Colorado County

"It was in the News"


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Weimar Items
The attendance at the Methodist Church services upon last Sunday night was so large that the school house now occupied to hold Divine worship in could not hold the congregation. Hope soon to see the new Church finished and then there will be room enough for all.
Colorado Citizen, September 4, 1879

E. D. Carter wishes to inform his friends and the farmers generally that he has purchased the Weimar cotton gin, formally[sic] owned by Mr. Whiting, and has procured the services of Mr. Elliott--an old, experienced hand at the business, who will always be in readiness to serve them, politely, and with dispatch. He promises to do all in his power to give satisfaction. Give him a trial.
Colorado Citizen, October 23, 1879


Re-Naming Weimar

We intend to change the name of Weimar to that of “Gin Town,” not because a heap of it is drunk here, but because we are going to have three steam cotton gins with three gin stands each. Great Caesars! Won’t the fleecy stuff fly out this next year, if the worm don’t come, and lots of other things, too numerous to mention don’t happen?
Colorado Citizen, May 12, 1881
Transcribed by Judy Talkington

Center Grove??

Weimar Local Matters
The protracted meeting going on at Center Grove, under the leadership of the Rev. Isaac Sellers, assisted by Rev. Pinkney Harris, up to Tuesday night, was crowned with success. Thirty-seven conversions, thirty-one- accessions to the church, by experience and baptism, and on that evening fifty-seven were on the anxious seat for the benefit of prayer.
Colorado Citizen, July 21, 1881

Weimar Local Matters
Mr. George Bishop left Monday night for New York City, to visit the “od folks.” George was a good U. S. soldier, has been in Texas fifteen years, married a native daughter of the Lone Star State, and says he can go back and tell them “Stalwarts” that Texans are loyal. That he can “spout” politic to them, vote the Republican ticket and till survive; and proposes to tell the “old folks” if they wish to shun rottenness to go South where free speech is allowed to everybody.
Colorado Citizen, August 11, 1881, page 3

Weimar Local Matters
There is a proposition on foot to have the good ladies of Weimar and community to organize themselves into a society for the purpose of cleaning up and decorating our grave-yard. We do hope the scheme may succeed. The tall, dry grass that is now growing here is liable to catch fire at any time by a passing engine, or carelesness[sic]. Should it happen it would ruin a fine lot of shrubbery that lovely hands have placed there, and then most of the tombstones would be more or less injured if not entirely ruined. It is absolutely dangerous to neglect this matter.
Colorado Citizen, August 18, 1881, page 3

REFINED OIL. —We have been shown by Mr. Witting,of our city, specimens of refined cotton-seed oil manufactured at the Hillji Brothers’ oil mill, Weimar, which is very pretty, and appears as if it could be used very well in cooking pastry for the table. There are two kinds, the natural refined oil, and the refined oil bleached, being much lighter in color than the natural oil. The latter kind is now used in putting up sardines at Baltimore, with success. The oil was manufactured from a process known by Prof. E. J. Richter, a distinguished scholar and chemist, recently from Berlin, Prussia, who is instructing the Hillji Brothers in its modus operandi, and can be seen on our table. Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the Columbus oil men to possess themselves of this knowledge?
Colorado Citizen, September 15, 1881, page 3

About fifty immigrants landed here Sunday, and were distributed around Weimar. Most of them were from Bohemia, and seemed to belong to the better class. All had funds, wer undersand, to buy lands. We have a good country and a large, with room for more. Le them come, we say, and develop the country, for our own people have gotten bravely over anything of that kind.
Colorado Citizen, November 3, 1881, page 3


The following gentlemen were elected to fill the offices of Weimar Lodge No. 423, A. F. & A. M.: A. F. Dunson, W. M.; E. D. Carter, S. W.; Dr. T. C. Cook, J. W.; J. J. Holloway, Treas.; P. H. Hargon, Sec.; John Moskow, Tyler.

Osage Lodge, No. 301, elected J. B. Harris, W. M.; H. E. Waller, S. W.; J. R. Hornbuckle, J. W.; F. E. Caldwell, Treas.; J. A. McNeill, Sec.; J. Everett, Tyler. The elected officers of the two Lodges just mentoned are good, solid men, and the Lodges will undoubtedly prosper under their supervision.
Colorado Citizen, June 1, 1882, page 3

Mrs. Dorcas Taylor, and her daughter, Mrs. Holman, consort of the late Dr. M. F. Holman, who died in Graham not long since, have returned to Weimar and will make this place their home for the present. Mrs. H. left this place not a great while ago with hopes bright, and spirits buoyant, but now returns sorrowing, having left the remains of the loved young husband buried in Young county. “In the midst of life we are in death.”
Colorado Citizen, June 1, 1882, page 3

The Weimar Lodge, I. O. O. F., elected the following offices for this term, viz: C. D. Barnett, N. G.; J. B. Harris, V. G.; P. H. Hargon, Sec.; G. W. Dickey, Treas.; R. C. Dollin, Host—and proposed to dedicate the “Odd Fellows’ Rest,” at this place, next Monday evening at 4 o’clock, p.m., on which occasion sister Lodges near will be invited to participate. We hope they may have a pleasant and profitable time.
Colorado Citizen, June 29, 1882, page 3

The Odd Fellows’ Rest , of this place, was dedicated Monday evening at 4 o’clock, p.m. Henry Wagenfuhr, D.G.M. officiating, assisted by several of the brethren of Kosmos Lodge, of your city. The ceremony was very solemn and impressive. At night said officer had a public installment of the officer of Weimar Lodge, No. 201, I. O. O. F., after which the degree of Rebekah was conferred upon several of the Sisters and Brethren.
Colorado Citizen, July 6,1882, page 3

Weimar Local Matters
The man, Jerry Wilkins, who killed Marshall Wells, both colored, on the 25th ult, near Weimar, and has been hiding out since that time. surrendered himself last Sunday to Rose Daniel, a freedman, saying he was tired of the life he was forced to live. He was brought to Weimar, and on Monday last he was sent to jail without the benefit of bail. Notwithstanding the terrible crime he committed, he has many sympathisers, who believe he committed the murder when he only intended a “bluff,” and had no idea of shooting when he presented the gun.
Colorado Citizen, December 21, 1882


Cold Weather

Weimar Local Matters
The coldest spell of this winter came upon us last Saturday, and in fact the coldest we have had for years, as has been remrked before in the Items from this point. The oldest native born white citizen of Texas lives here; his head is frosted over by nearly sixty winters; and he declares that Saturday was the coldest day he ever experienced in his natural life. The mercury was only 13 degrees above zero Sleet and snow both fell almost the entire day. The pipes attached to our water tank froze, and bursted in one place. Apples, onions, potatoes, drugs, blueing, ink, pickles, vinegar, and summer whisky, in a good many stores, were frozen, and all ruined except the whiskey which is now sold by the pound, at reduced prices. Stock of every kind suffered much and had to be housed and fed. There are some fears of injury to the fruit trees, but we hardly think that they are injured to any great extent, and strange to say the sheet and snow have both mysteriously disappeared, and left no slop or mud to follow.
Colorado Citizen, January 25, 1883

Weimar Local Matters
Our brethren of the O. S. P. are going to build a church in this place some time in the near future. the subscription list is being circulated, for that object, with a fair prospect of success.
We also have heard that there had been nineteen hundred dollars subscribed towards erecting a Catholic Church here, and all they need is six hundred more. When our Catholic brothers get in earnest all hands put their shoulders to the wheel and pull together.

Col. T. W. Peirce, President of the “Sunset,” has donated one hundred dollars more towards buying desks for the Weimar Institute. This makes three hundred dollars he has given to this school for that purpose. Col. Peirce will ever be gratefully remembered by this people for his liberality. He has never been called upon that he has not kindly responded.
Colorado Citizen, January 25, 1883

Weimar Local Matters
Our Baptist friends are speaking of moving their Church from Center Grove to Weimar, as this will be nearer the center of the neighborhood of the members who hold their membership there. Messrs. Jackson and Peirce will, we understand, donate a lot for all Churches that will build here.
Colorado Citizen, February 1, 1883

The first through freight car from San Francisco to New Orleans passed through yesterday, with “GREETING FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO NEW ORLEANS,” on one side of the car, and names of consignor and consignee on the other. The temperance people will regret to learn that the car was loaded with California wine.
Colorado Citizen, February 8, 1883

Weimar Local Matters
The Ice-cream supper given at H. E. Carey’s for the benefit of the O. S. P. Church, last Saturday night, netted a little over twenty-five dollars. The pastorate is about completed, and the Rev. Hensley will move into it in a few days. Work on the Church will be commenced right away.

The house of Phil Polk, a well-to-do colored man, living about three miles west of Weimar, was burned down on the 29th of March last. Not only his residence but also his smoke house and other outhouses were destroyed. His loss is estimated at about a thousand dollars. By hard work and economy he had succeeded in getting his family in a comfortable condition, and it is sad that he met with so great a misfortune. The fire is supposed to have been the result of an accident. Both white and black responded liberally to the calls of these unfortunates.

Owen Heyer’s house is hastening to completion. When it is finished you may look out for another one of Henry Wagenfuhr’s “yaller” envelopes.

Fred Boetcher will soon have an elegant residence erected on “Quality Ridge,” which you know is the ridde that your Local lives on, in the town of Weimar.

Mesdames Thomas and Maigne have opened an elegant millinery establishment on Boettcher’s corner, consisting of a splendid assortment of ladies’ hats and other fine articles. I cannot refrain from remarking that I was forcibly struck with the elegance with which a hat was trimmed by little Rosa Maigne, who has been assisting her mother some in the millinery business.
Colorado Citizen, April 5, 1883


Weimar Firsts


Our little city has seen her tenth birthday. Her growth has not been very rapid, but she has grown steadily. We can now boast of a city of about twelve hundred souls, and we imagine that to recount a few of our early reminiscences will not be out of place. The first death that occurred here was that of Wm. McKennon with yellow fever, taken in Columbus. His friends were moving him out to relations and had to stop here with him on account of his bad condition. The first birth was that of Pearl Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hill. The first marriage was that of George Bishop and Miss Mattie Secrest. Our first Mayor was Capt. William Herndon, our first Marshall was Mr. L. D. Secrest. The first sermon preached was by Elder Sledge, Baptist, in the private house of Mrs. Sloan. The first scholl[sic] organized was taught by P. H. Hargon. First railroad Agent, was C. C. Maigne. The first house built was by Mr. William Herndon. The first Post Master was Fred Boettcher. The first family that settled here was C D. Barnett. First church built was the A. M. E. colored. The first cotton shipped from here was by Harrison and Lane of Flatonia. Now when our little city shall have grown to the proportions of the metropolis of Fayette county (Schulenburg), it will be pleasant to look back to the past and call up these reminiscences.
Colorado Citizen, January 31, 1884

We were pleased to make the acquaintance of Peter Ledsinger, f.m.c., of Dyersburg, Tenn. He is the brother-in-law of Uncle Ab. Granger, one of our most substantial colored citizens. Mr. Ledsinger has been visiting Uncle Ab’s family the last few weeks and left the other day for home. He is much pleased with Texas, but says he can’t break up at home in old Tennessee. He is a man of considerable property, very intelligent, says he owes his success to sticking to his old master during the trying times of the late war, and when peace was declared he still remained on the old place, and by industry and economy, was soon able to buy some of the land that he had worked on for years; says he has always cultivated a friendly feeling towards the whites, and now prides himself upon having their entire confidence.
Colorado Citizen, January 31, 1884

Cliff Gilliam, one of our substantial colored citizens, realizing the benefits of an education, has sent his wife to Waco to attend the colored school in that city till she thoroughly prepares herself for a teacher. This is laudable in Cliff to make this sacrifice for his wife, who is ambitious to educate herself.
Colorado Citizen, October 2, 1884

J. H. L. Townsend and John McMillan, both being candidates for Constable of this beat, agreed to hold a primary election in this city Monday night to see which one should withdraw. And it resulted in John McMillan’s favor, he having the majority; and Mr. Townsend requests us to say that he withdraws in Mr. McMillan’s favor.
John McMillan takes this method of announcing to the voters of Beat No. 4, that he is a candidate for Constable of this beat, and promises if elected to do his whole duty as an officer. He is poor and has only one arm and can’t make a living at manual labor. John is well and favorably known in this community as an upright and honest man.
Colorado Citizen, October 30, 1884


Dirt was broken Monday last for the foundation of the new store house of T. L. Townsend. Pete Campbell--”our Pete”--has the contract. The building will be 50 by 90 feet.
Colorado Citizen, April 23, 1885

Weimar in 1885

Weimar has a population of 1500 souls and is dubbed the Prairie Town but in our walks taking in the city we notice through the energy of the property holders that trees are being planted on all sides and before we are as ancient as some of our neighboring towns we will have a little forest of our own. We are incorporated and a banking town and do business with the North, South, East and West. Our city is composed of 32 general stores, 3 hotels, 3 blacksmith shops, 3 wood shops, 5 bar rooms, 1 livery stable, 2 beef markets, 3 fine steam cotton gins, 2 plaining mills, 1 oil mill, 1 tin shop, 1 grand Opera House, 2 lumber yards, 3 large schools, 1 blueing and ink factory, 3 tailor shops, 2 shoe shops, 1 fence manufactory, 2 or 3 patent right men, 8 doctors, 2 lawyers, 4 painters, 1 dentist, 10 carpenters, 2 white and 3 colored churches, 2 watchmakers, 1 gunsmith, 1 ice and beer depot, 1 barber shop, 2 millinery stores, 1 hand fire engine with a Company over 60 members, 2 large show windows in front of the Blue Store, 1 saddle and harness shop, 1 cabinet shop, 2 public weighers,2 notary public, water works, 2 public wells, postoffice, calaboose, section house, large passenger depot, freight depot, 400 dwelling houses, 2 brick layers, 1 stone mason, 1 K. of H. Lodge, 1 Knights & Ladies of Honor, 1 I. O. O. F. Lodge (white), 1 Odd Fellows Lodge (colored), 1 A. O. U. W. Lodge, l Ladies Aid Society, and 1 Masonic Lodge, 2 ice cream saloons, 1 news paper office (styled the WEIMAR GIMLET), and last but not least over 100 pretty girls and an extra fine country to back us.
Weimar Gimlet, June 28, 1885

Center Grove Baptist Church

NOTICE.--The undersigned are authorized to sell the “Center Grove Baptist Church,” which will be done privately, if possible; if not, will sell the same, and all furniture thereof, on the grounds of said Church, to the highest bidder,at 2:30 o’clock, p.m., Saturday, the 1st day of August, 1885. Terms, sixty days with good security.
Colorado Citizen, July 23, 1885

The Center Grove Baptist Church that was advertised in these items last week for sale has been sold to the Baptist brethren of Weimar, the Osage members reserving the organ and seats, and the building will be moved to Weimar in a short time, and placed upon the lot donated by Messrs. Jackson & Pierce to this denomination for Church purposes.
Colorado Citizen, July 30, 1885

Some of our young folks have organizede into what they call the Weimar Dramatic club with Mrs. Mattie Thomas as president, Mrs. Jessie Grace and Mr. W. A. Baar as Vice-Presidents. They propose giving next Thursday week an entertainment for the benefit of the Methodist church. Their next concert will be for the Odd Fellow’s Cemetery. We hope they will be liberally patronized.
Weimar Gimlet, July 23, 1885

The Odd Fellows have had the two streets in the graveyard, one running north and south and he one leading east and west, cleaned off nicely.
Colorado Citizen, July 23, 1885

One of the most serious accidents happened in Weimar on last Saturday. Mr. James Taylor who owns the new gin and saw mill situated just west of Farenholds gin had his left arm cut entirely off just at the elbow. the particulars are as folows: Mr. Taylor’s gin was under full headway and was ginning at the rate of 25 bales a day when the gin became choked with seed and motes, he raised the breast of the gin and ran his hand up under the saws to clean away the trash and motes when his shirt sleeve was caught by the saw drawing his arm up to the saw which soon did the horrible cutting tearing of the arm. Mr. Taylor was taken home and Drs. McLeary, Grace and Murchison sumoned immediatly[sic]. They amputated the arm just above the elbow or rather cut off the fragments of bones that were left and at this writing Mr. Taylor is doing as well as can be expected.
Weimar Gimlet, August 27, 1885

Weimar Local Matters
The neatest piece of handiwork that we have seen in many a day is an altar cloth on the Methodist Church pulpit in this place. It is a beautiful design in Kensington Painting on dark green plush, bordered in crimson, executed by Mrs. Mattie R. Thomas, and presented to the Church. Mrs Thomas is noted for artistic skill in a kinds of fancy work.
Colorado Citizen, September 17, 1885

Weimar Local Matters
The Baptist Church in this place is being rapidly pushed to completion, and in a very short time will be ready to worship in.
Colorado Citizen, September 17, 1885

Weimar Local Matters
E. D. Rivenburg[sic], not to be outdone by is neighbors on “Quality Ridge,” is building quite an addition to his residence. Saw and hammer manipulated by Henry Ferguson.
Colorado Citizen, September 17, 1885

Weimar Local Matters
H. W. Oncken is having erected a handsome two-story residence about one-half mile south of Weimar, on a beautiful site that commands a view of the city.
Colorado Citizen, September 17, 1885

A negro fellow by the name of Allen Miller, who has been at work in the new gin of J. P. Taylor, in this place, last Friday evening while attempting to clear one of the stands that was choked, had his right arm drawn in by the saws, gashing and cutting the hand in a frightful manner. Drs. T. C. Cook and J. E. Grace were sent for, who dressed and sewed up the wounds, and think that the hand by proper care can be saved. The readjusting the lacerated flesh and placing the mangled pieces together in proper place was a nice surgical operation.
Colorado Citizen, September 24, 1885

We regret that we have another gin accident to record. Jim Allen, Colored, got his arm caught by the sawsw of Mr. J. P. Taylor’s gin, in this town last, Thursday, and it was badly lacerated. Dr. Jese Grace was sent for. At the present writing the doctor thinks he may be able to save his arm. His arm was caught by the saws while he was making an effort to unchoke the gin. Mr. Taylor, the owner of the gin, lost his arm a few weeks ago by attempting to do the same thing with the same gin.
Weimar Gimlet, September 24, 1885

Mr. Willie Shaw got his hand caught in the gin cogs at Osage last Friday and pretty badly mashed. The middle finger of the right hand was broken and two others were badly crippled up. At the time of the accident he was trying to put the band on the wheel. He now carries his arm in a sling.
Weimar Gimlet, October 5, 1885

A few days ago a German by the name of Seitzer, living on Mr. Thos. P. Hubbard’s place five miles north of this town, fell out of his wagon while going home from Weimar, and was run over by the wagon, the wheel cutting a small gash in his head. We have heard that he is up and about.
Weimar Gimlet, October 5, 1885

Mr. James T; Cone intends to move a house that stands near the south front of his elegant residence to a lot owned by him near the Baptist church. He expects to repair and enlarge it so that it will be a confortable residence to rent. Such residences are in great demand here.
Weimar Gimlet, November 12, 1885


Baptist Church to be Dedicated


The new Baptist Church in this place will be dedicated the first Sunday in February. Rev. Isaac Sellers, of Luling, will preach the dedicatory sermon, he will be assisted by Rev. Q. T. Simpson, who will have charge of this Church during the present year. Our people and[sic] making extensive preparations to make the occasion one of profit in building up the interests of this Church.
Colorado Citizen, January 14, 1886

The dedication of the new Baptist church at this place will take place next Sunday. They have a new bell swung in the church steeple, to call their members to worship, and through efforts of Mrs. R. L. Fisher and Lois Hancock funds have been procured and lamps ordered for the building, which are expected to arrive in time for services Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Hensley, of the Presbyterian church, has canceled[sic] his appointment for next Sunday, in his church, in order to give his congregation the pleasure of attending the dedicatory services of the new church.
Colorado Citizen, February 4, 1886

Methodist Quarterly Meeting


The first quarterly meeting of Weimar circuit of the Methodist church was held at the Methodist Church in this place, last Saturday evening, at 3 o’clock, Rev. C. H. Brooks, P. E. presiding. Quite a number of the official members were present , Quarterage came up tolerably well. Among other things the quarterly conference resolved itself into a committee of the whole to solicit donations for the purpose of building a parsonage for this charge, upon the lot now owned by the Church in this place, and several hundred dollars were pledged by the members present and others for this purpose. John P. Borden and E. T. Adams, of Osage, T. H. James of Oakland, S. McCormick and R. P. Decherd, of Weimar, were selected and empowered to receive donations in the way of funds and material; Mrs. L. R. Brasher was designated as the Treasurer. It is understood that its the intention of those having control of this matter to begin work upon the building in a few days.
Colorado Citizen, March 18, 1886

Methodist Parsonage


We understand that the parsonage building will soon be put up in this place for the use of the preacher in charge. All necessary arrangements are being perfected to that end.
Colorado Citizen, April 1, 1886


Something about the Town in which we live–For the benefit of the readers of the CITIZEN abroad, we think a short item on this subject not out of place. Weimar, the little “Prairie City” of the west, is situated on the G. H. & S. A. Railway, sixteen miles west of Columbus, the county site, on high, dry, beautiful rolling prairie. The town is populated by thrifty, energetic citizens, about equally divided between the Germans and Americans, who dwell together in unity. Our population we suppose to be between twelve and thirteen hundred. The town was laid off in 1873, and at that time was called Jacksonville, in honor of our townsman, D. W. Jackson, who owned the land on which it is built, but in a short time Maj. Converse named it Weimar. The name “Prairie City” was given the place by Mrs. Fannie A. D. Darden in one of her letters to the CITIZEN. We have three white and three colored Churches. The most noted of all of Weimar’s attractions, however is her splendid educational facilities, nowhere in any town that approximates our in numbers, can we be excelled. Prof. R. P. Decherd one of the most successful and accomplished teachers in the State, is at the head of the Weimar Institute, and to digress a little, in the State press notices in various parts of our State, we see his name spoken of as a suitable candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. One thing certain: Weimar’s loss would be Texas’ gain. He has spent the greater part of his life in the schoolroom, and no man in Texas is more competent. His high moral standing at home gives him prestige. He is always found where the greatest number need his counsel and advice. The Church and associates would give him up with reluctance from our society. At the same time so useful a gentleman as he will be if called from our circle to the affairs of the State, we would yield to the demands of the public, wishing him abundant success in his future management of the school affairs of Texas. This is not written in any braggadocio spirit, only the sentiments of many of the citizens of our community. Next we have a very prominent school under the leadership of Prof. H. C. Quin, whose ability is unquestioned as an educator. He ranks high up in the scale in the school room, and in the circle he moves entitles him to the commendations of all our citizens. Next is Mrs. J. E. Paine, who in attainments and education has no superior in all Texas. She always has a good school, and her students will pass muster with any in thorough and correct training. In our German-English schools we have Profs. Charles Thomas and E. Juergens, who now devote their whole time and attention to the education and moral training of our young people. We are particularly blessed with so useful gentlemen as they are. Each is a man of fine education and give perfect satisfaction to our citizens and patrons generally.

In passing through the streets of our town a few days ago with a view of inspection, we were delighted with the work our new Board of Aldermen are having done on the different street crossings and public highways of this place. Nearly every street in Weimar has recently been graded, and a good system of drainage is nearly completed. This drainage and grading has been done under the immediate supervision of our townsman, J. E. Paine. If we did not know to the contrary, we would pronounce the work he had done to have been executed under the immediate direction of a skilled and graduated engineer. This improvement, so essential to the health and comfort of all towns, is to be commended, and too much praise cannot be awarded to our Mayor and Board of Aldermen. This subject could be continued further in the way of improvements in our channels, but we bid adieu for the present, promising to notice further attractions at some future time.
Colorado Citizen, May 13, 1886, page 3

Building Boon

Weimar Local Matters

Weimar is still improving. W. C. Munn has sold his residence to G. S. Chapman, of Osage, and is now building a new house near the Methodist Church. Geo. Herder is having delivered brick upon the ground to erect a new store-house beside and east of his rock store house in this place.
Colorado Citizen, May 27, 1886


The parsonage [Methodist] in this place has been completed, and as soon as the painting dries sufficiently, our preacher will move home. This is a neat little cottage built on the church lot, and is quite an ornament to that part of the city.
Colorado Citizen, June 3, 1886

Morrow has first cotton bloom


George Morrow, colored, is entitled to the blue ribbon for the first cotton bloom, raised this season, raised, we believe, on the S. McCormick plantation. Since George brought in his, we have several. The first bloom lat er was 24th of this month.
Colorado Citizen, June 3, 1886

Colored Masonic Lodge Organized


A colored Lodge of Masons was organized in this place June the 1st, by Grand Master W. H. Green, and is called the Prairie City Lodge, with G. W. Swan, W. M.; N. Q. Henderson, S. W.; G. W. Ballard; J. W. Organized under St. John’s Union.

Rev. Daniel Whitley, colored, reorganized the C. B. F. colored Lodge in this place, and put them to work with propects of success this time.
Colorado Citizen, June 10, 1886

Mr. W. C. Munn’s new residence is near completion. If strangers want to see a town full of new and fine residences let them come to Weimar. She is the boss of the Sunset road.
La Grange Journal, June 10, 1886

Wind Storm

Weimar Local Matters
Last Friday morning about 4 o’clock a terrible wind accompanied with rain from the east struck this place in fearful force without any cessation for nearly twelve hours. The Presbyterian and Baptist Churches were blown off the blocks to the ground, injuring each badly, especially the Baptist Church, which was carried and pulled apart to a damaging extent. The Methodist Episcopal Church, colored, was thrown over and entirely demolished, and is almost a total loss. The dwelling house of James Townsend was also blown off the blocks. A good many small houses suffered likewise. Shade trees in great numbers were torn up by the roots, others wth tops twised and broken off. The damage to the cotton crop is very great, corn in the fields was blown to the ground which will necessitate its housing right away. Many tombstones in the graveyard were blown from their foundations and numbers broken in two or three pieces. This storm was more severe than the one that visited this section in 1875.
Colorado Citizen, August 26, 1886

Weimar Local Matters

An amusing scene occurred here last week. S. H. Hancock left home, tied one of his dogs, and left for town. In a short time after Sam arrived, his dog had broke loose and took his track for the city, followed by a young puppy and a pet goat. All three traveled around the streets until they found their master. The whole thing was quite amusing when Sam started home followed by these pets.
Colorado Citizen, October 14, 1886

Odd Fellows’ Pauper Ground

NOTICE.--Notice is hereby given to the public generally that no one is allowed to bury in the Odd Fellows’ Pauper Ground, unless it be to those who are strictly unable to purchase a lot, and any party desiring to bury in the pauper ground must first make arrangements with the graveyard committee. By order of the lodge.
A. D. McCullers, W. A. Baar, Wm. Richter; Committee
Colorado Citizen, November 25, 1886


A. Grave buys Tenzler Drug Store


Occupying the same house, and having purchased the entire stock of Drugs, Pints, Oils, Stationery, etc., formerly belonging to C. Tenzler, deceased, am prepared to sell these goods at reduced figures
August Grave
Weimar Texas, Feb. 1, 1887
Colorado Citizen, February 3, 1887

Telephone line between Columbus and Weimar completed
Colorado Citizen, March 31, 1887

Burford Now an M.D.


Dr. Jesse M. Burford has returned from the Tulane University of New Orleans, with his diploma, a full fledged M. D. We all are happy to congratulate “Jess” on his success.
Colorado Citizen, April 7, 1887

McCuller Family Moves


A. C. McCullers and family left last Tuesday for Waller county. The Odd Fellows’ Lodge loses one of its most zealous workers in Mr. McCullers.
Colorado Citizen, April 14, 1887

New Homes Being Completed

The three fine residences of Capt. T. A. Hill, Stephen McCormick and Dr. D. W. Hancock are being hastened to completion. These two story residence will add greatly to the beauty of our little city.
Colorado Citizen, October 13, 1887



Last Sunday at 11 a.m. the new Christian church in this city was dedicated, the dedicatory sermon being delivered by Rev. B. B. Sanders of that church. The church was literally packed, and Mr. Sanders entertained the congregation with one of the finest sermons ever heard in this city. He is a rapid yet fluent speaker and his talk was enjoyed by everyone present. With the exception of the seats the new church is completed, and as the lumber is already on the grounds for that purpose the benches will soon be finished.
Weimar Mercury, August 24, 1889

Miss Grave, a sister of our popular druggist and friend, Mr. A. Grave, arrived in this city last week from her home in Germany. We extend a cordial welcome to her.
Weimar Mercury, September 28, 1889


Weimar Local Matters

The municipal election in this city last Tuesday passed off very quietly. Very little interested manifested and a very samll vote was polled. Only 186 votes were cast, which resulted as follows: Isam Tooke, Mayor; D. W. Jackson, F. Hillje and F. Shortt Aldermen. For the fire engine carried by 39 majority.
Colorado Citizen, April 3, 1890

On the 1st proximo the Jackson hotel, now under the management of Mr. H. M. Carter, will be turned over to Mrs. Julia Bauer of Columbus, who will in future conduct the same.
Weimar Mercury, May 30, 1890, page 3


Mr. and Mrs. T. H. James and son, Mr. Joe James, of Oakland were visiting in Weimar last Wednesday.
Weimar Mercury,. May 31, 1890

Some thirty emigrants from the old country arrived in Weimar Sunday night and will locate in this vicinity. They brought along enough luggage to nearly fill a car. They will make good citizens, though.
Weimar Mercury, September 27, 1890, page 2

Mount Arie Baptist Church

The dedication ceremonies of the Mount Arie (colored) Batist church will take place on the third Sunday in November. White friends cordially invited.
S. C. Smith, Pastor
Weimar Mercury, November 8, 1890, page 5


The cemeteries of Weimar have jointly purchased a lot of fine pressed brick and will place one brick in each corner of a lot thus enabling owners to find their corners without any trouble. Committees have been appointed to lay off the new ground lately taken in and to fix up all other lots, and before many more days our city of the dead, with the assistance of the ladies, will be in first-class order.
Colorado Citizen, February 19, 1891, page 3

Hurrah for Weimar! We have the oldest native citizen yet on record. Mr. William Rabb, born on the Colorado, three miles from La Grange is the next oldest. He was born on 30th December, 1823, and Col. T. W. Hunter (our man) was born 29th September, 1823–making him three months and one day the oldest. Mighty close but we ae a little ahead.
Colorado Citizen, July 2, 1891, page 3

Mr. G. Z. Whittington is one of the most enterprising farmers in this community. If he can’t sell cotton, he will cut hay, and if he can’t do that he will haul wood. But hauling on one wagon when he has a 3 mule team don’t suit him, so he takes two large wagons (each holding a cord and a half each,) ties one behind the other thereby hauls three cords at a time and makes two loads a day, hauling a distance of five miles each time. Gedi is bound to get rich.
Colorado Citizen, September 3, 1891, page 3

Nelson Inge/Eanes?

Judge Holt ran across a freedman Saturday by the name of Nelson Inge who claims to have walked all the way from Macon, Alabama, to this place. He did not have any money and to enable him to cross the rivers he would chop wood, get a few dimes to enable him to pay ferage. He was five weeks on the road and had wore out his shoes entirely. Nelson is a relative of Bob Woodard, a well to do freedman who lives near content.
Colorado Citizen, September 24, 1891, page 3

NELSON EANES is the name of a negro man who arrived in the city Friday afternoon of last week from Macon, Pickens county, Ala. There is nothing remarkable in that statement, but there is when the reader learns that Nelson walked all the way from Macon here, and made the distance in five weeks. Nelson is one of the old-time darkies, and is polite to everybody--both white and black. He crossed the Mississippi at Vicksburg. On the journey he wore out two pairs of shoes. He has relatives living near here, and he will probably locate here and “grow up with the country.”
Weimar Mercury, September 26, 1891

Quite an amusing scene occurred when the train came thundering in on Christmas day, and stopped at the depot. An old man by the name of Geo. Gillmore, who is well up in the years, and old negro of some reputation, came to visit his nephew, Alford Gillmore, a colored citizen of this place. Alford is a man of some 30 summers and had not seen his uncle for 30 years. Still he recognized him, and such a meeting cannot be penciled. Nevertheless they attracted great attention and ye local was glad to see them meet because of the joy it afforded them.
Colorado Citizen, December 31, 1891, page 3


The committees from the Masonic and Odd Fellows’ lodges are still at work trying to get a road from town to the cemeteries. Dr. Potthast, who owns most of the land, although it puts him to considerable inconvenience and expense, recognizes the importance of the change, has kindly consented for a road to be run upon his land, and has made satisfactory arrangements with the committee. Mr. John H. Fisher, also interested on the west side, is a whole souled man,and he, too, has made arrangements with the committee, who will go to work immediately and take proper steps to put the new road in order.
Colorado Citizen, January 7, 1892, page 3

Weimar Local Matters
Last Saturday night the colored Odd Fellows had a public installation of officers of West Texas Lodge, No. 2315, G. U. O. F.: John Morrow, N. G; Joe Verse, V. G.; Bob Taylor, P. N. F.; Adam Whitfield, Sec.; Jim Henry, A. S.; Wes. Jones, Tr.; Isam Ganger, I. G.; Alex. Murphy, O. G; Stewart Brumley, C.; Elder Harris, representative to G. L; Henry Glass and Prince McGriff, R. & L S to N. G; Freeman Granger and Sie Daniels, R S V.G. t o L. S. V. G; Will Hunter, Advocate; P. Herd, Warden. The supper was given by the society known as the Household of Ruth, and a very pleasant time was had. The colored Odd Fellows own their own paraphernalia, meet first Tuesday night in every month, own their own cemetery, and are very well fixed financially, and do a great deal of good among their class.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1892

Mr. G. Z. Whittington, with his force of men, teams and scrapers, has been putting the streets and ditches in firstclass order this week--a much needed improvement.
Weimar Mercury, June 25, 1892
Submitted by Deborah Smith

The new calabouse and city hall will doubtless be completed next week. Messrs. Bopp and Campbell have been putting in some good licks this week, and the building will soon be turned over to the city fathers.
Weimar Mercury, July 23, 1892

A rent house has recently been erected on the property west of Mr. Chas. Hubbard’s place, and another residence is being erected on the corner east of Mrs. Falwell’s place.
Weimar Mercury, November 2, 1895

Mr. John Ammann has erected a beautiful cottage residence on the hill north of town, and has also had erected a frame storehouse on Postoffice street.
Weimar Mercury, November 9, 1895

Weimar cor. Citizen
Friday morning’s early train brought in three families from Clay county, Alabama, relatives of Mr. Hamlin. The names are Mrs. Ellen Cook, mother and grandmother, G. N. Cook and wife, with their three children, John Vester and little baby boy Samy, Mrs. M. J. Young with her children, John, George and Elisa. The families intend to locate in our mids. The rainy spell and the mud under foot on their arrival was not very inviting, but we hope that when it dries off they will be pleased with our section of the country.

Weimar Mercury, December 31, 1892


Weimar Electric Plant

At 10:15 o’clock last Tuesday morning, at the electric light plant in this city, the powerful engine which is to drive the machinery was put in motion and a beautiful, clear and steady, light illuminated every lamp at the plant. The test was a pronounced success. Of course there were some trivial alterations to be made, a slack-up here, a tightening there, a rope or so broke, and so on, consequent upon putting all new machinery in motion, but in a very short time Messrs. Smith and Tuttle had everything in ship-shape and in working order. They kept up the lights for about two hours, everything in place and working smoothly. The wires are being placed, and will be ready for the first circuit in ten days. Fixtures have been placed in many of our business houses. Messrs. Towell & Shaw are entitled to the thanks of our citizens for their enterprise and energy in this good work for our little city.
Weimar Mercury, April 15, 1893, page 3

List of letters remaining in the postoffice at Weimar, Texas, for the week ending June 10th, 1893. If not called for will be sent to the dead-letter office June 26, 1893.

Stella Bauer, J. Q. Bailey, Capt. and Mrs. Binkley, Mattie Barton, Chas. Chambas, Mrs. Sam Davis, W. Heath, Jennie L. Parker, Long Leeseman, R. C. Wolf, Marion Wheeler, Frank Wendels.

To obtain the above letters please mention advertised, giving date.
Joe G. Fietsam, Postmaster,
J. W. Webb, Assistant.
Weimar Mercury, June 17, 1893

On Monday last the commissioners’ court met in session at Columbus for the purpose of appointing a constable for precinct No. 4, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of T. L. Townsend, Jr. Messrs. Joe Shiver and A. M. Townsend were the applicants for the appointment, and the latter named gentleman was successful in obtaining same. Mose is a young man possessed of courage as well as a level head, THE MERCURY trusts taht in discharging the duties of the office he will do so with strict impartiality, and ever follow out the dictations of his conscience. Constable Townsend, we salute you!
Weimar Mercury, July 8, 1893

A Handsome Residence Comes and Goes


Is the One Now Being Erected for Col. T. H. James.
A MERCURY reporter last Monday morning wended his way to the Western portion of the city, where the commodious residence of Col. T. H. James is in course of construction. Arriving there, we were kindly received by Mr. Jake Wirtz, one of the contractors, who showed us the plans and specifications of the buildings. This handsome residence was designed by N. J. Clayton & Co., the Galveston architects, and they certainly had an eye to beauty and comfort while engaged in the work. Messrs. Wirtz Bros. of Columbus are the contractors, and as they and their work are already so well known in this county, we will only add that a glance at their work will convince any one that they are masters of their profession. Both are Colorado county boys.
The building will be two stories in height. The first floor has a 70 foot gallery on the east. This leads into a reception hall. On the west is a 15x21 foot parlor. Two bed-rooms 15x18, on the south, next come into view. Then on the north is an octagon-shaped dinning-room. In the rear of the first floor are the trunk room, kitchen and gallery, with a neat porch surmounted by a hood on the extreme west.
The second floor has a 70 foot gallery in front, with five bed-rooms, a bath-room, a sewing-room, and a gallery on the south. Small closets are conveniently situated throughout the building. In length the building will be 70 feet from east to west, and 42 from north to south. The roof will be a marvel of mechanical beauty and finish.
Bay windows are to be placed upstairs and downstairs, on both the east and north sides.
The contractors inform us that, with fair weather, the building will be finished about the 15th of December. There are at present only five men at work, but the force will be doubled next week.
Weimar Mercury, October 31, 1891


The fine residence of Col. T. H. James--so much admired by all--was entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The building was erected several months ago by Wirtz Bros. of Columbus at a cost of about $7,000, and was a very beautiful and substantial two-story structure. The fire originated in the second story from a defective flue, and was under good headway when discovered about 83:0 [8:30] o’clock. At the first alarm the fire boys responded, and did all in their power, but the flames had gained too much headway, and as no water could be procured in the neighborhood, the steamer was rendered powerless. Every effort was then made to save the furniture and good on the first floor, with the results that almost everything was removed to a place of safety ere the walls fell in. In about thirty minutes the handsome residence was a glowing bed of embers. The residence of Mr. John H. Fisher would have been destroyed but for the heroic efforts of the firement and citizens, The James’ residence was occupied by Mrs. Falwell and Miss Blanche Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. James being absent on a visit to relatives in Virginia. The loss is estimated at $9,000; Insurance $5,000. The fluthes were observed at Ammansville, Pecan, Schulenburg and other points. Mr. James and family have the sympathy of the community in their misfortune.
Weimar Mercury, July 15, 1893

Mr. Jake Wirtz of Columbus, who was one of the firm of contractors that built the James residence, claims tht the fire was not the result of a defective flue, as the kitchen flue was one of the most substantial ever put up, and he says he stands ready to prove the assertion. If some one removed the cap to the flue, then the fire may have originated from the flue, otherwise not.
Weimar Mercury August 5, 1893

Isam Green

There is a dwarf negro man living near Weimar who is quite a curiosity. His name is Isam Green. He is about 23 years old, although in appearance he seems only a undersized boy of about 10 years. He has an old face, well made figure, and is quite dudish in dress.
Weimar Mercury, July 22, 1893

Weimar Double Quartette Club

The Weimar Double Quartette club--composed of Boettcher and Tooke first tenor, Bishop and McLeary second tenor, Kindred and Peareson first bass, Shatto and Hubbard second bass--was organized on Saturday evening of last week, under the direction of Prof. Oscar Hilden. The club will practice regularly, and should you be awakened from your slumbers at any time by unusual sounds,please do not shoot, for it might be the Weimar Double Quartette club.
Weimar Mercury, July 29, 1893

A. M. E. Church

The members of the A. M. E. church in this city contemplate the erection of a very handsome church at an early date, at an estimated cost of about $3000. If the present plans are followed out, they will have the handsomest church between Houston and San Antonio. The building will be about 40 x 60 freet, with four gables, built of wood, stained glass windows, and finished in elegant, modern style. Bids are desired for the construction of same. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue.
Weimar Mercury, July 29, 1893


Bids are desired for the construction of the new African Methodist church. Plans and specificatins can be seen at the residence of the pastor in Weimar. All bids must be in by the 10th of August, 1893, and the successful bidder will be required to give bond for the faithful performance of the work, the building to be completed in three months’ time. The right is reserved to reject ay and all bids. By order of the trustees.
Rev. J. W. Willard, Pastor
Weimar Mercury, July 29, 1893

The corner-stone laying of the new A. M. E. church building will take place on the second Sunday in September. The colored Masonic lodge, assisted by the Odd Fellows, will officiate on that occasion, The contract for the building of the church will be let next Monday.
Weimar Mercury, August 19, 1893

The laying of the corner-stone at the new A. M. E. church last Sunday was postponed, owing to the alleged fact that the Masonic lodge could not get ready in time to participate in the ceremonies. A supper was given Saturday night for the benefit of the church.
Weimar Mercury, September 16, 1893

Elder Purchases Hilden Barber Shop

Mr. Ed Elder has purchased the Hilden Barber shop, and will in future have charge of same. Mr. Elder is an expert with the razor and shears, and guarantees satisfaction to all who patronize his shop. He can give you a clean, cool shave, or a nobby hair cut at any time between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. He solicits your patronage.
Weimar Mercury, September 23, 1893


[in an article by the above title the editor of the Colorado Citizen had this, among other things, to say:]
...We had also the pleasure of meeting the oldest native Texas, Col. T. W. Hunter, hale, hearty and lively, and our gallant old army comrade, Mr. T. J. Adams from the country. “Tom” was fatally wounded at Sharpsburg, but failed to discover it, and was finally revived and set on foot again by the ladies of Virginia. If you want to hear a good story get him to tell you of this little war history....
Weimar Mercury October 14, 1893

Old Debt Paid

Weimar cor. Citizen: A forty-two year old debt was paid by Mrs. D. W. Hancock last Thursday. The particulars are as follows: When Mr. and Mrs. Hancock left Adair county,Ky., for Texas in 1851, they brought with them several slaves, one of whom was a girl then about twelve years old. On leaving home the girl’s father gave Mrs. Hancock 60 cents to give to the girl on their arrival on Texas soil. Mrs. Hancock somehow forgot to give her the money and very soon afterwards the girl was sold and was taken to another part of Texas. The other day she happened in Weimar and called on her old mistress, who naturally talked with her about “old times.” During the conversation Mrs. Hancock remembered owing her the 60 cents and told Hulda (now 54 years old) about it, went to her purse, got the money, reckoned up the interest, and paid Hulda off, to the great delight of the old negro woman. “Aunt Hulda” says she was “prouder to receive dat 60 cents dan any money she has ever made since freedom.”
Weimar Mercury, October 14, 1893


Laas Buys Richter Saloon

Oakland Remarks
Mr. Henry Laas has abandoned the erection of a storehouse and saloon in this place, and bought the Richter saloon in Weimar. He moves up there soon to take possession and make that city his home. He disposed of his property here to his father.
Weimar Mercury, January 20, 1894

Mass Meeting of Colored Voters

At a mass meeting of the colored voters of this precinct, held Thursday afternoon, the parties participating unanimously endorsed the resolutions passed by the white people last Tuesday, in regard to the appointment made by the commissioners’ court for the office of constable of precinct No. 4, and they (the colored people) denounced in no gentle terms all county officials likely in any way to be responsible for such appointment. The meeting was harmonious, but the participants showed plainly that they meant business. Among those prominent in the said meeting were:
W. M. Harrison, Geo. Morrow, Crockett Hunter, Alfred Gillmore, Wm. Green, Geo. Gillam, Jim Perry, Austin Brown, Julius Stevens, Berice Gains, Albert Hicks, Wm. Wicks, M. Lampkin, Jesse Allison, Andrew Davis, Chas. Stevens, Sam Knight, Wm. Harrison. Wm. White, Jas. McHenry, Adam Whitfield, Henry Glass, Alex Murphy, Ed Nunn and others.
Weimar Mercury, February 3, 1894

Mrs. W. L. Brailey, wife of the section foreman at this place,while kindling a fire Thursday morning about 11 o’clock, was painfully burned about the face, neck and arms by the sudden flash of the flames as the kerosene from the can struck a few live coals. Medical attention was at once procured and the lady is now resting comparatiyely[sic] easy.
Weimar Mercury, May 5, 1894, page 3

A. Grave

A. Grave, the druggist, left Sunday night for a visit to his former home in Germany. THE MERCURY hopes is visit may be a pleasant one.
Weimar Mercury, May 12, 1894

List of letters remaining in the postoffice at Weimar, Texas, for the week ending Nov. 10, 1894. If not called for will be sent to the dead letter office Nov. 24, 1894.

Willie Armstrong, W. F. Bratcher, Caroline Fritch, Wm. Huff, C. L. Heffle, John Mosesjck, Westley McKenney, John Provety, John Petra, Magdalena Petra, Earnst Parker, Luis Reutins, Adolph Phusek, Lela Schroeder, Aesas Tompson, Bell Wade, Alpha Wishington.

To obtain the above letters, please mention advertised, giving date.
S. McCORMICK, Postmaster
Weimar Mercury, November 17, 1894


Carey, Night Watchman

In recognition of his efficient services as night watchman, the business men of Weimar a few days ago presented H. E. Carey with a fine suit of clothes, hat and overcoat. Mr. C. bears the honors with becoming dignity.
Weimar Mercury, January 5, 1895

More New Homes

Three new residences are in course of construction on the north side of the railroad. Henry Laas is building a cottage on the lot east of his father-in-law’s (Mr. G. Buske’s) residence, Frank Engels is putting up a cottage opposite the one of Henry’s , and “Uncle Joe” Fietsam is building a residence on the vacant lot south of his home.
Weimar Mercury, January 12, 1895


Mr. F. A Boettcher is having erected on the Blackburn place a neat cottage residence.

Mr. T. S. Doggett will soon erect a residence in the southwestern part of the city.

A frame storehouse for Malsch Bros. is being erected by H. R. Michalke, opposite the storehouse of Neuhaus & Boettcher.

Capt. T. L. Townsend has had the roof of his new rock building remondelled.
Weimar Mercury, July 27. 1895

Mr. John A. Ammann is erecting a frame business house two doors west of Mr. I. Louterstein’s place of business.
Weimar Mercury, July 27. 1895

A new metropolitan meat market will open in the Insall brick building on South Main street on the 1st of August. Ad next week
Weimar Mercury, July 27. 1895

Mr. Walter Lowrey is having a neat cottage residence ereced in the southern part of the city. Waler mst intend going to housekeeping.
Weimar Mercury, August 3, 1895

Mr. Doggett is having a neat residence build ner Weimar Instiute just south of the residence of Mrs. Black.
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1895


Financial Assistance
has this week been rendered THE MERCURY by the following parties: H. C. Sigler of Borden, Racket store, Louis Catlett of Catlett, Va. (per S. McCormick), A. A. Gregory, esq. of Columbus, J. D. Haskel, W. H. Boykin, John Yackel, Aug. Fahrenthold, jr., of El Campo, Jos. F. Zapalac of Rockdale, Mrs. L. Weete, F. Olfenbuettel, Wm. Walker, John J. Kubala, Joe Shimek, Mrs. Jennie Cheatham of Pleasant Grove, Va., ( per J. J. Holloway), Anton Grossinger, W. S. Shaver, Geo. Herder, W. A. VanAlstyne, Wm. Maudiovitz, J. T. Mitchell, S. D. Chapman, H. F. Juergens, Jurasek & Juergens, John Barta jr., Owen Heyer, agent, M. Scheizing, Miss Mary A. Strittmatter, Brasher & Moore, G. A. Moore, L. D. Herndon, G. Buske, Wm. Brilling, H. Sachs, H. R. Michalke, C. T. Hancock, Senftenberg Bros. & Co., W. A. Baar, Adolph Senftenberg of Columbus, Hillje Bros., Hook and Ladder Co., L. Fahrenthold, jr., F. A. Boettcher, J. O. Boettcher, the Boettcher company, John A. Hall, Ashbel Cook, T. W. Hunter, John H. Fisher, Roos Bros. of Yoakum, J. B. Nunn of Runnels, (per W. P Melor), Lee Wall.
Weimar Mercury, September 5, 1896

According to chapter 80 of the general laws of the 21st legislature of the State of Texas for the year 1880, a board of dental examiners are appointed in each judicial district whose business is to examine all applicants in their respective districts as to their qualifications for practicing dentistry. The following dentists are appointed for the next two years or until their successors are qualified, viz: Dr. James Chapman of Weimar, Dr. S. Stohl of Yoakum and Dr. C . L. Hopkins of Gonzales. Thus it will be seen that our dentist is not only a graduate himself, but has been appointed by the court to examine applicants.--Weimar Cor. Citizen.
Hurrah for our Dr. Chapman! Here’s hoping he’ll climb still higher!
Weimar Mercury, September 5, 1896


Local Drugstores Change Hands

La Grange Journal: Ed. R. Willenberg, born and raised in LaGrange, with mother and sister still residing here, has purchased the drug business of August Grave at Weimar. Ed. has been in the employ of Mr. Grave as prescription clerk, and will now hang out a shingle on his own account. His old-time chums and friends in LaGange, including he Journal, wish him all kinds of success.
Weimar Mercury, November 11, 1899

We understand that two of our local drugstores have changed ownership lately. A. Grave sold out to E. R. Willenberg, and T. M. Insall to Mrs. Annie Hill and Dr. Chas. Cook. The new firms took possession on the 1st.
Weimar Mercury, November 11, 1899

Mrs. Annie Hill recently went before the pharmaceutical board of this district, and passed a most creditable examination. This is quite a distinction and we congratulate her heartly.
Weimar Mercury, November 25, 1899


J. T. Cone, as sexton of the Odd Fellows’ and Masonic cemeteries, is certainly the right man in the right place. It is no child’s play to keep these cemeteries in order, but as Mr. Cone loves this kind of work and puts in about six days’ work every week on same (together with a whole lot of study as to how best to improve its appearance) he is succeeding admirably in the work, and the cemeteries present a beautiful appearance
Weimar Mercury, July 15, 1900

Fred Brown, the ex-livery stable man of our city, who was reported as having been killed in the Galveston storm of Sept. 8, was in our city last Friday, looking quite lively for a dead man. Fred was caught in that storm all right enough. He was struck on the back of the neck—a large scar is visible where the timber struck him—rendered unconscious, and while in that condition was found, identified, pronounced dead and thrown with a lot of dead bodies to be carried out and dumped in the gulf. Very fortunately, he regained consciousness ere they dumped him into the waters of the gulf, and he lost no time in separating himself from his grewsome[sic] company. Fred says he has enough of Galveston to last him for a lifetime.
Weimar Mercury, October 13, 1900, page 5


W. F. Diesbach, nephew of George Diesbach, and formerly connected with Diesbach’s pharmacy, died Dec. 22, 1900, in Germany, where he went last June on account of bad health for several years, and as said before went to Germany to spend his last days with his parents: During his residence here he made many friends who will regret exceedingly to learn of his death.--Victoria Advocate.

Mr. Diesbach was at one time a resident of this city, and clerked at Grave’s drugstore. He had numerous friends here, who regret sincerely to learn of his death.
Weimar Mercury, January 19, 1901


News in the Weimar Mercury, May 10, 1902

The old Dan Stafford corner, a familiar landmark to our people, was torn down this week to make room for Mr. Beck’s new brick building. The old building was sold by Mr. Beck to R. L. Fisher.

The excursion to LaGrange last Tuesday morning was liberally patronized by Weimar people. We really believe that more people got on the train here than at Flatonia, Engle and Schulenburg combined. The firemen attended in liberal numbers. All from this city who attended the celebration report having had a huge time.

Among those who took in the festivities at LaGrange last Tuesday were: Mesdames E. F. Seydler, Chas. Farenthold, Wm. Tell, O. Hildeu, Misses Martha Seydler, Mamie Boykin, Ella Klockmann, Aurelia Holloway, Edith Boettcher, Messrs. H. Birkman, F. E. Leidolf, Ben Hold, Urban York, Chas. Barnett, John Charbula, John and Rudolf Mozisek, Herman and Walter Klockmann, Chas. Farenthold, Max Kunz, C. F. Hinkel, H. E. Carey, Wm. Hillje, Geo. Herder, O. Hilden, W. A. Van Alstyne, W. S. Shaver, Frank Anders, Edmund Malech, J. O. Boettcher, Sam Holloway, Louis Jurasek, E. Tell, Wm. Helmcamp, Alfred Buske, E. R. Willengerg and perhaps others whose names we fail to recall.

The next excursion on the Southern Pacific programme is one for May 21, from San Antonio to Galveston and return. The fare from Weimar for the round trip will be $2 with tickets good to return up to May 22. A number of our people contemplate taking in same.

Arrival and Departure of Trains
No. 8 -- east-bound -- 3:58 p.m.
No. 7 -- west-bound -- 1:30 p.m.
No. 10 -- east-bound -- 12:30 p.m.
No. 9 -- west-bound -- 3:15 a.m.

C. P. Hoyo came home from the rice fields this week. Chris looks bad, as a result of an accident he met with a few days ago. He was on the rice drill, when the driver made a wrong turn, throwing him off, his body falling on part of the machinery with force enough to render him unconscious for some little time. However, he is recovering rapidly. He reports plenty of rain in the vicinity of Garwood – says they got a barrel to our bucketful.

The lightning during the rain last Sunday morning was rather severe on electric light and telephone wires and poles. Quite a number of fuse wires burned out on the electric light wires, and several telephones were burned out. On the Hackberry telephone line near S. McCormick’s residence three poles were struck by lightning and torn into splinters.

Weimar Mercury, May 10, 1902
Transcribed by Judy Talkington

New Lutheran Church Building

The foundation for the new Lutheran church building in the northwestern portion of the city is completed, and work on the remainder of the structure will be rushed as much as practicable.
Weimar Mercury, June 7, 1902

Rev. Henry Williams

Rev. Henry Williams, a well-known and respected coloredfarmer and preacher, called by a few days ago and subscribed for the Mercury.
Weimar Mercury, June 7, 1902

Democratic County Convention

When the Weimar delgation to the democratic county convention, fully a hundred strong, rolled into Columbus last Saturday afternoon on a special train, with brass band at the head and banners flying, marching two abrest, many coments were heard like this: “We knew Weimar would do the right thing,” “Hurrah for Weimar,” “Weimar is all right,” and other of like tenor. Weimar fairly covered itself with glory.
Weimar Mercury, June 21, 1902

1902 Lutheran Church

The dedication of the new and handsome Lutheran church building of this city last Sunday was witnessed by a large congregation of people representing several nationalities and faiths, and was an interesting and imposing ceermony, Rev. Kulker of Cibolo--pastor of he church--had charge of the ceremony, and the dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Blasceig. Judging from the close attention given the speaker, it must have been a good sermon, too. At the close of the service the motherless baby daughter of Mr. Alfred Buske was baptized in a touching and impressive manner by Rev. Kulker. A dinner was served at a minimal price to those from a distance, the proceds going to the benefit of the church debt, and same was liberally patronized. The Lutherans have just cause to be proud of their church, one of the prettiest, costest[sic] structures of its kind in this section of the state.
Weimar Mercury, October 18, 1902, page 1


Why the Ladies????

The ladies of this community ought to organize a Civic club and help the growth of the town by securing a rest room for ladies who come to town a-shopping. They also could do a great deal of good by having shade trees planted throughout the city. There are many other ways by which they could add to the attractions of Weimar.
Weimar Mercury, July 4, 1903, page 1


William Gilliam, one of the best colored citizens of this section, on account of heart trouble, has abandoned farming and engaged in the mercntile business on a small scale in this city. We wish him much success in the enterprise.
Weimar Mercury, August 13, 1904, page 4

George Herder Home

George Herder’s handsome new residence is nearing completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy. It is without doubt one of the handsomest homes in southwest Texas, and he and Mrs. Herder have just cause to be proud of it. Friend George told us it was only to cost about $2000, but when the Mercury man offered to give him that amount for it he “crawfished.” Anyway, we don’t blame him for putting up such a handsome home, and if our delinquent subscribers would only pay up we would build one just like it.
Weimar Mercury, Novmber 6, 1904, page 8


Peareson-Nitschmann Home

The S. T. Peareson residence,in the eastern part of the city, was sold a few days ago to F. J. Nitschman, who with his family will soon move into same.
Weimar Mercury, June 10, 1905, page 4

Weimar Debating Society

Among the rubbish found in tearing down the old Blue store building was a sheet of note paper containing the proceedings or minutes of the organization of the Weimar Debating society. The society, according to this paper, was organized the 18th of October, 1875, with W. Harrison as president, W. B. McCormick, Jr., vice-president, Powell Herndon secretary, and John Hargon treasurer.

Then follows the by-laws of the society. The subject first taken up for discussion was "Which Is the Most Destructive--Fire or Water?" Walter Herndon, Powell Herndon and John Hargon had the affirmative side of the argument, while John Schrimsher, W. B. McCormick and Charlie Herndon had the negative. The president, after listening to the arguments, decided that the affirmative side won. Reading this old document is like listening to a voice from the grave, as all of the parties mentioned are dead, with one or two exceptions.
Weimar Mercury, August 12, 1905, page 4


Seifert’s Gin Boiler Explodes, Killing John Macha and Frank Pokluda, and Completely wrecking the Gin Plant.

There is an old saying to the effect that ''it is the unexpected that happens,” but it sometimes proves otherwise. This was certainly true of the horrible occurrence in this city last Saturday morning at 5 o'clock when the boiler at Anton Seifert's gin exploded killing John Macha and Frank Pokluda, and utterly demolishing the two-story gin structure.

It had been town talk for a week or more that the boiler was in an unsafe condition, due to a large crack in same, and numerous predictions were made that unless same was attended to promptly the result would be terrible in the extreme. The owner and employes evidently realized this, too, but were led into the belief that with a low pressure of steam and careful management the gin could be operate until Saturday night. when it was their intention to close down and make necessary repairs. Arrangements had been made to this effect, the patch necessary to repair the boiler was in the express office, and the boiler expert to do the work was expected on the afternoon train Saturday. But the best laid plans of men are sometimes foiled, and it
was so in this instance.

Early Saturday morning the gin employes showed up and began to make arrangements for the day's work. At 5 o'clock, however just as the machinery had been started there was a loud, ripping sound as if some mighty giant was struggling to burst his bonds, a muffled explosion followed, there was a loud report, and the residences and buildings within a radius of several blocks trembled as if in the grasp of a mighty earthquake. This was followed by a fearful bombardment of iron pipes, pieces of metal and bricks, which seemed to come from almost every direction for a space of several seconds, tearing gaping holes in roofs and sides of buildings within a radius of several blocks, The doors of business houses in the vicinity were torn open and goods upon the shelves and suspended from the ceiling were thrown upon the floor in a confused mass. Everything, everywhere, was in a state of confusion and chaos. The streets for blocks around were a confused mass of bricks, piping, and pieces of timber and other debris from the scene of the wreck. The explosion was so terrible as to awake the citizens of the town and they listened with bated breath, at first believing that a mighty earthquake had struck Weimar. This was followed by cries for help preceding from the gin, then the firebell rang, and then the people, with almost one accord remarked, "Seifert's gin boiler has exploded."

Just as quickly as a few clothes could be donned hundreds of people ran to the scene, and the sight that met their gaze almost stopped the beating of their hearts, for while many had read and seen pictures of similar disasters, but few in the crowd ever realized before the gigantic force imprisoned within the jacket of that boiler. The cries for help which had followed the explosion by this time had ceased. Realizing that one or more dead bodies were lying beneath the wreckage, every effort was made by eager hands to dig them out. In about an hour the body of poor John Macha, the fireman at the gin, was located in a pile of wreckage on the south side, and a few moments later it was extricated, a broken, blackened, bleeding, scalded mass of humanity, cold in the embrace of Death. Tenderly the remains were taken out, laid upon some planks, covered with a shroud, and then the crowd eagerly sought for the body of Frank Pokluda, another employe, also known to be beneath the wreckage. It was neatly an hour later that this body was located, it being completely buried beneath a gin stand and mass of bricks in the upper story of the northeastern part of the structure. The upper floor being in a dangerous condition, it became necessary to attach a rope to the gin stand and pull same to the ground ere the body could be released. Willing hands then quickly pulled the bricks from off the body of poor Frank, but, he, too, was cold in death when taken out. It is certain that John Macha was killed instantly, but it is equally certain that Frank lived for a minute or two after the explosion and that it was his cries for help that were heard. His body also was badly bruised and broken, as well as scalded. The remains were tenderly taken in charge, and both bodies were carried over to the residence at Mr. Seifert, just across the street, where, after being inspected by Judge W. A. VanAlstyne, they were prepared for burial. Mr. Macha lived just across the street from the gin, was a son-in-law of Mr. Seifert, and when the families of the two men realized the worst, the scene was a pitiable one,to say the least of it.

There were two or three other parties about the gin at the time of the explosion, but they fortunately escaped unhurt. Mr. Seifert, the owner, was in the southeastern part of the building, and was blown, we understand, with considerable violence against the wall, inflicting slight bruises. A negro named Jim Dickey, employed at the gin, was on the weigher’s platform on the east side, and escaped without injury. Another negro named “Son” Stewart was having a bale of cotton ginned, and while he, too, escaped unhurt, he had a horse badly scalded and burned by the flying bricks and other missiles. It was at first thought that other bodies might be beneath the wreckage but further investigation dispelled this belief.

The gin presented the picture of as complete wreck as might be imagined. The two pictures accompanying this issue will give the reader a slight idea of he damage done. The larger picture was taken from a point near the Gaertner property on the west, while the smaller picture was taken from a point near Mr. Seifert's stable. [Sorry these pictures would not reproduce well enough to upload.]

It was believed for a time that the crack in the boiler was the cause of the explosion. but later investigation has led to the belief that, while this may have contributed to same the primary cause was a “dry explosion." The injector failed to work, the water in the boiler became low, and with an inrush of cold water, an explosion was bound to follow. The force of the explosion tore the jacket from the boiler, and it crashed through the walls of the building, and can be seen in the smaller picture resting, against the northeast corner of the wall. The flues were torn loose and sent hurtling in every direction. The bricks encasing the boiler were sent in a shower for blocks around and as they fell they crashed through roofs and the sides of buildings as if same were paper. Some roofs had as many as a dozen holes, with still others in the side and end. In one instance, at Geo. Herder's store, the brick crashed through the roof, through the ceiling and fell upon the counter below. At Klecka & Co’s drugstore, a brick crashed through the outside window, through an inside glass, and then into a showcase, where it was found later. A huge iron pipe crashed through the awning in front of W. C. Munn's store and fell to the sidewalk below. Klockmann's store doors were blown open, while at Chas. Herder's store his grocery stock was lifted from the shelves and deposited upon the floor, with considerable damage to the goods encased in glass, which had to be shoveled up by the bucketful, The damage was so widespread and varied as to preclude individual mention. Hardly a building within a radius of several blocks escaped damage.

The Seifert gin was modern equipped, and valued at about $8000. So complete is the wreck that only a few hundred dollars worth of machinery, that ever can be used again, is left.

The men killed in the explosion, as before stated, were John Macha, son-in-law of Mr. Seifert, and Frank Pokluda, an employe at the gin. Mr. Macha was about 34 years of age, married, and leaves a widow and five small children, He was a brother of Frank J. Macha, a well known farmer of this section. He was a very popular man, being the possessor of a genial disposition, honest and straight as a man could be, and having a cheery greeting at all times for his friends. of whom he was the possessor of a large circle. He was a member of the local fire department, and the department, in a body, escorted the remains to their last resting place at St. Michael s cemetery. Rev. C. J. Benes, rector of St. Michael's church, performed the funeral services for both men, and same were witnessed by the largest crowd ever before seen at a funeral in this city,

Mr. Frank E. Pokluda, the other victim of the explosion, was born in Fayette county, near Ammannsville, and was 26 years old at the time of his death. With his parents he moved to Colorado county in 1886, and followed the occupation of farmer, working at the gins during the cotton season. He was unmarried, but it was his intention to marry the lady of his choice within a short time. He leaves two brothers, Louis and August, and a sister Miss Filomena. He also was of a jovial disposition, an energetic, straightforward young man, the possessor of many friends, and his sudden and unexpected death is a severe blow to relatives and friends.

May the good God above comfort the bereaved ones, is the sincere wish of the Mercury.
Weimar Mercury, September 23, 1905, page 1


The saloon men of this city, so we are informed, at a meeting held the first of the week, agreed in future that the front doors of their respective places of business should be closed hard and fast on Sundays, and that on that day no domino or billiard playing or dice throwing should be indulged in, and in case of minors in future frequenting the saloons the proprietors propose to write notes to the parents of said minors, notifying them of same. These are steps that will meet with the approbation of every citizen of the town.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906

The residence of Crockett Hunter, one of the best known colored farmers of this section , living on Clear creek, was destroyed by fire last Saturday night about 10 o’clock. The cause of the fire is a complete mystery. No one was at home except Crockett’s wife, and there had been no fire in the kitchen, where the fire started, since the dinner hour. It looks very much as if an incendiary caused it. This is the third fire that has destroyed property for Crockett and his son, Will Hunter. The household goods in the front part of the house were saved, but the kitchen and dining room furniture were lost, also a goodly supply of meals, molasses and other eatables. The loss will amount to about $800, with no insurance.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906

Weimar will soon possess a wholesale produce and commission house. Arthur Klatt, for years past secretary and bookkeeper at the oil mills, and one of the foremost and best young men of this section, will open such a house at an early date, and proposes to make a success of it if same can be accomplished. He will handle grain, flour, and such stuffs in car lots, and will purchase all the eggs and such produce that the merchants of the town have to offer. Being a young man for whom we have the highest regard, we wish him an abundance of success.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906

The professional card of Dr. J. L. Mitchell, physician and surgeon, can be found in another column of this issue. Dr. Mitchell moved here from Muldoon a few days ago, where he has been practicing for some time. Dr. Mitchell is a native of this place, a son of Mr. B. F. Mitchell and wife, a graduate from one of the leading medical colleges of the south, and a gentleman whose character is above reproach. As a physician his ability has already been proven. He offers his services to the citizens of this section, and will give all calls prompt attention. The Mercury wishes him much success.
Weimar Mercury, March 31, 1906

Orphan Train

A carload of fifty little boys and girls, orphans from the New York Foundling and Orphan asylum, passed through here Tuesday afternoon, headed west. At this point seven of the children were left and taken in charge by Jos. Hollub, Frank Schenk, Andrew Sciba, John Vacek, Mrs. Mary Filipp, Alois Kloesel and Anton Berger, who have adopted them. The children are a bright looking lot, and are in charge of G. Whiting Swayne, connected with said asylum.
Weimar Mercury, May 19, 1906, page 5

Weimar Families

A Weimar citizen and his wife, discussing a few nights ago the number of white familes residing here, their nationality, etc., got out pencil and paper and obtained the following reusults, which may prove a surprise to many of our people, to whom the question had perhaps never presented itself: Of the white families residing in the city, seventy-nine are native born Americans, seventy-eight are Germans and Bohemians and eleven are American and other nationalities mixed. If the Weimar man was correct in his calculations, the city possesses at the present time a total of 168 white families This would probably amount to about 900 white person, and with between 300 and 400 negroes residing within the city limits, would make the population between 1200 and 1300.
Weimar Mercury, December 1, 1906


Guenther & Gold Saloon

Work of tearing down the Guenther & Gold saloon building, preparatory to the erection of several brick buildings by the owner of said property, H. J. Laas of Columbus, has begun and just as soon as the old building is out of the way work on the new buildings will commence. These new buildings will add greatly to the aperance of that section of the city.
Weimar Mercury, February 23, 1907

Work on tearing down the Guenther & Gold saloon building has been completed, and now work upon the foundation for the Laas Block of brick buildings is progressing rapidly.
Weimar Mrcury, March 9, 1907

First Automobile in Weimar

The arrival of Weimar’s first automobile was recorded Thursday night of last week, when Dr. R. P. Ratliff, our popular dentist,received a handsome Ford machine from San Antonio. The machine was harnessed up bright and early Friday morning and soon was speeding through our streets and highways as if accustomed to it. Dr. Ratliff has made several trips to contiguous communities and is rapidly getting the hang of the “critter” so that he can manage it without difficulty. Several parties have become interested in such vehicles, and it is more than likely that other machines will be ordered at an early date. The horses of this section take in the new machine much more kindly than we anticipated.
Weimar Mercury, April 6, 1907, page 5

After the Storm

Work on tearing down the old Jackson hotel building, preparatory to erecting the new hotel building on the same site, was begun bright and early Monday morning, and by night the old structure was very nearly level with the ground. The timbers will be sorted, and such as can be made of service will be used in the new bilding. The furnishings of the old hotel were also removed and will be offered for sale at an early date. Work on the new strcture will be rushed forward as rapidly as possible. The new hotel will be very nicely furnished throughout.
Weimar Mercury, July 2 1909, page 5



In company with County Commissioner W. W. Williams, the Mercury editor last Friday afternoon paid a visit to the new road southwest of town, which was nearing completion. Arriving there, we found the road completed with the exception of filling the approaches to the bridge across Clear creek, which was being done in a neat and workmanlike manner under the supervision of Felix Miles, who has charge of the county forces, teams and graders. This is a beautiful piece of road work, being almost a straight line from Henry Oncken’s home to that of A. Koltermann, where it intersects with the Schulenburg road. It is free of trees, stumps and brush, the dirt thrown up to the center, with good drainage on either side, and its value will be more thoroughly appreciated as the farmers begin to travel same, and are free from the disturbing influence of trains frightening their teams. The bridge is a nice structure, built of iron , mounted on concrete piers, and swings free and clear of the stream below. It was erected by W. P. Watson and his helpers in the record breaking time of four days, and is a good job, too. Commissioner Williams is justly proud of this new piece of road.
Weimar Mercury, Mar 19, 1909


Order of Eastern Star Organized

Mrs. Annie .H. DuMars of Angleton, deputy grand matron, was here Wednesday afternoon and organized a chapter of the Eastern Star with the following officers. Mrs. Pearl H. Sparks. worthy matron; W. Kindred, worthy patron; Mrs. Rosa Lee Duve, secretary; Mrs. Bertha Louterstein, treasurer; Mrs. Mattie Brasher, conductress; Mrs. Willie F. Hubbard, associate conductress; Mrs. Berry H. Cook, Adah; Miss Rosa Buttigig, Ruth; Mrs. Mamie McLeary, Esther; Mrs. Mollie McMillan, Martha; Miss Itasca Hill, Electra; Mrs. Bettie Kindred, warder; H Brasher, sentinel; Mrs. Mattie E. Shatto, chaplain; Mrs. Bertha Potthast, marshal. The, chapter starts out with encouraging prospects. A meeting will be held tonight (Thursday) to take in several new members.
Weimar Mercury, August 5, 1910, page 8

Simon Simmons, a well known colored farmer of this section, called by Saturday and renewed his subscription to the home paper, for which he has our thanks.
Weimar Mercury, December 15, 1911, page 9

W. W. Gillohm, one of our good hardworking colored farmers of route five was in town Tuesday, and as usual, promptly renewed his subscription to the Mercury. Gillohm believes in improvements, he had his dwelling newly painted which gives it a nice appearance.
Weimar Mercury, December 1, 1911, page 4

Well at Odd Fellows/Masonic Cemetery

Work on the well at the cemetery west of town is now under headway, under the supervision of Mr. Johnson, local well contractor. The new well will be locate just a few feet south of the old well, but will be deeper, provided with galvanized piping and pump.
Weimar Mercury, December 6, 1912

Coleman Carruthers and Johnnie Wilson, Jr., are two enterprising colored citizens who have lately erected neat cottages in the vicinity of the oil mills.
Weimar Mercury, February 27, 1914

Weimar is “Round Here”

Weimar is not on a boom, but just a constant growth. There will be finished up this month, the Lauterstein buildings, S. C. Holloway residence, and probably others. Mr. Holloway’s new home when completed and ready for for[sic] occupancy will cost in the neighborhood of $4200. Mr. Ed. Rabel has started a neat and modern, as well as up-tp-date, residence just across the street from F. J. Nitschmann. We failed to learn just how much Mr. Rabel’s house will cost, but it will be somewhere between $2000 and $3000. Mr. W. A. Baar was up from Bonus last Monday and stated that he would probably remodel his residence, taking part of the old house away and making a rent house of it, and fix up the remaining portion, making a modern and up-to-date residence of same, he expects to spend about $2000 in making this improvement. We also understand that Mr. Owen Heyer will soon begin work of remodeling his residence, and when through he expects to have one of the finest residence in the city. Mr. Heyer just recently put up a windmill and tank. Weimar will yet be a city, just watch and wait.
Weimar Mercury, July 3, 1914, page 1

Ed Rabel Home

Contractor Bohlmann and force of eight carpenters came in from Schulenburg early Monday morning and at once began work on the beautiful new bungalow of Ed Rabel, opposite F. J. Nitschmann’s residence. We understand that Mr. Bohlmann is being solicited to remodel and build several residence in our city. His work in our neighboring city of Schulenburg shows that he is an experienced and fine workman.
Weimar Mercury, July 24, 1914, page 1

Ratliff Garage Busy

The Ratliff garage has been a busy place the last two weeks selling cars and getting them delivered. Lately they have sold “Overlands” to Robt. Klockmann, Rud. Mozisek, Chas. Frazer and Ed. Seydler, and “Chivrolets”[sic} to Joe Rypple, Ad. Ulrich, Felix Speck and L. J. Barton. Both of these cars are good sellers and Mr. Ratliff finds no trouble in disposing all he ships in here. He expects to sell several car loads this summer.
Weimar Mercury, January 28, 1916

75 Years Ago (June 9, 1916, Mercury) R. T. Farrar, the tonsorial artist, has purchased the residence formerly occupied by Ben B. Holt. Mr. Farrar has purchased lots from J. H. Brooks just south of the E. F. Shortt residence and will move the Holt house there.
Weimar Mercury, June 13, 1991

Mr. J. W. Whittington left on exhibition at the real estate office of W. L. Johnson Saturday a bunch of Georgia chufas, a new growth for this section, Mr. Whittington having secured the seed for planting from W. R. Townsend of Brunswick, Georgia. Mr. Whittington planted the seed the first part of August and dug the sample on the first day of December. It is claimed that chufas have for years proven a paying crop in Georgia and other southern states, the people of that part of the South fattening their hogs on the nuts. The plant has the appearance of nut grass and the roots produce nuts in great abundance, growing something like peanuts, only that the plant is very much different in appearance and the nuts have no outer shell or husk. The nut tastes something like cocoanut (sic). The chufas grown by Mr. Whittington were produced practically without rain and were planted so late in season that they had but small chance to produce a big yield, but Mr. Whittington feels from his experience that this new crop can be grown here successfully. It is claimed that an acre planted to chufas will fatten fifty hogs. Mr. W. A. Fink secured some seed at the same time that Mr. Whittington did and planted his, with the same result. It is thought that sandy land is best suited to the growth of this forage crop--Yoakum Times.
Weimar Mercury, December 22, 1916
Submitted by Deborah Smith


Among the buyers of Liberey(sic) Bonds last Saturday were three substantial negro citizens of this section--Will Gillohm, Will Stewart and Stewart Taylor. Their patriotism is worthy of the highest commendation.
Weimar Mercury, November 2, 1917, page 1

Traffic Posts Now In Place

The traffic posts recently purchased by the city have been installed upon the four principal business corners, and last Saturday traffic policemen were stationed at each to direct the public as to their use and significance. They are a great convenience, have been adopted by all the principal cities of the country, and as people become used to them, they will be appreciated more.
Weimar Mercury, November 23, 1917
Transcribed by Judy Talkington


Dr. A. H. Potthast reports a case of smallpox on the farm of Ed Barton near Borden, the victim being a negro man named Ed Scott. Dr. Payne, county health physician, was summoned, and he, too, passed upon the case. Quarantine was established, and every precaution taken to prevent a further spread of the disease.
Weimar Mercury, April 26, 1918, page 4


Dr. A. H. Potthast reports two or three more cases of smallpox in the family of Eddie Scott, negro living in the Borden section. It is said that the disease was started through the recent visit of a band of Gypsies in that section.
Weimar Mercury May 10, 1918, page 5


The city and county co-operating, the small pox situation seems well in hand, The negro, Evan Scott, who died last week was buried, and all who had been exposed to the disease were placed in quarantine promptly, after being vaccinated. A detention camp was located about a mile east of town, and with Mr. Stack on as day guard and W. H. Lowrey as night guard, those who had been exposed have been in close confinement. No other cases have developed, and it is not believed there will be any further spread of the disease. At a called meeting of the city council last Thursday afternoon, compulsory vaccination among the negroes was ordered, and the order was promptly complied with. It is doubtful if a single member of the race has not been vaccinated since the order went into effect. The city and county are sharing equally the expense of the quarantine.
Weimar Mercury, May 24, 1918, page 1


There are two new cases of smallpox at the detention camp two miles east of town--Green Dickey and the wife of Sam White, both colored. It is possible that other cases may develop at the camp, but as practically every negro in the community has been vaccinated, further cases aside from those in detention, are not likely. Every precaution has been taken to prevent a spread of the disease.
Weimar Mercury, May 31, 1918, page 4


There hangs in the southeast window of the T A. Hill State Bank a clock that is rightly named “the Mysterious Clock.” It seems only a heavy piece of plate glass with an hour and minute hand pegged on to it, and there is no winding apparatus connected with it, yet it runs regularly and keeps accurate time. You may move the hands forward or backward, but they always return to the correct position. What causes the clock to run is a mystery that is puzzling lots of people. As one party remarked the other day, “The more I look at and study it, the less I know.” It’s a puzzle all right. See the mysterious clock.
Weimar Mercury, June 6, 1919



The members of the Methodist Church have caught the improvement fever, and are making preparations tp build a Sunday School room on the south side of the church building, and also will tear down the present Methodist parsonage and rebuild same in modern style. Material for these improvements is being assembled, and work upon same will begin in the very near future. Completion of these improvements will add much to the appearance and value of Methodist property in Weimar.
Weimar Mercury, February 13, 1920, page 1


Movement Strikes Weimar--Big Club Formed--Everybody’s Wearing “Em.

"The worm will turn,” and the high cost of clothing has at last grated on the nerves of the people of this section to the extent that they have determined to cut it down--at least so far,as the men folks are concerned--by shucking their good clothes, refraining from the purchase of new suits, and going back to the days of overalls, at lest until the price of men's clothing comes down to reasonable figure. This Idea prevailed Saturday last and spread like wilwfire[sic], with the result that fifty-seven names were soon signed to a declaration to use cotton goods whenever practicable, don overalls and wear same until the first of September.

The original fifty-seven signers to this declaration are as follows: O. A. Rose, Geo. Herder, Jr., Ben B. Holt, Chas. Fahrenthold, Jno. C. Hubbard, John Barta, Sam C. Holloway, G. T. Hawkes, Frank Verunac, R. H. Yoder, J. T. Doggett, Ed. Rabel, George Kusey, R. L. Watson, M. J. Pilat, Laure Brasher, H. Knebel, Ross McMillan, Tye Holman, W. H. Hollien Joe Billeck, G. W. Shaver, P. J. Shaver, W. S. Shaver, J. H. Montgomery, T. A. Hill, F. E. Leidolf, L. H. Laas, Chas. G. Cook, C. E. Duve, A. H. Potthast, E. B. Geisendorff, Henry J. Laas, F. F. Anders, E. R. Hluchanek, E. H. Rabel, W. P. Ammann, John H. Brooks, J . F. Walker, A. I. Chapman, Jack Brasher, O. H. Holloway, J. E. Stavinoha, E. C. Beyer, A. H. Plagens. W. J. Black, Frank Berger, J r., W. W. Williams, Elmo Chandler, John Insall, Fritz Niemeyer, C. H; Potthast, Jas. McMillan. Many others would willingly have signed same, if the committee had had further time to circulate the petition.

The first evidence that there was something back of It all further than a joke was when services were held Sunday at the Methodist and Baptist Churches and both pastors appeared in their overall garb. Many members of both congregations were similarly attired. Rev. Eidson, the Baptist pastor, announced that he heartily favored the move, proposed to keep it going, and that on next Sunday night he proposed, to preach a special sermon on "The Man in Overalls." Scores of men and boys were out Monday in the new uniform and the movement is spreading like wildfire throughout this section, as it is over the country. Business men in all walks of life, from the banker to the lowly section hand, are all wearing overalls now, and say they are glad and proud to do so. It may be but a temporary fad, as some say, but that it is destined to put a kink in the high prices of clothing is very evident. On with the move!
Weimar Mercury, April 23, 1920, page 1


The local chapter of the Eastern Star recently elected the following corps of offices: Sister Eleanore Geisendorff, W. M.; Brother Jno. C. Hubbard, W. P.; Sister Mattie Brasher, A. M.; Sister Olga Potthast, conductress; Sister Eva Fulford, Assistant Conductress; Sister Eddie Ratliff, secretary; Sister Gertie Lauterstein, treasurer; Sister Emma Dahse, Adah; Sister Clara Brooks, Ruth; Sister Emily Hawkes, Esther; Sister Lucy Nall, Martha; Sister Beuna Yoder, Electa; Sister Freida Potthast, warden; Brother Mannie Lauterstein, sentinel; Brother Eugene Nall , chaplain; Sister Itasca Hill, marshal; Sister Willie Hubbard, organist. The newly elected offices have all been installed.

Weimar Mercury, July 2, 1920


Our attention was called the other day to quite a work of art displayed in one of the Brasher Buick Company show windows. It was a perfect delineation of a “Buick Six” automobile, done in black and white, and its execution and facts connected with its production have elicited much favorable comment and attention. The picture was done by a young colored boy of this section, Leslie Simmons by name, 17-year-old son of Henry Simmons, well known colored farmer living southeast of Weimar. When it is taken into consideration that the boy’s “tools” for executing this picture were a box of black shoe polish and a feather, the real talent possessed by him can better be appreciated. ‘ Tis a pity that he can not be schooled properly in this art for which he displays so much talent already, for, although just a country boy, there is no telling what he might accomplish. The picture must be seen to be properly appreciated. Look at the Brasher Buick Company southwest show window and see the work of this colored boy.
Weimar Mercury, April 20, 1922

Cemetery Association Matters

At a meeting of the Weimar Cemetery Association last Friday, the differences between Mr. Barta, the sexton, and the association were satisfactorily adjusted and Mr. Barta withdrew his resignation. He is making a very satisfactory sexton, the association being very well pleased with his work. Differences between them arose over the fact that nearly all of the grave digging and extra work in the cemeteries was going to outside parties, and Mr. Barta contended for this work as a help toward supplementing his none too large salary. The association agreed with Mr. Barta that all this extra work around the cemeteries should justly be given to him and the association will use its utmost endeavors to throw all this work to Mr. Barta, also urging the general public, as a favor to the Cemetery Association to give him the work of grave digging and such other work as may be wanted done by lot owners. The association is paying Mr. Barta all it can afford to from its meager treasury, but unless this extra work is given him he will be unable to continue without hiring extra labor, and this would be out of the question with his present salary. The co-operation of the public in this matter will be sincerely appreciated by the Cemetery Association
Weimar Mercury, June 16, 1923
Transcribed by
Judy Talkington


People are beginning to wonder what will be stolen next. This was brought forcibly to mind one day last week when it was discovered that someone had entered the garage where Jno. C. Hubbard kept his hearse and taken therefrom the carburetor and vacuum tank from the car. This evidently had been done just a short time before it was discovered. No other part of the hearse was molested. No clue, except that the thief must own a Buick car.
Weimar Mercury, September 4, 1925


Mr. Frazee, representative of the Texas Pickle & Preserve Company of Rock Island, this county, was a visitor to our city a few days ago. This company, a solid, substantial concern, is making an effort to interest our farmers in the planting of something like 200 acres of cucumbers during the coming spring, guaranteeing to take the entire crop off their hands at a remunerative price.

The company, through Mr. J. O. Boettcher of our city, will furnish seed for planting at the very low price of $1.00 per acre and to responsible farmers we understand will even furnish the seed on time, to be paid for at crop gathering time.

The company will establish vats at this place, while the cucumbers will be graded and promptly paid for at time of delivery. There is no great labor necessary in raising and harvesting a crop of cucumbers, and it occurs to us that the opportunity to raise and dispose of a crop at a time when no other crop is in sight, is one that our farmers should not turn down. Many of our farmers are interested in the project, and it is more than likely there will be no difficulty In securing pledges for the 200 acres desired by the pickling company.

Mr. Frazee informs us that he will return to Weimar at an early date for the purpose of calling a mass meeting of all interested in this project, at which time full information as to cultural methods, harvesting instructions, etc., will be given. Date of this meeting will be announced in the Mercury very shortly. Watch for it.
Weimar Mercury, January 29, 1926, page 1

Receives Seven-Pound Box of Candy From Canada

Mr. and Mrs. “Bill” Harper of this city were greatly surprised one day the past week to receive a seven-pound box of candy from a broadcasting station in Canada. Some weeks ago while they were listening in on this station the announcer made the statement that the one answering his announcement on that date who lived the greatest distance from said station, the station would forward them a box of candy.
Mr. Harper, more out of curiosity than anything else, wrote a note to the station stating that he had heard of the offer, giving his address. In about three weeks he and his wife received the candy.

Weimar Mercury, February 22, 1929
Transcribed by Judy Talkington


The Farmers Drug Store, J. F. Bartosh, Prop., the past week installed one of the neatest and prettiest fountains to be found anywhere in South Texas. It is strictly up-to-date in every detail, and has attracted many favorable comments from the many customers of this popular drug store. Friend Joe says he will never be satisfied with anything but the best in his establishment.
Weimar Mercury, March 15, 1929, page 1


Contractor Grohmann Rebuilding Kahlich House

Contractor Albert Grohmann began work a few days ago rebuilding the Frank Kahlich residence, recently seriously damaged by fire. Mr. Kahlich perfected a satisfactory settlement with the insurance company for damages entailed by the fire, and with Mr. Grohmann in charge is now engaged in putting his residence in condition for occupancy
Weimar Mercury, January 23, 1931

X-Ray Equipment In stalled by Dr. Potthast

A Mr. McNeill, x-ray expert, was here this and last week, engaged in installing one of the finest sets of x-ray equipment to be found between Houston and San Antonio. in the office of Dr. A. H. Potthast, who previously had built and furnished a special room for same adjoining his office. Everything appertaining to same is now installed and in good working order, and Dr. Adolph can and will show you every bone in your body or a picture of any foreign substance that may have taken up abode in your diaphragm--at a reasonable cost, of course--as it costs something to take these x-ray pictures.
At any rate, while we are no expert on x-ray machinery, we are willing to admit that Dr, Potthast certainly has a fine equipment in that line. It is worth going around to his office just to see same.
Weimar Mercury, January 23, 1931

Drs. Arndt and Pagenstacker, two well known San Antonio physicians, were here Tuesday morning to see Dr. A. H. Potthast’s x-ray equipment, recently installed. These physicians contemplate putting in a like equipment and were advised to see Dr Potthast’s arrangement of same before placing an order. They were highly pleased with the x-ray equipment recently installed by Dr. Potthast and in all likelihood will put in a similar set.
Weimar Mercury January 30, 1931


Fred Miksch has moved his cleaning and pressing shop to the building one door east of Heller’s Cafe. Chas. Herder’s depot for his truck line has been moved next door to Hollek’s bakery shop, Mr. Herder having purchased a building and moved same on to the vacant lot there. The barber shop operated by Richard Freis and Johnnie Jalufka is to be moved within a few days to the building one door east of Heller’s Cafe, whivh is being fitted up for same
Weimar Mercury, March 22, 1931

Quite a Supper Party

Eagle Lake Headlight:: On Saturday night Sheriff Hoegemeyer, Deputy Townsend and Constable Taylor raoded a negro supper in progress at Weimar, getting three tubs full of ice cold beer and two barrels of mash. Several negroes were taken into custody on charges of possesson and sale of liquor. Ivory Stewart, a Weimar negro at the supper, was arrested when he was found carryng a pistol. “ I thought Les Taylor ws constable up here and not you,” said Sheriff Hoegemeyer, as he removed the six-gun from the negro’s handy pocket.
Weimar Mercury, April 24, 1931


It may seem unusual, but it is a fact that three babies were born in this city and immediate vicinity January 1st. The new comers are as follows:

A baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Genzer, a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freis, Jr., and a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. John Heger, Jr., of this city. A baby boy also was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Barta., this last Monday night.
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1932

A Wonderful Help to the Poor People

A well known but poor colored farmer of this section stopped the writer on the streets the other day and said: “I wish you would say something in the paper about the goodness of Mr. Theo Brandt in refusing to lease his pecan bottom and giving us poor people. both whites and blacks, a chance to gather pecans during the hard season we have just passed through. It was a God-send to many of us, and without it many of us would have suffered.

“As it was, scores of poor people were allowed to go into Mr. Brandt’s pecan bottom and gather the nuts on shares, thus helping us out wonderfully. For myself I can say that I made at least $100 that way, and this will help me and my family between now and next season. Mr. Brandt is a blessing to the poor people of this section.”

We agree with our colored friend, Theo Brandt, as well as all of the other Brandts that we have ever known, is a friend to everyybody and we’ll wager dollars to doughnuts that no one ever asked charity from these good folks but what they got it. That’s their way!
Weimar Mercury, January 8, 1932


A certain little Weimar girl, Hazel Marie Reinhardt by name, will get her picture in the papers on Sunday, April 24, in the part known as '"Strange As It May Seem," edited by one Ripley. Hazel's bid for fame, if it may be called such., comes through the fact that she is an only daughter of an only daughter through five generations.

Her great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Ward, was an only daughter; her great-grandmother, Mrs. Chas. Ellis, was an only daughter; her grandmother, Mrs. John H. Brooks, is an only daughter; her mother, Mrs. E. L. Reinhardt, is an only daughter, and Hazel herself is an only daughter.

This curious chain of circumstances was thought of enough interest to be reported to Mr. Ripley for his "Strange As It May Seem" column, and he has considered it worthy of a place there and has so notified the family.
Weimar Mercury, April 15, 1932, page 4

WEIMAR, Tex., May 27. Miss Marybeth Walker of Weimar has been chosen to represent this city and vicinity at the Tom Tom celebration held at Yoakum, June 11.
San Antonio Express, 28 May 1932, page 9
Submitted by Matt Cross


In conversation with one of Weimar's oldest citizens the other day, he asked us if we knew where Weimar got its name. We confessed that we only thought or believed that it derived its name from Weimar, in Germany, being named for that place.

It was M. Schetzing who made the inquiry. Continuing he told us that the late A. F. Rose of this city had told him many years ago that he knew the town was named for Weimar, Germany; that the late Colonel T. W. Pierce, railroad builder and co-founder with the late D. W. Jackson of the town of Weimar, had once visited the town of Weimar, Germany, and was so favorably impressed with it that he desired to name one of the towns along the old G. H. & S. A. Railway, after this beautiful German city. And that is how Weimar got its name.
Weimar Mercury, April 5, 1935, page 1


Tom W. Hill may not be as old as our good friend, M. Schetzing, but he has his own version of how Weimar came by its name. Tom says it is his belief and understanding that many years ago when this railroad was being built by Colonel T. W. Pierce, a number of wealthy German citizens from the old country became interested in building the road and colonizing along its lines and gave considerable financial aid to the project.

One of these was Count von Weimar, of the town of Weimar, Germany, and in appreciation of what he did for the project, Colonel Pierce named this place in his honor. Tom says he could not swear to this, but this is recollection of “how it happened”.
Weimar Mercury, April 12, 1935, page 5


Weimar, Texas, July 11--Colorado county’s oldest resident has celebrated his 102nd birthday. He is Grandpa Frank Kainer, 65-year-old resident of this area. who was born in the town of. Weis Kerchen, Moravia, in Czecho-Slovakia, July 9. 1833. His wife, born also in Moravia, is 89 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Kainer have six children: Three sons, Ed, Adolf and Emil of Weimar; Mrs. John Slubar and Mrs. Joe Freis of Weimar and Mrs. Joe Hruska of Cameron.

Two years ago when Grandpa Kainer reached the century mark friends and relatives thronged to his home for an all-day celebration. There was, of course, a huge birthday cake, bearing 100 candles, and also countless grandsons, granddaughters, sons and daughters.

Grandpa decided he didn't want a big festival this year so his 102nd mile-stone was passed quietly at his home five miles northwest of here.--Weimar Correspondence Galveston News.
Weimar Mercury, July 19, 1935, page 2

Boy Burned Badly

Charlie, 6-year-old son of Will Pollard, well known colored man of this community, with a boy’s curiosity, extracted the lead from a shell the other day and then proceeded to set the powder on fire to see what would happen. He found out in rather rude fashion.

The resultant explosion in his face blinded him and his eyesight may be seriously impaired. We think Charlie’s curiosity about powder explosions is satisfied for all time. The boy’s face was severely burned but he will recover.
Weimar Mercury, August 13, 1937
Transcription by
Judy Talkington


Mayor Henry J. Laas has a flock of hens that are almost too much "pets". When he goes out to feed them they fly all over him, and sometimes this becomes just a little bit obnoxious. It proved so early this (Thursday) morning, when one of the hens in trying to alight on his shoulder made a mislick, and in trying to save herself, scratched his cheek badly. A rather ugly scar now defaces the mayor's usually smiling countenance. We understand that since this mishap he is thinking of going out of the chicken business.
Weimar Mercury, February 4, 1938, page 1


30 Years Ago
Sept. 19, 1947, Mercury
“That old mill whistle every morning at 5:30 sure does disturb my sleep,” someone recently told Alfred Reissner, who is in his 50th year with the Weimar Oil Mill. “Well,” came the solemn reply, “It’s been disturbing one person or another for 50 years--and when it isn’t blowing, I can’t sleep.” He began with the mill in 1897, after the mill had been moved here from High Hill in 1878.
Weimar Mercury, September 17, 1977


SAE Ceremony Here Honors One of 8 Founders

(Unable to reproduce picture)
Dr. Charles Chappell Cook, one of the eight founders of the nation’s largest social fraternities, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, was memorialized Sunday in a ceremony conducted at his grave by SAE members.

Dr. Cook, who practiced medicine in Weimar and Colorado County for many years, along with seven other students at the University of Alabama organized the fraternity on March 9, 1856.

A stone marker will be erected at his grave by SAE. Wreaths were left there Sunday, but the marker failed to arrive in time.

Speaker for the service, at right, was Clark Willingham, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Clark of Columbus; and member of SAE’s Alpha Chapter at Texas Tech, Lubbock.

Others in the picture are Bernie Adams, a University of Houston alumnae who represented members of the Texas Epsilon Chapter at that school; Dr Gary R. Anderson, dean of men at Eastern New Mexico University, SAE National officer; other members of the Texas Alpha Chapter; and Mrs. Berry Hall Cook of Weimar, widow of Dr. Charles G. Cook and daughter-in-law of the SAE founder. The younger Dr. Cook also practiced here many years.
Weimar Mercury June 3, 1965


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