Locating Old Newspapers

The Colorado County Citizen

Searchable images of The Colorado Citizen and Colorado County Citizen from 1857-1980, are online courtesy of the Nesbitt Memorial Library at the library's web site.

The Weimar Mercury

Searchable images of The Weimar Mercury from 1885-1980, as well as The Weimar Gimlet from 1885-1888, August 1887 Weimar Daily Informer, and the January 10, 1898 issue of The Daily Tribune are online courtesy of the Nesbitt Memorial Library at the library's web site.

Please note: The files of the Weimar Mercury are copyrighted and any commercial use or republication is prohibited without permission of The Weimar Mercury. The Mercury can be contacted at P.O. Box 277, Weimar, Texas 78962, or by e-mail via their website, www.weimarmercury.com.

The Eagle Lake Headlight

Searchable images of The Eagle Lake Headlight from 1903 - 1996, as well as the November 13, 1895 issue of The Headlight, September 9, 1893 Eagle Lake Canoe, and April 30, 1904 Eagle Lake Advertiser are online at the Eula and David Wintermann Library web site. Alternatively, the 1921-1980 Eagle Lake Headlights are online at the Nesbitt Memorial Library's web site.

The Nesbitt Memorial Library

529 Washington, Columbus, TX 78934, Phone: 979-732-3392
E-mail: library@columbustexas.net
Hours: Mon-Wed 9-7, Thurs-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-4, Closed Sundays

The Nesbitt Memorial Library's holdings include microfilms of old Colorado County newspapers as well as some area newspapers. Click here for an inventory of their newspaper and other holdings.

The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

The Research and Collections Division of the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History is located in Sid Richardson Hall, Unit 2, Room 2.109, on the main campus of the University of Texas at Austin. Among its vast holdings are hard copies and microfilms of old Colorado County Newspapers. Hours are Monday - Friday 10-5, Saturday 9 - 2 when UT classes are in session with a few exceptions.

Newspapers Currently Serving the Area

The Colorado County Citizen

513 Spring Street
Columbus, TX 78934
Phone: 979-732-2304
Fax: 979- 732-8804
Web site: http://www.coloradocountycitizen.com

The Weimar Mercury

P.O. Box 277
200 West Main
Weimar TX 78962
Phone: 979-725-9595
Fax: 979-725-9051
Web site: http://www.weimarmercury.com
E-mail: mercury@weimarmercury.com

The Eagle Lake Headlight

220 E. Main St.
Eagle Lake, TX 77434-2426
Phone: 979-234-5521
Fax: 979-234-5522
Web site: http://www.eaglelakeheadlight.com
E-mail: eaglelakeheadlight@sbcglobal.net

The Banner Press Newspaper

1217 Bowie Street
Columbus, TX 78934
Phone: 979-732-6243
E-mail: banneroffice@sbcglobal.net
(serves Fayette, Austin, & Colorado Counties)



It Was in the News

A hodge podge of items found in local newspapers, birth and marriage newspaper announcements, citizenship news, weddings & Golden Anniversaries


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