Eames, George A.
DIED, at Lampasas Springs, May 21, 1885, Mr. George A. Eames, in his twenty-eighth year, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eames. Many of the friends of Mr. Eames were thrilled with sadness when we learned the bereaved parents were coming to lay another son to rest by the side of his brother Willie, who was buried here [Columbus City Cemetery] in 1877. Thus one by one the shadows gather, one by one the blossoms wither from the gardens of our care, one by one the hearts we cherish, vanish down the stream of time. Dear friends, once more there is a vacant chair in your home, once more an aching void in your hearts; while you are bereft your loved one is blessed. It seems superfluous for me to speak of virtues so well known, parents know best the tenderness of his noble heart. Weeping brothers and sisters will miss his gentle words in the home circle. Friends will not soon forget his many manly virtues. The greatest eulogy I could pronounce is: He died a Christian. Parents, brothers, sisters, friends, if we are faithful here, in the resurrection morn, we will clasp the hand of our departed loved ones in blissful reunion while here, “The mourners throng the way.
And from the steeple the funeral bell tolls slow
But on the golden streets the holy people are passing to and fro
And saying as they meet, rejoice another so early has come
The Saviors heart is glad a younger brother has reached the Fathers home.
Colorado Citizen, June 11, 1885
Eames, Willie F.
Sad AccidentYesterday evening about 6 1/2 o’clock young Will F. Eames, one of the operators in the telgraph office at this place, was drowned in the Colorado river above the railroad bridge. In company with Gail B., son of Judge J. W. Johnson, he had went in bathing late in the evening and attempted to swim across the river. Not being an expert at swimming, and fearing he might fail, he requested Gail to follow along behind him and assist in case of need. Before reaching the other shore he gave out, and Gail endeavered to get him out, and came near being drowned himself in the attempt, but was unable to accomplish the desired object. They both sank, Gail got loose and came ashore, but young Eames never rose again. He was a clever young man, made a great many strong friends since his stay here, and his loss is deeply regretted. His parents reside in Mt. Vernon, Ill. His body was recovered at 10 o’clock last night. [Interment in Columbus City Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, June 7, 1877, page 3
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
Eanes, Eliza
See Grace Hunter
Earle, Frank
Man Mangled at Glidden
At the cattle guarad a half mile west of
Glidden, last Monday number 8 struck a man and mangled the
body almost beyond recognition.
The fragments of humn flesh were gathered
together and brought to Columbus in a box. On the hall floor
of the court house the remains were laid out and viewed by
many and later in the day were buried in the potter's field
by Forrest Hines who had been ordered by Sheriff Mayes to
look afer the remains soon after the accident. [Place of
interment unknown.]
The body was identified as that of Frank
Earle, a man about 48 years old who had been arrested here
on October 5th for disturbing the peace and was released
from the county farm only last Friday.
The man had been drinkng whiskey and
probably fell a leep in the cattle guarad and on hearing the
approach of the train tried to get out but instead was
hurled into eternity.
Earle was a man of powerful physique and
one of the best workers ever placed on the county farm. His
home is unknown
Colorado Citizen, November 5,
Early, George H.
Died in this city at 8 oclock last Tuesday morning, after a short illness, at residence of his father-in-law, (Capt. R. E. Stafford,) Mr. Geo. H. Early, of hemorrhage. The deceased has been a resident of our State seven or eight years, was a native of Virginia, of good family, a gallant, chivalrous, kind hearted young man, with many friends who will regret to hear of his early demise. His remains were committed to earth at the family burial ground six miles south of this place yesterday at 11 oclock, Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss, Pastor of the Methodist church in this city, officiating. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Peace to his remains.[Reinterment in Odd Fellows Rest]
Colorado Citizen, May 24, 1888, page 3
Early, Robert Stafford
Columbus Cullings
Little Robert Stafford Early (only son of Mrs. Myra Early,) who was seized with convulsions on the 31st ult., died last Friday morning. He was a bright, intelligent little fellow about 5 years old, and a universal favorite. His remains were committed to the dust [Columbus Odd Fellows Rest] in the afternoon, Revs. Dr. Howard and Morris officiating. His mother and grandparents have the sympathy of all.
Weimar Mercury, August 11, 1889
Early, Sarah
The Citizen records with sorrow the death of little Sarah, the bright and interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Early, aged 17 months, who departed this life at 2 oclock, a.m., Wednesday, 29th ult. To the sorrowing, doubly afflicted young mother sincere condolence is extended. Of the angel-child it may be said that--
As a cloud of the sunset slow-melting in heaven,
As a star that is lost when the daylight is given,
As a glad dream of slumber which wakens in bliss,
She has passed to the world of the holy from this.
[Interment in Columbus Odd Fellows Rest]
Colorado Citizen, May 31, 1888, page 3
Eason, Adam
Oakland Remarks
We had a sudden death to occur near here last Sunday, that of Uncle Adam Eason, a freedman, who has lived in the neighborhood for over thirty years. He was taken sick Saturday morning and died Sunday morning. He was about sixty years old. A large concourse of his friends escorted his body to its final resting place, where the funeral services were conducted by the Rev. G. W. Brothers, pastor in charge of the Methodist church of which deceased was a member. [Place of interment unknown]
Weimar Mercury March 15, 1890
Eason, Lucretia J.
Oakland Notes
It is with much regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Lucretia J. Eason, consort of Mr. Wm Eason, which occurred near Diamond Grove, on the evening of the 26th Ultimate in her 29th year. Mrs. Eason possessed many noble qualities and bore her afflictions with patience. She was a devoted wife, an affectionate mother and a true christian and leaves many relations and friends to mourn her loss. The bereaved ones have our sympathy.
Leaves have their time to fall, and flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, and stars to set--but all, Thou hast all season for thine own, O Death. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado County Citizen, June 2, 1887
Submitted by Deborah Smith
Eason, Mollie
Died, at the residence of her father, Mr. Jas. R. Eason, on last Monday, Miss Mollie Eason. She was buried on Wednesday at the County Line church graveyard.
Weimar Mercury, April18, 1889
Eason, Myrtle
Many friends throughout this section were shocked Monday to learn that Miss Myrtle Eason, 25 year-old-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eason of Houston, was dead.
Some months ago the family moved to Houston from their home at County Line and at that time Miss Myrtle was the picture of health. According to information at hand she was taken ill last Thursday, but it was not considered serious, and she worked the following day. On Saturday she had several spells resembling paralysis in their affects, and she was then taken to a hospital. Physicians there were satisfied her case was serious and so informed her parents, she grew worse rapidly and passed away Monday. Her illness was of a peculiar character, something akin to paralysis of the throat, and the end came quickly.
The remains were brought here and laid to rest in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery Tuesday afternoon Revs. Wilson of Eagle-Lake and Bludworth, this city , officiating.
Miss Myrtle was an exceptionally bright, lovable young lady, possessed the friendship and esteem of all who knew her, and her death is deeply and sincerely deplored.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, December 30, 1927
Submitted by Marjorie Freeman
Eason, Needham (Dr.)
Died, at his home in Sublime, Lavaca County, on the 9th Inst., Doctor Needham Eason, and was buried at County Line church, Elder Blackmore officiating. The doctor had lived in this neighborhood for over twenty years. He was a good, christian man, a scholar, and a fine writer. He left a wife and children. [Buried in the County Line (Shimek) Cemetery in Lavaca County, Texas]
Weimar Mercury, August 17, 1889
Submitted by Deborah
Eason, Otto
The Oakland correspondent of the Citizen reports the death on Sunday night of a little son of our friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eason of Shimek. We tender sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents in the loss they have sustained.
Weimar Mercury, February 1, 1902
Ray Eason was over from county Line on Sunday, and reported the death on that day of the little six weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allen, and also the death of little Otto, the five-year-old son of Mr. and Ms. W. T. Eason, which occurred the Sunday before. Whooping cough was the cause of both their deaths. To the bereaved parents we tender our sincere condolence.--Hackberry cor. Halletsville Herald.
Weimar Mercury, February 15, 1902
Eason, W. T.
Mr. W. T. Eason, formerly a citizen of this place, died at his home near county line, the 25th ult. We sympathize with the bereaved family. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, June 2, 1887
Curham William
Curham Eastland Dies of Heart Attack
Curham William Eastland, 53, passed away
suddenly early last Saturday morning in Laughlin Hospital
following a heart attack at his home in Altair. His death
came suddenly and was a shock to his many friends throughout
the community.
Funeral services were held on Monday
afternoon, August 19th at 4:00 o'clock from Mill-Bauer
Funeral Home in Eagle Lake with the minister of Church of
Christ of El Campo, Sanford Tune, officiating.
Interment was in Lakeside
Cemetery. Mill-Bauer Funeral Home
of Eagle Lake was in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers
were fellow workers with Shell Oil Company.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ora
Eastland of Altair, two children by a former marriage,
Curham Paul Eastland of Jeanerette, La., and Mrs. Margaret
Ann Taylor of San Antonio; his mother, Mrs. Mary King of
Clute, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Ann Jinks of Iago and Mrs.
Mosby Mitchell of Clute; six step-children and one
The deceased was born on June 16th, 1904
to Frank and Roe Eastland in Smithville, Texas, and was an
employee of Shell for the past thirteen years, and with his
wife operated the Buckhorn Cafe at Altair.
Eagle Lake Headlight, August 22,
Ora Lee (Tyler)
Mrs. Ora Lee Eastland, 88, of Altair,
died Thursday, April 7, 1994, in an Eagle Lake
Born July 4, 1905, in Cheetham, Colorado County, she was the daughter of Louis and Addie (Flippen) Tyler. A life-long resident of the area, she attended local schools and was professional nurse owning and operating Buckhorn Café in Altair for many years before her retirement.
Funeral services were held Saturday,
April 9, at the Chapel of Dulaney Funeral Home in Eagle Lake
with Rev. Brent Pittman, Pastor of the First Baptist Church
of Sheridan, officiating. Interment followed in
Cemetery, Rock Island.
Pallbearers were Troy Paschall, Paige
Paschal, Tim Hoffman, Billy Walker, Leslie Tyler and Troy
Mrs. Eastland is survived by her
daughters and sons-in-law, Arline and B. R. Plott of Marlin,
Texas and Patsy and Roy Jones of Bernardo; so and
daughter-in-law, Gene and Gwen Paschall of Eagle Lake;
sisters, Mrs. Ruby Wills Henry of Vidor and Mrs. Dorothy
Walker of Rosenberg; brothers, Groby Tyler and Walter Tyler,
both of Alvin, Bob Tyler of La Marque and Marvin Tyler of
Nada; 16 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, 2
great-great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews,
other relatives and loved ones.
She was preceded in death by her parents;
husbands, Gary A. Paschall, Daniel M. Gibson and Curhamm
Eastland; sons Alvin Paschall, Lester Paschall and Danny Lee
Gibson; grandchildren, C.H. Plott and Terry Jones; sisters,
Myrtle Pryor, Alma Selph, Lilly Tyler and Bessie Tyler and
brothers, Charlie Tyler, Clifton Tyler, Homer Tyler, Victor
Tyler as well as an infant brother.
Colorado County Citizen, April 13, 1994
Translated by Dennis Boatright
Eaton, Charles W.
Charles Eaton Buried At Rock Is.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, June 22, at 2:30 at the Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus for Charles “Bill” Eaton who passed away Tuesday night June 20. Burial was in Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island. He had been In the Convalescent Home in Columbus over five years. Bill as he was known to his friends was 85 years of age, he was born in Iowa and came to Rock Island with his parents when a small boy. He lived in the Garwood area and also some time in California. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sumner Eaton; one step son, Cecil Owers of Rock Island; three sons, Tom Eaton of California, Monroe Eaton of Liberty, and Roy Eaton of Arcadia; one daughter, Mrs. Marie Trapp of Rock Island and 15 grandchildren. Serving as pallbearers were Ronnie Eaton, Leroy Owers, Carl Venghaus, Everett Eaton, Max Rogers and Dan Hooper Jr. Mrs. Tom Eaton of Sacramento, California was here for the funeral.
Eagle Lake Headlight, July 6, 1972, page 5
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Clara Olive (Waters)
Mrs. G. R.Eaton Passes Away Friday
Funeral services were conducted Monday
afternoon, June 10th, at 3:00 p.m. at the Rock Island
Baptist Church for Mrs. G. R. Eaton, a long-time resident of
this county. The Rev. Alfred Nelson of Bay City, a former
pastor of the Rock Island church, officiated at the
services. Interment was in the Myrtle
Bill Clanton of Houston and Larry Wilson,
pastor of the Rock Island church, assisted in the
Clara Olive Waters was born 74 years ago
in Fairbury, Nebraska and passed away Friday, June 7th at
11:15 p.m. in the Weimar Hospital. She came with her father
to Sheridan in 1913, her mother having passed away when she
was a child.
On January 8, 1914 she was united in
marriage to George R. Eaton, a prominent rice grower in the
Garwood area where they made their home until Mr. Eaton
passed away in 1951.
To this union were born two children:
Georgia, the wife of John L. Franks and Pete (Norman Ford),
both residents of Rock Island. Other survivors include 2
grandchildren, Norman and Bob Warren Eaton.
After Mr. Eaton's death, Mrs. Eaton moved
to Rock Island where she made her home and was active in all
church, school, civic and social work. She leaves a host of
neighbors and friends to mourn her passing. Floral tributes
to his good woman were beautiful.
Pallbearers were Elmer Larson, and son,
Elmer, Jr., Dan Hooper, Jr., and his son, Robert, E. J. and
Chester Hudson, Billy Mayes and Kenneth Nance.
Eagle Lake Headlight, June 13,
Transcribed by Dennis
Eaton, Eunice C. (McGee)
Mrs. Eunice Eaton who made her home with her son, George R. Eaton, at Garwood, died on last Thursday morning. She was born on May 30th, 1948, in Indiana, and was 70 years, 9 months and 8 days of age at the time of her death. She was married to John T. Eaton on August 24th, 1866, at Maquoketa, Illinois. To this union seven children were born, four boys and three girls. Two sons preceded her in death and five children remain to mourn her going. George R. and Charles C. Eaton of Garwood, Mrs. Dorn Smith, Mrs. Della Barringer of Ruthren, Iowa, and Mrs. Minnie Peters of Renwick, Iowa. Mrs. Eaton, with her husband and children, moved to Rock Island in 1895, her husband having preceded her in death some years ago while living at that place, since which time she has made her home with her son at Garwood. Her Pastor, Rev. E. B. McLaughlin, said of her: "Sister Eaton was one of the old time mothers whose heart was set on making home worth while for each and every one of the family. She was a good Christian woman, loved God and died in the faith of her Lord and Christ. May heaven's . . . blessings be upon all and each of the sorrowing ones. We leave you in the care of Him who said here we have trouble and sorrow, but I will see you again, and your sorrow shall be turned into joy and your joy shall remain." Before her marriage Mrs. Eaton was Miss Eunice Gee, of a family of seven children. She was a splendid, good woman and was loved by all who knew her, and was lovingly known as “Grandma Eaton.” Until Thursday before her death Mrs. Eaton had been up and about as usual and had come to Garwood from her home five miles distant on Wednesday. Early Thursday morning she suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she never recovered. The funeral was held at Rock Island, Monday and was largely attended by friends from both Garwood and Rock Island, the funeral sermon being preached by her Pastor, Rev. E.B. McLaughlin. The Headlight joins the people of the communities in which Mrs. Eaton was so well and favorably known in extending sincerest sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. [Interred in Myrtle Cemetery]
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 14, 1925
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Eaton, George Robert
G. R. Eaton, Rice Farmer, Is Laid To Rest.
Funeral services were held at the Rock Island Baptist church Tuesday afternoon for George Robert Eaton, 78, who died Friday following a heart attack--Untermeyer funeral home of Columbus was in charge.
Mr. Eaton had been feeling Ill for several days, but had been active in the fields, overseeing the rice harvest just before his death.
Burial was in Myrtle cemetery of Rock Island with Rev. Lester Collins of El Campo and Rev. J. W. Clanton of Rock Island officiating.
Born near Ruthven, Iowa, Aug. 28, 1873, he was a son of John T. and Eunice Eaton. He moved to Texas with his parents in 1895. In 1914 he was married to Clara Waters of Sheridan.
For the past 40 years he has lived on the same farm near Garwood where he was a successful rice farmer.
Survivors are his widow, a daughter, Mrs. John L. Franks; a son, Norman F. Eaton, a granddaughter, Norma Eaton; 3 sisters Mrs. Dora Smith and Mrs. Dell Barrenger, Ruthven, Iowa, an Minnie Peters, Renwick, Iowa, and 1 brother. Bill Eaton of Sacramento, Calif.
His brother and a nephew, Tom Eaton, and wife arrived Monday night from Sacramento for the services.
Pallbearers were Fritz, L. C. and Jesse Schilling, Ed. Engstrom, Otto Danklefs, Jim Kallina, F. H. Foster and Robert Shaw.
Colorado County Citizen, October 4, 1951, page 12
Eaton, Norman Ford "Pete"
Last Rites for Pete Eaton Mon.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Sept. 20th at 2:30 p.m. at the Baptist Church here for Norman Ford (Pete) Eaton who passed away Friday, Sept.17th at the Eagle Lake Community Hospital. Services were conducted by the Rev. R. L. Cook of the Baptist Church. Interment followed in Myrtle Cemetery. Pete Eaton, as he was known to his many friends in the area, was the son of the late George and Clara Eaton and was a lifelong resident in the Rock Island area. He was born on a farm, which he later owned and operated, on Feb. 18, 1917. He has been a very prominent and successful rice producer and the past few years he has been assisted by his son, Bob Warren Eaton in the business.
Twenty-six years ago he was united in marriage with Miss Dora Ruth Pennington of Eagle Lake and to this union two children were born: a daughter, Norma, now Mrs. Robert Hooper, and one son Bob Warren Eaton. Also surviving are three Grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Georgia Eaton Franks, all of Rock Island. Pallbearers were Elmer Larsen, Ernest Fraka, Robert Means, Lee Owers, Dan Hooper, Jr., and Jerry Hooper. Friends in the community join in extending deepest sympathy to the family in the loss of this good man.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Sept 23, 1976, page 12
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Eaton, Roy C.
Roy C. Eaton, 68, of Santa Fe, Texas, died Jan. 29, 1996 at his residence.
Born Sept. 2, 1927 in Garwood, he was the son of Charles and Summer T. (Kinchloe[sic]) Eaton. On March 16, 1952, he married Annie Bell Hoffmann. Mr. Eaton, who had lived in Santa Fe since 1967, was a retired construction worker.
Funeral services were held Jan. 31 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Rev. Robert Schlortt officiating. Interment followed in Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island.
Serving as pallbearers were J. D. Woods, Jonathan Woods, Ronald Eaton Jr., Leelan Gillespie, Roy Gillespie, Everett Eaton and Ronnie Eaton, Sr.
Mr. Eaton is survived by his wife of Santa Fe; daughters and sons-in-law, Betty Joyce and Gary Gillespie and Karol Lynn and Jeff Woods, all of Santa Fe; sons and daughters-in-law, Everett and Cindy Eaton and Ronnie Sr. and Charlotte Eaton, also all of Santa Fe; brother Monroe Eaton of Alleyton; 13 grandchildren and friend and former employer Scotty Kitchner of Santa Fe.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers Cecil Owers and Tom Eaton; and sister Marie Trapp.
Colorado County Citizen, February 7, 1996, page 12

Eaton, Sadie (Selph)
Sadie S. Eaton, 90, of Sacramento, Calif. passed away July 16 at Methodist Hospital in Sacramento, Calif.
She was born to Madison and Laura (Cole) Selph July 12, 1914, in Sheridan. She and her husband, George "Tom" Eaton, lived in California for 55 years and were avid adventurers: camping, fishing and traveling. They enjoyed entertaining and often invited friends and relatives into their home, especially during the Christmas holidays. She loved to cook whether it was over an open campfire or in her kitchen. In her later years, she wrote poetry and the National Library of Poetry published some of her work. She was a member of the Columbus and Sacramento, Calif. Order of Eastern Star where she served as an officer for many years.
She is survived by her foster son Dale Walton and his wife Margaret. She was the adopted grandmother of Tom, John and Don Loveless and leaves behind her lifelong friend, Bonnie Loveless McMillan of Lincoln, Calif.
Graveside services were conducted July 22, at Cheetham Cemetery in Sheridan with the Rev. Bob Gregory officiating under the direction of Henneke Funeral Home. She will be buried next to her husband.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to the charity of your choice.
Colorado County Citizen, July 28, 2004
Courtesy of The Citizen
Eaton, Sumner Townsend (Kincheloe)
Sumner T. Eaton
Funeral services for Sumner T. Eaton, 92, of Rock Island were held Thursday afternoon from the Henneke Funeral Home, Rev. Carl Milentz officiated.
Interment was in Myrtle Cemetery at Rock Island.
Eaton died Dec. 8 at the Eagle Lake Community Hospital. She had been at the hospital six days before her death. She was a resident of the Heritage House Nursing Home in Eagle Lake.
She was born Aug. 3, 1889 in Sheridan, the daughter of George and Jennie Hope Kincheloe. She married Charles Eaton, who preceded her in death in 1972 and resided all her life in Rock Island. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church.
Eaton is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Claude C. Trapp of Rock Island; four sons, Cecil Owers of Rock Island, Tom Eaton of Sacramento, Cal., Monroe Eaton of Columbus and Roy Eaton of Arcadia, Tx.; 11 grandchildren; and numerous great grandchildren.
Pallbearers at the funeral were Lonnie Owers, Lee Owers, Ronnie Eaton, Carl Venghaus, Jeff Woods and Will Day.
Colorado County Citizen, December 17, 1981, page 2
Ebarra, Manuel Mendoza
Manuel Ebarra
Funeral services for Manuel M. Ebarra were held Friday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Eagle Lake with Rev. Ray Widacki officiating. Burial was at the Lakeside Cemetery.
Manuel M. Ebarra was born October 9, 1944 in Eagle Lake, to Jesus Ebarra and Pola Mendoza Ebarra. He lived his life in Eagle Lake. He served for many years as groundskeeper of Eagle Lake Recreation Center and Golf Course and recently was employed with Lake Motor Co. He was a member of the Catholic Church.
Survivors include his daughter, Linda Ebarra, and sons, Steven and Gary Ebarra, all of Eagle Lake; sisters, Ramona TorreS of Eagle Lake, Minnie Check of San Antonio; brothers, Domingo, Jessie and Paul, all of Eagle Lake, Jimmy of Rosenberg and Ernest of Richmond, and numerous nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Arrangements were made under the direction of Dulany Funeral Home of Eagle Lake.
Colorado County Citizen, February 2, 1984, page 2
Eck, Henryetta
Henryetta Eck Funeral Held Here July 9
Funeral services for Henryetta Eck, 83,
of Weimar were held Tuesday July 9, from St. Michael's
Catholic Church, with burial in the
parish cemetery.
Officiating were Archbishop Patrick
Flores and Auxiliary Bishop Bernard Popp of San Antonio and
Bishop Charles Grahmann of Victoria.
Pallbearers were Gregory Wood, John Wood,
Jeffrey Wood, Mark McCabe, David McCabe, Jon Rogers, Tim
Walker and Stephen Parry.
Mrs. Eck died at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, July
7, in San Antonio after a five-year illness with cancer. She
became a resident of Morningside Manor, San Antonio in
A retired school teacher, she had lived
in Weimar most of her life. She was born here on August 26,
1901, a daughter of Frank E. and Josephine (Hoelscher)
Leidolf. She was educated in Weimar schools, Our Lady of the
Lake High School and College in San Antonio, and Southwest
Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos. She taught in the
New Brunn school near Weimar from 1922 to 1924.
She was married to Hubert William Eck of
La Grange on Aug. 27, 1928 in Weimar. They lived at
Hempstead in 1935-36 and in Schulenburg from 1937 until
1955. After her husband died in 1955 she returned to make
her home in Weimar, and for the next few years she taught
school at St. Rose of Lima in Schulenburg and St. Anthony in
San Antonio.
She was a member of St. Michael's Church,
St. Ann Society and Catholic Daughters of the Americas. At
Schulenburg she was a charter member of the St. Rose Altar
Surviving are three daughters, Joan Wood
and Jean Kunecki of Dallas and Catherine Eck of San Antonio;
11 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Preceding her
in death in addition to her husband were a daughter, Carolyn
McCabe in 1978, and three brothers, Emil Leidolf in 1974,
Oswald Leidolf in 1973 and Edgar Leidolf in 1918.
Weimar Mercury, July 11, 1985
Transcribed by Judy
Eck, Hubert William
Hubert W. Eck, 54, Schulenburg, Buried Tuesday
Funeral services for Hubert W. Eck, 54, of Schulenburg who died in Youens Hospital here Saturday evening, were held Tuesday at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home and St. Rose Catholic Church, Schulenburg.
Burial was In St. Michael's Cemetery here. Rev. Eustace Hermes and Rev. Stanley Petru officiated.
Mr. Eck died of cancer, with which he had been ill the past nine months.
Born June 25, 1900, in La Grange, son of Louis and Lula Schaefer Eck, he married Miss Henryetta Leidolf of Weimar on August 27, 1928. They had lived in Schulenburg the past 21 years; Mr. Eck was an automobile salesman for Boriack Motor Co. and a realtor.
Surviving in addition to his widow are four daughters, Mrs. Bill Wood Jr., Fort Worth, Miss Jean Eck and Miss Carolyn Eck of Dallas, and Miss Catherine Eck, a Schulenburg High School senior; his mother, Mrs. Lula Eck of La Grange; two sisters, Mrs. Gus Hausmann of La Grange and Mrs. Wm. E. Meyer of Rutersville; and a brother, Gilbert Eck of La Grange.
Weimar Mercury, January 14, 1955, page 1
Eckermann, Christina (Kubicek)
Christina Kubicek Eckermann, 88, of Frelsburg, died Tuesday, May 7, 1996 at River Oaks Convalescent Center in Columbus.
Born Nov. 12, 1907 in Frelsburg, she was the daughter of Frank and Emilie (Pavlicek) Kubicek. On Nov. 22, 1938, she married Elmer B. Eckermann. Mrs. Eckermann spent her lifetime in the Frelsburg area, where she was a member of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church.
Funeral services were held May 9 at Sts. Peter and Paul with Father Wayne Flagg officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Services were under the direction of Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus.
Serving as pallbearers were Pete Kubicek, Hugo Schertz, Clement Kubicek, Justin Kubicek, Ewald Schertz and Leonard Dominey.
Mrs. Eckermann is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Ernestine and Willie Evanicky of Frelsburg; son and daughter-in-law Andrew and Patsy Eckermann, also of Frelsburg; grandchildren Emily Eckermann, Melissa Eckermann and friend B. J. Fink; sisters-in-law, Hermina Kubicek of Frelsburg, Gladys Peschel of Rosenberg and Junice Eckermann of Houston; and nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband on Dec. 20, 1981; her parents, two brothers and two sisters.
Colorado County Citizen, May 15, 1996, page 14
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
Eckermann, Elmer P.
Elmer P. Eckermann
Graveside services for Elmer P. Eckermann, 70, of New UIm were held Tuesday, Dec. 22 at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery in Frelsburg. Father Werner Bockholt officiated. Interment was under the direction of the Henneke Funeral Home.
Eckermann died Dec. 20, 1981, in his Frelsburg residence. He was born June 7, 1911 in Austin County, the son of Emil and Anna Rinn Eckermann.
He married Christina Kubicek on Nov. 22, 1938 at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Frelsburg.
Eckermann's occupation was a farmer. He was a lifetime resident of Frelsburg and a member of the Catholic church.
He is survived by his wife Christina Eckermann of Frelsburg; a mother , Anna Rinn Eckermann of Houston; one daughter and son-in-law, Ernestine and Willie Evanicky of Frelsburg; one son and daughter-in-law, Andrew and Patsy Eckermann of Frelsburg; two sisters, Junice Eckmann of Houston and Gladys Peschel of Rosenburg[sic]; and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers at the funeral were Leonard Dominey, Ewald Schertz, Justin Kubicek, Ricky OIiver, James Oliver and Clarence Oliver.
Colorado County Citizen, January 14, 1982, page 2
Eckermann, Minna A.
Mrs. Eckermann Funeral Held Here
March 26
Funeral services for Mrs. Minna
Eckermann, 87, were held Friday, March 26, from Weimar
United Church of Christ, with Rev. D. L. R. McDougle
Burial was in Masonic
Mrs. Eckermann died March 24 at Parkview
Manor where she had been a resident for three
She was born January 27, 1889 in Austin
County, Texas, the daughter of Franz and Florentina (Furman)
Schubert. She was married to Rudolph Eckermann on Dec. 18,
1912 at Industry and they settled on a farm near the
community of Schoenau. The moved to the Weimar area in 1929.
Mr. Eckermann died in November 1956.
Mrs. Eckermann was also preceded in death
by two sisters and two brothers. She is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Felix (Elsie) Freis and Mrs. Rudy (Ruby)
Gold both of Weimar and one sister, Mrs. Marie Schmidt of
Pallbearers were Eugene Grohmann, Marvin
Grohmann, Gordon Richter Jr., Arthur Rinn Jr., Erwin
Schubert and Gilbert Eckermann. Jowayne Gold was an honorary
Luncheon was served for the family and
friends in the UCC Fellowship Hall by the Catholic Daughters
of America and the UCC Women's Guild.
Weimar Mercury, April 1, 1976
Transcribed by Judy
Eckermann, Rudolph Ernest
Final Rites for Rud. Eckermann 66, Held Sunday
Funeral services for Rudolph Ernest Eckermann, 66, who died Friday night after a long illness, were held Sunday afternoon, Nov. 18, at Weimar Evangelical & Reformed Church, with Rev. F. H. Horak Jr., officiating.
Burial was in Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Mr. Eckermann died at his home southwest of Weimar after about four months treatment for cancer. He had spent several weeks in a Houston hospital and several more at home. He had been actively farming until three years ago when his eyesight began to fail.
Born Nov. 27, 1890, at Post Oak Point in Austin County, he was the son of Rudolph and Henrietta Melth Eckermann. In 1912 he married Miss Minnie Schubert at Industry, and they settled on a farm near the community of Schanau. They moved to the Weimar area in 1929.
Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Minnie Eckermann; two daughters, Mrs. Steve (Elsie) Grohmann and Mrs. Rudy (Ruby) Gold, both of Weimar; his 86-year-old mother, Mrs. Henrietta Eckermann of Austin; one sister, Mrs. Edna Rinn of Sharp; and four grandchildren. His father preceded him in death in 1938 and a brother died as an infant.
Pallbearers were Edmund, Gilbert and Monroe Eckermann, A. Neuman, Helmuth and Bruno Krebs.
The Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1956
Transcribed by Jennie Muggli
Eckermann, Walter E.
Walter E. Eckermann, 95, of the Pesek Community of Colorado County, passed away Jan. 14 at Columbus Community Hospital.
He was born Jan. 26, 1909, in the Rockhouse Community, to Fritz H. and Adele (Henniger) Eckermann. He was baptized in the Lutheran faith and attended Rockhouse schools. He married Gladys Henkaus on Nov. 15, 1936, in Nelsonville. He was a farmer his entire life and was in the poultry business for years and later became a cattle rancher. He was employed by the U.S. Census Bureau several times and liked to reminisce with people of German descent who had difficulty writing and speaking English.
He is preceded in death by his parents; wife, Gladys (Henkhaus) Eckermann; brothers, Eugene and Barnett Eckermann; and sister, Elfrieda and husband James Dockal.
He is survived by his sister-in-law, Resada Eckermann of Industry; nieces, Joycine Hannath and husband Louis of Chappell Hill and Sheryl Schultz and husband Tommy of Industry; nephews, Elgene Eckermann and wife Doris of La Grange and Wendell Eckermann and special friend Doris Bruedigan of Industry; numerous great-nieces and great-nephews and special friends and caregivers, Dennis Geistmann Jr., Elizabeth Geistmann and Diane Geistmann, all of New Ulm.
Funeral services were conducted Jan. 17at the Industry United Methodist Church with the Rev. Patricia Newcomer officiating. Interment followed in the New Ulm Cemetery. Pallbearers were Elgene and Wendell Eckermann, Dennis Geistmann Jr., Harry Henkhaus, Marvin Schley and Louis Hannath.
Honorary Pallbearers were Elizabeth Geistmann and Diane Geistmann.
Memorials may be made to the Industry United Methodist Church or any favorite charity.
Colorado County Citizen, January 19, 2005
Courtesy of The Citizen
Edds, Mathew Preston
Aged Resident Dies At Home In Sheridan
Mr. Mathew Preston (Luke) Edds, died at
his home at Sheridan, Friday, January 4th, after an illness
of three weeks. He was 82 years old, born July 22, 1853, in
He had made his home in Colorado County
since 1896, and had made many friends throughout this
section who regret his passing. [Interment in
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Molissie
Edds of Sheridan, four daughters, Mrs. Mary Scott and Mrs.
Addie Schilhab of Sheridan, Mrs. Hattie McDaniel of Pledger
and Mrs.. Ethel Pavel of Hallettsville, and one son, Mr.
George Edds of Rock Island.
Three step children, Mr. Arthur Haynes
of Damon, Mrs. Myrtle Platt of Longview and Mrs. Johnnie
Starr of Louise, also survive him.
Mr. Edds had 10 grandchildren and 22 step
The bereaved ones have the sympathy of
our people.
Colorado County Citizen, January 17,
Edington, J.T.
Funeral for J. T. Edington Held June 11
Funeral services for J T. Edington, 58,
of Rt. 1, Pollok, Texas, were held Wednesday, June 11, from
Hubbard Funeral Home here, with burial in Masonic Cemetery.
Rev. H. A. Berry officiated.
Mr. Edington, father of Mrs. Jim Sissom,
died at 11:20 p.m. Monday in Veterans Administration
Hospital, Houston, after an eight-month illness with cancer.
He had been in the hospital two months. A truck driver, he
was born Nov. 26, 1921, at Blytheville, Arkansas, a son of
James Leslie and Maude (Farrell) Edington. He married
Raynell Gurley at Crustville, Mo., on Sept. 5, 1939. He was
a Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean War, and was
awarded the Navy Korean Medal.'
Mr. Edington is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Raynell Edington of Pollok; a son and daughter-in-law,
James Leslie and Patrice Edington of Palestine, Texas; a
daughter and son-in-law, Loretta and James Sissom of Weimar;
five grandchildren, Cody Edington, Jamie Edington, Jimmy
Sissom Jr., Kimberly Sissom and Sonya Sissom; one brother,
W. E Rhodes of South Houston; and three sisters, Mrs. Glenn
B. Shortnancy and Mrs. Virginia Higgins of South Houston and
Mrs. Frank Candle of Memphis, Tenn, Several nieces and
nephews also survive.
Pallbearers were Johnny Bittner, Frank
Candle, Eddie Rhodes, F. J. Sissom, Jimmy Sissom Jr., and
Russell Lott.
Weimar Mercury, June 12,

Edington, Raymell (Gurley)
Raymell Edington Funeral Services Held Jan. 17
Raymell Gurley Edington, 79, of Weimar died Jan. 13 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, Jan 17 at the Hubbard Funeral Home in Weimar with Rev. Bob Gregory officiating.
Interment followed in the Masonic Cemetery in Weimar.
Mrs. Edington was born Nov. 24, 1921 in Lexington, Tenn. To A. T. and Minnie Tidwell Gurley.
She married J. T. Edington, on Sept. 6, 1939 in Blytheville, Ark. She lived in this area for 21 years also living in Lufkin.
She is survived by one son, James Leslie Edington and wife Patrice of Palestine; one daughter, Loretta Sissom of Weimar; one sister, Hazel Demery of Grand Rivers, Ky.; and one aunt, Lexie Williams of Road Huron, Tenn.
She was also survived by four grandchildren, Cody and Bridgett Edington of Palestine, and Jamie and Scott Johnson; three step-grandchildren Jimmy Sissom Jr. of Channelview, Kimberly Lyons and husband Chris of Wichita Falls, Tonya Spalek and husband Bryan of Columbus; two adopted grandchildren; her dearest friends, Bernice Anderson, Joyce Terrell and Diane Stavinoha; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband J. T. and two brothers.
Pallbearers were: Scott Glass, Scott Johnson, Jay Sams, Donald Stavinoha, Tommy Stewart and Bruce Terrell.
Honorary pallbearers were: Rev. James Hazelton, James Kay and Bryan Spalek.
Memorial donations may be made to Weimar EMS or Charity of ones choice.
The Weimar Mercury January 25, 2001
Transcribed by Jennie Muggli
Edwards, C. Henderson
It becomes our painful duty to record the death of C. H. Edwards,which occurred on Friday, the 16th inst.,near Oakland of pneumonia. Mr. Edwards was a young man just reaching his 25th year. He was the constable of Precinct No. 3, which office he filled with due satisfaction and efficiency to all. Four months have hardly elapsed since he was wedded to Mrs. Kate Wooldridge, who now mourns his loss. The the bereaved ones we tender our condolence. [Interment in Wooldridge Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, April 22, 1886
Mr. N. G. Edwards and wife, of Boxville, visited this place last Saturday to attend the funeral of their son, C. H. Edwards.
Colorado Citizen, April 22, 1886
Edwards, Kate L. (Frazier) Wooldridge
Pioneer Lady of This Section Passes Away
Mrs. Kate L. Edwards of Oakland, aged 83 years, one of the real pioneer ladies of this section, passed quietly away last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mem Rhodes of Oakland. She had been in feeble health for a long time, and while her demise was not altogether unexpected, yet It nevertheless brought many a pang of sadness to relatives and many friends throughout this section, among whose people she had lived for so long a time.
The funeral took place at the Weimar Masonic Cemetery Saturday, with Rev. W. L. Hightower, Methodist minister, officiating. A large concourse of mourning relatives and friends witnessed the last sad rites.
Mrs. Edwards is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mem Rhodes of Oakland, and three sons, Messrs. A. B. Wooldridge of San Antonio, T. H. Wooldridge of Oakland and Stafford Wooldridge of this section.
She was a greatly beloved woman of this section, was known to hundreds of people all over the Weimar-Oakland section due to her long residence among us, ever proved herself the best of wives and mothers, neighbors and friends, and her death is deeply and sincerely deplored.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, May 18, 1934, page 1
Edwards, Oliver
Oliver Edwards Died Monday Following Saturday Night Fight at Matthews; Joe Gilbert Arrested
In a difficulty at Matthews on Saturday night close to the midnight hour, Oliver Edwards was cut in the stomach by Joe Gilbert, both colored, from which he died. It is said that both negroes were drinking. A severe wound ws cut i Edwards stomach, but the doctors are of he opinion that had the wounded negro gone to bed at once and secured medical attention that he might have recovered. But instead Edwards continued to walk about in his wounded condition which is said to have resulted in his death. Gilbert was arrested and taken to jail in Columbus. The body of Edwards was shipped to Alleyton and buried there on Monday, and on the same day the witnesses were summoned to Columbus and the grand jury was investigating Gilberts case.
Eagle Lake Headlight, February 10, 1917
Edwards, Polk
Polk Edwards, a young many who was raised by Mr. Bates Gay near Columbus, was shot in the stomach Thursday night by Mr. Meyer, a saloon keeper, at Ellinger, and perhaps fatally wounded. No particulars obtainable.
Weimar Mercury, 28 Dec 1895, page 2
Submitted by RoxAnn Johnson
A Homicide On Christmas Day, at Ellinger, Polk Edwards, employed as a section hand on the La Grange tap of the southern Pacific railroad, went gunning for a man against whom he had some imaginary grievance, and when on the point of entering a saloon, with his gun in hand, he was forbidden by Mr. Otto Meyer, one of the proprietors, not to enter with his gun. He persisted and went in, and report says commenced to cursing and abusing Mr. Meyer saying that he would kill him and started to throw his gun down on him, when a bystander caught hold of it, and at the same moment Mr. Meyer fired, the ball taking effect just below the navel. He lingered until sometime the next day and died. His remains were taken to the Gay Farm, near Columbus, by friends and there interred. [Burial place unknown.]
The JOURNAL has been informed that Edwards killed a boy near Luling a few years ago and was tried and convicted and was finally pardoned by the governor. It is also reported that he has since shot a negro, but whether it is true of not The JOURNAL is unable to say.
The general impression is that Edwards was peacably inclined when sober, but when drunk, was a dangerous man.
Otto Meyer had an examining trial before Justice Bertsh at Fayetteville and was released on $5,000 bail, which was promptly given. Mssrs. Brown, Lane, and Jackson have been employed to defend Mr. Meyer. Mr. Lane appeared in his behalf at the examining trial.
The La Grange Journal, January 2, 1896
Contributed by orval@gvec.net
Edwards, William Webster
In Lavaca county, near Oakland, Texas, the 27th [Library has 25th] of October, 1874, WM. WEBSTER EDWARDS, son of N. G. and S. A. Edwards, aged 3 years, 9 months and 17 days. The little sleeper leaves a large circle of devoted relatives to mourn his loss.
Our sweet little darling
We hardly can bear,
For him to go and leave us here
In sorrow and despair.
[Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, November 19, 1874, page 2
Eggemeyer, Frank
Frank Eggemeyer Dies at Garwood
Funeral services for Frank Eggemeyer of Garwood were held at Triska Funeral home in El Campo yesterday morning with continued services in the Nada Catholic church. Rev. Arnold A. Anders officiated for the mass and burial in the Nada Catholic cemetery.
Mr. Eggemeyer died early Monday morning in Nightingale hospital at El Campo after an illness of about 2 weeks.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie Becker Eggemeyer; 3 sons, Leo of Garwood, Wilbert of Palacios and Anton of Houston; 2 daughters, Mr. Albert Hoelscher and Mrs. Dala Herzik of Houston and Mrs. Alfred Lundquist of Louise; also 2 brothers, G. L. of Garwood and Ben of Rowena, and one sister, Mrs. Leona Boenisch of San Antonio.
Colorado County Citizen, March 22, 1956, page 12
Eggemeyer, Gerhard L.
G. L. Eggemeyer Rites this Morning; Burial in Nada
Funeral services have been set for this (Thursday) morning, at 8:45 in Untermeyer Funeral home for Gerhard L. Eggemeyer, who died in Columbus hospital at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. He was taken there Monday following a heart attack.
Rev. E. J. Bily of St. Marys Catholic church at Nada will officiate and continued services will be held in St. Marys at Nada at 9:30. Burial will be in Nada Catholic cemetery.
A family rosary was recited Tuesday night and another rosary Wednesday night in the funeral home.
Mr. Eggemeyer would have been 82 this May 5. He was born in Frelsburg, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Eggemeyer. Mrs. Eggemeyer is the former Margaret Hoelscher. The couple celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1954 at their home in Nada.
Besides his widow, he is survived by a son, A. G. Eggemeyer of Nada, a daughter, Mrs. Gus Schobel of Columbus; 4[sic] grandchildren, Mrs. Raymond Zahn and Mrs. Elmer Kobza of Houston and Clarence Edwin Eggemeyer of Nada; and 4 great-grandchildren, Patricia Ann Eggemeyer of Nada and Tommy Wayne Zahn, Randy and Gary Lee Kobza of Houston.
His nephews will be pallbearers.
Colorado County Citizen, March 31, 1960, page 7
Eggers, Madeline G.
Eagle Lake, May 18.--One of he saddest accidents that has ever happen in Eagle Lake occurred here this afternoon shortly after 3 oclock, resulting in the death of little Madeline Eggers, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Ms. Richard Eggers. The little girl, with a number of playmates, was at the home of Mr. G. A. Stoermer. The children were playing in the bathroom, when one of the little boys attempted to get down his baseball suit from the wall. In doing so he knocked down a shotgun which was near the suit. In falling the gun exploded, the entire charge of shot striking the little girl in the forehead, tearing off the entire upper portion of her head. Madeline Eggers was an exceptionally bright little girl and a favorite with all who knew her. Both families have the sympathy of the entire community. At this hour no arrangements for the funeral have been made. [Interment in Lakeside Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, May 21, 1909, page 1
Maude Ray (Stapleton)
Bride of Less Than a Year Succumbs to Attack of Pneumonia; Funeral On Monday Morning
Mrs. R. L. Eggers died at her home near
Bonus last Sunday morning at Half past five o'clock of
pneumonia following an attack of influenza. She was ill
about ten days.
Mrs. Eggers was twenty-eight years,
eleven months and six days of age, and had been married less
than a year. Before her marriage she was Miss Maude
Stapleton of Hubbard City. She was the daughter of Mr. And
Mrs. Alex Stapleton of Hubbard City, the family having moved
from Eagle Lake to Hubbard City several years
Mrs. Eggers spent most of her girlhood
days in Eagle Lake, the family having formerly lived here.
She was a sweet, beautiful woman and was held in the highest
esteem by all who knew her. Her most pleasant disposition
and charming manner won a large circle of friends for her
wherever she went, and she was universally popular with all
who knew her.
The Headlight joins the people of our
city and community in extending its sincerest sympathy to
the grief-stricken young husband and other sorrowing
The funeral was held from the home of Mr.
And Mrs. R. M. Eggers in this city Monday morning at eleven
o'clock, Rev. E. B. McLaughlin, the local Baptist pastor,
officiating both at the home and at the grave.
[Interment at Lakeside
The pall bearers were Mssrs. Gus Seaholm,
E. L. Mooney, Ernest Seaholm, Chas. Herter, Stafford Taylor
and H. A. Douglass.
Mrs. Eggers' mother, Mrs. Stapleton of
Hubbard City, was called here during her daughter's illness
and was at the bedside when the end came. Mrs. A. E. Woods
and Miss Pearl Long of Runge, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stapleton
of Houston were other out of town relatives who were here
for the funeral.
Eagle Lake Headlight, October 26,
Transcription by Dennis
Ehlers, Margarethe (Bohmann).
News of Content Section.
We regret very much to report the death of Mrs. Eilers, which occurred at the home of F. Beken Tuesday. (Interment in New Bielau Cemetery -unmarked grave)
Weimar Mercury, January 5, 1907
Ehlert, William Boyd
William B. Ehlert Dead
In last Sunday's San Antonio papers there was a report of the death of William Boyd Ehlert, 30 years old, former resident of this section and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehlert, formerly of the Live Oak community. The report as published in the San Antonio papers was as follows:
(San Antonio Light)
William Boyd Ehlert, 30, of 126 Stone street died Saturday. Services Sunday at 4 p.m. from the Porter Loring chapel with interment in Roselawn Burial park. Native of texas and resident of San Antonio 10 years. Member of the First Baptist church. Survivors parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehlert of Adkins; sisters; Mrs. William McDaniel of New Braunfels, Mrs. E.H. Rogers of Weimar; Mrs. C.L. Wigington and Mrs. E.J. Brown of San Antonio; and Miss Alma Ehlert of Adkins: and brothers, George Ehlert of San Antonio and Emil Ehlert of Adkins.
Weimar Mercury, Oct 4, 1935
Submitted by Regena Williamson
Ehweiner, Mathias
Friday morning, Dec. 15, at 7:30 o'clock,
Mr. Mathias Ehweiner, an old and highly respected pioneer
citizen of New Bielau, residing with his brother-in-law, Mr.
Christian Dahse, peacefully passed away, after a short
illness. Mr. Ehweiner was born in Steirmark, Austria, Sept.
12, 1946. He came to Texas with his parents and two sisters
in 1857, when they located at Ross Prairie, in Fayette
county. Two years later they came here, where Mr. Ehweiner
engaged in farming. By strict attention to business and by
economy he accumulated considerable property. The funeral
took place Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
Bielau cemetery, Revs. Piepenbrok
and Stack from Weimar, the Sons of Hermann, New Bielau Lodge
No. 205, of which the deceased was an honorable member,
officiated at the grave. Also the New Bielau singers honored
their deceased friend with a farewell song. A large
concourse of life-long friends were present. Mr. Ehweiner
leaves here his two sisters, Mrs. C Dahse of New Bielau and
Mrs. Berthold of Oak Grove, also several nephews and nieces.
To those we extend sincere sympathy in their
Weimar Mercury December 22, 1916
Transcribed by Judy
Eichler, Ferd
Mr. Eichler, an aged man living with the famiy of Jos. Beyer, well known farmer oft he Osage section, died and was buried at St. Michaels Cemetery Wednesdy aftrnoon, Rev. Jos. Szymanski officiating.
Weimar Mercury, December 8, 1922, page 3
Eichler, Magdalen
Mrs. Eickler, an aged, respected resident of the Osage community, died and was buried at St. Michaels Cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. Szymanski officiating.
Weimar Mercury, November 22, 1918, page 5
Eichlers, Ernst
An old German by the name of Ernst Eichlers--step-father of Mrs. F. Gaertner--committed suicide Wednesday morning by hanging himself to a cross-beam in the loft of Mrs. Gaertners stable. It seems that the old man is addicted to drink, and had gone to Fayette county on some business, in Mr. Gaertners buggy, got intoxicated, came home Tuesday evening under the influence of liquor, had broken the buggy all to pieces, and was soundly scolded by Mrs. G. for his carelessness. He ate his supper, went to bed, and sometime early this morning must have committed the rash act. He was discovered in the loft at 7 a.m. with a stake rope tied hard and fast to the beam, and around his neck, dead. His hands and knees touched the floor. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, May 22, 1884
Eikut, unknown
Columbus Items
There have been three deaths during the week. ... Then one Eikut, a painter, died on Saturday. This was a sad case. The man had been at work here for a year or more, took sick and was ill for several months, used up all his earnings during his sickness and had to be buried by the county, he having no relations nor friends. [Place of interment unknown]
Weimar Gimlet, July 30, 1885
Eiland, Shirley (Bradford)
Shirley Briscoe Eiland, 66, of La Porte,
passed away Jan. 19 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center, in
She was born in Houston, Sept. 28, 1935,
to Christopher Columbus and Imogene (Shields)
She was preceded in death by her parents;
first husband, Don Briscoe; second husband, Sonny Eiland;
and brother, Christopher Columbus Bradford Jr.
She is survived by sons and
daugthers-in-law, Don and Tina Briscoe of La Porte and Doug
and Gerry Briscoe of Virgin Islands; sisters, Nancy
Leyendecker of Frelsburg, Lollie Hayden of Brookshire and
Sue Fowler of League City; brother, Doug (Bubba) Bradford of
Columbus; seven grandchildren; and one
Funeral services were conducted Jan. 21
at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Deacon Bennie
Holesovsky officiating. Interment followed in
Cemetery in Sheridan.
Pallbearers were Donnie, Doug, Cory and
Doug Briscoe Jr., Ryan Moffat, Doug Bradford and Derek
Colorado County Citizen, January 23,
Courtesy of the Citizen
Eilers, Kathryn (Burford)
Mrs. K. Eilers
Graveside services were held Tuesday afternoon, July 15, at Masonic Cemetery for Mrs. Kathryn Burford Eilers, 66, of San Angelo. A Monday afternoon service was held at Robert Massie Riverside Chapel in San Angelo. No further details were available.
Weimar Mercury, July 24, 1975
Submitted by David Hahn
Einkauf, Chester Wade
Final rites for Wade Einkauf
Funeral services will be held Thursday, November 17, 1983 at 2 p.m. from Dulaney Funeral Home for Wade Einkauf of Rock Island. Interment will be at the Myrtle Cemetery of Rock Island with Rev. Charles Runk of United Methodist Church of Eagle Lake as minister.
He was born on February 1, 1922 near Sheridan and the son of Robert and Norcie Briscoe Einkauf. He was a resident of this area all his life and was a retired operator with Superior Oil. He's a Veteran of World War II.
Survivors are: son, Reggie Einkauf of Fort Ord, California: brother Casper Einkauf and wife, Margaret of Houston: two grandchildren, two aunts, and sister in law, Mrs. Katherine Einkauf of Rock Island.
Eagle Lake Headlight, November 17, 1983, Page 9
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Einkauf, Julius Robert
Julius R. Einkauf Is Buried Here
Julius Robert Einkauf, 89, well known Hallettsville area retired rancher, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Burnett Jones, April 9th, at 9:30 a.m.
Mr. Einkauf was born at Hallettsville, December 19th, 1872. In November 1895 he was united in marriage with Sophie Quitta who preceded him in death November 17th, 1953.
Funeral services were held at the Kubena Funeral Home at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 10, with Rev. Ramsey of Yoakum and Rev. Curtis Crofton of the First Baptist Church of Hallettsville officiating. Burial was in the Sheridan Cemetery.
Pallbearers were G.P. Wenkens, Rudolph Sieber, Frank Sieber, Joe Bennett, Oscar Einkauf, , Burnett Jones, W.C. Evans and H.H. Morgan
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Burnett ( Sophie) Jones of Ezell and five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. One son, Robert, also preceded his father in death.
Lavaca County Tribune Herald 1962
Submitted by Regina Williamson
Einkauf, Katherine
Katherine (Tietschert) Einkauf, 81, of
Rock Island,passed away Oct. 29 in Houston.
She was born in Columbus, Jan 13, 1921 to
Willie H. and Irene Adele (Dungen) Tietschert and was
married to Oscar Einkauf.
She was preceded in death by her parents
and husband.
She is survived by her aunt, Mable Krenek
of Columbus. uncle, Joe Dungen of Columbus dear friends,
Esther Curry and Olga Lundquist of Rock Island; niece,
Janice Brasher and husband Charles of Huffman; nephews and
wives, Alan and Mary Neuendorff and Marvin Neuendorff, all
of Bernardo, Kerry and Annette Neuendorff of Frelsburg, and
Reggie Einkauf and Tommy Einkauf, both of California;
sister, Dorthy Neuendorff of Bernardo; brother, William
Tietschert of Shaws Bend; three great-nieces; three
great-nephews; four-great-great-nieces; and three
great-great nephews.
Funeral services were conducted Nov. 1 at
Dulany Funeral Home in Eagle Lake with the Rev. John
Hunsicker officiating. Interment followed at
Cemetery in Rock
Pallbearers were Marvin Kerry, Alan,
Jason and Richard Neuendorff and Charles Brasher.
Honorary pallbearers were David Morris,
Lee Neuendorff, Clyde Varley, Lawrence Dungen, Reese Wynn,
Billy Mayes and Shannon Owers.
Colorado County Citizen, November 13,
Einkauf, Norcie (Briscoe)
Last Rites for Mrs. Einkauf Wed. Morning
Mrs. R. O. (Norcie) Einkauf of Rock Island, a lifelong resident of this county, passed away Monday, October 26th at 12:45 p.m. in the Youens Hospital in Weimar. She suffered a stroke and was in the hospital for two weeks but had been in failing health for the past year. Funeral services were held from the Chapel of the Mill-Bauer Funeral Home in Eagle Lake at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning October 28 followed by Interment in the Myrtle cemetery in Rock Island. The Rev. Raymond Woodruff, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Eagle Lake, officiated. Pallbearers were Zane Briscoe of Gonzales, Harry Briscoe, Isam Briscoe, Jr., and Lavo Briscoe of Sheridan, Howard Criswell of Sheridan and Jack Briscoe of Weimar. Mrs. Kinkauf was born in Sheridan, Sept 14, 1897 to Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Briscoe. She resided in the Sheridan and Rock lsland, area during her life. She and Robert O. Einkauf were united in marriage July 16, 1916. Mr. Einkauf preceded her in death on February 27, 1953. Survivors include three sons, Casper Einkauf of Houston, Oscar and Wade Einkauf of Rock Island; two-grandsons, Robert Einkauf and Reggie Einkauf; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Billard of Sheridan and Mrs. Alta Varley of Columbus; two brothers, H. A. Briscoe of Eagle Lake and Isam Briscoe, Sr. of Sheridan. Sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of this loved one.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Oct 29, 1970, page four, sec. 1
Contributed by Patti-Hall Smith
Einkauf, Oscar Robert
Last Rites for Oscar Einkauf of Rock Is.
Funeral services were held from the chapel of the Mill-Bauer Funeral Home in Eagle Lake at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Oct 25th for Oscar R. Einkauf, a native of the Sheridan community and a resident of Rock Island, who passed away in the Eagle Lake Community Hospital the morning of Friday, Oct 24th, after a lengthy illness. The Rev. Bernie Helge, Pastor of the Sheridan Baptist Church, officiated at the services in Mill-Bauer Chapel, burial followed in the Myrtle Cemetery near Rock Island. Serving as pallbearers were: Alan, Kerry and Marvin Nedendorff, Reese Wynn, lsam Briscoe Jr. and Harry Briscoe. Mill Bauer Funeral Home of Eagle Lake was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Einkauf was born July 1, 1919 in Sheridan. Texas the son of Robert and Norcie Briscoe Einkauf and he resided in the Sheridan area all of his life. He was a retired employee of Shell Oil Company with 38 years of service with the company. He and Miss Kathrine Tietaehert were united in marriage in Columbus on June 29, 1945. He served with the U. S. Armed Forces in World War II and was a member of the Sheridan Baptist Church and other community organizations. Surviving are his wife, Kathrine Einkauf of Rock Island; and two brothers, Wade Einkauf of Rock Island and Casper Einkauf of Houston; and other relatives and friends. Sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of this loved one.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Oct 30, 1980, page 20
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Einkauf, Robert Oscar
R.O. Einkauf, Rock Is., Resident Dies February 27
Funeral services were conducted last Sunday afternoon, March 1st at 2:00 o’clock at the Rock Island Methodist Church for Robert O. Einkauf of the Rock Island community. Mr. Einkauf died Friday, Feb. 27th, of a heart attack. The Rev. Clinton Holt of the Assembly of God Faith from Corpus Christi conducted the services with Mill-Bauer Funeral Home of Eagle Lake in charge of arrangements. Interment was made in Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island.
Pallbearers were Oscar and Leslie Baker, Tom Kennedy, E.W. Wright, Jesse Speck, Dan Hooper, G.E. Williams and Elmo Werlla.
. . . to Rock Is., years ago and had spent practically his entire life in Colorado County. He married Norcie Briscoe, a native of Colorado County. Surviving are his widow, Norcie Einkauf and three sons; Casper of Houston, Oscar of Rock Island and Wade of Sinton; one grandson, Reginald Wade of Sinton; his father J.R. Einkauf of Sheridan; a sister, Mrs. Burnet Jones of Salem and a large number of nieces and nephews and other relatives along with friends to mourn his sudden death. The large number of friends from near by cities in attendance at the services was evidence of the many friends he had in this community.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 5, 1953
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Einkauf, Sophie Rosie (Quitta)
Mrs. J. R. Einkauf Died Sunday
Mrs. J. R. Einkauf of Sheridan, died Sunday, August 17, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Burnett Jones. She was 77 years old.
Funeral services will be held today, Tuesday, August 19, at the Kubena Funeral Home, at 1:30 p.m., with Rev. R. M. Porche officiating. Interment will be in the Sheridan Cemetery.
The deceased was a member of the Baptist Church. She was born at Weimar, May 14, 1875 Nee Miss Sophie Rosie Quitta, she married J. R. Einkauf November 8, 1896 at Hallettsville.
Survivors include her husband: one daughter, Mrs. Burnett Jones of Hallettsville; one son, R. O. Einkauf of Rock Island; one brother, Rud. Quitta of Hallettsville two sisters Mrs. Alice Sieber of Hallettsville and Mrs. Rosie Huebner of Cistern; one half-sister, Mrs. Annie Budewig of Alvin and a half-brother, Otto Quitta of here. Five grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild also survive.
New Era Herald, August 19, 1952
Submitted by Regena Williamson
Elberfeld, Eliesebeth
Mrs. Elberfeld, a German lady and the wife of Henry Elberfeld, died at their home in this town last Saturday morning, and was buried the next evening in the Catholic graveyard at this place. It is said that she died of asthma. If she had lived six months longer she and her husband would have celebrated the 50 anniversary of their marriage. The reaper death waits not for golden anniversaries. While the husband bows disconsolate to the decree of heaven, he has our sympathy.
Weimar Mercury, November 29, 1890
Elberfeld, Henry
Mr. Henry Elberfeld, an old and highly respected German citizen of Weimar, died at the family residence Monday morning, and was interred at St. Michaels cemetery Tuesday morning at 9 oclock. Rev. C. J. Benes performing the impressive burial ceremonies of the Catholic church over the remains. Mr. Elberfeld was about 82 years of age, and pursued the occupation of farming successfully and with vigor up to a few days before his death, when by an unfortunate slip he cut with a sickle a gash in his arm. His system being impregnated with malaria at the time, blood poisoning set in, which culminated in his death last Monday morning. To the bereaved widow our sincere sympathy is extended.
Weimar Mercury, July 15, 1900
Elberfeld, Theresia
Mrs. Eberfeldt, for many years a resident of this section, died Thursday night of last week and her remains were laid to rest in St. Michaels cemetery the following afternoon.
Weimar Mercury, August 3, 1907, page 3
Elkins, James Wilson

Funeral services were held in Eagle Lake last Thursday, April 16th at ten o'clock in the morning for James W. Elkins, a resident of this community for many years. Mr. Elkins passed away at 1:30 April 22nd [1962] in the St. Vincent Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. He had been in ill health for quite some time, but of late had been improving and for the past year and a half had been ranching and farming rice in Arkansas.
Service were held in Stuttgart at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 24th at Turpin Funeral Chapel. The body was brought here for continued services. Services here were held from Mill-Bauer Funeral Home with the Rev. Fred Burford and the Rev. John G. Larson officiating. Mrs. R. R. Wells, rendered favorite hymns at the organ. [Buried Lakeside Cemetery]
James Wilson Elkins was born on August 10th, 1918 in Houston to Sophie Wilson Elkins and William Corrin Elkins. He graduated from Eagle Lake High School and was employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Houston for 16 years and spent seven years in real estate and insurance, and for the past year and a half farmed in Arkansas.
He was married on Jan 3, 1961 in Houston to Vera Meehan.
Surviving are his wife: Vera Meehan Elkins of Stuttgart, Hot Springs, Ark.; a daughter, Judith Ann Elkins of Houston; his mother Mrs. W. C. Elkins of Eagle Lake; sisters, Mrs. Frances Hutchings, Mrs. Dorothy Cox and Mrs. Ruth Orr of Houston; Mrs. Josephine Paul of Seattle, Wash,; and Mrs. Willie Maye Tate of Eagle Lake; and a number of other relatives.
He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Arabia Temple Shrine, the Episcopal Church; and served during World War II in the Armed Services.
Among out of towners here for the services were; Mrs. & Mrs. Richard L. Hutchings, II, Mr. & Mrs. Alton V. Orr, Mrs. & Mrs. Julian B. Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. Chas. Bucsanzi, R. L. Hutchings, Sr. Mrs. & Mrs. Marvin Sanders, Mrs. Paul W. Young, Mrs. Mildred Elkins and Judy, Richard L. Hutchings III all of Houston; Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson and Dick Meehan of Stuttgart, Ark: R. H. Campbell and D. W. Campbell of Longview; Mrs. G. D. Elkins of Fort Worth; Mrs. Maxine Elkins de Bos, Columbia. S.A.; Tommy C. Paul of College Station; Mrs. Vera Carson, Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Carson of Wharton; Tom Haley of Smithville; Mrs. Cora Thatcher of San Antonio.
Eagle Lake Headlight
Submitted by Dorothy Cox
Elkins, Sophie Josephine (Wilson)
Friends were saddened to learn that Mrs. W. C. (Sophie) Elkins, one of the community's most beloved citizens, passed away Thursday morning, July 29, 1976, at Eagle Lake Community Hospital. She would have reached her 85th birthday this month.
Sophie, as she was known to her friends, was born at Emma, Texas, near Plainview on August 23, 1891 the daughter of Fannie Thatcher and Thomas Jefferson Wilson. She had three sisters, who preceded her in death, and a brother, Thomas Wilson who survives her.
The family moved from Emma, Texas to Big Springs, Texas in covered wagons arriving on Christmas Day, 1906. In the Spring of 1908 they moved to Eagle Lake where her grandfather, John Thatcher, a pioneer settler and planter, and other relatives lived.
In 1909 Mrs. Elkins went to work for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as an operator and there she met and married Will C. Elkins, Traffic Chief for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company at that time. He preceded her in death in 1953. To this union were born 6 children, 5 girls and one boy; Frances Hutchings, Ruth Orr and Dorothy Cox of Houston, Josephine Paul of San Antonio, Willie Maye Tate of El Campo and James Elkins who preceded her in death. All of the children went to school in Eagle Lake and graduated from Eagle Lake High School. She was also blessed with 7 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, and 1 great great-grandchild; also several nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Elkins was very active during the years in the Christ Episcopal Church, serving on the Altar Guild for 3 years: was in the Women's Home Demonstration Club 1960 through 1963, serving as President of the Eagle Lake Chapter in 1959, secretary-treasurer in 1960 and secretary in 1961. She was also a member of The Study Club, Garden Club, and Order of the Eastern Star.
Last rites were hold from the Christ Episcopal Church at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, July 31st. with the Rev George Welsch, rector, officiating. Her body was placed to a final resting place in Lakeside
Cemetery. Mill-Bauer Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Serving as Pallbearers were: Lloyd Salanger, Harold Thomas, F. M. Dromgoole, Raymond Waddell and Harrison Walker of this city and Dick Ney of Houston.
She was loved by all who came to know her and she shall be missed dearly by her loved ones and friends.
Eagle Lake Headlight
Submitted by Dorothy
Elkins, William Corrin

This community was deeply shocked and grieved to learn of the untimely death of W. C. Elkins due to a stroke while on duty at the Lakeside Irrigation Company plant at 2:30 p.m. Monday, November 30th 1953.
Services were held from the Christ Episcopal Church Wednesday afternoon, December 2nd at 2:00 o'clock with the Rev. Lawton Riley officiation. Music during the services were rendered by the Episcopal Choir.
Interment was made in Lakeside
Cemetery with Mill-Bauer Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were: G. D. Reading, O. W. Powers, L. L. Walker, E. H. Walker, George Crim, and C. A. Williamson of Columbus.
William Corrin Elkins was born November 26th, 1881 at Oak Ridge, Louisiana, living a full life of 72 years. He had happily received members of his family in his home during the Thanksgiving holiday, only a few days prior to his sudden death. His parents were William James Elkins and Emma Corrin Clifton Elkins.
He was married to Sophie Josephine Wilson
in Eagle Lake on January 31st, 1912 and this union was
blessed with one son and five daughters.
Survivors include his widow: Mrs. Sophie Elkins; one son, James of Houston; five daughters, Mrs. Frances Hutchings, Mrs. Ruth Orr, Mrs. Dorothy Cox all of Houston; Mrs. Josephine Paul of San Antonio, and Mrs. Willie Maye Tate of Eagle Lake. Also, six grandsons, Bill Reading, Tommy Paul, Jo Ann Paul, Dick Hutchings, Gary and Timothy Cox; and one great-grandson, Kenneth Reading.
The Elkins family has filled a prominent spot in the Eagle Lake Community since 1923. He was retired as plant manager of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and since has been associated with the Lakeside Irrigation Company. Affectionately known to his multitude of friends as "Mr. Bill", Mr. Elkins was loved and respected by all who knew him. Sympathy, deep and sincere, is extended to the family in their great loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight
Submitted by Dorothy
Elliott, James
Cullings from Cheetham.
(Delayed from Last Week.)
Last Saturday morning Mr. H. Sheridan received the sad news by phone that his nephew, Mr. James Elliott, was dead in Brazoria county, and he was asked for instructions as to the disposition of the body, as Mr. Elliott had no money. Mr. Sheridan instructed the party to whom he was talking to prepare the body and ship it to Cheetham for burial. Mr. Sheridan and J. W. Scott went to Houston that evening to meet the remains, and there learned for the first time that Elliott had been murdered by convicts whom he was guarding, and then robbed of $40. The remains arrived on the noon train Sunday and were tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery at this place at 2 oclock, Bro. S. H. Hall of San Antonio officiating. Mr. Elliott had often visited this place, and had many friends who deplore his tragic death. Your correspondent extends his heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved relatives and friends.
Weimar Mercury, August 1, 1908, page 6
Elliott, Kenneth Ray

Elliott, Kenneth Ray
Kenneth Ray Elliott was born on May 23, 1940 in Houston, to Ora Minnie Vogelsang and Robert Benjamin Elliott and passed away on July 3.
He graduated from Milby High School in Houston and Sam Houston State University in Huntsville.
Ken is survived by his wife, Mary Sue Elliott of Frelsburg; sister, Fay Elliott of Columbus; son, Kenny Elliott and his wife Nicole of Austin; daughters, Lisa Elliott Trahan and her husband Ric of Austin, Amy Elliott Stancik and her husband Joey of Columbus; stepsons, James Schmidt and wife Tandy of Harrisburg, Pa., and John Schmidt and Joe Schmidt, both of Austin; three grandchildren, Elliott Trahan, Lee Trahan and Sarah Elliott, all of Austin; two step-grandchildren, Jackson Schmidt of Austin and Joshua Schmidt of Harrisburg. Ken is also survived by his extended church family at West End Baptist in Industry.
Ken lived in Columbus since 1970. He was a member of the first training class at LCRA’s Fayette Power Plant in 1978. Ken held several positions with LCRA including control room supervisor and safety officer prior to retiring in 1997. Ken was a member of the Caledonia Masonic Lodge and First Baptist Church in Columbus. He was part of initial volunteers for the Columbus Ambulance Corps.
After retirement, Ken spent his time traveling throughout the United States with his wife Mary Sue, tending to his cattle on his ranch in Frelsburg and spending time with his family and five grandchildren either on the farm or in Austin. He and Mary Sue were active members of the West End Baptist Church in Industry. Ken will be deeply missed by his many friends and especially his family.
Funeral services took place Tuesday, July 7 at West End Baptist Church in Industry officiated by West End Baptist Pastor Dennis Keen and Ken’s cousin, Father Wayne Wilkerson of St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church. A Masonic burial followed at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Columbus.
Pallbearers were Ralph Hackemack, Hughie Hayes, Mark Hendrix, Marion Nichols, Stanley Priest, Henry Rhodes, Buddy Rives and Bobby Joe Sanders.
Colorado County Citizen, July 8, 2009
Photo courtesy of The Citizen
Virginia Mae (Hurta)
Graveside Rites For Mrs. Elliott Here Thursday
Graveside services for Mrs. Virginia Elliott, of Dallas, who died Tuesday will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, in Masonic Cemetery here.
Mrs. Elliott, the former Virginia Hurta of Oakland, was scheduled to undergo an operation for the correction of what appeared to be hemorrhaging in the brain. She had been ill about a month.
In her early 40s, she was a daughter of the late Mrs. Rosa Hurta Cooley and a sister of Mrs. Ewald Friedrich and Mrs. Milroy Hoegemeyer of the New Bielau-Oakland area.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, November 4, 1965
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Graveside Rites For Mrs. Elliott Here Thursday
Graveside services for Mrs. Virginia Mae
(Hurta) Elliott, 45, of Dallas, were held at Masonic
Cemetery here Thursday morning, Nov. 4. Rev. Frank Horak
Mrs. Elliott died Nov. 2 in a Dallas
hospital, of a brain hemorrhage. She had been in the
hospital seven weeks.
Born March 6, 1920, in the Weimar area,
she was a daughter of Charles and Rose Hurta. She received
here schooling here and 23 years ago moved to Dallas, where
she had been employed the past 18 years by National Screen
Service, Inc, a film advertising firm.
She was a member of the Women of the
Motion Picture Industry and in 1961 received the "WOMPI,"
the most coveted honor of this organization. She also served
her church, St. Paul United Church of Christ, in Dallas, as
a Sunday School teacher.
Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. James
Firman Cook Jr.; three sisters, Mrs. Milroy Hoegemeyer and
Mrs. Ewald Friedrich of Weimar and Mrs. Roy Rowan of
Houston; and two brothers Charles Hurta of Weimar and Joe D.
Hurta of New Orleans, La.
Honorary pallbearer here were Benn Poppe,
Ed Rabel, Norbert Stech, E. A. Cordes, George Andel, and
Edwin Koehn.
Weimar Mercury, November 11,
Ellis, Barnett
Tuesday a deep gloom was cast over this town by a telegram to Mr. J. H. Brooks, editor of this paper, giving the sad intelligence that Barnett Ellis, his brother-in-law, was dying at Austin, where he was a student at the state university. Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Mary Ward, the grandmother of the dying young man, started for Austin on the first train, which was due in less than two hours; but, ___ death had done its work before they reached the capital city,
Barnett Ellis, a promising young man and our admired young friend, departed this life at Austin on Tuesday evening, January 24th, at 50 minutes past 6 oclock. He died of spinal menigitis[sic]; was taken sick last Saturday evening with a chill, but nothing serious was thought to be the matter till Tuesday morning, when he was in a dying condition.
His remains were brought to Weimar on Wednesday evenings east-bound train and were buried Thursday morning in the Weimar cemetery, the impressive ceremony being performed by Rev. H. M. Haynie of the M. E. church. The remains were accompanied from Austin by C. D. Barnett, superintendent of the Confederate Home, and his wife, Editor John H. Brooks of The Mercury, Mrs. Mary Ward, and a delegation of students from the sate university, consisting of Messrs. Beckham, Woods (son of ex Senator John Woods), and John Hubbard of Weimar.
Barnett Ellis was in his nineteenth year; was born in this community, and was reared in this town by his uncle, C. D. Barnett and his estimable wife, his mother having died when he was quite an infant. For about two years, perhaps, he had been with the family of his uncle, Confederate Home Superintendent C. D. Barnett at Austin where he attended the university.
He was a young man of superior talents, and no doubt would have made his mark in the world had he lived. With model habits and winning address, honorable, bright-minded, studious, and energetic, nothing could keep him down, save sickness and death. He had many friends and admirers in this community, as was fully attested by the long procession of sorrowing friends that followed him to his grave, and by the heartfelt expression of regret upon the streets and in family circles, by persons of both sexes and all ages.
The bereaved relatives have the sincere sympathy of this entire community.
Obituary notices are sometimes exaggerated, but this one falls short of the true worth of our lamented young friend.
Weimar Mercury, January 28, 1893
Ellis, Eunice (Hodge)
Eunice Ellis Funeral Services Held March 6
Eunice Ellis, 76, of Weimar, died Tuesday, March 2, at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar.
Funeral services were held Saturday, March 6, at Greater Weimar Church of God in Christ in Weimar with Rev. Joseph Dickerson officiating.
Interment followed at Paradise Gardens Cemetery in Weimar.
Mrs. Ellis was born June 7, 1927 in Weimar to Andrew Lee and Louise (McMillian) Hodge.
She married George Ellis on March 30, 1946 in Colorado County.
She was a homemaker and a member of the Weimar Church of God in Christ.
She is survived by her husband, George Ellis; four sisters, Jessie L. Williams of California, Lillie M. and husband Jack Baldwin of Weimar, Ester Miller of Harlingen and Dr. Ruby Allison of Houston; one step-son, James Wilson and one sister-in-law, Doris Hodge of San Antonio.
She was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters and one brother.
Pallbearers were Elijah Baldwin Jr., Mark Allison, Toy Hodge, Lawrence Flowers, Steve Allison and Troy Hodge.
Honorary pallbearers were Elijah Baldwin Sr., Harry Williams, Sammie Joe Adams, Robert J. Williams, Ulysses Ellis and Joshua Watson.
The Weimar Mercury March 11, 2004
Transcribed by Jennie Muggli
Ellis, Gordon David
Gordon Ellis buried Here last Sunday
Last rites were held at the Lakeside Cemetery at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 4th for Gordon David Ellis, 29, who died at 1:30 a.m. Sat, Jan. 3rd near Garwood. Ellis was born June 16, 1945 in California, the son of Larry T. and Charlotte Bradford Ellis. He came to Eagle Lake some time ago in employment of the Claude Prater Construction Co. He was a veteran of the Vietnam Conflict and was wounded on one occasion while serving with the U.S. Army. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lupe Garza Ellis; one child Ronnie, his mother, Mrs. Charlotte Fitzner of Wichita Falls, Texas; and a sister Verlin Ann Ellis also of Wichita Falls and other relatives.
Eagle Lake Headlight, January 6, 1976
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Ellis, Larry Jack, Jr.
Larry Jack Ellis, Jr. of Austin and formerly of Columbus was born on March 20, 1962 to Larry Jack Ellis and Vivian Dean Tengler Ellis in Columbus.
He passed away on Sunday, Sept. 16 at the age of 45 in Columbus.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Sept. 19 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus, beginning at 10 a.m. Interment will follow at Brandt/Kahlden Cemetery in Holman with the Rev. J.V. Hamman officiating.
He is survived by his mother; daughters: Amy Renee Hassin and husband Robert of San Diego, Calif. and Tamara Nicole Murray and husband Kenneth of Columbus; son: Marcus Wayne Ellis of Austin; sisters: Elizabeth Anne Cassell and husband Elbert of Radford, Va.; niece Carena Cassell; nephew Shawn Cassell and wife Nicole; grandchildren Nathan Hernandez, Kolten Murray, Madilyn Murray, Dylan Hassin, and Merci Hassin; and ex-wife and special friend; Laura Diane Kelley of Columbus.
Larry was preceded in death by his father, Larry Ellis Sr.; and grandparents, Thomas and Cynthia Ellis, and Howard M. and Hilda Tengler.
Pallbearers included Jimmy Joe Valdez, Marcus Valdez, Vince Ayala, Marcus Ellis, Clarence Hamman, and Brian Hernandez.
Honorary pallbearers included Barbara Dybala, Rita Krenek, Lois David, Elbert Cassell, Kenneth Murray, Robert Hassin and Bo Kelley.
Memorials may be given to American Cancer Society, Colorado County Unit, P.o. Box 772, Columbus, Tx 78934 or Hospice Support, Inc., P.O. Box 1417, El Campo, Tx 77437.
Colorado County Citizen, September 19, 2007
Courtesy The Citizen
Ellis, unknown
Weimar Local Matters
Mrs. C. C. Ellis died in San Antonio the 25th of September. Her remains were shipped here and interred at the Clear Oak [Clear Creek] burial ground the 26th ult. Mrs. Ellis was a pure Christian woman, well known in this community, leaves a husband and one child to mourn her loss, with a host of friends to sympathize for the bereaved. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Colorado Citizen, October 4, 1883
Willie Lee (Clayton)
Willie Lee "Big Mama" Ellis, 86, died
Tuesday, March 1, 1994, in Columbus.
Born Feb. 12, 1908, the daughter of
Willie and Bettie (Thompson) Clayton, she was born and
raised in Colorado County. She attended Columbus Colored
School and became a member of St. Paul United Methodist
Church of Columbus where she remained a member until her
death. On Feb. 14, 1926, she married Jerry Lee Ellis. Mrs.
Ellis was a member of Heroines of Jericho, Court No.
Funeral services were held Saturday,
March 5, at St. Paul United Methodist Church with Rev.
Marcus Freeman officiating. Interment followed in
Cemetery, Columbus. Services were
under the direction of Ben Davis Funeral Home, Columbus.
Pallbearers were Larry Coleman, Jesse Charles Coleman,
Alfred Dentley, Steve Coleman, Joel Coleman, Ernest Coleman
and Roy Smallwood. Honorary pallbearers were James R.
Hargrove, Robert E. Hargrove, Leo D. Hargrove Jr., Thomas C.
Hargrove, Roosevelt Grace Jr., Michael W. Hargrove, Larry L.
Hargrove, Jerry L. Hargrove, Charles Grace, Danny Grace and
Lloyd Young Jr.
Mrs. Ellis is survived by a sister,
Versie Mae Miller of Columbus; a brother, Elester Coleman of
Wharton; four sisters-in-law, Vina Mae Coleman of Wharton,
Vivian Coleman of Alleyton, Willie May Dentley of Columbus
and Anna Coleman of Eagle Lake; one brother-in-law, Lonnie
Coleman; two sons-in-law, Will Hargrove Jr. of Columbus and
Roosevelt Grace of Eagle Lake; 17 grandchildren, 20
great-grandchildren and a host of nieces and
She was preceded in death by her husband
and three daughters, Inolia Hargrove, Vera Jewel Grace and
Raydine Hargrove.
Colorado County Citizen, March 9,
Translated by Dennis
Ellison, Cecil Lavern
Cecil Ellison Services Held October 24
Cecil Lavern Ellison, 81, a long-time Weimar businessman and owner of Ellison Service Station, died Oct. 21 at Columbus Community Hospital after a brief illness.
Funeral services were held Oct. 24 at First United Methodist Church in Weimar with Rev. Jeana Martin officiating. Burial was in the Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Cecil was born on September 23, 1931, in Goliad, to Joseph L. and Jennie Belle Dennington Ellison. He was the youngest of 10 children. He attended school in Edna and Winnsboro. He married Clara Marie Foyt on May 22, 1951 in Beaumont.
Cecil worked in the oil field for Waley Oil in Southest Texas moving from Beaumont to Victoria and eventually to Columbus.
When their oldest child started school, he and Clara decided they needed to settle down and make a home. In December 1958, they moved to Weimar with their four children: Shirley, Ray, Ginny, and Billy. He leased the Humble Station next to the Highway Motor Company on the east side of town. In August 1959, they celebrated the birth of their fifth child, La Verne. In 1968, he purchased the Kana Texaco, which he ran the rest of his life. During his life in Weimar, he was active in many sports, coaching Little League Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, and Girl's Softball. He also refereed high school football and girls powder puff football.
One of his proudest accomplishment was helping to start the Emergency Ambulance Service in Weimar in 1971. He served as the President and an EMT responder for many years. He only quit his service as an EMT when he and Clara expanded their business with the purchase of the Texaco Distributorship in La Grange. Cecil was also a member of the Weimar Lions Club. He loved his life in the Weimar community and was always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needed it.
He was preceded in death by his oldest son Cecil Ray and all of his brothers and sisters.
He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Clara Marie Ellison; sisters-in-law, Olga Slimp of San Antonio and Ann Siraki of Hackensack, N. J.
Also, his daughters, Shirley and husband A. J. Stock of Weimar, Ginny Ellison of Austin, and La Verne and hubsand Chris Wostarek of Moulton; his son, Bill Ellison and wife Janell of Orange; his daughter-in-law Lanie and husband Steve Seitz of Crosby.
Also surviving are 13 grandchildren: Ronnie and wife Dani Stock of Weimar, Danielle Stock and fiance Jason Austin of Weimar, Michelle Stock of Houston, Laura Beth Ellison of Grovetown, Ga., Petty Officer 3rd Class Kaleb Ellison of Norfolk, Va., Darrian Ellison of Baton Rouge, La., Dustin Ellison and Devin Seitz of Crosby.
Also, Jessica and husband Michael Cackler of Buda, John Ellison, Amanda Ellison and Ashely Wostarek of College Station, John Wostarek of Huntsville, and one great-grandson, Kendal McCloud of Weimar.
Pallbearers were Roger W. Ryba, David Ryba, Pat Sainz, Paul Cernoch, Larry Pietsch and Norbert Beyer. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, November 1, 2012, Page 2
Transcribed by Sandra Long Anders
Ellison, Lillian Martha (Henderson) Braddock
Funeral Held for Mrs. Ellison, 82
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian Braddock Ellison, 82, Rt 2, Louise were held at Memorial Baptist Church Monday afternoon with Rev. Charles Fenn conductiong the rites. Burial was in Hahn Cemetery.
Mrs. Ellison, a member of Memorial Baptist Church, lived in Wharton County 54 years. She was born July 24, 1883 in Colorado County and died in Nightingale Hospital, September 5.
Surviving her are three daughters, Mrs. Lillian Sanders and Mrs. Alice Sanders of Boling. Mrs. Pearl Thonsgaard, Louise; one son, Earl A. Braddock, Louise; one sister, Mrs. Robert Ramsey, Spoken [sic] Washington; one brother, Harvey Henderson, Wharton; 18 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren; a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were her grandsons.
Undated El Campo Citizen news clipping
Contributed by Regena Williamson who points out that this grave is not marked at the Hahn [or Nada] Cemetery, but there is a marker at the Cheetham Cemetery
Ellison, Thomas Dryden
Oakland, Oct 26, 1863
Mrs. Ellison
The melancholy duty devolves on me of informing you of your dear husbands death he died at my house on Wednesday the 21 of this month at sunset he passed away without a struggle or a groan he was brought to my house sick on Thursday evening previous to his death. I think he had been sick four days before he came here he was not confined entirely to his bed til Monday before his death but was able to sit up half his time having fever in the afternoon his disease was Camp fever, or perhaps more properly termed typhoid fever. He received a letter from you on the Saturday evening before he died he was delighted to hear from you and told me you were all well and that he would reply in a few days, which he never was able to do. He told me also that he was a member of the Methodist Church and remembered whilst in camp the Sabbath while many seemed to disregard it he was a consistent good man, very quiet he spoke often of you and children no fears were entertained contrary to his recovery til Monday Night, he went to the supper table though with some fever, drank a cup of coffee and said to Mr. Knight the coffee was good and was sweating, but about 10 oclock he was taken with severe pains in his bowels we sent for his physician, he appeared relieved in the morning but had great difficulty breathing and continued so til death he could talk but with shortness of breath prevented it. He was perfectly in his senses to the last. Mr. Knight brought him out here and no brother could have been more attentive and kind than Mr. Knight was to your husband. They buried him six miles from here. After your kind husband was laid out I looked at him and thought and felt so much for you and clipt a lock of his hair which I will enclose in this letter to you.
In conclusion we did all we could to alleviate or soften your husbands illness.
I know from sad, yet sweet experience that it is some alleviation of our grief to find that your grief is shared by others, although the only true and permanent consolation can derive from Christ Jesus. Never til I lost my dear husband did I know how to feel for one in similar case, now I can enter into their grief, and my heart vibrates in unison with theirs. Should you wish to make inquiries you can do so by addressing me at Oakland, Texas.
There faith lifts up the tearless eyes,
The heart with anguish given;
It views the tempest passing by,
Less evening shadows quickly flys
And all serene in Heaven.
Harriet B. Sledge
Transcription of letter from Harriet B. Sledge to Celia Dean Ellison about death of Thomas D. Ellison. On the same letter are other notes:
Jane hand this to Celia:
Celia, I know you will know from this letter that he had all attention that one could have had under the circumstances. Tom Knight was with him all the time and me to, only what time I was attending to the horses for he wanted me to attend to his horse.
Your Brother
A. M. Dean
A.M. Dean was the brother of Celia Ellison and husband of Jane. Received transcription from Margaret Houser Golla, great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Dryden Ellison

Elms, Cora Jane (Deatherage)
Cora Jane "Janie" Elms, 65, of Abilene, passed away June 7 at Legend Oaks Rehabilitation Center.
She was born July 13, 1941 to Andrew Lee and Freda Harendt Deather-age and married James. E. "Rip" Elms Dec. 7, 1971.
She worked as the activity director for Sweetbriar Nursing Home in Columbus and in retail management.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; son, Brad Jordan; and brothers, Riley Deatherage and Jerry Don Deatherage.
She is survived by her daughter, D'Nita "Sissy" Kuhn and husband, Kevin, of Houston; son, Jimmy and wife, Shelley Jordan, of Austin; sister, Martha Murray, of Abilene; brothers, Ken, Math and A.L. Deatherage Jr., of Abilene; grandchildren, Erik Jordan, Amanda Jordan, Russell Rogers, Briana Rogers, Mitchell Rogers, Jaime Kuhn, Kaylee Kuhn, Aimee Kuhn, Victoria Kuhn, Andrew Kuhn, Ryan Jordan, Christine Jordan and Brett Jordan.
Funeral services were June 9 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Chaplain Court Riddle officiating. Interment followed at Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery in Columbus.
Pallbearers were Andy Deatherage, Wally Murray, Keith Kuhn, Daniel Kuhn, Daniel Neutzling and Kenneth Hoelscher.
Memorials may be given to Hendrick Hospice of Abilene, 1682 Hickory, Abilene, Tx, 79601.
Colorado County Citizen, June 13, 2007
Courtesy The Citizen
Elms, James E. "Rip"
James E."Rip" Elms, 82, of Columbus, passed away April 25 at his residence.
He was born in Heidenhammer, April 14,1920 to Marion Alonzo and Alice Mae (Brock) Elms and married Cora Jane Deatherage Dec.7,1971. He worked as a store manager for Gibson Department Store,was employed by Theut Glass and was the maintenance engineer for Columbus Care Center.He was also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6113 of Columbus.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Leeman,Dean and Arlie Elms; and sister,Fern Bittner.
He is survived by his wife, Janie Elms;daughter and son-in-law, D 'Nita "Sissy "and Kevin Kuhn of Houston;sons and daughters-in-law, Jimmy Lee and Shelley Jordan of Austin and Bradley and Karen Jordan of Dallas;brothers,M.A. Elms of Lubbock and William Elms of Lake Jackson;and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted April 27 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Father Jack Cavanaugh officiating.Interment followed in Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery in Columbus.
Pallbearers were Ken, A.L.and Math Deatherage, Kris Kuhn, Jimmy Wick and Stan Theut.
Colorado County Citizen, May 1, 2002
Courtesy of the Citizen
Elstner, Fred
Heart Attack Is Fatal to Fred Elstner
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, Nov. 17, at Hubbard Funeral Chapel and St. Michael's Catholic Church here for Fred Elstner, 72, who died at 7:30 a.m. Monday of a heart attack.
Burial was in the church cemetery. Rev. Gerald Hubertus officiated.
A retired farmer, Mr. Elstner was a lifelong resident of the Weimar area. He had been ill about ten days when the fatal attack came, in Youens Hospital, where he had been admitted eight days earlier.
Born Nov. 26, 1899, he was a son of William and Mathilda Stall Elstner.
He attended Sedan and Content schools and on June 19, 1924, married Miss Mary Janak. They settled on a farm south of Weimar.
Mr. Elstner was a member of St. Michael's Church and the Knights of Columbus.
His wife survives him, along with one son, John Elstner, and one daughter, Mrs. Leona Kahlden, both of Weimar; four grandsons; and one sister, Mrs. Aline Herzik of Houston.
Pallbearers were Pat Brinsdon, Bob Margerum, Thomas Janak, James Janak, John D. Janak, and Donald Janak.
Weimar Mercury, November 18, 1971
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Elstner, Rosa
Mr. Wm. Elstner's wife, a young woman of about 23 years, died last Saturday night near Holman, of peritonitis, and on Sunday afternoon was buried at the Catholic [St. Michael] cemetery in this city. Rev. Father Brooklyn performing the funeral service, which was witnessed by a large crowd of sympathizing friends of the family. Mrs. Elstner was highly spoken of by those who knew her, and her death is deeply regretted in that community. Our sympathy is extended the bereaved husband in his sad loss.
Weimar Mercury, December 1, 1894
Elstner, William J.
An Unfortunate Tragedy
A serious and unfortunate tragedy occurred in this city between 4 and 5 oclock last Tuesday morning, resulting in the death, that night at 12 oclock, of Wm. Elstner of Holman, Fayette county. The shooting occurred in the store of S. D. Chapman, and Mr. Chapman surrendered to the officers, acknowledging that he did the shooting. There had been previous trouble between the parties, the nature of which and the exact causes which led up to the shooting Tuesday morning, we did not learn. Elstner was shot through the lower lobe of one ear, one ball went through his mouth, cutting his tongue and knocking out two teeth, another brazed his back near the waist line, while the fourth struck his right shoulder blade, breaking same and ranging inward. This last named shot caused his death. Elstner was perfectly rational throughout the day, but a few hours after the shooting lost the power of speech. He was carried to his home near Holman Tuesday afternoon, and died that night about midnight. He leaves a wife and three little children in destitute circumstances. His remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery here Wednesday afternoon. Chapman was carried to Columbus Tuesday afternoon, and on Thursday was brought back for his examining trial. He waived examination, and was released under $2500 bond. The affair is deeply regretted by all our people.
Weimar Mercury, November 10, 1900, page 6
Elterman, Floyd L.
F. L. Elterman, Retired SP Employe, Buried Monday
Funeral services for F. L. Elterman, 79, of Columbus, were held at Untermeyer Funeral home Monday morning with continued services in St. Anthonys Catholic church. Rev. Alex Kraus officiated.
Mr. Elterman died at Sunny Hill farm Sept. 26 after having been a patient there only a short time. He had been in frail health for some time and both he and Mrs. Elterman were patients in Columbus hospital until recently.
He was born June 21, 1884, at Millbank, S. D. He became a railroad man at an early age and has been a retired conductor from Southern Pacific railroad for a number of years. He and Mrs. Elterman have lived in Columbus for about 15 years.
Survivors are his widow and 2 sons by a former marriage, Loren M. Elterman of Albuquerque, N.M. and Floyd Elterman of Chicago, Ill. Both came for their fathers funeral. Other survivors are 6 grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Ruby Grillett of Washington, D.C.; a half-brother, I. F. Robertson, and a half-sister, Mrs. W. M. Carroll, both of Tucson, Ariz.
Pallbearers were Emil Schobel, Roy Heffley, Ed Heffley Joe S. Perry, Walter Glueck and Neville Miekow. Burial was in St. Anthonys Catholic cemetery.
Colorado County Citizen, October 3, 1963, page 6

Emmel, Adela (Keiner)
Adela Emmel, 88, of Eagle Lake, passed away Aug. 28 at the Sheridan on Rock Prairie Nursing Home in College Station.
She was born in Weimar, Oct. 8, 1915 to Ferdinand and Aurelia (Kleiber) Keiner and attended schools in Weimar, Content and New Bielau. She married Willie "Bill" Emmel Nov. 26, 1941 in Weimar and had been a resident of Eagle Lake since July 28, 1942. She was a member of the Roman Catholic Parish of the Nativity in Eagle Lake and active in the altar society. She had been a resident of College Station for the past two years.
She was preceded in death by her parents and husband.
She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Bill Braden of College Station and Judy and Bill Walker of Lago Vista; sister, Louise Dworsky of Crosby; grandchildren, Kimberly Bozeman and husband, Wayne, Kristie Matthews and husband, Josh, Shannon Hutchingson and husband, Trey, and Stephanie Braden; and great-grandchildren, Cody and Carley Bozeman and Colby Matthews.
A Mass of christian burial was conducted Aug. 30, from the Parish of the Nativity's Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sanctuary of Eagle Lake with the Rev. Don Ruppert, pastor of Holy Cross Catholic Church of East Bernard, officiating. Interment followed at St. Michael's Cemetery in Weimar.
Pallbearers were Jerome and Alvin Emmel, Gene Leibham, Thomas Kainer, William Lee Neuendorff and Herbert Helmcamp.
Colorado County Citizen, September 1, 2004
Courtesy of The Citizen
Emmel, Anton
Former Citizen of This Section Dies In Corpus Christi
News was received here the first of the week of the death of Mr. Anton Emmel, a former citizen of this section, who passed away in a hospital at Corpus Christi Monday. The remains were brought here Tuesday for interment in the Skull Creek Cemetery, southeast of Weimar.
Mr. Emmel had been living in Banquette, Texas, in the Corpus Christi section, where he was engaged in farming. He was about 45 to 50 years of age, brother of Mr. John Emmel of the Oak Grove community, and well and favorably known throughout this section, his former home.
His death is deeply and sincerely deplored by his friends of this section.
Weimar Mercury, August 31, 1934, page 1
Emmel, August
August Emmel Funeral Held Here Jan. 5
Funeral services for August Emmel, 76., of Rt. 3, Weimar, were held Sunday, Jan. 5, from Hubbard Funeral Chapel, with burial in Ijams Cemetery. Pastor Robert Cordes officiated.
Emmel, a farther(sic) and lifelong area resident, died at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, at Colorado Fayette Medical Center, ending a long illness.
Born Sept. 27, 1909, in Colorado County, he was a son of Joe and Minnie (Steinhauser) Emmel. He married Helen L. Henrlchsen at Columbus on March 15, 1939.
His wife survives, along with a son, Alvin Emmel, and a daughter, Mrs. Herbert (Alvirder) Helmcamp, both of Weimar; four grandchildren; two brothers, Leo Emmel of Columbus and Willie Emmel of Eagle Lake; and two sisters, Mrs. Lena Kainer and Mrs. Selma Hoegemeyer, both of Weimar.
Pallbearers for the funeral were Arnold Brownschidel, Howard Chollett, Johnnie Custer, John Murray, Thomas Kainer, and Kenneth Pesak.
Weimar Mercury, January 9, 1986, page 7
Emmel, Bertha (Gans)
Funeral services were held at Weimar Friday, Feb. 14, for Mrs. Bertha Emmel who died at her home near Borden the day before after an illness of nine days. Burial was in the Ijams cemetery with Rev. G. Wolf of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Columbus, officiating.
Mrs. Emmel was born Bertha Gans, daughter of John and Therisa Harman Gans, on April 17, 1876 and settled in the Glidden vicinity where she lived for 68 years. In Oct. 1877, she was married to John Emmel. He died in 1909.
Three children, John, Anton and Joe, died after they were grown. Surviving children are Mrs. Ida Naumann, Columbus; Mrs. Annie Zikuhr, Borden; Adolph Emmel, Garwood; and Mrs. Rosetta Rabel, Weimar. Twenty grandchildren also survive.
Pallbearers were Leo, Willis, August and John Emmel Jr., Joe Rabel and Prince Naumann.
Colorado County Citizen, February, 20, 1947
Emmel, Charlie
Through a telegram received Tuesday evening we learn that the youngest child, Charlie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Emil[Emmel]m if this city, died in Bryan at 5 oclock Tuesday afternoon. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid hem not, for of such is the kingdom of God. [Interment in Columbus City cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, August 9, 1888, page 3
Emmel, Henry
We unintentionally neglected to notice last week the death of little HENRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Emil[sic], aged four or five years, which sad event occurred on the 12th instant, at the home of his parents in this city. Henry was a bright, promising little boy and his death is a severe blow to his fond parents. There is the consolation remaining, however, that those who die in youth escape from a world of strife, turmoil and care to a life of bliss. To the bereaved parents we offer heartfelt sympathy. [Interment in Columbus City Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, December 24, 1885
Emmel, Joe
Funeral services for Joe Emmel. 61, who died in the hospital here last Thursday after about eight weeks illness, were held Saturday at the Columbus Funeral Home with the Rev. G. Wolf officiating.
He was born Mar 21, 1882 in Glidden.
Survivors are his mother Mrs. Bertha Emmel of Route 3, Weimar, two daughters, Mrs. Leo Hoegemeyer and Mrs. William Kainer; three sons, August, Leo and Willie Emmel; one brother, Adolph Emmel; and three sisters, Mrs. Ida Naumann, Mrs. Annie Zikuhr and Mrs. Alois Rabel.
Burial was in the Ijams cemetery with Henry Hattermann, Paul Hattermann, Hillie Kretzchmeyer, Wm. Zijicek[sic], Gus Williams and Otto Becker as pallbearers.
Colorado County Citizen, May 30, 1946
Emmel, John
John Emmel, an aged and respected farmer living southeast of here, who was one of the principal witnesses against Anton Voitle in the murder trial at Columbus this week, died of heart failure Tuesday night, only a few hours after leaving the witness stand. It is supposed that the excitement attendant upon being in court was too much for him. [Interment in Pleasent Grove Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, October 8, 1909, page 1
Emmel, Joseph
On Tuesday evening last, about 6 oclock, the two year old child of Mr. Peter Emmel, of this city died after a short illness with scarlet fever, as reported. We deeply sympathize with the family in this their great loss. [Interment in Columbus City Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, September 16, 1886
Emmel, Minnie (Hattermann)
Funeral Services For Mrs. Emmel, 70, Held Tuesday
Funeral Services for Mrs. Minnie Emmel, 70, were held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 28, at Hubbard Funeral Home, with burial in Ijam Cemetery southeast of Weimar.
Rev. H. L. Anderson, pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran Church of Columbus, of which Mrs. Emmel was a member, officiated.
Mrs. Emmel, widow of the late John Emmel Sr., died at 4:30 a.m. Monday, January 27, in Renger Hospital at Hallettsville after an illness of 14 months.
Born Aug. 27, 1893, at Holman, Fayette County, she was a lifelong resident of this area. She was a daughter of Henry and Sophie Warran Hattermann. She was married to Mr. Emmel Dec. 31, 1912, and he died Feb. 20, 1936. A brother, Henry Hatterman Sr., and a sister , Mrs. Charles Otto, also preceded her in death.
Surviving are one son, John Emmel Jr. of Weimar; two daughters, Mrs. Henry (Sophie) Zikuhr and Mrs. Herman (Bertha) Thumann of Weimar; and four grandchildren, Alvin Zikuhr, Beatrice Zikuhr, Herman Thumann Jr. and Judy Emmel.
Pallbearers were Leon Hattermann, Henry Hattermann, Charlie Hattermann Jr., Melvin Hattermann, Leo Emmel and Clarence Hadash.
Weimar Mercury, January 30, 1964, page 1
Emmerson, T. T.
Rock Island, Tex., Sept. 15.--T. T. Emmerson accidentally shot and killed himself at 7:30 this evening at his home in this place.
Rock Island, Tex., Sept. 16.--T. T. Emerson of this place at 7:30 p.m. yesterday while removing his Winchester shotgun from his wagon, in some way the gun was discharged, the entire charge taking effect in the right side, completely cutting the fifth rib in two making a very unsightly wound. He died almost instantly. He leaves a wife and a little daughter about 3 years old. [Place of interment unknown]
Weimar Mercury, September 23, 1899
Emshoff, Fritz W.
Eagle Lake was saddened to learn of the sudden and unexpected death of one of its prominent citizens, Fritz W. Emshoff, who was found dead at his home on Sunday morning.
A friend picked Mr. Emshoff up on Saturday evening and took him home when he complained of a severe pain in his chest. He apparently laid across his bed and was stricken quickly with a heart attack which ended his life early that evening, although his body was not discovered until Sunday morning.
Mr. Emshoff was born on Aug. 5, 1869 at William Penn in Washington County, Texas, the son of Henry and Sophie Emshoff. His father and several brothers had migrated to the United States from German prior to the Civil War in which they participated.
At the age of 13 Mr. Emshoff lost his leg in a saw mill accident, but this injury did not impair his very active life. With the use of a crutch he was energetic and quick, and alert to affairs of the community.
About 1905 he came to Eagle Lake after making his home in Brenham and Somerville, to manage the furniture store opened here by Ernest, Arthur and Will Hermann of Brenham. The business was conducted in a small building behind the site which now houses A. J. Struss store.
Later the Hermann family built the two-story brick building opposite the Post Office where the business was operated until it was purchased in 1919 by the late A. R. McCreary who started the Eagle Lake Furniture Company. Mr. Emshoff continued to work for this firm for three years, when he was elected public weigher of this precinct, an office he held until his death.
He was a familiar figure about the cotton platform on the Southern Pacific Lines tract south of Eagle Lake, where his scales were located, and always welcomed callers. He was beloved by many children during his many years in Eagle Lake, always friends with them and thoughtful of the little folks.
Funeral services were held at 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon from the Mill Funeral Home with Rev. Oscar E. Linstrum officiating. Burial was in Lakeside Cemetery.
Pallbearers were J. H. McCreary, Max Conner, Will Walker, J. E. Meier, S. O. Boothe and Geo. Bodle.
All members of the Woodmen of the World Camp were named honorary pallbearers.
Survivors include his two sons, W. Hermann Emshoff and Arthur Mitchell Emshoff, both of Houston, [could not find rest of article which was to have been continued on last page]
Eagle Lake Headlight, July 18, 1947, page 1
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
Endler, Rev. Placidus

Rev. Endler Dies;
Retired Priest;
Services Friday
Funeral services will be held in St. Anthony's Catholic church Friday morning at 10 for Rev. Placidus Endler, 81-year-old retired Catholic priest, who died at his home here Tuesday morning after having been in frail health for soem time. He was cared for by Mrs. Regina Jacobs before her death several years ago and by her daughter, Miss Bernice Jacobs.
The Rev. Alex J. Kraus will officiate in the solemn requiem mass, assisted possibly by other priests of the area. Bishop Steven A. Bevens of San Antonio is expected bo be present. Burial, in charge of Untermeyer Funeral home, will be in St. Anthony's Catholic cemetery. Pallbearers will be priests from surrounding towns.
A native of New York City, Rev. Endler served actively as a priest for more than 50 years. He served the parish at Myersville before coming to Columbus to retire in 1954.
He is survived by a sister, Miss Ellen Endler of Newark, N. J., who will be unable to come for the services because of bad health.
Rev. Endler's body was taken to St. Anthony's yesterday at 3 p.m. and will lie in state there until time of the services.
Colorado County Citizen, January 2, 1964, page 1
Photo contributed by Regina Adam
Endt, Ella J.
The many friends of Capt. J. B. Endt of Columbus regret to hear of the death of his wife, which occurred a few days ago in San Antonio. Her remains were buried at Columbus [City Cemetery].
Weimar Mercury. July 11, 1891
The remains of Mrs. Ella J., consort of Capt. J. B. Endt, arrived in this place last Thursday afternoon, and were committed to rest in the city cemetery. She died at San Antonio the day before, after a lingering illness. She was a lady of many estimable traits of character, and leaves many friends to mourn her untimely end. The Citizen extends to the bereaved its sympathy and condolence.
Colorado Citizen, July 9, 1891, page 3
Engelhardt, Henry Julius
Died, in this city, on Sunday, 28th inst., Henry Julius, the seventeen months old son of Mr. W. A. and Mrs. Elizabeth Engelhardt. The bereaved parents have the sym-[sic] of the entire community in the loss of their loved one, who
Hast gone to drink of that beautiful stream
That flows through the Fathers land,
Whose waters gleam bright in the Heavenly light
And ripple oer golden sand.
[Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, November 30, 1882, page 3
Engels, Adolf
Adolf Engel, 86,Former Local Man, Buried Here Friday
Funeral services for Adolf Engel, 86-year-old retired farmer of Schulenburg, were held from St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church of Schulenburg last Friday, Rev. Mueller of that church officiating.
Burial was in the City Cemetery at Weimar.
Mr. Engel, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bernhart Engel, was born at Yorktown on March 19, 1862. He moved to the Weimar area as a child, and married Miss Selma Gerstenberg in 1889. He was a resident of this section until eleven years ago, when he retired from farming and moved to Schulenburg. He was a member of the St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church at Schulenburg.
Death came to Mr. Engel last Thursday at his home, after an illness of about two weeks.
Surviving in addition to his widow, Mrs. Selma Engel, are seven daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Lenora Rahlwes of Weimar; one son; three sisters and two half-sisters.
Weimar Mercury, April 23, 1948, page 1
Engels, Agnes H. (Boeer)
Died, in this city, Friday afternoon, at the family residence, of malarial fever, Mrs. Agnes Engels, wife of Mr. Frank Engels, aged 22 years. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon at 3 oclock, an immense concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives accompanying the body to its last resting place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery, the lodge of Herman Sohne (of which Mr. Engels is a member) attending in a body. Mrs. Engels was ill but a very short time, and although loving hands did everything possible to alleviate her sufferings, it proved of no avail. She was a most estimable lady, pleasant with everyone, and her many friends feel keenly the loss they have sustained.
Weimar Mercury, November 28, 1891
Engels, Frank B.
Mr. Frank B. Engels, a well-known and popular citizen of our community, died Sunday morning at 3 oclock, at the family residence, after a long and painful illness. Mr. Engels was the possessor of a large circle of friends throughout this section of the state, and his funeral was largely attended by citizens of Fayette, Lavaca and Colorado counties. He was a member of the Hermann Sohne, and this order had charge of the funeral, which took place at the masonic cemetery Monday evening, Frank Engels was a pleasant and progressive citizen, a true friend, and his death is deeply regretted. The grief stricken wife and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in heir affliction.
Weimar Mercury, March 19, 1898, Page 8
Engels, Hermine Minnie (Laas)
Mrs. Minnie Engels, one of this citys popular and most beloved ladies, died Saturday at 11:45 a.m. after an illness extending over a period of about fifteen years, from rheumatic troubles, a period of seven years having been spent as an occupant of a rolling chair, her infirmities incapacitating her to such an extent that she was practically helpless. In the face of this fact it would be presumed that the sufferer might complain and be constrained to question the will of the Divine Father whereby she was bedridden, helpless and compelled to endure so much pain and suffering. No complaint ever arose to her lips as she bore her sufferings with a fortitude and endurance beyond comprehension to her friends and loved ones. Thruout her long illness, she was cheerful and thoughtful of those around her, speaking kindly words of advice and counsel to all with whom she came in contact, and proving herself as she had always been, a sunbeam of comfort and cheer to those around her. Few of us will perhaps ever be called upon to endure the sufferings that this good woman did, and few if any will ever endure same with the christian resignation displayed by her. Released by death from her long period of suffering, it was consoling to note the sweet smile of resignation and comfort upon her face as she passed on to meet the loved ones gone on before. Mrs. Engels was a true type of christian woman, otherwise she could never have borne up under such a long siege of suffering. In her passing, family, relatives and friends have given up a treasure here on earth, gone to join the crowd of jewels in that heavenly home beyond.
Mrs. Minnie Engels was born July 13, 1876, at the old Laas family home at Oakland. On Jan. 31, 1895, she was married to Mr. Frank B. Engels, and shortly thereafter moved with her husband to Weimar. Here she lived until the death of her husband, who passed away March 13, 1898. After this she moved back to Oakland to make her home with her parents, Mr. C. J. Laas and wife, remaining in that city until December, 1912, when the mother and daughter moved to Weimar to reside. Here she made her home up to the time of her death, Aug. 4, 1923. Her age at the time of death was 47 years and 21 days. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 5 oclock at the Masonic Cemetery, the body being laid to rest by the side of her beloved husband. Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, Lutheran pastor, and Rev. J. C. Wilson, Methodist pastor, conducted the funeral services, which were of an impressive, touching nature. The funeral was attended by a very large crowd of mourning relatives and friends, many coming from a long distance to pay the last tribute to this estimable, beloved lady.
Mrs. Engels leaves an aged mother, Mrs. C. J. Laas, and five brothers, Chas. Laas of Yorktown, Chris. Laas of McFadden, Aug. Laas of Floresville, Louis Laas of Yoakum and Henry J. Laas of this city, besides many relatives and a large circle of friends throughout the state.
To the grief stricken ones, we extend the tear of sympathy and consolation in the passing of one for whom we always entertained the highest regard, and whose sweet, christian character will ever remain a comfort to those who knew and loved her.
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1923, page 1
Engels, Selma (Gerstenberger)
Final Rites for Mrs. Adolf Engels, 82, Held Here
Funeral services for Mrs. Adolf Engels, 82, a lifelong resident of this area, were held Wednesday from Hubbard Funeral Home with Rev. C. Emigholz officiating. [Interment in Weimar Masonic Cemetery]
Mrs. Engels, who had been ill since August 15, died Monday in Temple Hospital.
Born at New Bielau Dec.11, 1861, she was the daughter of August and Minnie Gerstenberg. She married Mr. Engels at New Bielau Dec. 12, 1880, and they settled in that community. Retiring from farming, they moved to Schulenburg 18 years ago. Mr. Engels died about four years ago. Mrs. Engels had been living with a daughter in Hallettsville and others of her children since March of this year.
She was a member of Trinity Lutheran church at New Bielau and of Herman Sons Auxiliary since 1909.
Survivors include seven daughters, Mrs. Otto Havemann of Oakland, Mrs. Wm.. Rahwles of Weimar, Mrs. J. L. Timaeus of Temple, Mrs. Bill Obelgonner of Hallettsville, Mrs. Hugo Ley of Needville, Mrs. Otto Chollett of Columbus, and Mrs. Erna Kurtland of Freyburg; one son, Frank G. Engels of Corpus Christi; a sister, Miss Ida Gerstenberg of Weimar; a brother, August Gerstenberg of Belton; 17 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Weimar Mercury, September 26, 1952
English, James L.
Mr. J. N. [L] English, a young man about 24 years of age, died at the residence of Mr. Wade, near Oak Forest, Wednesday morning. He was a consumptive and had come from Oakland last summer.
[Mr. Wade was George W. Wade, the brother of James English's brother-in-law.]
The Gonzales Inquirer, November 28, 1895
"Mr. J. N. English, late justice of the peace at Oakland, died recently at Oak Forest, Gonzales county from consumption, aged about 24."
Weimar Mercury, dated Dec 21, 1895, page 3
Submitted by Deborah Smith
English, Sarah (Whittington)
Mrs. Sarah English, age 91 years, 10 months and 26 days, died last night at 8 o'clock in the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Wade, on Hugo Street. The funeral was held this afternoon at the residence by Rev. Barr of the Methodist church. Interment took place in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
Yoakum Herald, November 30, 1920
Submitted by Deborah Smith
Engstrom, Alma Dayle (Pinchback)
Alma Dayle Pinchback Engstrom Dies
Funeral services for Alma Dayle Pinchback Engstrom of Garwood were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 13th at the Wheeler Funeral Home Chapel in El Campo. Chaplain (Ret.) Meritt Slawson of San Antonio, a life-long friend of the deceased, officiated. Burial was in the Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood.
Mrs. Engstrom died at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 11th at the El Campo Hospital after a short illness.
She was born August 24, 1910 and was a life-long resident of Garwood, and a member of the Lehrer Memorial United Methodist Church. After 40 years in the teaching profession, she retired as a teacher in the El Campo Independent School District in 1969.
She was preceded in death by her parents, William Howland Pinchback, and Daisy Brownson Pinchback.
Surviving are her widower, Leonard E. Engstrom; a brother, William E. Pinchback, both of Garwood; and a niece, Jean Alexander of Austin, TX.
Pallbearers were Brad Engstrom, Johnny Engstrom, Billy Rees, Alan Neal Wilbeck, Gary Wilbeck, and Tony Paul Pinchback.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 18, 1982
A. Engstrom
Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. for Alma Dayle Pinchback Engstrom of Garwood at the Wheeler Chapel. Chaplain Merrit Slawson will officiate.
Mrs. Engstrom was born Aug. 24, 1910 in Garwood to the late William and Daisy Lee Brownson Pinchback. She lived in Garwood all of her life and was retired from the El Campo Independent School District as a schoolteacher. She died at El Campo Memorial Hospital at 8:30 p.m. March 11.
Survivors include: her husband, Leonard E. Engstrom; a brother, William Pinchback of Garwood; and a niece, Jean Alexander of Austin.
Pallbearers will be: Brad and Johnny Engstrom, Jimmie Reese, Allen Neal Wilbeck, Gary Wilbeck, and Tony Paul Pinchback.
Interment will be in the Lear[sic] [Lehrer] Memorial Center in Garwood.
El Campo Leader News, Saturday, March 13, 1982
Submitted by Catherine Balusek Ryan
Engstrom, Charlene (Kofron)
Engstrom Funeral services for Mrs. Charlene Engstrom, age 56, a 38-year resident of Garwood, were held February 23 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Nada with the Rev. Victor Schmldtzlnsuy officiating.
She died Feb. 20 at the Eagle Lake Hospital.
Mrs. Engstrom was born on August 17, 1928, to Charles and Rose Kofron in Taiton. She Is survived by her husband, Truman Engstrom Sr. of Garwood, two daughters, Rayna Harness of Richmond and Robin Thomas of Eagle Lake, two sons, Kirk and Truman Engstrom Jr., both from Garwood, one sister, Adela Holub, of San Antonio. four brothers, Clarence Kofron of Wharton, Charles Kofron of Houston, George Kofron of Pennsylvania and Donald Silge of Louisiana , and six grandchildren.
Burial was in El Campo with services under the direction of Triska Funeral Home of El Campo.
Pallbearers were Brad and John Engstrom, Clarence Kofron, Jimmy Rees, Bob and Dan Holub.
Colorado County Citizen, February 28, 1985, page 2
Engstrom, Ellen Elizabeth (Lundquist)
Mrs. E. E. Engstrom, of Garwood, Dies
Friends join in extending sympathy to the family of Mrs. E. E. Engstrom in her passing away at the Caney Valley Hospital in Wharton last Friday, Mar. 17th. Mrs. Engstrom, a long-time resident of the El Campo and Garwood communities, has been in failing health for the past five or six years.
Funeral services were held from the Garwood United Methodist Church at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 19th with the Rev. Joe Ader of the El Campo United Methodist Church officiating. He was assisted by the Rev. G. Lee Glasgow, pastor of the Garwood Methodist Church.
Mrs. Walter Von Heeder played favorite hymns on the organ and accompanied Mr. Von Heeder as he sang, "Peace the Gift of God's Love."
She was placed to final rest in the Swedish Lutheran Cemetery in El Campo. Serving as pallbearers were her grandsons, Brad Engstrom of Waco, Johnny Engstrom of Dallas, Larry Engstrom of St. Paul, Minn., Truman Engstrom, Jr., of Garwood, Billy Rees of Refugio, Jimmy Rees and Timmy Rees of Garwood and Richard Bolog of Houston.
She was born Ellen Elizabeth Lundquist, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundquist on June 28, 1887, in the state of Nebraska. The family came to the El Campo area when she was six years of age and to Garwood in 1922. On May 26, 1909, she was united in marriage with Ed E. Engstrom in El Campo. He was a prominent farmer and rancher. Mr. Engstrom preceded her in death on Feb. 8, 1970. She was also preceded in death by one daughter and one son.
Surviving are five sons, Howard Engstrom of Harlingen, Leonard Engstrom, Herbert Engstrom, Harry Engstrom, and Truman Engstrom of Garwood; and one daughter, Mrs. Boyd Rees, also of Garwood; two brothers, Dave Lundquist of Garwood and Carl Lundquist of Kerrville; also seventeen grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Engstrom was active from many years in the Garwood United Methodist Church, in the Home Demonstration Club, and other community activities. She was loved by all who came to know he and she shall be missed dearly by her loved ones and friends.
Eagle Lake Headlight March 23, 1972
Submitted by Dorothy Cox
Engstrom, Harry C.
Harry C. Engstrom of Garwood, passed away Tuesday, January 2, 2002 in Columbus after a long battle with cancer.
He was born April 12, 1920 in El Campo to Ed and Ellen Lundquist Engstrom.
His educatiion began at Coulter Grammer School seven miles west of Garwood (later to be the site of his home). After graduating from Garwood High School, he attended Texas A&I University.
Upon graduation with a degree in Agriculture Education, he was called into the service of his beloved country as World War II was ending. He served two years in the Army of Occupation in Germany, and was honorably discharge with the rank of Staff Sergeant in 1946.
Returning to Texas A&I, he earned a Master's degree in :Poultry Science and worked as an Agriculture Educator in the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo and Mercedes schools.
Harry and June Martin were married in Mercedes, Texas, on April 20, 1953.
He moved his new family to the Engstrom family farm in Garwood in Aug. 1953.
A loving husband and father, he taught his family to love the land. As as astute businessman, he and his partners mades a success of their rice farming and ranching ventures.
Active in the leadeship of the Lions club, he served in various capacities for over 50 years. He also was actives for many years in the Texas Farm Bureau.
Survivors include his wife of 48 years, June Martin Engstrom of Garwood; two daughters and sons-in-law, Jeanny and Grant Smith of Temple and Harriet and Paul Shooter of Austin; son and daughter-in-law, John and Cynthia Engtstrom of Schulenburg; a brother, Leonard Engstrom of Garwood; 11 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and numerous nephews and nieces and other relatives.
Graveside services and burial were held at Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood Friday, January 4, at 11 a.m., followed by a memorial service at Faith Lutheran Church in El Campo at 12 noon with Pastor Clyde Grier officiating.
Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus was in charge of arrangements.
Pallbearers were Truman Jr., Brad, Kirk and Larry Engstgrom; Bill Reese and Rob Smith.
Honorary pallbearers were Leonard Engstrom, Lawrence Stallman, Mitchell Smith, Troy Krenek, Robert Schiurring, Walter Braden, Dale Hunt and members of the Garwood Lions Club.
The family requests memorial be made to the Garwood Lions Club or Faith Lutheran Church in El Campo.
Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, January 10, 2002
Engstrom, June (Martin)

June Martin Engstrom “a Gentle Nurturer,” passed away on November 11, 2010 in Cedar Park, TX.
She was born March 31, 1923 in Mercedes, TX to C.R. and Nell Martin. After attending Mercedes schools, and a business college in Edinburg, TX, her first job was a secretary to the Army Air Corp in Harlingen during WWII. She married Harry C. Engstrom, a former agriculture teacher in the Rio Grande Valley area and a rice farmer in Garwood. After lovingly rearing her three children, John, Jeanny, and Harriet, she returned to college to complete a degree in library science at the University of Texas. She was an elementary librarian in Garwood and El Campo, a profession that brought her much joy. She also enjoyed traveling with Harry to many places, including Europe, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands. June excelled at gardening, sewing, water-color painting, hosting many parties and bridal showers, and was active in many church and school functions.
Harry, her beloved husband of 49 years, preceded her in death, passing away in 2002. June was also preceded in death by her parents, C.R. and Nell Martin, her adopted brother, Timothy Tullis Martin, her brother, Cecil Tullis Martin, and her sister, Winter Martin Derus.
She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John and Cynthia Engstrom, and two daughters and sons-in-law, Jeanny and Grant Smith, and Harriet and Paul Shooter, 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and numerous nephews and nieces.
A service to celebrate June’s life was held at Henneke Funeral Home, Columbus, TX on Monday, November 15, 2010, at 10 am. Burial was at Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood, TX.
Pallbearers were Brad Engstrom, Truman Engstrom, Kirk Engstrom, Jacob Engstrom, Robert Smith, Evan Shooter, and Walter Moss (honorary).
Memorials may be given to a charity of your choice.
Colorado County Citizen, Nov 16, 2010
Engstrom, Leonard Edward
Leonard Engstrom
Leonard Edward Engstrom, 94, of Garwood, died Monday, March 14, 2005. He was born Dec. 18, 1910 in El Campo to Edward Emil and Ellen Elizabeth Lundquist Engstrom. He was a lifetime farmer and rancher. Mr. Engstrom was a member of Lehrer Memorial United Methodist Church. June Engstrom, sister-in-law of Garwood, is his survivor. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Alma Dayle Pinchback Engstrom; sisters-in-laws, Hazel Engstrom and Dorothy Reese; and brothers, Howard Engstrom, Dillard Engstrom, Herbert Engstrom, Harry Engstrom and Truman Engstrom. Visitation is Thursday, March 17 at noon. Family will be at the funeral home to receive visitors from 5-8 p.m. at Wheeler Funeral Home on Thursday. Services will be Friday, March 18 at 10 a.m. at Wheeler Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood with the Rev. David King officiating. Pallbearers are William Earl Reese, James E. Reese, Timothy B. Reese, Truman Engstrom Jr., Charles Kirk Engstrom, Larry Engstrom, Brad E. Engstrom and John T. Engstrom. Memorials can be made to the charity of the donors choice.
El Campo Leader, Wednesdays Internet Edition, March 16, 2005
Leonard E. Engstrom - GARWOOD
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005
GARWOOD - Leonard Edward Engstrom, 94, of Garwood, died Monday, March 14, 2005.
He was born Dec. 18, 1910, in El Campo, to the late Edward Emil and Ellen Elizabeth Lundquist Engstrom. He was a farmer and rancher and a member of Lehrer Memorial United Methodist Church.
Survivors: numerous nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by: wife, Alma Dayle Pinchback Engstrom; sisters, Hazel Engstrom and Dorothy Reese; and brothers, Howard Engstrom, Dillard Engstrom, Herbert Engstrom, Harry Engstrom, and Truman Engstrom.
Visitation will begin at noon Thursday at Wheeler Funeral Home chapel.
The family will receive visitors 5-8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at the funeral home, the Rev. David King officiating.
Burial will be at Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood. Wheeler Funeral Home, El Campo, 979-543-3512.
Memorials: donor's choice.
Enke, August
The Citizen announces with regret the
death of Mr. August Enke of this city, which occurred at the
family residence last Thursday, in the 59th year of his age.
The deceased has been a resident of Columbus for
ouer[sic] thirty years, and was universally esteemed
for his many good qualities. During the war he was a gallant
soldier in Co. B, 5th Texas regiment, Hood's brigade, A. N.
V., and like most comrades of that command, bore scars
inflicted by the enemy's bullets. He was quiet and
unostentatious in deportment, an honest, good citizen. His
remains were laid to rest at 10 o'clock last Friday morning
in the
city cemetery, Rev. S. F. Chambers officiating. To the surviving wife and friends the Citizen tenders sorrowful sympathy. [August Enke married Sophia Illg in 1860. DA]
Colorado County Citizen, Octobert 9,
Epps, Thomas Bland
Father of Former Weimar Teacher Laid to Rest
Funeral services were held in Eagle Lake Wednesday afternoon for Mr. Thomas Bland Epps, father of Mrs. O. A. Schade of Columbus, the former Miss Mayme Epps, who taught in Weimar High School for several years.
Mr. Epps, who was born August 9, 1879, at Crockett, Texas, would have soon reached his 64th birthday. The son of Robert and Harriet Epps, he was left an orphan at the age of 5 and was reared by an aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Emmous. The early years of his life were spent in Freestone County. He married Miss Floy Adkins in 1901. He followed a railroad position in early manhood and for the past 18 years had made his home in Eagle Lake. He was a member of the Methodist Church and of the Rotary Club of Eagle Lake.
Surviving Mr. Epps is his wife, two daughters, Mrs. O. A. Schade of Columbus and Mrs. Clyde Gold of Eagle Lake and C. C. Epps, an only son. also of Eagle Lake. Two grandchildren, Lewis Bland Epps of Eagle Lake and Gladys Kathryn Schade of Columbus; one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Lane of San Diego, Calif., and two brothers, W. E. Epps of Waco and N. A. Epps of Freeport also survive. [Interment in Lakeside Cemetery]
The Mercury extends sympathy to the sorrowing family.
Weimar Mercury, June 19, 1942, page 1
Ermis, John A.
John Ermis Funeral Held Here Oct. 18
Funeral Services for John A. (Pee Wee) Ermis, 74, of Weimar were held Friday, Oct. 18, from St. Michael Catholic Church, with burial in the parish cemetery, Rev. Norman Ermis, M. A. and Father John Bily officiated. Ermis, a lifelong resident of the Weimar area, died Oct. 15 at 1:40 p.m. in Seton Hospital at Austin. Born July 1, 1917, at Schulenburg, he was a son of William and Julia (Mazoch) Ermis. He married Doris Cady here on Sept 2, 1940. He served in the U. S. Army during World War II and was in the upholstery business here for many years. His wife survives him, along with one son, John E. Ermis of Austin; two daughters, Betty E. Jes of Sealy and Janice E. Green of Houston; seven grandchildren; two brothers, William J. Ermis of Weimar and Victor F. Ermis of New Braunfels; and two sisters, Lilly Saha of Sealy and Cecillia Miksch of Borden. A son, Michael W. Ermis, three brothers and one sister preceded him[s] death. Serving as pallbearers were Edwin Peter, Emil Valla, Wilbur Saha, Milton Ermis, T. J. Ermis, Bill Sassin, Claude Hempel, and Edward Stoever. Honorary pallbearers were his grandchildren, Kimberly Jez, Sean Jez, Jason Jez, Kristopher Green, Kikolas Green, John Wesley Ermis and Jeffrey Ermis.
The Weimar Mercury, October, 24, 1991, Pg. 7
Transcribed by David Hahn
Ermis, Ladik
Ladik Ermis Funeral Held Here April 20
Funeral services for Ladik Ermis, 74, of
Weimar were held Sunday, April 20, from St. Michael's
Catholic Church here, with burial in St. John
Father John Spirka officiated.
Mr. Ermis died Friday at Youens Memorial
Hospital after a lengthy illness and a two-week stay in the
He had lived here the past three months.
From 1940 to 1979 he lived at Houston. He had retired as an
employee of Franklin Bank there.
Born July 4, 1905, at St. John, he was a
son of Joe and Mary (Chaloupka) Ermis. He married Christine
Janek at Houston on Nov. 25, 1944. He was a member of the
SPJST Lodge.
His wife survives, along with one son,
Ladik Joe Ermis Jr. and two daughters, Mrs. Marie Cernoch
and Mrs. Christie Kocian, all of Houston; five grandchildren
and one great-grandchild; two brothers, Julius Ermis of
Weimar and Willie Ermis of Schulenburg; and one sister, Mrs.
Vlasta Valchar of Temple. A sister, Mrs. Louise Kocian and
four brothers, Emil, Eddie, Ben and Raymond, preceded him in
Pallbearers were Raymond Kocian III,
David Hichmas, Larry Lanclos, Eugene Yanchek, Ron Clark,
Michael Janik, John Janik and William Naiser. Honorary
pallbearers were Edwin Kocian, Alton Jares, Nickols Henry,
Howard Jares, Steve Jares, Gregg Naiser and Jeff
Weimar Mercury, April 24, 1980
Transcribed by Judy
Ermis, Michael Wayne
Mike Ermis Funeral Held Here Nov. 28
Funeral services for Michael Wayne Ermis, 33, of Rt. 3, Weimar were held Wednesday, Nov. 28, from St. Michael Catholic Church, with burial in the parish cemetery. Father John C. Bily of Weimar and Father Norman Ermis of San
Antonio officiated.
Ermis, owner and operator of Ermis Auto Trim, died in a traffic accident on County Road 220 on Nov. 25 at 10 p.m.
Born in Weimar on Oct. 7, 1957, he was a son of John A. and Doris (Cady) Ermis. He was a 1976, graduate of Weimar High-School.
His parents survive him, along with a brother, John E. Ermis of Austin; two sisters, Betty E. Jez of Sealy and Janice Green of Houston, six nephews and one niece.
Pallbearers were Brad Lamkin, Mark Delgado, John, Behringer, Chris Seifert, Charles Considine, Rob Talbot, Henry Gindler, Henry Gunn and David Mazoch. Honorary pallbearers were David Farley and: Mark Coffey.
Weimar Mercury, December 6, 1990, page 10
Ernst, Edward
The Houston Chronicle of Monday afternoon contained an account of the finding of Ed Ernst, a former citizen of Columbus, later of Eagle Lake, in an unconscious condition in his room at the Bristol hotel at Houston. He registered at the hotel Sunday night, was found unconscious the next morning, and when the paper was published was in a very precarious condition, with the chances against him. His wife at Eagle Lake was notified and she chartered a special train to go to his bedside. The cause of his condition is not stated. Later.--Mr. Ernst died from an overdose of morphine, evidently taken with suicidal intent. He was a prominent Mason. His remains were taken to Columbus for interment [Odd Fellows Rest].
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1907, page 4
Espey, Augusta (Walther)
Weimar Items
It becomes our sad duty to announce the death of Mrs. Espy who,departed this life on Tuesday morning of typhoid fever. She was 18 years of age. We offer to the bereaved husband our heartfelt sympaties[sic] in the hour of his distress. She was a dutiful wife and honored mother, having left a small infant four months old to miss the care and love of a mother. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, August 29. 1878
Espey, unknown
Alleyton Locals
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Espey died Monday night last. This poor little thing had been sick several weeks. The cause of death was teething. We drop a tear of sympathy with these bereaved parents. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado Citizen, April 26, 1883
Espinosa, Brasilio
When a 14 year old Mexican girl, Juana Juanarious, living on the Eldridge place, attempted to hand a 410-gauge shotgun to Bravulio Espinosa, about 33 years of age, Wednesday afternoon the gun was accidently[sic] discharged, killing Espinosa instantly.
The Mexican man had gone to the home of the girl to borrow the shotgun to go hunting. Unknown to the girl, a smaller Mexican boy had been hunting with it the day previous and had left it loaded. The charge struck the Mexican in the upper cheek near the left eye.
Justice of the Peace W. M. Conner held an inquest which developed the facts as given above. While he has not closed the hearing Judge Conner is of the opinion that the verdict will be substantially as given above and the girl will not be held in the case. All evidence brought before the inquest hearing showed that the killing was purely accidental. [Interment in Lakeside Latin Cemetery]
Eagle Lake Headlight, September 18, 1936, page 1

Espinosa, Margarita (Pacheco-Diaz)
Margarita Espinosa, 53, of Eagle Lake, passed away July 18, at her residence following a sudden illness.
She was born on Feb. 3, 1951 in San Ciro, San Louis Potosi, Mexico to Salvador Pacheco and Alberta Diaz and has been a resident of Eagle Lake since 1995. She married Joe Espinosa in Wharton, Aug. 26, 1979 and was a member of the Berea Church in Eagle Lake.
She is survived by her husband; mother; daughters and sons-in-law Genoveva and Jorge Hernandez of El Campo, Olga and Stephen Nunez of Friendswood, Sliva and Jim Haggerty of Oceanside, Calif., Maria and Charles Givens of El Campo, Rachel and Omar Alonzo of La Mesa, Calif., and Elizabeth Espinosa of Eagle Lake; sons and daughters-in-law, Joe and Charlene Govea of Edinburg, Luis Govea of El Campo, Adrian Espinosa of Columbus and Mark Espinosa of Eagle Lake; and 15 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted July 22 from the Berea Church of Eagle Lake with Leonardo Chavez officiating. Interment followed at Nativity Cemetery of Eagle Lake.
Colorado County Citizen, July 28, 2004
Courtesy of The Citizen
Espinoza, Rosalinda (Hernandez)
Funeral services were heldfor Rosalinda Hernandez Espinoza Saturday, December 26 from St.Anthony's Catholic Church in Columbus under the direction of Henneke Funeral Home with Father Tim Kosler officiating.
Burial was at St. Anthony's Catholic Cemetery in Columbus.
Mrs. Rosalinda Hernandez Espinoza was born January 21, 1949 in Columbus to Gregorio D. Hernandez and Bertha Ramirez Hernandez, She married Gilbert Espinoza October 8, 1983.
She was a housewife.
Mrs. Espinoza was a Catholic.
Survivors include her hüsband, Gilbert Espinoza. of Columbus; grandmother, Janie Perez Garcia of Sheridan; sister, Camille Navarro. of 'Columbus; and brothers, Vicente Hernandez of Houston, Roy David Hernandez of Columbus, George Hernandez of Columbus, Thomas Hernandez of Houston and Clarence Hernandez of Hallettsville.
Pallbearers were JohnnyRay Ramirez, Jessie Rivera, Clemente Rivera, John Blaire, Howard Hayek, Dwayne Gerloff and Ben Rivera.
Colorado County Citizen, December 31, 1987
Espinosa, Soyla (Lopez
Soyla Espinosa
Soyla Espinosa, 46, of Wharton, formerly of Eagle Lake, passed away March 15.
She was born January 9, 1960 in Eagle Lake the daughter of Rudy and Herminia Guerra Lopez.
Her mother; brother, Abel Lopez; and a sister, Sophia Lopez, preceded Soyla in death.
Survivors include her father, Rudy Lopez of Eagle Lake; sons, Jesse and Able Barecca, Johnny Lopez, Pete Garza and Robert Williams; brothers, Rudy Lopez Jr., Daniel Lopez, Raul Lopez, Oscar Lopez, Isidro Lopez; sisters, Elda Knowles, Olivia Lopez, Sonia Jodarski and Diana Garcia; and five grandchildren.
Following cremation, a funeral mass will be held Thursday, March 23 at 10 a.m. from the Parish of the Nativity Catholic Church in Eagle Lake. Interment will follow in Lakeside Cemetery in Eagle Lake.
Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, March 23rd, 2006
Submitted by John Konesheck
Esquivel, Raul Jr.
Raul Esquivel, Jr.
Raul Esquivel, Jr. 18, of Eagle Lake, passed away Sunday, August 12 in El Campo.
He was born June 26, 1989 in Aguas Calientes, Mexico.
Raul was a student at Rice High School and played on the Raider varsity football team, was a captain and a two-way starter.
He leaves to cherish his memory his parents, Raul, Sr. and Ma Elena Esquivel of Eagle Lake; grandparents, Mercedes Medina of Eagle Lake and Tomasa Quiros of Mexico; sisters, Mercedes Esquivel, Graciela Esquivel and Aracely Esquivel all of Eagle Lake; brothers, Sergio Esquivel and Everardo Esquivel of Eagle Lake and Benjamin Esquivel of Oklahoma; and other relatives and loved ones.
Visitation was held Wednesday, August 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Eagle Lake Funeral Home.
A rosary was held Wednesday, August 15 at 7 p.m. at the Eagle Lake Funeral Home. Funeral services were held Thursday, August 16, at 10 a.m. at the Parish of the Nativity Church in Eagle Lake with Father Robert Guerra officiating. Interment followed at the Nativity Cemetery in Eagle Lake. Arrangements were under the direction of the Eagle Lake Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were family members.
Memorials may be made to the Raul Esquivel, Jr. Memorial Fund c/o First National Bank in Eagle Lake.
Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, August 23rd, 2007
Submitted by John Konesheck
Estes, David M.
D. M. Estes, an old citizen of this community, and well favorably known throughout the county,died at his residence in this place the morning of the 8th inst. Judge Estes, as he was familiarly known, was ex-Mayor of Weimar, has been confined to his room for nearly one year. He joined the Methodist Church some time since. The immediate cause of his death was hemorrhage of the lungs. [Interment in Weimar Odd Fellows' Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, June 10, 1886
Estlinbaum, Anna
Aged Lady Passes To Her Reward
Mrs. Estlinbaum, aged mother of Mrs. George T. Hawkes of Flatonia, former resident of this city when the Hawkes family lived here, died at the Hawkes family home in Flatonia Monday and the remains were brought to Weimar Tuesday afternoon at 4 oclock and laid to rest in the Hawkes lot at the Weimar cemetery. A large crowd of Flatonia people, as well as from Weimar and other points, was present to witness the last sad rites.
During her residence here in years gone by, Mrs. Estlinbaum by her sweet, gentle disposition won the admiration of all, and was very popular among all our people. She ever proved herself a devoted wife and mother, and was a sunbeam in the home radiating cheer and comfort wherever she went. Her death is deeply and sincerely deplored by all.
The heartfelt symathy of many old time Weimar friends goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, February 9, 1934
Estlinbaum, Ervin William
Final Rites For Ervin, Estlinbaum This Wed.
Ervin William Estlinbaum, 63, general contractor and businessman in Eagle Lake for over thirty years closed his eyes to a peaceful rest in the Rosewood General Hospital at 4:45 am. Tuesday, June 20th after an illness of a year and a half. The Estlinbaum family has been residing at their Lake Sheridan home the past four years, but he continued to operate his business here until just recently.
His passing brought great sadness to his relatives and friends throughout the area.
He and his brother, Ray, founded the Estlinbaum Bros. Lumber Co. here in the late 1940's and Ervin later purchased his brother's interest and has continued to do general contracting work in the area after selling the lumber business.
A graduate of Eagle Lake High School he later served three years in the U.,S. Air Force during World War II. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Eagle Lake and of the Methodist Church here and later of the Rock island Methodist Church when the family resided in that area for a number of years.
Last rites were due to be held at 2:30 p.m. this Wednesday, June 21st from the chapel of the Mill-Bauer Funeral Home with Clifford Wiese, a Methodist minister, officiating at the services.
Interment will be in the Masonic Cemetery and serving as pallbearers will be four long-time employees. G. C. Meyer. John H. Austin, Otto Hilgen and Raymond Molano and friends Roland J. Campbell and Luther Sheldon.
Estlinbaum was born Dec. 13, 1914 in San Felipe, Texas the son of William D. and Emma Lambert Estlinbaum. He was united in marriage with Edna Earle Tate on Oct. 4.1939 in Rosenberg.
He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers. Raoul (Tiny) Estlinbaum and Freddie Estlinbaum who gave his life in defense of his country in World War II.
Surviving are his wife Edna; one son, William (Butch) Estlinbaum and a daughter-in-law. Judy: three grandchildren. Darrell, Melinda and Jennifer; one sister, Mrs. Leroy (Alice Lucille) Forbes of Dallas; and one brother, Ray E. Estlinbaum of Porter; and other relatives and friends.
Deepest sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of this loved one. He was held in the highest esteem by all who came to know him and he shall be remembered for his friendship and many kindnesses.
Eagle Lake Headlight, June 22, 1978, pages 1 and 13
Frances Louise
Etheridge Child Dies Following
Measles Attack
Funeral service were held Sunday at the
Methodist church here for Frances Louise Etheridge, 3 year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Kirby E. Etheridge, who died at
Bell hospital Saturday. Burial was at Odd
Fellows Rest with Rev. C. B.
Diltz officiating. Columbus Funeral Home was in charge of
The little girl, was born in Columbus on
March 8, 1941. Her father is at present employed with
Rogers-Ray exploration party here. She died of complication
resulting from a case of measles.
Besides her parents, the child is
survived by a brother, Kirby Etheridge Jr., grandparents
Mr.and Mrs. M. W. Etheridge of Palestine and Mr.and Mrs.
Arthur Leyendecker of Columbus, and great-grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Leyendecker Sr. of New Ulm.
Pallbearers were Manley Leyendecker,
Adolph Zajicek, E. G. Miller and Howard
Colorado County Citizen May 25,
Evanicky, Elo "Slick"
Elo "Slick" Evanicky, passed away Feb. 24
in Galveston.
He was born in Fayetteville July 23, 1934
to Frank A. and Christina (Janak) Evanicky. He owned Neon
Signs & Services in Columbus for over 35 years, was a
glass blower and a neon sign manufacturer. He was also a
rancher, who enjoyed deer and hog hunting and fishing. His
favorite past times were playing dominos (he was known as
the Domino King of the Southwest); he liked playing poker
with his buddies, and taking the bus to
He was preceded in death by his parents;
sisters Millie and Albina Evanicky; and brothers Willie,
Robert, Victor and Emil Evanicky.
He is survived by his wife Anita (Zaskoda) Evanicky of Columbus; sister, Vlasta "Shorty" Mueller of Weimar; brothers, Charlie Evanicky of Brazoria and Albert Evanicky of Fayetteville; children and grandchildren: Johnny Evanicky and wife Shirley of Weimar, their children, Jonathon and Julie; Joe Evanicky of Columbus; Frances Duve and husband Brian of Industry, their children Kristi Jones and Travis Duve; Fay Ulbricht and husband Marv of Weimar, their child Timothy; Marilyn Evanicky and fiancé Tim Neff of Beasley; Michael Evanicky and wife Carolyn of Sealy, their children Michael L., Colton and Jacob; Ernest Evanicky and fiancée Lorry Hoppens of Brenham, his children Danielle and Tyler, her children Hailea and Tori.
A prayer service and rosary was conducted
at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus Feb. 26. The funeral
Mass took place Feb. 27 at St. Anthony Catholic Church in
Columbus with Fr. Dan Kahlich, Fr. John Peters and Deacon
Bennie Holesovsky officiating. Interment followed at
Anthony Catholic Cemetery in
Pallbearers were David Evanicky, Ben
Holladay, Judge Dan Mueller, Judge Francis Truchard, Sheriff
R.H. "Curly" Weid, Kenneth Brune, Scott Kleimann and Doyle
Honorary pallbearers were Jerry Mikeska,
Frank Peters, Sonny Mazoch, Jack Cernosek, Todd Keaton,
Laurence Blaha, R.C. Kleimann and Charles
Memorial contributions may be given to
St. Anthony Catholic School.
The Colorado County Citizen, March 3,
Courtesy of The
Evanicky, Emil P.
Emil Evanicky
Emil P. Evanicky, a retired farmer and lifetime resident of the New Ulm area, died in the Columbus Hospital Monday. He had been in the hospital 4 weeks.
Born in Fayette County Aug. 24, 1904, he was a son of Pete and Annie Lubenas Evanicky. He attended the Catholic church and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was united in marriage to Rosie Noska May 16, 1933.
Services were held Wednesday at Henneke Funeral Home, with continued services at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Frelsburg. Burial was in the church cemetery. The Rev. Werner Bockholt officiated at the services.
Parish rosary and Knights of Columbus rosary were recited Tuesday evening.
Survivors include his wife of Frelsburg; 3 daughters, Mrs. Frank (Dorothy) Novosad and Mrs. S. J. (Marion) Matula, both of Lake Jackson and Mrs. Leland (Audrey) Suchadoll of Columbus; one son, Leonard Evanicky of Bay City; sister, Mrs. Annie Schaefer of Rosenberg; brothers, Pete and Frank Evanicky of Fayetteville; and 11 grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Raymond Noska, John Zapalac, Albert Noska, Ludwig Noska, Frank P. Noska and Frank Lesikar.
Colorado County Citizen, September 12, 1974
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Evanicky, Mary Jane (Noska)
Evanicky Funeral Services
Funeral Services for Mrs. Mary Jane Evanicky of Frelsburg were held Friday, December 8, 1969, at 10:30 a.m. from Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Frelsburg with Msgr. Werner Bockholt officiating.
Mrs. Evanicky passed away Wednesday, December 6, in a Columbus nursing home. She was 90 years of age.
Born December 6, 1899 in Frelsburg, she was the daughter of Frank and Annie Horak Noska. A housewife and lifelong resident of the area, she married Rudolph Evanicky January 13, 1920. He preceded her in death on April 1, 1970.
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Clement (Lydia) Belota of Frelsburg, Mrs. Mary Schertz of New Ulm and Mrs. Delmo (Bernice) Warschak of Frelsburg; one son, Clarence Evanicky of El Campo; sister, Rosie Evanicky of New UIm; sisters-in-law, Ella Evanicky and Millie Noska, both Fayetteville and brother-in-law, Pete Evanicky of Fayetteville; 21 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Kenneth Kubecka, Clement Belota Jr., Larry Evanicky, Gary Schertz, Ronald Warschak and Vernon Evanicky.
She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, one daughter, Elsie Kubecka, one son, Edward Evanicky, two sisters, Millie Noska and Annie Zapalac, and six brothers, Frank, Joe, Johnnie, Bennie, Adolph and Rudolph Noska.
Services were under the direction of Henneke Funeral Home of Columbus.
Burial was in the Church Cemetery.
New Ulm Enterprise, December 14, 1989, page 3
Evans, Augusta (Botard)
Mrs. C. 0. Evans
Funeral services were held Monday, April 9, for Mrs. C. O. (Augusta) Evans at Henneke Funeral Home here in Columbus. The deceased had been a resident of Autumn Hills Nursing Home for the past 14 months. She was born October 27, 1893 in Sublime, Texas. She married Mr. C. O. Evans October 26, 1913, and was widowed at his death March 31, 1967.
The deceased worked in this area during World War II as a "Plane Spotter". She was a resident of Sheridan from 1950 to 1973. Burial was at the Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery and the Pastor Robert Schlortt, officiated.
Survivors include 2 daughters, Mrs. Walter Henicke of Columbus, Mrs. Joyce Miller of Altair, 2 sons, Mr. Alfred Evans of Houston, and Mr. Lester Evans of San Antonio. A sister Mrs. Lillie Adams of Eagle Lake, a sister-in-law, Lela Legg of Magnolia.
Preceded in death by her husband, infant son, and two granddaughters. Mrs. Evans had 10 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were, Thurman Bryne, Reuben Maertz, Oscar Henicke, Leeroy SommerIatte, Henry Burger Jr., and Isam Brisco Jr.
Colorado County Citizen, April 12, 1984, page 2
Evans, Dorothy (Cook)
Dorothy Evans, 79, of Columbus, passed away June 19 at Columbus Community Hospital.
She was born Oct. 18, 1928 in Kaufman to John and Laydell (Tramell) Cook. She worked as a registered nurse for Columbus Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. On Dec. 1, 1951 she was married to Thomas R. Evans Sr.
She was preceded in death by her father, John Cook.
She was survived by her husband, Thomas R. Evans Sr., of Columbus; mother, Laydel Cook of Seagoville; daughter and son-in-law, Dawn and Jim Simpson of Columbus; sons, Dr. Tom R. Evans Jr. of Houston and Daryl Evans of Columbus; sister, Polly Williamson of Seagoville; brothers, Roy Cook of Kaufmann and Johnny Cook of Seagoville; numerous grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Funeral services took place June 22 at the Henneke Funeral Home. [Place of interment unknown]
Colorado County Citizen, June 25, 2008
Courtesy The Citizen
Evans, Ed T.
Suicide at Eagle Lake.
Eagle Lake, Tex., Jan 2. --Ed. T. Evans, manager of the Eagle Lake Motor Car companys garage and one of the best automobile men in this section, killed himself sometime during last night in his room over the office. [Interment in Taunton, Mass]
Weimar Mercury, January 5, 1912
Evans, Hortense
The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. George Evans died last Saturday and buried Sunday in the Masonic cemetery. The bereaved parents have our sympathies.
Colorado Citizen, November 27, 1890, page 3
Evans, Jacob W.
Mr. Jacob W. Evans
Mr. Jacob W. Evans, 72, passed out of
this life at the home of his son, Lev[sic], Friday
night. the remains were sent to his former home at Burr's
Ferry, La. Sunday for interment.
Efforts to locate Mr. A. N. Evans, who is
on a tour of the eastern states, were unsucessful. The last
known point of communication was Washington, D. C. and the
Evans-Irwin party left there Saturday before a wire could
reach them.
Burial took place at the Louisiana home
at four o'clock Sunday evening.
Mr. Evans was born in Burr's Ferry, La.
on June 25, 1861. He has lived in Columbus about eleven
years. Surviving him are five sons, A. N., Lev[sic],
and Gus of this city and Lonnie and Claude of
The Citizen extends sincere
Colorado County Citizen, July 20,
Evans, Lillie Marie (Burger)
Lillie Marie Burger Evans, 87, passed away June l4, in the Columbus Community Hospital.
Funeral services were held Friday, June 17 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Rev. Raymond Cox officiating.
Burial was at Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery in Columbus.
Mrs. Evans was born March 22, 1901 in Columbus to Henry J. and Lena Elizabeth Burger.
She lived in Columbus most of her life, attending and finishing school here. She attended Southwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos. She was a school teacher, teaching at Bretschneider School, Cat Spring area in 1920-21 and also at Shaws Bend School in 1921-22.
Mrs. Evans was married October 2, 1924 to Leve Evans in Eagle Lake. Thereafter she remained a housewife for the remainder of her life.
She was preceded in death by her husband on December 15, 1975.
She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Columbus.
Survivors include one daughter, Sue Gassmann of Houston; two sons, Vernon Evans of Richardson and Walter Evans of Houston; one brother, Henry Burger Jr. of Columbus; four grandchildren, Rusty Evans of Los Angels, California, Terri Thompson of Austin, Mike Evans and Jana Gassmann of Houston; and many nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Raymond L. Evans, Charles Cmajdolka[sic], Alfred Gassmann, Max Rogers, Ronnie Rogers and Ernest Baumgart.
Honorary pallbearers were Jimmy Hathorn, William Evans and Wayne Gassmann.
For the past three years she lived in Houston with her daughter. She was in the River Oaks Convalescent Center for the past three weeks.
Colorado County Citizen, June 23, 1988, page 2
Evans, Louis
Alleyton Locals
A small colored boy by the name of Louis Evans was drowned in the river here last Thursday evening while in swimming with a crowd of others. The body was not found till next day, when it arose to the surface. [Burial place unknown.]
Colorado Citizen, May 18, 1899
Contributed by Deborah Smith
Evans, Louis F.
Louis Evans Dies In Auto Accident In Grimes County
Contractor A. N. Evans Lies at Deaths Door and Leon Eilert Seriously Hurt As Result of Car Crash Sunday
Returning from a business tip to Shiro, Grimes county, las Sunday afternoon,the big DeSoto Eight sedan of Contractor A. N. Evans went in the ditch about twelve miles northeast of Navasota, fatally injuring one of the occupants and seriously injuring the other two. The car was being driven by Louis Evans and was occupied by A. N. Evans and Leon Eilert.
The injured men were picked up by a passing car and taken to a hospital in Navasota. Louis died soon after reaching the hospital, his head having ben completely crushed by he crash. A. N. Evans was unconscious with severe bruises about the head, broken collar bone, right arm and several ribs broken, and Leon sustained a broken left arm and a crushed leg.
Relatives here were notified by phone and Gus and Leve Evans and Mesdames A. N. and Louis Evans and Mrs. Eilert left immediately for that place.
The remains of Louis Evans were brought here Tuesday morning and burial took place at the Odd Fellows Rest at eleven oclock that morning, Rev. Wm. D. Wyatt officiating. He was 34 years of age and had resided here some ten years. He is survived by a wife and three brothers.
Monday morning Mr. and Ms. E. E. Irwin, E.G. Miller and J. D. Seymour drove to Navasota and stayed all day with the Columbus people. Mr. Evans had regained conscious
Colorado County Citizen, March 12, 1931
Evans, Louise Gertrude (Andriano)
Louise G. Evans, 89, of Columbus passed away Wednesday, October 12. Mrs. Evans was born on November 13, 1898 in Columbus to Charles Joseph Andriano and Mary Louise Paulsen Andriano. On November 10, 1920 she married Arthur Newton Evans. In her early years, Mrs. Evans taught school, but after her marriage she became active in her husbands construction business. She was a life-long member of the Methodist Church, serving her church in a number of capacities, including Sunday school teacher and president of the Women's Missionary Society. Mrs. Evans was also a member of the Eastern Star, a past president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and a member of the Study Club. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church in Columbus on October 13, under the direction of Henneke Funeral Home with the Rev. Robert C. Walker officiating. [Interment was in Odd Fellows Rest.] Pallbearers were Robert Earl Wolters, Walter Henry Evans, Robert Earl Wink, Henry Burger,. Dr. R. E. Koening, and Gus H. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Evans was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur N. Evans, February 12, 1955 and a daughter, Marjorie Louise Evans, April 27, 1941. She is survived by her son, Arthur N. Evans, Jr. and his wife Fay, of Columbus; one granddaughter, Amy Louise Othold and her husband, Reginald Othold of Cuero, two grandsons, James N. Evans and William A. Evans of Houston; and a great-grandson, Jordan Hart Othold, of Cuero.
Colorado County Citizen, October 19, 1988
Submitted by David Hahn
Evans, Marjorie
Funeral Services for Miss Marjorie Evans
are Held Monday
The sudden death of Marjorie Evans of
this city, popular University of Texas sophomore, which
occurred Sunday morning at Austin, deeply shocked her many
friends and relatives here. Miss Evans was in apparent good
health until a short time before her death. She was a
daughter of A. N. Evans, local contractor, and Mrs.
Funeral services were conducted Monday at
three o'clock at the Evans home, Rev. Frank D. Charlton of
the Methodist church, of which she was a member,
officiating. Burial was under direction of the Columbus
Funeral Home. [Odd
Fellows Rest
Pallbearers were Leland Zatopek, Jerry
Durak, Jack Hillmer, students of the University of Texas,
Robert Earl Wink, student at A. and M. College, College
Station, and John Wm. Zwiegel, all of Columbus and C. W
Boeker of College Port.
The entire membership of Phi Mu, sorority
with which Miss Evans was affiliated, came from Austin for
the services, and there were many other out-of-town persons
Marjorie Evans was born in Columbus March
7, 1922, and in 1939 graduated from the Columbus High
School, where she made an admirable scholarship record. Last
year she attended Mary Hardin Baylor Academy at Belton, and
at the time of her death was pursuing studies in home
economics at Austin.
Surviving are her parents, a brother,
Arthur N. Evans, Jr.; her grandmother, Mrs. Louise Andriado
(sic) [Andriano] of Columbus, and several uncles and
aunts as follows: Mrs. Charlene Lewis and Miss Mary
Andriano, Columbus; Leve and Gus Evans, Columbus; Lonnie and
Claude Evans, Houston.
Colorado County Citizen, May 1,
Evans, Mary E. (Nickels)
Mrs. Mary E. (Nickels) Evans, 58, of 421 Worcester Way, Richardson, died August 26, at Richardson Medical Center.
Funeral services were held at Rest Land Funeral Home in Richardson, on August 28.
Graveside services and burial were held at Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery, in Columbus on August 29 with Rev. Raymond Cox officiating.
Mrs. Evans was born January. 21, 1928, in Bangera, Maine. She married Vernon Evans August. 17, 1952. She was Home Economics teacher, at Columbus High School during the years 1949-1952. She also taught school in Galveston and San Antonio.
She served as dietition(sic) for Baylor Hospital in Dallas, and has been catering director for the University of Texas at Dallas the past four years.
Survivors include her husband, Vernon Evans of Richardson, a son Rusty Evans of Los Angeles, California, her mother Mrs. C. B. Nickels of South Carolina and a brother, Bill Nickels of Austin and other relatives and a host of loved ones.
Colorado County Citizen, September 4, 1986
Evans, Thomas J.
Cullings From Cheetham
A gloom of sorrow was cast over this place last Thursday morning when it was learned that Mr. T. G. Evans had died suddenly of heart failure the night before. He had been suffering for several weeks, but had so improved that his friends had begun to hope that he would soon recover. He was up all day Wednesday, superintending the work on his farm, and came in that evening, ate a hearty supper, and retired in fine spirits, and no one thought before dawn the spirit of Dock Evans would return to the God who gave it. The end came without a struggle, and no one knew until the next morning that he was dead. Deceased had lived in this neighborhood for the past twenty years and was known to everybody as a good man, a staunch Christian and a friend in whom they could trust. He leaves a wife, two sons, and six daughters to mourn his death. Truly a good man has gone to rest, and in their hour of sadness, the family has the sympathy of the whole community. [Interment in Cheetham Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, June 9, 1906
(Browse all obituaries with Everett surname)
Eversole, Anne
Mrs. Anna E. Eversole
(Rock Island Correspondent) Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Eversole was born June 6th, 1862, in Shelby County, Ill. and died at the home of her daughter, Mr. Mina Comley in Damon, Texas, August 21, 1935, age 73 years, 2 months and 15 days. Mrs. Eversole was married to Clinton Eversole, Nov. 3rd, 1881, and to this union one son and two daughters were born, the eldest daughter passed out of this life, May 22nd, 1902.
She moved with her family to Texas 37
years ago, settling in Colorado County, where she has
watched the growth and development of this section. She was
a member of the Methodist Church and had been an earnest
church worker and had lived a beautiful Christian life since
early childhood. Her husband preceded her to the grave,
having died May 3, 1923.
She leaves to mourn her passing, one son,
H. W. Eversole, one daughter, Mrs. Mina Comley, five
grandchildren and hosts of friends. The body was brought
overland from Rosenberg, Tex., and funeral services were
conducted at the M. E. Church at five o'clock Thursday
evening with Rev. Forester of Garwood in charge, interment
following in Myrtle
Cemetery. The floral arrangements
were many and beautiful. A large number of friends from El
Campo, Garwood, Eagle Lake and Columbus attended.
Colorado County Citizen, April 29, 1935
Transcribed by Dennis Boatright
Eversole, Harvey William
Last Rites Held Saturday for H.W. Eversole
Funeral services were held at the graveside in Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25th at 2 p.m. for Harvey William Eversole of San Antonio, a former resident of Rock Island, who passed away Nov. 23rd in San Antonio. Mr. Eversole came to Rock Island at the age of 14 and was married to Nellie Cheatham. He was a railroad agent in Rock Island for many years and later transferred to Los Fresnos and after retirement moved to San Antonio. The Rev. Clifford Wiese, Pastor of Rock Island Methodist church officiated at the services. The Masonic Lodge of Columbus conducted graveside services. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nellie Eversole of San Antonio; one son, Herbert Eversole of San Antonio; a daughter, Mrs. Kathryne Shaw of Laifkin; one sister, Mrs. Mina Comley of Damon; nephews, Harold Comley of Lake Jackson, and Wayne Comley of Damon. He was born on February 2nd, 1884 in Shelby County, Ill. Out of town friends who .joined the family here for the services were: Wright Small of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. James Riddle of Chicago, Ill.; Frank Crockett and Betty Ann Walker of Laredo; Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Dreece Rote, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Frazee, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. McClahan, Miss Margaret Bain, Mrs. Coats and son, Mrs. Jack Hand, Mrs. Laura Starkey, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Maze and son, Jerry, and Mrs. J.T. DeNeef of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright of Hempstead, and many friends from Eagle Lake, Columbus and Garwood.
Eagle Lake Headlight, November 30, 1961
Contributed by Patti Hall-Smith
Evoritt, Betty
Mrs. Betty Terrell Evoritt, 80, of Eagle
Lake, passed away Feb. 11 at the Columbus Community
Hospital, following a sudden illness.
Native and lifelong resident of Colorado
County, born June 1, 1921 in Eagle Lake to Waldo and Eloise
(Frazar) Terrell. She was a graduate of Eagle Lake High
School Class of 1939. Following high school, she attended
Southern Methodist University. She returned home and married
Clifford Ernest Evoritt Jr. in 1941. Later in life, she
enjoyed her life with her "Thursday Bridge Club" group, the
Presbyterian Church, and most of all her family.
She was preceded in death by her parents;
husband, Clifford E. Evoritt Jr.; and an aunt, Donna Wood.
She is survived by her daughter and
son-in-law, Julia Evoritt and Keith Gannon of Eagle Lake;
son and daughter-in-law, Jerrald Preston and Regina Evoritt
of Sugar Land; and granddaughter, Taylor Evoritt Gannon of
Eagle Lake.
Funeral services were conducted Feb. 14,
from the First Presbyterian Church of Eagle Lake with the
Rev. Brent Beasley officiating. Interment followed in
Cemetery, Eagle Lake.
Pallbearers are Bill Warren, Vance
Duncan, Joe Mike Spanihel, Dell Ray Lumpkin, Steve Balas and
John Mahalitc Jr.
Honorary pallbearers named are Earl H.
Rodgers Jr., Elmer Struss, Robert Samuel Martin, Ted
Brunner, Bruce Waddell, Dr. Tom Hancher, Harold Lloyd
Williams, Fred R. Frnka, Victor A. Scott, J. R. Thomas, Paul
Powers and George Causey.
The family has requested memorials be
made to either First Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 605,
Eagle Lake, TX 77434 or St. Anthony's Catholic School, 635
Bonham, Columbus, TX 78934.
Colorado County Citizen, February 20,
Courtesy of the
Evoritt, Clifford
Last Rites Set For C. E.
Evoritt, 71, 10:30 A.M. Thursday
Funeral services will be held at 10:30
a.m. Thursday, Nov.11, for Clifford E. Evoritt, 71,
prominent rice farmer and rancher in the Eagle Lake and
Lissie communities for many years. The rites will be held at
the chapel of the Mill-Bauer Funeral Home with the Rev. E.
E. Mulliner, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church
Interment will be in the Lakeside
Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers
will be: Charlie Allen of Weimar; Bryan Bickham of Van
Vleck; Cal Gertson, Miles Theuman, J. H. Clipson of Eagle
Lake and Clem Boettcher of East Bernard.
Since Mr. Evoritt was a World War I
veteran and a member of the American Legion since it was
founded, partial military rites will be held at
Mr. Evoritt passed away at 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday afternoon in Laughlin Hospital after a lengthy
He was born on March 8, 1894, in
Missouri, the son of J. M. and Margaret Evoritt. The family
came to Texas when he was only seven settling in the Lissie
community, and he and his family made their residence in
Lissie and Eagle Lake since that time. He was united in
marriage with Marjorie Wood in Wharton on June 22,
During his two years tenure of duty with
the U. S. Army, he spent one year in combat in France
attaining the rank of sergeant.
A son, Flight Officer Jerrald P. Evoritt,
was killed in combat over Germany on March 13th,
Surviving are: his wife, Mrs. Marjorie
Evoritt a daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Giraud of Fort Worth,
Texas; a son, Clifford E. Evoritt, Jr., of this city; four
grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. H. E. Todd of Dallas. He
was also preceded in death by both parents.
Through his many associations with the
rice farming and ranching industries, he gained the
friendship and respect of many acquaintances. He shall be
missed dearly by loved ones and friends.
The Eagle Lake Headlight, November 11,
Transcribed by Dennis
Evoritt, Jerrald Preston

Jerrald Preston Evoritt
Jerrald Preston Evoritt was born August 19, 1946 at St. Joseph’s Infirmary in Houston.
He passed away May 6 at the age of 62, in Houston following a lengthy hospitalization after receiving a Jarvik 2000 LVAD, an artificial assist to the left side of his heart.
He had been on the heart transplant list at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital since March 2007. His lung pressures were too high for him to receive a heart, so he was hopeful that the LVAD would improve his circulation and strength over the next few months so that his body could withstand the heart transplant whenever a new heart would become available.
He was the son of Betty Jule Terrell and Clifford Ernest Evoritt Jr. of Eagle Lake. He grew up in Eagle Lake, enjoying what few families can experience todaygrowing up in a small community where everyone in town not only knew one another, but cared about each other as well. He walked his sister, Julie, one block to and from school every day and home for an hour long lunch with both parents. Unless his dad was working cattle or had a crisis on the farm and ranch, he joined them at 12 noon, sharp. Surrounded by grandparents and numerous aunts, his feet seldom touched the ground when he was an infant. There was always someone waiting to hold him. He had fond memories of sitting out on his Grandmamma and Pappaw Evoritt’s screened porch, listening to and smelling the sweet rain and of visiting Aunt Daisy. The smell of her air conditioner and eating lemon drops were memories he shared. His baby book stated that his first word was “Daisy.” Bribery got her name published.
Named after his Uncle Jerry, who died in WWII, he also was known as Jerry. He was extremely dedicated to caring for his parents, even when his own health was failing.
Jerry was preceded in death by his parents, Betty Jule Terrell Evoritt and Clifford Ernest Evoritt Jr.; grandparents Marjory and Clifford Ernest Evoritt, Sr., Eloise and Waldo Terrell; an aunt Marjorie Evoritt Giraud; an uncle Jerrald Preston Evoritt; great aunt Donna Frazar Woods; great aunt and uncle Cora Green Terrell and Harry Terrell; and niece Dyann Lumpkin Schisler.
He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Gina Carroll Evoritt of Sugar Land; one sister, Julie Evoritt Gannon of Eagle Lake; sister-in-law Bettie Lumpkin and brother-in-law Dell Ray Lumpkin of Shelbyville; three nieces, Taylor Evoritt Gannon of Eagle Lake, Trina Lumpkin Reagan of Santa Fe, and Dell Lumpkin Roach of Texas City; cousins Sharon Giraud Warren and Ann Giraud of Fort Worth; four great nephews, two great nieces, and one great-great nephew.
He graduated from Culver Military Academy in Culver, Ind. in 1965, received his BBA in agricultural finance from Sam Houston State University in 1970 and his MBA from there in 1971. During his career, he was Vice President at Richmond Production Credit Association in Sugar Land; a real estate agent with Cal Holt and Henry S. Miller in Sugar Land; and insurance agent with Texas Farm Bureau in Rosenberg; and was a farm and ranch manager for the family operation.
He and his wife, Gina, shared a love of nature and travel and made many treasured memories during their vacations to our national parks. Gina would think she had budgeted correctly for each trip until they returned home and as Jerry began unpacking his suitcase and more and more rolls of film would begin rolling out, she knew she had miscalculated yet once again. A few special memories included waking up in a 23 degree log cabin where the only warmth would come from a fireplace. There was quite a contest to see who had to go to the bathroom first and would be forced to get out from under the covers to start a fire. Of course, winning was little consolation, because the prize was the other person’s ice cold feet on their back! One of his favorite trips was to the Canadian Rockies, where Jerry dragged her out of bed at 4 a.m. to drive up the mountains to the Valley of the Ten Peaks. Jerry had his tripod set up just as the sun began to rise over the peaks and reflect into the lake. “Last of the Dogmen” was one of his favorite movies and it showed some of the scenery of Bow Valley that Jerry captured on film during our trip there. Other places that received equal attention included Signal Mountain and Jackson and Jenny Lake in the Tetons, Yosemite Valley, places throughout the Colorado Rockies and San Juan Mountains, Olympic National Park, Smoky Mountain National Park and the Ozarks. He was just as enthusiastic about sunsets. Carmel, Hawaii, San Francisco, Oregon and Washington got their fair share of attention through his camera lens as well.
During childhood, Jerry participated in Boy Scouts and participated in an outing to Philmont, N.M. He was active in little league baseball and looked forward to summer camp at Camp LaJunta in Hunt.
In years past, before his health declined, in addition to traveling, Jerry and Gina enjoyed bicycling, jogging and taking dance lessons. They also cherished holding hands at the movies, sharing a cozy fire and a good book, watching the stars together on a cold, crisp night and spending time with their beloved border collie, Calamity. Jerry also enjoyed hunting.
Jerry had good memories from his days at school in Culver, Ind. and made some good friends there, but as he got older, he regretted going. He always said he missed out on so much time with his family and friends and that was time he could never get back. His favorite time of the day was just at dusk, when he could smell the sweet clover and see the sunset approaching. He would always stop for just a moment and enjoy that special feeling.
Jerry was baptized at the First Presbyterian Church in Eagle Lake and was a current member of the First United Methodist Church in Sugar Land where he served as an usher.
Funeral services took place at the Eagle Lake Funeral Home Saturday, May 9 with Pastor Philip Grose from the First United Methodist Church officiating. Interment followed at Lakeside Cemetery in Eagle Lake.
Pallbearers were Joe Herbert McCreary, F. Joe Priesler Jr., Joe Mike Spanihel, Jay Roach, Randy Reagan and Will Schisler. Honorary pallbearers were Dell Ray Lumpkin, William Warren, Ted Brunner, Steve Balas, Gary Waddell, Davis Waddell, Gary Obenhaus, Darrell Gertson, Tim Kelley, John Mahalitc, Tom Kallina, and Vance Duncan.
The courage, determination and patience Jerry showed while fighting for his life inspired us daily. His love and presence in our lives will be missed forever.
Colorado County Citizen, May 14, 2009
Contributed by Judy Talkington
Evoritt, Marjorie (Wood)
Marjorie. W. Evoritt, age 89, of Eagle Lake, passed away, Wednesday, October 7, at the Gulf Coast Hospital in Wharton, following a brief illness. Funeral services were held from the Dulany Funeral Home Chapel in Eagle Lake Thursday, October 8, Rev. Charles Runk. Pastor, Eagle Lake United Methodist Church and Rev. Charles Miller, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Eagle Lake officiating. [Interment in Lakeside Cemetery]
Mrs. Evoritt was born October 30, 1897 in Franklinton, Louisiana to Jacob Preston Wood and Emily. Pritchard Wood. She had been a resident of our area for over 70 years, moving to Lissie with her parents, then coming to Eagle Lake in 1936. She married Cliff Evoritt in Wharton on June 22. 1917. She was a member of the Lissie United Methodist Church and was currently a member of the Eagle Lake United Methodist Church. and the Eagle Lake Study Club and Garden Club of Eagle Lake. A very civic minded person having initiated the program and project to build the Eagle Lake Community Center.
Mrs. Evoritt was preceded in death by her husband, parents and ten brothers and sisters. Survivors include daughter, Mrs. Marjory Giraud of Ft. Worth; son, Cliff Evoritt, Jr. and wife, Betty of Eagle lake; grandchildren, Jerrald Evoritt, Sugarland; Julia Gannon, Houston; Sharon Warren, Ft. Worth; Ann Giraud of Floresville, numerous nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were James H. Clipson, Sr., H. I. Williams, J. R. Thomas, Donald Obenhaus, Joe Herbert McCreary, and Vernon Gertson. Honorary Pallbearers included, David Wintermann, Wayne Corman, Vic Corman, Jr., Clifton Tyler, Johnny Meitzen, Howard Wiese, Joe Preisler, Steve Balas, and Earl Rodgers, Jr.
Colorado County Citizen, October 22, 1987, page 2
Evoritt, Stella Mason (Coleman)
Mrs. J. M. Evoritt Died At Lissie Tuesday After Illness Of Only Few Days
Unexpected Death of Prominent Lissie Lady Tuesday Afternoon Is A Shock to Entire Community.
This community was shocked and saddened on last Tuesday afternoon when the news was learned of the unexpected death of Mr. J. M. Evoritt of Lissie, who died that afternoon at her home following an illness of less than a week.
Mrs. Everitt [sic] was one of the most prominent and most universally popular women of the Lissie community, having made her home there for the past twelve years. She was prominent in Red Cross work and in all other activities of the ladies of her vicinity.
Before marriage she was Miss Stella Mason Coleman and was born at Edna, Texas, on October 1st, 1885, the daughter of William and Mary Coleman, her father having preceded her in death a number of years age. She came to Lissie about twelve years ago as teacher of the school at that place, at which time she met Mr. Evoritt, their friendship ripening into love, which culminated in their marriage on February 21, 1907.
There has never lived in this community a woman who had more true friends than Mrs. Evoritt. She was a woman of energy, of brilliant mind and many excellent traits of character and accomplishments. She was universally popular with every one who knew her, and her sweet disposition, and pleasant and unassuming manner endeared her to everyone with whom she came in contact, and in her death Lissie has lost one of its foremost citizens for she was, in every way, a most charming and talented woman, one who held in the highest esteem her friends.
Mrs. Evoritt had been ill less than a week, having contracted influenza, from which she died after only a short illness. It was not known that her condition had been serious until the news of her death was received here and this news has cast a gloom over all who knew her, for she was truly one of the most charming women of this community, and one whose death is grieved by every person that knew her.
The funeral services were held at the church at Lissie at half past one oclock yesterday afternoon, interment being made in the Masonic cemetery at Eagle Lake. Although the day was cold, the funeral was very largely attended.
To the sorrowing husband and grief-stricken mother, and other relatives, the Headlight extends its deepest sympathy in their irreparable loss.
Eagle Lake Headlight, December 28, 1918
Transcribed by Judy Talkington