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The following gentlemen were elected to fill the offices of Weimar Lodge No. 423, A. F. & A. M.: A. F. Dunson, W. M.; E. D. Carter, S. W.; Dr. T. C. Cook, J. W.; J. J. Holloway, Treas.; P. H. Hargon, Sec.; John Moskow, Tyler.

Osage Lodge, No. 301, elected J. B. Harris, W. M.; H. E. Waller, S. W.; J. R. Hornbuckle, J. W.; F. E. Caldwell, Treas.; J. A. McNeill, Sec.; J. Everett, Tyler. The elected officers of the two Lodges just mentoned are good, solid men, and the Lodges will undoubtedly prosper under their supervision.
Colorado Citizen, June 1, 1882, page 3


Our Masonic friends had a splendid time last Saturday, the 24th inst., on the occasion of the installation of their officers at Osage. The Hon. J. F. Miller, of Gonzales, delivered the address on the occasion, which was truly and emphatically Masonic in all its features. A sumptuous repast was then had for the four or five hundred guests present, prepared by the neighboring citizens. After which P. M. W. T. McLeary installed the officers of said Lodge. It has been given up as a fact that Osage is the banner inland Lodge of the State.

Colorado Citizen, June 29, 1882, page 3

Osage Farmer’s Alliance


There will be a general meeting of the Osage Farmer’s Alliance, at the Osage Church houst, at 2 o’clock, p.m. Friday, December 3, 1886, whenthe President, W. W. Wilson, will deliver an address upon the “Purpose and Object of the Farmer’s Alliance” All nationalities e invitged to attend. Application for membership inviged also.
Colorado Citizen, December 2, 1886

Wilson Delegate


W. W. Wilson, of Osage, has been appointed by our Governor a delegate to the Inter-State Convention of farmers that meets in Atlanta, Ga., shortly.

Colorado Citizen, July 7, 1887


Mr. E. Graves was in town yesterday and says Osage is on a boom. He went there on the 1st of October last, and has built two new and fine residences, one for W. T. Burford and the other for Charles Colquest; also has a contract for another. The people of Osage are a live, go-ahead set, and are up with the times on improvements. Mr. Graves says there’s “lots” of work for him to do yet.

Colorado Citizen, February 19, 1891, page 3

In the Days of 1892...
July 23, 1892

The Borden precinct convention met at Osage Friday afternoon, elected W. T. Burford chairman and Robert Shaw secretary, and selected the following delegates to the county convention: Jas. McMillan, Sr., Jas. McMillan, Jr., John Brooks, Bob McMillan, Jas. McNatt, Wm. Goode, Wm. Rankin, Chas. Ricks, Jas. Keenan, Fritz Schultz, E. Graves, Chas. Hirsch, J. M. Martin, Dick McMillan, Tom McMillan, Chas. Moore, Wm. Moore, John Campbell, Fed Campbell, A. Darby, Henry McMillan, Wm. McMillan, Geo. S. Chapman, Bob Shaw, W. A. Johnson, John Bowdoln, Dan Wilson, Chas. Colquest. Tom Taylor, Sid Taylor, Obe Goode, L. Harvey, H. C. Sigler, __Willeford, Z. L. Willis, E. Colquest. Louis Scheller, George Woolsey, Henry Moore, John Matthews, Henry Reynolds, Fred Miller, Newt Williams, E. L. McNatt. F. D. Moore, J. R. A. Ricks, Wm. Trousdale and W. T. Burford. The delegates were instructed to vote for J. S. Hogg for governor, George McCormick for judge of court of criminal appeals, Wells Thompson for congress, J. P. Kindred for county judge, Hatch York for sheriff, J. P. Woolsey for county clerk, and A. A. Gregory for county attorney.

Weimar Mercury, May 12, 1922

Osage Cemetery

While at Osage last Sunday, ye editor, in company with Messrs. J. J Armstrong and J. R. A. Ricks, inspected the Osage cemetery. This little “city of the dead” is indeed a beautiful spot. The ladies of Osage about one year ago organized a cemetery association, and through their efforts the cemetery was rescued from the interminable conglomeration of weeds and shrubbery, and changed into an attractive and peaceful spot, and is a cemeery that any city would be proud of . The presant offices of the association are as follows: President, Mrs. Newsom; first vice-president, Mrs. J. R. A. Ricks; second vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Chapman; treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Burford; secretary, Miss Flora McNeil; corresponding secretary, Miss Maggie McNeil. The association has John Slayton hired to keep the cemetery in good condition. The ladies deserve the praise and assistance of all in their laudable work. if you have a relative or friend buried in the Osage cemetery, we would suggest that you send a dollar or two to the treasurer of the association, to help the ladies in their undertaking.
Weimar Mercury, July 22, 1893

Martin - Cook Feud

A battle was fought last Sunday evening about dusk in the vicinity of Osage. The participants were J. M. Martin, on one side, and G. N. Cook and a boy known as “Wild Bill” on the other. The shooting was the result of an old feud between Martin and Cook. Martin was armed with a winchester, and Cook and the boy with sixshooters. After the shooting had ceased and the smoke cleared away, it was found that Martin had a shot in the arm, and Cook a bullet in the leg, while the boy was unhurt. It is said that Cook’s injuries may prove fatal. Martin is also suffering considerably from his wound. What will be the end of the Martin-Cook feud no man can foretell, but we would suggest that if they break out again they both be locked up in the county jail until their desire for gore has been appeased.

Weimar Mercury, October 14, 1893

J. M. Martin and G. N. Cook, two farmers,who recently had a little duel, and both were wounded, are on the rapid road to recovery,so we are informed by the physicians.

Weimar Mercury, October 28, 1893

A number of machine men were here Friday and Saturday consulting with John Matthews and Dick Burford, who are going to make extensive improvements on the present ginning outfit at Osage.

Weimar Mercury, April 14, 1900, page 5

Stock Law Election

A stock law election be be voted upon at Osage tomorrow (Saturday, June 28) It is safe to predict that it will be caried by an overwhelming majority.
Weimar Mercury, June 28, 1902

We are told that the stock law election at Osage last Saturday resulted in the adoption of the law by a majority of fourteen votes, someting like 65 or 70 votes being cast.

Weimar Mercury, July 5, 1902

The two new free rural delivery routes will be put on on the 1st of December. The citizens of the Osage and Live Oak sections will doubtless appreciate the convenience of having the mail brought to their homes daily.

Weimar Mercury, November 19, 1904, page 4

Osage Items.

Misses Alma and Nettie Moore of Houston were visiting relatives and friends in this section last week, Miss Alma returning home Thursday.

Mrs. T. J. Taylor and children left Thursday to visit relatives and friends at Bonus.

Allen and Miss Maggie Goode were visiting in your city last week.

Mrs. M. Wilson of Yoakum is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Rankin of this place and Mrs. Kollman of your City.

Mrs. J. J. Campbell, who has been in your city under care of a physician for quite awhile, is able to be at home again, but is still in very feeble health.

Lee and Allen Goode were at Rock Island Thursday and Friday, looking after their cattle there.

L. E. Kollman and little son, L. E., of your city were seen in
this section Friday.

Mrs. Annie Sanders of Live Oak spent several days in this
community the first of the week.

Mr. R. Greek and family of Live Oak spent Sunday with Mrs. F. C. Campbell.

Mrs. J. Y. Matthews and children of Live Oak spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jno. Campbell.

Bob Insall of Weimar was smiling at our girls Thursday night.

Weimar Mercury, June 4, 1909


At a mass meeting of the citizens of school district of Osage Wednesday evening, Rev. J. E. Stack of Weimar representing the County Council of Defense, was present and addressed the crowd in a splendid speech in the interest of the organization of a Community Council of Defense. His interpretation of the foreign language proposition did not emanate from any individual but from the National Council of Defense and President Wilson himself. This cleared up the matter a great deal, and it is likely the request will be better observed by all.

At the conclusion of his remarks Chairman Goode, announced that, election of officers was in order. Chas. Goode was elected chairman, Tyler Pressley vice-chairman, Bob Shaw secretary, and Chas. Kahlden treasurer. Selection of the various heads for committees resulted as follows: War Board--Theo. Brandt, Chas. Goode, Tom Taylor, Obe Goode, Chas. Kahlden. Ed Helmcamp and Henry Colquest. Food Administrator, Jack Goode. Labor, Ed Helmcamp and Allen Goode. Military Affairs, Chas. Goode. Liberty Bonds, T. J. Taylor. Thrift Stamps, E. P. Blair. Woman's War Activities and Senior Red Cross, Miss Gertrude Johnson.

Special meetings will be held at the call of the chairman.

One hundred and two persons signed the membership roll Wednesday, and within a short time every man. woman and child of accountable age in the school district is expected to be enrolled as a member, else their loyalty to the government will be questioned. Let every person enroll as quickly as possible. Hunt up the chairman. vice-chairman or the secretary and ask that your name be placed on the membership roll. Don't wait to be solicited.

In this school district seven persons refused to join. The war board will meet at the school house Friday night at 8 o'clock at which time each of these seven persons is requested to be resent and give their reasons for not desiring to join. A friendly talk is desired with these parties, to try and get matters straIghtened out. If they are not present at this meeting, they will be classed as disloyal and there will be no other course open to us but to so report them to the County Council of Defense.
CHAS. GOODE. Chairman.

Weimar Mercury, September 20, 1918, page 1

Home Coming At Osage Last Sunday

The home coming of former residents and those who In years gone by were regular attendants at the Osage campmeeting was on the grounds of historic spot last Sunday, and we have been told that a large number of people were present. Some had been away for many years, but the home coming proved a joyful occasion, and there were many happy reunions of old time friends.

The writer hated to miss this event, for he, too, in years gone by, was a visitor at the old time campmeetings, but circumstances were such that he could not be there. We hope some day that someone familar with the old time Osage people and events, will furnish us with an article that will deal with these treasured memories. We will be glad to publish same.

A friend has kindly furnished us with the following list of those who were on the old camp ground on last Sunday. The List may not be complete, but will go to show that a large crowd of former residents of this famous community and attendants at the old campmeeting held there in the years gone by were present on that day and occasion. The list follows:

From Houston--Mrs. L. E. Wright (Fay Carter), Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McConnel (sister of Elmer Blair), Pete Taylor and wife, J. F. Taylor and wife, Mrs. Appelt (Mrs. Tom Taylor’s mother), Mrs. Lou Milam (Lula Robinson) and friend, Mrs. Betty Conn, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Allen, Mrs. Hallie Vinson, Miss Elinor Vinson.

From Dallas--Mrs. Ernest Hudson and son.

From Oakland--Oscar Sanders and family.

From Oak Grove--Mrs. F. A. Obenhaus.

From Live Oak--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miles.

From Weimar--Jno. C . Hubbard, T. W. Hill, Mrs. Eddie Ratliff, Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Hightower, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. E. Willmann, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fulford, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Armstrong, Mrs. Stuart Simmons, Mrs. Martha Meredith and son, Bill Hopper and wife, Less Taylor and wife, Mrs. Jno. Matthews and family, Misses Kate Ferrell and Kate Grace, Mrs. W. H. Lester.

From Osage--Lester Shaw, Mrs. Dora Shaw, Obe Goode, Jack Goode and wife. Mrs. T. L. Pressley, Miss Elizabeth Pressley, Elmer Blair and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Goode, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Goode, Mr. Drake Moore, Mrs. Martha Harrell and family.

From Garwood--Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman, Mrs. Will Shaw, Josie Pinchback (daughter of Tony Pinchback).

From Columbus--Mrs. Faye Youens, Mrs. Albert Hahn Arthur Burford, Mrs. Elmer Miles and son, Mrs. Paulsen (Mattie Burford).

From El Campo--Marshal McMillan, Mrs. Mollie McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clapp and family, (Minnie McMillan). Mrs. Hallie Campbell and son.

From Waller--Mrs. Kate Blair (Elmer Blair's mother), Miss Pearl Blair (sister of Elmer Blair), Willie Pearl Taylor.

From Thompson--Horace Matthews, wife and daughter.

From Independence--Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Hairston (Mary Burford).

From Rosebud--Frank Burford.

From Damon--Mrs. Lucy Ricks.

From Katy--Mrs. Lizzie Garrett.

From Eagle Lake--Luther Graves, wife and children.

From Archer City--Joe B. Johnson (Mrs. Dewey Goode's father).

From Burton--Charlie Campbell

From Overton--Mrs. H. J. Gunter (Mary Shaw).

From Staples--Mrs. K. M. Scott (relative of W. L. Hightower).

"Uncle Ambers" Miller, aged 84, son of "Aunt Rose" Warren, came from Bastrop county to be present. He formerly worked for the Burford family and cooked at camp meetings. Mary Winn (colored) nursed the Burford children.

Oldest persons present: Mr. Drake Moore, aged 89; Mr. F. A. Obenhaus, aged 87.

A total of 150 were present.

Weimar Mercury, July 26, 1935, page 1

Osage Home-Coming Last Sunday

Quite a gathering of folks met at the old Osage grounds last Sunday for the home-coming event.

Sevices were held in the morning at 11 oclock, then a fine basket dinner was spread on the grounds and greatly enjoyed by all those present. In the afternoon another service was held and a general meeting of old friends took place. The “old-timers” enjoyed this getting together and talking over many big times they enjoyed at this historical place.

Quite a number of out-of-town folks were present. Of those in attendance we learned of the following: J. L. Neal and J. C. York of Wharton; Van N. York of San Antonio, W. H. Young of Columbus, Mrs. C. P. Allison and baby of Corpus Christi, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. McMillan of El Campo, Ellen E. Martin of Garwood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor and Faye Beth of Garwood, Earl Davis of Garwood, Mrs. Sam Clapp of El Campo.

Quite a number of people from Live Oak, Oak Grove and other communities in this section were present.

Weimar Mercury, July 21, 1939

Osage Church Is Moved to Weimar

The church building at Osage was moved to Weimar this week where it will be used by the New Bielau Co-op Association as a warehouse. The job of moving the structure was accomplished by Willrodt of Columbus. The building is now located on the railroad right-of-way.

Osage, once noted for the camp meetings held there, will be without a church. The church building was erected many years ago with material from the original building which had been torn down. In olden times people came from miles around to camp at the Osage church for weeks at a time. There are still some people living who attended these camp meetings, but the greater part have passed on. The moving away of this building will bring back many fond recollections to those who remember “the good old days".

Weimar Mercury, November 9, 1945, page 1

See Also Osage Campmeeting News 

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