Colorado County Schools

Content, # 12

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News from the New Bielau - Content Community

By Doris Albright

From the papers of Mr. Chas. Hinkel, I found the papers and minutes of the first meeting of the organization of Content School:

Content, Colorado County, Texas, July 9, 1871.

We, the head of these families, promise to send our children to the German School. Dues for each child will be $2.00 a month. If more money is needed for the teacher's salary, we will pay it according to the number of our children.

Signed: Henry Hasse, J. Boettcher, F. Wendt, W. Oeker, B. Engels, L. Eschenburg and F. Treptow.

Many people do not realize that other than a school In Oakland, Content was the only school in this part of Colorado County. Weimar did not come into being until 1873. Our forefathers were for educating their children as soon as they became settled in a new land. This school was organized just 116 years ago and how education has progressed since that time is quite an accomplishment. It takes dedicated teachers and parents to make our education system something we can all be proud of.

Weimar Mercury, October 23, 1987, page 12

Content, Nov. 27, ‘93
The Content school opened on the 2nd day of October.
Your correspondent was elected teacher for the term of ten calendar months.
We have taught here before. Once for a term of three successive years and later for one year again. Up to date the attendance has been good. From 30 to 42 merry boys and girls attend school. The Content school lies in District No. 12. There is another school in this district. It is situated in the New Bielau settlement and taught by Prof. E. W. Gruss. The public trustees for this district are the following gentlemen: Chas. F. Hinkel, F. E. Brandes and Friedrich Dahse. They are the right men in the right place, as they stand very well in this section and guard with the utmost care the welfare of both schools and teachers....
Emil Juergens.
Weimar Mercury, December 2, 1893


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