Weddings A H
Weddings I O
Weddings P Z
Golden & Later Wedding Anniversaries
Judy Talkington has suggested that we add newspaper accounts of wedding to our site. This is our second effort. Let us know what you think about this and don't forget to share your stories. For now we are going to have a cut off date of the '40s.
Pictured to the left are Oscar W. Albrecht and Isabel Heinsohn on their wedding day, June 5, 1921 Picture courtesy of RoxAnn Albrecht Johnson |
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Weddings Added in April 2009:
- Horace Hunt & Helen Burttschell
- Dr. Clay Nichols & Miss Susie Hutchins
- Willie Osina & Annie Antonette Barta
- A. Senftenberg & Minnie Merseburger
Abell & Kuykendall
Married, on the 24th ultima, at the residence of the brides father, in Matagorda county, by Rev. Norman Savage, Mr. HENRY C. ABELL, of Colorado county, to Miss ANNIE, daughter of Thomas Kuykendall, of Tres Palacios.
Thus have two young persons joined their fates together, and now, in entering upon the duties of the new life they have chosen, may they steer their barque clear of stormy seas, and cast anchor in smooth and tranquil waters, is the sincere wish of the writer. J. C. A.
Colorado Citizen, July 12, 1877, page 3Ahlers & Shaver
L. W. Ahlers, of this city, was married to Miss Ella Shaver, of Fayetteville, Fayette county, yesterday morning, at the residence of Mrs. P. J. Shaver.
Colorado Citizen, November 25, 1886Albert & Vogelsang
Oakland News Notes
Mr. Gustave Albert of our city was married to Miss Mollie Vogelsang of Frelsburg on the 20th of March, at the residence of Judge Mansfield, the judge himself performing the ceremony, after which a nice dinner was served in honor of the bride and groom, all at Mr. Mansfields expense. Mr. Albert is loud in his praises of the hospitality extended to him by Judge Mansfield, but says if it hadnt been for Dick Bridge he wouldnt have needed all that kindness.
He says he was summonsed to court at Columbus this month for ten days at a stretch and through the influence of Sheriff Bridge he wooed and won the lady who is now his wife. He says he hopes his courting days are over.
Weimar Mercury, April 7, 1906, page 3Alexander & Taylor
Married, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. J. W. Taylor, Thursday evening, November 25, at 7 oclock, two miles north of Weimar, Mr. J. D. Alexander, of Burnet, to Miss Ida Taylor, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating. After the ceremony and congratulations of friends, a magnificent supper was spread for the occasion by the good mother of the bride. Your Local was remembered with a bountiful supply of good things from the nuptial bond.
Colorado Citizen, December 2, 1886Allen & Campbell
Mr. L. L. Allen, photographer of this city, and Miss Irene Campbell of Borden were quietely married at Columbus last Sunday, and returned to our city the following day. The happy young couple have the very best wishes of numerous friends. The Mercury trusts that their lives may ever be happy, useful and prosperous,
Weimar Mercury, June 7, 1902Allen & Cassagne
Columbus Citizen: The Citizen acknowledges the receipt of a card reading: Mrs. Carrie C. Stafford requests the pleasure of your company at the marriage of her sister, Martha Cassagne, to Mr. Frederick W. Allen, Wednesday afternoon, June 12, 1895, at her residence, corner Live Oak and Preston streets, Columbus, Texas. At home, after June 20th, 812 Travis street, Houston, Texas. Hearty congratulations and best wishes are tendered in advance.
Weimar Mercury, June 8, 1895Citizen: Married, in Columbus, at the residence of the brides sister, Mrs. Carrie C. Stafford, at 4:45, ;.m., June 12, Mr. Frederick W. Allen of Houston to Miss Martha Cassagne of this city, the Rev Father Spinneweber officiating.
Weimar Mercury, June 15 1895Allen & Hill
MARRIED, On Thursday, November 19, 1874, at the rsidence of the brides father, Mr. CLEM R. ALLEN, of Columbus, to Miss MINNIE HILL, of Fayette County, the Rev. Mr. Willenberg, of Austin, officiating.
Colorado Citizen, Novembe 26, 1874, page 3Allen & Parr
The wedding of Mr. T. J. Allen of Oakland and Miss Vina Parr of Ezzell, which was to have taken place yesterday was postponed until Wednesday. this announcement is made for those who have cards of invitation. The happy prospective groom explains that they couldnt get ready by the time appointed in the firs instance. Halletsville Herald.
Weimar Mercury, February 17, 1894Allison & Goode
Popular Young Lady United In Marriage
Wednesday noon's mall brought news of the marriage of Miss Leona. Goode, a pretty and, popular young lady of the Osage community, to Mr. Carl P. Allison, the ceremony taking place Oct. 13. The happy young couple are at present residing at Conroe, Texas, where the groom is employed with a big drilling company.
These young people have been sweethearts for a long time. For the past eighteen months Mr. Allison has been a resident of Venezuela, where his company has been engaged in drilling oil wells. Recently he returned to the, States, and the wedding followed soon afterwards. He is spoken of as a steady, upright, very fine young man.
The bride was born and raised in this section, and is very popular, with all out people. She is a daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goode of Osage, and one of the finest girls we ever knew.
We join a host of friends in extending to the young couple best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea.
Weimar Mercury, October 17, 1930Allison & Jackson
Phemia Jackson and George Allison, a well known and popular couple of this city, the former being employed by he Hillcrest Dairy and the later by the Boettcher company, were united in marriage Sunday night at the colored Methodist Church.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1932Ammann & Lampkins
We failed to mention the wedding last week of Mr. Otto Ammann and Miss Emma Lampkins of Harmony, Judge James English officiating
Married, last Sunday t the residence of the brides father, Mr. Butler, Mr. Andrew Lampkins to Mrs. Betty Bennett.
Weimar Mercury, December 3, 1892Oakland Newsy Notes
Cupid has been working wonders in this section during the month just passed with his bow and arrow out from among the roses. On November 24 at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Otto Amman and Miss Mollie Lambkins were united in marriage, Justice James L. English performing the ceremony; and on the following Sunday, the 27th, Mr. Anderson Lambkins and Mrs. Fannie Bennett were happily joined in the holy bonds of matrinmony by Rev. M. M. Wadsworth, at the residence of Mr. Rich'd Butler.
Colorado Citizen, December 1, 1892
Submitted by Deborah SmithAnderson & Walker
Married, at the residence of the brides father, near Frelsburg, on Thursday, February 1st, 1883, Mr. James M. Anderson (col.) and Miss Lucy Walker, (col.) Rev. Chas. C. Chase officiating. Mr. Geo. W. Grant and Miss Mary J. Anderson assisting. The happy couple have now embared upon the new year in a good cause, and in common with tier many friends wish him and his happy bride the fruition of the joys of the nuptial state, and long lives freighted with rich loads of happiness and prosperity.
For love is young, though love be old,
And love alone the heart can fill,
And the dear old tale that has been told
In days gone by is spoken still. G
Colorado Citizen, February 8, 1883Austin & Black
Oakland Notes
Mr. Charles Austin and Miss Ella Black were married at the residence of the brides mother on the 16th, the Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating. We wish the bridegroom, with his fair bride, much happiness and prosperity in this life.
Colorado Citizen, December 20, 1888, page 3Ayars & Schiller
MARRIED in the Methodist church at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon, Mr. Leo C. Ayars and Miss Beulah B. Schiller, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating. Immediately after the ceremony and the congratulations of friends the happy pair took the train for New Orleans and other points. The CITIZEN desires to join the many friends of the gallant groom and his beautiful and accomplished bride in heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a future of prosperity and unclouded happiness.
Colorado Citizen, October 9, 1890, page 3Baca & Koudelka
Mr.Frank Baca and Miss Rozina Kudelka were united in marriage at this plac last Monday, J. W. Holt, officiating.
Weimar Mercury, August 23, 1890, page 2Barber & Briggs
Married, in Oakland at the brides residence, at 10 a.m., on Thursday the 19th instant, Mr. A. Barber to Mrs. Lou Briggs, all of this county, Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 27, 1887Barnett & Secrest
Oakland Notes
Mr. A. Barnett and Miss Ida Secrest, of Oakland, were joined in holy matrimony at 10 A. M. Wednesday 14th inst. at Hallettsville, by the Rev. Lea Green. Our congratulations are extended to the happy pair and we wish them a long, happy and prosperous life.
Colorado Citizen, July 22, 1886
Submitted by Ernest Mae SeaholmBarnette & Woods
Barnette - Woods Vows Said at Wharton
The marriage of Miss Billie Ruth Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M Woods, and Lee Barnette, radar man 2-c of Eagle Lake, was solemnized Thursday evening at Wharton, the Rev. Vance of the Methodist church performing the ceremony at the parsonage.
The bride wore a brown daytime suit with accessories of brown and green and yellow chrysanthemums corsage. Her attendant, Miss Dorothy Jean Potter, wore a red suit with black accessories and a white carnation corsage. Denver Schilling attended the groom.
Mrs. Barnette will make her home with her parents until her husband receives his honorable discharge from the navy.
Colorado County Citizen, December 27, 1945
Transcribed by Tammy BlandinoBarta & Hamplik
Mr. Frank Barta and Miss Vincencia Hamplik, both of this vicinity, were married t the Catholic church in this city Tuesday morning at 9:30, Rev. Father Brooklyn officiating We extend best wishes.
Weimar Mercury, November 26, 1892Barton & Tolleson
Mr. Ed. E. Barton and Miss Luetta Tolleson, both prominent young people of this section, were united in marriage last Wednesdy at 11 a.m. by Judge VanAlstyne. A grand complimentary ball was tendered the happpy young couple at night at Farmer park hall. The Mercury joins numerous friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous life.
Weimar Mercury, August 9, 1902Baumgarten & Wallace
Mr. Gustav Baumgarten and Miss Ida L. Wallace were married at the Baptist church in Schulenburg Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. The bridesmaids were Misses Jennie Toliver of Columbus, Jessie Card and Lois Holloway of Weimar, and Lillie Kessler and Ann McKinnon of Schulenburg. The best men were Messrs. Robert Boettcher, Chas. Davis, John C. Maigne and ___ Baumgarten of Schulenburg, and Clifford Wallace of Eagle Pass. The happy couple left on the evening train for a bridal trip to Galveston. Our best wishes are extended
Weimar Mercury, June 25, 1892, page 3Beken & Rahlwes
A popular young couple of this section Miss Emma Rahlwes and RM. Emil Beken were united in marriage Tuesday, Dec. 14, Rev Paul Piepenbrok, Lutheran pastor, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Wm. Rahlwes land wife, and the groom a son of Fritz Beken, Sr., and wife, two of the best and most highly respected German-American families of this section. The Mercury joins a large circle of friends in wishing for the young couple every form of happiness in their voyage over the matrimonial sea.
Weimar Mercury, December 17, 1915
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonBest & Merritt
Married, at the residence of the Brides Mother, Colorado county, Dec. 30th, 1876, W. CLAYTON BEST to Miss MAGGIE E. MERRITT, Rev. P. E. Collins officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 4, 1877, page 3
Beyer & Anders
Mr. Carl Beyer and Miss Anna Anders, both Germans, were married Tuesday at the Catholic church near Peters store, the priest in charge performing the ceremony. A grand feast was prepared at the residence of the parents of the bride, to which about fifty families were invited. A large number of the citizens of Weimar being honored with an invitation, attended and had a pleasant time. THE MERCURY wishes much happiness to the newly married couple
Weimar Mercury, November 15, 1890Birkmann & Richter
Mr. H. BIRKMANN will be united in marriage on the 12th instant to Miss Lottie Richter. A complimentary ball will be given them at the opera house that night by admiring friends, In advance we extend congratulations to the young couple and wish them a long life of uninterrupted happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, March 7, 1889Black & Capps
A quiet home wedding, in which a popular business man of this city was united in marriage to a lovely Houston girl was recorded last week, the contracting parties being Mr. Walter J. Black of the firm of McMillan and Black, garage men, and Miss Leota Capps, a young lady who for a number of months was a resident of this city, where she held a responsible position with the Boettcher Company, local produce dealers. The happy young couple arrived in Weimar Sunday morning and will make this city their future home. Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known throughout this city, possess a large circle of friends, and all join us in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future. Weimar Mercury
Mr. Walter Black was employed by the Texas Motor Company at this place before he entered the Air Service of the army. During the time he was employed in Columbus he made many staunch friends who will join us in wishing for him and his bride a happy and prosperous married life.Walter is a first class mechanic and since receiving his discharge has been working at his trade in Weimar. A short time ago the firm of McMillan and Black was formed and a building is under construction to house this new garage.
Colorado County Citizen, September 5, 1919Blair & Graves
Mr. Elmer Blair and Miss Florence Graves were united in marriage Thursday evening by Rev. J. W. Harmon, in the vicinity of Osage.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Bock & Burford
Married, in Weimar on November 24th, at the tesidemce pf the brides mother, Ms. C. A Burford, Mr. H. L. Bock tp Miss Salli Burford, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating.
Colorado Citizen, December 2, 1886Boedeker & Leyendecker
At St. Johns Episcopal church in this city this (Wednesday) evening at 8 oclock Mr. Charles Boedeker and Miss Laurel Leyendecker are to be united in holy bonds of matrimony; and at the same hour in the Methodist church Mr. B. Heyer and Miss Ida Little are also to be married. As the CITIZEN goes to press before the ceremonies will be performed, further notice will be deferred to next issue.
Colorado Citizen, November 12, 1891, page 3Boecker & Barton
Judge C. T. Hancock went out to Content Tuesday afternoon to perform the wedding ceremony for a couple of well known young people of that vicinity--Mr. Harmon Boecker and Miss Julia Barton, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. John Barton.
Weimar Mercury, January 16, 1892WEIMAR LOCAL MATTERS
Notwithstanding the severe weather of last Tuesday evening, people will marry, so our brave and fearless bachelor, Judge C. T. Hancock, (who has all the nerve possible for a man to have except that required to address a lady in his own behalf.) buttoned up his storm-coat, faced the sleet for four miles to the home of Mr. John Barton, and there united Miss Julia Barton to Mr. Hermann Boeker. After the marriage the wine and other delicacies were set up to the judge and visiting friends, logs were heaped up in the large fire-place, and a most peasant evening enjoyed. A bright and happy future for the newly-married couple.
Colorado Citizen, January 14, 1892, page 3Boettcher & Reichart
Weimar Local Matters
Mr. F. A. Boettcher, a gallant soldier of the Prairie City Guards, and one of our most prominent merchants, who was married on the 28th ultimo to Miss Sophia Reichart, one of Houstons most accomplished daughters, returned home with his fair bride by last Fridays train. Fritz is happy, will make a good and affectionate husband, and it makes us, as old as we are, happy to see him happy.
Colorado Citizen, January 5, 1888, page 3Bohac & Petrash
Schulenburg, Texas Miss Margaret Petrash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petrash of Schulenburg, and Frank Bohac, son of Andrew Bohac of near Borden, were married in the St. Rose Church here, Rev. Leo Goertz officiating. Witnesses were Ed Shimek and Edwin Petrash. After a wedding trip to East Texas, the couple will live in Columbus.
Weimar Mercury, March 11, 1938
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonBooth & Arbuckle
Young People: From Houston Wed Here
Mrs. T. W. Brown of this city on Thursday evening of last week received a message from her son in Houston, stating that "We are leaving for Weimar. Have something good to eat, and have a preacher on hand." This message no doubt somewhat mystified the good mother, but we opine that she had a suspicion of what was to t follow. At any rate she went ahead and prepared a good supper 'and had her pastor, Rev. C. C. McKinney, on hand--for eventualities we suppose
About 10 o'clock a car drove up to the Brown residence, and Mr. Milton Booth, Mrs. Brown's son, and Miss Annie Bess Arbuckle, a popular young lady from Houston, stepped out. A few words to the mother, family and preacher, and the situation was explained. Milton and his pretty sweetheart had decided to get married, and they wanted Rev. McKinney to perform the ceremony. This the reverend gentleman did, and in a few moments the crowd was seated at the table and enjoying a magnificent wedding supper.
Supper over the young people stated they had decided to continue westward on a honeymoon trip to San Antonio. Eagle Pass and points in Mexico, so the folks at home were told good-bye and the young couple left on their trip. They were back In Weimar on Monday afternoon, en route to Houston, which city they will make their home.
The groom was born and raised here. He is a young man of sterling integrity, a successful business man, and is connected with one of the largest business firms in Houston. Our people think a great deal of him, for he is, indeed a fine young man. The pretty bride is a Houston girl who for some time past has been employed as bookkeeper, cashier and phone operator for . a big Houston concern. She is highly regarded by all who know her.
Our hearty congratulations and best wishes go out to them.
Weimar Mercury, October 17, 1930Boudin & Coble
Weimar Local Matters
Married, at the residence of the brides mother, (Mrs. Coble,) near Osage, Sunday evening, January 1st, Mr. John Boudin to Miss Annie Coble, Rev. T. B. Graves officiating. No cards.
Colorado Citizen, January 5, 1888, page 3Bourke & Hughes
Oakland News Notes
We are authorized to announce the marriage of Miss Ollie Belle Hughes to Mr. James Gordon Bourke, which will be solemnized at the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7:30 oclock. No cards are out.
Weimar Mercury, December 15, 1911, page 1Boyd & Stafford
The last wedding of the Nineteenth century in Columbus was that of Mr. Whitworth Boyd and Miss Gussie Stafford, which took place last Thursday afternoon about 3 p. m., at the Methodist church, Rev. F. O. Favre, the new pastor, officiating. Long before the hour announced for the ceremony a large crowd had assembled, composed chiefly of relatives and friends of the young couple, testifying to the esteem and high regard in which they are both held. The decorations were beautiful, consisting of pink and white morning glories on cedar and ivy, with now and then a spray of mistletoe. At the altar three large arches were erected from which hung two white satin hearts pierced through and through by Cupids own arrow. At the first notes of the wedding march, rendered by Mr. H. C. Mix, the bridal party entered, composed of Messrs. Oscar Zumwalt and H. W. Carothers as ushers, followed by two little flower girls, Misses Glennie and Trula Harbert, who preceded the bridal couple. The bride was dressed in white satin, with train and veil, and looked as sweet and pure as a lilly itself. Whit is too well known for comment, but will say that he emigrated from Tennessee several years ago to this place, where he has since resided, first as a school teacher, and now as a lawyer, in which later profession he has built up a good and lucrative practice, and is popular and well liked by all who know him. Beautiful, petite and graciously sweet in disposition, Miss Gussie is a native of our city, the daughter of Mrs. C. P. Boone, and beloved by all who know her. The happy couple took the afternoon train for Houston, and after a few days there returned home Sunday morning and are now at home at the residence of Dr. R. H. Harrison.
Weimar Mercury, January 5, 1901Braden & Mahler
Jodie Braden, orchestra leader, and Miss Wilma Mahler of Alleyton were united in marriage here Monday evening, County Judge H. P. Hahn officiating.
The bride is a daughter of Section Foreman Mahler of Alleyton and the candidate for the junior class in the high schools beauty contest now under way.
The many friends of the young couple extend heartiest good wishes and congratulations.
Colorado County Citizen, November 30, 1933, page 1Bradford & Keith
Married in Columbus, on the 12th ult., by Rev. Daniel Whitley, W. B. Bradford, of Weimar, and Hattie Keith, colored.
Colorado Citizen, August 4, 1881, page 3Brandt & Trefny
A popular and deserving young couple of this section representing two of the oldest and best families here abouts, were united in marriage Tuesday at the home of the brides parents. The young couple referred to as Mr. Oscar Brandt and Miss Tillie Trefny , and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, local Lutheran pastor.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Brandt, and a fine young man in every respect. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Trefny, and is a sweet and lovable young lady, the possessor of many admirers wherever she is known. In every way they are a model young couple.
The Mercury joins a host of friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, June 12, 1925
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonBrasher & Dochadis
Mrs. Sophie Dochadis and Mr. James Brasher of Eagle Lake were united in marriage Saturday morning at 11:30 in Columbus.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Pfeifer of Glidden and has been making her home for the past two years with Mrs. Marcia Carter of Columbus. The groom is a prosperous and well-liked farmer of the Eagle Lake section.
After the ceremony the happy couple motored to Eagle Lake where they will make their home.
Their many friends wish this deserving couple much happiness and prosperity.
Colorado County Citizen, April 14, 1932, page 1Brendgen & Payne
At Houston last Monday, Mr. C. Brendgen and Miss Etta Payne were united in marriage. The bride is well and favorably known here, being the pretty and accomplished daughter of Mrs. B. W. Payne of this city, and possesses a large circle of friends wherever known., The bridegroom is unknown to the writer, but is highly spoken of by those who know him. The Mercury wishes the young couple a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1905, page 1Bridge & Walker
On Tuesday evening, November 17, 1874, at the residence of Mr. R. L. Walker, (the brides father), Mr. A. W. BRIDGE, of Columbus, to Miss LOU WALKER, of Colorado county, the Rev. P. W. Archer, officiating.
With this notice we received a portion of the wedding cake, and take occasion to wish the happy groom and his acomplished bride a long life of happiness. May that Bridge safely convey the beauteous Walker over all lifes troubles in happiest journeyings.
Colorado Citizen, November 19, 1874, page 3Bridge & Witting
On Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride on South Presa street San Antonio, Mr. W. E. Bridge of Columbus and Miss Sophie Witting were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. THE MERCURY congartulations[sic] friend Dickie on the beautiful and accomplished bride he has won for a life companion, and hopes that much happiness and prosperity may be theirs trough coming years.
Weimar Mercury, January 19, 1895Brilling & Hillje
Mr. Wm. Brilling, a prominent merchant of this city, was married Tuesday morning at the Catholic church to Miss Mary Hillye[sic], a charming young lady, Father Bruklen[sic] officiating. THE MERCURYS very best wishes for success and happiness in life are extended the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, November 9, 1895Briscoe & Sevier
Halletsville Herald:
Saturday Mr. J. G. Briscoe and Miss Mary Sevier arrived here from Cheatham, and informed County Clerk Buchanan that they desired license to wed. The girl swore she was of age, and stated that her father was opposed to the union. The license was issued and as Clerk Buchanan handed the document to the young lady he remarked: I trust your father wont be too severe on you.
Weimar Mercury, April 21, 1894Brown & Hughes
Last Friday night, the 13th inst., as the people of Harmony had assembled at the schoolhouse to hear Rev. Newsome preach, they were treated to a surprise. S. H. Brown (A Rambler) of Johnson Schoolhouse led to Hymens altar Miss Beulah Hughes,one of Harmonys prettiest girls, Rev. C. D. Williamson performing the ceremony that made them one. There was some opposition to the marriage, but Love hath her victories more renowned than war, and by the aid of friends and correspondence they formulated the plan that was so successfully carried out Friday night. The groom is one of Crascos most prominent young men, and needs no introduction at our hands, while his pretty bride is all that could be desired as a partner for life. Miss Beulah is an amateur painter of some renown. Ye reporter joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life.
O, may their path below be trod
With hearts that are light and gay;
And may their trust be put in God
To lead them on their way.
Weimar Mercury, May 21, 1898Buder & Strahan
Mr. Julius Buder and Miss Lela Strahan were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of the brides father Wednesday evening, Rev. Mr. Sullvan[sic] of Flatonia officiating. Immediately after the marriage the happy young couple took the east bound train for Houston, where they will remain until Sunday, after which they will return and become citizens of our town. May happiness and prosperity attend them through life.
Colorado Citizen, December 17, 1891, page 3Buckers & Harrington
Were Married in Buggy
Mr. Will Buckers and Miss Mattie Harrington, popular young people of Chesterville, drove up to Judge J. K. Davidsons residence about 7 oclock last Sunday evening, and while seated in the buggy, Judge Davidson spoke the words that made them man and wife. The HEADLIGHT'S congratulations are extended
Eagle Lake Headlight, Auust 20, 1910Burford & Bean
Mr. S. M. Burford, nephew of W. T. Burford, was married to Miss Montie Bean, niece of Uncle F. E. Caldwell, Thursday of last week at the residence of Uncle Ferd. Mr. Burford has many friends in this vicinity and is indeed fortunate in capturing so valuable a prize as Miss Montie, as accomplishments and genial manner won her to the hearts of all who may have chanced to know her. The happy couple will reside on the Caldwell place, where Mr. Burford intends to engage in farming. We wish the newly married pair health, wealth and prosperity.
Colorado Citizen, December 3, 1891, page 3We did not learn, until too late to announce in the last issue, of the marriage of Mr. Sam Burford of Osage to Miss Montie Bean of Luling, which took place Wednesday evenng of last week at the residence of Uncle Ferd Caldwell, near Borden. We wish them happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury December 5, 1891, page 3Burford & Cameron
Dr. J. E. Burford, of Osage, and Miss Gracie Cameron, of Schulenburg, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Schulenburg Monday evening last, Rev. P. H. Hensley officiating.
Colorado Citizen, February 26, 1885Burford & Cone
Miss Ethel Cone and Mr. Ned Burford, prominent young people of Columbus, were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ross Cone, this (Thursday) morning, Rev. C.P. Morgan, pastor of the Methodist church performing the ceremony. They left on the noon train for Houston. The bride was dressed in a lovely brown traveling dress. The house was tastefully decorated in ferns and pot plants. About forty guests were present and after the ceremony light refreshments were served.
Mrs. Burford is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Ross Cone. She was for two or three terms a teacher in the schools of Columbus. She is well known throughout this territory on account of being a teacher in the schools and is loved by all who know her. She is one of Columbus' most popular young ladies.
The groom, Mr. Burford, is one the live stock inspectors who are in charge of the tick eradication work in the county. He is also a farmer. Ned is a young man of sterling worth and high character.
The Citizen force joins the friends of these young people in wishing for them a happy voyage through life. - Colorado Citizen
Eagle Lake Headlight, Saturday, October 25, 1919
Submitted by David HahnBurford & McLeary
Orange Blossoms
Dr. Jesse M. Burford and Miss Pattie McLeary were married at the Presbyterian church in this city Wednesday night, the 1st inst., Rev. O. B. Caldwell of Giddings performing the ceremony. But a few special friends of the parties were invited to be present. Dr. Burford was borned[sic] and reared in Osage, in this community, and belongs to one of the most respectable families in this county. He is now located at Schulenburg, and is a promising young physician. Miss Pattie McLeary has been one of the leading belles in Weimar society since she completed her education, and is one of the handsomest and most intelligent young ladies of our town. The young couple have gone to their home at Schulenburg. We wish them much happiness through life.
Weimar Mercury, July 4, 1891Burford & Willard
The marriage of Mr. Ned Holmes Burford and Miss Frances Willard was solemnized in the Heights Presbyterian church at Houston Saturday evening.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willard of Houston, and Mr. Burford is the son of Mr. Frank Burford of this city. The happy young couple will have an apartment at the Mrs. Wirtz residence.
Their many friends here wish them much happiness.
Colorado County Citizen, December 5, 1935Burger & Pilsner
Eddie Burger, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Burger, and Miss Ilse[sic] Pilsner of Mentz, were married Tuesday morning, Rev. Sullivan performing the ceremony.
The young couple have the congratulations and best wishes of the many friends of the families.
Colorado County Citizen, November 30, 1933, page 1Burns & Teltschik
Just before going to press Thursday morning, we learned of he marriage of J. A. Burns, a prominent farmer of Mentz, to Miss Agnes Teltschick[sic], a popular and pretty young lady of route 1. The ceremony was performed by Father Szymanski, at the Catholic church in Weimar Tuesday morning. Our congrations[sic] extended.
Weimar Mercury, July 21, 1911, page 1Burttschell & Daniels
MARRIED, August 1, 1889, at the residence of the brides father, Rev. Williamson Daniels of Alleyton, Mr. Arthur Burttschell to Miss Mary Daniels, Rev. Q. T. Simpson of this city officiating. After the wedding ceremony had been performed, the large crowd of relatives and friends of the happy couple adjourned to the dining hall, where a feast fit for the gods had been spread, and all did full justice to the repast. THE MERCURY extends best wishes to the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, August 11, 1889Byars & Stafford
Married at 9 oclock last Tuesday evening at the brides residence four miles south of this city Mr. Conrad Byars and Mrs. Grace Stafford, Rev. T. R. Coble, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, officiating. The wedding was a complete surprise to the many friends, and even relatives, of the contracting parties, and was strictly private, only a few relatives of the bride being present. Bride and groom are both native here and to the manner born, and each numbers a host of friends among our citizens. The Citizen extends hearty congratulations and best wishes for a long, prosperous and happy future.--Columbus Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, July 20, 1895Byler & Griffith
Also, at the residence of J. B. Nunn, Mr. J. M. Byler was married to Miss Susie Griffith, C. D. Barnett, Esq. officiating.
Colorado Citizen, May 7, 1885 Calhoun & HarrisNotes from Oakland
As per announcement in last MERCURY Mr. J. C. Calhoun and Miss Ruth Harris were married at the church at 8 oclock, p;. m., Wednesday, Dec. 19,1894, Rev. T. O. Sallee of Weimar pronouncing the words that made the twain one THE MERCURY extemds cpmgratulations.
Weimar Mercury, December 22, 1894Calloway & Thompson
HYMENEALOn last Wednesday evening at 8 P. M. at Capt. T. B. Thompsons residence in this city, a voice was heard, Let the bridegroom cometh, and the Rev. Mr. Calloway, hearing the voice, and having the lamp well trimmed, went forth to meet the elected kindly, and Mr. A. N. Calloway and Miss Mollie Thompson were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony. It was the consummation of artistic love, the parties mutually appreciating the merits of each, and gladly entering upon lifes battles in unison. Hitherto excelling in elegant shadows, they will court the realties; for life is reallife is earnest, and their futher guarden [sic] shall add to the pleasures of a felicitious future. The table was well arranged and bounderously supplied with delicious viands which those present adequately enjoyed and the Citizen was not forgotten. May their lives be long, properous and happy.
Colorado Citizen, December 9, 1875, page 3Carey & Williford
Mr. H. E. Carey, Sr., of this city and Mrs. Mary Williford of Osage were married at the residence of Mr. John Matthews of that community Tuesday morning. Judge W. A. VanAlstyne performed the ceremony. The Mercury joins many friends in wishing for the happy couple a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1904, page 4Carter & Carter
Columbus, Tex., Oct. 13.Wednesday night at the home of the brides mother Mr. James Carter and Miss Susie C. Carter were married, Justice Gregory officiating. After the supper the happy couple and a host of friends retired to the residence of Mr. A. C. Carter, the grooms father, where they tripped the light fantastic till near morning.
Weimar Mercury, October 21. 1893Causey & Stewart
Eagle Lake Headlight: Mr. Frank Causey and Mrs. Fannie Stewart, both of Eagle Lake, were married in Houston while attending the reunion. We have not been able to learn the particulars. They are popular young people and their many friends wish them prosperity and happiness.
Weimar Mercury, June 8, 1895Chapman & Hancock
MARRIED, in Dallas, Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 9 p.m., at the residence of Mr. S. A. Mahon, Mr. Sam D. Chapman of Columbus and Miss Cornet Hancock of this city. Both of these young people have a host of friends in this city,and one and all join us in extending very best wishes for their future happiness and success in life.
Weimar Mercury, October 31, 1891Chapman & Pinchback
Dr. J. L. Chapman, Weimars popular dentist, stole a march on his many friends in this city last Sunday, and went down to Columbus and was happily united in marriage to Miss Susie Pinchback, a charming young lady of that vicinity, Rev. J. W. Horn of Columbus officiating. Dr. Chapman is an upright, steady and industrious young man, is very popular here, and is rapidly building up a large and lucrative practice in his chosen profession. His bride is a sweet and winsome young lady, popular and beloved wherever known, and Dr. Chapman is to be congratulated on his choice. They will make their home in this city. THE MERCURYS hearty congratulations are extended the loving couple.
Weimar Mercury, December 7, 1895Clements & Beckham
Married, on the night of the 27th inst., at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Townsend, in this place, Miss Lula Beckham to Mr. James Clements, Judge J W. Holt of Weimar officiating. There was quite a gathering of the relatives and friends present to witness the starting out in the married life of these two young people, who were born and raised here. Many presents were given as tokens of good will and success. We wish them much joy and happiness!
Weimar Mercury, May 30, 1891Clements & Bishop
Mr. W. D. Clements, aged 19, and Miss Lyda Bishop, aged 16, were married near Oakland last Friday afternoon by Rev. Williamson. The bride is a daughter of Mrs.. R Phares
Weimar Mercury, April 13, 1895Colquest & Nelson
The wedding of Mr. Henry Colquest and Miss Katie Nelson took place last Friday at the residence of the brides brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Hodde, in he vicinity of Glidden, Rev. J. E. Buck of the Methodist church officiating. These young people are well known and popular throughout this section, and are a deserving couple. The Mercury joins a large circle of friends in wishing them every happiness throughout their future lives.
Weimar Mercury, September , 1907Cook & Gilliam
Married, at the residence of the groom in this city, on Thursday, 16th inst. Hon. T. C. Cook to Miss Mary Gilliam, all f Weimar, Rev. J. A. Duncan officiating.
Colorado Citizen, April 23, 1885Cook & Woods
Married, last Sunday night, at the residence of Mr. H. C. Thomas, in this city, Elder Taylor of Beeville officiating, Mr. Ashbel Cook of this city and Miss Rachel Woods of Jackson county. The marriage was quite a surprise to their many friends, as it was kept a secret, and there were but few who learned of it until the next day. Mr. Cook is a son of Dr. T. C. Cook, and bookkeeper for W. C Munn, and is a steady, upright and energetic young man,possessing a large circle of friends. Mrs. Cook is a lovely young lady, possessing many accomplishments and traits of character which will endear her to the husband of her choice. The happy young couple will soon be comfortably domiciled at the pretty cottage recently erected by the bridegroom. The Mercury wishes them a happy, safe and prosperous voyage over lifes rugged sea.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Cornitius & Grobe
Married, last Tuesday at 3 p.m., at the residence of Mrs. J. Grobe, Mr. Albert Cornitius and Miss Johanna Grobe, Rev. H. M Haynie officiating. Many presents were presented, and a sumptuous repast was spread and enjoyed by all present. The following relatives present from a distance: Mr. A. Cornitius, wife and daughter, of Eagle Lake; Mr. Henry Laas and family of Mixon Creek, and Mr. Albert Grobe and family of County Line.
Weimar Mercury, Nov 26, 1892Cox & Winfree
Mr. Robert Cox of Columbus and Miss Sallie Winfree of Eagle Lake were united in marriage last Sunday morning, Rev. A. S. Poindexter officiating. THE MERCURY extends congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, May 30, 1891Craig & Smothers
Eagle Lake, May 14.--Harry Craig of this place was married yesterday at Rock Island to Miss Beulah Smothers, Rev. J. B. Armstrong performing the ceremony. The bride and groom left for a short stay in Houston.
Weimar Mercury, May 19, 1900, page 8Crenshaw & Daniel
Married, on the evening of the 7th inst., at the residence of Cap. A. J. Smith, Mr. A. C. Crenshaw, of Concho county, and Miss Cora E. Daniel, of Brady, Rev. J. T. Williamson officiating. The groom is a brother of Mrs. J. C. Wall, of this place. He is engaged in the cattle business in Concho county and is amongst the most enterprising citizens of that county. The bride is a sister of Mrs. A. J. Smith. She is beautiful and fascinating, and the wonder to us is that some of our young gentlemen didnt capture the prize ever before Mr. Crenshaw met her. Our society will miss Mrs. Crenshaw and some of our young gentlemen will be sad a long while. They know when it is too late to realize what they have missed. The young couple left Tuesday last for Concho county. The Sentinel wishes them a long and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, July 28, 1887Crim & Chapman
Mr. Forrest Crim of Corpus Christi and Miss Almanor Chapman were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Chapman , at Garwood last Sunday.
The happy couple left immediately for Houston for a brief visit before going to their future home in Corpus Christi -- Columbus Citizen
Weimar Mercury, July 4, 1924
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonCubage & Brown
Edward Cubage and Mrs. Estep F. Brown were Married Yesterday Afternoon at Eagle Lake
At Eagle Lake yesterday afternoon, Edward Cubage of this city and Mrs. Estep Fraser Brown, of Eagle Lake were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's father, N. F. Fraser and was witnessed by only relatives and a few intimate friends. There were many handsome presents. Robert W. Stayton was best man. Mrs. Mary Borden and daughter, Miss Loretta, of Sharpsburg, attended the ceremony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. W. Jones, pastor of the Eagle Lake Christian Church.
Mr. Cubage is one of Corpus Christi's prominent business men. He is engaged with Mayor Roy Miller in the land business, and with O. O. Wright in the insurance business. He has resided here for the past eight years and in all of that time has taken a prominent part in the business and social life of Corpus Christi. For two years Mr. Cubage was a member of the city council and while in that body served as city comptroller.
Mrs. Cubage is also well known in Corpus Christi having visited here during the past two summers, having a cottage on the north beach.
Following the marriage yesterday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cubage left for San Antonio. From that city Friday morning they will leave for Mathis over the Franklin road in a special car which has been placed at their disposal by officials of the road who are personal friends of Mr. Cubage. At Mathis the newly weds will be met by Judge and Mrs. Walter Timon, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savage. Saturday morning all of the party will motor to Corpus Christi. Mr. and Mrs. Cubage will be at home at 415 Tancahua street.,
Eagle Lake Headlight, November 27 1913
Submitted by Dorothy CoxDallas & Ziegler
Mr. W. A. Dallas and Miss Georgie Ziegler of Eagle Lake will be united in marriage on Wednesday, the 26th of June.
Weimar Mercury, June 15, 1895Daniels & Chatham
Eagle Lake Canoe: We learn that Mr. Geo. Daniels of Houston, and Miss Josie Catham of this city, were married at Alleyton on last Tuesday.
Colorado Citizen, October 15, 1891, page 3ALLEYTON LOCALS
Mr. G. A. Daniels and Miss S. Josie Chatham were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on the 6th inst. They left on the evening train for Houston, their future home. George and his beautiful bride carry with them the best wishes of relatives and friends for their future happiness.
Colorado Citizen, October 15, 1891, page 3Daniels & Vogel
Tom Daniels and Miss Ida Vogel, both of this county, were married at Alleyton last Wednesday afternoon,Judge Davidson officiating. We wish the happy couple a long prosperous, and useful life.
Weimar Mercury, July 14,1900, page 1Danueuser & Burger
MARRIED Monday 22d instant, at the Catholic Church in this city, Mr. Alex. Danheuser ad Miss Sophie Burger, the Rev. John Weimer officiating. The CITIZEN joins he friends of the happy couple in congratulations and best wishes for a blissful future.
Colorado Citizen, August 25, 1887Darby & Gentry
Married near Glidden, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oakes, Nov. 29th, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Eustace Darby of Weimar to Miss Jennie Gentry of Glidden, the Rev. Q. T. Simpson, pastor of the Weimar Baptist Church, officiating. Mr. T. O. Chapman with Miss Mollie Oakes, and Mr. S. Chapman with Miss Stella Ramsey were attendants. A large number of invited guests assembled to witness the twain made one, and bid them bon voyage o'er the sea of life. A sumptuous banquet was served, and the gallant groom and his lovely bride were heartily toasted. They took their departure next day for Weimar where a very enjoyable dining was given them at their father's.
The CITIZEN returns thanks to Mrs. Oakes for a generous supply of good things and extends congratulations to the happy couple, wishing them a long life of unalloyed bliss.
A number of presents graced the occasion among which we mention:
Silver sugar bowl and dozen tea spoons, Mr. John Linbujrg, Glidden; silver pickle stand, Miss Ida Chapman; ornamental water set, Mrs. Irene Harrison.Weimar; silver pickel stand, Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan; silver table spoons, Miss Mittie Oakes; silver castor, Mr. Tom Folts; Marsellies counterpane, Mrs. S. Dreston; glass fruit stand, Master Sam Dreston; parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Young; glass water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson; handsome quilt, Miss Estelle Dewees; elegant white shawl, Mrs. D. Powell; beautiful bouquet, Miss Georgia Ramsey.
Colorado Citizen, December 6, 1888Daughtry & Mersfelder
Mr. E. M. Daughtry, of Temple, and Miss Ida Mersfelder, of this place, were married at the Mersfelder Hotel last Thursday, the Rev. C. W. Thomas officiating. The happy couple took the east-bound train the same day for Galveston. May they have a pleasant and happy walk side by side, through the vicissitudes of a long and prosperous life.
Colorado Citizen, January 6, 1887Denson & Muckleroy
Hallettsville Herald: The wedding of Miss May Muckleroy to Mr. William A. Denson caused a large number of our representative citizens to assemble at the Baptist church last night. The ceremony was most gracefully performed by Rev. J. C. Russell. The newly married couple are domiciled at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. E. Muckleroy. Quite a number of handsome presents were received by Mr. and Mrs. Denson.
Colorado Citizen, February 5, 1891, page 4Dent & McGallon
MARRIED, at the residence of Mr. L. M. Wirtz in this city, at 1 oclock Sunday afternoon, Mr. George Dent of Columbus and Miss Jessie McGallon of Ramseys Point, Rev. G. H. Collins officiating. The CITIZEN extends hearty congratulations and best wishes for a long, prosperous and happy future.
Colorado Citizen, May 7, 1891, page 3Dent & Slack
Married, at the residence of the brides mother Wednesday, September 21st, Mr. Thos. C. Dent to Miss Mary Slack, both of weimar, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss tying the nuptial knot. Our congratulations are extended the happy couple.
Colorado Citizen, September 29, 1887Douglas & Stafford
Weimar Local Matters
Mr. J. E. Douglas and Mrs. Dan Stafford were married here Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Payne, the bride's mother, Rev. W. F. Brinson performing the ceremony. The groom was an old friend and schoolmate of Mr. Dan Stafford, deceased, the first husband of the bride, and came to this country with him years ago from Tennessee; is a paper hanger and decorator by trade. Congratulations are extended to the newly married couple.
Colorado Citizen, November 10, 1898
Submitted by Deborah SmithDuncan & Green
Duncan-Green.--Married, at the residence of Mrs. R. V. Cook, Columbus, March 12, 1885, Mr. John Duncan, of Fort Bend County, to Miss India Green, of Gonzales county, Rev. J. A. Duncan officiating. May peace and prosperity attend the life journey of the happy couple.
Colorado Citizen, March 19, 1885Dunlavy & Hamilton
Married in this city Wednesday of last week, Mr. Alex. Dunlavy of Ellinger to Miss Nannie Hamilton, at the residence of the brides mother, Rev. M. M. Wadsworth officiating. The groom is a nephew of J. J. Holloway and an exemplary young man; while the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hamilton and a young lady highly accomplished and is calculated to make a model wife. The happy couple left on the 1:20 east bound train for Ellinger where Mr. Dunlavy intends to settle up his affairs, and then return to this city, which he will make his future home. Our hearty congratulations are in order and wish that they may live long and prosper.
Colorado Citizen, November 26, 1891, page 3Eason & Little
Oakland Notes
Mr. E. L. Eason and Miss Lizzie Little, of county line neighborhood, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at 3 p.m., Tuesday, 24th inst, at the residence of the brides father, C. M. Allen, J. P., officiating. We wish the newly married couple a long life and a prosperous one.
Colorado Citizen, January 26, 1888, page 3Eason & Payne
MARRIED, near Content, last Tuesday, Mr. W. T. Eason, a former resident of this city, and Miss Lillie Payne, a sister of Mrs. Dan Stafford of this city. Miss Lillie, during several visits to this city, won many friends, and all join us in wishing for the loving couple a life of unalloyed happiness.
Weimar Mercury, December 21, 1889Delayed Oakland Remarks
Married, last Tuesday at 3 oclock p.m. at the residence of the brides mother, Mrs. Bashe Payne, Miss Lillie Payne to Mr. W. T. Eason, Rev. Armstrong officiating.
Weimar Mercury, December 28, 1889Edwards & Wooldridge
Married near Oakland, by rhe Rev. Mr. Green, of Hallettsville, at the brides residence on Thursday, 31st day of December,at 3 p.m. Mr. H. C. Edwards to Mrs. Kate Wooldridge. There was a large assemblage of relatives and friends to witness the nuptials, after which all repaired to the dinning room where an elegant super was prepared for the occasion. It was a splendid wedding repast which all present enjoyed. We wish the newly married couple a long and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, January 7, 1886Eichler & Hollien
Former Columbus Girl Married At San Antonio
Miss Sybil Shaw Hollien, daughter of Mrs. Cordelia Shaw Hollien of San Antonio and formerly of Columbus, was married to John L. Eicher of Canton, O., in a ceremony Tuesday evening at the Woodlawn Methodist church in San Antonio.
Rev. F. S. Crowe officiated.
Mrs. H. I. Lewis of Columbus was matron of honor and Miss Patricia Mattern of Houston, Mrs. Wm. Neal Lehrer of Garwood and Misses Christine Eicher of Canton and Dorothy Nell East of San Antonio were bridesmaids.
Among the bridegroom's attendants were H. I. Lewis of Columbus and W. N. Lehrer of Garwood.
Mrs. Harry E. Meisell played the wedding music. Among others attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lehrer and Mrs. W. T. Shaw of Garwood.
Colorado County Citizen, August 8, 1946
Transcribed by Tammy BlandinoEilert & Simmons
Last Sunday at noon, at the residence of the brides mother near Live Oak, Mr. C. W. Eilert and Miss F. A. Simmons were united in marriage, Rev. Q. T. Simpson officiating. About 75 guests were present, and a fine dinner was spread. THE MERCURY wishes the young couple long life and happiness.
Weimar Mercury, January 24, 1891Elkins & Wilson
Mr. W. C. Elkins and Miss Sophia Wilson Married Wednesday.
A quite home wedding occurred in this city at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, the contracting parties being Miss Sophia J. Wilson and Mr. W. C. Elkins, Rev J. E. Lovett, pastor of the Methodist church officiating.
Only a few relatives and Mrs. Bruce were present to witness the ceremony.
The groom is a popular young man of this city and is connected with the telephone office and has made many friends here since he has been a resident of Eagle Lake. The bride is one of Eagle Lake's popular young ladies and one of the efficient operators at the telephone office, and by her sweet, amiable disposition has won a large circle of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Elkins have rented rooms at Mrs. J. M. Callison's where they are at home.
The HEADLIGHT extends congratulations and best wishes.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Date of this article is not shown.Elkins-Wilson
Mr. W. C. Elkins, who holds a responsible position with the Southwestern telephone company, and Miss Sophia Wilson married Wednesday, January 31st at 3 o'clock p.m., at the residence of the of the bride's parents at Eagle Lake. Rev. J. E. Lovett of the Methodist church officiating. Both are popular young people and have a large circle of friends whom the EXPRESS joins in wishing for them a life replete with happiness and prosperity.
Submitted by Dorothy Elkins CoxElliott & Montgomery
Mr. Robert Elliott and Miss Jennie Montgomery were married at the residence of W. W. Watts by Judge Geo. S. Ziegler. May they have a long and prosperous voyage through life.
Colorado Citizen, January 15, 1891, page 3Elliott & Neal
Mr. J. W. Elliott and Miss Sallie Neal were united in the bonds of wedlock on Sunday evening, at 6 :30 oclock, at the residence of H. C. Gaedeke, Esq., D. G. Gregory officiating. May prosperity and happiness attend the bridegroom and his lovely bride, and as they sail down he stream of wedded life may no storms or heavy seas arise to mar their peace, until they make the harbor of rest on a quiet and happy shore.
Colorado Citizen, October 26,1882, page 2Elliott & Vogelsang
Miss Ora M. Vogelsang and Mr. Ben Elliott, the latter of Houston, were united in marriage at the county judge office in Columbus, Tuesday. Miss Ora is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Vogelsang of this community. Mr. Elliott is a son of the late Mr. Ben Elliott Sr. and Mrs. Elliott of Houston; also a grandson of the late Dr. Neal of Frelsburg. The couple left immediately for Houston. Our best congratulations for a happy married life.
Colorado County Citizen, March 14, 1935, page 4.Engels & Boeer
Married, on the evening of the 24th, at the residence of the brides father, Miss Agnes Boer[sic] to Mr. Frank Engle[sic], Judge J. W. Holt officiating.
Weimar Mercury, February 28, 1891Engels & Laas
Miss Minna [Hermina] Laas of Oakland and Mr. Frank Engels of Weimar are to be united in wedlock at the residence of the brides parents, Thursday, Jan 31, 1895, at 3 p.m. A big time is expected, nearly everybody is invited, and THE MERCURY in advance offers its sincere congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, February 2, 1895English & Laidley
Married--in Brazoria, Brazoria Co., Dec 21, 1894, J. L. English, Esq., and Miss Minnie Laidley, both of Oakland, Colorado county, Judge Masterson officiating.
Weimar Mercury, January 5,1895Eschenburg & Fahrenthold
On next Thursday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fahrenthold, sr., Mr. G. W. Eschenburg of Shiner and Miss Annie Fahrenthold of this city will be united in marriage. The couple will leave on the 12:48 p.m., for their future home in Shiner, where a grand complimentary ball will be given by the young men in their honor--an invitation to attend which is acknowledged by the writer. In advance, we tender our heartiest congratulations to the handsome and happy young couple.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Fahrenthold & Buske
Another happy marriage was consummated in this city Thursday afternoon at 1 oclock, when Mr. Louie Fahrenthold, jr., and Miss Olga Buske were made man and wife by an impressive ceremony performed by Judge C. T. Hancock. A wedding feast at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Buske, followed, and it was a royal feast indeed, such as only these good people can serve. These young people are well and favorably known in this city--Miss Olga being the amiable and accomplished daughter of Mr. Gottlieb Buske, and a sweet and lovable young lady. Mr. Fahrenthold is the son of Mr. L. Fahrenthold, sr., manager of the Fahrenthold tin shop, and a young man of sterling integrity and worth, and the possessor of a large circle of friends. The happy couple left on the 3:04 p.m. train for a bridal tour of Dallas and a visit to relatives at Clifton, Bosque county. THE MERCURY extends its very best wishes to them for a life in which no cloud may ever mar the horizon of their happiness.
Weimar Mercury, October 26,1895Espey & Schawe
Weimar Items
Married on last Tuesday at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. Julius Espy[sic] to Miss Adelaide Schawe. After the ceremony they started for the train where they intend spending a few days on a bridal tour at Galveston. Success and prosperity be their future life.
Weimar Mercury, May 29, 1879, page 3Fahrenthold & Pagel
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turner, Thursday night, at 7:30 p.m., Mr. Otto Fahrenthold was married to Minnie W. Pagel. The ceremony was perormed[sic] by Justice S. J. Townsend. Only a few near relatives and friends were present. The Herald extends best wishes.
Weimar Mercury, November 3, 1894, page 2Fahrenthold & Weisgerber
Weimar Local Matters
Mr. Herman Fahrenthold and Miss Johanne Weisgerber were united in holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of the grooms father, Mr. August Fahrenthold, near Pecan, Fayette county, Tuesday, the 21st inst., C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. The groom was raised near this place and is now engaged in the tin shop business in this place and by his industry and integrity has built for himself a good run of trade and has the confidence of all. The bride is a new comer to the United States, and we are certain will make a true helpmate for the young groom. After the ceremony and congratulation of friends, a table, greasing with lifes substantials, was spread for the occasion by the parents of the groom, which was partaken of with a hearty relish. May Gods richest blessings be over them through a long life of [illegible].
Colorado Citizen, February 23, 1888, page 3Farmer & Kelley
Columbus Citizen:
Married in this city at 8 oclock Thanksgiving eve, at the residence of Mr. Marion Hope, Mr. Geo. L. Farmer nd Miss Lula M. Kelley, Judge A. A. Gregory officiating. The bride is beautiful and accomplished, and the groom, who was raised here, is a skilled mechanic now engaged with the Electric Light and Power Co. of this city. The Citizen tenders congratulations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, December 7, 1895Farmer & Lowrey
Married at the family residence in this city at 8:30 last Monday evening, Mr. Jesse P. Farmer and Miss Elizabeth Lowrey of this city. Rev. T. E. Muse officiated. The Citizen tenders congratulations and best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous life.--Colorado Citizen
Hallettsville Herald, September 13, 1900Fellmann & Burger
MARRIED, at the residence of the brides mother Tuesday, Jan. 6, Mr. Louis Fellmann to Miss Louisa Burger, Father Kloppesch officiating. The Citizen extends congratulations.
Colorado Citizen, January 8, 1891, page 3Fitzgerald & Chumney
News Special: Eagle Lake, Texas, November 16.--At 8 oclock yesterday evening the matrimonial ceremony between Dr. Howard Firzgerald and Miss Ruby Chumney was solemnized by Rev. Wooten of Marlin, Texas, at the beautiful home of the brides mother, Mrs. M. W. Chumney.
Weimar Mercury, November 25, 1899Flachmeier & Hastedt
Rev. W. A. Flachmeier, Lutheran minister of Columbus, this county, was united in marriage Wednesday at Wallis to Miss Jeanette Hastedt, daughter of Mrs. Henry Hastedt of Columbus. The bride is a teacher in the county schools.
Weimar Mercury, December 29, 1933, page 8Foard & Boulden
Mr. Robert L. Foard, jr., and Miss Alice Boulden, two very popular young people, were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the Episcopal church in Columbus. THE MERCURY wishes them a long, happy and prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea.
Weimar Mercury, March 23, 1895Folts & Paschall
Rock Island, Sept. 19.--Married at the residence of the brides father, Dr. D. A. Paschall, at 2.p.m. Wednesday, September 18, Mr. W. D. Folts of Glidden and Miss Nettie Paschall, Rev.F. O. Favre officiating. Only near relatives and a few friends present.
Weimar Mercury, September 28, 1901,page 1Frazar & Josey
At five-fifteen oclock yesterday afternoon at the St. Johns Episcopal Church in Sealy, occurred the marriage of Mr. R. Brahan Frazar to Miss Myrtle Josey of Sealy.
The groom is well known to all the people of this section. He is the son of Mrs. Susie Frazar of this city, was born and raised in Eagle Lake, and made his home here until a few years ago when he moved to Sealy, being with the Santa Fe railroad for a number of years. He is a most excellent young man and is held in the highest esteem by all who know him.
The bride is the pretty and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Josey of Sealy, well known and prominent people of that city. She has frequently visited in Eagle Lake and has many friends here.
The Headlight extends its congratulations and wishes this prominent and popular young couple a long, happy and prosperous life.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 21, 1918, page 9Frazar & Morris
Married, at the residence of W. K. Frazar, last Wednesday night, by the Rev. J. B. Armstrong, of Wharton, M. J. A. Frazar and Miss Mattie Morris. May the happy couple have a long and prosperous journey through life.
Colorado Citizen, June 2, 1887Frazar & Thatcher
MARRIED, at the home of the brides parents, Eagle Lake, January 26th, 1887, Mr. N. Ford Frazar and Miss Josephine E. Thatcher, the Rector of the Church of the Heavenly Rest officiating. As one of the participants of the marriage feast, I would say the bride was lovely in her loveliness. Many fair daughters have I seen, but thou excellent them all. She was dressed as a bride adorned for her husband, and with the groom pledged their troth each to the other, as though naught but death should break it. Mr. John Thatcher and his estimable lady contributed to the comfort and gratification of the outward and inner man, as though it were quite natural for them so to do. But why multiply words? Suffice it to say, it was one of those agreeable wedding feasts which live in the memory fresh and green, for a life time.
What compares with the wedded bliss,
In this world of care and trial,
When two young hearts have thus consented,
To live, and love and be contented.
Colorado Citizen, February 3, 1887Fulghum & Gusman
Married on the night of the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. C. Fulghum and Miss Belle Gusman, both of this place, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss, officiating. No cards.
Weimar Gimlet, January 28, 1886
Submitted by Deborah SmithGarner & Gegenworth
Mr. Tom H. Garner and Miss Mathilda Gegenworth were married Wednesday evening at 8:30 oclock at the residence of the brides mother in Columbus, Rev. Coble, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. Both of these young people are well-known to the writer, and we can truthfully say they are a model couple, possessing all the attributes that go to make up the perfect man and woman. THE MERCURY wishes them a long life of happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, April 27, 1895Columbus Citizen: As announced in last issue Mr. Thos. H. Garner and Miss Mathilda Gegenworth were married at the residence of the brides mother in this city at 8 oclock p.m., Wednesday, 24th ult., Rev. T. B. Coble, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. The wedding was comparatively private, the relatives and a few friends only of the contracting parties being present. The bride a native of Columbus, reared and educated in our midst, rich in graces of beauty and accomplishments, and the groom is among our most energetic business men,of good family, pleasant address and probity of character. A splendid wedding feast succeeded the ceremony, prepared under the care of the skillfull hostess., which was hightly enjoyed by all present and the Citizen returns thanks for a generous portion of the viands. Hearty congratulations and best wishes for a felicitous future are extended the happy couple.
Weimar Mercury, May 4, 1895Garrett & Worley
News has just reach here of the marriage of Mr. Dick Garrett of this city to Miss Mary Worley, the ceremony taking place in Chicago on Sunday, April 5th. Dick is a son of Mrs. M. E. Garrett of this city, a young man of fine personality and ability, connected with one of the largest electrical concerns of the country, and is rapidly forging to the front as a bsiness man.
The bride is of course a stranger to our people, but we feel satisfied that friend Dick has made no mistake in his choice of a life companion.
Many friends join with us in expressions of congratulation and best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, April 17, 1931Garret & Sanders
Married last Sunday at the residence of the bride's father, a few miles north-east of Weimar, Mr. John M. Garret and Miss Nannie Sanders, both of this county, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. No cards.
Weimar Gimlet, January 28, 1886
Submitted by Deborah SmithGates & Allen
The marriage of Rev. J. W. Gates, pastor of the Christian church of this city, and Mrs. Alice Allen, one of our prettiest and most popular ladies, took place at the residence of the brides father (Mr. D. W. Jackson) in this city last Tuesday evening, Elder J J. Cramer of Lockhart officiating. The happy couple left on the 11:27 train for a wedding trip to Brother Gates home in Canada, to be gone several months. The best wishes of a whole host of friends and admirers in this section will ever follow them in their voyage upon the matrimonial sea.
Weimar Mercury, June 21, 1902Gay & Green
Mr. J. B. Gay and Miss Juanita Green were married at the residence of the brides mother near Columbus last Saturday evening, which was quite a surprise to his friends and acquaintances in the county.
Weimar Mercury, September 5, 1891Genzer & Rehrich
Young People Married MondayMiss Rosa Rehrich and Joe Genzer, a well known and popular young couple of this vicinity, were united in marriage at St. Michaels Church Monday morning, Rev. J. Szymanski officiating. They have our best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1917
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonGerstenberg & Hasse
Married, nine miles south of Weimar, Tuesday evening, Jan. 8, 1895, Mr. August Gerstenberg and Miss Helen Hasse, Judge C. T. Hancock officiating.
Weimar Mercury, January 12, 1895Gerstenberger & Sommers
Mr. Gus Gerstenberger, son of Mr. Ed Gerstenberger, was united in marriage Thursday evening to Miss Ida Sommers, niece of Mr. John Dahse, at New Bielau, Rev. J. Frehner of Content officiating. An elegant supper and big ball followed, and everyone present had an enjoyable time. Our congratulations are extended Mr. and Mrs. Gerstenberger.
Weimar Mercury, January 11, 1896, page 2George & Fuller
Cupid seems determined to dispose of all his arrows at this place, as there has been six weddings participated in by Harmonyites in as many months, the last on the list being Mr. Wm. George and Miss Belle Fuller, both of this place,who married at Cheatham last Friday night. Ye scribe joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life.
Weimar Mercury, May 27, 1898Giss & Burford
Miss Hazel Burford Former Resident Here, Weds Kenneth R. Giss
Miss Hazel Burford, daughter of Mrs. Will Burford, of Edinburg, Texas, and former residents of Weimar, was united in marriage Wednesday, March 19, to Kenneth R. Giss of Peoria, Illinois, the ceremony being solemnized in the Grace Evangelical Church in Peoria. The Rev. Edward W. Henniger, pastor, read the service. The bride chose for her wedding ensemble a rose sheer pleated frock topped by a fitted coat of rose wool and Carribean blue accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman buds. Her only attendant was Miss Katherine Dennis of Edinburg. She wore a black chiffon frock fashioned on flowing lines held at the waist with a wide fitted girdle. She wore an heirloom cameo and a corsage of gardenias. Harold Giss of Chicago, Illinois, the groom's brother, attended him as best man. Mrs. E. J. Giss, mother of the groom, wore a dubonnet coat suit and a white carnation corsage. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. George Sexauer. The couple left for St. Louis, Mo., where they planned to spend their honeymoon. They will be at home at 108 Ashley in Peoria following the trip. Mrs. Giss is a graduate of Edinburg high school and junior college and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa, national honor society. Before here departure from Edinburg, she had been employed by the AAA office. Mr. Giss is a graduate of Edinburg High School and is now an employee of the Central Illinois Light Company at Peoria. The bride, who a number of years ago lived in Weimar is a sister of Mrs. Bill Eilers, Jr. of Brady who was also a former resident here. Mrs. E. J. Giss and Miss Katherine Dennis of Edinburg and Mr. Harold Giss of Chicago, were the out-of-town guests. Weimar friends of the family extend sincere congratulations.
The Weimar Mercury, March 28, 1941
Submitted by David HahnGlancy-Raabe
On Thursday last, at 1 p.m., Judge W. A. VanAlstyne perfomed the wedding ceremony for Alfred Glancy and Miss Clara Raabe, same taking place at the residence of the brides mother, Mrs. Clementine Raabe. The groom is a native of Chicago, who, with his mother, Mrs. J. F. Glancy, moved to this section a few yeas ago, and engaged in farming. He is a bright, industrious young man, one who by his gentlemanly deportment and upright dealings has won the confidence and friendship of all our people. Although a stranger to farming when he moved here, by intelligent methods and perseverance, he is succeeding finely. The bride is a lovely young lady, a general favorite with the people of this sectiion, one who is qualified in every way to make any man a splendid wife, and Mr. Glancy is to be congratulated upon his choice. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a bridal triip to Chicago. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy future are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, October 20, 1916, page 1Good & Ivey
Married, at the residence of Mrs. Mattie Good, Eagle Lake, by Rev. Thomas, August 19th, 1877, Mr. GIMMARIAL GOOD, of Eagle Lake, and Mrs. ABIGAIL IVEY, formerly of Hempstead. The attendants were a grandson of the groom and a grand daughter of both bride and groom. Bridegroom aged 73, bride, aged 67, quite a youthful pair and no harm done.
Colorado Citizen, August 23, 1877, page 3Goode & Hirsch
Two more young people have joined hearts, hands and fortunes. On Wednesday of last week Judge C. T. Hancock united in matrimony, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Obe Goode and Miss Pauline Hirsch. After the ceremony was concluded a bountiful supper was spread, to which all did full justice. Afterward a dance was inaugurated and kept up until the wee ___ hours. Our hearty congratulations ae extended the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, January 2, 1892Goode & Scheller
Allen Goode and Miss Alma Scheller, a well known, popular young couple of this section, were united in marriage at 2 oclock Sunday afternoon at the residence of the brides parents, Louis Scheller and wife, Rev. E. H. robinson, the local Baptist pastor, officiating. A nmber of reltives and friends of the contracring parties were on hand to witness the ceremony and to wish God-speed to the worthy young couple. They are deserving young people, a well-matched couple, truly, and the Mercury joins a whole host of friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
The Weimar Mercury, October 22, 1915Goodman & Brown
Cards were sent out this week announcing the wedding of Mr. B. M. Goodman and Miss Regina Brown, both of this city, which happy event is to take place Wednesday evening, August 2, 1893, at the residence of Mr. D. Steiner in Columbus. The contracting parties are well and favorably known in this section, Miss Regina being a pretty and winsome young lady and Mr. Goodman a leading merchant of the prairie city. In advance THE MERCURY tenders its heartiest congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, July 22, 1893Grace & Wickware
Our handsome young friend, Mr. Harry C. Grace, of Schulenburg, and the gifted Miss Eva Wickware, of this city were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at noon yesterday, at the residence of Maj. Walker. We congratulate, and wish them a long, prosperous and happy life.
When loves well-timed, tis not a fault to love;
The strong, the brave, the virtuous and the wise,
Sink in the soft captivity together.
Colorado Citizen, November 25, 1880Graham & Smith
Weimar Local Matters
Tuesday morning at 11 oclock, in the town of Borden, at the residence of Mike Daly, Mr. Willard Graham and Miss Endora Smith, eldest daughter of W. A. L. Smith (C. D. Barnett, Esq. officiating) were happily mated for life. After the ceremony all repaired to a table laden with all the good things necessary to the sustenance of the corporeal system. Messrs. Daly and Smith, assisted by their good ladies, knew just how to dispense hospitality, and your Local what these good things were made for. We wish the young couple a smooth passage down times current.
Colorado Citizen, October 27, 1881
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonGrant & Thomas
A colored subscriber hands us the following curiously worded matrimonial announcement for publication:
Married, at the M. E. Church, Alleyton, Sunday night, Dec. 24th, 1882, Mr. George W. Grant and Miss Henrietta Thomas. Mr. Grant is a citizen (col.) of our city, a school teacher, of which he is well versed, attend-[sic] a small guest on accunt of rain, but we hope the two a happy journey through life, Mr. V. B. Banks officiating, J. Findell and S. Yancey assisted. Go out upon the highway and call them in to rejoice and succeed.
A Friend.
Colorado Citizen, January 4, 1883Graves & Campbell
Mr. Luther Graves and Miss Hallie Campbell, a popular couple of he Osage section, were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon. The Mercury joins in the numerous congratulations extended the couple for a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, December 29, 1906, page 4Gray & Hopkins
Colorado Citizen;Cards nave been received at this office announcing the marriage of Miss
Mary May Hopkins and William Ralph Gray, two mighty fine young people of Columbus. The marriage will take place at the Baptist church in Waelder on December 25, at seven p.m.
Weimar Mercury, December 13, 1912Greak & Grey
Married at the residence of Mrs. Annie Swoboda, a few miles east of town, Wednesday afternoon of last week, Mr. Herman C. Greak of this vicinity and Miss Alva Gray of Waller county, Judge W. A. VanAlstyne officiating. Our congratulations and best wishes are extended the happy young couple.
Weimar Mercury, March 15, 1918Green & Burford
At the close of services Sunday morning at the Baptist church, the solemn words were pronounced which united the hearts, hands and fortunes of Mr. Milton A. Green of Yoakum and Miss Verna Bell Burford of this vicinity, Rev. J. P. Worrell, pastor of the Methodist church, performing the ceremony. The ceremony was witnessed by a large crowd. The bride being sponsor of Weimar Fire company No. 1, that organization attended in a body. To the sweetly solemn strains of the wedding march played by Miss Grace Hill on the organ and assisted by Prof. Oscar Hilden on the violin, the happy couple took their station before the altar and in a few moments were pronounced husband and wife. After receiving the hearty congratulations and good wishes of numerous friends, they repaired to the residence of the groom's father, Mr. Harris Green, after which they took the 2:10 train for a bridal trip to San Antonio and Corpus Christi, after which they will return and make their home at Yoakum. The groom is a prominent attorney of Yoakum, where he is succeeding well in his chosen profession. He is a pleasant, affable, persevering young man, very popular among a large circle of friends, and is rapidly forging to the front as an attorney. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Davie Burford, and is a pretty, sweet and winsome young lady whose admirers are numbered by her list of acquaintances. She is a Weimar girl, and all join this paper in the wish that God's choicest
blessings may ever rest upon herself and husband.
Weimar Mercury, July 9, 1909, page 5Greene & Smith
Columbus Citizen: James H. Greene, first teacher in the Vox Populi colored school, and Julia Smith, principal of the city colored school of Schulenburg, were recently quietly married at the brides home in Schulenburg, Rev. P. R. McGriff officiating.
Weimar Mercury, January 26, 1901Grobe & Toliver
Columbus Texas, May 28, 1899
Editor Colorado Citizen:
Please insert this announcement in this week's CITIZEN: Mr. C. R. Grobe and Miss Carrie Toliver will be married at the Methodist church at 3 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, June 7, 1899. No cards.
Mrs. Simpson
Colorado County Citizen, June 1, 1899Grobe & Woolsey
Abstracted from Texas Methodist Newspaper Abstracts by Dallas Genealogical Society abstracted by Helen M. Lu, Issue 30 Dec 1882, Vol. XXIX, No. 15 "Texas Christian Advocate", page 136: Married Oct. 25, 1881, at residence of Capt. J. M. Woolsey, by Rev. Wesley Smith, Mr. W.C. Grobe and Miss Alice Woolsey.
Grossinger & Seydler
Schulenburg Sticker: Two weddings took place in Weimar this week, Judge C. T. Hancock performing the ceremony in his usual dignified and impressive manner. The first took place on Monday night at the residence of Mr. Ed Seydler. The contracting parties were Mr. Hugo Richter and Miss Siddie Warnken. After the ceremony all repaired to the opera house, where a ball was given by the young men of Weimar. The second wedding took place Tuesday at the residence of the brides mother, where Miss Lena Seydler was happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Anton Grossinger. Both weddings were quiet, and none but a few of the nearest relatives were invited. The Sticker wishes them much happiness, and may their troubles only be little ones.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895Gusman & Gore
Married, at the Lowrey hotel, in this city, April 30, Mr. J. D. Gusman to Mrs. Eliza Gore, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, May 7, 1885Gusman & Harrington
J. R. Gusman left here last Saturday for Tuscumbia, Ala., where he was united i marriage to Miss Bettie Harrington last Tuesday, the 11th. Miss Bettie is the daughter of the late Col. Sam Harrington, formerly of Fayette county. Jim will return Saturday with his bride.
Colorado Citizen, January 13, 1887Hackaby & Smith
On the 17th, at the residence of our old friend, W. A. L. Smith, Miss Josephine Smith and Andrew Kuckeby[sic] were made one by Rev. Mr. Miles. Your Local was remembered. God bless all the young folks that step off for life.
Colorado Citizen, August 31, 1882, page 3Hahn & Burford
Mr. Albert Hahn and Miss Lizzie Burford, both popular young people of Columbus, were quietly married at the home of the bride's mother Wednesday afternoon. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hahn left for a honeymoon trip to New Orleans, after which they will be at home in Columbus. Our heartiest congratulations are extended.
Eagle Lake Headlight. Saturday, October 23, 1909, Eagle Lake, Texas.
Submitted by David HahnHahn & Ciss
Miss Eileen Ciss Bride Of Lt. Albert W. Hahn, Jr.
Beautiful in every detail was the wedding Sept. 8 at 5 p.m. when Miss Eileen Ciss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Ciss of this city, became the bride of Lt. Albert W. Hahn, Jr., AAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hahn of Columbus, Texas, at the home of the bride's parents, 516 Cherokee Dr. Miss Ann Everson, soloist, sang the traditional wedding songs, with Mrs. John G. Baker, pianist, accompanying her. Dr. John Branscomb, pastor of the First Methodist Church, performed the ceremony. The bride wore an attractive aqua dress and brown accessories. She wore an orchid corsage. The bride's sister, Miss Barbara Ciss, who became the bride of Lt. John H. Taylor the following week, was maid of honor. She wore a purple dress with purple accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses. Lt. John M. Taylor, AAF, acted as best man for Lt. Hahn. The bride's mother wore a wine colored dress with aqua accessories. The house was beautifully decorated with summer flowers and palms were on each side of the mantle. Huge candelabra furnished lighting for the nuptial service. The bride entered from the winding stairway on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage.
Orlando Sentinel
Submitted by David HahnHahn & Ethridge
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ethridge of Meridian, Miss., announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Harriet, to Dr. William Burford Hahn of Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hahn of Columbus. The bride to be graduated from Meridian high school, attended Meridian junior college and has been attending the University of Texas. Prior to entering the university, she was with the Waves for two years. Dr. Hahn attended the University of Texas and is a graduate of Tulane University school of medicine. He is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. He served in the army five years, of which three years were spent overseas with the 56th Evacuation Hospital in the Mediterranean Theater, and was discharged with the rank of major in 1946. Since his return from the Service, Dr. Hahn has been practicing in Austin. The wedding will take place Friday, Mar. 7, in Meridian.
Colorado County Citizen, February 27, 1947
Submitted by David HahnHahn & Johnson
Houston Post of Friday: At the Church of the Annunciation at 3 oclock last evening Father Hennessy officiated at the wedding of Mr. L. V. Hahn of Eagle Lake and Miss Cecil Byrd Johnson of Columbus, Texas. The groom is teller in the Vineyard & Walker bank, while the bride is one of the most popular young ladies, not only of her home city but of South Texas. The ceremony was witnessed by the following party of intimate friends; Mrs. Ola Heyser, Miss Gladys Johnson, Messrs. H. A. Townsend, J. K.Woods, F. Auerbach, Jr., J.A. Harbert, Glenn Harbert of Columbus and A. W. Hahn and F. W. Burford of Eagle Lake.
Weimar Mercury, February 13, 1904Hancock & Fisher
Married, by the Rev. Isaac Sellers, Mr. S. H. Hancock and Miss Mattie Fisher, at the Center Grove church, Sunday evening August 20th. Your Local was kindly remembered, and joins with a host of friends in wishing the gallant groom and beautiful bride a long, prosperous and happy life. Sam, like the rest of the boys, out-married himself.
Colorado Citizen, August 24, 1882, page 3Harbert & Stafford
Married, Wednesday morning, at the residence of the brides mother (Mrs. John Stafford), several miles south of Columbus, Mr. J. Alvy Harbert to Miss Carrie Stafford, Rev. J. W. Horn officiating. The happy couple left Thursday morning for California on a bridal trip.
Weimar Mercury, February 3, 1894Harigel & Stapleton
Did Just What His Dad Did Thirty-One Years Ago
Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage. Rev. J. H. Hall united in marriage Benjamin Franklin Harigel, son at Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harigel of LaGrange, and Miss Helen Grace Stapleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Stapleton of Borden. The ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. Hail, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Watson of Edna. B. F. Harigel and Oscar Mendel of LaGrange.
To many this happy culmination of a romance that started with school children may come as a surprise, but, to the contracting parties it was a realization of hopes and plans. Rev. Hall, in a short but very impressive ceremony, bound these two for life.
By way of passing we may mention the statement made at our office by Editor Harigel: "He followed in the footsteps of his father, thirty-one years ago I came over and took from the prairie city the daughter of one of your respected townsmen, Mr. A. F. Rose"Alter returning from their honeymoon, the couple will make their home in LaGrange for the present, Benjamin having accepted the position of reporter on the Journal.
The Mercury wishes the young couple a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1931Harris & Strahan
At 7:30 oclock last Saturday evening, at the home of the Methodist pastor, and witnessed by Miss Bess Harris, Messrs. John Guynn and Howard Strahan, occurred the wedding of Mr. Grady Harris and Miss Ollie Strahan, both popular young people of Eagle Lake, Rev. J.. E. Lovett, the Methodist minister, officiating. Owing to bereavement in the family of the bride, the wedding was a very quiet one. The HEADLIGHT extends congratulations and best wishes.
Eagle Lake Headlight, February 8, 1913, page 1Hasse & Gerstenberger
Married, at the residence of Wm. Gerstenberger, near Oakland, January 4, 1887, Mr. Theodor Hasse to Miss Auguste Gerstenberger, C. D Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 13, 1887Hayes & Wesson
Mr. Thomas Hayes and Miss Birdie Wesson were married at the home of the brides parents on the 20th instant, the Rev. Mr. Favre of the Methodist church officiating. The wedding is the culmination of quite a romance, which had its incipiency in the beginning of the war in the Philippines. Mr. Hayes was a volunteer soldier passing through Columbus on the train with his regiment on his way to Manila, and threw a cracker with his name and address upon it to some young ladies at the depot, one of whom was Miss Wesson. a correspondence ensued, and the parties becoming more and more interested in each other an engagement followed. After serving out the term of his enlistment, Mr. Hayes came with the determination to marry the young lady who could write such interesting and entertaining letters and without having seen his intended bride, he procured the license before reaching Columbus, and the wedding followed within about one week after his arrival. The bride is the daughter of Mr. T. H. Wesson, of an excellent family. Mr. Hayes record as a soldier in the Philippines for bravery and honorable conduct is unsurpassed.--News Special
Weimar Mercury, December 28, 1901, page 2Haynie & York
Married, at the residence of the brides mother, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 13, Rev. H. M. Haynie and Miss Kate York, Rev. J. B. Sears officiating. Immediately after the impressive ceremony was concluded, he couple repaired to the depot, where they took the 5:47 train for their fture[sic] house at Elgin, Tex., where the groom has been stationed as pastor for the ensuing year. Rev. Haynie is a noble man, beloved by all, and in securing such a sweet, lovable lady as Miss Kate he has indeed drawn a prize. THE MERCURYS heartiest congratulations are extended them for a long, happy and prosperous life.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1893Hehr & Boeer
Weimar Local Matter
Married, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Chas. Boeer, 8 miles south of Weimar, Tuesday the 10th inst., Mr. Gustave Hehr and Miss Ida Boeer, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating.
Colorado Citizen, January 12, 1888, page 3Heine & Duerr
Columbus Citizen:
Married, at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duerr, last Tuesday afternoon t 3 oclock, Mr. Otto Heine and Miss Olga Duerr, Justice Gregory officiating.
Weimar Mercury, February 2, 1895Heinsohn & Fehrenkamp
Frelsburg, March 6.--Mr. Louis Heinsohn of Fayetteville and Miss Nora Fehrenkamp, daughter of Dr. B. J. Fehrenkamp of this place, were married at the home of the brides parents at 7:30 oclock yesterday evening, Rev. Gerstman officiating.
Weimar Mercury, March 16, 1901Herder & Hefner
Married, at the residence of the brides father in Weimar, May 5, 1885, by Rev. J. A. Duncan, Mr. George Herder and Miss Mary Hefner, all of Weimar. Many costly bridal presents were given to the newly married couple by relatives and friends, the number and donors too numerous to mention. Mr. Herder is a young and prospering merchant of this city, while the bride is one of Weimars most beautiful and accomplished young ladies. May Gods choicest blessings accompany the newly wedded pair through a long life of usefulness.
Colorado Citizen, May 7, 1885Heller & Winter
Splendid Young Couple Married
Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, local Lutheran minister, was called upon Tuesday to unite in marrieage Mr. Hubert Heller of the Ammannsville community and Miss Linda Winter, who lives between Schulenburg and Freyburg, the ceremony taking place at the parsonage here. After the ceremony the happy young people left for a bridal trip to Houston, Galveston and other points. Upon their return home they will make their home at Ammannsville.
While the writer of these lines is not acquainted with the bride, we learn that she is a lovable and accomplished young lady, a prize that any man should feel proud to possess as a life companion. The groom is known to us and most highly regarded by the writer. We have known Herbert for a long time, and consider him one of the finest young men of our acquaintance. He is a young man of upright habits, steady as a clock; industrious and possessed of a pleasing personality which wins friends for him wherever he is known. He is a son of Mrs. Augusta Heller of the Ammannsville community.
The Mercury joins a host of friends of the young people in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, January 10, 1930
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonHelmers & Kueler
MARRIAGE AT THE COURTHOUSE One of the first official acts of our newly-elected County Judge was the marriage, on Tuesday last, of Mr. J. D. Helmers, to Miss Auguste Kueler, all of Colorado county. The license was made out by Mr. Wagenfuhr, County Clerk, the ceremony performed in apple-pie order by Judge Delany, and the happy couple sent on their way rejoicing, in the space of ten minutes.
Colorado Citizen, October 11, 1877, page 3Henderson & Corder
Mr. Will Henderson and Miss Lou Corder--both of this county--were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Thursday, at the residence of the brides father, Judge J. M. Woolsey officiating. The young wedded couple have our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.
Colorado Citizen, November 6, 1890, page 3Henderson & Toland
Colored society was thrown agog by the marriage last Sunday of Henry Henderson and Rhoda Toland, groom and bride each being over 60 years of age. It seems the children of he groom were opposed to the match, so the ceremony took place in Hendersons workshop, Rev. Daniel Whitley officiating. Love laughs at locksmiths, and this marriage is no exception to the rule. The Citizen presumes all differences will be amicably arranged, and the couple be happy.
Colorado Citizen, January 15, 1891, page 3Hermann & Peszh
Married, at the Catholic church Tuesday morning, Father Brooklin officiating, Mr. Ernst Hermann to Mss Loua Peszh. After the ceremony was concluded the immense crowd present repaired to the farm of Mr. Jesse Holman, near town, where they were treated to a splendid dinner. A dance at night concluded the festivities. The bride is a comely hard-working and industrious young lady--a bride that any man might be proud of. The groom is said to be an honest and industrious young man, possessing qualities that will ever keep the wolf from the door.: THE MERCURYS very best congratulations are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, November 25, 1893Herreth & Pawlek
Weds On Parents' Anniversary, Same Town, 50 Years Later
Fifty years ago on October 27, 1892, the father and mother of Pvt. Rufus F. Herreth of Fort Sam Houston were married in Weimar. Although the family has long since left Weimar. Pvt. Herreth resolved to marry on his parents anniversary and in the same town.
Several days ago Pvt. Herreth came to Columbus and obtained his marriage license and awaited the arrival of his bride-to-be. Miss Heresa Pawlek. of San Antonio.
Carried through Weimar late Tuesday afternoon on a bus which does not stop until it reaches Columbus. Miss Pawlek. who was traveling the road for her first time. enlisted the aid of the bus driver who procured passage for her, back to Weimar, where Pvt. Herreth was anxiously awaiting her arrival.
In the late afternoon on the fiftieth anniversary of his parents' wedding and in the same town, Pvt. Rufus F. Herreth and Miss Theresa Pawlek were married by Rev. J. H. Thompson, Weimar Methodist pastor.
Weimar Mercury, October 30, 1942, page 1Heyer & Little
We received Thursday morning an invitation, which reads as follows: Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Little request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Ida H. to B Heyer Wednesday evening, November 11, at 8 oclock, 1891, Methodist church, Columbus, Texas. In advance, ye editor wishes to extend his best wishes to Bismark and Miss Ida, and trusts that their fondest anticipations may be blessed with fruition.
Weimar Mercury, October 31, 1891Hilden & Fietsam
Mr. Oscar Hilden and Miss Mary Fietsam were married Thursday evening at the residence of the brides parents. Our hearty congratulations are extended the happy couple.
Weimar Mercury, March 3, 1895Hill & Dyson
Columbus Citizen: Married at the residence of the brides mother, in this city, last Thursday evening, March 23, 1893, Mr. Ben F. Hill and Mrs. Lillie Dyson, Justice A. A. Gregory officiating.
Weimar Mercury, April 1, 1893Hillje & Rabel
50 Years Ago (Feb. 8, 1929)
A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seifert Tuesday afternoon when Miss Lena Rabel became the bride of George Hillje of San Antonio. Masters Ray and Edward Seifert sang "Madeline, I Love You." The Bridal Course was played by Mrs. Fred Rabel.
Weimar Mercury, February 8, 1979
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonHoegemeyer & Graves
Fred Hoegemeyer and Miss Nellie Graves were united in marriage at the court house about 2 oclock Wednesday afternoon, Justice of the Peace E. C. Thrower performing the ceremony. A few relatives and friends were present. The bride is the grandddaughter of R. Greak of the Borden section and is a charming young lady. The groom is first cousin of O. G. Hoegmeyer of the First State Bank, and a promising young farmer of the Live Oak community, where the young couple will make their home. The Citizen extends best wishes.--Columbus Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, December 15, 1922Hoegemeyer & Oncken
HYMEN AGAIN.--Gustav W. Hoegemeyer and Miss Sophie Oncken were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, December 20, at the residence of the brides father, H. V. Oncken, near Weimar, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. After the happy couple were pronounced man and wife, and the congratulations of friends present, a sumptuous supper was spread for the occasion. Mr. Hoegemeyer and Miss Sophie belong to two of our oldest and among the most respectable families of Colorado county. Gus is a farmer boy and Miss Sophie has had the proper training to make him a fit companion to battle through life. The Oncken family have been somewhat noted during the last year in a connubial sense. Father, son and daughter have married. Your local acknowledges his share of wine and cake of the wedding feast.
Colorado Citizen, January 6, 1887Hoelscher & Helmcamp
Married at the Catholic church in this city, last Tuesday morning, Rev. C. J. Benes officiating, Mr. Robert Hoelscher, son of Mr. B. Hoelscher of this vicinity, to Miss Annie Helmcamp, daughter of Wm. Helmcamp of Sedan. A large crowd was present to witness the ceremony, and the bride and groom were the recipients of many congratulations. At night at Sedan a grand ball and supper were tendered the young couple by the brides parents. The Mercury is pleased to chronicle this union of two of our oldest and best families, and wishes the young couple a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, April 27, 1901, page 5Holliday & Donnell
Married, at Alleyton, Colorado county, July 11, 1877, Mr. Lon. E. Holliday, of Brazos county, to Mrs. Missouri Donnell, of Colorado.
A long life of prosperity and happiness to the gallant groom and his accomplished and beautiful bride.
Colorado Citizen, July 19, 1877, page 3Hollien & Oncken
Married at the residence of Chas. Boettcher, near Content, Tuesday morning, at 9 oclock, the 14th inst., Mr. Chas. Hollien to Miss Johanna Oncken, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. After many congratulations by friends, the health of the young couple was drunk over any glasses of sparkling wine, and the new wedded pair left on the East bound train on a bridal tour.
Colorado Citizen, October 16, 1884Hollien & Regenbrecht
Our good friend, Chas Hollien, slipped off last week to Austin county, and on Wednesday was united in marriage to Miss Clara Regenbrecht, a popular and most accomplished lady of that county. He and his bride arrived home the latter part of the week, and friend Charley has since been busy explaining to his friends why he failed to notify them of the happy event. The writer had the pleasure a few days since of meeeting[sic] Mrs. Hollien, and found her a most pleasant lady, to know whom is to like her. Everybody knows Mr. Hollien, and while we feel that he has drawn a prize in the matrimonial lottery, we also feel that Mrs. Hollien has chosen wisely and well, for Mr. Hollien is a good man any way you take him. We wish them all manner of success and happiness for the future.
Weimar Mercury, May 28, 1904, page 1Holloway & Webber
Married at Columbus, last Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Lyt Holloway and Miss Annie Lewis Webber, Rev. McMahon, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. These young people, both residents of this city, are well known and popular, and many friends join us in hoping that their future life maybe one of happiness and prosperity. They left Tuesday night for a bridal trip to Houston and Galveston.
Weimar Mercury, July 16, 1900Holman & deGraffenried
One of the events of the season occurred yesterday at the residence of Captain R. L. Fisher. Mr. J. B. Holman and Miss Addie deGraffenried, all of Weimar, were happily united by Rev. Armstrong. The attendants were Capt. John T. Holman and Miss Lowis[sic] Hancock, Mr. C. T. Hancock and Miss Pattie McLeary. The nuptial party left last Tuesday night for Lampasas on a bridal tour. We wish the parties a happy voyage over the sea of life.
Colorado Citizen, August 31, 1882, page 3Holman & Taylor
Weimar Items
Married, yesterday, at the residence of the brides mother, Miss Ida Taylor and Mr. M. F. Holman. After the services were over the newly married couple, their relatives and friends started to the residence of John T. Holman, Esq., to partake of the dinner prepared for them. No doubt all did justice to the meal. To the newly married folks we offer our hearty congratulations and hope they may live to enjoy many, many happy days. To the unmarried we say, go thou and do likewise,
Colorado Citizen, May 22, 1879, page 3Holt & Toliver
Hymeneal.--Married at 5 oclock yesterday evening, at the residence of Mrs. Dr. John Toliver, Mr. Jas. W. Holt and Mrs. Emma Toliver, of this county, Rev. F. A. McShan officiating. After the short and impressive ceremony the bride and groom, repaired to the residence of Sheriff Jas. A. Toliver, where an elegant collation was discussed by themselves and a few friends. The Citizen was duly remembered, and takes this occasion to wish the gallant groom and his beautiful and accomplished bride years upon years of unclouded happiness.
Colorado Citizen, November 25, 1880Horak & Harrell
Young Couple Are Wed Here Tuesday
The marriage of Miss Nona Harrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harrell of Osage, to Frank Horak, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horak, Sr., of Wildwood, was solemnized here Tuesday morning, Nov. 26, at 8 o'clock at St. Michael's Church, with the Rt. Rev. Joseph Szymanski officiating.
Groomsmen were John Horak, Erwin Marek and Edwin Knebel. Bridesmaids included Misses Leona Horak, Billie Harrell and Irene Urban.
Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horak.
Honoring the young couple, a wedding dance is to be staged Saturday night. Nov. 30, at Billeck's Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Horak are to live in Weimar.
An interesting sidelight on the wedding was the fact that it was to have been solemnized Monday. Excessive rains, however, which flooded creeks between Osage and Wildwood, made it impossible for the prospective groom to reach the bride-to-be. And so the event was postponed until Tuesday, at which time the wedding was solemnized on schedule.
Weimar Mercury, November 29, 1940, page 4Hughes & Johnson
Oakland Newsy Notes
Wedding cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Netta Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, to Mr. L. S. Hughes, at 8:45 Wednesday evening, December 20th, 1893, at Eagle Lake. In advance we tender most hearty congratulations.
Colorado Citizen, December 14, 1893
Submitted by Deborah SmithHunt & Burttschell
The many friends of the bride and groom were pleasantly surprised to see in last Sunday's Houston papers announcement of the marriage at that place of Mr. Horace H. Hunt and Miss Helen Burttschell of Columbus. Miss Burttschell had been in Houston several weeks with some other Columbus young ladies attending the summer normal. Mr. Hunt took the afternoon train for Houston Friday and the couple were married Saturday. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. L. Gross, the noted pastor of the First Baptist Church of Houston. The young couple kept their plans so well that their marriage was a complete surprise to their friends and relatives.
Weimar Mercury. July 28, 1916
Transcribed by Deborah SmithHunt & Thomas
Last Thursday afternoon, Jan. 14th, Mr. Julius Hunt and Miss Lula Thomas were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the brides parents. The young couple will reside on the bride-grooms fathers farm. The Mercury wishes them a happy and prosperous life.
Weimar Mercury, Jan 23, 1897, page 1Huska & Kainer
Joseph Huska of Vox Populi, this county, was married Tuesday morning to Miss Aloisa Kainer, daughter of Frank Kainer of this vicinity, at the Catholic church, Rev. Father Lagleder officiating. A very large crowd of friends witnessed the interesting, impressive ceremony.
Weimar Mercury, January 30, 1892