In the organization of the Fayette county company of National Guard at Schulenburg last week, out of a total of 134, 103 were accepted, leaving 31 rejected. Of these--Ira D. Townsend, Walter B. Lowrey, Will Walchar, Felix Rohan and Albert Sciba of this section--were rejected for being under weight and for physical imperfections. The rejected boys hope to overcome these imperfections and want to try again.
Weimar Mercury, July 27, 1917
Will Leave Soon for the Leon Springs Training Camp.
Three young men of this city put in their applications for the Leon Springs Training Camp for officers were examined and on Sunday were notified of their acceptance, and ordered to report at Leon Springs on the 24th inst. Those who applied were Prof. Roy G. Jackson, recently re-elected principal of the Weimar High School, John C. Hoyo, city attorney, and Lee Green, youngest son of Harris Green and wife of the Navidad section. There were about 2500 applicants for the positions, with only a few over 600 to be appointed, and for all three of these young men to be accepted is a compliment indeed. All are young men well and favorably known, of high intellectual and physical attainments, and that they will make a record to be proud of goes without question. They expect to leave about the 24th for the training camp at Leon Springs.
Weimar Mercury, August 17, 1917
Weimar Boys Home on Visit Sunday.
Quite a bunch of soldier boys from LaGrange, members of the Fayette county company of National Guard who enlisted from Weimar, were over last Sunday, dressed in their new uniforms, and they presented an inspiring sight. The boys have developed wonderfully since they began drilling, and with their erect, soldierly bearing look fit to give the kaiser all he wants when the scrapping time comes. Among those here Sunday were Sergeant Thos. Sparks, Henry Nitschmann, Bee Chapman, Robert Cejka, Steve Herzik, Joe Holub, Joe Lebeda, Felix Melor, Leslie Taylor, Ernest Wilson, Fred Muzny, George Bittner and Kurt Seydler. The boys returned to LaGrange late Sunday evening. They expect to leave for the training camp at Fort Worth about the middle of this week.
Weimar Mercury, August 24, 1917
With Our Soldier And Sailor Boys
Eric Dahse is out of the hospital at Camp Travis, after a siege of the measles. Eric says he doesn’t mind the measles so much, but he doesn’t like hospitals.
Riley Wagley, we have been told, is now serving on the battleship Maine.
Young Kuchar, who enlisted in the navy several months ago, is now stationed on the battleship Wyoming. His ship was at Norfolk, Va., recently.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1917
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
Soldier Jung Killed At Camp Travis
While digging out gravel from the side of a hill near Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, one day last week, there was a cave-in and three bright American soldier boys were killed and several others injured. One of the boys killed was named Jung, and he was a son of Gus Jung and wife of Red Rock. Mrs. Jung, the mother of the deceased soldier boy, was formerly Miss Emma Townsend of this city, and is well remembered by many Weimar people, who join us in expressions of sympathy over the loss of her beloved boy.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1917
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
The Headlight stated last week that so far as known, Vance Moore was the only Eagle Lake boy in France, but Mrs. Ellen Cherry of Bay City, formerly of Eagle Lake, writes the Headlight that her son, Will, left on the twentieth of October for France. He is with the marine corps, a member of the 97th. company, 6th Regiment, U. S. M. C., American Expeditionary Forces in France. Mrs. Cherry says: “All the son I have, I give to my country.” Will writes that he likes the marine life and that he has met many fine boys, all of whom he says are anxious to get to France.
Eagle Lake Headlight, November 24, 1917
Eagle Lake, Texas, Jan. 11.--J. W. Thatcher, age 78, is knitting for the Red Cross. He has completed one muffler and one sweater and is working on another sweater. He gave the Red Cross ladies $10 with which to buy wool especcially [sic] for him to knit into sweaters and he will give the sweaters to the Red Cross when completed. He expects to knit these articles during the remaining winter months.
Weimar Mercury, January 18, 1918
Has Four Sons in Service--Fifth Placed in Class One.
Speaking of the mother who had four sons in service or about to be, in last week’s Mercury, we had reference to Mrs. Johanna Feyrer, formerly of Dewitt county, who recently moved on the W. E. Burford farm east of town. Mr. Burford informs us that Mrs. Feyrer has one son in France, one in England, one in New York, one at San Antonio, while a fifth son, now at home with the mother, has received his card of service, which places him in class one, but it is possible he may be exempted on appeal to the district board.
Weimar Mercury, January 25, 1918
Airplanes Here Now At All Hours Of Day
Ten To Fifteen Machines Landing Here Now Every Day; Came Out From Ellington Field At Houston.
As per announcement in last week’s Headlight, the government airplanes began coming to Eagle Lake on Tuesday morning, five landing here during the morning and five during the afternoon. The airplane 1-U was the first to light, and instead of landing out in the Griffin pasture, as had been laid out for a lighting station by Capt. Johnson last week, it landed out in the Guynn pasture, the aviator claiming to have lighted there on account of motor trouble. Airplane 4-X followed this one, and thinking that it had landed on the proper field, it too went down in the same locality, and in attempting to light struck in an old rice canal, breaking off its wheels and propeller. A mechanic was brought out from Houston in another airplane to make repairs on the damaged plane. Capt. Johnson, who was nearby in his large 4-U machine, which carries ninety-three gallons of gasoline, the same machine which was here last week laying out the landing station, soon had things righted and the other aviators landing at the right place. Since Tuesday the airplanes have been circling the town and landing here all the way from eight to twelve a day. These machines are driven by studen[t] aviators from the Ellington Field at Houston who are under the direction of Capt. Johnson, who, himself has already seen service on the Russian and French fronts during the present war. The coming of the airplanes the first couple of days attracted a great deal of attention and there were many people out on the lighting field to welcome them and to treat them to refreshments when they landed. The students highly appreciated the refreshments of sandwiches, pies and cakes given them here on their arrival, stating that they appreciated the spirit shown them by the people of Eagle Lake. But airplanes now have become so common, coming from eight to twelve each day, that they are not attracting so much attention. When one is heard coming, some people in cars will hurry to the field to see it make its landing, while others, at the sound of the hum of the motor up in the air, now merely crane their necks to locate the machine.
Eagle Lake Headlight, January 26, 1918
Submitted by Judy Talkington
Columbus, Texas, 11, --Joe Mahalite[sic], aged 25, a soldier at Camp Travis, died Thursday evening of pneumonia and the body arrived Saturday morning for burial in the Odd Fellows’ Rest. Rev. F. S. Strobel of the Catholic Church conducted the services. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mahalite[sic]; three sisters, Mrs. Steve Madova, Misses Mary and Minnie Mahalite[sic], and six brothers, Rudolph, Louis, Edmund, John and Albert Mahalite[sic].
Weimar Mercury February 22, 1918
Co. K, 360 Infantry, Camp Travis, Texas, Feb. 12, 1918.
Pvt. Joe Mahalitc of Columbus died the past week, of pneumonia. He had been transferred from this company to the 165th Depot Brigade several weeks ago, consequently all of his friends in this compnay[sic] were not aware of his condition. Pvt. Mahalitc wa a good soldier while in this company and we feel sure he would have made good elsewhere.
Weimar Mercury, February 22, 1918
All doubt as to the fate of Edward Feyrer, the soldier son of Mrs. Johanna Feyrer, who was on the ill fated Tuscania, recently sunk off the coast of Ireland by a German submarine, was dispelled Tuesday morning, when the government authorities officially notified the mother that her son was among those lost. In the loss of her son, one of the first of our boys to meet a watery grave through the cowardly methods of the German submarine, Mrs. Feyrer has the sincere sympathy of all our people.
Weimar Mercury, March 1 1918
France, Jan. 26, 1918.
To the Children of the Weimar High School--Dear Friends:
Please accept my most sincere thanks for the package of delicious sweets and tobacco, which I received today, thru your efforts. These good, home-made candies and American tobacco are two thing that can not be bought in these French stores, and when one of the boys is lucky enough to receive a package of these good old American candies, the other boys can’t help but envy him a bit for his good fortune. If I knew the names of the girls that helped to put up this package, I would write my appreciation to you personally. As it is, please accept my thanks collectively. These gifts are most highly appreciated. They are simply fine, and until I can personally thank you, believe me to be your sincere friend. J. P. Hawkes, Co. F. 17th Engineers (Ry.)
Weimar Mercury, March 8, 1918
Columbus, March 26.--Authentic information received here is that Walter Dick, a Columbus boy belonging to the famous Rainbow Division, has been wounded in France. The news came rather late, as he is reported to be able to leave the hospital by this time. This is the first misfortune that has happened to any of the Columbus boys “over there.”
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 30, 1918
Mr. Henry Ahlers, who for several years has been a salesman in the grocery department of the Frank Stephens Company, left this morning for Columbus to report for army service, he being one of the seven men to go our from this county in the present draft call. Mr. R. H. Dunlavy has succeeded Mr. Ahlers at the Frank Stephens Company.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 30 1918
Messrs. Ralph Nathan and Robert Pegram, who recently enlisted in the navy service reported for duty at Houston Monday and were sent from that city the following day to San Francisco, California, where they are now in training. They boys have been pals for many years and went into the navy together. On arrival at Frisco they made application to the commanding officers to be permitted to train together in the navy.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 30, 1918
He Can’t Speak English But Buys Liberty Bonds
Mr. Frank Weber of Bernardo, one of the good citizens of that community, last week purchased a $100 Liberty Bond at Columbus, and his eldest son, Ernest Weber, took out $500 worth of Liberty Bonds. Mr. Weber, while of German ancestry, and himself not able to speak the English language, is a loyal American. He has a son with the American army in France and is purchasing bonds that he may also help his adopted country with his money.
Baptist Sunday School Buys $100 Liberty Bond
The Baptist Sunday School voted to purchase a $100 Liberty Bond. The Sunday School collection for each third Sunday will be used in the payment of this bond. At the Baptist service Sunday a collection for home and foreign missions was taken and $300 contributed.
Eagle Lake Headlight, April 20, 1918
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
Stafford Taylor Gets Discharge From Army
Mr. Stafford Taylor, who has been in the army service since last September, returned home last Sunday night, having received an honorable discharge from service. He was stationed at Camp Travis until recently when he was transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, having received his discharge while at the latter place.
Eagle Lake Headlight, April 20, 1918
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
Mrs. A. E. Stinnett has received a very interesting letter from Will Cherry, her brother, who is “somewhere in France.” Will thinks that every able-bodied man should be in the trenches somewhere and does not mince words in telling what he thinks of any man who will hide himself behind woman’s skirts.
The letter follows:
Somewhere in France, March 10.
Dear Sister: Your welcome and interesting letter received sometime ago. Would have answered sooner but my opportunities to write are not many. Am sorry to learn that a matrimonial epidemic is raging in the old town, because I am afraid that peace negotiations is the only thing that will stop it. Any man that is able-bodied and foot loose and does not offer his service to his country to avenge the crimes these military criminals are committing day in and day out should be sent to Old Mexicothe States are too good for him; and when they go so far as to hide behind a womanwell, had better not tell you what I think of a man of that kind, because it would hardly go through the mail. I only wish they could hear some of the other fellows express their opinion of that kind.
It has been very wet and muddy here but we are having pretty weather at present. How is the war affecting Allen’s business? Am not at liberty to answer any of your questions. Write soon and kiss dear old mother’s cheeks for me. Your loving bud,
Wm. R. Cherry. 97th Co. 6, Reg. U.S.M.C., Am. Ex. Force.
The Matagorda County Tribune, May 3, 1918
Contributed by Carol Sue Gibbs
Two of Weimar’s colored soldier boys were here Saturday on a brief visit to the home folks. They were Miles Ingram, a son of James Ingram, well known farmer of this secton, and Charlie Hunter, son of the late Josh Hunter of this vicinity. Both expressed themselves as being well pleased with soldier life, but are longing for a chance to get a good swipe at the kaiser.
Weimar Mercury, June 14, 1918, page 1
When the Red Cross Knitting Club was organized last Saturday afternoon, one of the applicants for membership was Mrs. Stegemann, who is 90 years and 4 months old. She came forward and voluntarily offered to knit six pairs of sox for the soldier boys every month. Mrs. Stegemann was born in Germany, and is unable to speak the English language, but since she has become cognizant of the intentions of he Red Cross Society, she is more than anxious to “do her bit,” and feels that her age should not bar her from participating in same.
Weimar Mercury, July 12, 1918, page 1
Will Cherry, former telegraph operator at local B. and M. railway station and popular young man of Bay City, advised his sister, Mrs. Allen Stinnett, of the wonderful scenes that were made with the assistance of the U. S. government in the making of “The Unbeliever,” in which the U.S. marines appeared. Will is with this division, and wrote that he was in the picture, and that it is the biggest thing he had ever heard of. This play ran three weeks at Dallas at $1 prices, and will be the attraction here at the Grand next week, Wednesday and Thursday.
The Daily Tribune, July 20, 1918
Through relatives at Navasota, from which point he enlisted, news has reached here that Johnnie Matthews, who is with the Fighting Marines--the “Devil Dogs,” as the Germans call them, has been gassed and is in the hospital recperating from same. Johnnie’s many friends sincerely hope he will soon be on his feet.
Weimar Mercury, August 2, 1918, page 1
In the daily papers of Saturday was announcement of the death from wounds previously received in battle of Captain Little Harrison, a Columbus boy who had lived in Houston for the past few years. Capt. Harrison was a son of Dr. Bob Harrison and wife, former citizens of Columbus, but who, also, have been living in Houston the past few years. The young man was also a grandson of the late Dr. R. H. Harrison, Sr. He was a brave, bright young man, a general favorite among his companions, and his death on the French battle front is deeply and sincerely deplored. Captain Harrison was born at Columbus Sept 16, 1887, Our sincere, heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved parents.
Weimar Mercury, August 2, 1918, page 1
Wednesday’s casualty lists contained the name of John L. Skeeter of Eagle Lake, who has been wounded severely in the fighting in France. Only a few weeks ago the casualty lists contained the name of another member of the same family Jasper Skeeter, who was killed in action. The Skeeter family formerly lived in Eagle Lake, but it is thought that the boys volunteered for service at Houston, giving Eagle Lake as their home. Our sympathy goes out to the members of the bereaved family wherever they are.
Eagle Lake Headlight, October 12, 1918, page 12
New Bielau News
It was with sincere grief and sorrow that the relatives and many friends learned of the death of two others of our soldier boys, namely Herman Otto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Otto, Sr., who died at Camp Lee, Va., Monday night, October 14 and Fritz Winkler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Gabler, whom the death angel claimed at Camp MacArthur. at Waco, Texas , about the same time. The loved ones and friends here at home had prayed earnestly that these two brave and strong men might regain their health but this was in vain, for both fell into that peaceful sleep that knows no earthy awakening. Be[sic] request of their parents their remains were sent home and tenderly laid to rest at the New Bielau cemetery. Fritz Winkler was buried Saturday evening, Rev. P. Piepenbrok, officiating The funeral of Herman Otto took place Sunday afternoon, when Rev. Theo Krinke from Charlottenburg conducted the services at the grave. Attesting the high esteem in which both decedents were held by all was the large gathering at the cemetery of friends and acquaintances, who came to assist the relatives in paying the last respects. May they sleep peacefully. To the sorrowing parents and relatives our heartfelt sympathy is extended in this their hour of sorrow, and may God’s comfort and peace be with them.
Wilhelm E. Otto from Camp Bowie came home Friday on a ten-day’s furlough, which his commander granted him, so as to be present at the funeral of his beloved and now deceased brother. Ernst Otto, another brother could not be present, being in the service of our beloved country somewhere in France
Weimar Mercury, October 15, 1918
That disease and death stalk abroad in our land has been painfully impressed upon us during the past week. First came news of the death of Eddie Ulbricht, the bright and popular son of our good friends, Max Ulbricht and wife of New Bielau, which occurred at Camp Mabry, Austin, after a brief illness of influenza followed by pneumonia. The remains were brought here Sunday morning and shortly after were laid to rest in the New Bielau Cemetery. Our people had not recovered from the shock of this splendid boy's death when news was received Saturday night that Edgar Leidolf, son of F. E. Leidolf and wife, and one of our brightest and best young men, had also succumbed to the same disease at the same training camp. Edgar's remains were brought here Sunday night and the following afternoon were laid to rest in St. Michael's Cemetery. On Tuesday morning news was received of the death of two more of our beloved boys--Herman Otto, son of Edmund Otto and wife of the New Bielau community who succumbed to an attack of pneumonia Monday night at a training camp at Petersburg, Va., and whose remains will be brought here for interment, and this was followed by news of the death of Fred D. Winkler, son of Mrs. Chr. Gabler of the Shimek community whose death occurred of the same complaint at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Monday night. The remains of young Winkler will also be brought home for interment. The deaths of these young men, the very flower of our land, has been a severe blow to our people. All hearts have bowed in sorrow and sympathy for their families. God pity and comfort the bereaved ones, is our sincere prayer.
Weimar Mercury, October 18, 1918
Oakland News
Several from this place attended the funeral of Fred Winkler and Herman Otto last week, two of our soldier boys who died in camp of this dreadful disease, influenza.
Weimar Mercury, October 25, 1918
News has been received here of the appointment of John J. Raezer, a former citizen of Eagle Lake to a second lieutnancy in the Quartermater’s Department. Lieut. Raezer has been in France for some time, being engqaged in building railroads and other construction work for the American forces.
Eagle Lake Headlight, October 26, 1918, page 6
The casualty lists of Monday contained the name of Elmore Johnson of Eagle Lake among the wounded. Elmore Johnson is a negro and his home is at Matthews where his mother resides. The mother had a message from the Adjutant-General at Washington stating that he had been severely wounded on October 15th. Then a letter was received later by the mother from Elmore himself written from France and dated November 4th., in which he says nothing of being wounded. Whether some mistake was made in the casualty lists or whether the letter written by Elmore was dated wrong is not known. This is the first negro soldier from Colorado County who has thus far been reported wounded in France.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 14, 1918, page 12
Mr. E. J. Konesheck of this city has received word that his brother, Mr. Henry Konesheck, who went into the service from Cat Spring on the 23rd of last February, has been wounded in action in France, having received a bullet wound in his left leg on the 2nd day of November. The wounded soldier has written relatives here, from a hospital in France, not to worry over him as he was getting along all right. Not having heard from him since that letter, Mr. Konesheck thinks probably his brother is with the wounded now en route to America.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 21, 1918
Submitted by John Konesheck
Clyde Jackson Received Wound From Shrapnel
Mr. Clyde Jackson, son of MR. and Mrs. G. M. Jackson of Garwood, who has been in France for more than a year was wounded during the month of September. He was struck ion the leg just below the knee by a piece of Shrapnel and a wound some four inches long being inflicted in his leg. He was taken to the hospital where he had to remain for sixteen days, though he writes that there was never anything serious connected with his wound. Clyde has the piece of shrapnel which struck him and says he is going to bring it home for a souvenir.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 28, 1918
Submitted by Judy Talkington
Mrs. W. G. Youens received a telegram Saturday announcing the safe arrival of her husband, Lieutenant, Willis G. Youens, from overseas.
Dr. Youens left Columbus January 26th., 1918, and was assigned to routine duty in the medical corps at Kelley Field, San Antonio. He was transfered[sic] to the aviation field at Lonoke, Arkansas, in April where he remained until July 4th. He left New York July 9th and landed at Brest, France July 21st. After following the 163rd Ambulance Company over a great portion of France he succeeded in joining that body near Chateau Thierry, on the Marne, through the Some battles, the St. Mihiel drive and the Meuse=Argonne offensive until the armistice was signed. He was with the first American forces sent into German as the Army of Occupation, stationed at Ehrenbreitstein across the Rhine from Coblenz. Since he left here he has done headquarters clerical work, served in a base hospital, in a receiving hospital, attended the wounded on the field and spent some time in a civil hospital in Coblenz.
Colorado Citizen, May 16, 1919
Word has been received b the family that Oscar rose, who has been overseas for many months, of late serving as military police at Nice, embarked for the home journey about the first of the month, and doubtless is now in the States. He is expected home in a few days.
Weimar Mercury May 20, 1919.
A telegram from Washington Saturday announced the death of Private Nugent young, colored soldier from this point, which occurred in France, from pulmonary tuberculosis on May 14. Nugent Young was a grandson of Ned Jones, a well known colored farmer of the New Bielau section.
Weimar Mercury, May 30, 1919
The reception arranged by the ladies of the community to the retirmomg ssoldiers amd sailors given at the opera house Friday night. was attemded by a crowd which taxed the capacity of that commodious structure. The ladies had decorated the hall and stage in a very beautiful manner, and with the boys in thier unfiorms, their faces smiling at the thought of again being at home after such strenuous times abroad, with brilliant lights and entrancing music, the scene was indeed a pretty one. Fifty or more of the boys responded to the invitations sent out and were present, being welcomed at the door by a reception committee, who introduced them and made them feel at home. Rev. J. E. Stack delivered an address of welcome to the boys, after which local talent sang and recited, further emphasizing the gladness of all that the boys are home again, after which punch, ice cream and cake were served in profusion to all present. It is the intention of the citizens to give another reception in June when the boys of the 26th and 90th Divisions arrive home. Annoucement of this fact was made during the evening and a cordial invitation extended the boys present to again come in and help celebrate the home-coming of the 36th and 90th, as well as other boys in service who may come home in the meantime.
Weimar Mercury, May 30, 1919.
County Board Extends Thanks To All Who Aided
Columbus Texas, Jan 28 I am enclosing a list of those who helped this board, giving their time gratis. This Board certainly appreciates the work done by these good people and in behalf of the United States Government, I certainly thank them most heartily, the other members of the Board joining me in this expression of appreciation. There may be some that I have overlooked and if they will send me their names I will cheerfully correct this list. I want to thank the newspapers of this county especially as without their help this board would have been handicapped.
J. H. Payne, Chairman
Honor Roll of Men and Women Who Gave Their Services To This Board To Help Win The War.
W. L. Adkins, C. R. Grobe, Joe Frnka, W. M. Williamson, W. S. Strickland, E. Roos, Mem Rhodes, Oscar Boettcher, August Strunk, Ben Holt, Judge VanAlstyne, A. J. Ratcliff, Geo. Herder, Jr., Geo. Herder, Sr., John C. Hubbard, H. Brasher, Alfred Reisner, Otto Barta, H. Kickler, Peter Neshyba, Louis Brune, Dr. B. J. Fehrenkamp, J. P. Mayes, Jr., C. J. Sciba, O. H. Bock, W. H. Shaw, J. R. Pinchback, Jr., J. G. Cooper, H. W. Huvar, Lee T. Richardson, W. A. Dallas, S. O. McCarty, Mrs. E. A. Toliver, Mrs. John Tatters, Miss Regina Chew, Miss Willie McFarland, Miss Ernest Faber, Gus Henick, J. H. Wilrodt, A. H. Kanstiner, Ed. Wink, E. F. Moore, W. A. Moore, Miss Ermie Wright, Mrs. Lula Wegenhoft, Leon Dick, Felix Fehrenkamp, Sam Hamburger, John Hastedt, Herman Braden, Ellis Miller, Lee Hastedt, Owen Hoegemeyer, August Ilse, A. A. Gregory, Dr. C. E. Duve, Dr. Chas. Cook, Dr. Adolph Pottsast [sic], Dr. W. J. Roberts, Dr. L. C. Wozencraft, Dr. B. F. Forrest, Dr. H. L. Huston, Dr. J. A. Halimacek, Dr. E. C. Gordon, Dr. Willie Youens, Dr. R. H. Harrison, Al Carter, Max Conner, Geo. Gegenworth, Joe Stafford, Miss Willie Lee Burttschell, Miss Lizzetta Walker, C. K. Quin, H. A. Townsend, R. H. Beyer, Wm. Schneider, Chas. Davis, Geo Miller, J. W. Wagley, W. A. Hollard, Mrs. W. A. Holland, Mrs. E. C. Thrower, Mrs. Kittie Gunn, Miss Mary Seymour, Miss Ethel Cone, Miss Julia Fisher, E. P. Via, Wayman Kindred, Harry Terrell, Henry Laas, W. W. Williams, H. Buescher, Sr., H. Buescher, Jr., Miss Erline Buescher, Miss Madeline McRee, Miss Mattie Merfelder, Miss Lottie Glithero, Miss Willie Walker, Miss Sybil Chapman, Miss Irma Chapman, Miss Maria Watson
Thoroughly Done
Eagle Lake Headlight, February 1, 1919
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
John J. Raezer, who is with the American forces in France, has been promoted from Second Lieutenant to a first lieutenancy. He has been recommended for a captaincy and expects to become a captain in the regular army, with duty in Russia or Turkey, so he writes that he has no idea when he will see his friends in this section of the world again.
Lieut. Raezer in a letter to a friend here says, “Suppose you knew of the death of my wife last October.”
News of the death of Mrs. Raezer had not been received here and comes with genuine regret to all of our people.
“Lieut. John Raezer” is a fine fellow, and all of his Eagle Lake friends sympathize with him in the death of his wife, and we congratulate him on his promotion in army circles and wish him the best of good luck and the best of everything in his army career.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 22, 1919, page 11
Wm. G. Kuck, son of Gerh. Kuck and wife, living north of town, returned Friday morning from a lengthy stay in France and Germany,during which time he ws in he service of Uncle Sam. “Will” does not regret his experience in european lands, but says this country is good enough for him, and he is glad to get back to same. Many friends are glad to welcome him home.
John Matthews, Jr., left Monday for Las Palamas, Colorado, to enter one of he government sanitariums for treatment for gas poisoning which he contracted while in service as a member of the U. S. Marines over in France. Many friends joins us in the hope that he will be fully restored to health at an early date.
Weimar Mercury, August 29, 1919, page 1
Red Cross Furnishes List of Casualties Among Colorado County Soldiers
Following is a list of the boys from Colorado County who gave their lives for Liberty or were wounded during the World War. This list is as near complete as the Colorado County Chapter of the American Red Cross has been able to make it after repeated requests for information. If any name has been left off the list or if any of the names given are incorrect the Red Cross will appreciate having the proper correction made. Help get the record straight. Send any correspondence relating to the list to the Red Cross Chapter or to the Colorado Citizen.
List of Colorado County Boys Killed and Wounded in Service:
Herman Hugo Otto, died of disease
Eddie Ulbricht, died of disease.
Hilliard Lee, died of disease
Fritz Winkler, died of disease
John Metcek, died of disease (pneumonia)
John Schneider, died of disease (pneumonia)
Adolph Fried, died of disease (pneumonia)
Edward Feyrer, drowned (boat hit by submarine)
Hamilton Worrell, killed while crossing ocean (accident)
Otto Rahlwes, killed in action
Louis Koller, killed in action
Henry Oncken, Jr., died of disease
Rudolph Paweleck, died of disease
Edgar Leidolf, died of disease
John P. Hawkes, died of disease
Horace Hill, wounded (railroad accident)
Eddie Norhavitz, gassed
Leslie Taylor, wounded in action (severely)
Steven Herzik, wounded in action
John Matthews, Jr., gassed
John Doggett, gassed
Charlie Sens, died of disease (pneumonia)
John Mosmeyer, died of disease (pneumonia)
Otto Brast, died of disease
Alfred Beyer, severely wounded
Harry Fritsch, severely wounded
Rudolph Michura, gassed
Peter Kocurek, gassed
Raymond Larson, died of disease
Edwin C. Baker, wounded severely
John F. Hooper, wounded severely
J. C. Miller, shelled shocked
Robert Vogelsang, died of disease
Gustav Schultz, wounded
Willy Schultz, wounded
John Neshyba, wounded
Murphy W. Anderson (col.), gassed shell shocked, wounded.
Tom Williams (col.) gassed and shell shocked
Ellis Shristal (col.) wounded
Clint McGrew (col.) died of disease
Ellis Smith (col.) died of disease
Clyde W. Jackson, wounded
Joseph Falber, severely wounded
J. A. Drapela, gassed
Wesley Danklif, gassed
Frank Twausik, wounded
Graham Bacon, wounded
Irven Feidy, wounded
Henry F. Krause, wounded and gassed
William Ashford, accidentally killed
Joe Mahalite, died of disease
Ernest Brune, died of disease
Elmo Johnson (col.) wounded
Walter Schobel, killed in action
Lida Roy (col.) died of disease.
William Teichert, wounded
Guy Yackel, wounded
Creston Gay, gassed
Frank Freeman, killed in action
Lel Duncan, gassed
Fritz Hollien wounded
Benjamin T. Seaborn, killed in action
Walter Dick, wounded (accident)
August Jackson, killed in action
Columbus Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, September 26, 1919, page 8
Mrs. Cherry Receives Interesting Letters
Memorial Day
Dear Mrs. Cherry:
On this appropriate day, while the graves of Americans are being remembered with beautiful flowers both at home and on European soil, I am pleased to do my little bit by writing you a letter telling you of my acquaintance with your dear son, William R., who did so much for our country’s cause and of whom I know you are very proud.
It was my good fortune to have been associated with Cherry (the name we knew him by) for about 18 months, having met him at Quantico, Va., when the 97th Comjpany was organized. We were in the same platoon (1st) and therefore became to know each other quite intimately within a short time. The longer I knew Cherry the more I realisszed that he was a “man.” By the time we landed in France we had formed a very close friendship with each other. Many nights have we dug holes (on the front) just big enough for both of us to squeeze into. He was a real buddie and I like him for a partner.
No one out of our outfit saw any more actual service at the front than did Cherry. He was on the Verdun Sector; he was at Belleau Woods, our first great fight; he was at Soissons,--here he had a very narrow escape. A machine gun bullet penetrated his clothes and almost buried itself in his brest (sic) over his heart. Lucky the force of the bullet was almost spent before it found him; he was at St. Mihiel; he was at Champagne; and he was in the last big drive, the Mense Argonne. He was in the fray first, last and all the time. He seemed to bear a charmed lief. When the announcement of the armistic came to us on November 11, I was in a little dugout with Cherry. When we heard it we grasped each other’s hand and I know that we both thanked God from the bottom of our hearts; for we had just been talking about how we should like to be back home and it seemed that now we knew we would get to go home. Several times I remember having heard Cherry say, “if I ever get back home, I will be mother’s boy ever after, and I knew he meant it. Little did I dream that his wishes would never be realized.
It was not long after the long and wearisome hike into Germany to the Rhine that the influenza broke out all over the Army of Occupation. Many were dying every day. Cherry contracted it and was sent to a hospital in Colence. Pneumonia soon developed and our entire company was shocked to hear of his death on February 13.
All the members of our company join me in sending you sympathy and remember that we as well as you will never forget what a noble, true-hearted and splendid fellow Cherry was. Thank God that I knew him as a buddie.
Sympathetically your.
Cpl. R. L. Southerland
97th Co., 6th Reg. U. S. Marines
Hundsagren, Germany
June 10, 1919
My dear Mrs. Cherry,
Bay City, Texas, U. S. A.
I have visited the grave of your dear son, and my life-long friend and comrad in arms, Will. As I did tears came to my eyes, thinking of the great sacrifice you had made, and the noble and great deeds that Will had done for the countryand so willinglya volunteer, a thing that you may well cherish. And it seems so hard that he should rest so far away from his homeland, that he loved so well.
Though his resting place is not forgotten for he has many friends. As I took the picture to send you, two flags were on his grave, and since then flowers have been placed by kind and loving friends.
I am sincerely,
Hub Johnson
Eagle Lake Headlight, August 25, 1919
Submitted by Ernest Mae Seaholm
As a gratifying and much to be prized momento of those stirring times, Harry C. Fritsch, a youthful veteran of the late world war, whose home in near Santa Anna, this county, has just received from the French government the Criox de Guerre medal in recognition of bravery displayed on the Champagne front during the battle on July 15-18, 1918.
The young hero has also received a medal for good conduct during the conflict from this government.
Fritsch enlisted when 18 years of age early in the war in he 15th company, Fifth regiment, U. S. Marines, and was among the first of the boys from this side to see active service overseas. He was severely wounded in the Champagne battle.--Columbus Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, October 7, 1921, page 6
Flag Floats in Memory of Eagle Lake Soldier
On decoration day, last Tuesday, the American flag floated at half mast from the American Legion flag pole in the city park in memory of Will Cherry, one of the Eagle Lake boys who died overseas. It is the custom of the local post to alternate in floating the flag in memory of the two home boys, Will Cherry and Martin Perry, who died while in the service, on occasions of this nature. On Armistice Day the flag floated in memory of Martin Perry. The two graves were decorated by members of the American Legion post on Tuesday afternoon.
Eagle Lake Headlight, June 3, 1922
Submitted by Ernest Mae Seaholm
Columbus, Texas, March 29.--Alfred G. Beyer, Croizx De Guerra winner and the first Colorado county soldier to be wounded in World War, died at his home north of Columbus Monday nite.
Funeral services will be held on Wednesday near Ellinger. The Columbus and LaGrange posts of the American Legion will attend in a body.
Mr. Beyer was 39. He is survived by his widow and two children.
He and a friend, Harry Fritsch, ran away from home and volunteered with the Fifth Marines at Port Royal., S.C. ten days after the United States entered the war. Young Beyer reached France before the arrival of General Pershing. He was wounded in the first skirmish at Belleau Wood. He was awarded the Crois de Guerre for bringing a wounded comrade into the lines under fire after receiving his own wounds. [Place of interment unknown]
Weimar Mercury, April 8, 1938
Submitted by Rox Ann Johnson
