sr., where a sumptuous spread of everything good in the way of eatables was served, and which was freely partaken of and favorably commented upon by those present. The handsome young groom is one of Weimar’s leading and progressive business men, honest, capable and energetic. The bride is a modest and refined young lady, popular with all, and a fitting mate for such an exemplary young man. THE MERCURY’S best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity will ever follow them through life.
Weimar Mercury, November 26, 1892Trousdale & McMillan
Weimar Local Matters
W. A. Trousdale, of Fayette county, and Miss Mary McMillan, of Osage, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at the residence of the bride’s father Mr. James McMillan, the 27th instant, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. Mr. Trousdale is one of the most popular young men of Fayette county, while the fair bride that he has won for a partner through life is one of Osage’s favorites. A sumptuous supper was prepared for the occasion which was enjoyed by a host of friends who witnessed the nuptials. May Gods richest blessings attend thiese young people through a long life of usefulness.
Colorado Citizen, April 3, 1884Trousdale & Williams
Mr. Wiley Trousdale of this city and Miss Ceila Williams of Garwood were married at the Baptist parsonage at Wharton February 28, Rev, Early officiating.
Mr. Trousdale is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Trousdale of this city. He is a young man of energy and ambition, being now an extensive grower of rice.
The bride was a very popular young lady in the vicinity of her home and is doubtless well fitted for domestic life.
The Citizen joins the other friends in congratulations.--El Campo Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, March 12, 1920, page 7Tucker & Taylor
A happy wedding was consummated on Tuesday of last week at the Methodist parsonage in this city, when Rev. G. T. Hester, local pastor, united the hearts , hands and fortunes of Mr. C. L. Tucker of Glidden and Miss Lillie Taylor of the Osage community. The bride is the pretty and accomplished daughter of W. H. Taylor and wife, a young lady who is deservedly popular among a large circle of friends and admirers. The groom is a prominent business man of Glidden, one who is highly regarded by those who know him. The Mercury joins a host of friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, August 20, 1920, page 5
Tutwiler & Scott
Post Specials: Columbus, Texas, July 29.--Mr. Samuel G. tutwiler and Miss Minnie Scott were maried[sic] last evening at the home of Mr. J. J. Gilmore, Rev. John A. Green officiating.
Weimar Mercury, August 6, 1898, page 8
Vineyard & Montgomery
Eagle Lake cor. Citizen: Harvey Vineyard and Miss Jessie Montgomery--one of Eagle Lake’s prettiest girls--were quietly married Tuesday night at the residence of Mr. Weston Bally by Rev. T. B. Lawson of Richmond. After the marriage the young couple left for San Antonio, where they will remain a few days before getting down to housekeeping in Eagle Lake. They have the best wishes of the community in their journey through life.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895, page 2
Wade & Bouldin
Married, at the residence of Dr. E. S. Bouldin, of this city, on the evening of the 29th of December, Mr. F. W. Wade, of Oakland, to Miss Massie Bouldin, Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating. After the very impressive and solemn ceremony and the congratulation of a host of friends who witnessed the same, all were invited to the wedding feast prepared for the occasion, where all were made to feel at ease , by the genial Doctor and his good wife. Mr. Wade, the groom, is a young and prospering young merchant, of Oakland, and Miss Massie is one of Weimar’s fairest and most accomplished young ladies. The bride and groom were the recipients of many elegant and costly presents. May heaven’s choicest blessings follow them through a long and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, January 6, 1887
Wade & Miller
We had a marriage in our city Christmas day, the contracting parties were Mr. Everet Wade of Yoakum and Miss Mary Miller of this vicinity. W. A. Pitts, Esq., performing the ceremony.
The young couple will make Yoakum their home.
Weimar Mercury, January 3, 1913
Submitted by Deborah SmithWadsworth & Payne
Married at the residence of Mr. Zach Payne near Liveoak last Monday, Miss Lizzie Payne of this place and Mr. Tom Wadsworth from Atascosa county. We wish them much joy and happiness through life.
Weimar Mercury, January 7, 1893LIVEOAK FOOLISHNESS
Married, at the residence of Mr. Zach Payne, on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. M. M. Wadsworth Thos. D. Wadsworth of Atascosa county, to Miss Lizzie Payne, daughter of the late Hon. Joe Payne of Colorado county.
Misses Minnie and Nellie Allen of County Line were here to attend the Wadsworth-Payne wedding.
Miss Katie Wadsworth, father, mother and brother of County Line were in attendance at the wedding.
Among the congratulations at the wedding, she hoped that Mr. Wadsworth would have a Payne as long as he lived.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1893Wagley & Stapleton
Married Here Last Week
Mr. Will Wagley, a prominent young man of near Weimar, and Miss Fay Stapleton of the same city were married here on Sunday of last week. The young people drove to the home of Rev. E. R. McLaughlin, the Baptist pastor, where the ceremony was quietly performed. The groom is the son of a prominent cople[sic] of the Weimar section, and the bride is the daughter of Mr. Mike Stapleton, one of the well known citizens of Colorado county, and is popular and held in high esteem by all who know her. Mr. Wagley has been serving in the navy and has just recently received his discharge from service. They are making their home at Lakeside and Mr. Wagley will engage in farming in this section this year. The Headlight offers congratulations and wishes the happy young couple all the good things of life.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 22, 1919, page 5Waldrop & Untermeyer
Dr. J. W. Waldrop stole a march on his friends last Thursday when he and Miss Lena Untermeyer were quietly wed in Weimar, Rev. Jos. Szymanski of the Catholic Church of that city officiating.
Dr. Waldrop has been conducting the Columbus Hospital here for several years and has made a world of friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Frank Untermeyer and has been employed as a nurse at the hospital for some time.
Their many friends wish them much happiness and prosperity.
Colorado County Citizen, December 28, 1933, page 1Walker & Beard
From the Headlight we learn of the marriage of our friends Mr. Quin F. Walker and Mrs. Anne Beard, at Eagle Lake, last Sunday, Rev. Dr. Lloyd officiating. The happy party left on the evening train for Galveston. The Citizen tenders congratulations and best wishes.
Colorado Citizen, June 11, 1896, page 3Walker & Paine
Weimar Items
W. Walker, Esq., tiring of single blessedness joined hands with Miss Kitty Paine, in the holy bonds of matrimony on last Monday evening, at the residence of the brides parents, at Oakland. May you live long and prosper.
Colorado Citizen, January 2, 1879, page 3Walker & Leesemann
Married, at the residence of Mr. C. J. G. Leesemann, at 8:30 oclock last evening Mr. J. R Walker and Miss Mina Leesemann, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating. The Citizen tenders heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long , prosperous and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, September 6, 1888, page 3Wall & Card
Married, at the residence of Mrs. E. Black, four miles west of Weimar, Thursday evening, November 18, Mr. Lee Wall and Miss Katie Card, Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating...
Colorado Citizen, November 25, 1886Wall & Obenchain
Columbus Citizen:
The Citizen learns that Mr. T. W. Wall and Miss Mattie Obenchain of this city are to be united in marriage this (Wednesday) evening at 8 1/2. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes are tendered in advance.
Weimar Mercury, March 3, 1894Wall & Whittington
Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, last Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, Mr. Lee Wall and Miss Sallie Whittington, Rev. T. O. Sallee of the Baptist church officiating. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple repaired to the depot, where they took the east-bound train for a bridal trip to Santa Anna and Brady city, to be gone several weeks. Mr. Wall is an upright, honest and energetic business man of this city, and is respected and admired by all for his many manly virtues. Miss Sallie is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Jennie Whittington, is a young lady of prepossessing appearance, happy disposition and winning ways, and her friends are numerous through this entire section. We wish them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, December 21, 1895Mrs. Wall and daughter, Miss Minns, of Brady City arrived last Sunday to witness the marriage of her son, Mr. Lee Wall, to Miss Sallie Whittington.
Weimar Mercury, December 21, 1895
Submitted by Deborah SmithWallace & Miller
Alleyton, Texs, Feb 6, 1886
Editor Citizen:
Married, in the Courthouse in the city of Columbus, February 1, 1886, Mr. John Wallace, of Alleyton, to Miss Rhoda Miller, of Round Top, Fayette county, Judge Putney officiating. The groom and his amiable bride boarded the train and departed the next day on a bridal trip to La Grange. May happiness and prosperity ever attend the happy couple.
Rose Smith
Colorado Citizen, February 11, 1886, page 2Wallace & Obenhaus
J. K. Wallace, a popular young man of Glidden, son of K. L. Wallace of that city, was united in marriage Saturday of last week at Columbus to Miss Lois Obenhaus daughter of P. W. Obenhaus of Glidden. We understand the young people will make their home at Sugar Land.
Weimar Mercury, September 10, 1926, page 1Wangemann & Kollman
Mr. Ed Wangemann of Shiner and Miss Ida Kollman were married Wednesday at the home of the brides parents at Frelsburg. The bride is a sister of our townsmen, Messrs.. Boy and E. G. Kollman. THE MERCURY extends congratulations to the newly married couple, and wishes them a happy journey through life.
Weimar Mercury, November 15, 1890Warnken & Baum
Mr. Henry Warnken and Miss Minnie Baum, two popular young people of this section, will be united in marriage on the 30th of this month. In advance our congratuations and best wishes are extended.
Weimar Merucyr, July 2 6, 1902Washington & Eason
Oakland Newsy Notes
Invitations are out for a wedding this coming Sunday to take place at the residence of Mr. J. T. Eason. The contracting parties are Miss Addie L. Eason and Mr. Thos. Washington, both of this county. The Rev. R. T. Woolsey, uncle of the bride elect, will officiate.
Colorado Citizen, January 26, 1893
Submitted by Deborah SmithWatson & Roberts-Shaw
At 11 oclock Thursday morning of last week, at the residence of the brides brother, Mr. Tom C. Roberts, Rev. W. L. Hightower, local Methodist minister, officiating, Mr. Bennett Watson of this city and Mrs. Troy Roberts Shaw of Pearsall were united in marriage. Soon after the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple left for their future home at Pearsall.
Both of these good people are natives of this city, well and favorably known, possess many friends, and all join with us in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, February 24, 1933, page 1Waugh & Hahn
Married in Columbus September 16 at 5:30 p.m., at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hahn, Mr. A. M. Waugh to Miss Hattie E. Hahn, the Rev. Father Spinnewebber officiating. By invitation a large number of guests assembled at the hospitable mansion to witness the solemn rite. At the appointed hour the happy couple, calm and serene, entered the spacious parlor, and took position on a large, white fur rug placed over the soft carpet, and with the priest formed a tableau of holy interest. The bride in elegant white silk with orange buds and blossoms, and enveloped in ethereal veil, seemed half devine. The groom, with perfect composure and becoming dignity, gave the responses clearly and distinctly. When the last words had been spoken the bride and groom led the way to the broad verandas on the eastern and southern exposures of the house which had been converted into impromptu banquet halls. Portieres tempered the light while admitting the breeze, and the wedding feast was an epicurean revelry. The menu included everything from meats and fowl to cakes and fruits, wines, coffee, etc., but among all, the table decoration of beautiful, fresh, blooming hyacinths, was most charming--they seeming almost sentient and overflowing with the joy of the occasion. A large and handsome assortment of presents told in their own sweet voices of the love and esteem accorded by our community and distant friends. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh left on the evening train amid hearty congratulations and showers of rice to spend a few days in Galveston, from which place we are pleased to state they will return and make their home here. Mr. Waugh stands high, both in commercial and social circles, and Miss Hattie, by her winning affability, is the darling of all who have known her from her infantile years. The CITIZEN fenders its happiest greeting. May they find life richer in brightness even than their visions.
Colorado County Citizen, September 19, 1895
Submitted by David HahnWeete & Beyer
Married at the residence of Mr. Beno Beyer, on the 3d inst., Mr. L. WEETE to Miss LIZZIE BEYER, all of Columbus, Justice J. A. Toliver, officiating.
Colorado Citizen, December 10,1874, page 3Wells & Damon
Dr. James Wells and Miss Minnie Damon were happily married at the residence of V. V. Damon Tuesday evening, Rev. G. H. Collins of Columbus officiating. The happy couple left the same evening for Sour Lake, their future home. May happiness and prosperity attend them through life.--Eagle Lake cor. Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, October 1, 1892Wendles & Lang
Married at the Catholic church Wednesday morning, Mr. Henry Wendles of Vox Populi to Miss Caroline Lang of Weimar, Rev. Father Lagleder officiating. The church was well filled with friends who assembled to witness the nuptials and Prof. Hilden seemed in better spirits and played the wedding march better than ever before. The happy couple will spend a day or two with friends in this community before settling down to a life of continued happiness in their future home.
Colorado Citizen, August 13, 1891, page 3Wendt & Laging
On Thursday afternoon at 2 oclock at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Laging, near Content, Mr. John Wendt, jr., and Miss Mary Laging were united in marriage by the Rev. J. Frehner. Mr. Wendt is a son of that veteran farmer and gentleman, Mr. John Wendt, sr., and is an industrious young man, possessing those qualities of head and heart that will make him a good husband. Miss Mary is an amiable, pretty and accomplished young lady, and will make Mr. Wendt a good wife. We wish them much happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Westmoreland & McCampbell
Mr. W. Y. Westmoreland, accompanied by his brother, Earl, boarded the Davy Crockett train Tuesday night for Beeville, where he was married the following evening at 7:30 oclock to Miss Emily McCampbell, a popular and accomplished young lady of that city. The ceremony took place at the residence of the brides brother, Rev. Mitchell, the Methodist pastor at Beeville, officiating.--Eagle Lake Headlight
Weimar Mercury, April 13, 1907, page 7Westmoreland & Northington
At the Bristol hotel Thursday evening at 9 oclock Rev. John E. Green united in marriage Mr. B. R. Westmoreland and Miss Nettie Northington of Eagle Lake. The candidates for matrimony were acompanied to the city by two sisters of the bride and two brothers of the groom. The newly wed couple will make their home in Eagle Lake.--Houston Post.
Weimar Mercury, August 2, 1902Westphal & Kickler
Frelsburg, Tex., Nov. 7.--Mr. Hugo Westphal and Miss Helen Kickler were married here yesterday.
Weimar Mercury, November 14, 1896, page 8Wheeler & Ordner
When Rev. J. C. Wilson returned from preaching at Osage Monday night, he found Mr. A. A. Wheeler and Miss LaVerne Ordner at the parsonage awaiting to be married. The ceremony was performed at 10 p.m., and the happy couple left soon afterward for home. They came from near Columbus, and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. McGee and Miss Rau.
Weimar Mercury, July 24, 1925, page 4Whisler & Fisher
CARDS are out announcing the wedding of Mr. W. H. Whisler of Rosenberg and Miss Detie Fisher of this city--the ceremony to take place next Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., at the Baptist church. In advance, THE MERCURY wishes to extend its hearty congratulations to the young couple, and we trust that their voyage through life may be peaceful, prosperous and crowned with happiness.
Weimar Mercury, April 18, 1891White & Secrest
At 8 oclock last night, at Altair, Colorado county, Mr. Simon White and Miss Della Secrest were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating. The CITIZEN extends congratulations and best wishes for a long, prosperous and happy future.
Colorado Citizen, October 9, 1890, page 3Whitfield & Walker
Married, at the residnce of the brides mother, (Mrs. Seaborn Walker,) on the evening of the 20th of July, Mr. S. W. Whitfield and Miss Ella Walker, Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating. Sidney and Miss Ella were raised in this county, each has a host of friends that wish them a safe voyage over lifes tempestuous waves. Your Local acknowledges the reception of a good amount of cake that graced the nuptial board. May God smile upon the union of these two young hearts.
Colorado Citizen, July 28, 1887Wilkinson & Guinn
Married, at the residence of Mr.TuckHoover by Jas. A. Tolive, Esq., EDWARD WILKINSON to Miss LUCY A. GUINN, youngest daugher of the late G. W. Guinn, of this city.
Colorado Citizen, December 9, 1875, page 3Williams & Gusman
W. Williams, of East Bernard, and Miss Ellen Gusman were married last Thursday, the 25th inst., at the residence of J. D. Gusman,in this city, at 12 oclock m., Rev. J. A. Duncan officiating. Many friends were present to witness the nuptials and congratulate the young couple on lifes voyage.
Colorado Citizen, July 2, 1885Williams & McMillan
Weimar Local Matters
Married, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. James McMillan, near Osage, Wednesday evening, the 10th inst., Mr. C. H. Williams, of McCulloch county, and Miss Bettie McMillan, C. D. Barnett, Esq. officiating.
In a grasp of the hand--
In a look of the eye--
In those tenderest actions
Which say to each heart
I am thine--thou art mine
And we never can part.
Colorado Citizen, October 18, 1883Williams & Melor
Schulenburg Sticker: Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melor, near Weimar, Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at 2 o’clock p.m., Mr. W. W. Williams and Miss Willie O. Melor, Rev. T. O. sallee of Weimar officiating. It was a quiet wedding, only the immediate family being present. After he ceremony the happy couple left on the afternoon train for New Orleans, and after spending a few days there will return to Schulenburg, their future home. Mr. Williams is a popular business young man of our city and he son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Williams. The bride is he accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melor, near Weimar. The Sticker joins friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous life.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Williams & Oakes
Married, at the residence of the brides parents, (Mr. Arthur Oakes and wife,) Wednesday evening, Ocober 28, 1891, a 8 oclock, Mr. S. R. Williams and Miss Mittie Oakes, Rev. G. H. Collins officiaing. The Citizen tenders the newly wedded hearty congratulations for a long, happy and prosperous future.--Colorado Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, November 7, 1891, page 3Williford & Kenan
Mr. ___ Williford and Miss Mary Keenan of Osage were married last Sunday evening at the residence of the bride’s brother, Rev. H.M. Haynie officiating. THE MERCURY wishes the newly married couple a long and happy life.
Weimar Mercury, December 20, 1890Wilson & Taylor
Weimar Local Matters
Tuesday evening the 11th inst., at three oclock, W. W. Wilson and Mrs. Susannah Taylor were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at the residence of Prof. J. W. Hunter, of this city, C. D.. Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, September 20, 1883Wilson & Williams
Married, near Osage, November 29, 1882, Mr. J. T. Wilson and Miss S. E. Williams, Rev. M. G. Jenkins officiating. We wish the happy couple years upon years of unclouded happiness.
Colorado Citizen, December 14, 1882, page 3Winter & Wall
Former Weimar Citizen United In Marriage at Houston
A quiet home wedding was solemnized Thursday evening at 7 oclock by Rev. E. P. West, when he united in marriage Mrs. S. F. Wall to C. E. Winter.
The home was beautifully decorated in ferns and cut flowers.
The bride wore a traveling suit of navy blue serge with accessories to harmonize.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Winter left for St. Louis and Chicago. After October 1 they will be at home at 2119 Fletcher Street, to their many friends. --Houston Chronicle.While we are unacquainted with the groom, we learn from those who know him that he is a most worthy, splendid gentleman, a valued employe of one of the railway companies entering Houston, and a man trusted and liked by all who know him. As ex-neighbor and friend of the bride for many years, we know her to be a most worthy, sweet, good woman, one always ready to answer the call of distress, and whose presence in the sick room is ever a source of comfort and help. While more than her share of lifes tragedies and sorrows has fallen to her lot, our sincere wish is that the future may have in store for her and her husband a full measure of happiness, health and contentment. God Bless them both!
Weimar Mercury, September 19, 1919, page 1Witte & Weber
Weimar Local Matters
Married, at the residence of Joseph Zbitowsky, three miles northeast of Weimar, May 29, 1888, Mr. Ed Witte to Miss Annie Weber, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, May 31, 1888, page 3Wooldridge & Plummer
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. A. B. Wooldridge of Oakland to Miss Bonnie Plummer of Floresville on The 20th inst. Mr. Wooldridge is a worthy young man, of good morals, good manners and good principles, and is eminently worthy the fair prize he has won, while Miss Bonnie is the eldest daughter of her widowed mother, granddaughter of ex-Representative Kirk of Lavaca county, and of whom too much cannot be said in praise. In advance THE MERCURY extends the right hand of fellowship to the pair, offers its heartiest congratulations and prays for them an effervescent spray of bubbling bliss as they sail down the billowy stream of time into the still waters of eternity.
Weimar Mercury, February 9, 1895Woolsey & Frazier
On the 22d inst., at the residence of Mr. Frzaier, in this county, Mr. Geo. Woolsey was united in marriage to Miss Willie Frazier, by he Rev. Mr. Hotchkiss. Mr. Geo. Woolsey is the youngest son of Hon. J. M. Woolsey, near Oakland. We congratulate our young friend in capturing so beautiful a prize as Miss Frazier. Thanks to Mrs. J. M. Woolsey for a nice portion of the wedding cake
Colorado Citizen, December 30, 1886Woolsey & Grobe
Abstracted from Texas Methodist Newspaper Abstracts by Dallas Genealogical Society abstracted by Helen M. Lu, Issue 30 Dec 1882, Vol. XXIX, No. 15 "Texas Christian Advocate", page 136: Married at her home Miss Mina Grobe to Rev. R. T. Woolsey, of the Texas Conference by Rev. I. Kingsbury, in Oakland 6 Dec 1882.
Married, at the residence of the brides mother, at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 6th, Rev. Thos. Woolsey to Miss Minnie Grobe, daughter of Mrs. Grobe, of this place, the Rev. Dr. Kingsbury officiating. The happy pair left at once for Brenham to attend the annual Methodist conference, followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. May Heavens choicest blessings attend them through life.
Colorado Citizen, December 14, 1882, page 3Wooten & Harcourt
Married at the residence of J. A. Harbert, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Weems Wooden, of Richmond, Mr. J. R. Wooten and Miss Pearl Harcourt, both of Eagle Lake. The happy couple took the east-bound train the same day for Alabama, to be gone a month or more. May they sped a long and happy life here, and when lifes trials and trouble are over, and they are called to pass over the river, may they do so in peace and spend a blissful eternity on the bright and happy shore.
Colorado Citizen, October 6, 1887Yates and Goodwin
MARRIED, in this city at the residence of Mr. H. L. LeTulle, December 20, 1886, Mr. W. A. YATES, of Brenham, and Miss DELIA GOODWIN, of this city, the Rev. S. C. Littlepage officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 6, 1887Youens & Burford
Very pretty and impressive was the wedding service of Miss Fay Burford and Dr. Willis Youens which occurred Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's sister and brother(in-law), Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hahn. The residence was tastefully decorated with foliage, ferns and cut flowers. The reception hall was ornamented with Boston ferns and ivy and through the parlor where at an improvised altar the ceremony was performed. The altar was most artistically arranged, being decorated with tulle and ivy. The bride and groom stood under a large white bell from which hung two hearts pierced with an arrow. When the bride and groom came down the stairs and until they reached the altar, Mrs. C. K. Quin at the piano and Miss Margaret Mansfield on the violin rendered Mendelsohn's wedding march and during the ceremony they rendered soft music. In the impressive ceremony of the Methodist church, Rev. James joined together hand and heart the two young people who start on their double voyage of life under fine skies and followed by a million sincere wishes. The bride was gowned in her traveling dress of blue with hat, gloves and shoes to match. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon consisting of sandwiches, cake and hot chocolate was served. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and handsome presents. Amid a shower of rice, Mr. and Mrs. Youens left for Houston and Galveston to spend a week. Upon their return they will go to house keeping in the Youens cottage.
Colorado County Citizen, December 8, 1911
Submitted by David HahnZuelsdorf & Trojan
MARRIED at the Catholic Church January 31, 1887, Mr. Robert Zuelsdorf and Miss Caroline Trojan, the Rev. Father Gury officiating. After the ceremony and congratulations of friends, all repaired to a sumptuous wedding supper prepared for the happy couple at the residence of Mr. Jo. Juenger, after discussing which a dance in Ilses Hall followed. Our congratulations are extended the newly married.
Colorado Citizen, February 3, 1887