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Do you have old school pictures or information you would like to share?
Columbus Grade School - Elementary School ca 1911
Principal: unidentified
Teacher: Sallie WhitfieldFront Row: 1. Leon Matzke, 2. Connie Holden, 3. LaVelia Kirby, 4. Carl Mattern, 5. Eva Mae Heller, 6. Eddie Burger, 7. ??? Strout, 8. unidentified , 9. Louis Ramsey
Second Row: 1. Meteor Frnka. 2. Dorthy West. 3. Bessie Ramsey, 4. Clarence Jacobs, 5. John Mattern, 6. Blanch Ashford, 7. John Hastedt,8. Virginia Brandon
Third Row: 1. Norma Shaw, 2. Frank Tait, 3. Bessie Holden. 4. unidentified, 5. Robert Burger, 6. Lois Ricks, 7. Ida Braden, 8. Valentina Green
Fourth Row: 1. Bernice Jacobs, 2. Dollie Heller, 3. unidentified, 4. Esther Boyd (Trojan), 5. Ludwig Hanak, 6. Maude Robertson, 7. Freda Warner, 8. Winnie Glithero, 9. Gisela TrojanThanks to Mike Mattern for sharing this picture with us.
Columbus Grade School - 1st grade 1925-26
1. Annie Louise Buescher, 2. Lou Eva ?, 3. Violet Smith, 4. Ruby Struss, 5. Yvonne Klutwich , 6 Vernie ?, 7. Corrine ?, 8. Annie Hayek , 9. Julia Meinert, 10 Miss Winston, 11. Ruby Catherine Isgrig, 12. Hattie Louise Sronce, 13. Gussie Lee Crowson, 14. Jeanette Brooks, 15. Elizabeth Braden, 16. Jim Youens, 17. David Davis, 18. Milton Schultz ?, 19. Johnnie Zatopek, 20. Harvey Zatopek, 21 Otto Schobel, 22. Peter Hahn, 23. Paul Foster ?, 24. Willis Youens, 25. Warren Kollmann ?, 26. Albert Hahn, 27. Albert ?, 28. Charles Huebel, 29. Dela ?, 30. Carrie Bell Schultz ?, 31. Jessie Lee ?, 32. Angeleta ?, 33. A. G. Miller, 34. Jo ?, 35. Davis Cejka, 36. Henry Steinhouser, 37. Toxie Lee Schmidt, 38. Tillman Meisell, 39. Jack Hillmer, 40. Alfred Rutta, 41. William Culpepper
From the files of David Hahn
Columbus High School Eight Grade Class 1925-26
The only two people identified thus for are William "Willie" Mattern on the left of the middle front row and Clara Litzmann, fourth from the left on the second row. Can you help us identify the others? Contact Dorothy
From the files of Mike Mattern
Columbus High School 11th Grade 1925-26
Front Row: Elsie Mattern, Jeanette Hastedt, Hope Heller
MiddleRow: Ed Lee Shaw, May Belle Fowler (Mrs. Ed Frerichs), Laura Sronce, Willie Lee Wegenhoft, Marjorie McLeary, Gladys Papenberg, Oscar Schade, Leonard Burt, Clarence Hastedt, Max Waldvogel, Geroge Martin
Back Row: Professor Jim Wooten, Lillie Frnka (Mr.Otto George)
From the files of Mike Mattern
Columbus School Picture Date Unknown
(Perhaps 9th Grade 1923-24?)Front Row: Sadie Miller, May Belle Fowler, Gladys Papenberg, Jeanette Hastedt, Sybil Sandmeyer, Willie Lee Wegenhoft, Marjorie McLeary, Elsie Mattern
Middle Row: Jim Wooten, Ellen Reichardt, Nell Kelly, Gladys Lawless, Hope Heller, Laura Sronce, Waldo Meinert
Back Row: Leonard Burt, Earl Middlebrook, Joe Stafford, Jr, Clarence Hastedt, William Burt, John Marshall, Max Waldvogel, Oscar Schade, Thomas Mattern
From the files of Mike Mattern
Columbus Grade School - 5st grade 1931-32??
Front row, left to right: first three unidentified, Charles Henry Schultz, Leland Zatopek, Thomas Youens, Henry Mahler, Edwin Spencer, last three unidentified. Second row: Katherine Tietschert, Trula Joyce Wells, next two unidentified, Sadie Wallace, Lurline Isgrig, next two unidentified, Inez Grogan, unidentified.
Third row: Fred Wallace, unidentified, Richard Schmidt, Elizabeth Hahn, next three unidentified, Lela Culpepper, Roberta Struss, Marilyn Irwin, last two unidentified.
Back row: John David Austin, unidentified, unidentified,. Frankie Braden, unidentified, Garlan Riehs, unidentified.*******
Pictures of the 1935-1936 First Grade Classes
Columbus Grade School - 1st grade 1937
Teacher - Mrs. Lillian Munford
Front row: Wilma Schultz, Marjorie Ann Howe, unidentified, Joy Jo Knight, unidentified, Helen Neimeyer,unidentified,unidentified
Second row: Three unidentified young men, Frances Helen Lewis, Sally Grey, unidentified, Doris Nell Davis, Evelyn Mahalitc, Geraldine Blaschke, Ruth Hill, unidentified
Third row: unidentified, Bernice Runge, Jo Emily Winkel, Betty Joyce Hodde, unidentified
Back row: four unidentified young men and Mrs. Munford
From the files of Betty Jo Hill SeifertCan you help us identify these young men and women? Contact Dorothy