Dahse, Adelia (Walicek)
Final Rites for Mrs. Dahse, 90
Graveside services for Mrs. Adelia Dahse, 90, of Houston were held Saturday afternoon, March 13, at New Bielau Cemetery.
Mrs. Dahse was a native of Weimar, born June 7, 1885.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Erma Osborne of Houston and Mrs. Ella Branden of Pasadena, and one son, Alfred Dahse of Houston.
Weimar Mercury, March 18, 1976, page 5
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
Dahse, Adolph F.
Adolph Dahse, 85, Dies; Rites At New Bielau
Funeral services for Adolph F. Dahse, 85, who died Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Bielau.
Burial will be in the New Bielau Cemetery. Rev. Frank H. Horak Jr. will officiate.
Mr. Dahse, whose health had been failing for several years, died at 5 p.m. Tuesday in San Jacinto Hotel. He had been under nursing home care since August 1.
Born March 29, 1883, at New Bielau, he was a son of John and Wilhelmina Pohl Dahse. He married Miss Ernestine Hoegemeyer on Nov. 20, 1906. They settled on the Dahse homestead place, where they lived until June 1960, when they sold their farm and bought a home in Weimar. Mrs. Dahse died in September of that year.
Mr. Dahse had been a member of Hermann Sons Lodge more than 60 years.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Cecil Schultz of Weimar; two grandchildren, Mrs. Jimmy George of Houston and Larry Koehn, a student at Stephen F. Austin College, Nacogdoches; and two sisters, Mrs. Olga Krueger of Donna and Mrs. Annie Wendt of Orange Grove.
Two brothers, Robert and Henry Dahse, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Klockmann, preceded him in death.
Weimar Mercury, November 21, 1968, page 1
Dahse, Albertine (Trojan)
Mrs. Fred Dahse, widow of one of the pioneer settlers of this section, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Piepenbrok of this city, Tuesday of last week and the remains were committed to their last resting place in the New Bielau Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of a large gathering of mourning relatives and friends, Rev. Kniker, Lutheran minister of Cibolo, Texas, officiating in a touching burial service.
Mrs. Dahse was the victim of paralysis on Sunday a week ago and on the following Tuesday passed unto the Great Beyond.
Mrs. Dahse and her husband were among the pioneer settlers of the New Bielau section, raising a large family of children, all now grown, married and settled in life, and by neighbors and friends were regarded as a model couple, possessing the esteem of everyone in that section. Mrs. Dahse was a loving, good woman, a devoted wife and mother, and no one living in the New Bielau community was held in higher esteem. During her declining years her children were devoted to her, and showered every possible attention that “Mother’s” last days upon earth might be peaceful and happy.
Knowing Mrs. Dahse for the past two decades, and appreciating the heavy loss her loved ones have sustained, our heartfelt sympathy goes out to them in their deep bereavement.
Weimar Mercury, August 29, 1927, page 1
Dahse, Alma (Oncken)
A Sad Accident.
Mrs. Alma Dahse, wife of Louis Dahse, a prominent farmer of the New Bielau neighborhood, met with a serious accident Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock. She was standing at the elevated platform at the ice factory when a team hitched to a wagon loaded with coal became frightened and suddenly backed the wagon into her, crushing her with great violence against the platform. She was seriously injured internally. and was at once taken to Mrs. Weete’s residence and a physician summoned. She seemed to suffer agonies; and only received relief when under the influence of opiates. Her condition is still critical, and it is impossible to say whether she will live or not. Many friends of the family join us in the fervent hope that she will live through it. Mrs. Dahse is a daughter of Mrs. John Oncken of this city.
LATER.--Mrs. Dahse died Tuesday night, after suffering untold agonies since the time of the accident. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. A. Hoegemeyer Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Paul Piepenbrok officiating, interment taking place in the Masonic cemetery at this place. Mrs. Dahse was a splendid young woman, beloved by all who knew her, and the tragic accident which caused her death is deeply and sincerely deplored by all. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved husband, relatives and friends.
Weimar Mercury, November 15, 1912, page 1
Dahse, Alma E. (Poppe)
Mrs. Gus Dahse, 78, Succumbs To Long Illness
Funeral services for Mrs. Gus Dahse, 78, who died at 4 a.m. Monday, Feb. 18, in Youens Hospital after 14 years of illness, were held Tuesday after noon at New Bielau Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Her pastor, Rev. George E.Fuchs, officiated. Interment was in the New Bielau cemetery.
Mrs. Dahse, who had lived in the New Bielau community 50 years before she and her husband moved to Weimar in 1958, had been hospitalized several times during her long illness and for some time had been confined to wheelchair and bed at home. Her last stay in the hospital began Feb. 15.
The former Miss Alma Poppe, she was born January 1, 1885 in a log cabin three miles north of Oakland, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Poppe. She was married to Gustav Dahse Nov 28, 1907, and they settled at New Bielau, where she served as church organist for 26 years.
Surviving in addition to her husband are five daughters, Mrs. Willie (Selma) Wienken, Mrs. Fred (Esther) Vornsand, Mrs. Emil (Ellyn) Helmcamp and Mrs. Edgar (Helen) Kainer, all of Weimar, and Mrs. Garner (Nora) VanAlystne of Lufkin; 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren; and one brother, Helmuth Poppe of Sublime.
Pallbearers were Leonard Wienken, Glenn Vornsand, Kenneth Vornsand, Harris Kainer, Joe Adamcik and James Sales.
Weimar Mercury, February 21, 1963
Dahse, August
Another Old Timer Called Unto His Last Reward
People of this section were deeply saddened Thursday morning of last week when the news flashed over the community that Mr. August Dahse,one of the oldest and most prominent of our citizens, had been called to his last reward.
It was generally known that Mr. Dahse was in a precarious condition and had been so for a number of weeks, but being a man of much vigor it was hoped he would be able to over come his physical ills and be spared to family and friends for a long time to come. This, however, proved a vain hope. A sinking spell early Thursday brought on Death very quickly.
Funeral arrangements were made and at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon the remains of this good man and citizen were committed to rest in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, this city, from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Emil Brunkenhoefer, Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, local Lutheran minister, officiating. The funeral was largely attended, attesting the high esteem in which decedent was held by his fellow-man.
Mr. August Dahse was born March 5, 1862, in Germany. He came to this country when a mere infant, the family locating at Welcome, Washington county. At the age of 14 years his parents moved to Colorado county, settling in the New Bielau community. Here, later in life, Mr. Dahse was united in marriage to Miss Ida Engels, the ceremony taking place Nov. 2!, 1887. Seven children blessed this union. Of this number, Oscar, died in infancy, and Clem, another son, died in Fort Worth in 1926. The widow and remaining children--Mrs. Clara Laas, Mrs. Erna Brunkenhoefer, Herbert Dahse of Houston, Eric Dahse and Erwin Dahse of Austin--survive. Other survivors are seven grandchildren, one brother, Willie Dahse, and two sisters. Mrs. Ida Emken of San Antonio and Mrs. Mary Lichey of New Bielau. Mr. Dahse was a member of the Lutheran Church of New Bielau. At time of death he was 68 years, 2 months and 10 days old.
August Dahse was well and favorably known throughout this section, where he spent practically his entire life. He was a man of friendly, genial disposition, enterprising spirit, ever proving himself a devoted husband and father, a good neighbor and friend, and his passing will be noted with extreme regret by a large circle of friends and acquaintances throughout South Texas.
In the loss of their beloved husband and father, the family has the heartfelt sympathy of all our people.
Weimar Mercury, May 23, 1930, page 1
Dahse, Edith H. W.
Child Drinks Gasolene[sic]; Dies.
While playing around the home a few miles south of Weimar, last Sunday, the 2-year-old baby daughter (their only child) of Adolf Dahse and wife in some way got hold of a bottle of gasoline and drank a part of the contents of same. Physicians were hurriedly summoned from Oakland and Weimar and they responded as fast as autos could get them to the scene, doing all in their power to counteract the deadly effects of the poison, but their efforts were in vain and after about one hour of suffering the little baby girl succumbed to the effects of the deadly stuff she had swallowed. The little girl was a bright child, the pride and delight of her parents' heart, and in losing the idol of their home Mr. and Mrs. Dahse have the unfeigned sympathy of the entire community. God be with and comfort them, as He alone can. [Interment in New Bielau Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, September 18, 1914
Dahse, Emma M. (Gerstenberger)
News reached here Wednesday that Mrs. Robert F. Dahse, beloved wife of Mr. Robert F. Dahse of Woodsboro--both former residents of the New Bielau section--had died. The remains were brought to the home of Mr. Adolf Dahse of the New Bielau section and this afternoon (Thursday) will be laid to rest in the New Bielau Cemetery.
At this time facts concerning her death are meager, but we hope to secure and publish a suitable obituary in our next issue.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, December 8., 1933, page 5
Death of Mrs. Robert Dahse
There were many sad hearts thruout this section when news came Tuesday night that Mrs. Robert Dahse of Woodsboro had passed away. Her death was unexpected. Mrs. Dahse was well and favorable known to many people around here and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerstenberger, Sr., of here, her parents being one of the first families to settle here. Mrs. Dahse was born Oct. 7, 1879, here at New Bielau, and Nov. 18, 1899, was married to Mr. R. W. Dahse of here. The couple lived in this section until 1913, when they moved to Woodsboro, and had lived there ever since. She died Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. The remains were prepared for burial and brought to this section to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Dahse by Mr. Johnnie Zarsky, undertaker of Woodsboro, Thursday morning and from there Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock were transported to the New Bielau Evangelical Lutheran Church, where appropriate services were held by Rev. Paul Piepenbrok of Schulenburg and Rev. O. A. Meyer of Weimar, followed by interment in the New Bielau cemetery.
She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Otto Schultz and Miss Laura Dahse, one son, George Dahse and one granddaughter, Dorothy Mae, all of Woodsboro; one sister Mrs. Max Ulbricht of here and two brothers, Messrs. Gus Gerstenberger of Rockdale and Edward Gerstenberger of Bayside.
Active pall bearers were Dr. William Dodson, Messrs. Arnold Kasten, Lonnie Piebl, and Harry Klein, all of Woodsboro, and Messrs. Willie Koehn and Henry Poppe of here.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones.
Among those from a distance attending the funeral of Mrs. R. W. Dahse of Woodsboro were: Mrs. William Dodson, Mrs. Kasten, Mrs. Harry Klein, Joe Wanja, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Munsch, Mr. Aug. Hoffman, Mrs. Zarsky, Mr. De Witt Harsdorff, all of Woodsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Wendt and Mr. and Ms. John Koehn of Orange Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laging, Mr. and Mrs. John Wendt of Nordheim, Mrs. Olga Kreuger and daughter and Mr. Johnnie Konzelka of Taylor; Mr. Henry Dahse of San Antonio; Sheriff F. F. Hoegemeyer, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mann of Austin; Mr. Alfred Gerstenberger of Rockdale; Mrs. Piepenbrok of Schulenburg and other whose names we can not now recall.
Weimar Mercury, December 16, 1933, page 2
Dahse, Ernestine (Hoegemeyer)
Mrs. Adolph Dahse, 73, Succumbs; Rites Set Friday
Funeral services will be held Friday, Sept. 16, for Mrs. Adolph Dahse, 73, who died at her home here at 3:20 Wednesday, after almost a year of illness.
Services will start at Hubbard Funeral Home at 2:30 p.m., continuing at New Bielau Trinity Church, with interment in the church cemetery. The Rev. Chas. Bawel will officiate.
Mrs. Dahse, the former Miss Ernestine Hoegemeyer, was born at New Bielau and lived there until June of this year when she and her husband sold their farm and moved to Weimar, buying a home here. She had been a member of the New Bielau church and Ladies Aid for many years.
Born Nov. 12, 1886, she was the daughter of Chas. F. and Hulda Engels Hoegemeyer, and was married to Mr. Dahse in her parent’s home Nov. 20, 1906. They settled on the Dahse homestead place and lived there until this year.
Surviving in addition to her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Cecil Schulz, and two grandchildren, Yleen and Larry Koehn of Weimar; four brothers, Owen and Frank Hoegemeyer of Columbus, Herman Hoegemeyer of Corpus Christi and Charles Hoegemeyer of New Bielau; and one sister, Mrs. Edith Beken of New Bielau. An infant daughter and a brother, Otto Hoegemeyer, preceded her in death.
Weimar Mercury, September 16, 1960, page 1
Dahse, Fredrich
Fred Dahse, for many years a well-known and popular farmer of the New Bielau vicinity, died last Monday night, after a long and painful illness, and was buried the following afternoon. Mr. Dahse was a good man, one of our best German citizens, kind-hearted and liberal to a fault, the possessor of a large circle of friends, and his death is deeply regretted. A large number of our citizens went out Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral. Our sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved family. [Interment in New Bielau Cemetery]
Weimar Mercury, November 11, 1899
Dahse, Gustav F.
Heart Attack Is Fatal to Gus Dahse, 87
Funeral services are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Hubbard Funeral Chapel for Gustav F. Dahse, 87, who died of a heart attack at 6:10 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, at Parkview Manor.
Rev. Robert N. Crawford, pastor of New Bielau Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, where Mr. Dahse was a lifelong member, will officiate. Burial will be in the New Bielau cemetery.
Mr. Dahse was born at New Bielau, on Nov. 8, 1883, a son of Friedrich and Albertina Trojan Dahse, and lived there nearly all his life. He married Miss Alma Poppe there Nov. 28, 1907, and they settled in that community, then moved to Shiner. After several years they moved back to New Bielau, and in 1958 they moved to Weimar. Mrs. Dahse died in February 1963.
Mr. Dahse had lived in Parkview only a short time and recently had been in the hospital for three weeks.
In the New Bielau community he had been a school trustee, on the church board, and a director of the community center.
He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Willie (Selma) Weinken, Mrs. Fred (Esther) Vornsand, Mrs. Edgar (Helen) Kainer, all of the Weimar area, and Mrs. Garner (Nora) Van Alstyne of Willis; 15 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren; one brother, Louis Dahse of Weimar; and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Havermann of Houston, Mrs. Hulda Schuenemann of Nordheim, and Mrs. Elsie Piepenbrok of Navasota.
Four brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.
The Weimar Mercury, Thursday, February 4, 1971
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Dahse, Hilmar H. T.
Little Baby Dies While Parents Absent
A sad incident was that of the death of the baby son of Otto Dahse and wife of the New Bielau section, one day last week, the cause, so we have been informed,being locked bowels. The father was taken to San Antonio Saturday a week ago to be operated on for serious Kidney trouble. The wife accompanied him, leaving the baby with relatives. The baby boy, 10 months old, was not well when the parents left, but it was not thought to be anything serious. His condition became serious very rapidly, however.
The wife and mother could not leave the bedside of the husband and father who had just undergone a serious operation, so was unable to be present at the funeral. Tender hands prepared the little body for the grave and it was laid to rest in the New Bielau Cemetery. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Dahse in their misfortune.
Weimar Mercury, February 11, 1921, page 1
Dahse, Ida (Engels)
Final Rites for Mrs. Ida Dahse, 90, Held Here Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Dahse, 90, of Houston, widow of the late August Dahse, were held at Hubbard Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, May 26, with Rev. Hermann of Houston officiating. Burial was in Masonic Cemetery here.
Mrs. Dashe[sic] was the former Miss Ida Engels of here. Her husband preceded her in death in 1930, and about two years later she moved to Houston, where she lived with her daughter, Mrs. Clara McRee. Her death occurred Monday in a Houston hospital.
Surviving are two sons, Herbert Dashe[sic] of Houston and Eric Dahse of Waco; the daughter, Mrs. McRee; three sisters, Mrs. Pauline Gerstenberg of Weimar, Mrs. Clara Laas of Columbus, and Mrs. Olga Guenther of New Jersey; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Ronnie Dahse, James Buxley, W. D. Hunter, Jr., Raymond Dunn, Alvin Dunn, and Bob Donnelly.
Weimar Mercury, May 29, 1959, page 1
Dahse, Johanna Magdalena (Nagel)
Final Rites For Mrs. Lena Dahse, 75, Held Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. Lena Dahse, 75, were held Saturday afternoon, August 13, at Hubbard Funeral Home, with Rev. Herbert Zimmerman, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, officiating. Burial was in the New iBelau[sic] Cemetery.
Mrs. Dahse died at 6 p.m. Thursday, August 11, in Youens Hospital. She had been ill for about a year.
Born Nov. 9, 1890, at Arneckeville, Texas, she was the former Johanna Magdalene[sic] Nagel, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Rudolph Nagel. She was married to Otto Dahse on March 22, 1910, and they made their home in the New Bielau community. Mr. Dahse died Dec. 3, 1931. Mrs. Dahse was remarried to Fred Logemann of Yorktown, who also died many years ago. After that she made here home in Victoria, where she operated a nursery for 12 years. In December 1963 she returned to live in Weimar.
Surviving her are two sons, Fred and Rubin, both of Weimar; two daughters, Mrs. Walter (Elvira) Poppe of Weimar and Mrs. Charles (Laverne) Wilcox of Silsbee; 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; one brother, Carl Nagel of La Grange; and two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Schroeder of Floresville and Mrs. Louis Dahse of Weimar.
Pallbearers were Emil Helmcamp, Edgar Kainer, Willie Wienken, Fred Vornsand, Norwin Dahse and Oscar Schaefer.
Weimar Mercury, August 18, 1966, page 1
Dahse, John
Many friends throughout this section were indeed saddened to learn of the death of Mr. John Dahse, an old-time former citizen of this city and section, which occurred at Taylor, Texas, Thursday night of last week, in which city he and his good wife had been making their home for several years past.
Mr. Dahse had been in bad health for some time, and for weeks past not much hope was held out for him, nevertheless his death occasioned sincere sadness both in Taylor and this section, where he lived for may years.
The remains were brought here Saturday for interment in the New Bielau Cemetery that afternoon, and the attendance of mourning, old-time friends and neighbors was very large. Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, local Lutheran minister, officiated in a touching service at the grave.
Mr. Dahse was born in Brandenburg, Germany, came to this country in 1857 and was 80 years old at the time of his death. He had resided in this section for many years, moving to Taylor a few years ago, where two of his married children resided.
Mr. Dahse was a quiet, good citizen, honest, honorable, ever a good husband, father, neighbor and friend, possessing the respect and esteem of all who knew him, and his death is deeply and sincerely deplored.
He is survived by the widow, three daughters, Mrs. W. C. Klockmann of Taylor, Mrs. Annie Wendt of Orange Grove and Mrs. OIga Krueger of Taylor, and three sons, Robert Dahse of Woodsboro, Henry Dahse of Orange Grove and Adolf Dahse of the New Bielau community, to whom the sympathy of all our people is extended.
Weimar Mercury, March 28, 1924, page 1
Dahse, Louis Robert
Final Rites for Louis Dahse, 89
Funeral services for Louis Robert Dahse, 89, were held Thursday, Sept. 9, at Hubbard Funeral Chapel, with burial in Masonic Cemetery. Rev. C. Wm. Mosley officiated.
Mr. Dahse, who had retired from farming in the New Bielau area 13 years ago, died at 9:30 p.m. Sept. 7, in Youens Memorial Hospital after several months’ illness from heart disease. He had been in the hospital 11 days.
Born Dec 4, 1886 at New Bielau, he was the son of Friedrich and Albertina (Trojan) Dahse. He married Alma Oncken on Dec. 10, 1907, and she died Nov. 11, 1912. On Dec. 2, 1915, he married Mathilde Nagel, who survives him, along with a son and a daughter, John Dahse of San Angelo and Mrs. Edwin (Aline) Freeman of La Grange; and two sisters, Mrs. Hulda Schueneman of Nordheim and Mose Elsie Piepenbrook of Navasota.
Five brothers and four sisters preceded him in death.
He was a member of Faith Lutheran Church of Weimar.
Pallbearers were Hugo Richter, Fred Dahse, Gene Oncken, Rubin Dahse, Joe Adamcik and John Hajovsky.
Weimar Mercury, September 13, 1976
Dahse, Mary Lorene (Layton)

Lorene Dahse Funeral Service Held Feb. 5
Mary Lorene Dahse, 88, of Weimar died Feb. 3, 2008 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center.
She was born on Sept. 5, 1919, in Hallettsville to Leo John Layton and Willie (Dufner) Layton.
She graduated from Hallettsville High School.
On Oct. 16, 1939, she married Rubin E. Dahse in Weimar.
She was a homemaker and a helper to her husband who owned Rubin's Grocery in Weimar.
She dedicated herself to her husband and children while the children were at home.
From 1968-1980, she worked at Youens Memorial Hospital as a nurse's aide.
Lorene had been an active member of Zion Lutheran Church in Schulenburg since 1951.
She was a member and former president of her church's Lutheran Women's Missionary League, as well as a Sunday school teacher and member of the Dorcas Guild.
She was also a member of Zion's fellowship group and was known as a caregiver and would visit those who were struggling with disease or other life issues.
In addition to her church-related activities, Lorene served as a Cub Scout leader, a member and officer of the PTA and a charter member of the Weimar Encore Lions Club.
A funeral service was held at Zion Lutheran Church on Feb. 5, with Pastor Lee Kunkel officiating.
Interment followed in Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Pallbearers included Rob Dahse, Justin Dahse, Blake Dahse, John Vachala, Kenneth Berger, Kenny Helmcamp and Brian Berger.
She is survived by one daughter, Ava June Vachala and husband Jerry of Weimar; four sons, James Edward Dahse and wife Carolyn of Weimar, William Howard Dahse and wife Carolyn of La Grange, Jackie Garland Dahse of Houston and Ronald Dean Dahse and wife Jo Ann of Houston; two sisters-in-law, Elvira Poppe of Weimar and Christine Dahse of Houston; one brother-in-law, Charles Wilcox; 10 grandchildren, Becky (Vachala) Berger, John Vachala, Gwen Vachala Helmcamp, Dawn Dahse, Blake Dahse, Robert Dahse, Justin Dahse, Josh Lasserre, Aaron Hilscher and Heather Mangum; 11 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband Rubin on Jan. 15, 2006; her parents; three brothers, Howard, Donald and James Layton and two sisters, Willie Vee Huller and Margie Layton.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Garden Fund at Zion Lutheran Church or to a charity of one's choice.
Weimar Mercury, February 14, 2008, page 2A
Dahse, Mathilde Friedricka Marie (Nagel)
Funeral services for Mathilde Friedricka Marie Dahse, 95, a resident of Parkview Manor, were held Tuesday, Jan 2, from Hubbard Funeral Chapel, with burial in Masonic Cemetery, Pastor Vernon Rabel officiated.
Mrs. Dahse died Dec. 30 at 6:25 p.m. at Parkview after a stroke.
Born March 16, 1894, at Arneckeville, Texas, she was a daughter of Rudolph and Kathrine (Hiller) Nagel. She was married to Louis Dahse at Weimar on Dec. 23, 1915, and they settled in the Weimar area. He died Sept. 7, 1976.
Surviving her are a daughter and son-in-law, Aline and Edwin Freeman of La Grange; three grandchildren and their spouses, Connie and Wayne Nanney of San Antonio, Mark and Susan Freeman of Bedford, and Shirlee and Jerry Lewis of California and four great-grandchildren. Three sisters, two brothers, a granddaughter and a great-grandson preceded her in death.
Serving as pallbearers were Rubin Dahse, Walter Schroeder, Walter Poppe, Hugo Richter Jr., Kenneth Pesak and Daniel Ulbricht.
Weimar Mercury, January 11, 1990
Transcribed by Dennis Boatright
Dahse, Myrtle Marie
A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Dahse of this section Monday morning.
Weimar Mercury, March 24, 1933, page 2
[Myrtle Marie died soon after birth. However, no obit was found for her. Interment was in Weimar Masonic Cemetery. DA] |
Dahse, Otto A.
A Good Man Has Gone to His Eternal Reward
Many hearts throughout this section were deeply saddened Friday morning of last week when it was learned that Mr. Otto A. Dahse, one of the most popular and beloved citizens of the New Bielau community, had died the night previous.
Mr. Dahse had been in ill health for several years past,at times confined to his bed, but had gotten up time after time, and his genial temperament had led many to believe that, after all, perhaps his physical troubles might not be so serious. Mr. Dahse several years ago underwent a very serious operation in San Antonio, and to physicians and family it was generally recognized that his condition really and truly was serious, and that an end might come to this good man at any time. Some ten days previous to his death he was forced to take to his bed, he grew worse rapidly and the end came to him peacefully Thursday night of last week.
Funeral arrangement were made and the body committed to mother earth with interment in the New Bielau Cemetery Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Services were conducted by Rev. Baltzer of Houston and Rev. Anderson of this city, in the presence of a large circle of mourning relatives and friends. Floral emblems were numerous and beautiful, attesting the high regard in which decedent was held by his friends and neighbors.
Otto A. Dahse was born July 18, 1888. in New Bielau, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dahse. He was baptized and confirmed in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Bielau. He was united in marriage in 1920 to Miss Magdalene Nagel. Five children were born to this union, of whom one died in infancy about eleven years ago, on the day and date decedent underwent a very serious operation in San Antonio. Mr. Dahse is survived by his widow, Mrs. Magdalene Dahse, four children--two sons, Fred and Rubin, and two daughters, Elvera and Ruth Laverne; five brothers, Gus, Rudolf, Louis, Edward of Shiner and Herman of Nordheim; five sisters, Mrs. Emelie Rathke, Mrs. Bertha Wendt, Mrs. Marie Havermann of Houston, Mrs. Hulda Oncken of Shiner and Mrs. Elsie Piepenbrok of Schulenburg.
Funeral services were held at the home, church and grave by the two Lutheran ministers above named. The New Bielau choir also rendered several beautiful and touching songs. Mr. Dahse was a member of the New Bielau Lutheran Church. Mr. Dahse had been in failing health for the past twelve years, a sufferer from a severe kidney complaint. He underwent two serious operations in search of relief, but it only proved temporary. At time of death he was a little over 43 years old.
Otto Dahse was a man whom to know was to like. Of friendly, cheerful temperament, he always proved a welcome addition to every circle in which he moved. Despite his afflictions, he bore up cheerfully, and to the last, was possessed of energy that deceived many into the belief that he was on the road to permanent recovery. Otto Dahse was an honest man, a good man, a man whose friendship was prized by all. He was good to his family, good to his neighbors, good to everyone with whom he came in contact. His death is deeply and sincerely regretted. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones in the irreparable loss they have sustained.
Weimar Mercury, December 11, 1931, page 1
Mr. Otto Dahse of Weimar, brother of Herman Dahse of this place,died the latter part of last week after a hopeless illness of several years, aged 43 years. His wife and four children survive him. He was buried in the New Bielau settlement Saturday.
Attending the funeral from here were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Laging, Mr. and Mrs. W. Laging, W. J. Remmers and daughter, Miss Evelyn, C. O. Stirl and daughter, Miss Hilda, Henry E. Remmers and family and Herman Dahse and family. The last named family had been with their brother several days preceding his death.--Nordheim View.
Weimar Mercury, December 18, 1931, page 7
Dahse, Robert W.
Funeral services for Robert W. Dahse of Woodsboro were to be held at New Bielau Cemetery this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Dahse, a brother of Ad. Dahse of New Bielau, formerly lived In this area but had lived in Woodsboro for the past 30 or 40 years. His wife is also buried at New Bielau.
More details will be published next week. [Found nothing more. DA]
Weimar Mercury, December 4, 1953, page 1
Dahse, Rubin Edward

Rubin Dahse Funeral Services Held Jan. 17
Rubin Edward Dahse, 88, of Weimar died Jan. 15 at the family home. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 17 at the Zion Lutheran Church in Schulenburg with Pastor Lee Kunkel officiating.
Interment followed at the Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Rubin was born Aug. 30, 1917 in Colorado County to Otto A. and Magdalena (Nagel) Dahse.
He attended New Bielau School and Weimar High School.
Mr. Dahse married Mary Lorene (Layton) Dahse on Oct 16, 1939 in Weimar.
He lived his whole life in the Weimar area.
Rubin served in the United States Army from March 28, 1944 to Oct 22, 1945 and was a Purple Heart recipient.
He has been a member of the Lutheran Faith all his life. He faithfully served as elder at Zion Lutheran for many years.
He owned and operated Rubin’s Grocery for over 55 years. He loved his employees, his customers and all the people he met.
He may have been a small man in size, but his heart was too big to be measured.
He is survived by his wife; children, Ave June Vachala and husband Jerry of Weimar, James E. Dahse and wife Carolyn of Weimar, W. Howard Dahse and wife Carolyn of La Grange, Jack G. Dahse of Houston, and R, Dean Dahse and wife JoAnn of Houston; sister, Elvira Poppe of Weimar; sister-in-law, Christine Dahse of Houston; and brother-in-law, Charles Wilcox of Silsbee.
He is also survived by his grandchildren, Becky Berger and husband Kenneth, John Vachala, Gwen Helmcamp and husband Kenny, Blake Dahse, Dawn Dahse, Rob Dahse and wife Rebecca, Justin Dahse and wife Krystal, Josh Lasserre and wife Kim, Heather Mangum and husband Michael, and Aaron Hilscher; great-grandchildren, Brian and Lauryn Berger, Carter and Kylie Helmcamp, Lane Dahse, Micaela and Hunter Mangum, Mason and Cameron Lasserre, and Numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Fred and Hilmer Dahse; and sister, Ruth Laverne Wilcox.
Pallbearers were Rob Dahse, Justin Dahse, Blake Dahse, John Vachala, Brian Berger, Kenneth Berger and Kenny Helmcamp.
Honorary pallbearers were Walter Scott, Daniel Ulbricht, Anton Rabel, Rudy Torres, Richard Miska and Larry Janda.
Weimar Mercury, January 19, 2006
Dahse, Theresia (Ehweiner)
Mrs. Therese Dahse Claimed by Death
Mrs. Theresa Dahse, widow of the late Mr. Chr. Dahse, died at her home in the New Bielau community last Sunday, and the remains were laid to rest in the New Bielau Cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Dahse had made her home for some time past with her son. Mr. Emil Dahse, and her death took place there. Old age, as much as anything else, was the cause of her death.
Mrs. Dahse, nee Ehweiner, was born Oct. 5, 1848, in Austria. At the age of 7 years she emigrated with her parents to the United States, landing at Port Arthur, Texas, going from that point overland in an ox wagon to Austin county, near Brenham. She moved with her parents to the New Bielau community, in Colorado county, two years later. She was united in marriage to Mr. Christian Dahse in 1891. No children were born to this couple, but she was a step-mother to five children--August Dahse, recently deceased; Mrs. Eda Emken, Mr. Wm. Dahse, Mrs. Mary Lichey, and Mr. Emil Dahse, who was adopted as an infant. She leaves a total of 24 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She had one brother, M. Ehweiner, who died in 1917, and one sister, Mrs. Berthold. Her husband died in 1918. She was a member of the New Bielau Lutheran Church for many years. At time of her death Mrs. Dahse was 81 years, 8 months and 11 days old.
Mrs. Dahse was a kind-hearted, good woman, a devoted wife and mother, a kind and considerate neighbor and friend, and her death is deeply deplored. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, June 27, 1930, page 1
Dahse, Wilhelmina (Pehl)
Weimar Local Matters
We failed to mention in last week’s items the death of Mrs. Christian Dahse, that occurred at her home about four miles south, of this place the 19th of March, after an illness of about three weeks’ duration, of intermittent fever. Mrs. Dahse has been a citizen of this neighborhood, since 1853. She was 53 years of age, leaves a husband and four children to mourn her lose. [Interment in the Dahse Cemetery]
Colorado Citizen, April 3, 1890
Dahse, William F. J.
William Dahse, 68, Dies Suddenly At Family Residence
Wm. Dahse of the New Bielau community died suddenly on Wednesday of last week at the family residence. Funeral services were held at the residence Sunday afternoon at 4-'o'clock, with the Rev. C. Emigholz, Evangelical Lutheran pastor, officiating. Interment was made in the New Bielau cemetery.
William F. J. Dahse was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Dahse and was born at New Bielau, where he spent his entire life on the farm. He was 67 years, 11. months and 21 days old at time of death. He was united in marriage to Adela Walicek on May 17. 1903. at New Bielau.
He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Hermann Sons lodge.
Active pallbearers were Herman Koehn, Edwin Koehn. Willie Klesel, Henry Klesel, Adolf Schindler and Adolf Dahse.
Survivors include his wife; three daughters. Mrs. Ella Braden of Houston, Mrs. Hilda Edge of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Irma Litzler of Houston; three sons, Alfred C. Dahse of Houston, Ernest Dahse of Hallettsville, Cpl. Walter A. Dahse, Air Corps. Tonopah, Nevada. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Ida Emkin and Mrs. Marie Lichey, and 5 grandchildren. One brother, August Dahse preceded him in death.
The Mercury extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
Among those from out of town attending the funeral included Mrs. Ida Emkin of Dryer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Emkin of Dryer, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schneidt of Dryer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bischoff of Yoakum, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McGrew of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ruhmann of Yoakum, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walicek of Shiner, Mr. and Mrs. John Rebstein of Yoakum, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tiechmann of Hallettsville, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Stirl of Houston.
Weimar Mercury, July 7, 1944, page 1