Hillje, Elise F. (Herder)SUDDEN DEATH OF A POPULAR GREATLY BELOVED LADYMany friends throughout this community were greatly shocked and hearts saddened Monday afternoon when it was learned that Mrs. Elise Herder Hillje of San Antonio, former popular resident of this city had passed away at the family home in San Antonio. Her death occurring shortly after the noon hour, and was caused, we are told, by acute indigestion. According to information on hand at the present writing, Mrs. Hillje had partaken of dinner and within a very few minutes the attack came upon her suddenly and unexpectedly and her death followed very soon thereafter. The remains were prepared for burial and brought here for interment on Wednesday afternoon in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, the funeral taking place from the residence of her nephew, Mr. Geo. Herder, Jr., at 2 o’clock, under direction of Funeral Director Porter Loring of San Antonio. A very large crowd of mourning relatives and friends was present to witness the last sad rites. At the close of the services the mound was covered with some of the most beautiful floral emblems ever seen in this section,which was a fitting testimonial of the high esteem in which this beloved lady had ever been held by our people, as well as those of other sections. Mrs. Hillje was a lady whom to know was to love and esteem. Kind hearted, a devoted wife and mother, charitable to a fault, with a kind word for every one with whom she came in contact, she was a welcome guest in every gathering. She was a devoted christian lady and her gifts to charity were many and munificent. She was a resident of our city for many years, and our people knew and loved her as but few ladies are loved by their friends and associates. During her long residence in Weimar she ever possessed the friendship and esteem of all. Moving with her little family to San Antonio some years ago, she never lost interest in the old home town or people, but was a frequent visitor here and always enjoyed her visits with old-time friends. The writer has known Mrs. Hillje for a period of nearly forty years, has visited in her home, and never knew a better, kinder hearted woman than she ever proved to be. Her sudden death has caused a wound in the hearts of all that will never be effaced. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. J. F. Howard, two sons, Emil E. and Geo. Hillje, all of San Antonio; a sister, Mrs. Adolf Richter of this city, and two brothers, George Herder, Sr. of Eagle Lake and W. Herder of Shiner, to whom our heartfelt sympathy is extended. God be with and comfort them as He alone can ! Weimar Mercury, February 12, 1926Hillje, Frederick![]() DEATH OF ALDERMAN F. HILLJEOur community was overshadowed with gloom last Sunday by the death of Alderman Frederick Hillje, which occurred at 2:15 p.m. that day at his residence in Weimar. He had been in feeble health for several months, but the immediate cause of his death was bilious fever, which attacked him about a week before his death. Prior to this bilious attack he was up and about and constantly energetic at his business, and many of his acquaintances did not know that his health was in the least feeble. Last Saturday it became generally known that he was quite sick, and Sunday morning the news spread rapidly that he was in a dying condition, and many a kind and anxious inquiry was made about him by his numerous friends til the end came. He was buried in the Weimar Odd Fellows’ cemetery last Monday evening at 5 o’clock by the United Workmen and Hermann’s Sons, to both of which orders he belonged. The funeral procession was perhaps the longest one ever known at Weimar. He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter, the oldest being about 16 years of age and the youngest about 9. His mother survives him, and also three brothers and three sisters. He was familiarly known among his German friends as “Fritz.” He was born at Frelsburg, this county, Sept. 13th, 1854, of German parentage. In his childhood his parents moved to High Hill, Fayette county,where he grew to manhood and where his father was engaged in the gin and mill business. There he married Miss Elise Herder, sister of our townsman, Mr. George Herder, and also to Mrs. Adolf Richter of this place. About eighteen years ago he and his devoted wife moved from High Hill to Weimar, where they permanently settled, and where he, without a dollar, in partnership with his brother Louis established on a small scale the Weimar oil mills, now so prominent, and from which have sprung as branches the oil works at San Antonio and the Hallettsville oil mills, in all of which he is a partner with his brother Louis. Though poor indeed in purse when he came to Weimar about eighteen years ago, he was a successful business manager, and at the time of his death he was in independent financial circumstances, having accumulated all of his possessions by honest effort and good management. He was one of the most enterprising spirits in Weimar, and will be sadly missed in all efforts in public improvements. Honesty and promptness in fulfilling an obligation strongly marked his character. He was generous, too, and truly and practically charitable. Perhaps he aided more poor people in a charitable way than any other man in Weimar, and so far from making any display of this, even his most intimate friends scarcely knew of it. He was a man of superior intelligence, as well as integrity. On account of these characteristics he was importuned almost against his will to be one of the aldermen of this city, was re-elected time and again, and was alderman and city clerk at the time of his death. As city clerk it was almost impossible for him to have had a superior. He was a man of few words, and when he spoke his utterance was strictly to the point and as brief as possible. It seemed hard for a man so useful, not yet 42 years old, to be summoned to die and forever leave his family, his friends, his countrymen; but, we must meekly bow in submission to the will of the Creator. Mr. Hillje’s picture stands at the head of this article, and his image is also stamped upon the hearts of those who knew him Weimar Mercury, July 11, 1896Hillje, Frederick GeorgeDEATH OF F. G. HILLJEA brief note in last week’s Mercury announced the death of Mr. F. G. Hillje, a prominent business man of San Antonio, and native of this county. The remains were brought to Weimar Saturday at noon for interment and laid to rest in the family burial plot at the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Rev. Paul Hein, Lutheran pastor of San Antonio, conducting the funeral obsequies in a touching manner. A large crowd of sympathizing friends from a distance and from this section was present to witness the last sad rites and to tender words of consolation to the bereaved ones. At the conclusion of the service, the mound was completely hidden from sight by the many costly and beautiful floral emblems sent in from far and near by those who knew and loved this splendid gentleman. Mr. Hillje’s illness was of brief duration. During the greater part of his whom[sic] illness was almost unknown. However, he recently made an overland trip to a ranch owned by him, some distance from San Antonio. Exposure to disagreeable weather started the illness which caused his death. Pneumonia developed quickly and aided by acute Bright’s disease, the end came quickly, despite the efforts of the best physicians obtainable. Attacked the early part of last week, the end came Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. Frederick George Hillje was born at Frelsburg, Colorado county, fifty-five years ago. Early in life he entered the cotton seed oil business, and followed same up to the time of his death. He also was heavily interested in southwestern Texas lands, owning much real estate in and around San Antonio. He was president of the San Antonio Cotton Oil Works, and was regarded as one of San Antonio’s foremost and best citizens. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elise Hillje, whom he married in 1903; one brother, John G. Hillje of San Antonio; four sisters, Mrs. Anna Becker of Burlington, Mrs. Helen Fehrenkamp of Frelsburg, Miss Minnie Lauterbach of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Louis Schilab of Schulenburg; two step-sons, E. E. Hillje and George Hillje, and one step-daughter, Mrs. J. F. Howard, all of San Antonio, besides many other relatives and friends. Frederick George Hillje was one of the most lovable men the writer ever knew. As gentle as a child, his frank, unassuming maner[sic] endeared him to everyone with whom he came in contact. It was a pleasure to be in his presence, for he wa clean-minded, honest, honorable, sympathetic, and possessing every characteristic of the true gentleman. As a friend, he was true gold. The man who possessed his friendship was fortunate indeed, for he was generosity personified. Charitable to a fault, no call for aid ever passed him unheeded. The world knew but little of his many good deeds, for he never mentioned same, but there are many throughout Texas who have cause to bless his name. The writer regarded Mr. Hillje as one of the best and truest friends he ever possessed, and his death is deeply and sincerely deplored. God be with and comfort the bereaved ones in the heavy loss they have sustained is our sincere prayer. Weimar Mercury, December 20, 1918 |
Hillje, George F.Former Popular Weimarite Dies In San AntonioPeople of our little community were inexpressibly shocked early Friday morning when news of the death of Mr. George F. Hillje was flashed over the wires to loved ones here. His death occurred in a San Antonio hospital, where he had gone a week previous for a hernia operation. This is not ordinarily considered a serious operation, and as the patient passed through the operation safely and appeared to be getting along nicely, there was no uneasiness and all felt that in just a few days George would be up and about. Vain hope! Just at the time when everything looked so hopeful, we are told his heart went back on him and he passed out almost before one could realize it. Doctors, nurses, family and friends were all shocked beyond expression at the sudden turn of the tide of life. From hopefulness of early restoration to health came utter darkness and despair! The body was taken in charge by the Porter Loring Company, and after brief services in San Antonio the remains were brought to Weimar by private conveyance and laid to rest in the family lot in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, Rev. Bert Helm of Schulenburg officiating in a brief but touching funeral service. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends from all over the state. The floral offerings were among the most beautiful and elaborate ever seen here, attesting the high esteem in which he was held everywhere he was known. Pall bearers for the funeral were Messrs. Paul Klatt of Brady, Arthur Klatt of Hallettsville, Geo. Herder, Jr. of Weimar, Chas. Herder, Sr., of Columbus, Edgar Seifert and Henry Herbert Seifert of Weimar. George F. Hillje was born in Weimar July 28, 1887. He was baptized in this city in the christian faith, attending the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a boy. At the age of ten years his family moved to San Antonio, and there he entered the Texas Military Academy. Upon his graduation there he entered the employ of the City National Bank of San Antonio, where he remained up to the outbreak of the World War. Leaving his bank position to enlist in the army, he served with honor an distinction to the close of the war. He entered active civilian and business life again after the close of the war, and this time became connected with the San Antonio Oil Works. Later he became secretary-treasurer of this company, serving ably as such up to the time of his death. He died at the age of 50 years. In January, 1929, he was joined in holy matrimony with Miss Madeline (Lena) Rabel, who is left to mourn his untimely departure. A sister, Mrs. Annie Howard, and a brother, Mr. Emil E. Hillje also survive. Besides these are many relatives and a host of friends throughout the state. George F. Hillje, known to the writer since his earliest boyhood days, was a quiet, good, steady and upright citizen at all times. Of unassuming manner, many felt it difficult to get near to him. But underneath this quiet demeanor there beat a heart that was rich in love for his fellow-man, a disposition to do for others at all times, quietly, unostentatiously, never letting the world know of his charities if it could be avoided. A devoted son, brother and husband, he will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends wherever he was known, and especially in his old home town, where he was known and beloved by all our people. You are gone from among us, George, but you’ll never be forgotten! Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones. Weimar Mercury, April 15, 1938, pages 1 and 8Hillje, Johann Friederick, Jr.Died, yesterday morning at 2:30, Mr. J. F. Hillje, aged 73 years, after a long illness, of blood poison. Deceased was the father of Messrs. Fritz and Wm. Hillje of this city, Louis Hillje of San Antonio and Ferdinand Hillje of Halletsville[sic]. He lately removed here from High Hill. He was one of the first settlers of the latter named city, was well and favorably known, and his death is deeply regretted. His remains will be laid to rest this (Saturday) morning at 10 o'clock, at the Masonic Cemetery in this city. All friends of the family are invited to attend. Our sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved relatives of the deceased. Weimar Mercury June 17, 1893Hillje, Louis A.Mr. Louis A. Hillje Passes On to RewardWhile news of the serious condition of Mr. Louis A. Hillje was known here for several weeks past, yet when it was flashed over the wires from his San Antonio home that he was dead, there were many saddened hearts throughout this section, where he had lived for so many years and was so well and favorably known. Mr. Hillje had been ill for a number of months, and while it was realized from the first that his illness was of a serious nature, yet all hoped and prayed that the hand of Death might be stayed and that he be spared to his family and friends. Every possible attention and comfort was extended him, but Death was not to be thwarted, and the soul of this truly good man on Friday last joined those gone on before. The funeral took place in Weimar Saturday afternoon , with interment in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, and was largely attended. The floral offerings were among the most beautiful and costly ever witnessed in our city, attesting the high esteem in which decedent was held by everyone. Louis A. Hillje--the last of the elder Hilljes, one of the finest families that has ever lived in this section--was born at High Hill, Fayette county, Jan. 10, 1856; died at his home in San Antonio July 6, 1828. He lived in Weimar for a number of years, afterward moving to San Antonio. Mr. Hillje was identified with the earliest of oil mill enterprises, was interested in this line of work throughout his life, and successfully so. Of the old line of Hilljes, consisting of three brothers and sisters, there is only one survivor, a sister, Mrs. Rudolf Klatt of LaGrange. Other survivors are his widow, one son, Louis A. Hillje of San Antonio, and two grandchildren. Mr. Hillje was married Sept. 17, 1879 to Miss Olga W. Mair, a daughter of the late Prof. Edward Mair. Mr. Hillje was a man of many noble traits of character. Although to some extent reserved in disposition, yet when better acquainted he proved a man of genial personality. Honest to a fault, enterprising, generous, a devoted husband and father, and a citizen whom any community might well feel proud to possess. In his passing away our people realize they have lost one of their nearest and best friends. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones. Weimar Mercury, July 13, 1928Hillje, Madeline (Rabel)Final Rites for Mrs. M. Hillje Held FridayFuneral services for Mrs. Madeline Hillje, 67, of San Antonio, were held from Hubbard Funeral Home Friday afternoon, Dec. 10, with Rev. C. Emigholz officiating. Interment was made in City Cemetery. Mrs. Hillje expired in San Antonio, Dec. 6, after a lingering illness. The daughter of Frank and Theresa Rabel, she was born here July 2, 1891. For many years she operated a millinery shop here. In January 1929, she was married to George F. Hillje. They lived in San Antonio, where Mrs. Hillje, continued to make her home after the death of her husband in April 1938. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Walter Oncken of San Antonio and Mrs. Henry B Seifert of Weimar; and five brothers, Fred Rabel and August Rabel of Weimar, Adolf Rabel of Waco, Frank Rabel of Strawn and Emil H. Rabel of Columbus. Pallbearers were her nephews, Edg___, _______ Seifert, Leslie Rabel, Henry Herbert Seifert, Henry Edward Rabel, Jesse Brooks and Frank Wendel. Weimar Mercury, December 17, 1948, page 1 |
Hillje, Olga W.Mrs. Louis Hillje, 91, Former Weimar Resident, BuriedMrs. Olga Hillje, 91, of San Antonio, widow of the late Louis Hillje,was buried here [Odd Fellows' Cemetery] Tuesday morning after services in St. Michael’s Church. Mrs. Hillje and her husband lived in Weimar about 50 years ago, coming here from High Hill. From here they went to San Antonio, where they spent the rest of their lives. Mr. Hillje, who died in 1928, also is buried here. Mr. Hillje and his brother, Fritz, organized the Weimar Oil Mill in 1878, moving from High Hill the mill their father, J. F. Hillje, had started in 1867. Since its origin in High Hill, the first one in Texas, the mill has never missed a cotton season. Mrs. Hillje is survived by one son, Louis A. Hillje of San Antonio, two granddaughters and five great-grandchildren. Weimar Mercury, October 15, 1954Hillje, Wilhelmine Charlotte (Fahrenthold)Death of Mrs. Wilhelmine HilljeIn the death of “Grandma” Hillje at LaGrange Sunday afternoon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Klatt, at the ripe age of 82, this section lost one of its oldest and most honorable ladies. Mrs. Hillje lived in this city for many years, but about five years ago moved to LaGrange to make her home with her daughter. The body was prepared for burial and the following day was brought to the home of Chas. Herder and wife of this city, for interment in the family lot at the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at 4 o’clock that afternoon. Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, pastor of the Lutheran church, performed the burial service, which was performed partly at Mr. Herder’s residence and the remainder at the grave. Due to old age, Mrs. Hillje had been in ill health for some time,but the end was not expected so soon. She was a grand, good woman, one to whom this section owed much. Coming here at an early age, her sweet, pure life left its impress upon not only her children but all those with whom she came in contact. Quite[sic], unassuming of lovable disposition, she won the hearts of all those around her, and there are many in this section who mourn the death of this beloved, good woman. She leaves three daughters and three sons, as follows: Mrs. Gus Seydler of ElCampo, Mrs. Rudolf Klatt of LaGrange, Mrs. Anna Reissner of this city, Louis Hillje of San Antonio, Ferd. Hillje of Halletsville, and Wm. Hillje of this city, besides a large circle of grand-children relatives and friends. Mrs. Wilhelmine Hillje was born in Pritzwalk, Provinz Brandenburg, Germany, Oct 28, 1830 and came to Texas in 1850. She was married to Mr. John Fred. Hillje at Frelsburg in 1853 and three years later they moved to High Hill and in 1892 they came to Weimar where her husband died in 1893. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in the loss they have sustained. unidentified news clippingHillje, WilliamProminent Citizen Answers Roll CallMr. Wm. Hillje Dies Suddenly After Short Illness - Funeral Held Sunday Afternoon, Attended by Hundreds of People. If a thunderbolt had suddenly been launched upon the town of Weimar, its people would not have been more shocked that they were last Saturday morning shortly after 9 o'clock when the telegraph wires flashed the message that William Hillje was dead. The news seemed so incredible that few could at first believe it to be true. But, alas, it was only too true. The soul of this grand, good man, beloved by all the people of this section and wherever he was known, had suddenly and swiftly been called unto its Creator. The news left our people saddened, shocked, stunned. Only a few days before he had been up and about, attending to business, was seen on our streets the Sunday before, apparently sound and hearty, and to suddenly realize that our friend and companion was no more was more that most of us could comprehend. Mr. Hillje was taken ill last Sunday afternoon, shortly after returning from the funerals of Mrs. Munn and the little baby of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Holloway. A physician was summoned, who diagnosed the case as stones in the gall bladder, but hoped for relief failing to come, it was decided to take Mr. Hillje to San Antonio for an operation. This was done, and the operation performed Wednesday morning. He seemed to rally after the operation, but the poison had spread throughout his system during the time of his illness, and the best efforts of most reputable physicians were unable to check it, and this, coupled with a weak heart, caused his death at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The body was prepared for burial, and accompanied by many sorrowing relatives and friends, reached Weimar early Sunday morning, interment taking place that afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery under the auspices of the Hermann's sons lodge, of which he was a member, the members of the order attending in a body. The funeral services were conducted at the residence and at the grave by Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, Lutheran minister, and were of most impressive and touching character. As a tribute of their esteem, the members of the Baptist and Methodist choirs sang several touching songs at the residence and at the grave. Also a men's choir sang a touching song at the close of the service. The funeral was the most largely attended we have ever seen in Weimar. There were hundreds of buggies, autos, and other vehicles in the funeral procession, many people coming from a great distance to attend the funeral of this muchly beloved man. The Weimar Fire Department, of which Mr. Hillje had long been a valiant, staunch member, attended in a body. The pallbearers, appointed from the Hermann's sons lodge, were Otto Breitkreuz, George Loessin, Ed. and Jos. Rabel, Fred Berger, Emil Schneider, Henry Oncken and Alois Koenig. Mr. William Hillje was born at High Hill ion 1872. At an early age, he moved to this city, and made same his home up to the time of his death, being one of the proprietors and general manager of the Weimar Oil Works. In 1903, he was married to Miss Emma Busch of Shiner, and she, together with one child, a daughter, survive him. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Rudolf Klatt of La Grange and Mrs. Anna Reissner of this city, and two brothers, Louis Hillje of San Antonio and Ferdinand Hillje of Hallettsville. Early in life Mr. Hillje's superior executive abilities were recognized by Weimar people, and he was called into the aldermanic council, serving a number of terms with distinction to himself and the highest of satisfaction to constituents, until a few years ago voluntarily retired from office. As a fireman he was ever ready for the call of duty and the night was never too dark or the danger to great for him to be on hand. In every enterprise projected for the good of the town and community he was counted upon for help, and never failed to respond. His purse and heart ever went out to the poor and needy. No man that ever lived in this community had more charitable deeds to his credit, but no man ever heard Will Hillje mention a single on of them. That wasn't his style. He never mentioned his good deeds, nor did he want his friends to talk about them. However, the good God above took cognizance to each and every one was jotted down. Will Hillje was a noble man I every sense of the term. Quiet, unassuming, with a great, loving heart in his bosom, ever ready to help those in distress, enterprising, wanting the community and people to go forward instead of backward, and ever ready to do his full part personally and with his means. Weimar has lost one of its noblest, best citizens, whose place in the community will indeed be hard to fill. To the grief-stricken widow, little daughter, sisters, brothers and many relatives and friends, we offer our heartfelt condolence, realizing that while the loss of a dear friend is very great, their loss is infinitely greater. Weimar Mercury, March 17, 1916