Colorado County Historical Markers

George W. Smith

Marker location: 600 Preston Street, Columbus

Marker erected: 2000

Marker Text:
George W. Smith (September 25, 1822-October 21, 1873) Born in Kentucky, George Washington Smith moved to texas in 1847. By 1860 Smith was Judge of the First District Court, a local landowner and a commissioner of the Columbus Tap Railroad. He left the court to participate in the Constitutional Convention of 1866, then was reappointed to his former bench. He promptly was elected to the Texas Supreme Court and chose to accept that position. In September 1867 the entire court was removed in favor of a Reconstruction Government. The Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad honored Smith in 1870 by christening a new locomotive George W. Smith. He represented Colorado and Lavaca Counties in 1873 in the House of Representatives, where he authored election reform legislation. He died in a Yellow Fever epidemic later that year.


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