Townsend, Annie Euphemia (Burford)
Mrs. Annie Burford Townsend passed away at her residence, 508 Fifth Street, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Townsend was born September 21, 1864, at Osage. Her father was F.M. Burford, who resided in Colorado County. Deceased was married to M. H. Townsend, a former Texas Legislator, on December 20, 1883, in Columbus where they lived until coming to San Antonio in 1906. She left surviving her the following children: Robert Foard Townsend, Annie Ray Watkin, Floribel Townsend, and the following grandchildren: Eleander Thorton Townsend, Betty Townsend, Robert Foard Townsend, Jr., Annie Ray Watkin, Rose Mary Watkin, William Ward Watkin Jr. She was a member of the Methodist Church. The husband, M.H. Townsend, died June 26, 1915. Services will be held at the residence at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon and interment will be at Mission Burial Park. Pallbearers are: J.H. Haile, W.B. William, J.L. Keer, Clifton George, T.F. Mangum, Dr. Maline Duggan, W.R. King and George C. Saur.
Weimar Mercury, January 16, 1920, Pg. 2. From the San Antonio Express, Jan. 8.
Submitted by David Hahn
Photo courtesy Catherine Ryan
Townsend, Asa
Asa Townsend:
Died at the house of his son, Mr. H. S. Townsend, on the 27th September; Mr. Asa Townsend in the 81st year of his age. The deceased was born in Marlboro District, South Carolina on the 14th December, 1795. In his early manhood he removed to Georgia, where he married and lived for about twenty years. From Georgia he went to and remained for a short time in Madison, Florida, and from thence with a devoted wife and 9 children he came to Texas in the fall of 1837, and settled in Columbus in the spring of 1838, where or in its vicinity he has resided ever since. His children here increased. Twelve of whom, 8 boys and 4 girls, lived to be settled with families of their own. He buried the wife of his youth, and mother of his children in 1859. He afterwards married a second time, and has left a widow to mourn his loss. His descendants at his death numbered 81, just the number of his years. Uncle Asa, as he was generally and familiarly called, brought to our State "a sound mind in a sound body." A man of great energy, industry and capacity, (qualities that have descended to his numerous progeny,) he has left his mark upon society for good such as few have been permitted to rival. To those who remembered his massive frame and Herculean strength, it was sad to see him as he passed among us under the weight of his four score years, leaning upon his staff and tottering to his tomb. But it is written "dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return," and we are traveling on. In early life Uncle Asa dedicated himself to God, and the good and at the altars of the church, contracted an alliance with Heaven. Through the vicissitudes of an eventful life often unfavorable to the development of Christian character, he was true and faithful, and at the last found that he had not followed a cunningly devised fable. But that God whom he had served and trusted sustained and cheered him in his age and infirmity, and gave him a safe and triumphant passage across the dark river. An incident, uncommon and beautiful, occurred a day or two before his death. The day was warm, and the door and window was open, he was lying upon his couch, quiet and peaceful, his wife and daughter sitting by, when a dove of full and beautiful plumage came through the door, and hovering over him, settled down upon his bosom, and without apparent alarm, fluttered its wings. His wife reached out a hand to take the bird, but forbore at the suggestion of the daughter. It again fluttered its wings, and after two or three times turning slowly around, it rose and went out at the window. The last conversation he had just prior to his death, was with two daughters who had died years ago, desiring them to come to him, and speaking to them as though they were bodily present and visible to him and who will affirm they were there. Uncle Asa was a charter member of the Masonic Lodge, at Columbus, respected and believed by his brethren; and they with the assistance of the Lodges at Weimar and Osage, with the beautiful and impressive ceremony of that order, laid him away, in the presence of a large assemblage of friends and acquaintances, with his former wife, with trust in God and faith in immortality. [Internent in Borden Cemetery]
Colorado County Citizen, October 12, 1876, Pg. 3
Submitted by David Hahn
Townsend, Asa Leonard
It is with sadness we chronicle the death of Mr. A . L. [Asa Leonard] Townsend, one of the oldest citizens of the county, which occurred at the residence of his brother, Captain T.L. Townsend, on the 26th inst., in the fifty-sixth year of his age. Mr. T. had been a continual sufferer for about twenty-five years with the asthma. We have known the deceased intimately for thirty years. He was a kind husband, an affectionate father, a good neighbor, and a devoted Christian, and died with all the armor on, assuring his companion and brother that "all was well". He was buried in the Odd Fellows Rest at Weimar by the Masonic fraternity. Five of his brothers were present to witness the sad scene, three of whom joined in the mystic ceremony, in repeating the rite peculiar to that fraternity. "the dust shall return to the earth as it was, and the Spirit to God, who gave it". A large concourse of friends were in attendance.
Colorado County Citizen, September 1, 1881
Submitted by David Hahn
Townsend, Asa Mose
Dee Braddock Stabs and Kills Constable A. M. Townsend, and Escapes.
Thursday evening about 6:30, as Constable A. M. Townsend went to the city jail to hand in some fresh water to Dee Braddock of Flatonia (who was arrested by the officers Wednesday night), and was in the act of opening the door, Braddock accosted him and demanded that he (Townsend) turn over his pistol to him. Townsend probably thinking he was jesting, made some remark. As the door swung slightly ajar, Braddock leaned out, and without a word plunged a dirk into the constable’s breast, inflicting a wound from which he died about three hours afterward. Although mortally wounded, the constable fired one ineffectual shot at Braddock, and then fell. Braddock, after the commission of the cowardly crime, ran out of the jail, and made up the street as fast as he could go toward Grave’s residence, turning the corner, and continuing westward the last seen of him. Messrs. A. P. Shatto, T W. Hill and R H. McCormick were passing at the time and ran in to see what was the matter. While they were examining Townsend’s body, Braddock made rapid steps for safety, although T. W. Hill fired two shots at him when he was near Mrs. Wolff’s residence. Officers and several posses were out all night, and all yesterday, but could find no trace of the assassin It was raining very hard that night, hence Braddock’s steps were easily concealed. Constable Townsend was taken to the residence of his wife’s parents, and medical aid secured, but it was of no avail, for the wound he received was a mortal one. Mr. Townsend was about 22 years of age, a member of the Christian church, Knight of Pythias and Odd Fellows’ lodges, and Weimar fire department. He was popular wherever known, a brave and fearless officer, and his death is indeed regretted by all. He leaves a young wife (formerly Miss Jessie Toliver), an aged father and mother (Capt. and Mrs. T. L. Townsend), several brothers and a sister, besides many relatives and friends. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock, nearly every citizen of Weimar, besides many from a distance, attending. God pity and comfort the bereaved ones, is the wish of The Mercury. [Interment in Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery]
Later.--It was learned that Braddock had stolen a horse from a man named Brunkenhoefer, near Content. It is believed that he will go to the Eagle Lake bottom to hide.
Weimar Mercury, January 20, 1894
Townsend, Berry Lenard
RItes for Berry L. Townsend, 71, Held Sunday
Funeral services for Berry L. Townsend, 71, lifelong Welmar resident were held Sunday afternoon at Hubbard Funeral Home, with interment in the Masonic Cemetery.
Rev. Kyle Nagel, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated. Members of the local Masonic Lodge conducted graveside rites.
A farmer and house painter, Mr.Townsend had been in good health until last May when he became seriously ill, a victim of cancer. During the past nine months he underwent two operations. He died Saturday morning at his home at the southern edge of Weimar, just a short distance from the old Townsend homesite which was his birthplace.
A Mason for many years, he had long been active in the Methodist Church and Sunday School, serving on the official board and in other places of leadership. He had served as a deputy sheriff of this county for 6 years, during the 1920's.
Born here July 15, 1885, he was the son of T L. and Celia Townsend, one of the town's pioneer couples. He married Miss Elizabeth. (LiIlie) Onchen in 1908.
Surviving in addition to his wife are two sons. Dr. Howard Townsend of Austin and Leslie Townsend of Weimar. and two grandchildren, Jennifer and Bill Townsend of Austin. A brother. Wells Townsend preceded him in death just four months ago.
Pallbearers for the services were Frank Hoegemeyer, Chester Grobe. Davis Gindler, Milton Booth, Henry Brasher and Grady Shaver.
Weimar Mercury, February 24, 1956
Townsend, Celia Ann (Penny)
Weimar Lady Passes
The death of Mrs. E.[T] L. Townsend occurred at her home in Weimar last Friday following a brief illness of flu. Funeral services were held Saturday, Rev. McKinney, pastor of the Methodist Church officiating.
Mrs. Townsend was one of the early settlers of this county.
She is survived by three sons, B. L., Wells and Louis. [buried in Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, January 24, 1929
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
Townsend, Celia S.
Weimar Local Matters
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Townsend died Last Saturday, and was laid quietly to rest by loving hands in the Odd Fellows’ Rest Sunday evening.
Colorado Citizen, January 10, 1884
Townsend, Edmund
Columbus Citizen: The Citizen regrets to hear of the death of Mr. Edmund Townsend, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Townsend, which sad event occurred on the 23d at the family residence near this city. Deceased was 22 years old last May, a genial, industrious and Promising young man, with many friends. To the bereaved relatives and friends we tender sincere sympathy. [Place of interment unknown.]
Weimar Mercury. October 27, 1900
Townsend, Egbert
Weimar Locals
Egbert Townsend on May 25th departed this life at the residence of his father, L. M.[sic] Townsend, and was buried on the 26th. Egbert was a good and kind young man and leaves a wife and two little children to mourn his untimely end. He was taken sick at his father’s house while on a visit and could not be removed until he died. We understand he suffered a great deal from inflammation of the bowels. We offer our sympathy to the bereaved family. [Place of interment Weimar Odd Fellows]
Colorado Citizen, June 2, 1881

Townsend, Elizabeth M. “Lillie” (Oncken)
Funeral for Mrs. Townsend Held May 30
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Lillie) Townsend, 99, of Weimar were held Wednesday, May 30 from Hubbard Funeral Chapel, with burial in Masonic Cemetery. Rev. Paul May officiated.
Mrs. Townsend, a lifelong Weimar resident, died Monday, May 28, at 11 a.m. in Colorado-Fayette Medical Center, of pneumonia.
Born August 22, 1890, she was a daughter of W. H. and Bertha (Beete) Oncken. She was married to B. L. Townsend in Houston on May 20, 1908.
Mrs. Townsend lived in the same house where she was born for nearly 90 years, and at Parkview Manor the past ten years. She was a member of First United Methodist Church and Methodist Women. She was one of the first presidents of the Weimar Public School PTA. In her younger years she was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and president and secretary of the Weimar Cemetery Association.
Mrs. Townsend’s husband died February 18, 1956. Also preceding her in death were a son, Howard W. Townsend, two brothers and a sister. Surviving here are a son, Leslie L. Townsend of Weimar, two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Serving as pallbearers were Jack Montgomery. Heine Beken, Henry Herder, Edward Rabel, Eugene Oncken, and Milton Booth.
Weimar Mercury, May 31, 1990
Photo courtesy of Harold Thomas Matthews
Townsend, Emeline E. (Tinkler)
Weimar Local Matters
A great gloom was cast over this community when it was known that Mrs. Emiline Townsend was no more. This estimable lady was sick about seventeen days, and her friends thought that there was no cause for any serious alarm, and on ascertaining her real condition were greatly shocked, as the news was so very sudden. “Aunt Emiline,” as she was familiarly known, was the wife of the late H. S. Townsend, and her deeds of charity and Christian fortitude were well known to all. Her friendly and soothing words of comfort to the distressed was always looked for on every side. Her death occurred Tuesday night; and her remains were interred in the family lot in the Masonic cemetery beside her husband Wednesday evening, November 25. A host of friends and relatives attended the last sad rites, Rev. G. H. Collins of Columbus officiating.
Colorado Citizen, December 3, 1891
Townsend, Emily C. (Tooke)
After a lingering illness of twelve months or more during which time she suffered in a manner which no pen can definitely describe, Mrs. Emily Townsend, wife of J. L. H. Townsend, "fell asleep in the arms of Jesus," the sad event occurring at 6 o'clock, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Townsend was an invalid for a long time previous to her death, but with almost superhuman courage and endurance, she bore up till the last. The most skilled physicians to be procured attended her and did all they could to save her, but the Master had called her, and she obeyed the call. The bereaved husband, children, relatives and friends all were solicitous as to her wants, and none were left ungratified Her remains were interred at the Odd Fellows cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, a large crowd of sympathizing friends witnessing he interment. Our sincere, heartfelt sympathy is extended the bereaved ones in their hour of affliction.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1892
Mrs. Emily Townsend, wife of Mr. J. L. H. Townsend of this city, who has been ill for some time with consumption, died early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Townsend leaves a husband, four children any [sic] many relatives who were perfectly devoted to her to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Methodist church of this city and a faithful consistent Christian. The remains were placed to rest in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery yesterday evening at 2 o’clock, the Rev. H.. M. Haynie officiating. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. A. Lockett, Sam Hancock, C. T. Hancock, G. T. Holman, Boyce McCormick and W. A. Baar. Many sorrowing friends followed the remains to their last resting place. We extend our deepest condolence to the bereaved ones.
Colorado Citizen, January 7, 1892, page 3
Townsend, Emmett L.
E. L. Townsend Died Monday After Long Illness
E. L. Townsend, for many years a citizen of this place, and a native born Colorado countian, died at the family residence in this city Monday afternoon at 3:30 after a long illness. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Rev. J. W. Arnspiger, Baptist minister, officiating. Mr. Townsend had spent the greater part of his life in our county, but for awhile was a resident of Hallettsville[sic]. He was a peace officer of our county for a number of years. In early youth he was a victim of the accidental discharge of a pistol, which crippled him seriously and impaired his usefulness for all time, but he bore his affliction uncomplainingly and was ever cheerful in spite of his crippled condition. He was a friend as true as steel, of cheerful temperament, and well liked by all who knew him. Our sincere sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, November 3, 1922, page 1
Townsend, Gladys Guenn (Johnson)
Mrs. Howard Townsend of Columbus, who was formerly Miss Gladys Johnson, daughter of Jesse Johnson, at one time tax collector of this county, died suddenly at the home of her sister in Houston at an early hour Thursday morning of last week. She had been there under treatment, but her condition was so improve she was expected to return home. However, a sudden turn for the worse in her condition came, and she died very suddenly. The remains ere brought to Columbus [Odd Fellows' Rest] for interment. Besides her husband and father, she leaves three sisters, Mrs. Leo Hahn of Houston, Mrs. Gail Borden Kelly of Boston and Mrs. Emiola Baker of Dallas. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, August 17, 1923
Townsend, Hamilton L. "Hamp"
Last Monday near relatives went from this city to see the last of their kinsman, Mr. Hamp Townsend, who died at his home thirty miles south of here. Mrs. Jas. Cummins and Mrs. Joseph Lessing are sisters of deceased and the only survivors of the Asa Townsend children.
Mr. "Hamp" Townsend, an old citizen of this county, and the last of the older Townsends, died suddenly at his home near Crasco, in this county, Sunday night, after a brief illness of some complaint like heart failure. He was well known in this section, where he had numerous friends, and his death is deeply regretted. The MERCURY extends its sincere consolence to the bereaved family. [Interment in Goldenrod Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, October 30, 1897
Contributed by Deborah Smith
Townsend, Harry L.
Harry L. Townsend
November 8, 1907 - February 19, 1995
Harry L. Townsend, 87, of Sheridan, died on Sunday, February 19, 1995, at 8:38 p.m. at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar. He was born November 8, 1907 near Rock Island to Mose M. and Minnie Ann Bronson Townsend. He was a native and lifelong resident of Colorado County and attended Rock Island Schools. In 1973, he retired from Coastal States Gas Producing Company, having spent a lifetime career working as a driller in the oil and gas drilling and exploration farm system.
He and Maudie Botard were married in Cuero on January 21, 1974. Townsend spent 43 years in law enforcement in Colorado County, working as a Constable, Deputy Sheriff and Special Deputy before retirement.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Mamie Baker; brothers, Howard, Hume and Archie. Survivors include his wife of Sheridan; daughters, Mozelle Rollins of Pensacola, Florida, Dixie Kay Townsend of Jasper and step-daughter Sue High of Sheridan; son, Billy Lester Townsend of Houston; four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, other loved ones.
Graveside services were scheduled for 3 p.m. Wednesday, February 22, 1995, from the Myrtle Cemetery, Rock island, with Rev. Brent Pittman, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sheridan, officiating.
Honorary pallbearers were Albert Botard, Isam Briscoe Jr., Hume and Louis Baker, Howard William Townsend, Clyde Townsend and Robin Taylor.
Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Feb. 23, 1995
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Townsend, Henry Sumner
Weimar Local Matters
It is with poignant grief that we chronicle the death of Mr. H. S. Townsend, which occurred at his residence in this place Wednesday night, November 14, at twenty-eight minutes past 11 o’clock He had been complaining at intervals for the past eight months, but was confined to his bed only a short time preceding his demise. Mr. Townsend was in his fifty-third year, and had lived in Colorado county since infancy. He was a worthy, good citizen, quiet and unobtrusive in deportment, drawing to his character many friends; a sincere Christian, a member of the Methodist church of long standing; an affectionate husband and brother. He was buried in the Masonic cemetery on the following day at 4 o’clock, with Masonic honors by Weimar Lodge, No. 423, A. F. & A. F., assisted by members of Caledonia, Oakland and Osage Lodges, a large concourse of friends and relatives attending the sad rites. We extend to the bereaved wife, adopted daughter, brothers, sisters and other relatives our heartfelt sympathy.
Colorado Citizen, November 22, 1888, page 3
Townsend, Howard Asa
Attorney Howard Townsend Died Saturday In San Antonio
Following ill health of several years’ standing, Attorney Howard A. Townsend, son of the late Sheriff Light Townsend, died in San Antonio, where he had been under treatment, last Saturday morning. The remains were brought to his home in Columbus Saturday night, and the following afternoon were interred in the Odd Fellows’ Rest, that city, the funeral being under Masonic auspices and largely attended.
Howard Townsend was born and raised in Columbus. His parents and grandparents were among the most prominent residents of Texas in the early days. Decedent had practiced law in Columbus for the past twenty-nine years, and had been singularly successful. He was an attorney of brilliance and learning, and at all times had a large and lucrative practice. He was twice married--the first time to Miss Johnson daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Columbus, who preceded him in death many years ago. A few months ago he was united in marriage to Mrs. Margaret Geiselmannn, and she, together with his four sisters, Mrs. Stephenson and Mrs. Quin of San Antonio, Mrs. Napier of Dallas and Mrs. Stafford of Columbus, and one brother, J. Light Townsend of San Antonio, survive.
Our sincere, heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, May 2, 1930
Townsend, Howard William
Dr. Townsend of UT Speech Dept. Buried at Weimar
Dr. Howard W. Townsend, aged 49, doctor of speech of the University of Texas was buried in the Weimar cemetery Sunday after services at All Saints Episcopal church in Austin. Rev. Charles Summers officiating.
Dr. Townsend, native of Weimar, was found dead in his office at the university last Friday after his wife had called and he had failed to answer. He had not been in good health for some time. He received his education at the university.
Dr. Townsend was a son of the late Berry Townsend and Mrs. Townsend of Weimar. His mother, who survives, is the former Lillie Oncken.
He leaves his widow, a son and daughter of Austin and a brother, Leslie Townsend, of Weimar.
Francis Brasher of Weimar was one of the pallbearers and the other were from Austin.
Colorado County Citizen, October 16, 1958
Townsend, Hume
Hume Townsend, 17, Electrocuted When He Picks Up Live Wire In Shallow Water.
Mr. Mose Townsend of Rock Island, whose wife is a sister of Mrs. G.C. Weisler of this community, while here last Friday en route to the centennial celebration at Columbus received a message of the death of his son, Hume Townsend, 17 years of age who was killed by electricity in Kansas City, Missouri. The young man was working for a dredging company and it is said that he waded out in shallow Water in the Missouri river to recover a wire carrying a small current. The young man graduated from the Rock Island high school the past spring and was very popular among all the people that knew him. Shortly after the closing of school, he went to Missouri to work in the wheat fields. It is stated, later taking a position with the dredging company. The body was shipped to Rock Island Monday, the funeral being held from the family residence at that place, with Interment in the Rock Island [Myrtle] cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Weisler and family, and others from here, were among those in attendance at the funeral.
Eagle Lake Headlight, September 1, 1923
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Townsend, Hume L.
Death of Hume L. Townsend.
Rock Island, May 1.--W. L. Scott received a telegram from Mrs. H. L. Townsend at Cotulla, Texas, notifying him of the death of her husband, H. L. Townsend, at that place. The body will arrive on the Davy Crockett in the morning and will be buried at Cheetham Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge of this place. Mr. Townsend was born and raised in Colorado county and has been a citizen of Rock Island for several years. He was a brother to Hon. M. H. Townsend of Columbus.--Post Special.
The many friends of the above gentleman learned of his untimely death with sincere and undeigned[sic] regret. He was well and favorably known and possessed a large circle of friends throughout this section. The deepest sympathy of all goes out to the bereaved widow and children.
Weimar Mercury, May 5, 1906
Cullings From Cheetham
The remains of Mr. H. L. Townsend, who died Sunday at Marble hotel, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, were interred in the cemetery at this place last Wednesday evening with the honors of Old Fellows' Lodge. Rev. Armstrong of Eagle Lake conducted the religious services at the chruch after which the Odd Fellows took charge of the body, and bore it to the cemetery where it was tenderly consigned to the grave. The concourse of sorrowing relatives and friend was the largest ever seen at this place. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral we noted the following: Emmet Townsend and wife of Weimar, M. H. Townsend, Howard Townsend and mother from Columbus, Marion Hope and Hiram Clements from Glidden, Jim Clements from Lane City, Will Clements from Bonus, Sam Kuykendall and family, Lee Johnson and family, Mrs. Melisa Johnson and family of Yoakum, Mose Townsend of Golden Rod. and others whose names we failed to learn.
Weimar Mercury, May 12, 1906, page 4
Townsend, Ira Dance "Pats"
The Editors' Supplement
by Mac
PAT Townsend was one of the most refreshing characters we met in a long time. He died alone in a Schulenburg hotel last week, and the news of the passing was the first we had had about him in many weeks, for he traveled a lot, seemingly living without a care and sometimes off his friends who looked on him with understanding and, probably, with envy. He would mail back a greeting now and then to friends here and in Weimar, sometimes a wrapper from a catsup bottle or bean can.
ONE of the last times Pat was in Columbus, he was accompanied by a large police-type dog that idolized his owner and would obey his commands. Pat was driving an old Cadillac that had very slim furnishings inside; and you could see him sailing down the road in the Cad with the dog poised on top with head pointed into the wind. The dog was with Pat at the last and has been taken in charge by a friend. Some of you may remember that Pat once operated a café called "The Skyscraper." It was one-story high. In Pat's billfold when he died we are sure, was a newspaper clipping with a picture that showed him shaking hands with the late Pres. Warren Harding. In 1921 Pat was a pitcher with one of the teams that took part in the opening game in Washington, D.C. [Interred in Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery]
Colorado County Citizen, July 29, 1965
Transcribed by Judy Talkington
Townsend, Isaac
We have a report of the assassination of Mr. Isaac Townsend, in the upper portion of Lavaca county last Saturday evening at about 9 o’clock. It seems that the fiend who did the dastardly deed slipped up in the rear of the house in his sock feet, as appeared from foot-prints in a bank of ashes. Mr. T. and his young wife were sitting in the front yard. He got up and walked into the house to get a drink of water, when he was shot with a shot-gun loaded with buck-shot, thirteen balls entering the hips, passing into and through the body, from the effects of which he died in nine or ten hours. Mr. Townsend was an inoffensive man, and on his death bed declared that he had no enemies that he knew of in the worldsuspicioned no one. It is to be hoped that the wretch who did the act may yet have justice meted out to him. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, August 11, 1881, page 3
Townsend, J. Howard
Little J. Howard Townsend, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Townsend, died at the home of Mrs. Leo Hahn in Houston, August 17, 1918. The parents realizing the seriousness of the child’s condition, moved him to Houston where the service of an infant specialist could be obtained.
All that tender loving hands, and the best medical skill could do was done, but after three weeks suffering this precious little soul was bourn on “snowy wings to his eternal home.”
Little Howard Jr., was a bright beautiful baby, and in his short life of 16 months had entwined himself around the hearts of his parents, and like a beautiful fragrant flower attracted the attention and won the affection of every one who knew him. The Angels plucked this lovely bud from the nursery of mother’s care and transplanted it in the garden of God and he is now among the sweetest flowers of all ages. Let no one think this short life will be without value, his influence unmixed with sin will be reflected in ways we know not of; and may it be so beautifully reflected in the lives of both, father and mother, that they will be shining stars in the crown of this dear Angel baby. The precious remains were brought to Columbus, and buried from the Townsend home, in the Odd Fellows Rest. The funeral services at the home and cemetery was conducted by Rev. Thomas J. Windham of Houston. A large cortege of sympathetic friends and relatives following the loved form to its last resting place, where beneath a mound of flowers little Howard J., rests. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend have the deepest sympathy of our entire community.
A friend.
Colorado Citizen, September 6, 1918, page 1
Townsend, Jacob J.
DIED, last Saturday morning between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock, at his residence in this city, Mr. Jake J. Townsend, youngest son of Mr. Asa Townsend (deceased), and brother of Sheriff Light Townsend, T. L. Townsend, Matt and Hamp Townsend. He was raised in Colorado county, was 41 years of age, and respected by all who knew him. The remains were interred in the Masonic cemetery in this city at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, Rev. T. B. Graves officiating. The funeral was largely attended by he relatives and friends of the family. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn him, and to them our sincere condolence is extended.
Weimar Mercury, December 28, 1889
Townsend, James Gaither
Post Special: Columbus, Texas, August 30.--The funeral of J. G. Townsend, who was killed in a difficulty at Louise, Texas, yesterday, was held from the passenger train this afternoon. [Interment in Columbus City Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, September 8, 1911, page 1

Townsend, James Light
Despite the combined efforts of the best physicians in the state, Sheriff J. L. Townsend continued to decline, and on last Monday morning at 4:30 passed peacefully into the sleep that hath no awakening. His remains were brought to Weimar Tuesday afternoon on a special train and were laid to rest in the Masonic cemetery, fully one thousand persons being present to witness the sad ceremony. Mr. Townsend had been sheriff of our county for the past twelve years, and was one of the shrewdest, most zealous officers southwest Texas ever possessed. He was a true friend, a brave and fearless officer, and a true christian gentleman. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his sad and untimely death. The Mercury extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved family in their dark hour of trouble.
Weimar Mercury, November 17, 1894
Townsend, James Light Jr.
Funeral services were held at Columbus Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon for J. Lite Townsend, 80, Columbus native who died in Ft. Worth Sunday. He had been in failing health for the past 2 years. The Rev. Gregory Robertson of the First Methodist Church.officiated and burial was in Odd Fellows Rest cemetery. Born in Columbus 18 Nov 1886, he was the youngest child of James Lite Townsend and Margaret Alice Cummings. His father was sheriff of Colorado Co. for 14 years and was reelected the day before he died, about 1894. J. Lite Townsend attended the Univ. of TX and was a member of the Chi Phi fraternity. He was an electrical contractor in San Antonio for many years and lived in Ft. Worth for 6 years prior to his death. His 1st wife, Leila Francis Gegenworth of Columbus, died in 1940. He is survived by his widow, the former Doyve (sic) Lee Jones of Ft. Worth [Dovie Lee], whom he married 28 Oct 1941; 2 daughters, Mrs. George Rhine of San Antonio and Mrs. Aubrey Stringer of Waco; a son, James D. Townsend of San Francisco; 5 grandchildren; and a sister. Mrs. Carrie Stanford of Columbus. Pallbearers: Hollis Massey of Columbus; James E. Jones of Ft. Worth; Vernon Shelton, Gary Canteau, Norman Harwell and Paul R. Jones of San Antonio; and Cotter Stringer and Aubrey Stringer Jr. of Ft. Worth.
The Colorado County Citizen, Columbus, TX, 28 Sep 1967,
p.2 (news clipping provided by 16 Jul 1996 pkg., Florence COOPER of Waco, TX, to JLR)
Submitted by Deborah Smith
Townsend, Jessie D. (Toliver)
Mrs. Jessie Townsend
Death came to Mrs. Jessie Townsend at the Methodist Hospital in Houston Saturday at about eleven a.m. following an operation Friday morning for obstruction of the colon. The operation disclosed a very malignant cancer in the colon.
"Miss Jessie" had been seriously ill since August 4th, and was taken to the hospital on the 9th.
Funeral services were held at the Hurr residence in this city Sunday evening at four o'clock and the remains taken to Weimar for burial. [Interment in Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery] Rev. J. W. E. Willmann, pastor of the Methodist church in Weimar, officiated.
Miss Jessie Toliver was born in Columbus on January 1, 1875, the daughter of John A. Toliver who was then County Clerk of this county. Her mother later married J. W. Holt and the family lived in Weimar many years.
In 1893, she was married to Mose Townsend who was killed in the early part of '94. Since that time she made her home with her parents until their death in 1921 and '22.
Devoted to the other members of the family and always exerting a kindly interest in her neighbors and friends, Mrs. Townsend was loved by a wider circle who deeply grieve at her passing.
She is survived by a stepsister, Mrs. Henry Hurr, a stepbrother, Judge Lester Holt of Hallettsville, and two half-brothers, Ben B. Holt of Weimar and Will H. Holt of Waelder, to whom her memory ever will remain dear.
Colorado County Citizen, April 29, 1935
Transcribed by Dennis Boatright
Townsend, Johnnie
Fatal Accident
While jumping on a freight train near the east end of the stock pens Thursday night about nine o’clock, Johnnie Townsend, only son of Mrs. Jake Townsend, of this city, fell beneath the wheels and his right leg was cut off about an inch below the groin, and his left leg crushed to a pulp from about two inches above the knee to about midway between the knee and ankle. The night was dark and it being rather out of the business part of town his groans were unheard for some time. When discovered he was still conscious,but soon relapsed into unconsciousness, never rallied, and died about 1 o’clock Friday morning. There were several boys with him, but at this time their identity is unknown. Johnnie was a boy of about 14 years and the only son of a widowed mother. The funeral will take place at the Masonic cemetery this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Weimar Mercury, April 13, 1901, page 2
Townsend, Kate (Murchison)
The death of Mrs. Kate Murchison Townsend last Sunday night at 9:30 was indedd a lamentable affair. She was stricken with a dangerous form of paralysis some four or five monhs ago, and although a loving husband spent his all in an endeavor to stay the hand of Death, God willed it not so. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at the Odd Fellows’ cemetery, Rev. Gates performing the burial service. To the grief stricken husband who so soon had to give up his beloved companion, the Mercury’s heartfelt sympathy is extended.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906.
Death of Mrs. Kate Murchison Townsend
The destroyer Death has once more borne away a precious one from our midst. Mrs. Kate Murchison Townsend, beloved wife of Mr. Lewis Townsend, died Sunday night at 9:30, at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. E. L. Townsend, after a lingering illness of four months’ duration. Everything was done for her that medical skill and loving hands could possibly do, but Death claimed this child-wife. She was only 24 years old on January 26, and had been married very nearly three years. Katie was blessed among women. She had a devoted mother, who had always made her girlhood happy; her union was blesed with a husband who idolized her, so did his mother and step-father and brothers, who lavished every kindnees upon her, thus making the severing of earthly ties doubly hard. She longed to live for the sake of these dear ones. But this is our common lot--a debt we all have to pay. She had laid up treasures in heaven and you can go to her, where partings will never come to cloud your joy. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved ones. Katie had many friends who loved her for her own sweet sake and who are heart-broken over her loss. She was born in this town and spent the brief years of her life among our people. To the mother whose first-born she was our heart aches with pity for her desolation, for no one can love like her save God, the Father. Think not that the friend of the widow and orphan has forgotten you in your agony. Not so. He has only thrown out one more of life’s golden cables over on the other shore to strengthen your hold on eternity. That sweet child will wait for you with glad impatience. She leaves you to watch over her beloved husband, and her spirit will ever hover near him, as he is so young and has perhaps so much of life to tread alone. Learning on the everlasting arm, He will lead you to her, where there will be no more pain, no more parthing, to gather ‘round the great white throne with all those for whom Death has lost its sting. [Interred in Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery]
K. M. B.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906
Townsend, Lenora (Hope)
Funeral services for Mrs. Nora Hope Townsend, 89, of Houston, were held here Friday with interment in the Masonic Cemetery. The Rev. J. H. Thompson read the final rites.
Services were held from the Hubbard Funeral Home.
Mrs. Townsend, who died after only nine hours illness, was a native of Columbus. Daughter of Jack and Minerva Alexander Hope, she was born August 3, 1852. She was married at Weimar in June, 1870, to Mr. Jake Townsend who preceded her in death. She lived here many years before moving to Houston, where her last address was 1208 Williard Street. She was a member of the Methodist Church.
Children surviving are: Mrs. J. E. Hines, Sr., of Houston; Mrs. Anne Hollison, Fairbanks; Mrs. Netter Smith, Houston and Mrs. Ola Lowrey of Weimar.
Also surviving are 7 grandchildren: Walter and Kent Lowrey of Houston; Wiley Lowry[sic] of Hillsboro; Ernestine Haniel and Quinn Harrison of Houston; Joseph Koening of Austin; and J. E. Hines, Jr., of Houston; and 10 great grandchildren: Newell and Madelyn Lowrey; Alonzo, Katherine, and Dorothy Haniel; Barbara Joan, Shirley and Marilyn Lowrey; Aleta Ann and Carmen Elizabeth Harrison.
The Mercury joins many friends of the family here in extending deepest sympathy.
Weimar Mercury, June 19, 1942, page 1
Townsend, Leslie L.
Leslie L. Townsend, 90, of Weimar, passed away Feb. 13 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center.
He was born Nov. 9, 1914 to B. L. and Lillie (Oncken) Townsend in Weimar and married Helen Schneider May 22, 1954. He attended Weimar Public School, graduating as salutatorian of his class in May 1931. He farmed until attending Draughons Business College in Houston office. He also worked for San Jacinto Finance Corp. from 1938-42 in Houston. He served his country in the United States Army, during World War II, from February 1942-October 1945 in the Asiatic Pacific Theater Branch of Army in the Signal Corps as cryptographer (decoding classified information). He was attached to the U.S. Air Force as a staff sergeant-11th Air Force-Island Atta serving in the Aleutian Islands.
He left for San Antonio, Ft. Sam Houston in February 1942 then for Camp Crowder, Mo. by train and was schooled for army payroll. From there he was sent to Bakersfield, Calif. After a couple months, he was sent on to Marshfield, Calif. and after three months, he was sent to the staging area at Ft. Lewis, Wash.
In September 1942, he departed for oversea arriving on Island of Adak. He stayed there for a year, then was sent to the Island of Umnak doing coding and decoding. On Oct. 8, 1944, he departed for the U.S., docked on the Canadian Coast, then went by train to Kelly Air Base, San Antonio, where he arrived on Oct. 24, 1944.
He then went to Venice, Fla. in August 1945. From there, he was assigned back to Ft. Sam Houston, where he worked filling in discharge papers for military service persons.
He received an honorable discharge on Oct. 9, 1945, as Staff Sergeant, with the Medical Detachment 1857th Service Command Unit of U.S. Army at Ft. Sam Houston.
After the war he returned to Weimar to work at the U.S. Post Office as a substitute clerk in September 1946.
He retired from the U.S. Post Office in Weimar as Supervisor of Postal Operations in May 1991.
He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Weimar all his life and was also a member of American Legion and served on the board of directors in 1946. He was a member of the Weimar Masonic Lodge for 50 years serving as Worshipful Master in 1958 and 1959. He was a member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas-William B. Travis no. 7, a member of The Sons of American Revolution-Texas Society no. 7036 and he also served on Parkview Manor Board from September 1982, until retiring in June 1992.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Howard Townsend; and sister-in-law Mary Townsend.
He is survived by his wife Helen; nephew, Howard Townsend of Carrolton; niece, Jennifer Garrett of Little Rock, Ark.; sisters-in-law, Frieda and husband Luke John of San Antonio, Ruth Malich of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Karoline Forren of Boerne and Sophie and husband Lee Kowolsky of San Benito; brother-in-law, Eddie Schneider and wife Lenora of San Benito; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Funeral Services were Monday, Feb. 16, at the First United Methodist Church in Weimar with the Rev. Andrew Pate officiating. Interment followed at the Weimar Masonic Cemetery, with Masonic and military graveside rites.
Pallbearers were Eugene Oncken, Kervy Kahlden, Charles Trefny, Steve Svetlik, Milton Beken and Scott Brasher.
Honorary pallbearers were all Veterans of World War II and Masons, Jimmie Mayes, Henry Beken Jr., Dr. Robert Youens, Leslie Kahlden and the Rev. Howard MacAllister.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Legion Otto Rahlwes Post, in care of Erwin Kunz, treasurer, 404 N. College, Weimar; the Salvation Army, in care of the Rev. Vernon. Rabel, Weimar, or the charity of one's choice.
The Colorado County Citizen, February 25, 2004
Courtesy of The Citizen
Townsend, Lizzie (Bullock)
The wife of Sandy Townsend, a well known colored citizen of this place who has been ill in San Antonioi for a long time, died at the home of her children, Burton Gaines and wife, Wednesday,and the remains will be brought to Weimar today, Thursday, for interment in the colored people’s burying ground. Many friends, both white and colored, regret to learn of her death.
Weimar Mercury, May 13, 1921, page 5
Townsend, Louise H. (Dillard)
Oakland Remarks
Departed this life on Monday, 11th instant, at her home near this place, Mrs. Lou H. Townsend, relict of Spencer Townsend, deceased. Mrs. T. was born in Tennessee in 1821; was in her 69th year. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church and truly a lover of the Lord, [Interment in Weimar Odd Fellows' Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, November 16, 1889
Townsend, Marcus Burford
Maracus Burford Townsend, infant son of M. H. and Annie Townsend, aged five months, was born December 21, 1890, and departed this life at the family home in Columbus, Colorado county, Texas, May 21, 1891. An angel came from heaven to gather jewels for the Savior's crown and on swift swings ascended bearing away the pure spirit of little Marcus. God has just transplanted this bright bud of promise from the eartly to his heavenly garden there to unfold immortal powers and bloom through endless ages. Although his stay was so short he had entwined himself about the affections of his parents and friends, their hearts were made sad on account of his departure. It seems as though he came to us that we might go to him. He who hath conquered death has said "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven." May the memory of his earthly smiles brighten the parents' way until they meet him in heaven and in this sore trial may God's presence strengthen their faith and enable them to say "thy will be done," and in meekness submit to "Him who doeth all things well"--being too wise to err and too good to be unkind. [Interment in Odd Fellows Rest] G. H. Collins, Pastor
Colorado Citizen, May 28, 1891

Townsend, Marcus Hervey
San Antonio, Tex. June 29-- M. H. Townsend, widely known as a lawyer and financier in South Texas, died yesterday afternoon at 5:30 at his home, 508 Fifth Street. Mr. Townsend was author of the bill and charman of the legislative committee that brought about the purchase of the Alamo Building. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4:40 o'clock from the residence. Interment will be in Mission Burial Park. Rev. Wilbur F. Packard, pastor of the Travis Park Methodist Church, will conduct the services. The pallbearers will be: Active--J.L. Kerr, E.A. Hutchins, W.R. King, W.B. William, J.E. Richey, T.F. Mangum, George C. Saur, F.G. Hiltje, Honorary--T. A. Hill of Weimar, George Burgess of Gonzales, Jonathan Lane, M.H. Garwood and W.T. Eldridge of Houston, Thomas F. Boulden of Columbus, Ike T. Pryor, Clifton George, Dr. Fred Terrell and T.H. Franklin. Mr. Townsend was born in Colorado County in 1858, reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of the county. His parents were Moses B. and Anna E. Townsend, both now dead. Left fatherless at the age of nine years, he determined to acquire an education. He studied law at old Baylor University at Independence, and was admitted to the bar in 1880. From 1886 to 1906 he was a member of the law firm of Foard, Thompson and Townsend at Columbus, and during this time participated in many noted criminal and civil cases, among others the Eldridge case tried at Richmond, his client being acquitted. Mr. Townsend began his public life in the Texas House of Representatives, eighteenth Legislature, in 1882, having been elected from Colorado County, and the first Democrat ever named over a Republican in that county. He succeded in having a new county, Foard, created in North Central Texas, and was so named in honor of his law partner, Major Foard, formerly of Columbus. Mr. Townsend was well known throughout South and Southwest Texas as a man of decided convictions, clear, masterful mind, quick and active in business as well as in his profession, tireless, unrelenting and fearless in his efforts to accomplish anythng he thought right. He was a director of the City National Bank of San Antonio, and known as a man who builded and developed. His greatest pleasure was to see his friends and those he loved prosper and succeed.
Weimar Mercury, July 2, 1915
Submitted by David Hahn
Photo courtesy Catherine Ryan
Townsend, Margaret Alice (Cummins)
Mrs. Margaret Alice Townsend Dead
Mrs. Margaret Alice Cumins Townsend, widow of the late sheriff, J. L. Townsend, died near Kerrville, Texas, last Monday morning, June 24th, 1912, after a protracted illness. Mrs. Townsend was the daughter of Mr. J.M. Cummins who now resides in Seymour, Baylor county. She was born in Sparta, Tenn., September 18, 1850, and came to Texas with the family in an early day. She was married December 28th, 1868, to J. Light Townsend, who, from 1880 to 1894 was the tried, and efficient sheriff of Colorado county, and who died in the Fall of 1894. Mrs. Townsend leaves six children surviving her, all of whom were with her at the last hour, and we understand that she was rational, and counseled them almost to the last moment. The children are Mrs.Lumpian Stephenson of Batson, Mrs. Maggie Napier of Sherman, Mrs. C. K. Quin, Mrs. J. W. Stafford, and Hon Howard A. Townsend of Columbus, and Mr. J. Light Townsend of Houston. The remains were brought to Weimar for interment, arriving there Tuesday evening, the interment taking place Wednesday morning from the home of Walter Lowrey, to the Masonic cemetery by the side of her late husband, a special train from Columbus conveying nearly a hundred sorrowing friends from this place.
Mrs. Townsend was for many years a consistent member of the Methodist church, and the stewards, Messrs. C. R. Grobe, Kenneth Brandon, J. E. Brigham, Louis Wirtz and C. K. Quin were honorary pall bearers. The funeral was conducted by Rev. A. Noble James, pastor of the Methodist church of this place; and Messrs. E. S. Sandmeyer, R. R. Hadden, W. S. Miller, Aug. Ilse, J. Alvey Harbert, and J. J. Mansfield were the active pall bearers. The funeral cortege was a long procession of sorrowing relatives and friends from Weimar, Oakland, San Antonio, Columbus and other places. The floral tributes were profuse, and included a superb floral star from the chapter of the Eastern Star of Columbus, of which she was a member. Mrs. Townsend was long noted for her Christian piety, her many acts of charity, and her life was devoted to good and noble deeds. The community mourns her loss, and with hundreds of other family friends, our sincere sympathy and condolence is extended,
Colorado Citizen, June 28, 1912
Mrs. Alice Townsend
Mrs. Alice Townsend of Columbus, widow of the late Sheriff Light Townsend, died Monday evening near Kerrville, where she had gone several weeks previous in the hopes of benefiting her failing health. The remains were brought here for interment, and on Wednesday morning in the presence of a large circle of mourning relatives and friends were committed to mother earth, Rev. James, pastor of the Columbus Methodist church, performing the funeral obsequies. A special train of two coaches, having on board some eighty relatives and friends of the family, was run from Columbus by the Souther Pacific, reaching here in time for the funeral. Mrs. Townsend was well ande favorably known throughout this section. She was a daughter of J. M. Cummins, a former resident of this place, and during his residence here often visited Weimar. She was a good, christian woman, a model wife and mother, and beloved by her friends and neighbors wherever known. She leaves six children, all of them grown. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in their heavy loss.
Weimar Mercury, June 28, 1912
Contributed by Deborah Smith
Townsend, Margaret Ella (Downing)
Express Special: Louise, Tex. Feb. 11. Mrs. J. G. Townsend, wife of Constable J. G. Townsend of this place, died of heart failure today. She was as well as usual this morning. After breakfast she was attending to domestic affairs. She was on he back gallery and called her little son Jimmie for some purpose; then fell to the floor and died without any other word. Her husband was in he room and hear her fall. Decedent leaves a husband, married daughter living in San Antonio, Mrs. S. M. Hope, and a single daughter, Miss Nuddie, aged 16 years, and little son Jimmie, about 12 years old. Mrs. Townsend had resided here for the past two or three years. [Interment in Columbus City Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury , February 17, 1911, page 1
Townsend, Mary
Old “Aunt Mary” Townsend died at this place last Thursday at the age of nearly one hundred years. She was a very respectable old darkey, liked by all who knew her. She was buried in the colored cemetery at 4 p. m. last Thursday. [Place of interment unknown]
Weimar Mercury, July 2, 1898, page 6
Townsend, Minnie Ann (Brownson
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Rock Island Sunday for Mrs. Mose Townsned, 66, who died at Bell Memorial hospital here on Friday. Interment was in the Rock Island Myrtle cemetery with the Rev. Thompson of Garwood officiating. Columbus Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Townsend was born Minnie Ann Brownson at Sublime on February 28, 1878. She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Mamie Baker, Rock Island; three sons, Howard of Corpus Christi, Harry of Rock Island and Archie, with the navy at San Diego, Calif., and three sisters, Mesdames G. C. Weisler, and Flossie Loughridge, Eagle Lake and W. H. Pinchback, Garwood.
Colorado County Citizen, September 21, 1944
Submitted by David Hahn
Townsend, Moses Madison
Moses Townsend Funeral Services Held Tuesday
Lifelong Resident of Colorado County Passes away At Rock Island Home On Monday Morning.
Born at Weimar 67 years ago; this community was saddened last week by the death of one of its prominent citizens, Mr. Moses Townsend.
Moses Townsend was born near Weimar in 1874, and passed away at the family home Monday morning at 8:40 after an illness of several weeks. He was married to Miss Minnie Brownson, February 12, 1896 and to this union seven children were born and four of them, with the heart broken wife, survive. The children are, Mrs. Mammie Baker and Harry Townsend of Rock Island, Howard Townsend of Corpus Christi and Archie Townsend of Columbus. One brother, Woodie Townsend of El Campo and eight grandchildren and one great grand daughter with hosts of friends are left to mourn his passing.
Mr. Townsend had spent all of his life in Colorado County having been a resident of Rock Island since 1910. He was very active in church affairs, having been a steward and trustee of the Methodist Church for a number of years and was always interested in every thing that was for the benefit and up building of the community. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Veach of the Methodist Church at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon and burial was in Myrtle Cemetery. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful. The sympathy of many friends throughout this section is extended to the bereaved family.
Eagle Lake Headlight, May 30, 1941
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Townsend, Nina (Fisher)
Sudden Death of Mrs. Nina Townsend
Our people were greatly shocked and grieved this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock. when news of the sudden death of Mrs. Nina Townsend was flashed over the city. At this writing we. glean the following brief particulars. Mrs. Townsend had just taken a bath and was in the act of throwing out the water, from her back gallery, when an apoplectic stroke of the heart ensued, and she fell dead, the body falling just outside of the gallery. Death must have been instantaneous. Her son, Ira, was at home, but asleep, and did not know of his mother's death until a nearby neighbor came over a. short while after, and found the dead body. Tender hands took charge of the body .and prepared same for burial, but at this writing the time of the funeral has not been determined. It is very likely, however, that it will be held tomorrow afternoon. Mrs., Townsend was one of our city’s most prominent and best beloved ladies, and her death is sincerely deplored. A suitable obituary will appear in our next issue. [Interment in Weimar Odd Fellows' Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, June 23, 1916, page 1
Mrs. Nina Townsend
Died, June 22nd, at her home in Weimar, of apoplexy, Mrs. Nina Townsend. On August 2lst she would have attained her forty-eighth birthday. She had been a member of the Baptist church since 1900. The shock almost paralyzed the entIre town, when the news of her sudden death was made known. No sadder death has ever, occurred In our midst than that of our own Nina. She was the ministering angel of the community. Wherever want or sorrow had cast its shadow upon a family, they could tell you of her good deeds. She was ever ready to offer herself as a bodily sacrifice for those around her. No one ever knew from her of the noble things she did. She "let not the right hand know what the left hand did," but faithfully did the work of her Master. The afternoon before her death she was in attendance at the ladles' prayer meeting. The subject was "Talents." She said that she couldn't pray; she couldn't talk nor sing. Feeling that she was deprived of these things, she couldn’t accomplish as much good as others. She was reminded by the ladies that she did have one of the noblest telents[sic] of the world, that of administering to the sick and dying, and helping to heal the broken hearted. She was returning this talent to her Lord with interest. It can be truly said of her that she had done all she could. I heard a christian woman say that she was glad that they expressed their appreciation of her, as it was a flower given in life which would encourage her on her way to Heaven. She little thought that this hungry heart was drinking in for the last time the perfume of their approval.
A more devoted daughter, mother, sister and friend never lived than Nina. To her aged mother she was a tower of strength. She attended to her every financial and physical need. A day never passed that she did not go or send to see how mother was getting along. Nina did not show her affections by petting, but by deeds. Two sons survive her-Fisher and Ira--for whom she would have given her very heart's blood. Any word written or expressed of their love for her was treasured as pearls. When she received endearing letters from them, she would show them to some of her friends, and the love-Iight, which would sparkle in her eyes would do your soul good to see.
We can not know God's plans or understand why He took Nina, in the midst of her labors. He came quickly and silently and bore her spirit into eternity. He didn't want her to suffer in the flesh. While preparing to go for worship in His earthly tabernacle, He stooped and bore her to that tabernacle which was not made with hands. He has turned her voice to a song of greater praise than she possessed while here. "For He walked and He talked with her, and He wanted her for His own.” Nina, we try not to be selfish and want you back, but our hearts will ever hunger for you. May God, the Father, make of her boys what she wanted them to be--christian gentlemen--and in the sweet bye and bye reunite all those whom she loved best on earth. A Friend.
Weimar Mercury, June 30, 1916, page 1
Townsend, Pharobie Ann (Cone)
Mrs. P. Townsend, widow of Mr. Len Townsend, and mother of Mrs. Gus Jung of Red Rock and Mr. J. L. H. Townsend of Spring, Tex., died at Spring, Tex., Thursday night, and will be brought here this morning and be buried in the family lot in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery. Mrs. Townsend was a kind-hearted, charitable, christian lady possessing a large circle of friends wherever known, and her death is deeply regretted. Peace to her memory.
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1895
Townsend, Rebecca E.
Departed this life at the residence of Judge Wm. J. Jones, in the city of Galveston, on the 6th ult., Mrs. Rebecca E. Townsend, sister of Mrs. Jones, in the 73rd year of her age, for many years a resident of Colorado county and well known and esteemed by all the old citizens, as first the widow of Leander Beeson, dec'd, and after the relict of Asa Townsend. She was for many years a sufferer from nervous troubles, although her sudden prostration and the fatal results were speedy and unexpected though her passing away was tranquil and apparently without suffering. [burial place unknown]
A Friend
Colorado Citizen, August 18, 1892
Contributed by Deborah Smith
Townsend, Rosa Elizabeth (Buttigig)
Mrs. Rosa Townsend Succumbs, Funeral Held Wednesday
Mrs. Rosa Buttigig Townsend passed away at the family residence here about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning, after an illness of a number of years.
Funeral services were held at the Hubbard Funeral Home on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with the Rev, S. R. Horwood, Methodist minister, officiating. Interment was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Pallbearers included G. W. Shaver, A. J. Ratliff, Ed Rabel, R. S. Wooldridge, Tye Holman and E. Brunkenhoefer.
The daughter of the late Joe and Emma Buttigig, Mrs. Townsend was born on Dec. 23, 1890, in Weimar. She died at the family home on Tuesday, May 1, 1945. She was united in marriage to Wells P. Townsend on June 8, 1914. She was a member of the Christian Church and the Weimar Chapter Order of Eastern Star lodge.
Mrs. Townsend served as telephone operator here for many years when the exchange was owned by H. Brasher. She was most efficient in her work and gained the admiration of everyone through her efforts to please and help her friends in any way she could. She was everyone's friend.
Survivors include her husband, Wells T. Townsend; one sister, Mrs. H. W. Dahse of Houston; two brothers. Joe Buttigig of Galveston, and Otto Buttigig of Lafayette, La.; one brother, George, died in infancy, and another brother, Gato, died several years ago at the age of 43 years.
The Mercury extends sincere condolence to the bereaved family.
Weimar Mercury, May 4, 1945, page 1
Townsend, Sam M.
Weimar Local Matters
A horrible accident occurred in this city Thursday evening between the hours of 3 and 4, when Constable T. L. Townsend's little three-year-old son Sam was kicked to death by a loose (sic) mare. The mother of the little fellow had occasion to visit a neighbor just across the street from their residence, gave the child and his six-year-old brother some grapes and bade them sit on the front steps til she returned. While gone the baby boy thought he would toddle across the way to a playmate and was followed by the good dog who took after a colt near by, which ran, causing the mare to run at the dog who in turn ran to the child. The mare wheeled and kicked at the dog, missing him and striking the child in the back of the head, fracturing the skull, from which it died in a few hours. The remains were interred in the family lot in the Odd Fellows' cemetery Friday evening. The CITIZEN, together with this community, deeply sympathise with Tup and Minna (sic) in the untimely death of their bright little boy.
Colorado Citizen, September 1, 1892
Contributed by Deborah Smith
Card of Thanks
The thanks of a grief stricken father and mother go out to those dear friends who were so kind and untiring in their attentions and efforts to assuage the deep grief caused by the loss of our darling loved one. God Bless them, one and all, is the wish of
Weimar Mercury, September 3, 1892
Townsend, Stoge S.
Mr. Stoge S. Townsend, an ex-resident of this city, having been born and raised here, died at Houston Sunday night, and the remains were brought here Tuesday afternoon for burial, interment taking place at the Masonic cemetery. He was a son of the late Captain T. L. Townsend, and grew to manhood in this city, but had been away for a number of years. He possessed numerous friends in this city who regretted his untimely death.
Weimar Mercury, February 19, 1909, page 5
Townsend, Thomas Lewis Jr. “Tup”
Died, at his father’s (Mr. T. L. Townsend,sr.,) residence in this city last Monday morning at 4:30 o’clock, Mr. T. L. Townsend, jr., after a brief illness, Deceased was well-known throughout the county, being constable of this precinct, possessed a large circle of friends, was a member of the Odd Fellows’ and Knights of Pythias lodges, and his death is to be regretted. He leaves a wife, little son, and a large number of relatives. His remains were committed to mother earth [Weimar Odd Fellows Cemetery] Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, Elder Hopkins of the Christian church, assisted by Rev. H. M. Haynie of the Methodist church, performing the burial services, the two above-named lodges also assisting. Our sympathy is extended the bereaved relatives.
Weimar Mercury, July 1, 1893
Townsend, Thomas Lewis Sr.
Capt. T. L. Townsend, an honored and respected citizen of Weimar, died very suddenly at the family residence Saturday morning, of heart failure, after an illness of only about twenty minutes. His death, coming so suddenly, was indeed a terrible shock to his family and large circle of friends. He was in apparent good health the day before his death, and, we are told, made a visit to his farm. He was a member of Weimar lodge, No. 423, A.F. &A.M., and was buried by that order (funeral services being held at the Christian church by Elder J. J. Cramer of Lockhart) Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery, a large crowd of relatives and sympathizing friends being present. Capt. Townsend was in his 68th year. He was a very charitable man, kindly in manner and disposition, and possessed a large circle of friends wherever known. He leaves a grief-stricken widow, four sons and a daughter to mourn his sad and untimely death.
Weimar Mercury, August 15, 1896
Townsend, Tiffany Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Townsend, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Townsend of Houston, died during delivery at 8:28 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at the Parkway Hospital in Houston. Graveside services and burial was held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 24 at the Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island under the direction of Dulany Funeral Home of Eagle Lake. Rev. Earl Locke, Pastor of Lissie United Methodist Church, officiated at the services. Other survivors besides her parents include grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend of Sheridan and Mrs. JoAnn Brisco of Houston; great grandmothers, Mrs. Sarah Brisco of Sheridan and Mrs. Adolf Kocian of Hallettsville; a step-grandmother, Mrs. Emmett (Dorothy) Brisco of Channelview; numerous aunts, uncles and other relatives. Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, January 29, 1987
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Townsend, Wells T.
Wells Townsend, 65 Found Dead Of Heart Stroke
Wells Townsend 65, was found dead in his home here Monday morning about 9 o'clock, victim of a heart stroke. A doctor who examined him estimated he had been dead about 24 hours.
He was found by his sister-in-law, Mrs. B. L. Townsend, whose home is a short distance away. He was dressed as if preparing to go out, and it is believed he had been ready to leave for the Baptist Men's Bible Class which he attended regularly.
A lifetime resident of Weimar, Mr. Townsend had lived alone In his home at the southern edge of town since the death of his wife, the former Miss Rose Buttigig, about 10 years ago. He made his living as a salesman of greeting cards.
Born here April 26, 1890, he was was[sic] the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Townsend. His only immediate survivor is his brother, B. L. Townsend.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Hubbard Funeral Home with Rev. Howard Parshall, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was in Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were six members of the Bible class: Walter Williams, Frank Pokorny, Charles Allen, Jack Simons, Lester Shindler[sic] and Dan Herder.
Weimar Mercury, October 21, 1955, page 1
Townsend, William Archie
William Archie Townsend, an old time Colorado county resident, born at Columbus, died at the residence of his son, H. B. Townsend, at Yoakum Saturday morning, aged a little over 81 years. Interment took place at Sheridan. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and three sons, Mrs. Mary Botard of Sheridan, Mrs. N. B. Johnson of Montgomery, Mrs. H. E. Stapleton of Lyford, S. L. Townsend of Gonzales, H. B. Townsend of Yoakum and O. F. Townsend of Sheridan
Weimar Mercury, March 4, 1927, page 4
Townsend, William T.
Oakland Notes
ANOTHER OLD TEXAN GONE--Mr. S. J. Townsend, of this place, informed us of the sad death of his father, Mr. W. T. Townsend, which occurred at Tuxpan, Mexico,on the night of the 7th of July last. He was assassinated by a party of Mexicans, it is thought through a mistake, as they did not molest anything belonging to him at the time. Mr. Townsend came to Texas from Florida in 1835, remaining a short time only. He returned in the spring of 1837, and settled in Colorado county. Before the war his residence was in this place, then known as Prairie Point. In 1865 he removed to Tuxpan, Mexico, residing there udtil[sic]1870, when he again returned to Texas. Two years ago he left San Marcos for Tuxpan, for his health. He was a member of the Methodist church and a Royal Arch Mason. At the time of his death he was 78 yeas old and very feeble. He leaves a wife, three sons, a daughter and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his sad demise. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, Sepember 10, 1885
Townsend, William Wallace
Alpine, Tex., June 1.--Captain W. W. Townsend of Alpine, who died at 9:30 Saturday morning at the family residence, was born in Madison county, Florida, January 16, 1838, and came to Texas in 1859, locating in Colorado county. He resided there until 1884, and then moved to Eagle Pass and lived there until 1905, coming from there here, where he has since resided. He was made a Mason in 1854 and has been a faithful member of that order ever since. He served throughout the war in the Confederate army, winning promotion from the ranks. Captain Townsend and Miss Addie Woolsey of Colorado county were married in 1865, she dying in 1867. Of this union was born A. W. Townsend, who served a number of years as Sheriff of Maverick county, and died at Eagle Pass while holding that office in 1905. In 1870 Captain Townsend and Mrs. Margaret Phillips were married, who survives him, with six living children, namely, Mrs. O. H. Hector, Mrs. W. F. Collett and E. E. Townsend of Alpine; W. H. Townsend of Del Rio, Mrs. J. H. Haile of San Antonio and Mrs. V. E. McFarland of Eagle Pass, and numerous grandchildren. The body was interred in Alpine Cemetery Saturday evening at 6 o'clock, under the auspices of the Masonic order.
Weimar Mercury, June 4, 1915
Contributed by Deborah Smith