The Columbus Times is expecting the arrival of machinery for the establishment of a Beef Packery [as soon as] the cars begin to run to that place. The work of building the Railroad bridge across the river at Columbus is rapidly pushing ahead.
State Rights Democrat, La Grange, August 30, 1867
Issue of The Columbus Times, Printed Fifty-One Years Ago, Tells of Events of Other Days.
(From Eagle Lake Headlight.)We are indebted to Mr. J. R. Strahan of this city for at copy of the Columbus Times, printed at Columbus, Texas, and of date of December 26, 1868, the same being volume two, number thirty-six of the publication. The paper is addressed to W. T. A. Strahan, Mr. Strahan's father, and has been in possession of the family since its date of issue. J. M. Daniels was editor awl A. J. Vaughan, assistant editor. The advertisements in the paper are all small, and in single column form, a notice appearing that fifty percent additional is charged for double column advertisements. The advertising rate is 50c per inch per insertion. The back page of the paper contains a great many advertisements of Houston and Galveston firms. Among the professional cards carried in the paper we note the following: Fred Barnard, lawyer; Collier & Putney (Edward Collier and Richd J. Putney), lawyers; James W Smith, lawyer; Robt. L. Foard, lawyer; Andrew J. Vaughan, lawyer; Daniel C. Claiborne, lawyer; Darden & Delany (D. J, Darden and W. S. Delany) lawyers; Moore & Ledbetter (L. W. Moore and W. H. Ledbetter) lawyers; Quinan, Whitten & Thompson (Geo. Quinan, Jas. D. Whitten and Wells Thompson) lawyers; Dr J. H. Bowers, M. D,; Dr. T. T. de(Graffenried, dentist; J. W. Brown (late of Nashville, Tenn. ) M. D.; Geo. Witting, commission merchant; R. B. Johnson, beef market; Arthur Sherrill, livery stable. Among other advertisements in the paper are G. W. Dunn, photographer; J. M. Veale, dry goods, groceries and hardware; J. C. Folts, auction and commission merchant; A. W. Edge, wagon shop; F. Boettcher, staple and fancy dry goods arid groceries; J. A. Sheirburn, ladies' dress goods and ready made clothing; J. N Binkley, manufacturer of tin, copper and sheet iron ware; Ladwig & Hubeck, bakers and confections, also dealers in groceries, wines, liquors and cigars; Merchants & Farmers Exchange and Restaurant (Harmon Museburger announces that he has opened a bar room and intends keeping good liquors or none; K. Vogel & Co., staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes;. C. Jarat, dry goods, boot, shoes, hats, caps etc.; Harry Taylor, blacksmith; J. R. Brooks dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.; Cheap Cash Store, S. Thulemeyer, prop., staple and fancy dry goods and groceries; C. H. Bell, drug and medicines; Bowling Saloon by Charlie Brunson; Blacksmith Shop by A. Gallilie; Thos. Wagner & Co., wholesaIe and retail grocers; Jno. D. Campbell wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods and groceries and commission merchant; Lager Beer Brewery by Geo. Billert; Young & Olive, commission, grocery and dry goods merchants; J. R. Carlton & Co., furniture; A. Friedlander, wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc.; New Store at Content, Texas, by Charles Boettcher; J. D. Stephens & Co., commission merchants and dealers in dry goods and groceries; Thatcher House, Thornton Thatcher, proprietor. The paper contains comparatively few local news items, among which are the following:
"Married. in Columbus on the 23rd instant, by Rev. J. J. Scherer, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. Light Townsend and Miss Alice Cummins, all of Colorado County. Accompanying this announcement was a basket of wedding cake, which made the printers smile. The happy couple have our wannest congratulations.
"We believe the Times' printing office is the only office in the State where liquors are not used--from the foreman to the devil, not one ever tastes any kind of spirits, not even Lager. Where is an office that can equal it for temperance?"
Remember that our old friend Charley Brunson, at the Live Oak, has every variety of fine liquors, tobacco and cigars to suit those who have a taste for "sich," and if you don't believe us go and try one of those nice egg-nogs such as he always keeps on hand for paying customers. He has a billard table and bowling alley, where his friends can enjoy themselves during the holidays and as long thereafter as they chose to stay In the city.
"A man who is well known in western Texas by various names--mostly Hines, Becker, Decker, and better known as he Ranger Captain--about two weeks since, stole a horse and sold him to a negro of this city, giving a bill of sale so unintelligible that it could not be deciphered; and after he departed, the true owner of the horse came and proved him away whereupon a warrant was issued and placed in the hands of Sheriff Leyendecker, who with two negroes, pursued the thief and overtook him, and the sheriffs rein breaking in the pursuit, he gave directions to the negroes to arrest or kill him in the attempt; and the thief being about to escape, one of the negroes fired upon him, wounding him so, that they captured and brought him to jail where he remained until last Monday, when he dIed. from the wound. The deceased was branded where calves usually are, with the letter D. As to his true name, no one knows it, but the country, no doubt, is much benefitted by his loss. That was a Ku Klux negro. Bully for him and his sort.
The following are some of the other items appearing in the paper:
The LaGrange New Era says that the railroad from Brenham to Austin, 85 miles, is announced to be under contract. It will come within fifteen miles of LaGrange. Well we can go and see the locomotive, if it will not give us a call."
"The Dallas Herald says that pork has opened in the market at 5 cents per pound, at which price, 'it is presumed, it will continue. This is for good corn-fed."
"Wood sold at $16 per cord yesterday morning, but the bright weather brought down the price before night to $14.
"On Saturday night as the stage came through Bastrop, the carpenter shops of Allen & Pickets were burning. The Bureau agent was accused of setting them on fire, and a party was hunting him."
"The Indianola Bulletin learns from the Corpus Christi Advertiser of the 12th inst., that Capt. John Littleton and a Mr. Stanord, while returning from Gonzales, county to Helena, a week ago last Thursday, were shot and kiIIed by parties unknown.
The Houston Telegraph, Austin Republican and Galveston Dispatch are the newspapers most quoted from by the Times.Weimar Mercury, October 3, 1919, page 2
The Columbus Citizen says the fine new building of Mr. J. B. Leyendecker, near the railroad depot, was burned on the night of the 22d inst. It caught from a stove pipe, and the efforts of the citizens to put it out were uavailing. Mr. Leyendecker's loss was something like $2,500.
The Galveston Daily News, December 28, 1869, page 3