Judy Talkington has suggested that we add newspaper accounts of wedding to our site. This is our second effort. Let us know what you think about this and don't forget to share your stories. For now we are going to have a cut off date of the '40s. Pictured to the left are Samuel Albert Taylor and Annie Mary Wearden on their wedding day, May 10, 1910. Picture courtesy of Ernest Mae Seaholm |
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Do you have interesting wedding articles you would like to share?
Ilse & Kretzschmar
Miss Hattie Kretzschmar and Mr. Henry Mahan Ilse were quietly married at Columbus on Tuesday evening of last week, Rev. J. B. Marshall the Columbus Baptist minister, officiating.
Eagle Lake Headlight, November 2, 1918, page 4
Ingram & Batchelor
Weimar Local Matters
Married, near Live-oak church in this county last Sunday morning at 10 o’clock, at the residence of the bride’s mother, (Mrs. Batchelor,) Miss Ellen Batchelor to W. S. Ingram, Rev. Q. T. simpson officiating.
Colorado Citizen, October 18, 1888, page 3
Jackel & Halyard
Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Thursday, 15th last, Mr. Peter Jalak{sic] and Miss Annie Halyard, R. W. Putney, Esp., officiating. The Citizen extends congratulations.
Colorado Citizen, January 22, 1891, page 3
Jacobs & Prause
News of the wedding of Mr. Frank Jacobs and Miss Aurelia Prause, which occurred at Bernardo on last Sunday, January 11th, came as a complete surprise to the numerous friends of the contracting parties. The young couple were quietly married at the home of the brides father at 3 oclock Sunday afternoon, in the presence of relatives and friends, Judge R. W. Theuman officiating.
Mr. Jacobs is well known as a diligent and energetic young farmer and numbers his friends by the scores.
The bride has endeared herself to a countless number of friends by her sweet simplicity and charming manners.
The happy young couple have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy, useful wedded life.
Eagle Lake Headlight, January 17, 1914, page 6
Janssen & Dorner
MARRIED at 1 o’clock Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1890, at the Kulow House, in this city, Mr. Paul Janssen and Miss B. L. Dorner, of the Bernard, Justice R. W. Putney officiating. Immediately after the ceremony and congratulations the happy couple took the train for Victoria, Beeville and other points. The CITIZEN extends hearty congratulations.
Colorado Citizen, October 30, 1890, page 3
Johnson & McMullin
Well, don’t it beat ther world? Is it a night-mare? Are we dreaming? No; ‘tis not a vision, but a reality! Mr. B. F. Johnson of Yoakum came right into our midst and unbeknowing to any of us and unsuspected by all of us, married one of our best girls, and seems to be even more happy than had the whole affair been published to the four winds. Really we were a’l picked up unawares. Yes, at 11:30 o’clock Wednesday morning at the residence of Mr. J. H. Mullin, his daughter, Miss Lizzie Lou, was happily married to Mr. B. F. Johnson, jr., of Yoakum, Rev. T. O. Sallee of Weimar officiating. THE MERCURY extends congratulations to Mr. Johnson for having captured a partner for life so fair and yet so pure and good. The attendants were Mr. T. H. Mullin and Miss Nora Mullin, and Mr. W. T. Mullin and Miss Alice Mullin
Weimar Mercury, June 1, 1895
Johnson & Oakes
Glidden, April 12.--Miss Nola Oakes of this place was united by marriage to Mr. J. A. Johnson of San Antonio last night at the home of the bride a 9 o’clock. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Captain Arthur Oakes of this place. The groom is one of San Antonio’s prominent and promising young men, being identified with the Southern Pacific railway.
Weimar Mercury, April 20, 1901, page 4
Jones & Chapman
Mr. Walter Jones and Miss Ida Chapman were married at Glidden last Wednesday evening. The bride is a lovely and accomplished young lady, possessed of a sweet and winning disposition and a fit companion for life for such a worthy young man as Mr. Jones has ever proved himself to be. Our very best wishes will ever follow them through life.
Weimar Mercury, March 9, 1895
Jordan & Falwell
Weimar Local Matters
Married , at the residence of the bride’s father, John Falwell, on the 23d inst., Mr. Wm. Jordan to Miss Minti Falwell, Rev. Mr. Warner officiating.
Colorado Citizen, December 1, 1881
Kahlden & Frers
Mr. Werner Kahlden and Miss Mary Helen Frers, a lovable and popular young couple of this section, were united in marriage Wednesday of last week, Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, Lutheran pastor, officiating. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ch. Kahlden, and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frers, two of the substantial families of this community. Both possess a large circle of friends,and we join with these friends in wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Kahlden a long and happy future.
Weimar Mercury, December 18, 1925, page 4
Kainer & Heinsohn
Miss Adele Heinsohn of Weimar, daughter of Mr. Leonard Heinsohn of Ellinger, became the bride of Adolph Kainer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kainer, well-known Weimar area couple, in a ceremony which was solemnized here Tuesday morning at St. Michael's Church by Msgr. Joseph J. Szymanski.
The bride, known to her many friends as "Dee", has been an employe of the Frank Lebeda Cafe for a number of months and has been a popular member of Weimar's younger set. The groom, better known to his myriads of friends as "Addle", is a native of Weimar and for some time has been an employe of the Herder Truck Line.
Following the ceremony and a wedding breakfast in their honor, Mr. and Mrs. Kainer left for a wedding trip to Monterrey Mexico. Upon their return. they will make Weimar their home.
The Mercury staff Joins with others in wishing the young duo a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.
Weimar Mercury, January 19, 1940, page 1
Kainer & Kasper
Young Weimar Man Weds New Bielau Girl
Tuesday morning at St. Michael’s Church, this city, Mr. Johnnie Kasper was untied in marriage to Miss bertha Kainer, a pretty and winsome young lady of the New Bielau community, Rev. Jos. Szymanski officiating. Quite a large crowd of relatives and friends were on hand to witness the imposing ceremony.
Mr. Kasper is a young and energetic farmer of this community, a steady and deserving young man, one who is making his way through personal energy and perseverance, and who possesses the respect and highest esteem of all. The bride is a fine young lady and will make friend Johnnie an A1 wife without a doubt.
We learn the happy young couple will occupy a part of the Dr. E. Potthast two-story residence in the western part of the city.
We join a host of friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, January 17, 1930
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonKazetsky & Rockar
W. Kazetsky and Miss Lizzie Rockar were married in this city last Thursday evening, 19th inst, at 2 o’clock, C. D. Barnett, Esq., officiating. Mr. K. being a member of the Weimar brass band, was treated to a serenade by that body, and we understand that the faucet to the wine vat was turned loose on that occasion.
Colorado Citizen, February 26, 1885
Kenan & Everett
Weimar Local Matters
Sunday morning, at 10 o’clock, the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Jordan Everett, Mr. James Kenan and Miss Emma Everett, all of Osage, were united in holy bonds of matrimony, C. D. Barnett officiating. Jim is a model young man noted for his moral rectitude, while Miss Emma has all the virtues to fit her for the man of her choice. May heavens blessings ever attend them through a long life of peace and happiness.
Colorado Citizen, April 24, 1884
Kessler & Knippa
MARRIED, at Swiss Alp, Fayette county, January 12, 1887, at the residence of the bride’s father, (Mr. Geo. Knippa,) Mr. A. J. KESSLER, of Colorado county, and Miss ANNA M. KNIPPA, of Fayette. After the ceremony and congratulations of friends., all repaired and discussed an elegant supper prepared for the occasion, followed by dancing by the guests until the small hours of morning. Our congratulations are extended the happy couple, with wishes for a long, felicitous and prosperous future.
Colorado Citizen, January 27, 1887
King & Cook
MARRIED, at Smith’s Junction, Colorado county, Wednesday, 30th ult., at 5 p.m., at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. James King and Miss Laura Cook, Rev. G. H. Collins officiating. The CITIZEN tenders congratulations and best wishes.
Colorado Citizen, October 8, 1891,page 3
Kleim & Kohleffel
Married, at the Weete hotel in this city, Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock, by Judge C. T. Hancock, Mr. Wm. Kleim and Miss Amelia Kohleffel of Borden. Congratulations are extended.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1893
Kolb & Botkins
MARRIED, at the residence of Mr. John Holman in Colorado county, Texas, on the eve of the 23d of December, 1886, Mr. Allen Kolb to Miss Stella Botkins, Rev. J. T. Warner officiating. May prosperity attend them in their wedded life.
Colorado Citizen, January 27, 1887
Koller & Fojtek
Mr. L. G. Koller, a prominent farmer of Oakland, Colorado county, and Mrs. Lizzie R. Fojtek of Old Moulton, were married at the office of Judge August W. Janssen in Moulton Saturday evening at seven o’clock, Judge Janssen tying the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. Koller will reside on their farm at Oakland. The Eagle wishes them much happiness.--Moulton Eagle.
Weimar Mercury, March 19, 1920, page 1
Kollmann & Leyendecker
Last Saturday, Jan. 18, Percy Kollmann and Miss Mary Leyendecker were united in marriage by Justice of the Peace Leon Lusk in Houston. The groom is the youngest son of F. G. Kollmann of Frelsburg and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leyendecker of near Frelsburg. After spending a few days here they returned to Houston to make that their future home.--New Ulm Enterprise.
Eagle Lake Headlight, February 8, 1919, page 2
Kollman & McMillan
A happy wedding was consummated at the home of T.J. McMillan and wife Sunday last, the contracting parties being Wilson E. Kollman of Mexia and Miss Minnie L. McMillan, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, Rev. Ike Sellers performing the ceremony. The popular young couple left Monday for their future home at Mexia. The bride is a lovely young lady, one possessing a sweet, winning disposition, and is a general favorite wherever known. Mr. Kollman, the bridegroom, is a native of this section, but has resided the past few years at Mexia. He is the eldest son of Louis Kollman and wife, a splendid, vigorous, honest upright young man, one who is sure to make his mark in this world. We wish a long, happy and prosperous future for the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, October 30, 1914
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonKollman & Wilson
Married, at Osage, Wednesday evening last, Mr. Louis E. Kollman and Miss Deila [Leila] Wilson, Rev. H. M. Haynie officiating. The bridegroom is a brother of our popular county clerk, a gentleman of genial disposition, and possessing a whole host of friends wherever known. The bride is well-known as a pretty, accomplished and most lovable young lady. THE MERCURY joins their many friends in this section in wishing for the handsome and happy young couple a life replete with prosperity and happiness.
Weimar Mercury, December 9, 1893
Kramer & Hoelscher
Married, at the Catholic church, at 10:30 Tuesday morning, Mr. Jacob Kramer to Miss Lena Hoelscher, Rev. Father Lagleder officiating. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. B. Hoelscher, and is wellknown in this community. The groom is a popular and prosperous young man of this vicinity. We wish them both much success and happiness.
Weimar Mercury, December 5, 1891, page 2
Kunschek & Briethroft
Judge C. T. Hancock performed his first marrige ceremony last Monday morning. The high contracting parties were Mr. Antone Kunschek and Mrs. Annie Briethroft, both residents of this section. The judge made the couple one in a neat and very impressive manner; neglecting, however, to avail himself of the opportunity or privilege of saluting the bride. But the boys were watching him and this probably made him feel bashful.
Weimar Mercury, November 14, 1891
Laas & Buske
The following from here attended the wedding at Mr. Buske’s near Weimar of Mr. Henry Laas and Miss Clara Buske last Tuesday, viz.: Mr. C. J. Laas and family, Mr. Val Schott and family, Mr. H. Sachs and wife, Mr. Chas. Hollien and family, Messrs, John McIntosh and Claught Bouldin.
Weimar Mercury, January 7, 1893.
Married, Monday afternoon at the residence of the bride’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. G. Buske) three miles south of Weimar, Mr. Henry J. Laas of Oakland to Miss Clara Buske, Judge C. T. Hancock officiating. The attendants were Mr. Frank Engels and Miss Minnie Laas, Mr. John McIntosh and Miss Olga Buske. A grand supper followed the conclusion of the ceremony, of which all partook and loudly praised. After this the crowd repaired to a spacious dancing platform which had been erected near the residence, and “tripped the light fantastic” until “Morn, her rosy steps in th’ eastern clime advancing, sow’d the earth with orient pearl,” when, after a final leave taking of the genial host and hostess, the crowd departed homeward. Miss Clara is a pleasant prepossessing young lady, and a general favorite with her many friends. Mr. Laas is a son of Mr. C. J. Laas of Oakland, and a worthy, industrious young man. We wish the young couple much happiness during their journey through life.
Weimar Mercury, January 7, 1893
Lang & Baker
Judge C. T. Hancock on Sunday afternoon, at the Weete hotel, united in marriage an eloping couple--Henry Lang and Miss Sophia Baker. The young people live a few miles south of town, and as parental objection was offered to the marriage they eloped. They went down to Houston on the evening train.
Weimar Mercury, July 1, 1893
Latunos & Breithaupt
At Oakland Thursday afternoon, Judge C. T. Hancock united in marriage Mr. Henry Latunos of Pecan, Fayette county, and Miss Mary Breithaupt of the Oakland vicinity. We extend congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, January 7, 1893
Lawson & Obenhaus
Mr. R. M. Lawson of Wharton and Miss Lizzie Obenhaus of this city were united in the holy bonns[sic] of matrimony Wednesday afternoon, Rev. G. H. Collins officiating. After the ceremony the happy couple took the evening train for New Orleans, where they will spend their honeymoon. While the groom is not very well known here, the bride is one of he most popular and esteemed ladies of this city.
Weimar Mercury, January 31, 1891
Lee & Cutbertson
Columbus Citizen: At 3:30 Wednesday afternoon Mr. Wm. H. Lee of Galveston and Mrs. Ibbie M. Cutbertson of this city were quietly married at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Hattie Middlebrook, Judge Mansfield officiating. No cards--only the immediate family being present. After the ceremony the happy couple took the est-bound train for Galveston--their future home. The Citizen congratulates, and wishes for them a happy and prosperous wedded life.
Weimar Mercury, December 30, 1899
Leopold & Koy
At the proper time the CITIZEN neglected to notice the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. Adam R. Leopold and Miss Mary Koy. Mr. L. was born in 1812 at Katelap, District Gross Birelitz. The interesting ceremonies in commemoration of the completion of half a century of wedded life took place at St. Rochus Church, Bernard Prairie, on the 5th inst., Rev. John Weimer officiating. The couple have been in Texas five or six years, are in good health, and have three children alive, all of whom are married. A number of grandchildren live in this State, and a number of friends were present at ceremonies, who showered congratulations upon the aged pair, and wished them many returns of the day.
Colorado Citizen, June 23, 1887
Lewis & Weber
Married, Sabbath morning at the residence of Col. T. J. Lewis. by Rev. C. A. D. Williamson, Mr. George Lewis and Miss Annie Weber.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1893
Lichey & Gerstenbeger
New Bielau News
Mr. Chas. Lichey and Miss Louise Gerstenberger were married on the 2st ult., at the residence of the bride’s father Mr. Wm. Gerstenbeger. Despite the bad weather a happy crowd attended. The happy young couple will reside in future on a farm lately purchased by Mr. Lichey.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1898, page 8
Lomar & Whisler
Relatives and friends here have received announcement cards of the wedding of Mr. Louis Leon Lomar and Miss Norma Fisher Whisler, which occurred at Houston January 19. The happy couple will be at home to their friends at Middleton, Ohio, after February 1. The bride is a daughter of W. H. Whisler and wife, former popular residents of our city, and granddaughter of Mrs. R. L. Fisher of our community. She is a beautiful young lady of many accomplishments and calculated to make an exceptionally fine wife. The groom is a wealthy business man of Ohio, engaged in the automobile business, we understand, and said to be a very fine man. Our hearty congratulations are extended the happy couple.
Weimar Mercury, January 27, 1922
Lamkin & Bennett
We failed to mention the wedding last week of Mr. Otto Ammann and Miss Emma Lampkins of Harmony, Judge James English officiating.
Married, last Sunday at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Butler, Mr. Andrew Lampkins to Mrs. Betty Bennett.
Weimar Mercury, December 3, 1892
Oakland Newsy Notes
Cupid has been working wonders in this section during the month just passed with his bow and arrow out from among the roses. On November 24 at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Otto Amman and Miss Mollie Lambkins were united in marriage, Justice James L. English performing the ceremony; and on the following Sunday, the 27th, Mr. Anderson Lambkins and Mrs. Fannie Bennett were happily joined in the holy bonds of matrinmony by Rev. M. M. Wadsworth, at the residence of Mr. Rich'd Butler.
Colorado Citizen, December 1, 1892
Submitted by Deborah SmithLillie & Meyer
The marriage of Mr. Ewald Lillie and Miss Dela Meyer took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyer, at Rocky Hill on Tuesday of last week. Justice H. P. Hahn officiated.
The happy young couple will reside in that section.
Their many friends extend heartiest good wishes.
Colorado Countyi Citzen, April 21, 1932, page 1
Louterstein & Gabert
THE MERCURY acknowledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at the marriage of Miss Bertha Gabert of Navasota to Mr. I. Louterstein of this city, the ceremony to take place at Navasota Sunday, March 8. In advance we wish to extend our hearty congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, February 28, 1891
Lowrey & Townsend
A marriage that took the city by surprise was consummated Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Townsend, when Mr. Walter Lowrey and Miss Ola Townsend were united in the holy bonds of wedlock in an impressive ceremony performed by Rev. J. W. Harmon, pastor of the Methodist church. Miss Ola is a pretty and winsome young lady, possessing traits that have endeared her to a large circle of friends. Mr. Lowrey is a popular and trusted employe of W. C. Munn, and is an honest, capable and deserving young man. The young couple will reside in the neat cottage residence recently erected by the young bridegroom. THE MERCURY’S very best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, November 16, 1895
Lyle & Obenhaus
Oak Grove News
Last Sunday at high noon Mr. Cleve Obenhaus was married to the girl of his choice, Miss Jessie Lyle, of Ramsey. They were married at the home of the bride's parents at Ramsey. The bride is no stranger to us, she having taught the Oak Grove school last session, and was highly thought of by the trustees and parents and much loved by the children of her school. Miss Jessie won a place in the hearts of both old and young, and was always ready with a helping hand. No sacrifice was too great for her to bear when it came to administer to the sick and needy. Well to make things clear, Miss Jessie is a true good girl all around and we feel safe in saying that Cleve has won a bright jewel for his life companion.
The groom is the only son of Julius Obenhaus and is a pleasant, affable persevering young man and is very popular among a large circle of friends. Their many friends wish them a prosperous voyage over the sea of matrimony.
Colorado Citizen, May 14, 1915
Submitted by Judy TalkingtonMacha & Kamenetzke
Schneider & Guenther
Ulrich & KloeselA TRIPLE wedding occurred at the Catholic church Tuesday morning, Rev. Father Lagleder officiating. The contracting parties were: Mr. Alois Macha and Miss Mary Kamenetzke, Mr. Edward Schneider and Miss Mary Guenther, Mr. Adolph Ulrich and Miss Magdalene Kloesel. The wedding march was played by the skilled pianist, Mr. Oscar Hilden, in beautiful style. A very large assemblage of relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremonies, and many were the congratulations extended the young couples. Our best wishes for success in life go with them.
Weimar Mercury, October 31, 1891
Mattern & Estes
A pretty church wedding was solemnized here this (Thursday) morning at ten when Eddie Mattern and Miss Virginia Estes were united in marriage at the Methodist Church. Rev. J. H. Estes, father of the bride officiating.
The church was prettily decorated and a large congregation was present despite the inclement weather.
The bride is one of our most charming young ladies who had made a host of friends and admirers in the two years she has lived here. Eddie is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mattern and a young man of sterling character and exemplary habits.
Their many friends wish them much happiness
Colorado County Citizen, November 29, 1934
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonMattern & Michaelis
Mr. Carl A. Mattern and Miss Eldora Michaelis of Eagle Lake were quietly married in the Lutheran parsonage on the evening of December 10th. Miss Evelyn Burger and Mrs. W. A. Flachmeier were the only attendants.
The groom is a member of the firm J. Mattern and Sons, a splendid young business man. The bride is one of the most attractive and talented girls of Eagle Lake, having graduated from high school there in 1935.
The young couple expect to make their home in Columbus when they return from a honeymoon to San Antonio and other places.
Colorado County Citizen, December 12, 1935Matthews & Colquest
Married, Wednesday, at the residence of the bride’s parents, (Mr. and Ms. Chas. Colquest) at Osage, Miss Eda Colquest and Mr. John Matthews, Rev. H. M Haynie of the Methoidist church perfrming the ceremony. After the ceremony the large crowd of guests present were treated to a splendid supper, and all feasted to their hearts’ content. THE MERCURY’S hearty congratulations are extended the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, November 19, 1892
Matthews & Duty
Lt. Matthews and Miss Duty Are Married At Houston
The weding[sic] of Miss Norma Jean Duty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Duty of Houston and formerly of Eagle Lake, and Thurman Roy Matthews, son of Mrs. J. W. Matthews of Weimar, was solemnized at St. Paul's Methodist church at Houston on Christmas Eve at 8 o'clock.
Lt. Matthews recently returned from a Jap prison in Manchukuo where he had been prisoner since the fall of the Philippines. He is a brother of Mrs. K. L. Wallace of Columbus.
Colorado County Citizen, December 27, 1945
Transcribed by Tammy BlandinoMatzke & Scheppan
Mr. Joe Matzke of Columbus and Miss Marie Scheppan of this city were united in marriage Tuesday at 9 o’clock a. m., at the Catholic church in this city, Rev. Father Lagleder officiating. A number of friends of the happy couple were present, and showered congratulations upon them. Mr. Oscar Hilden played the Wedding March in splendid style as the bride and groom marched up the aisle. The MERCURY wishes to add its congratulations.
Weimar Mercury, June 27, 1891
Mayes & Alexander
Howard Mayes Married
Howard B. Mayes of Oakland, son of Judge and Mrs. E. B. Mayes of this city, and Mrs. Velma Alexander of Schulenburg were quietly married last Thursday afternoon. The ceremony took place at the bride’s home in Schulenburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayes will make their home in Oakland, having apartments in the Aug. Strunk home Colorado Citizen.
Eagle Lake Headlight, April 29, 1933
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonMayes & Hollien
A wedding took place in the vicinity of Oakland Wednesday afternoon, the happy couple being Mr. J. D. Mayes and Miss Hulda Hollien, the ceremony being performed at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Chas. Hollien. Thus are united two well-known and popular families of that section. Both young people are favorably known, and possess a large circle of friends, all of whom join us in extending very best wishes to them for a long and happy future.
Weimar Mercury, October 17, 1903, page 5
McClanahan & Sutton
Eagle Lake Advertiser:
Married on Tuesday evening, at 4 o’clock, July 26, 1898, at the home of the bride, by Rev. J. C. Mason of Houston, Mr. A. C. McClanahan to Mrs. Joe Sutton. The groom is one of Eagle Lake’s most prominent business men, and one of the firm of Connor & McClanahan, lumber dealers, of this city. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mrs. T. A. Causey of this city. The happy couple left on the 4:45 Southern Pacific train for Galveston. The Advertiser wishes them much happiness.Weimar Mercury, August 6, 1898, page 8
McCormick & Hill
Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hill) in this city last Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Captain George McCormick of Houston and Miss Leila Hill, Rev. W. F. Brinson, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. The wedding was a quiet, home affair, and only the relatives and a few invited friends were present. The happy young couple left on the afternoon train for a bridal trip to New Orleans. Captain George McCormick, the bridegroom, is the oldest son of Judge and Mrs. Geo. McCormick of Columbus, a young man whom to know is to esteem, and who by his untiring energy and close application to business has won a lucrative and responsible position with the Southern Pacific company. The fair young bride is the second oldest daughter of Captain and Mrs. T. A. Hill of this city, a young lady possessing all the graces that go to make up a lovable character in womanhood, and one who will make Captain McCormick a trusting, loving companion in their journey along life’s pathway. God bless and prosper them is the sincere wish of the writer.
Weimar Mercury, December 9, 1899
McDannald & Tooke
CARDS are out announcing he marriage, on next Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the Methodist church, of Mr. C. E. McDannald of Lockhart and Miss Ada Tooke of this city, “Wishes, at least,are the easy pleasure of the poor,” and in advance THE MERCURY wishes the happy young couple a life of sunshine and roses coupled with an abundance of prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, August 22, 1891
McDonald & Hoyo Wedding
McDonald-Hoyo Wedding, Last WeekAn item in last week’s paper spoke of the issuance of a marriage license for G. M. McDonald and Miss Christine Hoyo, at Houston last week. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoyo, near Eagle Lake. The happy couple passed through Weimar the last of the week on a bridal tour to San Antonio. After a few days spent in the Alamo City they returned to Houston, where the groom has a lucrative position as a machinist and where they will make their home. The bride is a native of this city, a sweet, pretty girl, whose winsome disposition endears her to all. The groom is unknown to us, but we feel assured that Miss Christine has chosen wisely and well. Many friends join in best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future for the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1917
Transcribed by Judy TalkingtonMcGary & Yancey
Married in this city, Monday at 11 a.m. , at the residence of the bride’s parents,Mr. M. McGary, of La Coste, to Miss Clara Yancy[sic], of Columbus, Judge Chas. Riley officiating. The happy couple took the first train fo La Coste, their future home, followed by their best wishes of numerous friends. The Citizen returns thanks for recherche remembrances from the festive occasion, and extends cordial congratulations, wishing that the bright morning of life which they have but entered may hearld the perfect day awaiting them.
“Love ne’er dies--’tis as the sun,
That for countless ages
Ceaselessly its course has run
Through earth’s changing stages.
Firm, unchangeable and true,
Lives Love on forever,
And when Time itself be through,
Love shall waver never.”Colorado Citizen, December 23, 1886
McMillan & Hand
HYMEN AGAIN.--Married, near Osage the evening of the 21st, Mr. Tom McMillan to Miss ___ Hand, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss officiating.
Colorado Citizen, July 28, 1887
McMillan & Whitfield
Weimar Local Matters
Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, G. T Whitfield, Thursday evening, at 4 o’clock, p.m., the 24th inst., Mr. J. R. McMillan to Miss Florence L. Whitfield. All of Osage. Attendants: Dr. J. B. Harris and Miss Patti McLeary, C. D. Barnett, Esp., officiating. Robert can’t be excelled for morals and industry, and Miss Florence who was raised in that neighborhood is noted for her beauty and goodness of heart. Many dear friends were present to witness the nuptial vows, and extended hearty congratulations to the young happy couple. It is hard to find a pair more universally loved and respected, and they enter the great battle of life with the prayers of many kind friends for their success. May they ever be guided by the hand of a merciful Providence.
Colorado Citizen, May 1, 1884McMillian & Baity
Sunday evening at 8:30 o’clock at the colored Baptist church James McMillian and Mabel Baity were united in marriage by Rev. Freddie Dickey of this city.
Both of these young colored people are well liked by both white and colored in Weimar. They are polite and courteous to all. Both are industrious, not afraid of doing too much for their employer. Mabel, as she is known by her white friends, was employed by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McDonald and James is employed by Mr. H. R. Gray of the San Jacinto Hotel.
There were quite a number of white people to attend the wedding. Special seats were reserved for them. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reissner, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McDonald, Mrs. Chars. Herder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Townsend, Leslie Townsend, Paul Herder, Henry Herder, William Roberts, Wilbur Brunkenhoefer, Eunice Shimek, Dorothy Potthast, and Bernice Brunkenhoefer. The church was crowded to its capacity with people and many more stood on the outside R.
Weimar Mercury, May 8, 1931
Meredith & McMillan
A quiet home wedding took place Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan, when their daughter, Miss Martha McMillan, was united in marriage to Mr. Leonard Meredith of Columbus, Rev. C. E. Bludworth, local Methodist pastor, officiating. The young couple, we understand, will make their home in our city for the present.
The bride is the pretty and accomplished daughter of one of our leading and best families, a lovable, fine girl in every way, a prize that any man would have cause to be proud of. The groom is a valued employe of the Horton & Horton gravel Company of Columbus, a young man who is highly spoken of by those who know him, and who has already made many friends among our people.
The Mercury joins a large circle of friends in wishing for the young couple a long, happy and prosperous future.Weimar Mercury, March 25, 1927, page 4
Meyer & Whitfield
Mr. John H. Meyer and Miss Etta Whitfield, both of Columbus, were married at noon yesterday at Christ church, Rev. Ayes officiating. They will return to Columbus after a visit to the Festival.--Houston Post.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1899
Miller & Bock
Married on thie evening of the 26th, Mr. Robert Miller, Jr. of Sublime and Miss Sophia Bock, daughter of Mr. Charles Bock Sr., near Wellersburg. A large attendance at the nuptials and Uncle Charlie set things up plentiful and in style.
Weimar Gimlet, December 31, 1885
Submitted by Deborah SmithMiller & Kerstadt
Columbus Citizen
On the 17th Mr. Gerhard Miller and Miss Anna Kerstadt were married, Justice R. W. Putney officiating. The Citizen trusts it is not too late to extend congratulations and best wishes.
Weimar Mercury, December 3. 1892
Miller & Lilie
Married, at the residence of Mr. J. A. Peschke, in this city, Tuesday afternoon, November 20, 1888, Mr. Franz Miller and Miss Louisa Lilie, of Frelsburg, Judge Chas. Riley officiating. Congratulations and best wishes are tendered the happy couple.
Colorado Citizen, November 22, 1888, page 3
Miller & McMillan
A wedding is to take place in Weimar next Wednesday morning, on which occasion Miss Lillie McMillan of that city will be married to W. Frank Miller, a compositor on the San Antonio Express.
Colorado Citizen, December 24, 1891, page 3
Miller & Wallace
Mr. Edwin E. Miller of Glidden and Miss Maud Wallace of Columbus were married at Houston one day last week.
Weimar Mercury, December 29, 1906, page 5
Moeckel & Maevis
Columbus Citizen
Married, at Frelsburg, Tuesday Nov. 22, 1892, Mr. Ernst Moeckel and Miss Emma Maevis, Rev. Mr. Geistmann officiating. The Citizen wishes the happy couple a long prosperous and felicitous existence.
Weimar Mercury, December 3. 1892
Moeckel & Roeder
(Miss Pearl Westphal)
A WEDDINGThe marriage of Miss Olga Roeder, daughter of Mrs. S. O. Roeder of Fayetteville and Walter Moeckel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Moeckel, took place at the Evangelical Lutheran Church here at three oclock Sunday afternoon, Rev. H. C. Poehlmann reading the ritual services. The bride was a beautiful picture in a navy blue crepe suit with accessories to match.
The young couple is well known here, and is respected and loved by their many friends because of their nice manners and pleasant personality.
They will make their future home with the groom’s parents.
Colorado County Citizen, September 14, 1933, page 4
Molim & Silva
A young and rather prepossessing Mexican couple--Natibida Molim and Miss Matilde Silva by name--were united in marriage Friday afternoon by Judge W. A. VanAlstyne, local justice of the peace. The young couple was accompanied by several relatives.
The entire party left soon afterward in an automobile. We understand they are part of a number of Mexicans who are farming on the river lands north of Weimar.
Weimar Mercury, December 22, 1922, page 4
Monroe & Little
THE MERCURY acknowledges the receipt of the following invitation, and in advance tenders heartiest congratulations to the well-known and popular young couple: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Little request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Nettie, to Mr. S. E. Monroe, Wednesday, November 22, 1893, at 9:30 a.m., Methodist church, Columbus, Texas.
Weimar Mercury, November 11, 1893Mr. Sam Monroe and Miss Nettie Little were married at the Methodist church in Columbus Wednesday morning. Rev. Kilgore officiating. The church was darkened and electric lights turned on, presenting a very pleasing spectacle. After the ceremony was concluded the bridal couple took the 10:40 train for the west on a bridal tour. Mr. Monroe is the telegraph operator at Columbus, and is highly spoken of by those who know him. Miss Nettie is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Little, and is one of the sweetest, most lovable young ladies it has ever been our good fortune to meet. The presents were both numerous and costly. THE MERCURYS best wishes go with them for a happy and prosperous voyage over the sea of life.
Weimar Mercury, November 25, 1893
Moore & Tutwiler
MARRIED, at the residence of Mrs. J. D. Gillmore, at 8 o’clock, last evening, Mr. J. T. Moore of San Antonio and Miss Mattie Tutwiler of this city, Rev. G. H. Collins officiating. The Citizen extends congratulations.
Colorado Citizen, February 5, 1891, page 3
Moore & White
On the evening of the 29th ult. Mr. A.T.Moore and Mrs. E. M. White, of this city, were married at the residence of the bride. We wish them a long and happy life.
Colorado Citizen, August 10, 1882, page 3
Moore & Wilson
MARRIED, at the residence of N. C. Wilson, Esq., Wednesday, January 27, 1892, Mr. B. F. Moore of LaGrange and Miss Della Wilson of Colorado county, Rev. George E. Clothier officiating. The fair bride is one of our most beautiful, educated and refined young ladies, and the groom an enterprising and prosperous young business man of our neighboring city of LaGrange. The CITIZEN extends congratulations and best wishes and expresses the hope that in the future
May the sunshine of love ever linger,
About these two hearts, now in wedlock united,
May time, with its joys and its sorrows
Only strengthen the truth they have plighted.”Colorado Citizen, February 4, 1892, page 3
Morgan & Horn
County Capital Comments
Mr. Geo. Y. Morgan of Illinois and Miss Ida Horne of Chesterville were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the courthouse last Wednesday, Judge Mansfield officiating. They returned to Eagle Lake on the evening train.Weimar Mercury, June 21, 1902
Muckleroy & McAuley
We are happy to announce the marriage of our young friend, familiarly known as “Dick” Muckleroy, which occurred on the 3d inst. His many friends in this section will join the CITIZEN in wishing him a long life of happiness and prosperity. The following is the announcement:
Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, (Mrs. A. M. Garner,) Thursday eve, 3d inst., Mr. W. H. Muckleroy, of Colorado county, to Miss Iminild McAuley, of Livingston, Polk county, Texas. We wish the newly married pair a pleasant voyage down the stream of life. M.
Colorado Citizen, May 17, 1883
Neal & McBroom
Columbus Citizen: Married at 2:30 last Monday afternoon at the residence of the bride’s mother (Mrs. McBroom-Stafford), Mr. Jas. L. Neal and Miss Alma McBroom, Rev. T. R. Coble of the First Baptist church officiating.
Weimar Mercury, November 30, 1895, page 2
Nichols & Hutchins
Oakland Remarks
On Tuesday, the 22nd inst.. Dr. Clay Nichols of Sweet Home and Miss Susie Hutchins of this place were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Lloyd, D. D., of Halletsville officiating. They were married at the Methodist church at 9 a. m., only a few relatives and friends being present. The groom is a rising young doctor, having graduated at the medical university at New Orleans, while the bride is one of Oakland's sweetest and most accomplished young ladies. The happy pair left immediately for New Orleans and other points, on a short bridal tour after which they will be at home to their many friends at Yoakum. The MERCURY extends congratulations to the young couple and wishes them a life of happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, June 26, 1897
Submitted by Deborah SmithNickens & Daly
Mr. Elmo Nickens and Miss Daly were married at Borden last week, Rev. John Nickens, father of the groom, officiating. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes are extended the young couple.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1898, page 8
O’Brien & Griffith
Married, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Griffith, on Sunday, 20th, at 3 o’clock p.m., Miss M. W. Griffith to Mr. Joseph O’Brien, Judge A. D. Clements officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only a few friends being present to witness the happy event.Colorado Citizen, December 24, 1891, page 3
Obenhaus & Faber
ORANGE BLOSSOMS.--Cupid has again winged his flight over the Live oak City, and made one of her fairest daughters a conquest of love. Last Thursday evening, at 4:30 oclock, was the occasion of a beautiful and impressive ceremony, Rev. Mr. Howard officiating. The happy hearts which pledged each other were Mr. W. A. OBENHAUS , one of our most estimable young men, and Miss BERTHA FABER, one of the fairest of our fair. A sumptuous coliation[sic] followed the happy event, which was enjoyed by a few chosen friends. We congratulate the groom, whose song is--
More than hlics[sic] love the water,
More than streams the sea,
More than dew-drops love the roses,
Darling, do I love thee.and extend best wishes to the bride. May the lives of the happy couple be as bright as the golden bands of love that bind them.
The CITIZEN was kindly remembered.
Colorado Citizen, December 1, 1881Obenhaus & Folts
Last Monday evening Mr. J. H. Obenhaus and Miss Emma Folts were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in this city at the residence of Mr. J. C. Folts, Rev. Williamson Daniels officiating. We wish the newly married the realization of their brightest anticipations.
Colorado Citizen, December 14, 1882, page 2
Obenhaus & Ingram
Hamilton & IngramDOUBLE WEDDING.Married, on Sunday morning, December 24, 1882, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. W. T. Obenhaus and Miss Penny Ingram. Also, at the same time and place, Mr. W. W. Hamilton to Miss Jennie Ingram. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Williamson Daniels, in his usual impressive manner. We wish for the newly-wedded an era of happiness and prosperity exceeding their most sanguine expectations.
Colorado Citizen, January 4, 1883, page 3
Oeltjendiers & Niemeyer
Mr. D. Oltjendiers[sic] and Mrs. Caroline Niemeyer, residents of this section, were quietly married last Monday afternoon, Judge W. A. VanAlstyne officiating. The Mercury joins their numerous friends in extending best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future.
Weimar Mercury, May 15, 1907, page 5
Oncken & Hahn
Married, at the Oncken farm, one and one-half miles south of town, Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Henry Oncken to Miss Helena Hahn, Judge C. T. Hancock officiating. Our congratulations are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, November 28, 1891, page 3
Oncken & McMillan
The marriage of Mr. Gus Oncken and Miss Sadie McMillan took place Sunday night at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan, in this city, Rev. J. D. Worrell, pastor of the Methodist church officiating. These young people were born and reared in this community, and possess a large circle of friends and admirers. Miss Sadie is a pretty, sweet and winsome girl, while Gus is known and liked by all, being a steady, upright, energetic young man, a trusted employe of the Sunset railroad, now located at Hondo. Our best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future will ever be with them.
Weimar Mercury, December 31, 1909, page 5
Osina & Barta
A popular young couple of this city was united in marriage Tuesday at St. Michael’s Church in the presence of a large crowd of relatives and friendsMr. Willie Osina and Miss Annie Antonette BartaRev. J. Szymanski officiating in an impressive ceremony. The groom is a member of the firm of W. J. Lichnovsky & Co. of this city, a steady upright young man, highly thought of by those who know him. The bride is the pretty and accomplished, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Barta, residing near the western city limits, a young lady who has a large circle of friends throughout the community, and is popular with all. At the conclusion of the ceremony the large crowd adjourned to the residence of the bride’s parents, where a great feast of everything good to eat was spread in honor of the occasion, and to which those present did ample justice. Our very best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous future are extended the happy young couple.
Weimar Mercury, February 2, 1923, page 1
Otto & Hattermann
Oak Grove Items
Mr. Ernest Otto of New Bielau and Miss Matilda Hattermann of this section were happily united in marriage Tuesday evening. Both are popular young people, the bride being the third daughter of Henry Hattermann, Sr., and wife, prominent residents of this section; while the bridegroom is a son of E. Otto, a prominent farmer of the New Bielau community. We feel that both did well in selecting each other for a lifetime companion. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes are extended them.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1920, page 4
Pace & Woolsey
Oakland Remarks
Married, Wednesday night, at the residence of her father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. Sid Woolsey), Miss Effie Woolsey to Mr. Jolin A. Pace of Paint Rock, Concho county, Tex., Elder H. M. Haynie officiating. Prof Walter A Pitts and Dr. Clate Bouldin were Mr. Pace's best men, while Miss Nannie Townsend, and Miss Blanche Rogers were the maids of honor. My good wishes to the married couple, for their happiness and prosperity through life. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Woolsey had extended invitations to relatives and friends and a large crowd was assembled on the occasion to witness the ceremony and enjoy the fine supper prepared. The following is a list of the wedding presents: blue pin cushion, Miss Nannie Townsend; photograph easel, Mr. Avant; one set silver spoons, Mr. John McIntosh; one set silver spoons, Mr. Birk McKennon and sister; one half dozen linen towels, Mrs. Neuhaus; cut glass cream pitcher, Mr. J. W. James; cut glass syrup pitcher, Mr. T. H. Mulhu and sister; china mug, Master Arthur Woolsey; hand satchel, Mrs. H. J. Strunk; workbox, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woolsey; breast pin, Mr. Jean Houchins; flue lamp, Prof. W. A. Pitts; order stand and silk handkerchief, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams, order stand, Miss Blanche Rogers; paid (?) vases, Mr. Clate Bouldin, counterpane, Mrs. Grobe; cake stand, Mrs. Hope, half dozen linen towels, Miss Anna Strunk; and many others. Many thanks for the nice cake.
Miss Eunice Styers of Weimar was here to attention the wedding of her cousin, Miss Effie Woolsey, Wednesday night.
Weimar Mercury, December 19, 1891
Submitted by Deborah SmithPatterson & Barnett
The marriage of Mr. S. T. Patterson, our popular druggist, to Miss Josie Barnett, a leading belle of southwest Texas, took place at Matagorda last Tuesday. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Hammond at 10 o’clock that morning was witnessed by quite a number of relatives and invited friends, and was beautiful and impressive. While we have never had the pleasure of forming the bride’s acquaintance, we learn that she is a beautiful, accomplished and most lovable young lady, possessing a host of friends and admirers wherever known. Mr. Patterson, the handsome young groom, was raised in this county, and his friends are a legion. He has only been a resident of Weimar about eighteen months, and, although coming here a comparative stranger, by his energy, integrity and uprightness he has won the esteem and friendship of almost every citizen here. The young couple arrived Thursday at noon, and are domiciled at the residence of Mrs. E. Black. THE MERCURY’S very best wishes are extended them for a life of happiness and prosperity.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1893
Payne & Taylor
Married, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor at New Bielau last Tuesday night, Mr. Gray Payne and Miss Lizzie Taylor, Rev. H. M. Haynie officiating. A large crowd of relatives and friends were present and enjoyed a good time and sumptuous supper.
Weimar Mercury, October 21, 1893
Pierce & Thorp
Oakland Notes
Oct.30, 1883Maried, Wednesday, at 9 a.m., October 24th, 1883, at the residence of T. A. Wooldridge, Mr. Joe Pierce to Miss Ellen Thorp, H.J. Strunk, Esq., officiating. Thus to the married couple a they move down the stream of life may their path be trewed with floers and prosperity crown them on the way.
Colorado Citizen, November 1, 1883