The above [drawing at right] is a very fair illustration of the public school brick building erected by the city last October, the cut being the handiwork of Mr. H. C. Bader. The building was erected by Messrs. Alert & Redmond of Flatonia, the woodwork superintended by Mr. Wm Grimes, the painting by Mr. Jas. Stallman. There are six rooms 24x30, a hall running east and west and one running north and south, staircase, halls, the building being two stories high. The faculty of the school is Capt. Jas. E. Binkley, principal; Mrs. Kate W. Oakes, first assistant; Misses Carrie Fitzgerald, Blanche Delany and Mrs. Sue Howard, assistants. There is an average of about 240 pupils, and the school is in a flourishing condition, under the control of the city government.
EXAMINATIONThere will be an examination of the classes in the Female Seminary on Friday, the 25th inst. The patrons of the School, and the friends of education, are cordially invited to attend. P. RILEY Colorado Citizen, June 19, 1858
The city council has notified Mrs. Kate Oakes, Principal of the Colorado academy, to vacate by next Monday, as they desire to pull down the old three story brick building and erect a new one to be much larger and more convenient than the old one. The old building is unsafe, and entirely too high for small children. The new building will only be two stories high, with rooms larger and more conveniently located. Columbus bids fair to have the finest public buildings of any town its size in the state. Weimar Mercury, March 7, 1891Among the ceremonies for the fourth of July the laying of the corner stone for the new school building by the Masonic fraternity will not be the least interesting. The ceremonies are to take place in the afternoon about 5 o’clock, after the usual rites of the order. A number of neighboring lodges have been invited to visit and participate on the occasion, Gonzales Commandery No. 11, being the only one, however, that we learn has accepted. There are other not yet heard from The occasion will be one of interest to all. Colorado Citizen, July 2, 1891, page 3Last Monday the new school building presented a very handsome appearance, completed, with the flag of our country fluttering in the breeze. The “fire-boys” loaned their flag for the occasion. Architect Clayton of Galveston examined the building and said it was neat, workmanlike, durable and pretty. Messrs. Allert & Redmond, contractors, are entitled to credit for their labors on the building. Colorado Citizen, November 5, 1891, page 3As the city has charge of the public schools, everybody are interested in their success. They are now fairly under way, and everything is moving along smoothly, with promise of great usefulness to this section. The white school has a good building on cemetery[seminary] square, and the faculty is able and efficient, and hard at work. The city should put up a shed with stalls for the horses of the children who ride to school, so that they need not hitch them to the shade trees on the square. The horses bite off the bark and injure the trees, and the animals are exposed to the weather. A fence will soon be erected around the square, and we trust the school may have all conveniences in time. Colorado Citizen, February 4, 1892, page 3We are indebted to Miss Agnes Wallace of the graduating class for an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of the Columbus high school, to take place at the Lone Star opera house in that city, May 30. The graduating class this year is composed of Miss Lella Gegenworth, Mr. Bruce Mansfield, Miss Lillie Neumann, Mr. George Parker, Miss Agnes Wallace and Miss May Bell White. The exercises will consist of music, salutatory, “Silent Influences,” by Miss Gegenworth, “America’s Contribution to Civilization, “ by Mr. Mansfield, “Determination of genius,” by Miss Neumann, “Signal Lights,” by Miss Wallace, “night Brings Out the Stars,” by Mr. Parker, response for juniors by Miss Rosanna Walthar, valedictory by Miss White, and conferring of diplomas. The exercises will be well worth attending. Weimar Mercury, May 11, 1907 |
TO SEND COLUMBUS TENNIS WINNERS TO CHICAGONotice was taken of the achievement of the girls tennis players of the Columbus School in winning the state championship, and suggestion was made that the tennis team, Misses Madeline Wallace and Hermasella Braden,should be sent to the national tourney at Chicago in June. A list was started to provide funds to cover the expense of the trip for the girls and a chaperone, and something over a hundred and fifty dollars was subscribed at once. A committee composed of S. A. Harbert, Geo. Gegenworth and Carl Milentz was named to continue solicitation for this fund.--Columbus Citizen. Weimar Mercury, May 25, 1928, page 2COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL LIST OF GRADUATESColumbus, Texas, April 23.--Superintendent W. G. Clayton of the local public schools announces the following pupils as honor graduates: Valedictorian, Harry Meisel[sic]; salutatorian, Evelyn Braden. This is the first time in ten years that the valedictory has been won by a boy. The present senior class consists of 35 members, 11 boys and 24 girls--John Meisner, Harry Youens, Douglas Hastedt, Earl Jo Frnka, Terry Kotzebue, Justin Stein. Harry Weisell[sic], Norman Milms, Clyde Baker, Allen Brune and Thomas Allen: girls, Charline Leyendecker, Joy Foster. Ada Belle Isgrig, Ruby Fay Culpepper, Ilse Miller, Willie Lee Hillmer, Ila Kickler, Leona Struss, Jo Beth Shaw, Lillian Sronce, Henry Lynn Buescher, Alma Stafford, Isabelle Fehrenkamp, Evelyn Braden, Frances Adams, Myrtle Richardson, Mae Nichols, Laverne Brod, Emma Kansteiner, Rose Pfeifer. Grace Chastin, Erna Heinsohn, Estelle Logan, Tinnie Kickler. Weimar Mercury, May 6, 1932, page 3Columbus School Teachers ElectedColumbus, Texas, April 19.--The following teachers have been re-elected by the Columbus School Board for the coming year: W. G. Clayton, superintendent; high school, Mrs. Omi Thrower, mathmatics; Mrs. Henry Hurr, English; Miss Marjorie Brown, home economics; A. J. Clare, science; Dewey H. Brown, coach; Paul Carter, music director; grade school faculty, Mrs. W. G. Clayton and Mrs. Lillian Munford, primary; Miss Sara Satcher and Miss Una M[a]e Eck, second; Mrs. E. Glithero and Mrs. Brandon Fitz Patrick[sic], third; Miss Lois Ricks and Miss Minnie Mehrens, fourth; Miss Lee Nesbitt, fifth; Miss Claribel Ford, sixth; Miss Johnnie Johnson, seventh. Weimar Mercury, April 28, 1939 |
Front Row: Reuben Koenig, Raymond Pfeifer, unidentified, Elton Tolbirt, E. A. Reitz, Truman Preston, unidentified, Johnny Batla, V.L.Marek Jr., Lee Hoppe
Second Row: Owen A. Miller, Gus C. Sronce, Herbert Klein Leo Fink, Harold Untermeyer, James Dunn Seymour, Vernon Evans, Leroy Neimeyer, unidentified
Back Row: Coach Marley Giddens, LeRoy Burt Jr., Jim. Henry Ilse, Leroy Elsik, Wilfred Brandt, Henry Buescher, Ernest Baumgart, Johnny Mach.
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The members of the Class of '25 are being listed again in order that the site search engine might find them.
Ruth Young, Elizabeth Vincent, Elizabeth McCleary, Ruth Kelly, Una Mae Eck, Clara Sronce, Vera Mayes, Bernice Shaw, Ida Mae Burger, Florence Waldvogel, Robert Via, Charles Kearney, Frank Wendel, Jodie Braden
History of the Columbus High School Football Program
by Bill Stein