Colorado County
Death Index 1964 thru 1998
L – Z

Go to Death Index 1964 –1998 Surnames A – K

DECEASED                         SEX   DATE        
 Laake Alvin Paul                M     1984-12-29

			Laake Louis Marion              M     1997-02-20

			Laake Paul Joseph               M     1995-08-27

			Laake Paul Thomas               M     1982-11-02

			Laake Roxie Dorothy             F     1987-06-25

			Laake Stephen Anthony           M     1993-01-01

			Laase Irvin Gene                M     1997-11-28

			Labauve Jaque                   F     1995-05-04

			Labay Albert                    M     1972-11-25

			Labay Anna                      F     1966-07-21

			Labay Clement F                 M     1981-02-04

			Labay Hattie Lena               F     1969-04-15

			Labay Leo Joseph                M     1993-08-14

			Labay Ludvik                    M     1965-10-01

			Labay Mary Anastasia            F     1993-12-20

			Lacey Mary Eddie                F     1964-12-05

			Lacey Ninnie Hall               F     1983-05-21

			Lachappelle Bernice R           F     1973-05-25

			Lacina Richard                  M     1968-03-06

			Lacina Robert Henry             M     1979-03-02

			Lack Elizabeth Jane             F     1994-08-11

			Lackey Eliza                    F     1964-01-27

			Lackey R L                      M     1990-04-27

			Lacourse Ethel Yvonne           F     1996-07-10

			Lacy Joseph Webster             M     1991-11-30

			Ladewig Frances                 F     1973-11-02

			Ladewig Hilda B                 F     1981-09-12

			Ladewig Lena                    F     1977-07-28

			Laeve Adela                     F     1997-01-26

			Lain Earnest H                  M     1987-02-26

			Laird Pat   III                 M     1996-02-15

			Lake Frank E                    M     1979-04-03

			Lamascus Charles K              M     1979-05-16

			Lamascus Harvey                 M     1973-02-26

			Lamberth Jessie E               M     1970-11-17

			Lamberth Lester Earl            M     1985-07-28

			Lamkin Clyde E                  M     1966-03-15

			Lamkin Mady                     F     1976-10-02

			Lamp Elsie V                    F     1986-05-31

			Lang Mack C                     M     1977-04-24

			Lang Rose Adeline               F     1998-12-19

			Lange Marvin                    M     1986-01-15

			Lange Rupert L                  M     1973-10-26

			Lange Violet Lillie             F     1983-12-31

			Langhamer Pauline               F     1976-08-11

			Langston Phaedra M              F     1976-06-17

			Lanier Etta M                   F     1976-11-09

			Lanik Sophie                    F     1970-07-23

			Laplante Edwin Stanley          M     1984-08-25

			Lapole Melicia May              F     1991-03-26

			Larioz Larry                    M     1981-05-07

			Larmer Bert Howard  Jr          M     1992-11-22

			Larmer Dora                     F     1969-01-29

			Larsen Dora Thorne              F     1996-10-01

			Larsen John                     M     1965-04-14

			Larsen Louis C                  M     1967-12-24

			Larsen Maybelle Jane            F     1970-01-17

			Larson Gladys                   F     1993-03-30

			Larson Harry Dean               M     1984-12-24

			Larson Nellie Marvilla          F     1996-01-09

			Lassetter Alice C               F     1974-11-09

			Laughlin Bonnie Merle           F     1988-09-30

			Laughlin Charles Curtis  M D,   M     1986-08-06

			Laughlin Kathryn S              F     1975-09-06

			Lauterstein Emanuel             M     1967-03-23

			Lauterstein Girtie              F     1970-07-03

			Laver Mary                      F     1974-04-02

			Law Felton Burlin               M     1979-03-24

			Lawrence Ernest Harold          M     1985-02-24

			Lawrence Ishmal G               M     1970-11-21

			Lawrence Joe Ernest             M     1980-07-14

			Laws Diana Lynne                F     1993-07-23

			Laymance Ruby Lee               F     1981-05-17

			Layton Louie W                  M     1991-10-12

			Layton Willie D                 F     1985-10-30

			Lebeda Frank                    M     1987-06-26

			Lebeda Joseph R                 M     1973-09-26

			Lebeda Leo                      M     1987-02-02

			Leblanc Harry E                 M     1976-12-31

			Leblanc Johnnie Joe             F     1982-08-22

			Ledbetter L J                   M     1995-08-24

			Lednicky Albert                 M     1978-12-29

			Lee Clara                       F     1980-06-15

			Lee Evie   Sr                   M     1967-02-10

			Lee Frank                       M     1972-07-22

			Lee Ganest B                    M     1975-07-11

			Lee Gussie W                    F     1978-05-03

			Lee Harvey                      M     1992-12-02

			Lee Hubert                      M     1967-11-04

			Lee Mable                       F     1992-02-25

			Lee Milav                       F     1991-08-29

			Lee Milav                       F     1991-08-29

			Lee Mittie                      F     1980-07-14

			Lee Percy J                     M     1971-05-14

			Lee Valerie Macheal             F     1969-02-06

			Leessin Martha                  F     1969-05-03

			Lehde Anna Minna                F     1969-01-23

			Lehmann Gilbert William         M     1990-10-23

			Lehrer Dottie A                 F     1976-12-20

			Leidolf Lillie                  F     1984-07-08

			Leidolf Oswald B                M     1973-05-18

			Leierer Fay Winford             M     1997-09-30

			Leihardt Jane Lillian           F     1987-11-14

			Leihardt Jerry                  M     1987-03-17

			Leihardt Willie J               M     1978-02-19

			Lemons Ben                      M     1980-12-19

			Lemons Charlie                  M     1966-05-10

			Lemons Lucinda Wallace          F     1996-11-24

			Lemons Lula                     F     1974-07-26

			Lemons Nathaniel   Jr           M     1983-05-18

			Lenard Isaac L                  M     1971-11-10

			Lenard Stella                   F     1977-03-03

			Lenhart Alida D                 F     1975-06-16

			Lenhart William E               M     1975-10-22

			Leonard Algie                   M     1980-02-20

			Leopold Albert Christian        M     1994-08-05

			Leopold Frances Ann             F     1989-06-03

			Leppin Eric Herman              M     1967-10-02

			Leppin Hilton A                 M     1983-05-15

			Leppin Leona S                  F     1984-07-20

			Leppin Oscar C                  M     1987-01-30

			Leppin Rita                     M     1987-02-05

			Leppin Selma                    F     1965-06-14

			Leu Rosie                       F     1983-06-29

			Lev Charles Joseph              M     1996-12-12

			Levens Gertrue                  F     1990-02-05

			Levi Hugo Alejandro             M     1995-08-30

			Lewis Charline                  F     1975-08-07

			Lewis Ethel                     F     1966-05-29

			Lewis Fay Etta                  F     1983-06-02

			Lewis Frank                     M     1971-08-16

			Lewis Gretchen                  F     1993-04-27

			Lewis Lettie                    F     1972-08-19

			Lewis Lola S                    F     1980-09-18

			Lewis Mann Herbert              M     1992-03-13

			Leyendecker Arthur P            M     1980-12-05

			Leyendecker Charles   Jr        M     1988-06-24

			Leyendecker Herbert             M     1964-08-25

			Leyendecker Jack                M     1981-02-21

			Leyendecker Weldon              M     1982-03-09

			Lichey Erna                     F     1982-01-29

			Lichey Fritz                    M     1970-06-25

			Lichey Mary Anna                F     1990-11-01

			Lichnovsky Alfons               M     1993-02-25

			Lichnovsky Julia                F     1975-09-20

			Lidiak Agnes                    F     1982-09-03

			Lidiak Charles A                M     1981-06-17

			Lidiak John E                   M     1985-10-11

			Lidiak Mary M                   F     1977-01-13

			Lieberman Harris Bernard        M     1981-07-05

			Lieberman Sandra Bloom          F     1981-07-05

			Liermann Jacob Anton            M     1965-10-10

			Liermann Steven Leslie          M     1982-06-24

			Ligon David                     M     1967-04-19

			Lilie Alice L                   F     1973-02-17

			Lilie Elmo Otto                 M     1993-01-31

			Lilie Elvira M                  F     1981-05-29

			Lilie Ewald John                M     1970-01-22

			Lilie Henry                     M     1967-11-17

			Lilie Lillian Sophie            F     1967-09-21

			Lilie Otilia F  Marie,          F     1981-03-31

			Lily Kate                       F     1974-08-31

			Lincoln Carey                   F     1971-03-31

			Lincoln Jarvis                  M     1966-08-15

			Lind Hazel Marie                F     1996-11-21

			Lindemann Robert Otto           M     1985-12-16

			Lindsay Dorothy Adolphine       F     1989-02-01

			Lindsey Mary Ellen              F     1997-07-03

			Ling Hattie                     F     1972-11-30

			Linhart Joseph F                M     1967-08-17

			Linke Alvin W                   M     1969-04-29

			Linke Beulah                    F     1969-03-26

			Linke Elo O                     M     1972-03-22

			Linke Viola                     F     1977-12-21

			Linnemier Jimmy Ray             M     1989-03-11

			Lipper Joseph Cronbach          M     1993-01-01

			Lipperdt Charles J  F,          M     1964-10-02

			Lipperdt Herbert A              M     1986-01-27

			Lipperdt Mary Alice             F     1997-11-10

			Lippold Lola E                  F     1978-08-18

			Lipscomb Dudley                 M     1982-09-15

			Lira Margarito                  M     1991-05-24

			Listowski John Joseph  Sr       M     1981-12-27

			Little Henry G                  M     1976-04-25

			Little Louise R                 F     1983-06-05

			Little Mata                     F     1988-04-13

			Little Sallie                   F     1983-03-02

			Little Stasie Vlasta            F     1997-03-03

			Littleton Laura Viola           F     1987-07-18

			Litton William Crawford         M     1982-02-17

			Litzmann Edgar Lee              M     1967-02-14

			Litzmann Elly Jose              F     1968-07-15

			Litzmann Margaret Amelia        F     1995-03-17

			Litzmann Norma                  F     1984-10-21

			Lloyd Jerry L                   M     1987-10-22

			Lobpries Margaret E             F     1978-11-19

			Lobpries Rae                    F     1984-11-07

			Lockett Gladystene              F     1997-05-25

			Lockett Jesse                   M     1971-10-30

			Lockett Louisa                  F     1974-01-11

			Lockridge Mary                  F     1992-10-10

			Loesch Nelda Elizabeth          F     1993-10-02

			Loessin Anna                    F     1994-08-28

			Loessin Benno                   M     1976-07-11

			Loessin Emily H                 F     1978-03-23

			Loessin George Frank            M     1967-01-05

			Loessin Gussie Ferd             M     1993-03-09

			Loessin Herbert H               M     1971-02-06

			Logan Minnie E                  F     1973-09-26

			Loner Bonnie Catherine          F     1995-12-13

			Loner George A                  M     1986-07-03

			Long Catherine                  F     1997-07-17

			Long Harold G                   M     1974-11-22

			Long Maggie                     F     1987-09-28

			Long Senia                      F     1968-08-17

			Longmire Maud                   F     1969-11-10

			Longoria Juanita M              F     1991-10-04

			Longoria Ralph                  M     1970-06-21

			Lopez Bernardino M  Jr          M     1977-12-03

			Lopez Christopher               M     1993-02-27

			Lopez Guadalupe H               M     1992-02-09

			Lopez Herminia G                F     1979-12-09

			Lopez Richard R                 M     1987-09-16

			Lott Louis Eugene               M     1987-02-26

			Loughridge Flossie E            F     1977-05-08

			Lovelace Albina                 F     1990-08-01

			Lovelace Alvie                  M     1994-12-29

			Lowe Albert Walter              M     1993-10-13

			Lowe Frances M                  F     1988-08-06

			Lowe Jurod                      M     1968-09-14

			Lowe Theodore   Jr              M     1975-02-28

			Lowrie Laura A                  F     1972-02-11

			Lozano Agnes                    F     1972-11-14

			Lozano Amador R                 M     1975-12-05

			Lozano Joe                      M     1975-07-27

			Lroy Deon E                     F     1978-11-03

			Lucko Erna T                    F     1988-11-07

			Lucko Margaret V                F     1988-09-14

			Lucko Walter August             M     1982-10-03

			Ludwig Charlie                  M     1987-01-18

			Ludwig Katie                    F     1964-10-29

			Luedecke Hattie                 F     1975-06-18

			Luedecke Mark R                 M     1977-12-03

			Luedecke Otto C                 M     1972-08-22

			Lugo Hermelinda                 F     1994-06-19

			Lujan Jarell Lee                M     1998-10-26

			Lumsford Vlasta Rose            F     1993-08-27

			Luna Janie Chapin               F     1983-09-13

			Luna Joe D                      M     1992-02-04

			Luna Jose                       M     1971-09-18

			Lundquist Allie M               F     1976-05-29

			Lundquist Carl Albert           M     1983-06-28

			Lundquist Hulda                 F     1970-06-14

			Lutes Paul Wesley               M     1981-01-01

			Luther Douglas Cook             M     1996-04-02

			Lux Edward C  Sr                M     1980-07-09

			Lux Joseph                      M     1975-03-30

			Lverssen George Elroy           M     1982-02-03

			Lyle Ernestine                  F     1982-08-22

			Lyle Fred F                     M     1975-07-30

			Lyle William Alexander  Sr      M     1985-06-11

			Lyles Vernon W                  M     1976-07-15

			Lynton Catherine Cobb           F     1984-03-15

			Lynton Richard J                M     1984-09-02

			Lyons Dorothy Mae               F     1990-02-22

			Lyons Jimmie L                  M     1997-08-01

			Lyro Justine                    F     1997-09-24

			Maas Dora                       F     1978-11-17

			Macbride Cecelia Long           F     1998-01-27

			Macha Elsie                     F     1997-08-31

			Macha John J                    M     1998-03-31

			Machac Beatrice Ann             F     1979-02-15

			Machac Ben                      M     1997-01-07

			Machac Joseph J                 M     1988-05-27

			Machacek Sophie Albina          F     1967-04-03

			Machalec August F               M     1972-07-19

			Machart Christina Anne          F     1996-10-20

			Machart Henry Joe               M     1964-09-30

			Machart Jerry Joseph            M     1996-11-19

			Machemehl Eugenia               F     1992-09-27

			Machemehl Paul W                M     1971-11-29

			Machicek August                 M     1967-04-30

			Machinsky Alton Edward          M     1994-06-03

			Machinsky Angeline Emma         F     1995-08-11

			Machinsky Berdina Clara         F     1996-06-03

			Macias Jose L  Sepulveda,       M     1991-09-11

			Mackey Annie                    F     1966-08-13

			Madison Clara Duggan            F     1968-06-20

			Maeckel Bertha Anna             F     1983-07-25

			Maeckel Lee   Sr                M     1982-05-30

			Maeckel William Otto            M     1983-10-28

			Maeker Alma Brune               F     1966-05-11

			Maeker Ida Agatha               F     1987-04-02

			Maeker Leslie L                 M     1976-09-05

			Maertz Anton H                  M     1966-10-04

			Maertz Otis                     M     1994-04-13

			Maerz Carl Benjamin             M     1992-04-10

			Maerz Edward Henry              M     1964-06-28

			Maerz Wilber E                  M     1998-01-01

			Magee Mary C                    F     1967-05-25

			Magjarevich Emil                M     1988-11-24

			Magjarevich Mary                F     1998-02-27

			Magjarovich George              M     1972-08-23

			Mahalec Alvin Byron             M     1981-05-23

			Mahalitc John   Sr              M     1990-11-18

			Mahalitc Olga Elizabeth         F     1986-10-07

			Mahalitc Russell J              M     1974-07-30

			Mahon Roy P                     M     1970-11-20

			Mai Alma Caroline               F     1984-11-01

			Mai Emma Frieda                 F     1990-04-04

			Mai John Wenzel  Jr             M     1964-03-23

			Mai Lillie A                    F     1970-06-28

			Mai Paul                        M     1975-07-13

			Maikoetter Richard              M     1982-02-07

			Mainer Nicholas Jackson         M     1992-12-08

			Maines James Austin             M     1993-02-22

			Malata Joseph Frank             M     1966-12-19

			Malcher Hedwig                  F     1980-11-04

			Malcik Albina L                 F     1975-04-28

			Maldonado Edy Augusto           M     1991-09-11

			Maldonado Trino                 M     1995-07-04

			Malek Annie R                   F     1971-07-05

			Malek Lu Ella                   F     1990-07-23

			Malinak Betty E                 F     1975-05-02

			Malinchalk Maxine B             F     1978-04-29

			Mallette Baker Hicks            M     1989-06-11

			Malone Ivory Lee                M     1967-09-12

			Malone William Edward           M     1968-11-15

			Malota Frank F                  M     1973-12-24

			Malota Julie A                  F     1977-02-21

			Manis James Wesley              M     1966-02-22

			Mann Belvin                     M     1995-11-07

			Mann Isreal J  Jr               M     1972-04-17

			Mann Jack Bethel                M     1966-12-07

			Mann Ray C                      M     1972-03-20

			Mann Simon                      M     1973-02-21

			Manofsky Annie                  F     1996-09-13

			Manthey Fritz William           M     1989-05-17

			Manthey Mamie L                 F     1970-10-10

			Manville Bonnie Pearl           F     1987-01-12

			Maples Ella                     F     1990-02-18

			Maples Henry Larkin             M     1991-06-17

			Maples Thomas H                 M     1979-02-26

			Maples Walter L                 M     1977-08-06

			Marak Emil                      M     1976-01-17

			Marak Joseph F                  M     1987-07-25

			Marbry Ethel Joan               F     1995-05-25

			Marburger Robert F              M     1972-09-10

			Marburger Robert Richard        M     1998-12-29

			Marek Adele                     F     1970-03-21

			Marek Cecilia                   F     1979-06-24

			Marek Emil J                    M     1997-02-19

			Marek Erwin F                   M     1995-07-04

			Marek Frances                   F     1978-02-14

			Marek Inez                      F     1998-12-28

			Marek John A  Jr                M     1996-03-31

			Marek Mary                      F     1974-07-26

			Marek Ollie                     F     1994-06-30

			Marek Peter Paul                M     1982-10-25

			Marek Valadislav Ludwig  Sr     M     1982-11-01

			Marek Willie                    M     1992-09-09

			Mares Cyril Joseph              M     1982-09-10

			Mares Frank   Sr                M     1988-12-19

			Mares Joe H  Jr                 M     1984-12-08

			Mares Otilia                    F     1983-12-25

			Marik Adela                     F     1980-04-01

			Marik Albert A                  M     1988-01-01

			Marion Chester A                M     1989-02-01

			Markus Mary                     F     1988-07-10

			Marling Kittie Cora             F     1965-04-30

			Marquez Saul                    M     1997-03-20

			Marsalia Henry                  M     1983-10-12

			Marsalia Nickie                 M     1976-08-10

			Marsalia Willie                 M     1979-09-18

			Marshall Carroll                M     1992-05-10

			Marshall Charles E              M     1972-01-08

			Marshall Dudley B               M     1973-10-14

			Marshall Eva Laura              F     1992-01-26

			Marshall Johnnie Mae            F     1992-11-18

			Marshall Quinton                M     1976-09-29

			Marshall Sally                  F     1967-12-13

			Marshall Sylvia B               F     1971-09-19

			Marshall Thomas J               M     1978-01-17

			Martin Aletha A                 F     1973-01-07

			Martin Bettie Alder             F     1998-01-03

			Martin Cecil Robert             M     1981-01-25

			Martin Clarence Hastie          M     1996-08-08

			Martin Debs   Sr                M     1998-10-24

			Martin Elcena F                 F     1970-04-28

			Martin Elizabeth Ellen          F     1967-12-07

			Martin Gerda Alma               F     1965-03-12

			Martin Katherine Virginia       F     1993-04-24

			Martin Margaret                 F     1976-01-03

			Martin Preston W  Jr            M     1976-06-22

			Martindale Mckinley             M     1992-10-08

			Martinek Stephen                M     1984-06-28

			Martinez Dana                   F     1996-11-16

			Martinez Eusebio                M     1991-07-14

			Martinez Frank H                M     1971-05-17

			Martinez Hector B               M     1984-01-03

			Martinez John Anthony           M     1995-04-23

			Martinez Joseph Daniel          M     1996-11-16

			Martinez Natalia P              F     1971-12-02

			Martinez Perfecta F             F     1992-11-27

			Martinez Sabino                 M     1965-05-15

			Martinez Sotero   Sr            M     1984-05-25

			Marx Annie                      F     1968-02-03

			Marx Raymond                    M     1997-02-19

			Mascheck Christina              F     1981-02-07

			Mascheck Michelle L             F     1971-06-27

			Mason Bill                      M     1997-04-25

			Mason Bonnie Rowe               F     1997-11-24

			Mason Georgia Mae               F     1986-03-30

			Mason Maudine                   F     1981-02-11

			Mason Robert E                  M     1973-07-24

			Mason Willie James              M     1982-03-24

			Massey Hollis                   M     1988-09-18

			Massey Lucy Jane                F     1994-10-18

			Massie Winston B                M     1964-09-04

			Mata Nicholas Rios              M     1991-07-19

			Mather Vivian                   F     1997-07-17

			Mathews Bessie M                F     1974-11-20

			Mathews Douglas W               M     1971-10-24

			Mathis Ellar                    F     1970-04-12

			Mathis George                   M     1965-11-17

			Mathis Johnnie                  M     1986-02-14

			Mathis Roy Burton               F     1969-04-03

			Mathis Ruby Dee                 F     1984-10-05

			Mathis Sam                      M     1964-10-06

			Mathis Samuel Joseph  Sr        M     1964-01-14

			Mathis Selma Florine            F     1997-04-18

			Mathis Thomas F  Sr             M     1981-04-22

			Matocha Emilie                  F     1973-06-01

			Mattern Anna Elizabeth  L,      F     1966-06-13

			Mattern Carl August             M     1980-03-17

			Mattern Elsie Earnestine        F     1980-05-21

			Mattern John Jacob              M     1981-01-01

			Matthews Alvin T                M     1977-09-21

			Matthews Berttie                F     1982-03-02

			Matthews C L                    M     1976-08-24

			Matthews Clarence               M     1964-08-23

			Matthews Frances Sue            F     1985-08-22

			Matthews Frances Sue            F     1985-08-22

			Matthews Henrietta              F     1974-11-24

			Matthews Iona B                 F     1998-09-25

			Matthews Katie                  F     1985-08-16

			Matthews Laurina Gertrude       F     1991-10-20

			Matthews Lera E                 F     1978-01-18

			Matthews Milton L               M     1978-10-03

			Matthews Will   Sr              M     1993-01-17

			Matthys George Clifford         M     1967-01-04

			Matula Lenhart                  M     1966-08-10

			Matura Anna                     F     1989-07-09

			Matura Henry R                  M     1988-05-01

			Matusek Sylvester Steve         M     1996-11-24

			Matzke Alvina                   F     1996-04-02

			Matzke Edward William           M     1984-03-27

			Matzke Tillie                   F     1986-09-27

			Maxie Herman                    M     1981-10-26

			Maxie Sophie                    F     1987-01-12

			May Susie                       F     1985-05-03

			Mayabb Roy                      M     1974-07-07

			Mayes Hulda Jane                F     1969-03-14

			Mayes Minnie H                  F     1979-07-17

			Mayo Hettie M                   F     1998-11-30

			Mazac Gaadys                    F     1973-10-29

			Mazoch Anna V                   F     1967-02-14

			Mazoch Bettie                   F     1976-02-09

			Mazoch Cyril Joseph             M     1964-10-12

			Mazoch Cyril M                  M     1977-05-15

			Mazoch Frances                  F     1988-11-14

			Mazoch Hilda                    F     1994-12-06

			Mazoch Jimmie J                 M     1994-05-07

			Mazoch Laddie                   M     1998-01-10

			Mazoch Mary                     F     1969-09-21

			Mazoch Mary A                   F     1973-02-27

			Mazoch Olga                     F     1965-04-13

			Mazurek Ignac                   M     1991-11-07

			Mazzantini Beulah Elizabeth     F     1996-06-18

			Mcafee Lawrence                 M     1970-08-04

			Mcalister Jiles C               M     1990-02-17

			Mcalister Reatha Dunman         F     1991-12-15

			Mcanally George Erwin           M     1966-11-01

			Mcanally Sara Cloe              F     1992-11-25

			Mcbride George                  M     1986-06-02

			Mccally Greta Allene            F     1966-08-06

			Mccally William N               M     1966-08-06

			Mccally William N               M     1966-08-06

			Mccandless Iva Lou              F     1997-11-02

			Mccandless Robert Perry         M     1996-11-15

			McCarter James   Jr             M     1983-08-17

			Mccarty George E                M     1979-06-07

			Mccauley James Henry            M     1988-01-02

			Mcclanahan Curtis Adair         M     1967-10-01

			Mcclanahan Hershel Watson       M     1991-07-06

			Mcclanahan Mary Eleanor         F     1997-05-30

			Mccollom Marion M               M     1971-06-14

			Mccollom Virginia B             F     1987-10-14

			Mccook Andrew                   M     1978-04-30

			McCord Mary Agnes               F     1996-10-26

			Mccord Zillar A                 F     1972-04-19

			Mccormick Fred Boston           M     1968-05-05

			Mccormick Goldie E              F     1969-03-09

			Mccormick Itasca Louise         F     1966-03-02

			Mccormick Jimmie B              F     1980-12-01

			Mccornack John Wesley           M     1992-11-06

			Mccoskey Kelli Michele          F     1994-12-10

			Mccoskey Robert Ray             M     1984-01-07

			Mccourt James Griffin           M     1987-04-18

			Mccoy Lavada Ruth               F     1996-02-18

			Mccoy Samuel                    M     1982-02-21

			Mccray David W                  M     1965-01-10

			Mccreary Eleanor Louise         F     1993-04-24

			Mccreary Maude L                F     1974-08-18

			Mcdaniels Alberta W             F     1989-08-31

			Mcdowell H Wesley               M     1979-04-15

			Mcduffie Opal Alice             F     1997-06-29

			Mcelhinney Benjamin H           M     1974-11-17

			Mcelhinney Luvene               F     1974-08-01

			Mcfarland Jessie Lorraine       F     1992-08-26

			Mcfarland Lillie                F     1965-10-18

			Mcfarland Willie                F     1973-03-25

			Mcgary Anthony S                M     1976-04-07

			Mcgary Jon Edward               M     1984-06-22

			Mcgee Beulah Jane               F     1991-04-13

			Mcgee Jewel Marie               F     1997-10-13

			Mcglothlin Frankie              F     1974-10-03

			Mcglothlin John B               M     1975-06-14

			Mcgraw Philip Bernard  Sr       M     1997-04-22

			Mcgrew Annie Mae                F     1983-02-16

			Mcgrew Aquila R  Sr             M     1977-05-17

			Mcgrew Elve D                   F     1974-08-14

			Mcgrew Horace L                 M     1977-02-05

			Mcgrew Laundry                  M     1981-07-22

			Mcgrew Lemmie   Sr              M     1980-03-24

			Mcgrew Leola                    F     1966-11-08

			Mcgrew Mahalia                  F     1979-11-01

			Mcgrew Mary S                   F     1998-01-06

			Mcgrew Rosetta                  F     1982-09-16

			Mcgrew Verdell                  F     1980-02-23

			Mcgrew Wilbert D  Jr            M     1964-01-10

			Mcintosh Mayme E                F     1969-03-07

			Mcjimsey Arletha                F     1997-01-07

			Mcjimsey Eddie                  M     1990-01-09

			Mckay Charlotte Beatrice        F     1992-05-18

			Mckay Lou Vic                   F     1993-12-20

			Mckellar Marion S               M     1980-08-26

			Mckennon John Kenneth           M     1981-11-03

			Mckennon Lillie                 F     1968-08-05

			Mckenzie William Alvis          M     1969-01-18

			Mckinnon Murdock L              M     1980-09-03

			Mckinnon William Arthur         M     1996-12-30

			Mckinsey Harry Richard          M     1992-01-07

			Mcmahan Elizabeth               F     1993-07-24

			Mcmahan Myrtle Garrett          F     1981-11-19

			Mcmillan Arilinza               M     1967-10-27

			Mcmillan Arthur                 M     1976-01-02

			Mcmillan Gloria Mae             F     1991-05-06

			Mcmillan Wells                  M     1996-12-24

			Mcmillian Aurthor C             M     1974-01-17

			Mcmillian Lucille M             F     1991-05-29

			Mcmillian Odessa                F     1975-06-08

			Mcmillian Robert L              M     1970-09-10

			Mcmillon Bessie                 F     1970-05-03

			Mcnatt Clara A                  F     1985-09-30

			Mcneely Robert Bruce            M     1993-08-19

			Mcniel Alden Porter             M     1984-11-25

			Mcquay Lucille                  F     1982-06-01

			Mcquirter Henry                 M     1975-08-16

			Mcree Kate R                    F     1976-04-25

			Mctear Ida C                    F     1970-10-09

			Mctear Roosevelt                M     1981-03-01

			Mcwilliams Emma G               F     1998-02-25

			Meadows James Ralph             M     1989-04-15

			Meduna Anton J                  M     1965-09-13

			Meduna Rosie                    F     1977-11-15

			Meek Ruthy W                    F     1976-01-14

			Mehner Irene                    F     1994-11-17

			Meier Amalie B                  F     1985-02-23

			Meisell Dorris Louzel           F     1998-10-13

			Meisell Lelia Lois              F     1986-11-30

			Meismer Annie Elizabeth         F     1991-11-28

			Meismer Joe Adam                M     1988-03-11

			Meismer Josephine M             F     1986-05-14

			Meitzen Anna J                  F     1970-05-28

			Meitzen Robert Albert           M     1986-04-16

			Meitzen Rubie Agnes             F     1992-06-01

			Meitzen Walter                  M     1978-11-19

			Meitzen Walter Frank  Jr        M     1988-06-15

			Mekyna Agnes                    F     1978-04-16

			Melcher Amalie Mathilda         F     1996-04-29

			Melchor Pete                    M     1966-12-15

			Melendez Micha Nelson  Almanz   M     1994-11-26

			Melnar Frances                  F     1968-01-27

			Melnar Lydia                    F     1991-10-04

			Melnar Oscar Robert             M     1994-12-18

			Melor Alma                      F     1974-06-11

			Mendel Adela                    F     1998-10-08

			Mendel Charlene                 F     1996-10-24

			Mendel Elenora                  F     1998-11-08

			Mendel Estelle Marie            F     1997-08-02

			Mendel Louisa A                 F     1983-01-29

			Mendel Norbert                  M     1997-07-17

			Mendoza Alfonso D  Jr           M     1994-03-07

			Mendoza Gilbert Alfonso  Sr     M     1998-11-10

			Mendoza Manuel                  M     1998-07-25

			Mendoza Maria C                 F     1976-12-11

			Mendoza Patricio                M     1986-04-09

			Meneley Willie                  F     1970-06-07

			Menis Dorothy Marie             F     1993-07-20

			Menis Louis   Sr                M     1964-10-19

			Menis Mary Paulina              F     1984-10-28

			Menke Fred                      M     1998-10-05

			Menke Roy Henry  Sr             M     1994-09-15

			Menke Selma W                   F     1972-03-13

			Mensik Isabel Julia             F     1989-03-02

			Mensik Jerome Joseph            M     1986-04-02

			Mensik Mathilda                 F     1970-08-13

			Mercer Evelyn                   F     1971-11-19

			Merrem Leona S                  F     1976-05-19

			Merrem Malvin Kay               M     1993-02-28

			Merriman Howard Earl            M     1993-08-17

			Mersfelder Addie Idena          F     1968-03-06

			Mersfelder William C            M     1965-10-23

			Merta Amanda Louise             F     1996-09-04

			Mesa Jose Ramos                 M     1980-06-29

			Mettke John T                   M     1977-02-23

			Mexicano Jesus                  M     1987-09-16

			Meyen Frieda                    F     1982-02-25

			Meyer Adolph F                  M     1975-01-24

			Meyer Alfred E                  M     1984-08-22

			Meyer Anna K                    F     1976-01-02

			Meyer Annie Cristina            F     1993-01-11

			Meyer Anton J                   M     1983-01-28

			Meyer Bennie A                  M     1977-08-02

			Meyer Charles Henry  Sr Dr      M     1988-08-16

			Meyer Christian W               M     1978-07-09

			Meyer David Barten              M     1994-02-11

			Meyer Eddie G                   M     1987-05-17

			Meyer Erwin Henry               M     1995-05-18

			Meyer Esther Joyce              F     1986-04-03

			Meyer Ewald                     M     1991-10-29

			Meyer Ferdinand                 M     1969-03-26

			Meyer Fred W                    M     1970-12-07

			Meyer Gertie G                  F     1986-10-05

			Meyer Granvel Cummins  Jr       M     1989-05-19

			Meyer Henry F                   M     1965-11-21

			Meyer Herbert Edwin             M     1997-02-04

			Meyer Herbert Ernest            M     1987-01-12

			Meyer Hilda Frances             F     1966-08-31

			Meyer Homer Edwin               M     1996-02-05

			Meyer Irene Alice               F     1998-12-10

			Meyer Irene Dorothy             F     1989-05-11

			Meyer Joe D                     M     1973-07-29

			Meyer John Allen                M     1969-12-09

			Meyer Lee Louis                 M     1969-09-12

			Meyer Leo                       M     1980-11-01

			Meyer Leo T                     M     1982-02-13

			Meyer Lila                      F     1992-09-17

			Meyer Louis   NMN               M     1988-12-10

			Meyer Louise                    F     1979-12-05

			Meyer Lydia E                   F     1974-03-21

			Meyer Minnie A                  F     1969-09-22

			Meyer Rubie Mae                 F     1991-04-06

			Meyer Thomas Herman             M     1995-07-05

			Meyer Wilhelmina C              F     1977-12-24

			Meyer Willie A                  M     1970-08-24

			Meyer Willie D                  M     1971-10-19

			Mica Cyril K                    M     1978-08-25

			Mica Judith C                   F     1973-11-18

			Mica Olline Gussie              F     1994-10-25

			Mican Adolph John               M     1993-09-25

			Mican Albert                    M     1968-05-01

			Mican Alice                     F     1996-04-05

			Mican Cecilia                   F     1975-10-21

			Mican Edmund Raymond            M     1995-01-31

			Mican Ludwig Rudolf             M     1988-11-28

			Mican Martha Agnes              F     1995-12-10

			Mican Mary                      F     1971-04-23

			Michael Angelee Uhlig           F     1964-05-22

			Michael Frieda B                F     1977-02-22

			Michael Rudolph William         M     1982-04-16

			Michal Annie E                  F     1974-03-18

			Michal Emil Jaroslav            M     1997-11-29

			Michalcik John Adolf            M     1992-10-02

			Michalec Alma Vlasta            F     1994-09-15

			Michalek Edward R               M     1970-10-27

			Michalek Ella Wilhelmina        F     1984-04-05

			Michalek Rose                   F     1995-07-24

			Michalek Rudolph E              M     1965-07-18

			Michalka Pauline                F     1971-02-09

			Michalke Edward                 M     1979-08-25

			Michalke Elizabeth              F     1993-10-21

			Michalke Joseph                 M     1965-08-21

			Michalke Julia                  F     1998-06-23

			Michalsky Peter P               M     1978-03-14

			Michna Agnes                    F     1992-07-11

			Michna Carrie                   F     1968-12-20

			Michna Charlie A  Jr            M     1989-02-17

			Michna Julia                    F     1966-12-12

			Miculka Edward W                M     1977-06-20

			Miculka Eleanora                F     1991-04-03

			Miculka Elgin G                 M     1996-10-17

			Miculka Emma                    F     1971-10-24

			Miculka Lester B                M     1973-02-22

			Miculka Maude Alice             F     1983-03-10

			Middlebrook Daisy A             F     1970-02-13

			Middleton James Finis           M     1985-12-03

			Middleton Robert                M     1979-03-11

			Miekow Frank A                  M     1977-08-10

			Miekow Lucile R                 F     1986-04-02

			Miekow William Henry            M     1979-12-11

			Mielsch Ernest E                M     1984-10-24

			Mieth Bettie Marie              F     1993-09-10

			Mieth Edgar H                   M     1970-12-04

			Mieth Galdys Marie              F     1996-09-17

			Mieth George Adolph             M     1985-08-19

			Mieth Hattie Hulda              F     1981-01-22

			Mieth Mary Katherine            F     1998-11-26

			Mieth Mathilda                  F     1966-05-20

			Mieth William Daniel            M     1969-07-05

			Migl Anton                      M     1978-08-15

			Migl Ervin Lawrence             M     1984-03-03

			Migl Lillie A                   F     1997-02-03

			Migl Ludmila                    F     1973-06-16

			Mikes Frank R                   M     1972-03-27

			Mikeska Proxey                  F     1993-11-11

			Mikesky Mary A                  F     1977-07-17

			Mikesky Walter W                M     1981-12-06

			Miksch Cecilia                  F     1997-12-23

			Miksch Fred G                   M     1982-05-01

			Miksch Gus   Jr                 M     1964-10-03

			Miksch Henry   Sr               M     1981-07-07

			Miksch Henry   Sr               M     1993-12-27

			Miksch John                     M     1986-11-13

			Miksch Louise                   F     1985-11-27

			Miksch Mary                     F     1973-02-06

			Miksch Mary                     F     1993-03-05

			Mikulenka Anton Rudolph  Jr     M     1993-10-06

			Mikulenka Bettie                F     1979-01-01

			Mikulenka Emilie Agnes          F     1996-01-12

			Mikulenka James Russell         M     1997-12-30

			Mikulik Annie J                 F     1982-10-29

			Mikulik Edmund M                M     1983-10-14

			Mikush Linda Ida                F     1986-05-23

			Miles Irene                     F     1988-06-29

			Miles Joseph Duve               M     1993-12-20

			Miles Leon Glenn  Sr            M     1997-05-14

			Miles Leonard Joe               M     1994-05-30

			Miles Mamie                     F     1977-03-03

			Miley Minnie                    F     1988-08-01

			Mill Willie K                   F     1987-08-31

			Miller Achey                    M     1983-05-11

			Miller Agnes Claudia            F     1994-01-04

			Miller Althea Marie             F     1988-01-09

			Miller Annie                    F     1972-07-23

			Miller August                   M     1977-06-17

			Miller Awald W                  M     1977-05-02

			Miller Conrad A                 M     1968-12-08

			Miller Darryl Dwight            M     1997-11-02

			Miller E L                      M     1972-03-20

			Miller Edna Katherine           F     1983-10-24

			Miller Edwin G                  M     1982-08-11

			Miller Elizabeth A              F     1970-03-21

			Miller Ellis G                  M     1976-07-23

			Miller Erwin H                  M     1975-08-31

			Miller Ewald J                  M     1966-07-06

			Miller Frank J                  M     1972-07-26

			Miller Gilbert Thurlough        M     1969-11-18

			Miller Gladys I                 F     1975-05-19

			Miller Harriet                  F     1988-10-25

			Miller Hennie B                 F     1993-04-23

			Miller Irma L                   F     1976-07-11

			Miller James                    M     1966-12-16

			Miller James William            M     1997-12-10

			Miller Jim Claude               M     1980-02-29

			Miller Joyce Mae                F     1994-04-14

			Miller Julius John              M     1998-12-23

			Miller Laura                    F     1971-01-19

			Miller Laura V                  F     1981-10-22

			Miller Lavine H                 F     1987-12-15

			Miller Lee M                    M     1973-10-09

			Miller Lorena Julia             F     1997-04-30

			Miller Louis Arlin              M     1995-04-23

			Miller Louis F                  M     1964-10-18

			Miller Lucille                  F     1985-04-17

			Miller Lula W                   F     1979-02-11

			Miller Martha E                 F     1981-07-24

			Miller Martha M                 F     1978-04-18

			Miller Nancy                    F     1966-06-25

			Miller Owen Austin              M     1982-02-13

			Miller Ruth Lucille             F     1993-12-01

			Miller Sherman                  M     1968-09-17

			Miller Sophie                   F     1973-02-17

			Miller Winnie Kelton            F     1983-07-01

			Milligan Morris                 M     1979-04-21

			Milligan Seretha                F     1995-07-08

			Mills Lucy Elvada               F     1988-10-23

			Minar Amelia M                  F     1978-08-10

			Minar Anna M                    F     1978-02-09

			Minar Annie Josephine           F     1969-11-18

			Minar Elenora Frances           F     1994-03-30

			Minar Elo                       M     1974-05-08

			Minar John J                    M     1967-07-12

			Minar Margaret Wilhelmina       F     1988-02-15

			Minar Mathias                   M     1979-07-28

			Minar Peter Paul                M     1991-04-26

			Minar Robert H                  M     1971-05-04

			Minarcik Rudolph M  Sr          M     1970-06-23

			Minks Mary                      F     1991-09-24

			Minter Esther                   F     1987-08-19

			Minter Robert Lawrence          M     1986-11-21

			Minton Frank                    M     1984-06-30

			Miska Angeline                  F     1984-09-23

			Miska Frank F                   M     1968-07-27

			Miska Lydia                     F     1986-10-09

			Miska Martha                    F     1978-03-05

			Mitchell Albert                 M     1967-12-10

			Mitchell Beatrice               F     1996-11-16

			Mitchell Bonita LaShay          F     1980-07-18

			Mitchell Ella Redonia           F     1979-06-22

			Mitchell Friendly               M     1982-05-09

			Mitchell Hallie                 F     1997-02-07

			Mitchell Harvel Houston         M     1995-05-17

			Mitchell Horace Andre           M     1998-01-01

			Mitchell Inease L               F     1982-06-13

			Mitchell Lirece D               M     1976-07-04

			Mitchell Lloyd                  M     1995-09-16

			Mitchell Mamie                  F     1978-12-26

			Mitchell Raymond Robertson      M     1994-05-26

			Mitchell Riley                  M     1970-08-13

			Mitchell Willie E               F     1973-07-25

			Mitchon Annie                   F     1971-05-19

			Mitchon Rosa                    F     1975-08-06

			Mize William Jerry              M     1985-12-03

			Mladenka Emil                   M     1975-10-17

			Mladenka Libusa                 F     1976-10-24

			Moeckel Adam P  Sr              M     1988-03-04

			Moeckel Emil Marcus             M     1994-09-13

			Moeckel Laura Annie             F     1989-08-25

			Moeckel Olga                    F     1984-04-22

			Moeckel Walter Henry            M     1994-04-09

			Moellenberg Annie K             F     1980-11-06

			Moeller Albert Conrad           M     1997-02-28

			Moeller Alois H                 M     1972-02-21

			Moeller Annie                   F     1976-04-01

			Moeller Charley John            M     1991-12-20

			Moeller Isabel                  F     1996-07-28

			Moeller Lydia                   F     1987-12-20

			Moeller Victor   Sr             M     1990-01-11

			Moerbe Gerhard P                M     1964-08-24

			Mohnke Nora Anna                F     1998-04-18

			Mohon Richard Holt              M     1996-03-01

			Molano Joe                      M     1981-05-05

			Monroe Elnora                   F     1975-12-10

			Monroe Evelyn                   F     1986-04-13

			Montalvo Rafael Ramirez         M     1981-09-02

			Montgomery Fritz                M     1972-05-04

			Montgomery Geneveve             F     1985-12-12

			Montgomery Jack Henry           M     1991-12-06

			Montgomery John Donovan         M     1991-09-11

			Montgomery Leona I              F     1974-11-21

			Montgomery Marshall             M     1984-05-03

			Montgomery Rose A               F     1973-01-27

			Monthey Gilbert L               M     1972-01-21

			Moody Jewell B                  F     1980-10-03

			Mooney Edward Robert            M     1966-11-15

			Moore Ada M                     F     1979-01-03

			Moore Aldonia                   F     1982-02-14

			Moore Anderson P                M     1978-08-18

			Moore Beatrice                  F     1994-11-08

			Moore Christana                 F     1990-11-13

			Moore Edward Cherry             M     1994-08-11

			Moore Emma                      F     1965-02-18

			Moore Emma Marie                F     1985-03-18

			Moore Ernest H                  M     1988-11-10

			Moore Estella Marie             F     1988-07-15

			Moore Gaynelle Beatrice         F     1982-11-29

			Moore George                    M     1965-05-30

			Moore Henretta                  F     1993-02-20

			Moore Ira                       F     1981-04-03

			Moore James A                   M     1986-03-24

			Moore Jewel Beatrice            F     1993-08-17

			Moore Lila                      F     1966-02-15

			Moore Lolla M                   F     1982-11-26

			Moore Myrtle                    F     1988-11-09

			Moore Oliver                    M     1976-08-15

			Moore William Jerome            M     1984-10-22

			Moore Willie                    M     1986-12-08

			Moore Willie L                  F     1992-12-17

			Morales Armando                 M     1970-01-12

			Morales John                    M     1965-05-22

			Morales Manuela D               F     1965-04-13

			Morales Mario                   M     1995-07-05

			Morales Melissa Ann             F     1983-01-01

			Morales Nora                    F     1974-12-02

			Moran Thomas J  Jr              M     1989-01-22

			Morck Nile Ruth                 F     1987-04-30

			More Edith W                    F     1978-06-07

			More Robert                     M     1979-11-09

			Moree Dennis Wayne  Jr          M     1965-05-18

			Moreno Isabel                   F     1969-02-20

			Moreno Jesus Alvarez            M     1985-07-20

			Morgan Clyde Ernest             M     1987-03-05

			Morgan Della Dee                F     1965-02-23

			Morgan Frank Taylor             M     1991-12-10

			Morgan Henry   Jr               M     1974-01-14

			Morgan Jodie                    M     1988-11-09

			Morgan Loretta L                F     1988-09-03

			Morgan Nannie L                 F     1976-11-01

			Morin Rogelio                   M     1973-09-09

			Morlan Etelka Holz              F     1984-03-17

			Morris Edith Eleanor            F     1989-06-12

			Morris Frances Leora            F     1985-09-23

			Morris Myrtle                   F     1965-03-28

			Morrison Donald Ellsworth       M     1990-06-25

			Morrison Henry Carroll          M     1992-05-26

			Morrison Howard James           M     1992-05-20

			Morrison John                   M     1964-11-04

			Morrow Benjamin H               M     1964-09-28

			Morrow Susie E                  F     1969-03-13

			Morse Clara B                   F     1975-09-30

			Morton Beatrice Loraine         F     1993-02-25

			Mosby George                    M     1969-07-10

			Mosby Henry                     M     1964-01-31

			Moseley Thelston David          M     1997-11-10

			Mosely Eugenia                  F     1974-06-17

			Moser Marie Irene               F     1968-05-29

			Moses Edward                    M     1993-12-14

			Moss Ernest Johnny  Sr          M     1994-08-11

			Mostyn Jerry Berry              F     1988-01-25

			Motl Bertha                     F     1984-04-17

			Motl Theodore J                 M     1973-03-02

			Mott Robert Kirk                M     1964-09-24

			Mozisek Frances                 F     1982-07-09

			Mozisek Frank                   M     1971-02-13

			Mozisek Henri Ruby              F     1990-12-10

			Mozisek John R                  M     1972-08-24

			Mozisek Louise                  F     1977-09-09

			Mrazek Bennie G                 M     1988-04-02

			Mrkwa August A                  M     1983-02-08

			Mrkwa Willie L                  M     1981-12-23

			Mucala Rosa J                   F     1981-07-15

			Mucala Vlasta                   F     1991-10-13

			Muehlstein Sophia E             F     1995-02-26

			Muehr Agnes M                   F     1975-04-21

			Muehr Annie                     F     1981-05-30

			Muehr Gertrude                  F     1993-02-27

			Muehr Glenn D                   M     1971-04-12

			Muehr Leo F                     M     1964-02-27

			Muehr Leo G                     M     1974-10-04

			Muehr Richard O  Sr             M     1975-04-27

			Muehr Rudolf                    M     1976-01-23

			Muehr Selma Marie               F     1981-10-10

			Muehr Viola Marie               F     1995-11-25

			Mueller Clarence J              M     1990-02-26

			Mueller Emil G                  M     1973-05-09

			Mueller George Henry            M     1981-05-01

			Muench Gerhard                  M     1966-04-27

			Muench Selma Annie              F     1997-07-22

			Muenzler Elsie Martha           F     1997-04-27

			Muenzler Louis O                M     1966-05-14

			Muesse Clyde L                  M     1997-04-25

			Muesse Lina                     F     1981-02-08

			Muesse Minnie Frances           F     1998-08-02

			Muhlstein Eileen L              F     1990-10-05

			Mulholland Marie                F     1983-01-28

			Mullins Viola                   F     1973-10-05

			Mundy Aline                     F     1978-01-21

			Munhausen John Tracy  Sr        M     1997-11-02

			Muniz Norma                     F     1966-12-01

			Munke Eric Daniel               M     1983-05-13

			Munos Abundio                   M     1964-11-29

			Munos Lavon                     M     1996-12-06

			Munoz Monica                    F     1970-05-06

			Munsch Edward Lawrence          M     1965-02-01

			Munson Alberta                  F     1991-12-29

			Munzy Jonie Mae                 F     1997-02-21

			Muras Annie                     F     1979-03-29

			Muras Anton Bernard             M     1989-07-01

			Muras Charles Joseph            M     1965-10-18

			Muras Frank Ludwig  III         M     1995-03-16

			Muras Frank S                   M     1980-09-29

			Muras Otilia L                  F     1994-08-29

			Muras Stanley F                 M     1994-04-10

			Murphy Doris Doney              F     1983-04-08

			Murphy Grace L                  F     1990-09-18

			Murphy Ruth                     F     1965-04-26

			Murray Ora Cornelia             F     1985-12-17

			Murray Robert B                 M     1989-03-24

			Murry George                    M     1966-11-26

			Muzny Annie M                   F     1991-12-10

			Muzny Leslie F                  M     1993-06-11

			Muzny Michele Marie             F     1965-10-27

			Myers Adele                     F     1987-09-02

			Myers Cordelia                  F     1975-06-11

			Myers Rebecca Maria             F     1987-09-05

			Myers Robert C                  M     1981-03-06

			Naiser Louis Benjamin           M     1993-12-05

			Naiser Ottilie                  F     1972-03-26

			Naiser Willie B                 M     1995-10-26

			Narendorf Ludwig                M     1966-02-07

			Nathan Meyer D                  M     1967-10-21

			Nathan Nettie                   F     1973-03-07

			Nau Elizabeth C                 F     1975-01-23

			Naumann Erna Mary               F     1992-12-14

			Naumann Henry M                 M     1973-09-08

			Naumann Herman   'Jack'         M     1987-11-18

			Naumann Ida P                   F     1968-03-14

			Naumann Ida Tracy               F     1965-09-04

			Naumann Mary K                  F     1975-08-24

			Naumann Morris C  Jr            M     1972-11-10

			Naumann Prince Alvin            M     1967-07-30

			Naumann Tracy Roberta           F     1968-07-14

			Navarro Conrado Gonzalez        M     1998-11-12

			Navarro Frank                   M     1968-02-04

			Navarro Mateo   Jr              M     1989-07-05

			Navarro Scotty                  M     1979-09-29

			Neblett Goldie                  F     1990-01-11

			Necker Emily                    F     1978-12-19

			Needham Almedia                 F     1995-02-23

			Needham Bessie Ruth             F     1982-06-22

			Negrete Alicia A                F     1979-03-10

			Neiser Emil C                   M     1975-02-07

			Neiser Emma                     F     1971-01-14

			Neiser Martha                   F     1991-09-26

			Neisteadt Elnah Estella         F     1993-09-07

			Neiswender Homer T              M     1964-06-18

			Neiswender Tommie Susan         F     1993-05-17

			Nelson Helen                    F     1995-06-01

			Nelson Johnnie G                M     1979-08-19

			Nelson Margaret Ann             F     1982-11-15

			Nelson Mary                     F     1971-11-16

			Nelson Ollie                    F     1978-01-30

			Nelson Robert Lee               M     1989-01-26

			Nelson Russell W                M     1971-09-08

			Nelson Ruth Elizabeth           F     1984-09-05

			Nelson Ruth L                   F     1973-11-05

			Nenicka Bertha                  F     1965-04-24

			Nesbitt Lee Quinn               F     1986-06-24

			Neshyba Charles G               M     1968-01-16

			Neskora Louis                   M     1979-07-15

			Netardus Julia Mary             F     1965-08-21

			Neubauer Tillie L               F     1998-06-10

			Neuendorff Anton J  Jr          M     1980-01-20

			Neuendorff Dora Theresa         F     1979-01-21

			Neuendorff Doris Jean           F     1996-08-22

			Neuendorff Emily                F     1995-06-09

			Neuendorff Henrietta            F     1981-01-17

			Neuendorff Jesse William        M     1969-04-25

			Neuendorff Jolean Mary          F     1987-08-20

			Neuendorff Leander P            M     1971-09-07

			Neuendorff Luella E             F     1989-03-09

			Neuman Billy Ray  Sr            M     1985-12-15

			Neumann Emma                    F     1979-04-29

			Neumann Matilda                 F     1971-03-23

			Neumann William H               M     1971-05-14

			Neumayr Edwin                   M     1982-04-04

			Neumayr Ernestine               F     1998-08-16

			Nevendorff Edwin Anton          M     1966-04-16

			New Donald Allen  Jr            M     1979-02-21

			New Guy Baker                   M     1984-10-23

			New Leona Annie                 F     1996-08-29

			Newman Larry                    M     1997-06-07

			Newman Opal R                   F     1994-07-24

			Newman Robert Lee               M     1998-06-01

			Newsom Diana Sue                F     1965-09-30

			Newsom Dorothy Mae              F     1991-01-05

			Ney Katie Sue                   F     1981-04-11

			Nicholds Eugene E               M     1996-05-06

			Nichols Eva Mae                 F     1997-02-15

			Nichols Oliver                  M     1997-01-30

			Nichols Richard                 M     1985-06-29

			Niemann Della Mary              F     1989-09-24

			Niemann Dorothy Mae             F     1991-05-06

			Niemeyer Aline Nell             F     1994-05-14

			Niemeyer Harold                 M     1974-06-25

			Niemeyer Olga                   F     1983-09-27

			Niemeyer Virginia               F     1978-03-20

			Niemeyer William   Jr           M     1967-08-11

			Nikel Peter Paul                M     1990-05-13

			Nispel Erma                     F     1979-01-19

			Nitschke Emilie                 F     1974-09-01

			Nitschke Frances E              F     1993-03-09

			Nitschke Louise Elizabeth       F     1990-12-01

			Nitschke Mary S                 F     1974-04-21

			Nitschmann Henry   Jr           M     1991-10-07

			Nitschmann Hugo E               M     1977-12-31

			Nitschmann Selma                F     1986-08-30

			Nivin Anna L                    F     1997-04-17

			Noble Calvert                   M     1978-08-25

			Noble Clacy W                   F     1974-04-27

			Noble Quinton G                 M     1973-03-09

			Nohavitz Eddie J                M     1995-07-22

			Nohavitz Edna Ray               F     1987-12-13

			Nohavitza Adolf                 M     1977-03-31

			Nohavitza Martha                F     1970-10-02

			Nolen Mary   'Aka Nolen Molly'  F     1988-02-10

			Nolen Rufus B                   M     1976-01-22

			Nolen William Howard            M     1991-12-17

			Norman Charles Lee              M     1967-07-02

			Norman Henry Clay               M     1993-09-03

			Norman Henry Granville          M     1964-10-26

			Norman Lee Euna                 F     1987-04-17

			Norman Levenia                  F     1990-12-24

			Norman Robert L                 M     1984-08-20

			Norman Rosetta                  F     1983-02-06

			Norris Alberta T                F     1990-04-30

			Norris T A                      M     1979-02-18

			Norris Tamani R                 M     1976-09-30

			Norris Washington               M     1972-05-20

			Northington Alice B             F     1977-02-15

			Norville Mildred                F     1985-09-02

			Norway Ella                     F     1974-06-12

			Norway Robert                   M     1972-09-15

			Norway Robert   Jr              M     1998-10-05

			Noska Albert A                  M     1988-03-11

			Noska Bertha L                  F     1977-01-01

			Noska Bohumel A                 M     1974-03-06

			Noska Drayton Allen             M     1996-04-03

			Noska Elenore                   F     1984-08-03

			Noska Elo Leo                   M     1969-07-19

			Noska Emillie Emma              F     1998-01-30

			Noska Frank J                   M     1972-07-19

			Noska James J                   M     1971-07-09

			Noska Nira                      F     1997-01-23

			Noska Rudolph V                 M     1981-01-12

			Noska Sophie K                  F     1972-02-17

			Noska William Vince  Sr         M     1994-09-16

			Novak Adolph J  Sr              M     1974-03-04

			Novak Bernard J                 M     1973-08-24

			Novak Bohumir Vince             M     1982-04-10

			Novak Clara E                   F     1970-06-19

			Novak Jerry L                   M     1970-04-05

			Novak Louis J                   M     1993-10-14

			Novak Louise H                  F     1973-04-12

			Novak Lucille M                 F     1971-06-22

			Novosad Carolyn Marguerite      F     1979-01-02

			Novosad Frank Joe               M     1983-07-03

			Novosad George Edward           M     1995-09-30

			Nuels Mae Ella                  F     1983-06-24

			Null Charles                    M     1975-07-12

			Null Lucia Pearl                F     1967-12-12

			Nunley Eliza                    F     1984-02-03

			Nunley Willie                   M     1973-09-11

			Nunn Clara                      F     1975-11-29

			Nunn Johnny Arthur              M     1966-12-29

			Nunn Morris Edward              M     1998-11-07

			Nutter Susie M                  F     1997-12-21

			Oakes Margaret Belle            F     1967-05-22

			Obenhaus Buelah                 F     1970-02-28

			Obenhaus Lydia G                F     1980-04-13

			Obenhaus Mary O                 F     1970-08-26

			Obenhaus Nola Thomas            F     1964-08-07

			Obenhaus Sophie Dora            F     1985-12-29

			Ober August Charles             M     1996-05-16

			Obermueller Nellie Louise       F     1996-04-09

			OBrien Benjamin Gaines          M     1990-06-03

			Ochoa Tom                       M     1964-10-18

			Odell Robert Clifford           M     1981-01-12

			Oehler Walter Felix             M     1985-01-15

			Oehlers Helen Adela             F     1996-11-24

			Oertli Madlyn J                 F     1990-02-23

			Oglesby Elmer                   M     1979-08-09

			Oglesby Pearl                   F     1987-07-24

			Ohnheiser Edmund                M     1975-01-13

			Ohnheiser Edwin                 M     1996-01-06

			Ohnheiser Harvey W              M     1966-07-05

			Ohnheiser Henriette             F     1992-06-14

			Ohnheiser Henry A               M     1975-03-03

			Ohnheiser Ida                   F     1970-10-26

			Ohnheiser Richard L             M     1988-02-02

			Ohnheiser Wilhelmina            F     1973-10-20

			Ohnheiser Willie H              M     1979-10-18

			Ojeda Facundo                   M     1994-08-05

			Okruhlik Frances                F     1984-11-26

			Okruhlik George M               M     1974-01-03

			Okruhlik Jim J                  M     1997-10-28

			Okruhlik Mary Ludmila           F     1984-05-11

			OLeary John C                   M     1988-08-07

			Oliver Mabel Irene              F     1983-03-09

			Oliver Mabel Irene              F     1983-03-09

			Olle Alfred E  Sr               M     1975-07-06

			Olle Alfred Edwin               M     1987-12-10

			Olle Marie A                    F     1978-01-28

			Olle Mary                       F     1990-12-04

			Olle Paula                      F     1974-02-09

			Olsen Albert                    M     1978-03-02

			Olsovsky Adolph                 M     1983-10-18

			Olsovsky Alfred Vincent  Sr     M     1979-07-31

			Olsovsky Jerome Frank           M     1998-11-07

			Olsovsky Marcelyn J             F     1985-09-10

			Olvera Donato Ledesma           M     1998-12-01

			Olvera Richard P                M     1975-08-10

			Omerzu Alfred E                 M     1987-05-13

			Omerzu Alois                    M     1964-11-25

			Omerzu Emma L                   F     1969-01-12

			Oncken Agnes F                  F     1997-04-12

			Oncken Arthur                   M     1989-12-15

			Oncken Bertha                   F     1985-02-04

			Oncken Clara                    F     1995-02-11

			Oncken Emma                     F     1975-12-20

			Oncken Otto Frank               M     1967-12-13

			Oneal Callie                    F     1976-01-07

			Oneal Tommie J                  M     1967-10-23

			Oppermann Herby Will            M     1993-06-15

			Oppermann Irene Anna  Louise,   F     1993-07-31

			Oppermann Margaretha            F     1971-12-25

			Oppermann Willie                M     1978-02-07

			Orange George M  Sr             M     1972-09-01

			Orange George Mid  Jr           M     1995-01-17

			Orange Ruth                     F     1980-12-14

			Ordner Emil Clarence            M     1984-03-27

			Ordner Harry H                  M     1967-11-11

			Ordner Helen                    F     1980-01-05

			Ordner William                  M     1996-06-07

			Ordner Willie M                 M     1974-02-08

			Orise Eddie                     M     1995-02-22

			Orsak Ann                       F     1983-10-04

			Orsak Frances                   F     1994-06-17

			Orsak Louis E                   M     1991-12-12

			Orsak Marie                     F     1965-12-31

			Orsak Mary                      F     1974-12-24

			Orsak Mary A                    F     1995-04-19

			Orsak Mary Julia                F     1993-12-14

			Orsak Vinc                      M     1979-12-24

			Ortega Ynez R                   M     1994-07-07

			Ortiz Arnulfo                   M     1985-06-18

			Ortiz Hilario Hernandez         M     1985-10-10

			Ortolon Lois Jeanette           F     1990-04-23

			Osina Anna M                    F     1974-03-21

			Osina Annie                     F     1979-09-19

			Osina Edith                     F     1983-08-27

			Osina Joe                       M     1976-10-13

			Osina Willie                    M     1975-11-17

			Oswald Bess                     F     1977-12-27

			Otto Adolph C                   M     1973-07-05

			Otto Arthur                     M     1991-11-26

			Otto Bernice Lottie             F     1997-08-02

			Otto Charles E                  M     1975-01-23

			Otto Delbert                    M     1993-03-21

			Otto Edmund O                   M     1984-10-26

			Otto Ernest Edmund              M     1989-04-09

			Otto Ernest F                   M     1977-03-08

			Otto Harry Alfred               M     1992-05-07

			Otto Janet Louise               F     1997-03-07

			Otto Justine C                  F     1979-02-08

			Otto Lora                       F     1966-03-18

			Otto Mathilda                   F     1995-11-21

			Otto Olga                       F     1966-03-18

			Otto Russell Alfred  Sr         M     1997-03-07

			Otto Wilhelm E                  M     1974-03-07

			Otto Wilhelmina Regina          F     1988-03-06

			Overton Willis Calvin           M     1998-07-16

			Owen Alice Coffey               F     1993-02-09

			Owen Wilma G                    F     1981-09-20

			Owens Annie                     F     1982-04-07

			Owens Floyd Leo                 M     1986-02-21

			Owens Fred M                    M     1991-09-29

			Owens Marie Jane                F     1997-11-23

			Owens Stephen E                 M     1985-08-23

			Owens Verler                    F     1981-01-19

			Owers Cecil Sumner              M     1992-04-26

			Owers Gladys C                  F     1989-03-10

			Oxehufwud Anders Gustaf  Fred   M     1987-04-06

			Paasch Christian                M     1966-12-27

			Paasch Emily                    F     1970-11-25

			Paasch George G                 M     1977-05-10

			Paasch Henry                    M     1969-10-21

			Paasch Ophelia                  F     1966-10-15

			Paasch Otto                     M     1970-11-21

			Paasch William                  M     1972-01-27

			Pace Gretchen L                 F     1997-01-29

			Padon Walter B                  M     1990-02-13

			Pagel Frank C                   M     1976-02-18

			Pagel Minnie K                  F     1971-05-01

			Painter Florence Catherine      F     1983-08-10

			Palmer Ferdinand D              M     1966-03-31

			Palmer Katherine                F     1989-02-15

			Palmer Roy                      M     1975-11-01

			Palmer Roy V  Jr                M     1980-03-10

			Palmer Willie A                 F     1982-06-26

			Pape Minnie                     F     1966-01-04

			Papenberg Emma Buescher         F     1969-10-24

			Papp Mary Ligas                 F     1983-07-08

			Pargac Alfred                   M     1983-12-25

			Pargac Annie                    F     1993-06-06

			Pargac Raymond E                M     1966-11-02

			Parish William V                M     1975-01-25

			Parker Beatrice Ida             F     1982-09-24

			Parker Berla Lee                F     1984-04-06

			Parker Bonnie                   F     1986-04-09

			Parker Dallas                   M     1976-12-27

			Parker Ethel                    F     1972-04-26

			Parker Foxhall A  Sr            M     1967-05-27

			Parker Haliburton   Sr          M     1979-10-25

			Parker Haliburton   Jr          M     1979-11-22

			Parker Haywood D                M     1976-11-07

			Parker James Edward             M     1980-10-14

			Parker Johnny R                 M     1981-04-17

			Parker L C                      M     1972-01-16

			Parker Lee Andrew               M     1980-09-26

			Parker Lillie Lee               F     1996-03-12

			Parker Martha                   F     1976-12-27

			Parker Mary Florence            F     1969-11-22

			Parker Patrick L                M     1977-07-09

			Parker U Linda  F,              F     1973-06-18

			Parker Wilburn Truette          M     1983-05-23

			Parker William Charles  Sr      M     1980-05-27

			Parks James Benjamin            M     1983-12-25

			Parks John M                    M     1977-04-24

			Parks Rex J                     M     1980-12-25

			Parma Eddie J                   M     1992-07-09

			Parma Emil F                    M     1976-04-12

			Parma James Frank  Sr           M     1981-05-07

			Parma John A                    M     1985-11-27

			Parma Mary A                    F     1972-06-04

			Parma Minnie A                  F     1998-09-12

			Parma Sophie W                  F     1993-03-25

			Parma Vit                       M     1996-09-21

			Parr Maggie Ida                 F     1991-10-09

			Paschall Lester Francis         M     1979-01-08

			Paschall Louie A                M     1972-02-16

			Passon Myra M                   F     1977-09-10

			Patalik Joseph G                M     1967-01-12

			Pate Carl                       M     1967-07-27

			Pate Lola Belle                 F     1997-01-20

			Pate Richard W                  M     1983-03-20

			Patel Rajnikant Shankerlal      M     1991-11-12

			Patina Joe Garcia               M     1991-03-08

			Patridge Max Bradley            M     1991-09-11

			Patterson Pierre A              M     1973-09-01

			Pauler August                   M     1991-08-16

			Pauler Charles S                M     1978-06-21

			Pauler Eleanora                 F     1997-06-18

			Pauler Joe F  Sr                M     1981-06-08

			Paulica Angelina Frances        F     1980-05-25

			Paulsen Herman Christian        M     1967-01-30

			Paulsen Mattie Burford          F     1990-09-04

			Paulsen William Max  Jr         M     1994-01-01

			Paulson Elmer A                 M     1973-04-13

			Pausewang Charlie               M     1983-06-23

			Pausewang Helen                 F     1998-07-06

			Pavlas Johnnie F                M     1982-11-04

			Pavlas Louis   Sr               M     1982-12-19

			Pavlas Rudy Edward              M     1968-04-10

			Pavlica Dorothy Ruth            F     1994-05-11

			Pavlica Orita Ruby              F     1989-10-07

			Pavlicek Eugene   Sr            M     1988-06-02

			Pavlicek Rita Mae               F     1980-03-26

			Pavlicek Vlasta Frances         F     1969-10-26

			Pavlik Albertina M              F     1994-11-17

			Pavlik Amelia Rose              F     1989-05-07

			Pavlik Carolina                 F     1972-01-14

			Pavlik Charlie E                M     1981-03-25

			Pavlik Frank J                  M     1978-02-16

			Pavlik Herman A                 M     1998-01-28

			Pavlik Joe L                    M     1988-10-08

			Pavlik Joe V                    M     1978-11-23

			Pavlik Lawrence E               M     1971-10-04

			Pavliska Raymond Victor         M     1998-06-01

			Pavlu Charles R                 M     1987-04-25

			Pavlu Sophie                    F     1981-05-28

			Paweleck Herman E               M     1973-12-08

			Paweleck Meta Willminna         F     1993-05-27

			Payne Harry D                   M     1987-06-09

			Payne Janis Renee               F     1966-11-20

			Payne Lizzie                    F     1972-08-17

			Peacock Thomas C                M     1984-12-17

			Peacock Vernon Louis            M     1986-07-04

			Pecashek Edward                 M     1985-07-16

			Pechacek Emil F                 M     1983-09-22

			Pechacek Frank Ferd  Sr         M     1968-12-16

			Pechacek Sue C                  F     1981-07-11

			Peeples Dorothy                 F     1995-07-21

			Peikert Julius   Jr             M     1994-01-27

			Peikert Leona Elizabeth         F     1966-04-21

			Peikert Louis Joseph            M     1965-06-27

			Peikert Rueben Charles          M     1985-09-28

			Pelts Alice Elvira              F     1979-05-16

			Pelts Leola Maxine              F     1985-11-24

			Pelzel Augusta                  F     1993-08-25

			Pelzel Henry                    M     1993-12-11

			Pena Caroline                   F     1972-05-13

			Pena Felipe                     M     1966-12-04

			Pena Gloria G                   F     1974-10-06

			Pena Timoteo Mendoza            M     1996-03-03

			Pence Faye Marie                F     1996-02-10

			Pendergrass Bettie W            F     1987-03-29

			Pendergrass John N              M     1976-08-21

			Pendley Jeffie Dan              F     1987-03-15

			Penn Tyria Myrtle               F     1980-07-06

			Pennington Letha Ellen          F     1979-12-03

			Pennington Seth                 M     1967-09-12

			Perales Refugia                 F     1968-06-15

			Perego Leona                    F     1988-09-09

			Pereira Hugh Jason              M     1997-07-25

			Perez Candido V                 M     1980-03-31

			Perez Carlos Prieto             M     1983-01-23

			Perez Felipa G                  F     1981-04-06

			Perez Fidelia                   F     1994-03-03

			Perez Guadalupe                 M     1975-01-21

			Perez Ismael                    M     1985-09-03

			Perez Manuela F                 F     1970-11-04

			Perez Nieves                    M     1969-10-15

			Perez Pablo   Jr                M     1987-10-17

			Perez Pablo                     M     1990-01-14

			Perez Paulita Marie             F     1993-03-05

			Perez Pedro                     M     1975-04-24

			Perkins Ray Arthor              M     1987-04-09

			Perkins Shedrick                M     1989-06-21

			Perkins Willie E                M     1984-12-26

			Perkins Willis LaFran           M     1989-11-06

			Peroni Oliver John              M     1998-09-09

			Perrard Edmund                  M     1977-01-02

			Perrard Lena S                  F     1993-03-04

			Perry Barbara Jean              F     1995-05-20

			Perry Billie Faye               F     1982-11-29

			Perry Donald Royce              M     1982-01-16

			Perry Gladys Laura              F     1968-03-13

			Perry James                     M     1977-09-30

			Perry Jodick Wooten             M     1987-11-13

			Perry Joel F                    M     1977-05-29

			Perry Lena Rosa  Hahn,          F     1967-10-07

			Perry Lizzie                    F     1971-08-07

			Perry Lorette Broaddus          F     1965-08-25

			Perry Lucille                   F     1990-02-13

			Perry Sidney                    M     1965-10-11

			Perry William Thomas            M     1982-12-22

			Perry Willis                    M     1967-05-09

			Person Willie C                 M     1977-05-29

			Peschel Adolph William          M     1982-07-09

			Peschel Buena Otillia           F     1983-02-12

			Pesl Anton K                    M     1982-03-17

			Pesl Henry                      M     1987-04-24

			Peter Adela                     F     1987-12-19

			Peter Bessie Rose               F     1994-04-26

			Peters Augusta                  F     1968-08-21

			Peters Bessie                   F     1994-10-09

			Peters Clara Struss             F     1965-05-27

			Peters James Otto               M     1993-06-21

			Peters Julia                    F     1970-01-21

			Peters Julia                    F     1977-12-12

			Peters Leo J  Sr                M     1972-03-12

			Peters Maggie Mae               F     1988-08-09

			Peters Raymond Gus              M     1992-08-17

			Petersen Lars L                 M     1977-04-09

			Peterson Hettye                 F     1969-09-22

			Peterson Quinton Marshall       M     1987-03-21

			Petrash Christina               F     1974-05-29

			Petrash Eddie                   M     1985-05-24

			Petrek Adolph A                 M     1976-10-29

			Petrek Lorene J                 F     1991-10-16

			Petrosky Vlasta                 F     1993-08-03

			Petrosky Walter P               M     1981-06-06

			Petrucha Thomas Joseph          M     1990-04-12

			Petter Amalie                   F     1967-12-11

			Petter Anita J                  F     1982-04-24

			Petter Willie                   M     1969-08-06

			Pettis Herbert                  M     1978-12-25

			Pettis Jim                      M     1966-12-29

			Pettis Richard Sam              M     1992-05-03

			Pettis Rosie Lee                F     1996-03-19

			Pettit Floyd   Jr               M     1978-08-04

			Pettit Lee William              M     1980-03-18

			Pettus Grant                    M     1978-11-22

			Pettus Odeal D                  F     1973-12-03

			Pettus Tom   Jr                 M     1967-04-23

			Pfeifer Epsy                    F     1974-12-09

			Pfeifer Gottlieb E              M     1978-02-14

			Pflughaupt Annie Rose           F     1994-12-11

			Pflughaupt Edmund   Jr          M     1982-02-17

			Pflughaupt Marie Elise  Annie,  F     1998-08-22

			Pharoah Nancy                   F     1965-02-21

			Phelps Gladys                   F     1997-01-24

			Phelps Horace B                 M     1979-03-21

			Phillipps Linda M               F     1972-01-31

			Phillips Eunice Stapleton       F     1988-01-05

			Phillips Frances                F     1996-07-22

			Phillips Lizzie M               F     1993-12-30

			Phillips Louie Lloyd            M     1981-02-25

			Phillips Mable Cook             F     1993-01-04

			Phillips Mittie M               F     1996-11-14

			Phillips Myrtle J               F     1971-02-11

			Phillips Roy                    M     1972-08-10

			Phillips Wade C                 M     1967-12-27

			Phillipus Edward Rudolph        M     1964-04-07

			Phoenix Terrell                 M     1964-01-01

			Pickens Ruth                    F     1992-05-24

			Pickett Herbert                 M     1989-12-06

			Pickett Noma K                  F     1969-01-16

			Pickett William F               M     1973-07-10

			Pidgeon Frank Crockett          M     1990-06-16

			Pidgeon Gladys Rae              F     1983-04-30

			Pieklik Florian                 M     1996-01-24

			Pieper William H                M     1972-11-18

			Pierce Chester Lafayette        M     1979-09-01

			Pierce Leroy                    M     1996-05-10

			Pierson Margaret                F     1991-11-24

			Pietsch Fred G                  M     1977-12-17

			Pifer Olney Bennett             M     1997-07-09

			Pifer Pauline                   F     1997-07-14

			Pikulski Florence M             F     1987-04-26

			Pilat Charles                   M     1970-11-11

			Pilat Charlie Joe               M     1994-02-09

			Pilat Hattie Marie              F     1994-03-17

			Pilat Katherina                 F     1967-07-26

			Pilat Lydia A                   F     1997-12-15

			Pilat Matilda                   F     1991-03-15

			Pilkington John Thomas          M     1987-12-12

			Pilkington Martha               F     1970-06-09

			Pilsner August John  Jr         M     1995-12-20

			Pilsner Elsie Marie             F     1987-02-23

			Pimentel Nicholas               M     1983-08-14

			Pinchback Corinne               F     1983-07-12

			Pinchback Daisy B               F     1972-01-14

			Pinchback John J                M     1989-05-11

			Pineda Petee C                  M     1977-05-25

			Pinion Mitchell Loyd            M     1992-08-09

			Pinn Dorothy Mae                F     1997-07-23

			Piwetz Robert A                 M     1967-04-05

			Plagens Ruby M                  F     1978-05-20

			Plant Marie Elizabeth           F     1996-03-26

			Plourde Elwood James            M     1990-10-03

			Plumley Melba Lurlene           F     1984-11-07

			Poenitzsch Elizabth F           F     1982-08-23

			Poenitzsch Laverne              F     1978-01-24

			Pohl Peggy Joyce                F     1994-03-25

			Poirier Dudley J  Jr            M     1976-07-01

			Pokluda Cecilia Beatrice        F     1998-08-12

			Pokluda Emma J                  F     1986-08-02

			Pokluda George                  M     1990-07-20

			Pokluda Henry August            M     1988-12-29

			Pokluda Melchoir W              M     1986-01-07

			Pokluda Sophie M                F     1991-06-27

			Pokorny Frances                 F     1994-01-06

			Pokorny Frank                   M     1984-07-10

			Polach Emerich J                M     1979-05-14

			Polach John J  Sr               M     1973-10-09

			Polach Lawrence John            M     1993-01-27

			Polansky Agnes Lucille          F     1988-05-06

			Polansky Annie                  F     1967-04-21

			Polasek Charles                 M     1985-12-15

			Polasek Emil E                  M     1984-12-11

			Polasek Gus J                   M     1977-09-23

			Polasek Martha                  F     1972-07-13

			Polk Adolf                      M     1968-12-07

			Polk Anton                      M     1978-09-01

			Polk Emil J                     M     1980-05-19

			Polk Frank                      M     1970-09-03

			Polk Leroy J                    M     1995-09-07

			Polk Mary L                     F     1990-11-25

			Polk Rosie                      F     1975-04-18

			Pollard Lou E                   F     1978-07-12

			Pomikal Louise                  F     1975-12-13

			Ponce Christofer M              M     1972-06-19

			Poncik Bertha                   F     1977-11-19

			Poole Ernerst                   M     1974-07-21

			Poole Mettie A                  F     1977-12-01

			Pope Mattie Lee                 F     1968-07-19

			Popp Agnes M                    F     1978-12-20

			Popp Charlie                    M     1977-10-07

			Popp Ferdinand                  M     1974-08-24

			Popp Herman   Sr                M     1968-11-20

			Popp Norbert Joseph             M     1984-04-12

			Popp Otto                       M     1976-08-23

			Popp Rudolph H                  M     1971-09-12

			Poppe Adolph Henry              M     1968-06-22

			Poppe Ben Hulmuth               M     1989-12-26

			Poppe Emil A                    M     1979-04-18

			Poppe Emma E                    F     1990-11-01

			Poppe Erna F                    F     1980-06-15

			Poppe Fritz W                   M     1994-02-17

			Poppe Henry F                   M     1979-11-03

			Poppe Mary G                    F     1981-12-27

			Poppe Walter Henry              M     1993-12-14

			Poppe Willie J                  M     1970-12-09

			Porter Essie J                  M     1973-07-30

			Porter Lee B                    M     1976-06-06

			Portz Pauline Eva               F     1991-09-15

			Portz Richard Edwin             M     1994-04-21

			Pospisil Regina                 F     1993-01-23

			Potter Annie C                  F     1970-11-28

			Potter Clarence Henry           M     1993-05-22

			Potter Edmund Victor            M     1992-07-12

			Potter Ethel Mae                F     1993-06-01

			Potter Lester Charles           M     1980-12-02

			Potter Robert Frank             M     1997-11-12

			Potthast Olga Laas              F     1964-08-09

			Pouncey Eula                    F     1977-02-03

			Pouncey Otis M                  M     1977-10-15

			Powe Minnie Reid                F     1998-03-13

			Powell Carmen E                 F     1971-01-28

			Powell Cora                     F     1990-02-09

			Powell Dana                     M     1985-10-12

			Powell Idella                   F     1982-12-11

			Powell Johnnie R                F     1971-11-10

			Powell Leona                    F     1982-03-24

			Powell Lester Vern              M     1996-10-04

			Powell Lonnie   Sr              M     1979-08-14

			Powell Ruby Dell                F     1990-07-10

			Powell Simon                    M     1987-07-19

			Powell Warner                   M     1977-05-03

			Powell William Lewis            M     1969-06-30

			Powers Frances Louise           F     1981-12-31

			Powers Johnnie Ola              F     1993-12-27

			Prasifka Albert Willie          M     1997-10-21

			Pratka Angelina                 F     1968-01-11

			Pratka Elfrieda Clara           F     1984-07-23

			Pratka Emil H  Sr               M     1970-03-25

			Pratt Ben   Jr                  M     1972-12-21

			Pratt Lola May                  F     1997-03-20

			Prause Alvin W                  M     1986-01-06

			Prause Clemons                  M     1970-05-19

			Prause Irene Frances            F     1992-10-09

			Prause Milam A                  M     1976-01-31

			Prause Robert Burt              M     1992-10-26

			Prcin Anton G                   M     1978-11-20

			Prescott Lillie B               F     1983-03-24

			Prescott Thomas B               M     1976-04-03

			Preston Deedra                  F     1991-10-29

			Prewett Irene F                 F     1986-05-29

			Price Claude Stacy              M     1995-10-27

			Price Edith                     F     1967-01-14

			Price Hattie                    F     1974-03-05

			Price Jesse B  Sr               M     1981-05-29

			Price Willie Mae                F     1967-05-26

			Pridgen Augusta O               M     1971-05-29

			Pridgen Evelyn Inez             F     1985-03-06

			Pridgett Dorthula               F     1968-10-03

			Priesmeyer Amelia Lorease       F     1993-11-27

			Priesmeyer Clara Marie          F     1968-05-14

			Priesmeyer Dovie                F     1998-03-16

			Priesmeyer Edward William       M     1998-05-07

			Priesmeyer Henry F              M     1975-08-01

			Prihoda Annie                   F     1974-03-08

			Prihoda David Anthony           M     1968-01-17

			Prihoda Eddie E                 M     1974-07-31

			Prihoda Emil                    M     1972-05-09

			Prihoda Louis V                 M     1975-05-10

			Prihoda Mary Barbara            F     1998-04-07

			Prihoda Rudolf                  F     1966-03-07

			Prilop Barbara                  F     1973-05-19

			Prilop Charlie A                M     1978-09-23

			Prilop Laura                    F     1969-06-06

			Prince F E                      F     1964-12-01

			Prince Raymond Ledora           M     1966-04-07

			Prince Robert                   M     1976-02-12

			Prince Sam                      M     1980-12-01

			Probst Matilda                  F     1983-02-22

			Prostel Majorie F               F     1991-10-04

			Prucha George Hendricks  Sr     M     1988-09-08

			Pryor Jacob Theodore            M     1995-03-04

			Psencik Sophie                  F     1986-11-15

			Puerta Victorino                M     1983-04-11

			Pulido Antonio   Sr             M     1977-09-09

			Pulido Eulalia V                F     1985-03-12

			Pustejovsky Agnes               F     1975-07-01

			Pustejovsky Albert Anthony      M     1990-12-30

			Pustejovsky Emma Elnora         F     1995-04-04

			Pustejovsky Leo                 M     1983-12-03

			Putt Cheryl Diane               F     1997-12-18

			Pyle Mary Lee                   F     1987-04-19

			Pytlovany Anton C               M     1990-01-13

			Quarles Billy Caro              M     1986-06-24

			Quinn Michael John              M     1995-08-17

			Quinney Annie Mae               F     1966-05-17

			Raabe Adolph R                  M     1975-04-10

			Raabe Albina                    F     1991-05-07

			Raabe Alfred Robert             M     1993-04-09

			Raabe Antonia                   F     1984-01-16

			Raabe Bennie Adolf              M     1966-07-28

			Raabe Brenda                    F     1976-01-01

			Raabe Clarence O                M     1994-12-12

			Raabe Emil   Jr                 M     1978-08-31

			Raabe Erwin                     M     1985-07-02

			Raabe Eugene Florian            M     1988-03-21

			Raabe Ida                       F     1975-09-03

			Raabe Kay Beth                  F     1993-10-26

			Raabe Kimberly Michele          F     1984-01-15

			Raabe Louise Theresa            F     1997-08-10

			Raabe Ophelia Margaret          F     1993-06-18

			Raabe Robert Joseph             M     1988-02-11

			Raabe Theresia M                F     1967-06-02

			Raabe William                   M     1974-03-30

			Raasch Herman Ludwig            M     1987-01-17

			Raasch Rose                     F     1973-10-09

			Rabb Willynne Elizabeth         F     1984-04-21

			Rabel August                    M     1969-12-27

			Rabel August Charlie            M     1986-11-26

			Rabel Christine                 F     1973-03-25

			Rabel Clara Belle               F     1996-04-08

			Rabel Elizabeth                 F     1972-07-04

			Rabel Emil H                    M     1970-11-22

			Rabel Emil H                    M     1970-11-22

			Rabel Emma                      F     1987-09-24

			Rabel Emma                      F     1997-06-14

			Rabel Fred J                    M     1966-07-20

			Rabel Gesine                    F     1964-09-03

			Rabel Henry J  Sr               M     1982-07-14

			Rabel Hettie                    F     1980-09-21

			Rabel Hylda                     F     1994-09-10

			Rabel Ida                       F     1976-02-19

			Rabel Lena Angeline             F     1994-04-21

			Rabel Rosetta                   F     1998-06-08

			Rabel Rosina                    F     1987-03-16

			Rabel Steve   Sr                M     1972-05-25

			Rabel Thekla                    F     1972-05-29

			Rabel Theresia                  F     1975-09-21

			Rabius Agusta                   F     1965-03-02

			Rabius Herman John              M     1983-07-16

			Rabius Nora Lee                 F     1990-04-19

			Rabius William                  M     1966-12-31

			Racer Henrietta                 F     1972-04-18

			Radack Anna Frieda              F     1964-07-09

			Radicke August                  M     1998-08-04

			Radke Alvester Julius           M     1996-11-11

			Rahlwes Alice D                 F     1995-03-14

			Rahlwes Emilie                  F     1972-01-30

			Rahlwes Lenora E                F     1989-02-04

			Rahlwes Otto A                  M     1993-08-17

			Rahlwes William F  Jr           M     1978-06-16

			Rainer Leonard   Sr             M     1972-01-24

			Rainosek Annie                  F     1970-04-22

			Rainosek Charles J              M     1975-12-07

			Rainosek Helen                  F     1969-07-19

			Rainosek John F                 M     1990-10-30

			Rainosek Lillie                 F     1992-11-06

			Ralph Velma Opal                F     1994-06-26

			Rameriz Evaristo Cabrera        M     1988-11-10

			Ramirez Camilo Perez  Jr        M     1990-09-28

			Ramirez Darrell A               M     1972-12-07

			Ramirez Isidra                  F     1966-08-30

			Ramirez Jose Lopez              M     1981-06-23

			Ramirez Maria                   F     1971-12-10

			Ramirez Matilda C               F     1970-11-04

			Ramirez Nicholas   Sr           M     1980-08-01

			Ramirez Nicolas   Sr            M     1998-07-26

			Ramirez Soledad                 F     1986-04-26

			Ramos Florencio   Jr            M     1984-04-18

			Ramos Ross S                    M     1979-11-03

			Ramsdell Sydney Gerard          M     1968-11-16

			Ramsey Michael Gene             M     1968-05-05

			Ramsey Robert                   M     1986-11-16

			Randle Caroline                 F     1980-02-03

			Randle Emma Lee                 F     1998-11-30

			Randow Christoph Karl           M     1986-01-30

			Randuch Frank                   M     1981-06-26

			Ranft Alvin W                   M     1971-06-24

			Raska Annie Minnie              F     1994-09-21

			Rassenfoss Thelma J             F     1987-04-08

			Ratliff Gussie R                F     1970-09-20

			Rau Annie Hope                  F     1996-12-30

			Rau Augusta                     F     1967-05-16

			Rau Charley Woodrow  Jr         M     1997-12-16

			Rau Ed                          M     1965-10-29

			Rau Henry W                     M     1978-11-15

			Rau Raymond                     M     1983-05-23

			Rau Russell Lowell              M     1998-04-05

			Rau Vlasta                      F     1979-12-30

			Rauch Cleo Julia                F     1996-06-27

			Rausl Lad                       M     1976-09-05

			Rawlins Mary A                  F     1979-04-03

			Ray Alvin                       M     1982-11-16

			Reading Ethel Rebecca           F     1979-09-06

			Reagan Elmer                    M     1978-08-10

			Rebecek Martha M                F     1974-02-19

			Redd Cleveland C                M     1982-06-20

			Redding Grover C                M     1977-12-25

			Redig Leonard J                 M     1981-01-21

			Redman Ronald Jack  III         M     1997-07-31

			Redmond Evelyn Amosell          F     1995-03-31

			Redus Amizota A  C,             M     1990-01-28

			Redus Beverely Jean  Kent,      F     1968-09-04

			Redus Charles L                 M     1981-08-11

			Reed Annie F                    F     1972-05-04

			Reed Curtis                     M     1974-05-16

			Reed Hattie V                   F     1988-08-17

			Reed Jessie Harrison            M     1968-03-28

			Reed Joe Simpson  Jr            M     1994-02-13

			Reed Lewis Duncan               M     1991-02-11

			Reed Nancy Jean                 F     1991-09-11

			Reed Ruby Carrie                F     1984-05-08

			Reeders James                   M     1965-07-19

			Reedus Archie                   M     1965-02-28

			Reel James R                    M     1976-06-05

			Reel Lucille                    F     1977-09-05

			Reel Vera Merle                 F     1996-12-18

			Reese Cora Mae                  F     1982-07-03

			Reese Franklin Forrest          M     1990-09-19

			Reese Lillian E                 F     1974-11-23

			Reese Lucille Florabelle        F     1988-02-27

			Reese Michael Clifton           M     1997-11-04

			Reese Ola Mae                   F     1993-07-31

			Reese Richard H                 M     1978-05-08

			Reese Russell H                 M     1964-06-30

			Reeves Andrew G  Sr             M     1964-02-28

			Reeves Bill Scott               M     1994-04-21

			Reeves Jay Scott                M     1985-01-20

			Reger Reinhard H                M     1966-06-01

			Reichert Clara                  F     1979-02-23

			Reichle Otto E                  M     1968-10-18

			Reid Faye Athalie               F     1992-12-23

			Reimers Ann Irene               F     1998-10-14

			Reimers Henry A                 M     1979-03-03

			Reimers Herbert George          M     1989-05-10

			Reimers Lena B                  F     1987-12-08

			Reimers Vida Potthast           F     1969-04-02

			Reinhardt Clara                 F     1968-09-14

			Reinhardt Henry Herman  Jr      M     1990-11-09

			Reinhardt Martha                F     1990-10-18

			Reinhardt Ray G                 M     1988-12-15

			Reinhardt Terese Eva            F     1989-08-14

			Reinke Anne                     F     1972-07-22

			Reising Albert L                M     1966-02-16

			Reising Anna                    F     1971-03-11

			Reising Dorothy Emma            F     1992-06-26

			Reising Leon                    M     1996-06-17

			Rek Amalie                      F     1980-07-22

			Rektorik Joseph                 M     1965-12-09

			Rektorik Mary                   F     1977-08-01

			Renchie Peyton                  M     1996-04-26

			Renick Flora                    F     1991-09-25

			Renken Julius P                 M     1979-01-25

			Rerich Alvin V                  M     1981-04-27

			Rerich Antonia Martha           F     1996-09-08

			Rerich Emilie                   F     1973-12-19

			Rerich Lillie B                 F     1995-08-22

			Rerich William F                M     1967-11-30

			Retzlaff Bernhard               M     1976-05-07

			Reuther Alfred H                M     1976-01-05

			Reyer Margaret                  F     1989-07-01

			Reyes Camillo   Sr              M     1985-06-28

			Reyes Felipe Jose               M     1993-10-17

			Reyes Miguel Angel              M     1984-09-06

			Reyes Pedro                     M     1982-05-31

			Reynolds Grady H                M     1964-10-16

			Rheman Thomas Stanley           M     1997-04-21

			Rhind Helen Liberty             F     1996-09-11

			Rhoades Jack                    M     1980-10-26

			Rhodes Atha B                   F     1975-10-29

			Rhodes Ernest                   M     1990-02-09

			Rhodes Henry G  Jr              M     1973-06-26

			Rhodes Milton L  Sr             M     1975-12-14

			Rhodes Willie                   F     1983-03-06

			Richards Martha                 F     1985-02-10

			Richardson Emma F               F     1973-04-15

			Richardson Lettie C             F     1983-11-04

			Richardson Pearl                F     1974-02-12

			Richardson William Turner       M     1994-03-07

			Richey Carrye Belle             F     1991-02-27

			Richie Gary Wayne               M     1990-06-12

			Richmond Annie B                F     1979-04-27

			Richter Albert A                M     1971-12-09

			Richter Alma T                  F     1975-01-25

			Richter Annie                   F     1973-01-23

			Richter Augusta Katherine       F     1997-03-29

			Richter Dora B                  F     1971-01-09

			Richter Emil                    M     1968-03-12

			Richter Emil J                  M     1971-07-07

			Richter Ernest Dietrich  Sr     M     1996-04-24

			Richter Lee Roy  E,             M     1994-02-09

			Richter Louis                   F     1972-03-26

			Richter Madeline                F     1975-01-26

			Richter Martha                  F     1993-11-21

			Ricicar Alton L                 M     1976-02-02

			Ricks Albert S                  M     1971-09-03

			Ricks Myra Mildred              F     1995-03-10

			Rico Daniel                     M     1988-04-18

			Riddick Laura Kenneth           F     1988-01-19

			Riddick Mary C                  F     1971-06-18

			Riebschlaeger Annie             F     1973-03-18

			Riehs Arline Ruth               F     1998-01-22

			Riehs Robert Karl               M     1969-04-20

			Riemen Carl W                   M     1983-11-23

			Riemen Lillian R                F     1983-04-27

			Rietz Arnold O                  M     1974-09-12

			Rietz Benno O                   M     1985-03-29

			Rietz Robert William            M     1986-10-17

			Rietz William B                 M     1978-04-28

			Riggins Calvin                  M     1978-01-28

			Riggins Litha                   F     1965-01-09

			Riggins Violet J                F     1971-12-21

			Riley Gus B                     M     1978-07-05

			Riley Johanna Emily  Julie,     F     1983-07-20

			Ringgenberg Lena                F     1980-10-09

			Rinn Daniel                     M     1971-03-01

			Rinn Frieda                     F     1965-07-28

			Rinn Lena H                     F     1984-06-19

			Rios Abraham                    M     1972-12-07

			Rios Juanita                    F     1977-11-15

			Rios Juanita                    F     1988-09-28

			Rios Mario Joseph               M     1993-12-04

			Ripper Albert Fred              M     1998-08-14

			Ripper Alfons A                 M     1982-03-03

			Ripper Anna                     F     1983-02-01

			Ripper Anna                     F     1995-07-02

			Ripper Erna                     F     1989-01-10

			Ripper Frank                    M     1979-06-07

			Ripper Henry A                  M     1986-06-23

			Ripper Martha                   F     1979-02-07

			Ripper Mary                     F     1971-07-09

			Ripper Otilia                   F     1992-11-17

			Ripple Henry C                  M     1974-06-01

			Ritchie R C                     M     1982-08-22

			Rivas Benito Quintero           M     1998-06-14

			Rivera Able Calderon            M     1989-10-02

			Rivera Antonia                  F     1977-05-02

			Rivera Marcus                   M     1989-06-17

			Rivers Henretta                 F     1982-10-08

			Roach Gertrude                  F     1983-12-24

			Robbins Bert L                  M     1991-06-19

			Roberson Erna B                 F     1973-06-07

			Roberson Frank                  M     1981-05-06

			Roberson Georgia                F     1991-07-29

			Robert Orlando U                M     1984-09-03

			Roberts Alice Terrell           F     1983-02-02

			Roberts Arthur                  M     1980-11-15

			Roberts Ben                     M     1981-11-07

			Roberts Doris Dora              F     1994-06-23

			Roberts Martin Weldon           M     1997-10-21

			Roberts Pernella                F     1983-03-23

			Roberts Ronel Mckinney          M     1992-04-10

			Roberts Thomas Marion           M     1966-06-25

			Robinson Albert                 M     1979-02-02

			Robinson Beather                F     1993-03-21

			Robinson Clemmie Groce          F     1965-10-05

			Robinson Elroy                  M     1994-10-23

			Robinson Evell                  M     1969-05-11

			Robinson Lizzie M               F     1973-12-17

			Robinson Mariah                 F     1987-09-29

			Robinson Norma Jane             F     1998-08-05

			Robinson Olevia H               F     1970-11-30

			Robinson Stacy B                M     1974-12-30

			Robinson Will M                 M     1964-08-20

			Rocha Juan                      M     1986-10-02

			Rocha Ramona L                  F     1998-02-17

			Rocha Santos                    F     1978-11-16

			Rode Fred                       M     1974-02-24

			Rode Harold Adam                M     1995-07-02

			Rodenberry Virginia L           F     1975-09-17

			Rodgers Annie                   F     1991-12-22

			Rodgers Earl Houston            M     1964-04-26

			Rodgers Gilbert Earl            M     1991-01-01

			Rodgers Homer S                 M     1972-02-01

			Rodgers Willie E                M     1971-09-09

			Rodosovich Clinton Michael      M     1991-09-11

			Rodriguez Ascencion             F     1997-02-06

			Rodriguez Benito   Sr           M     1997-12-21

			Rodriguez Caroline              F     1988-05-27

			Rodriguez Elvira                F     1991-03-22

			Rodriguez Jesus P               M     1992-12-25

			Rodriguez Joe Louis  A,         M     1970-01-12

			Rodriguez Jose Guadalupe        M     1995-01-02

			Rodriguez Jose Luis  Gallardo=  M     1984-11-07

			Rodriguez Juan                  M     1978-10-14

			Rodriguez Marcelino Frank       M     1996-03-21

			Rodriguez Margarito Flores      M     1993-05-26

			Rodriguez Maria Guadalupe       F     1995-01-02

			Rodriguez Pedro                 M     1990-04-17

			Rodriguez Tito                  M     1990-02-23

			Rodriquez Josephine             F     1975-08-23

			Rodriquiz Julio                 M     1974-10-07

			Rodriquiz Valente               M     1975-05-23

			Roe Nora D                      F     1985-09-29

			Roeber John Carl                M     1997-11-01

			Roeder Dorothy                  F     1974-01-24

			Roeder Ferdinand J              M     1984-03-13

			Roeder Leona                    F     1985-11-27

			Roeder Mary W                   F     1989-01-01

			Roeder Reinhold O               M     1966-10-14

			Roeder Rudolph                  M     1992-09-17

			Roeder Rudolph J                M     1972-05-29

			Roehe Anna Splichal             F     1988-06-18

			Roehe Duke H                    M     1973-06-18

			Roesler Vernon Joseph           M     1979-06-25

			Rogers Isaac L                  M     1971-07-06

			Rogers Mary E                   F     1977-06-18

			Rogers Maxel                    M     1998-02-23

			Rohan Filomena                  F     1968-03-11

			Rohde Olivia Ernestine  E,      F     1967-11-20

			Roitsch Benjamin Franklin       M     1988-12-07

			Roitsch Erwin Gustav            M     1991-03-07

			Roitsch Hubert                  M     1988-09-15

			Roland Leona                    F     1986-05-27

			Roland Mahalia                  F     1976-05-16

			Rolin Bobby Harold              M     1980-03-01

			Rollie Alvin James              M     1997-01-15

			Rollins Annie                   F     1988-03-10

			Rollins Roy Sherman             M     1997-02-02

			Rollins Selma                   F     1985-01-03

			Rollins Silas S                 M     1977-01-20

			Romero Santos                   M     1965-06-21

			Rosalis Susie                   F     1971-09-07

			Rose Alvena                     F     1969-02-09

			Rose Alwin Theodore             M     1969-09-30

			Rose Benno A                    M     1971-09-13

			Rose Elfrieda M                 F     1989-07-22

			Rose Erna                       F     1968-04-02

			Rose Martha Margaret            F     1981-04-15

			Rosenauer Frances               F     1982-11-25

			Rosenauer Jim                   M     1985-06-13

			Rosenbaum Aleridge              M     1980-04-10

			Rosprim Barbara                 F     1974-04-27

			Rosprim Edward A                M     1973-10-20

			Rosprim Lewis J                 M     1974-10-26

			Ross Annie M                    F     1967-03-01

			Ross Ellis                      M     1985-02-06

			Ross Lawrence Blackburn         M     1969-12-24

			Ross Lloyd Irwing               M     1992-05-11

			Ross Toy L                      F     1975-09-14

			Rouse Rachel R                  F     1980-11-01

			Rouse Wilson M                  M     1975-04-03

			Rowe Ernestine                  F     1993-02-02

			Rowe Howell Hanson  Sr          M     1967-01-11

			Rowe Nellie Pearl               F     1992-12-05

			Rowe Olga A                     F     1989-03-27

			Rowe Stella                     F     1983-01-09

			Rowland Eutie Marie             F     1984-11-09

			Rowlen Ida Adelle               F     1996-12-02

			Roy Elnora                      F     1973-07-14

			Roy Gladys M                    F     1974-09-28

			Roy Jim   Jr                    M     1965-05-20

			Roy Jim   Jr                    M     1979-05-24

			Roy Josie                       F     1978-03-28

			Roy Leon                        M     1989-07-18

			Royals Billy Mac                M     1990-10-24

			Royer William Eugene            M     1984-12-06

			Roznovak Agnes                  F     1979-02-17

			Roznovak Frank J                M     1976-11-07

			Roznovak Lydia                  F     1977-03-08

			Roznovak Willie P               M     1978-10-16

			Rucka Ervin John                M     1985-01-27

			Rudel James Morris              M     1990-03-07

			Ruesch Harvey Walter            M     1986-02-01

			Ruhmann Clemons B               M     1983-10-19

			Ruhmann Emil F                  M     1972-04-26

			Ruhmann Hilda Louise            F     1986-04-07

			Ruiz Adella A                   F     1981-02-22

			Ruiz Anita                      F     1964-11-18

			Ruiz Nicanor                    M     1970-12-02

			Ruiz Pedro                      M     1985-12-18

			Ruiz Ysabel M                   M     1994-09-07

			Rummel Herman                   M     1979-08-01

			Runge Edward                    M     1977-07-29

			Runk Mamie E                    F     1970-10-28

			Runk Mattie Ruth                F     1988-03-06

			Runk Oneta Alice                F     1985-11-14

			Runnels Coedith                 F     1990-04-30

			Runquist Margaret Sue           F     1990-12-11

			Russell David Clarence  Sr      M     1993-08-31

			Russo Charles P                 M     1976-12-29

			Rutledge Delno J                M     1975-09-24

			Rutledge Tom                    M     1968-09-23

			Rutledge Walter                 M     1990-09-06

			Rutta Alfred Lee                M     1991-01-07

			Rutta Bettye Jo                 F     1997-04-08

			Rutta Charles D                 M     1969-05-26

			Rutta Dominac Henry             M     1995-09-02

			Rutta Dominic Alfonse           M     1969-03-31

			Rutta Frances                   F     1965-09-05

			Rutta Johnny A                  M     1972-01-31

			Rutta Linda S                   F     1972-01-31

			Rutta Rosie Mary                F     1996-04-01

			Rybak Joe Frank                 M     1988-11-03

			Rybak Willie John               M     1990-01-15

			Rypple Joe S                    M     1970-01-18

			Rypple Leona L                  F     1993-11-02

			Rypple Minnie Herder            F     1969-11-21

			Ryza Annie                      F     1978-03-04

			Sabrsula Evelyn                 F     1967-03-28

			Sabrsula John James             M     1989-07-29

			Sadler Jack Darnell             M     1964-08-13

			Saenz Rogerio                   M     1993-12-22

			Saenz Tomasa                    F     1976-07-15

			Saenz Velia M                   F     1979-07-21

			Sainz Robert G                  M     1991-12-03

			Salabes Urbano M                M     1966-07-15

			Salas Henry Bohus               M     1998-09-17

			Salas Jose                      M     1996-06-05

			Salas Manuel                    M     1981-01-04

			Salas Marcos D                  M     1989-12-03

			Salazar Eusebio                 M     1994-06-14

			Salcido Adelaido                M     1969-06-29

			Salcido Nativadad               F     1965-11-08

			Salguero Julian                 M     1988-09-28

			Salguero Norma Angela           F     1987-01-30

			Salinas Guadalupe               F     1978-09-20

			Salinas Jacobo Estran           M     1966-09-01

			Salinas Micheal W               M     1973-01-02

			Salinas Seferino                M     1982-08-12

			Salladay George H               M     1966-07-20

			Salladay Lena M                 F     1978-07-10

			Sallady Winnie C                F     1973-01-19

			Samora Joe J                    M     1979-04-26

			Samora Ruby L                   F     1971-10-12

			Sample Morris S  Jr             M     1964-11-15

			Sampson James                   M     1982-10-20

			Sampson Rosie                   F     1982-10-01

			Sanchez Rosendo                 M     1994-11-23

			Sander Emma                     F     1986-06-01

			Sander George                   M     1989-11-04

			Sandera Emma G                  F     1994-01-02

			Sanders Agnes                   F     1980-08-16

			Sanders Annie L                 F     1985-11-10

			Sanders Bernyce                 F     1976-03-31

			Sanders Donald E                M     1988-08-19

			Sanders Frank   Jr              M     1993-01-10

			Sanders James Richard           M     1990-10-19

			Sanders Lillie Mae              F     1980-07-21

			Sanders Minnie Obenhaus         F     1969-06-29

			Sanders Nora A                  F     1982-03-12

			Sanders Pleaze M                M     1972-03-14

			Sanders Robert Bert             M     1985-09-20

			Sanders Wilbur Boyce            M     1995-03-23

			Sandford Isaac   Jr             M     1964-10-04

			Sandham Alma M                  F     1978-12-04

			Sandham Reginald D              M     1976-01-21

			Sandusky Genevieve Gertrude     F     1994-04-07

			Sanford Annie C                 F     1974-11-10

			Sanford Carita                  F     1995-04-08

			Sanford Julia                   F     1964-08-08

			Santos Gregoria Rios            F     1979-07-22

			Sassin Annie O                  F     1987-02-21

			Sassin Mary Elizabeth           F     1994-03-21

			Sassin Theotil                  M     1974-06-17

			Sassin Willie Jerome            M     1998-02-14

			Satcher Frances J               F     1975-12-19

			Satcher Henry H                 M     1976-10-31

			Satterwhite Donna Ray           F     1992-10-11

			Sauceda Juan                    M     1998-01-10

			Saucedo Vicente J               M     1974-07-07

			Saunders Lucille Amalie         F     1990-08-30

			Saxe Gwendolyn Louis            F     1991-02-14

			Saxon Elvira                    F     1983-01-11

			Schacherl Adolph   Sr           M     1980-10-11

			Schacherl Elizabeth             F     1997-10-08

			Schade Mayme Lozelle            F     1992-09-10

			Schade Oscar Albert             M     1967-03-02

			Schaefer Herman Henry           M     1968-10-06

			Schaefer Juanita                F     1993-07-23

			Schaefer Oscar                  M     1970-07-26

			Schafer Edward Earnest          M     1986-04-08

			Schatzman Robert Edward         M     1993-02-28

			Schawe Otto A                   M     1971-07-03

			Scheel Elizabeth D              F     1978-04-04

			Scheer Rudolph A                M     1972-01-31

			Scheig Alice R                  F     1977-05-02

			Scheller Henry Charles          M     1968-09-03

			Scheller Mattie V               F     1971-03-31

			Schenk Charley                  M     1971-02-12

			Schenk Charlie L                M     1984-07-19

			Schenk Emil                     M     1975-06-15

			Schenk Frank                    M     1970-10-28

			Schenk Gladys Mae               F     1982-12-12

			Schenk John                     M     1998-03-16

			Scherbig Mathilda               F     1978-04-12

			Schertz Arthur Leo              M     1983-10-25

			Schertz Mary                    F     1972-02-27

			Schilhab Abbie Jay              F     1988-03-31

			Schilhab Joe Anton              M     1979-11-07

			Schilhab Martin L               M     1971-09-10

			Schilhab Roland                 M     1995-10-22

			Schiller Alice P                F     1978-01-06

			Schiller Robert                 M     1997-06-11

			Schiller Robert Edwin           M     1966-12-25

			Schilling Edna L                F     1971-04-27

			Schilling Lillie                F     1978-01-19

			Schilling Louis                 M     1966-06-27

			Schilling Victor Otto           M     1968-03-11

			Schimcek Albina                 F     1968-03-01

			Schimcek August L               M     1971-05-12

			Schimcek Charlie                M     1994-06-08

			Schindler Adella                F     1997-01-16

			Schindler Adolf                 M     1965-02-07

			Schindler Albert                M     1979-05-29

			Schindler Alfred J              M     1981-10-13

			Schindler Annie Rabel           F     1970-01-02

			Schindler Antonia               F     1969-05-31

			Schindler August                M     1970-12-01

			Schindler Bettie Barron         F     1979-01-19

			Schindler Clara                 F     1976-12-04

			Schindler Eleanora B            F     1974-08-04

			Schindler Emil                  M     1979-11-05

			Schindler Emil B                M     1978-02-15

			Schindler Evelyn Mae            F     1982-01-20

			Schindler Frank                 M     1971-03-17

			Schindler Georgia               F     1971-01-15

			Schindler Glenn                 M     1964-10-12

			Schindler Ida                   F     1978-02-18

			Schindler Joe P                 M     1972-03-14

			Schindler John                  M     1971-08-06

			Schindler Juanita Mozelle       F     1982-09-12

			Schindler Laura                 F     1974-03-24

			Schindler Lucille A             F     1977-12-06

			Schindler Martha                F     1965-02-21

			Schindler Mary Katherine        F     1987-11-16

			Schindler Oscar William         M     1993-02-09

			Schindler Viola                 F     1964-11-21

			Schindler William T             M     1971-09-03

			Schindler Wilma M               F     1996-09-26

			Schiurring Carl S               M     1980-01-06

			Schiurring Inez Towles          F     1992-04-13

			Schlageter Philip               M     1966-11-05

			Schlebach George J              M     1975-12-07

			Schleider Katherine J           F     1975-03-28

			Schlinkman Walter G             M     1994-10-05

			Schlottmann Edith               F     1997-08-23

			Schmeeckle George               M     1978-11-23

			Schmid Joe F                    M     1968-03-14

			Schmidt Ada Laverne             F     1981-05-03

			Schmidt Adelheit                F     1971-07-26

			Schmidt Adolph J                M     1984-12-31

			Schmidt Agnes                   F     1997-03-12

			Schmidt Alois Frank             M     1997-11-18

			Schmidt August Arthur           M     1990-12-16

			Schmidt Ed H                    M     1968-06-10

			Schmidt Elmo                    M     1992-04-11

			Schmidt Elsie L                 F     1974-04-26

			Schmidt Emmett Robert           M     1983-10-25

			Schmidt Frank J                 M     1983-01-06

			Schmidt Fred R                  M     1978-11-22

			Schmidt Hildegarde Marie        F     1988-08-20

			Schmidt Hugo Theodore           M     1988-05-03

			Schmidt Hulda                   F     1985-02-13

			Schmidt Johnnie Adam  Sr        M     1993-07-02

			Schmidt Martha                  F     1986-10-07

			Schmidt Mary                    F     1985-06-23

			Schmidt Mary Aloise             F     1966-12-20

			Schmidt Mundina Rinn            F     1981-01-30

			Schmidt Olga                    F     1989-04-13

			Schmidt Paul W                  M     1964-05-26

			Schmitt Adam                    M     1971-01-30

			Schmitt Arthur F  Sr            M     1981-05-16

			Schmitt Josephine               F     1971-09-07

			Schmitt Leo                     M     1996-05-11

			Schmitt Margaret                F     1997-06-16

			Schmitt Pauline                 F     1991-10-21

			Schmittou John D                M     1977-02-26

			Schneider Adela Annie           F     1989-01-13

			Schneider Anna                  F     1966-10-29

			Schneider Annie Elvira          F     1998-07-06

			Schneider Celestine             F     1987-05-03

			Schneider Christina             F     1985-10-06

			Schneider Henry J               M     1975-02-08

			Schneider Hilda                 F     1991-06-29

			Schneider Jake                  M     1969-04-28

			Schneider Lena                  F     1964-06-06

			Schneider Lester Robert         M     1994-11-26

			Schneider Lillian Regina        F     1997-12-15

			Schneider Martha                F     1974-10-09

			Schneider Mary                  F     1997-06-11

			Schneider Otto                  M     1973-06-23

			Schneider Otto W                M     1977-01-18

			Schneider Reinhardt H           M     1989-01-15

			Schneider Rosa                  F     1980-02-15

			Schneider Wilhelminna G         F     1966-01-25

			Schobel Bennie Jacob            M     1987-12-23

			Schobel Edgar Leo               M     1996-12-17

			Schobel Edmund W                M     1972-07-21

			Schobel Elenora                 F     1993-03-28

			Schobel Elfrieda                F     1974-12-06

			Schobel Emil J                  M     1966-09-12

			Schobel Emma K                  F     1968-11-02

			Schobel Eva Martha              F     1995-03-09

			Schobel Frances Agnes           F     1993-11-10

			Schobel Gustav                  M     1991-12-11

			Schobel Harry O                 M     1979-04-23

			Schobel Leona Annie             F     1991-08-26

			Schobel Libbie                  F     1989-06-09

			Schobel Oswald Otto             M     1994-04-24

			Schobel Otto A                  M     1968-02-28

			Schobel Otto F                  M     1981-06-24

			Schobel Otto F                  M     1981-06-24

			Schobel Rudolph F               M     1974-02-15

			Schobel Sophie Annie            F     1997-09-13

			Schobel Vlasta                  F     1997-12-09

			Schoellmann Alice Anne          F     1994-08-17

			Schoellmann Frank H             M     1977-06-07

			Schoellmann Frederick Method    M     1984-12-13

			Schoellmann Joseph Anthony      M     1995-02-23

			Schoellmann Julia Marie         F     1993-10-26

			Schoellmann Julia Marie         F     1993-10-26

			Schoen Alfred                   M     1981-02-17

			Schoener Adolph   Jr            M     1993-10-10

			Schoenfeld Victor L             M     1977-11-10

			Schoenweitz Edwin R             M     1972-03-24

			Scholton Earl Raymond           M     1991-11-26

			Schomberg Meta                  F     1991-07-15

			Schomberg Paul Hermann          M     1992-04-03

			Schomp Maude                    F     1996-04-26

			Schoppa Albina Christina        F     1993-05-31

			Schoppa George W                M     1983-01-06

			Schoppe Louise Mary             F     1986-02-20

			Schostag Edwin E                M     1975-08-04

			Schott Byrl Palma               F     1969-03-18

			Schott William A                M     1970-12-31

			Schrader Alfons Frank           M     1983-12-20

			Schrader Anton                  M     1968-04-20

			Schrader Otto J                 M     1976-07-14

			Schrader Russell   'Aka John'   M     1987-01-18

			Schram Ferdinand   Sr           M     1977-08-25

			Schramek Annie                  F     1993-06-02

			Schramek Elroy A                M     1982-09-01

			Schramek Ernest F               M     1973-06-06

			Schramek Frances                F     1989-02-22

			Schramek Janie                  F     1982-06-23

			Schramek Julius J               M     1981-02-16

			Schramek Leo Joseph             M     1982-09-24

			Schriefer Ella                  F     1995-03-07

			Schriefer Otto John             M     1985-09-02

			Schroeder Armeda                F     1966-01-19

			Schroeder Audrey Viola          F     1997-11-12

			Schroeder Bennie A              M     1990-07-20

			Schroeder Bessie                F     1987-12-29

			Schroeder Carl                  M     1984-03-19

			Schroeder Emma                  F     1964-02-24

			Schroeder Emmett B              M     1991-05-29

			Schroeder Herbert August  Sr    M     1991-12-16

			Schroeder Louise                F     1982-10-05

			Schroeder Mary                  F     1988-02-23

			Schroeder Wilbert               M     1992-02-26

			Schroeder Willie                M     1985-05-24

			Schubert Emily L                F     1971-02-05

			Schuenemann Ronnie D            M     1971-10-06

			Schuette Cecilia Ottilia        F     1998-05-04

			Schuette Edmund E               M     1981-01-10

			Schuette Etta                   F     1995-08-20

			Schuette Hermina Runge          F     1979-09-07

			Schuette Katie                  F     1973-01-24

			Schuette Leroy John             M     1987-09-07

			Schuette Margaret M             F     1980-04-16

			Schuette Odilia Amelia          F     1998-06-16

			Schuette Peter F                M     1970-01-30

			Schuette Richard Martin         M     1995-10-29

			Schuetze Calvin F               M     1984-11-24

			Schuetze Lillie                 F     1981-12-15

			Schuetze Martha                 F     1987-01-03

			Schulenburg Anna Mae            F     1993-05-14

			Schulenburg Louis Herman  Jr    M     1980-02-07

			Schuler Magdalena               F     1970-12-28

			Schulte William F               M     1993-11-29

			Schultz Clara                   F     1973-03-20

			Schultz Emiliea                 F     1971-12-18

			Schultz Grace Louise            F     1991-02-06

			Schultz Maude Alice             F     1970-02-05

			Schultz William Kenneth         M     1987-02-11

			Schultz Willie                  M     1981-03-22

			Schulz Gisella                  F     1992-05-09

			Schulz Herbert T                M     1969-05-18

			Schurig Mary Parr               F     1969-08-03

			Schurig Todd Parr               M     1967-12-27

			Schwander Herbert Elmer         M     1995-01-21

			Schwartz Albina E               F     1984-03-07

			Schwartz Annie J                F     1985-04-24

			Schwartz Emmie                  F     1974-01-24

			Schwartz Helen                  F     1968-02-10

			Schwartz Joe R                  M     1984-02-02

			Schwartz John                   M     1997-06-28

			Schway Helen Marie              F     1969-09-13

			Schwegmann Helen F              F     1992-11-22

			Schwegmann Willie Frederich     M     1994-10-14

			Schweke Fenton G                M     1973-04-02

			Schweke Maria                   F     1966-07-28

			Schweke W A                     M     1972-01-30

			Schwenke Adolph                 M     1996-03-13

			Schwenke Leonard Ray            M     1979-12-26

			Scogin Jaxie                    F     1967-02-04

			Scogin Perl E                   M     1966-06-06

			Scotka Clara                    F     1998-06-08

			Scott Alex                      M     1964-08-09

			Scott Anthony Ward              M     1993-01-01

			Scott Benjamine F  Sr           M     1971-05-25

			Scott Bennie Clarence           M     1983-02-10

			Scott Bessie                    F     1985-12-30

			Scott Charlotte Ann             F     1997-06-18

			Scott Dorothy Deloris           F     1969-07-24

			Scott Ethel                     F     1984-12-08

			Scott Fred                      M     1991-09-19

			Scott Howard                    M     1974-08-05

			Scott James Ben                 M     1965-01-23

			Scott Johnnie C                 M     1972-03-18

			Scott Kenneth Ray               M     1982-11-16

			Scott Lea A                     F     1972-03-30

			Scott Lizzie                    F     1969-08-20

			Scott Lizzie B                  F     1978-12-12

			Scott Lizzie Elizabeth          F     1970-01-26

			Scott Margie Lee                F     1994-05-26

			Scott Mary                      F     1970-04-14

			Scott Mary Jane                 F     1966-05-29

			Scott Mary Louise               F     1965-01-01

			Scott Meddie Mae                F     1995-03-14

			Scott Pairlee                   F     1973-09-01

			Scott Quindera A                F     1996-09-26

			Scott Robert                    M     1977-02-27

			Scott Sam                       M     1971-05-04

			Scott Selma                     F     1976-04-27

			Scott Thomas Duncan             M     1985-03-17

			Scott Thomas William            M     1966-03-24

			Scott William Joseph  Jr        M     1996-02-11

			Scrogin John M                  M     1973-01-28

			Scrogin Mildred Louise          F     1990-08-29

			Seaholm Axel Helmer             M     1982-11-11

			Seaholm Carl   Sr               M     1970-11-28

			Seaholm Ernest Evald            M     1965-12-31

			Seaholm Frank Norris            F     1984-05-07

			Seaholm Gustav Adolph           M     1965-08-26

			Seaholm Nancy J                 F     1977-01-11

			Seaholm Susie Lois              F     1989-12-08

			Seals Ellis Luvine              F     1996-12-21

			Sebesta Mary                    F     1997-08-13

			Sebesta Pauline R               F     1978-08-17

			Seeberger Perry Cook            M     1991-10-01

			Seidel Gustav F                 M     1988-06-08

			Seidel Paul                     M     1986-08-29

			Seidel Walter Albin             M     1987-09-13

			Seidenberger Ferdinand A        M     1979-09-13

			Seidl John Charles              M     1998-04-03

			Seifert August H                M     1964-03-14

			Seifert Edgar H                 M     1986-03-08

			Seifert Frank Anton             M     1966-08-19

			Seifert Henry Herbert           M     1991-07-22

			Seifert Hilda T                 F     1980-01-30

			Seifert Lawrence J              M     1997-02-13

			Seifert Rosa Anna               F     1982-01-11

			Sekerka Joseph F                M     1974-02-07

			Selcer Otto G                   M     1985-12-19

			Selders Amanda                  F     1974-06-12

			Selders Robert L                M     1968-03-02

			Self Durward Edmond  Jr         M     1990-10-20

			Sellers Ila M                   F     1974-06-21

			Selph Harry Edison              M     1983-02-10

			Selph Madison E                 M     1977-12-15

			Selzer Annie                    F     1992-04-06

			Selzer Joe   Jr                 M     1993-07-09

			Semora James Elmer              M     1970-02-16

			Semora Lecy Frances             F     1989-04-10

			Semora Lewis Edward             M     1993-05-16

			Semora Lillie Lorine            F     1981-01-08

			Semora Oscar                    M     1964-05-03

			Sengelmann Agnes                F     1975-03-12

			Sengelmann Alexander            M     1975-10-07

			Sengelmann Mary P               F     1973-10-02

			Sengelmann Samuel S  Sr         M     1984-03-28

			Sengelmann Selma                F     1981-11-22

			Senne Robert Wayne              M     1985-06-28

			Sens Pauline Bertha             F     1989-01-08

			Sepeda Manuela                  F     1983-11-13

			Sepulveda Bertha Cecelia  Del   F     1991-09-11

			Servantes Juanita               F     1995-07-31

			Servantez Refugio               M     1972-01-15

			Servis Cecil Russell            M     1997-07-01

			Severa Albert Rudolph           M     1990-07-27

			Sevier Lillian Gertrude         F     1979-03-10

			Sewell Alba Delane              F     1994-03-11

			Sewell Delphine                 F     1998-10-18

			Sewell Letayna Rene             F     1969-07-18

			Sewell Patricia   Inf of        M     1969-04-11

			Sewell Timothy O                M     1969-04-11

			Seydler Albert                  M     1967-04-20

			Seydler Elsie                   F     1997-01-16

			Seydler Herman                  M     1972-04-28

			Seydler Mary                    F     1988-01-11

			Seydler Olga                    F     1967-06-18

			Seydler Otto                    M     1970-06-20

			Seymour James D  Sr             M     1984-01-27

			Seymour Jeanette Miles          F     1979-04-05

			Seymour Marion Alice            F     1992-04-19

			Shaffer Zelia                   F     1973-04-01

			Shain Ann S                     F     1995-07-29

			Shaller Hazel Olive             F     1987-07-03

			Shanklin Walter                 M     1983-07-02

			Shannon Johnnie   Sr            M     1986-07-04

			Sharp Asa Robert                M     1979-10-23

			Sharpe Ocie Wilson              M     1990-06-01

			Shatto Janice Walker            F     1986-07-14

			Shavers Jim                     M     1973-07-05

			Shaw Josiah                     M     1966-06-16

			Shaw Josie C                    F     1975-07-22

			Shaw Lester                     M     1979-04-30

			Shaw Lillie                     F     1996-02-04

			Shaw Maggie M                   F     1972-12-29

			Shaw Marcus T                   M     1987-02-16

			Shaw Nickalos Ryan              M     1980-10-20

			Shaw Norma                      F     1982-05-01

			Shaw Robert B                   M     1978-08-28

			Shaw Stephen H                  M     1976-07-23

			Shaw William D                  M     1980-10-27

			Shay Gordon Chester  Jr         M     1989-12-29

			Shelby William Lawrence  Jr     M     1997-01-13

			Sheldon Luther Dale             M     1991-01-23

			Shell Drew                      M     1977-12-08

			Shell Nelle S                   F     1980-02-26

			Shell Robert Emmett             M     1968-10-08

			Shely Monte Ray                 M     1985-08-31

			Shepherd Mary Lee               F     1964-05-05

			Shepherd Robert L               M     1964-01-07

			Sheppard Agnes Carrie           F     1994-05-09

			Sheridan Bertha                 F     1970-05-12

			Shimek Agnes M                  F     1975-09-07

			Shimek Alan Michael             M     1995-03-18

			Shimek Clara M                  F     1995-03-20

			Shimek Elizabeth                F     1989-03-01

			Shimek Emil                     M     1984-04-12

			Shimek Evelyn Marie             F     1992-01-14

			Shimek Frances                  F     1974-11-23

			Shimek Gus                      M     1974-07-26

			Shimek Jerome Joe               M     1967-08-13

			Shimek John L                   M     1984-07-16

			Shimek Joseph John              M     1965-06-09

			Shimek Leo J                    M     1979-01-23

			Shirley Edward H                M     1975-09-28

			Shirley Zora B                  F     1975-11-13

			Shisler Beatrice Jane           F     1992-07-02

			Shivers Pansy B                 F     1986-08-31

			Shofner Matthew                 M     1972-12-18

			Shoop Elvera H                  F     1991-03-18

			Shoquist June Velmarie          F     1996-06-01

			Shorter Ernest L                M     1978-05-25

			Shorter Manuel                  M     1968-08-06

			Shorter William                 M     1991-12-23

			Shropshire Cora L               F     1978-04-15

			Shuart Willard Warren           M     1996-03-13

			Shula Charles R                 M     1980-06-22

			Shula Lee R  Sr                 M     1975-01-28

			Shult Clarence Irwin            M     1989-12-20

			Shult Estelle Charlotte         F     1997-11-30

			Shumbera Annie M                F     1998-07-23

			Shumbera Emil                   M     1964-12-24

			Shumbera Emil G                 M     1992-02-04

			Shumbera Emil H                 M     1992-03-03

			Shumbera Frances                F     1974-09-23

			Shumbera Mary                   F     1964-05-07

			Shumbera Vlasta                 F     1990-11-14

			Shumbera William E              M     1996-09-21

			Shupak Charles John             M     1994-04-09

			Shupak Jesse Franklin           M     1981-02-03

			Shupak William E                M     1992-12-05

			Sidney Otto                     M     1971-03-28

			Siebel Metz W                   F     1965-09-20

			Siebrecht Margaret Alice        F     1996-06-18

			Siegmund Alfred John            M     1979-06-01

			Silas Jesus                     M     1973-06-10

			Silba Fidencio                  M     1967-07-06

			Sillavan Hollis M               M     1977-01-28

			Simcik Jim Joseph               M     1967-02-21

			Simcik Louise H                 F     1980-04-03

			Simcik Paul Edward              M     1987-06-15

			Simmank Beatrice Marie          F     1981-03-29

			Simmank Otto John  Sr           M     1987-01-30

			Simmons Allie S                 F     1979-05-15

			Simmons Amos                    M     1984-08-19

			Simmons Janet Laray             F     1969-06-07

			Simmons Jessie James            M     1989-06-21

			Simmons Myrtle Mae              F     1988-01-10

			Simmons Richard P               M     1975-08-09

			Simmons Robert                  M     1973-03-22

			Simmons Roberta                 F     1970-09-14

			Simmons Warren Walker           M     1992-06-18

			Simmons William Alexander       M     1982-06-15

			Simon Freda Schwartz            F     1968-04-16

			Simpson Annie                   F     1992-05-16

			Simpson Elizabeth               F     1990-09-25

			Simpson Mary                    F     1978-09-04

			Simpson Ollie                   F     1975-09-15

			Simpson Virginia Louise         F     1990-01-30

			Sims Artmishel B                F     1992-03-05

			Sims Daisy                      F     1985-06-28

			Sims Dorothy E                  F     1977-01-28

			Sims John L                     M     1970-03-20

			Sims Prestly                    M     1971-07-09

			Sims Richard A                  M     1970-12-14

			Sinclair Dorothy Louise         F     1991-10-22

			Sinclair Edna Margaret          F     1995-07-02

			Sinclair Mary Elizabeth         F     1968-08-23

			Sinclair Simon Selma            M     1996-04-25

			Singer Jerome Henry             M     1994-01-29

			Singletary Ella B               F     1981-01-22

			Sipula Harry H                  M     1980-04-09

			Sissom Floyd James              M     1990-04-10

			Sisson Emmett Charles           M     1981-04-26

			Sisson Marjorie V               F     1994-11-06

			Skalitsky Christian             M     1967-11-15

			Skalitzky Frank                 M     1968-09-25

			Skeeters Bryant                 M     1973-09-23

			Skinner Olive B                 F     1973-09-23

			Sklar Joe                       M     1982-06-14

			Skuca Edward                    M     1974-08-16

			Skuca Silvester J               M     1990-03-07

			Skutca Alois J                  M     1971-06-30

			Skutca Frank Henry  Jr          M     1994-05-30

			Skutca Lena Bertha              F     1998-10-01

			Skypala Mary                    F     1970-10-17

			Sladek Anna                     F     1966-10-27

			Sladek John Ray                 M     1994-01-12

			Slanina Charles E               M     1979-10-19

			Slanina Mary R                  F     1984-08-02

			Sliva Julianna A                F     1971-03-13

			Slovacek Edward Joseph          M     1994-01-24

			Slovacek William Fred           M     1984-03-19

			Slovak Adolph James             M     1990-05-10

			Slubar Annie                    F     1972-12-07

			Slubar John                     M     1966-01-22

			Small Mamie L                   F     1971-07-16

			Smalley Hattie Hastedt          F     1984-02-01

			Smidovec Amalie                 F     1996-12-01

			Smidovec Jerry Rudolph  Sr      M     1995-05-06

			Smith Alice M                   F     1998-12-27

			Smith Allie                     F     1980-12-21

			Smith Almeta                    F     1968-01-01

			Smith Andrew G                  M     1978-11-07

			Smith Annie Francis             F     1968-07-12

			Smith Bertha                    F     1975-05-01

			Smith Beulah Agnes              F     1993-12-17

			Smith Clarence Lee              M     1986-12-06

			Smith Clyde E  Sr               M     1971-05-22

			Smith Cornelia                  F     1964-10-30

			Smith Early                     M     1965-03-20

			Smith Eddie                     M     1988-12-18

			Smith Eddie Mae                 F     1993-09-21

			Smith Eliza                     F     1968-11-04

			Smith Elvira N                  F     1970-09-11

			Smith Florence Clara            F     1996-03-05

			Smith Francine Marie            F     1969-05-17

			Smith Frank                     M     1975-03-04

			Smith Grover                    M     1993-04-04

			Smith Haywood Charles  Sr       M     1998-07-17

			Smith Henry Bertice             M     1967-04-07

			Smith Hilton James              M     1998-06-26

			Smith James                     M     1966-03-21

			Smith James C                   M     1974-06-18

			Smith Jan                       F     1969-10-25

			Smith Jasper O                  M     1973-10-26

			Smith John                      M     1970-08-09

			Smith John Sterling             M     1969-06-14

			Smith Justin A                  M     1972-01-24

			Smith Lawrence O                M     1974-09-11

			Smith Leeuna                    F     1975-02-05

			Smith Loie Rivers               F     1986-06-09

			Smith Lola Inez                 F     1994-10-29

			Smith Louin Boyd  II            M     1995-08-16

			Smith Lucille                   F     1995-03-29

			Smith Martha E                  F     1973-01-05

			Smith Mary                      F     1969-01-09

			Smith Mattie                    F     1969-07-14

			Smith Robert L                  M     1970-10-25

			Smith Roy S                     M     1978-01-23

			Smith Ruth H                    F     1983-02-09

			Smith Sam Elijah  Jr            M     1983-10-27

			Smith Samuel Leonard            M     1969-04-22

			Smith Stephanie Elizabeth       F     1994-08-11

			Smith Thelma M                  F     1989-07-24

			Smith Wilber Choice             M     1994-09-08

			Smith Willie Thomas             M     1979-05-19

			Smolik Mary Ann                 F     1994-03-12

			Smothers Minna F                F     1971-10-02

			Smothers Samuel Collier         M     1969-10-20

			Smrkovsky Anthony B             M     1975-11-17

			Snow Annetta Otto               F     1979-03-02

			Sobotik Frances                 F     1981-06-29

			Sobotik Oscar                   M     1968-11-16

			Sodolak Kae Lynn                F     1979-09-15

			Sodolak Louis J                 M     1979-04-08

			Sokol Anita                     F     1997-09-14

			Sokol Julius                    M     1980-06-08

			Solansky Edward R               M     1987-01-15

			Solansky Elsie                  F     1993-07-14

			Solansky Emilie                 F     1974-04-24

			Solansky John                   M     1966-06-19

			Solansky Rudolph A              M     1977-07-24

			Soliz Francisco                 M     1980-07-13

			Soliz Simona S                  F     1967-11-09

			Somer Lydia                     F     1992-12-03

			Sommer John T                   M     1971-10-31

			Sommer Kathleen                 F     1997-08-13

			Sommer Robert O                 M     1966-09-23

			Sommerfeld Elsie Winiferd       F     1994-01-27

			Sommerlatte Frances Annie       F     1992-07-31

			Sommerlatte John L  Sr          M     1979-08-13

			Sommerlatte Mary Ann            F     1991-02-19

			Sonntag Leonard A               M     1977-08-24

			Sopchak Domin                   M     1993-06-05

			Sopchak Praxy                   F     1987-09-22

			Sosa Consuelo                   F     1983-09-15

			Sosa Gerardo                    M     1967-12-21

			Soto Diamantina                 F     1987-04-29

			Soto Jose Rodriguez             M     1985-03-08

			Soto Refujia                    M     1970-10-31

			Sowa Alex                       M     1976-09-05

			Spalek Jerome J                 M     1968-02-21

			Spalinger Cora                  F     1979-05-27

			Spanihel Bertha Ann             F     1996-01-24

			Spanihel Charles A              M     1971-02-22

			Spanihel Rudolph Frank          M     1992-02-26

			Spanik Tracy                    F     1975-12-04

			Spann Emma                      F     1976-09-19

			Spann Isaiah                    M     1997-11-11

			Spann Manuel Orben              M     1993-02-04

			Spates George E                 M     1980-05-11

			Speaks Ethel                    F     1968-04-19

			Spears Annie Doris              F     1992-08-03

			Spears Fannie                   F     1965-12-15

			Spears Henry                    M     1979-04-25

			Spears Leroy                    M     1976-03-21

			Speck Evelyn Mae                F     1993-03-03

			Speck Ida Maye                  F     1991-02-23

			Speck John Allen                M     1998-12-24

			Speck Margie Carmack            F     1987-04-19

			Speed Susie                     F     1974-06-09

			Spence Connie A                 F     1995-05-29

			Spencer Angeline Louise         F     1966-06-07

			Spillar Lestelle Day            F     1982-07-15

			Spinks Bobby Ray                M     1981-09-02

			Spinks Horace L                 M     1972-03-19

			Spittler Celia Marie            F     1998-02-24

			Spittler Susie Lucille          F     1996-07-20

			Spoelstra Marten                M     1978-09-19

			Spradley Richard Neal           M     1987-03-28

			Sprayberry Moy                  M     1997-12-13

			Springs Earline                 F     1971-10-09

			Sprinkle Alice J                F     1975-12-22

			Spruill Clarence Lee  Jr        M     1995-02-01

			Sronce Hattie Auerbach          F     1966-02-21

			Sronce Susie N                  F     1976-07-05

			Sronce William Robert  Jr       M     1988-12-14

			Stade Metha Richter             F     1988-02-27

			Staff Gregory Dean              M     1985-12-03

			Staff Raymond                   M     1995-04-14

			Stafford Carrie E               F     1971-06-19

			Stafford Ida T                  F     1975-07-23

			Stafford Lena                   F     1969-07-04

			Stafford Lillie Mae             F     1998-03-11

			Staha Albina                    F     1964-12-08

			Staha Eugene J                  M     1980-06-22

			Staha Joe E  Sr                 M     1979-12-30

			Staha Julie                     F     1974-10-23

			Stahl Lee Irvin                 M     1966-01-11

			Stair Donald Dewitt             M     1997-10-23

			Stair Elsa                      F     1997-12-18

			Stallman Ed                     M     1975-09-28

			Stallman Henry Ernest           M     1968-03-28

			Stallman Ida                    F     1982-01-21

			Stallman Rosina F               F     1980-02-24

			Stallman William August         M     1970-01-06

			Stancek John J                  M     1977-12-20

			Stancik Arthur V                M     1986-11-09

			Stancik Clinton J               M     1972-05-25

			Stancik Emma Bertha             F     1995-09-07

			Stancik Frances Marie           F     1988-03-03

			Stancik Joseph L                M     1977-10-26

			Stancik Mary A                  F     1980-08-01

			Stancik Raymond William         M     1992-09-08

			Stancik Rosie Margaret          F     1998-10-30

			Standley Golden C               F     1995-10-27

			Stang Anton                     M     1971-04-24

			Stanley Nellie                  F     1993-02-26

			Stanley Serlesta                F     1990-11-11

			Stanley Stafford                M     1994-01-05

			Stansberry Arthur               M     1964-08-14

			Stansberry Cora G               F     1973-08-14

			Stansbury George Samuel         M     1968-10-18

			Stansbury Susie Henrietta       F     1980-08-27

			Stanzel Agnes Elizabeth         F     1969-04-05

			Stanzel Hugo                    M     1970-05-08

			Stanzel Reinhart                M     1996-06-22

			Stanzel Ruth A                  F     1978-03-19

			Stanzel Stephanie               F     1995-10-12

			Stapleton Emma L                F     1977-11-28

			Stapleton Joe Woodrow           M     1990-02-17

			Stapleton Mary F                F     1978-12-16

			Stark Phillip Hardy             M     1966-05-26

			Starke Alton A                  M     1973-08-28

			Starnes William A               M     1979-08-31

			Starustka Albina                F     1979-05-20

			Starustka Jerome                M     1977-11-23

			Starustka Peter G               M     1982-04-30

			Stasny William Anton            M     1992-08-10

			Staten Jacqueline               F     1977-06-10

			Staten Jerry                    M     1976-01-09

			Staten R L                      F     1976-12-08

			Staton David Paul               M     1985-07-10

			Stavinoha Edwin L               M     1970-07-10

			Stavinoha Ella                  F     1965-04-21

			Stavinoha Ella P                F     1975-06-13

			Stavinoha Frank J               M     1972-01-25

			Stavinoha Henry Fredrick  Dr    M     1980-01-25

			Stavinoha Henry J  Sr           M     1983-11-05

			Stavinoha Joseph                M     1977-06-02

			Stavinoha Sophie Jennie         F     1967-09-05

			Stech Louis A                   M     1965-12-23

			Steffek Fred F                  M     1986-12-10

			Steger Gus F  Jr                M     1973-02-20

			Steger Robbie Lee               F     1996-09-02

			Steiber Eva Marie               F     1991-01-25

			Steiber Fredric R               M     1998-08-02

			Stein Ewald Leo                 M     1969-10-21

			Stein Judith Ann                F     1997-11-27

			Stein Justin William            M     1988-11-10

			Stein Leroy                     M     1997-06-09

			Stein Lillian Lois              F     1992-04-09

			Stein Waldine                   F     1984-04-08

			Steiner Susie E                 F     1975-06-22

			Steinhauser Max Julius          M     1987-09-20

			Steinhauser Nathan Trent        M     1992-03-27

			Steinhauser Otto T              M     1974-07-23

			Steinmann Alfred                M     1986-10-14

			Steinmann Bertha                F     1976-11-04

			Steinmann Edmund                M     1964-05-06

			Steinmann Edmund C              M     1985-02-25

			Steinmann Floyd Louis           M     1982-05-09

			Steinmann Max                   M     1972-04-15

			Stell Maude Esther              F     1987-02-23

			Stelzig Mary B                  F     1986-04-02

			Stephen Eva Jo                  F     1989-06-14

			Stephen Joseph William  Eugen   M     1982-07-21

			Stephens Charles Draper  Sr     M     1990-01-01

			Stephens Clarence B             M     1965-12-14

			Stephens Lucy   NMN             F     1988-11-17

			Stephens Marie Viola            F     1989-03-11

			Stephens Mark                   M     1966-09-30

			Stephens Mattie                 F     1972-08-02

			Stephenson Georgie Ethel        F     1998-10-14

			Sterling Esther                 F     1983-03-30

			Stern Emil Ernest               M     1967-05-16

			Stern Erna Roxie                F     1982-04-28

			Stern Helene Maria              F     1996-05-28

			Stern Otto L                    M     1975-06-05

			Sternadel Herbert J             M     1985-05-15

			Sternadel Leo                   M     1974-02-12

			Sternadel Mary Elizabeth        F     1997-04-30

			Steubing Vernon Craig           M     1981-11-13

			Stevens Elonza R                M     1975-01-05

			Stevens James H                 M     1994-02-16

			Stevens Warren Brittian  Jr     M     1997-09-26

			Stevenson Beulah                F     1976-03-31

			Stevenson Charles Henry         M     1992-02-09

			Stevenson Vernon B              M     1980-10-25

			Steward Cordealia               F     1978-02-09

			Steward Emmie H                 F     1981-11-07

			Steward Louis                   M     1969-04-16

			Steward Ruthie L                F     1997-07-15

			Steward Sadie K                 F     1975-04-17

			Stewart Elmer                   M     1976-06-12

			Stewart Riss                    F     1967-08-10

			Stewart Robert                  M     1976-05-10

			Stibora Adela                   F     1985-03-26

			Stichler Ella                   F     1990-05-23

			Stichler Paul   Sr              M     1967-11-10

			Stieber Richard F               M     1975-09-08

			Stiehler Thomas                 M     1995-03-04

			Stiles Louis W  Sr              M     1969-07-08

			Stock Edmund H                  M     1971-02-01

			Stock Lena F                    F     1981-08-23

			Stock Millie                    F     1997-04-01

			Stoelke Henry                   M     1996-07-03

			Stoever Arnold A  Sr            M     1997-04-25

			Stoever John                    M     1976-10-12

			Stoever Vlasta                  F     1971-10-09

			Stojanik Celestine              F     1984-06-04

			Stolar Calvin G  Jr             M     1977-07-16

			Stolar Stasey E                 F     1969-07-28

			Stolle Margaret Aline           F     1992-11-09

			Stoner Robert                   M     1981-09-04

			Stork Viola                     F     1968-04-27

			Stos Angela                     F     1988-01-08

			Stos Frank E                    M     1971-09-18

			Stovall Beatrice                F     1998-01-04

			Stovall Belinda Faye            F     1984-10-05

			Stovall Carlos                  M     1979-01-15

			Stovall Clifford                M     1991-04-30

			Stovall Evander Marquise        M     1998-09-23

			Stover Dora L                   F     1977-08-07

			Stover Richard                  M     1990-10-28

			Stowe Richard Lee               M     1997-09-28

			Strain Viola M                  F     1995-11-09

			Strake George W  Sr             M     1969-08-06

			Strathman Beryl D               F     1980-02-19

			Strathman George L              M     1990-07-30

			Strayhorn Estella Rabel         F     1990-04-13

			Streckfus Kaleta                F     1983-02-05

			Streckfuss Daniel Charles       M     1990-11-13

			Street Joseph                   M     1966-10-01

			Streich Cecilia                 F     1986-10-23

			Strickland Gladys               F     1985-03-07

			Stricklin Agnes Marie           F     1996-03-13

			Stringer Jessie Doyle           M     1991-09-02

			Strode Alfred   Sr Chetham-     M     1988-09-23

			Stromquist Anna M               F     1970-05-10

			Strong Ethel C                  F     1974-10-20

			Strouhal Joe                    M     1980-11-21

			Strunk George W  Sr             M     1978-01-25

			Strunk Nannie                   F     1991-03-16

			Strunk Otto C                   M     1978-02-05

			Struska John Fred               M     1966-01-14

			Struss Alvin J                  M     1966-06-17

			Struss Mary Frances             F     1998-09-17

			Struss Mathilda Wilhelmina      F     1982-11-28

			Stryk Anastasia                 F     1984-08-25

			Stryk John Charles              M     1965-12-22

			Stryk Julius                    M     1986-02-15

			Stuchly Frances                 F     1983-07-06

			Stuchly Rudolph R               M     1976-02-15

			Stuessel Edwin E                M     1975-09-16

			Suchadoll Hubert Arthur         M     1996-12-01

			Suchadoll Lucy Helen            F     1996-03-25

			Sullivan Lillian M              F     1992-05-12

			Sumbera George A                M     1971-09-10

			Sumlar Seaman                   M     1965-01-23

			Sunderman Elenor Earl           F     1993-04-22

			Supak Annie T                   F     1988-09-04

			Supak Jerome Eddie              M     1990-11-10

			Supak Ludmila   'Lidy'          F     1987-05-04

			Supak Rudolph Vaclav            M     1989-08-12

			Surman Herbert                  M     1998-12-30

			Surovcak Frank Alois            M     1998-03-21

			Surovcak Tiffany Lynn           F     1987-04-08

			Susberry Annie                  F     1968-11-12

			Susberry Joe                    M     1977-01-05

			Susil Alois John                M     1992-01-18

			Sutherland Lena Henrietta       F     1997-11-04

			Sutherland Samuel Jones         M     1982-09-21

			Sutton James                    M     1978-01-28

			Sutton Lessie                   F     1986-07-18

			Sutton Tomie Lee  Jr            M     1994-10-03

			Svetlik Agnes                   F     1996-08-30

			Svetlik Alois Frank             M     1990-04-05

			Svetlik Emil August             M     1990-12-13

			Svetlik Steve Frank             M     1979-01-23

			Svrcek Rosie                    F     1990-03-18

			Swan Bessie Maude               F     1984-10-16

			Swan Hobert Ira                 M     1994-09-23

			Swann Ethel Lucille             F     1985-04-15

			Swansey Johnnie Ray             M     1998-05-09

			Swanson Anna                    F     1988-05-06

			Swearingen Anna L               F     1971-07-03

			Sweat Jack                      M     1970-10-06

			Swenson Gertrude                F     1987-05-14

			Swetnam Nettie Christina        F     1987-06-13

			Swinehart Lena Vay              F     1990-08-25

			Swoboda Adeline Emilie          F     1983-12-13

			Swoboda Hulda Moeckel           F     1979-04-28

			Swoboda Joe A                   M     1975-02-28

			Swoboda Louis                   M     1969-08-29

			Syrinek Rudolf                  M     1979-09-10

			Syrinek Scotty Joe              M     1965-01-18

			Tait Sam G                      M     1970-11-21

			Tallas John R                   M     1975-10-11

			Tannen Mary Papp  Townsend=     F     1990-06-18

			Tarecka Klement                 M     1974-01-11

			Tarver Christopher Lee          M     1997-05-05

			Tasler Frances                  F     1988-10-02

			Tate Albina Beatrice            F     1981-11-28

			Tate Charlotte                  F     1965-05-20

			Tate Douglas Mord               M     1982-05-17

			Tatum Charlie C                 M     1970-07-15

			Tatum Farrie                    M     1971-07-05

			Tatum Genetha                   F     1978-10-22

			Tatum Hattie                    F     1968-02-27

			Tatum Willie Mae                F     1989-06-15

			Tavera Silvestre                M     1991-02-17

			Taylor Addie Josephine          F     1985-01-06

			Taylor Bettie                   F     1969-01-08

			Taylor Callie                   F     1966-06-19

			Taylor Dorthy M                 F     1971-10-16

			Taylor Elenora B                F     1991-10-12

			Taylor Harriett J               F     1994-10-02

			Taylor Harry H                  M     1973-03-25

			Taylor Henry David              M     1996-04-13

			Taylor Henry F                  M     1970-09-24

			Taylor Isaac R                  M     1971-11-08

			Taylor Joe                      M     1979-07-17

			Taylor Lillian J                F     1991-01-30

			Taylor Lizzie                   F     1971-09-08

			Taylor Marion                   M     1973-08-17

			Taylor Reuben H                 M     1979-06-26

			Taylor Shepard                  M     1975-04-09

			Taylor Sweetie A                F     1973-02-17

			Taylor Victorine                F     1982-03-22

			Taylor William R                M     1984-05-09

			Taylor Willie H                 M     1984-01-22

			Taylor Willie Pearl             F     1980-04-06

			Teague Leona A                  F     1984-02-07

			Teague Thomas Merion            M     1989-01-31

			Teague Victoria                 F     1977-12-30

			Teichmann Eddie E               M     1982-05-19

			Teichmann Hertha                F     1968-01-31

			Tell Fritz William              M     1966-04-29

			Tell Olga                       F     1970-03-06

			Tellaro Clarence F              M     1988-06-13

			Tellaro Sylvester Dominic       M     1988-09-26

			Teltschik Emil E                M     1970-08-01

			Teltschik Gustav                M     1976-09-06

			Teltschik Herman O              M     1985-03-02

			Teltschik Mary Theresa          F     1969-03-12

			Teltschik Willie                M     1986-06-09

			Templain Bennie V               F     1991-09-10

			Templain Lucien Urbain  Sr      M     1992-03-04

			Templeton Daniel Rish           M     1992-08-23

			Tengler Edna                    F     1973-06-18

			Tengler Howard M                M     1970-07-26

			Tengler Howard W                M     1970-06-07

			Tengler Lillian                 F     1983-01-27

			Terrell Archie Neal             M     1989-10-29

			Terrell Ervin C                 M     1977-09-04

			Terrell Laverne Lois            F     1996-12-16

			Terry Dorthy Delores            F     1997-03-24

			Tesch Clifton Albert            M     1993-11-04

			Tesch Elvin Ernest              M     1993-01-14

			Tesch Florence Vernice          F     1990-11-28

			Tesch Lester Edward  Sr         M     1993-08-15

			Tesch William C                 M     1972-11-30

			Thac Joseph C                   M     1972-05-27

			Theuman Mary Victoria           F     1994-03-07

			Theuman Miles C                 M     1975-08-01

			Theut Cecilia Agnes             F     1980-05-15

			Thomas Allison L                F     1977-09-07

			Thomas Alvina S                 F     1980-10-10

			Thomas Bertha Elva              F     1964-09-11

			Thomas Betty                    F     1969-10-17

			Thomas Clara                    F     1979-12-07

			Thomas Donald Ray               M     1984-07-29

			Thomas Edward                   M     1995-09-08

			Thomas Elsie                    F     1977-12-20

			Thomas Emma Gertrude            F     1990-03-11

			Thomas Ethel Lee                F     1981-11-18

			Thomas Field                    M     1994-11-25

			Thomas Frank                    M     1969-11-02

			Thomas Frank                    M     1980-04-12

			Thomas Gayle Wesley             M     1997-04-20

			Thomas Geneva                   F     1998-07-09

			Thomas George   Jr              M     1979-07-08

			Thomas Griff Edward  Jr         M     1981-10-03

			Thomas Horace                   M     1977-11-16

			Thomas I D                      M     1997-11-10

			Thomas Janie                    F     1973-01-20

			Thomas Jesse                    M     1964-03-28

			Thomas Jessie James  Jr         M     1981-12-04

			Thomas Jimmie                   F     1995-06-04

			Thomas Laura Donys              F     1985-11-05

			Thomas Mandy                    F     1982-05-12

			Thomas Maydell W                F     1973-06-23

			Thomas Melissa                  F     1979-03-04

			Thomas Mildred                  F     1972-10-29

			Thomas Minnie                   F     1971-07-15

			Thomas Mose                     M     1969-03-23

			Thomas Raymond                  M     1968-12-16

			Thomas Reginald Lee  Jr         M     1964-06-25

			Thomas Robert                   M     1981-04-27

			Thomas Tobin Craig              M     1998-06-18

			Thomas Valburn                  M     1977-06-25

			Thomas William   Sr             M     1977-08-23

			Thomas Zelia                    F     1991-09-25

			Thompson Annie Bell             F     1985-03-26

			Thompson Bessie Mae             F     1993-08-14

			Thompson Bruce Aubrey  Jr       M     1998-05-18

			Thompson Earl A  Jr             M     1994-10-03

			Thompson Elve                   M     1998-11-01

			Thompson Ethel                  F     1989-09-19

			Thompson Katie F                F     1979-08-27

			Thompson Levi                   M     1972-10-29

			Thompson Marciline              F     1966-09-14

			Thompson Paul Edward            M     1990-10-25

			Thompson Roger J                M     1972-11-01

			Thompson Sam S                  M     1965-10-24

			Thompson Tanicka Lashawn        F     1996-12-13

			Thompson Tommy L                M     1978-03-04

			Thompson Verna Marie            F     1990-05-30

			Thornton Daniel Arthur          M     1995-11-06

			Thrasher Katie Irdell           F     1991-11-08

			Thrasher Marion Laverne         M     1987-01-09

			Threadgill Brack   Jr           M     1982-05-23

			Thuemler Tillie                 F     1989-05-04

			Thumann Annie                   F     1971-11-18

			Thumann Ellie                   F     1973-03-11

			Thumann Freida                  F     1980-03-29

			Thumann Hulda Ida               F     1995-12-07

			Thumann Josh                    M     1998-12-20

			Thumann Otto Herman             M     1966-02-13

			Thumman Rudolph F               M     1975-04-27

			Tiemann Erna Johanna            F     1983-01-25

			Tietjen Eugene A                M     1978-06-18

			Tietschert Irene Adel           F     1996-04-23

			Tietschert Verina               F     1987-03-14

			Tietschert Willie H             M     1979-10-17

			Till Anton J                    M     1978-08-31

			Till Elizabeth Helen            F     1996-03-30

			Till Henry H                    M     1982-06-13

			Till Henry Herbert  Jr          M     1967-01-21

			Till Martha M                   F     1979-02-12

			Till Mary K                     F     1984-12-22

			Tilley Lois                     F     1989-12-08

			Tillman Alma                    F     1997-02-06

			Tillman Billy Ray               M     1987-12-01

			Tillman Ernestine               F     1978-11-13

			Tillman Ethel                   F     1979-03-17

			Tillman Fannie                  F     1964-03-03

			Tillman Frank                   M     1975-03-01

			Tillman Geneva                  F     1964-08-14

			Tillman Lena Mae                F     1995-07-28

			Tillman Leo   Sr                M     1985-05-09

			Tillman Lewis James             M     1994-08-02

			Tillman Merrill Shayne          M     1991-01-26

			Tillman Norma J                 F     1964-02-19

			Tindall James R                 M     1964-11-01

			Tinsley Anna Adele              F     1988-09-23

			Tipp Alice                      F     1997-10-07

			Tipp Frank Andrew               M     1990-08-25

			Tipp Hattie                     F     1966-02-28

			Tipps Philomina                 F     1971-01-02

			Tipton J B                      M     1985-06-02

			Tisdel Cora A                   F     1986-01-31

			Tise Hazel Irene                F     1993-10-20

			Tise Roy                        M     1979-06-20

			Tjaden Alex S                   M     1971-05-24

			Tjaden Hazel                    F     1982-10-30

			Tobias Frank   Sr               M     1975-01-19

			Tobias Otillie                  F     1993-01-08

			Tobola Julius Blazia            M     1994-03-28

			Todd Michael Peter              M     1995-11-04

			Tofel Johanna                   F     1984-03-31

			Tofel Louis Frank               M     1997-02-06

			Toland Bessie Mae               F     1991-11-26

			Toland Clyde                    M     1985-05-30

			Tolbirt Augusta M               F     1981-07-23

			Tolbirt Francis M               M     1975-01-15

			Tolbirt Hattie L                F     1976-08-30

			Tolbirt J W                     M     1980-12-13

			Tolbirt Ruby Dale               F     1995-06-03

			Tolbirt Ruthven C               M     1984-07-24

			Tolbirt Ruthven Champion  Jr    M     1986-11-16

			Toliver Ella Mae                F     1995-08-05

			Toliver Era                     F     1976-10-23

			Toliver Frank                   M     1970-12-31

			Toliver Henry                   M     1985-12-28

			Toliver Marshall                M     1992-07-20

			Toliver Marshall E              M     1977-03-10

			Toliver Nettie                  F     1983-02-14

			Toliver Shirley   Inf of        F     1965-10-18

			Toliver Thomas                  M     1987-12-25

			Toliver Willie M                F     1977-03-10

			Toliver Willie Mae              F     1969-10-11

			Tooke Ivory                     M     1969-12-11

			Tooke Thelma                    F     1966-02-08

			Torres Domingo   Sr             M     1993-12-16

			Torres Eloy A                   M     1993-12-18

			Torres Ernesto                  M     1965-08-13

			Torres Hermerejilda Maria       F     1993-01-17

			Torres Peter R                  M     1970-04-23

			Toth Edward Stephen             M     1986-10-23

			Toups Zelda Pearl               F     1990-06-20

			Towell Roy H                    M     1974-12-23

			Townsend Cleveland              M     1993-10-28

			Townsend Elizabeth O            F     1990-05-28

			Townsend Evelyn Marie           F     1983-04-19

			Townsend Harry Lester           M     1995-02-19

			Townsend Lillian                F     1973-09-25

			Townsend Lucy B                 F     1993-11-24

			Townsend Mary Papp  Tannen-     F     1990-06-18

			Tracy Charles Fredrick  Jr      M     1990-05-20

			Tramell Robert R                M     1983-01-26

			Trammell Eunice Elaine          F     1994-07-20

			Tranlsen Emil F                 M     1974-07-04

			Trapp Claude Clinton  Sr        M     1993-02-21

			Trapp Marie Eunice              F     1994-03-04

			Trefny Charles                  M     1990-04-11

			Trefny Emma                     F     1996-03-01

			Trefny Louis A                  M     1971-02-14

			Treptow Wilhelmine              F     1965-05-18

			Trevino Bruno Mark              M     1980-08-27

			Trevino Esteban I               M     1977-04-02

			Trevino Thomas                  M     1989-12-31

			Trial Peter Joseph  Jr          M     1998-04-08

			Trlica Angelina                 F     1985-01-24

			Trlica John                     M     1966-03-30

			Trlicek Joe                     M     1982-01-16

			Trlicek Leona                   F     1997-07-19

			Trocmet Denis J                 M     1971-06-07

			Trojacek Bertha                 F     1972-03-23

			Trojan Hilda                    F     1989-02-24

			Trojan Joseph Bernard  Sr       M     1998-06-10

			Trost Louise                    F     1990-08-06

			Trost Philip J  Jr              M     1982-05-21

			Trotter Jessica Gertrude        F     1982-12-10

			Truchard Ethel Bess             F     1982-01-27

			Truchard Joe                    M     1990-06-20

			Truchard Lillie                 F     1994-04-05

			Truchard Patrick Allen          M     1985-07-27

			Trujillo Jose Juan              M     1997-09-23

			Tubbs Robert E                  M     1997-11-19

			Tucker Clara Berta              F     1970-01-14

			Tucker Earl L                   M     1989-10-22

			Tumer Minnie Ola                F     1986-01-01

			Tumer R A                       M     1969-12-04

			Tumis Marcella                  F     1973-02-21

			Tumis Mary                      F     1970-10-06

			Tumis Mary                      F     1973-07-13

			Tupa Frances                    F     1969-11-03

			Tupa Vincena Jamie              F     1983-11-23

			Tupa Virgie Lucille             F     1996-12-01

			Turner Alex                     M     1965-05-22

			Turner Annie B                  F     1974-12-26

			Turner Annie C                  F     1977-03-03

			Turner Ethel Ada                F     1964-06-29

			Turner James J                  M     1973-12-23

			Turner James L                  M     1978-10-01

			Turner Jerry                    M     1971-05-06

			Turner Jim A                    M     1977-01-22

			Turner Katie Mae                F     1964-04-16

			Turner Lauralea                 F     1972-05-24

			Turner Lawrence A               M     1975-01-27

			Turner Margaret Neal            F     1966-08-09

			Turner Pearl                    F     1980-07-07

			Turner Salomie J                F     1975-08-31

			Turner Willie                   M     1965-05-02

			Twitty Michael Todd             M     1995-10-14

			Tyler Beaulah Mae               F     1996-08-29

			Tyler Homer Reese               M     1969-10-19

			Tyler Phyllis                   F     1985-01-01

			Tyrone Patricia Ann             F     1995-08-03

			Tyus Anna Tucker                F     1982-07-10

			Ugarte Jose Manuel  Gaspar,     M     1991-10-30

			Uhlig Bernetta                  F     1995-08-10

			Uhlig Edgar Henry               M     1990-01-10

			Uhlig Edwin                     M     1984-11-01

			Uhlig Elsie Frieda              F     1994-01-06

			Uhlig Violet Pauline            F     1982-05-29

			Uhry Emilie K                   F     1977-06-12

			Ulbig Amanda                    F     1981-09-26

			Ulbig Leonard Wayne             M     1988-08-28

			Ulbrich Bertha                  F     1982-07-13

			Ulbrich Charlie J               M     1972-04-10

			Ulbrich Joseph   Jr             M     1965-06-18

			Ulbricht Edna E                 F     1991-02-05

			Ulbricht Elsie E                F     1992-02-13

			Ulbricht Hugo H                 M     1985-08-17

			Ulbricht Otto E                 M     1970-05-15

			Ulcak Mary J                    F     1976-04-08

			Ulrich Adolf F  Jr              M     1971-12-04

			Ulrich Bertha Emma              F     1997-11-20

			Ulrich Emil E                   M     1989-05-16

			Ulrich Emilia P                 F     1991-12-25

			Ulrich Emma G                   F     1975-03-30

			Ulrich Frank                    M     1968-05-29

			Ulrich Fred F                   M     1974-02-04

			Ulrich Henry Herbert            M     1979-11-03

			Ulrich Ludmilla                 F     1977-09-26

			Ulrich Magdalena J              F     1977-02-26

			Ulrich Millie                   F     1978-01-11

			Ulrich Minnie                   F     1994-07-26

			Ulrich Ottilia C                F     1995-06-11

			Ulrich Otto Rudolf              M     1982-07-29

			Ulrich Rudolph                  M     1964-09-29

			Ulrich Wilhelmina               F     1996-12-10

			Unkel Josie V                   F     1988-09-26

			Unkel Peter P                   M     1980-08-30

			Untermeyer Annie Krause         F     1965-12-18

			Untermeyer Arthur J             M     1986-08-09

			Untermeyer Emil J               M     1968-11-01

			Untermeyer Harold James         M     1995-08-06

			Untermeyer Mary                 F     1991-12-06

			Untermeyer Mathilda             F     1973-02-04

			Upson Alfra                     F     1978-12-07

			Upson Alfred   Jr               M     1973-09-13

			Upson Charles Ralph             M     1991-06-17

			Upson Connie Lee                M     1984-07-19

			Upson Maude Ester  Ward,        F     1964-05-07

			Upton Eugene   Sr               M     1979-01-25

			Upton Lillian                   F     1984-11-28

			Urban Anton                     M     1974-12-29

			Urban Emily Ann                 F     1964-07-12

			Urban Leona L                   F     1990-04-18

			Urban Lester Joseph             M     1990-07-20

			Urban Lydia M                   F     1997-11-08

			Urban Steve P  Sr               M     1972-02-20

			Urbano Jeffrey Charles          M     1991-07-22

			Urps Lucille                    F     1992-12-14

			Usher Joe Nathaniel             M     1994-11-12

			Usher Pearlie Mae               F     1992-05-25

			Ushery Arthur                   M     1964-05-21

			Utz Marie A                     F     1976-02-15

			Vacek Addie T                   F     1994-07-26

			Vacek Adolph Albert             M     1991-03-18

			Vacek Edward B                  M     1972-01-18

			Vacek Emil C                    M     1969-10-25

			Vacek Hilda A                   F     1980-12-29

			Vacek John                      M     1970-12-26

			Vacek Julius Felix              M     1989-07-02

			Vacek Julius R                  M     1980-04-29

			Vacek Mary                      F     1974-11-11

			Vacek Mary A                    F     1975-01-22

			Vacek Raymond I                 M     1988-12-20

			Vacek Wilhelmina                F     1981-04-08

			Vacek Wilma M                   F     1965-11-15

			Vaclavik Laddie                 M     1994-08-21

			Vaclavik Mary Annie             F     1979-10-18

			Vaculik Albina                  F     1997-02-16

			Vaculik Eva                     F     1966-02-04

			Vaculik Julius                  M     1970-06-19

			Valchar Annie                   F     1964-05-05

			Valchar Jerry Joe               M     1966-01-09

			Valchar Martha                  F     1988-12-17

			Valchar Theresia                F     1965-10-30

			Valdez Mikela                   F     1969-08-17

			Valerian Mary                   F     1994-11-24

			Valicek Karolina                F     1978-05-19

			Valicek Rose                    F     1974-07-16

			Valigura Victor J               M     1994-09-02

			Valla Agnes                     F     1988-06-02

			Valla Angelina                  F     1975-06-15

			Valla August A                  M     1998-12-13

			Valla Emil J                    M     1982-01-27

			Vana Daniel                     M     1978-12-27

			Vana Frank J                    M     1973-01-24

			Vana John A                     M     1972-04-10

			Vana Karoline                   F     1980-01-28

			Vana Mansvet William            M     1983-01-15

			Vance James S                   M     1977-07-30

			Vanderpool Laura Selph          F     1986-04-04

			Vanek Frances   'Frantiska'     F     1979-09-05

			Vanek Mary T                    F     1971-12-20

			Vanek Theodore V                M     1985-05-13

			Vanicek John J                  M     1984-02-23

			Vanicek Johnnie G               M     1993-07-05

			Vann Johnny                     M     1973-09-04

			Vann Mary Ella                  F     1992-05-06

			VanNort Roy Aubrey              M     1996-08-29

			VanOsdel John William           M     1984-05-03

			Vanzura Joseph                  M     1970-10-31

			Varley Alta May                 F     1989-10-30

			Varley Eli W                    M     1971-06-29

			Varley Vennie Opal              F     1989-05-25

			Varley William Lonzo            M     1993-08-13

			Varnell Emmie P                 F     1988-07-14

			Vasek Chris Randall             M     1994-04-15

			Vasek Emil Albert               M     1968-11-22

			Vasek Emma                      F     1978-01-31

			Vasek Gertrude                  F     1980-09-19

			Vasicek Joseph Fred             M     1979-03-24

			Vasut Eddie Martin              M     1996-06-26

			Vasut Emil Edward  Sr           M     1996-09-28

			Vasut John Paul                 M     1989-12-28

			Vasut Leon L                    M     1970-11-20

			Vasut Louisa                    F     1981-07-01

			Vasut Willie L                  M     1977-03-09

			Vaughan James W                 M     1976-12-28

			Vaughns Odessa                  F     1987-12-13

			Vavra Charles                   M     1969-03-12

			Vavra Frances M                 F     1992-12-22

			Vavra Frank Joseph              M     1996-03-16

			Vavra Rudolph J                 M     1976-05-18

			Vavra Theofil A                 M     1986-07-02

			Vavra Vlasta                    F     1966-07-02

			Vawter Archie Strode            M     1997-12-25

			Vawter Fannie Lois              F     1990-12-28

			Vawter Jesse Franklin           M     1981-02-07

			Veith Kennie Ludwig             M     1989-12-30

			Veith Walter L                  M     1975-01-12

			Veles Ida Mae                   F     1997-08-28

			Venghaus Adeliene               F     1966-09-18

			Venghaus Arthur                 M     1981-05-26

			Venghaus Bertha                 F     1969-01-13

			Venghaus Carl Eugene            M     1982-05-29

			Venghaus Clint                  M     1982-05-29

			Venghaus Edmund Henry           M     1982-02-21

			Venghaus Edna                   F     1998-05-20

			Venghaus Emma M                 F     1978-06-24

			Venghaus Eunice Marie           F     1983-04-29

			Venghaus Frederick              M     1965-06-05

			Venghaus Frieda                 F     1983-10-02

			Venghaus Walter F               M     1985-10-17

			Venghaus Woodrow Eugene         M     1982-12-22

			Verunac Justin H                M     1979-06-11

			Veselka Mary Susie              F     1992-09-28

			Veselka Paaline A               F     1977-11-01

			Veselka Rafael                  M     1990-06-22

			Viaclovsky Charles John         M     1983-02-18

			Vickers Mary                    F     1980-08-11

			Victoria Lillie Mae             F     1996-02-05

			Victoria Milton Lee             F     1991-04-15

			Victoria Murray N               M     1998-04-09

			Vidal Jose                      M     1995-04-24

			Villa Ben                       M     1965-12-05

			Villa Mary Launa                F     1986-03-20

			Villalva Guillermina            F     1991-09-11

			Villarreal Irma R               F     1987-10-04

			Vineyard Nell                   F     1981-09-22

			Vinklarek John F                M     1969-04-09

			Vinson Ben Earnest  Jr          M     1998-01-11

			Vinson Edith                    F     1984-05-08

			Vinson Henry C                  M     1993-12-09

			Vinson Lilia                    F     1989-03-09

			Vinson Ophalia                  F     1965-03-22

			Vinson Raymond Louis            M     1990-05-06

			Vise Samuel Morris              M     1981-08-20

			Viser Robert J  Jr              M     1991-01-20

			Vitek Mildred                   F     1991-05-17

			Vivial Martha                   F     1983-11-08

			Vodicka Geneva                  F     1979-08-31

			Vogelsang Dietrich              M     1981-03-15

			Vogelsang Egon E                M     1980-04-18

			Vogelsang Frieda                F     1975-01-25

			Vogelsang Ida                   F     1976-03-02

			Vogelsang John W                M     1978-04-10

			Vogelsang Lee R                 M     1980-08-28

			Vogt George O                   M     1984-10-03

			Voitle Henry   Sr               M     1967-09-01

			Voitle Joe                      M     1971-01-06

			Volcik Emilia Helen             F     1979-03-10

			Volcik Frances M                F     1978-02-11

			Volkening Vertis B              M     1973-11-24

			Vonroeder Emil Otto             M     1968-12-14

			VonRoeder Ethel                 F     1993-08-03

			VonRoeder Louis A               M     1979-11-03

			VonRoeder William F             M     1979-10-14

			Voorhees Phyllis M              F     1998-10-16

			Vornsand Alvina A               F     1985-08-25

			Vornsand Edgar W                M     1981-09-29

			Vornsand Edgar William          M     1979-09-17

			Vornsand Elizabeth E            F     1998-01-07

			Vornsand Emil A                 M     1966-02-16

			Vornsand Emilie                 F     1974-08-07

			Vornsand Esther Helen           F     1998-04-30

			Vornsand Fred G                 M     1993-09-07

			Vornsand Freddy J               M     1985-03-19

			Vornsand Hugo John              M     1968-04-20

			Vornsand Katie B                F     1998-11-30

			Vornsand Reuben Hugo            M     1993-04-24

			Vornsand Walter A               M     1985-04-24

			Vornsand Willie G               M     1977-01-26

			Voskamp Ardnie D                M     1965-02-20

			Voskamp Earl L                  M     1978-12-25

			Voskamp Leila Henrietta         F     1981-01-29

			Voskamp Louis A                 M     1988-08-10

			Votaw Annie B                   F     1976-04-20

			Vrana Emil                      M     1975-10-30

			Vrazel Caroline Cecelia         F     1991-10-06

			Vrazel Frank John               M     1988-01-12

			Vuong Philip James              M     1991-09-11

			Vykukal Mary                    F     1989-02-24

			Vyvjala Adolph                  M     1989-09-06

			Vyvjala Marie Sldvak            F     1988-01-29

			Waddell Donald                  M     1990-05-26

			Waddell Ella A                  F     1971-05-26

			Waddell Rosemary                F     1993-06-20

			Waddell Sadie Pauline           F     1998-08-27

			Waddell Thomas Tomkinson        M     1982-04-10

			Waddell Zeta                    F     1980-06-09

			Waddle Arizona                  F     1990-09-08

			Waddle Arthur   Jr              M     1974-11-03

			Waddle Arthur   Sr              M     1986-04-24

			Waddle Bettie Bethina           F     1988-06-19

			Waddle Robert   Sr              M     1989-07-10

			Wade Arvol N                    F     1975-10-09

			Wade Gussie L                   F     1978-01-31

			Wade Ida Carson                 F     1985-06-20

			Wade Joe Louis                  M     1994-09-15

			Wade William F                  M     1970-10-18

			Wadsworth Alfred W              M     1970-08-27

			Wagley Virgil Stanley           M     1981-12-01

			Wagner Alma Emma                F     1995-11-17

			Wagner Amalia K                 F     1982-03-05

			Wagner Douglas E  Sr            M     1982-04-20

			Wagner Henry                    M     1967-11-16

			Wagner Ida                      F     1982-08-20

			Wagner Martin                   M     1972-06-08

			Wagner Merle Lavern             M     1990-02-02

			Wagner Otillie                  F     1966-10-06

			Wagner Wilburn A                M     1981-06-16

			Wagner William                  M     1992-02-20

			Waits Earl F                    M     1978-03-28

			Waits Eulus                     M     1996-12-16

			Walchar Julia                   F     1989-05-20

			Walchar Will W                  M     1986-10-11

			Waldrep Emma Jane               F     1966-05-01

			Waldrop Alpha May               F     1990-04-05

			Waldvogel Irene                 F     1975-10-15

			Waldvogel Louis                 M     1979-10-05

			Waldvogel Willard B             M     1975-06-22

			Walicek Agnes M                 F     1985-05-13

			Waligura Julia Anne             F     1993-05-26

			Walker Anna L                   F     1974-04-09

			Walker Betty Lee                F     1992-02-08

			Walker Booker T                 M     1974-05-19

			Walker Carter                   M     1988-03-31

			Walker Elizabeth                F     1982-03-27

			Walker Elizabeth                F     1982-03-27

			Walker Elizabeth                F     1989-12-17

			Walker Henry Tanner             M     1981-09-10

			Walker Hester Mae               F     1982-05-11

			Walker Lizeta L                 F     1978-03-06

			Walker Macy Lee                 F     1980-12-20

			Walker Ora Aglia                F     1992-10-28

			Walker Preston A                M     1969-08-18

			Walker Stella E                 F     1971-10-04

			Walla Anna Marie                F     1996-07-28

			Walla Betty Anna                F     1992-05-13

			Walla Charles H                 M     1975-12-25

			Walla Edwin J                   M     1986-04-15

			Walla Jennie                    F     1984-08-18

			Walla Leon Frank                M     1985-09-27

			Walla Louise M                  F     1973-09-12

			Walla Lydia Irene               F     1991-01-21

			Walla Rudy T                    M     1987-12-29

			Walla Walter F                  M     1986-12-15

			Wallace Annie Pauline           F     1989-04-30

			Wallace Carey L                 M     1979-08-30

			Wallace Cora                    F     1993-08-14

			Wallace Daisy C                 F     1970-08-23

			Wallace Dennis                  M     1968-04-15

			Wallace James K                 M     1989-05-11

			Wallace Mary Belle              F     1994-03-22

			Wallace Maude                   F     1964-01-01

			Walley Carmen Alene             F     1988-04-13

			Walling Selma Marie             F     1987-05-23

			Wallis Paul Claiborn            M     1991-09-06

			Walsh Earl F                    M     1991-11-04

			Walsh Rosemary Anna             F     1989-02-03

			Walter Alexis A  Jr             M     1968-12-17

			Walther Grace                   F     1991-08-09

			Walther Rosanna                 F     1979-02-11

			Walzel Bennie Rudolf            M     1994-05-16

			Walzel Emilie                   F     1966-02-26

			Wampler Minnie                  F     1973-03-13

			Wanja Joe F                     M     1981-12-25

			Wanja Mary K                    F     1985-07-08

			Wanjura Alfred J                M     1983-11-13

			Wanjura Erna                    F     1986-03-26

			Wanjura Joe F                   M     1995-12-12

			Wanjura Mary                    F     1989-05-27

			Wanjura Rudolf V                M     1998-08-30

			Wanjura Theresa                 F     1980-10-01

			Wanjura Victor H  Sr            M     1993-10-28

			Ward Amy L                      F     1973-11-10

			Ward Bernice                    F     1988-08-15

			Ward Dianna Gail                F     1992-12-30

			Ward Ethel Mae                  F     1987-04-07

			Ward Lemon                      M     1970-10-26

			Ward Lucille                    F     1973-11-30

			Ward Lucy Walter                F     1992-08-17

			Ward Murl Charles               M     1991-10-21

			Ware John Harold                M     1965-02-08

			Warner Milby G                  M     1973-06-04

			Warnken Alice                   F     1997-07-03

			Warnken Herbert Ben             M     1988-12-02

			Warnken Mary Agnes              F     1979-01-16

			Warnken Wallace                 M     1990-01-12

			Warren Clara                    F     1979-01-20

			Warren Eldyss                   F     1980-12-25

			Warren Gabe                     M     1964-11-28

			Warren Josephine S              F     1983-10-14

			Warren Marvin                   M     1967-07-08

			Warschak Helen E                F     1968-12-10

			Warschak Henry J                M     1980-11-23

			Warschak Lawrence Herman        M     1998-05-24

			Warschak Linnie T               F     1968-11-15

			Warthan W H                     M     1973-07-17

			Washington Arilla               F     1985-03-26

			Washington Carrol               M     1965-12-26

			Washington Cecil M              M     1967-01-25

			Washington Fannie Dabney        F     1968-03-28

			Washington Flemon               M     1993-05-20

			Washington Lizzie               F     1984-03-21

			Washington Lonnie               M     1966-02-12

			Washington Willie B             M     1975-05-28

			Waterbury Fannie                F     1976-02-08

			Waterhouse Mamie                F     1980-06-03

			Watkins Jerry R  Jr             M     1992-11-14

			Watson Clement M                M     1979-06-05

			Watson Elizabeth                F     1973-12-14

			Watson George B                 M     1973-02-10

			Watson Hilda                    F     1972-04-14

			Watson Maria                    F     1971-11-12

			Watson Milven C                 M     1991-01-18

			Watson Roberta Anderson         F     1984-06-04

			Watson William J                M     1973-09-19

			Watzlavick Sophie Marie         F     1967-08-17

			Wavra Anton P                   M     1984-05-09

			Wavra Frank J                   M     1969-10-07

			Wavra Leonard Thomas  Jr        M     1964-01-06

			Wavra Mary Klara                F     1996-08-28

			Wavra Pete C                    M     1989-12-30

			Wavra Ralph R                   M     1974-08-23

			Weakley Elton Earl              M     1989-06-26

			Weatherford Theresa Anne        F     1981-11-10

			Weatherman Agnes Dorothy        F     1994-01-04

			Weaver Frank E  Jr              M     1988-02-20

			Webb Ellen                      F     1974-12-31

			Webb Isabel                     F     1987-03-12

			Webb John                       M     1990-08-02

			Webb Robert                     M     1975-01-03

			Webb Robert Reginald            M     1966-11-14

			Weber Annie H                   F     1973-12-08

			Weber Henry                     M     1980-04-16

			Weber Lauretta J                F     1968-12-05

			Weeks Edward Francis  III       M     1997-06-21

			Wegenhoft Anna Vera             F     1970-01-28

			Wegenhoft Elsie                 F     1978-06-26

			Wegenhoft Ford George           M     1981-02-02

			Wegenhoft Jesse                 M     1974-10-20

			Wegenhoft John Franklin  Jr     M     1989-04-08

			Wegenhoft Molly Louise          F     1965-08-03

			Wegenhoft Oscar                 M     1978-11-30

			Wegner Adolf                    M     1981-05-13

			Wehman Mildred J                F     1974-03-16

			Wehmeyer Adella Agatha          F     1993-03-26

			Wehmeyer Ed                     M     1983-12-01

			Wehmeyer Henry   Jr             M     1982-12-29

			Wehmeyer Robert                 M     1995-12-27

			Wehner Herman Henry  Jr         M     1982-09-11

			Weige F A                       M     1968-05-16

			Weigel H C                      M     1964-01-31

			Weishuhn Albert A               M     1972-03-29

			Weishuhn Ella                   F     1971-04-18

			Weishuhn Florenz B              M     1980-07-09

			Weishuhn Florenz Charles  Jr    M     1993-11-09

			Weishuhn Frieda M               F     1989-04-28

			Weishuhn Hattie Annie           F     1980-11-30

			Weishuhn Josephine M            F     1978-08-10

			Weishuhn Margaret               F     1974-04-15

			Weishuhn Peter H                M     1974-11-02

			Welch Leona Bevill              F     1965-06-05

			Welch Norman E                  M     1971-02-26

			Wells James Wesley              M     1997-07-01

			Wells Robert R                  M     1974-09-06

			Wells Trula Joyce  H,           F     1966-11-13

			Wendel James L                  M     1973-02-09

			Wendel Vera                     F     1977-01-21

			Wendler August J                M     1973-01-31

			Wenglar Elivera                 F     1976-01-18

			Wennenweser Max                 M     1989-01-27

			Wenske Herman                   M     1992-10-23

			Wenske Leo F                    M     1969-11-25

			Wenske Minnie M                 F     1978-12-07

			Werland Frances M               F     1984-02-06

			Werland Leo L                   M     1967-11-18

			Werland Lillie Ann              F     1987-08-24

			Wern Paulyne Roberta            F     1990-03-03

			Wessels Alma                    F     1980-06-18

			Wessels Mary Augusta            F     1991-04-23

			Wessels Wilburn George          M     1993-08-30

			Wesselski Anna                  F     1974-02-21

			Wesselski Bertha P              F     1978-08-30

			Wesselski Frank   Sr            F     1971-09-10

			Wesselski Rosalia               F     1966-02-22

			West Dora                       F     1969-09-05

			West Dorothy Effie              F     1997-02-28

			West May M                      F     1979-06-14

			West Pinky                      F     1987-07-04

			West Sophia Adella              F     1991-08-12

			West Unice                      F     1974-08-24

			West Walter Roland              M     1994-04-09

			Westermann Ruth                 F     1998-01-31

			Westfall Verna                  F     1990-05-27

			Westfall Willie                 M     1988-08-11

			Westley Eva Emma                F     1984-03-07

			Westmoreland Lizzie B           F     1978-05-19

			Westmoreland Ruth               F     1987-08-30

			Westphal Helene                 F     1964-03-13

			Westphal Lorene                 F     1996-05-12

			Westphal Viola G                F     1988-04-01

			Westphal Willard Wesley         M     1996-05-28

			Wheeler Alice Emma  L,          F     1964-11-06

			Whitaker Nettie Q               F     1981-04-06

			Whitaker Ralph Craig            M     1987-12-25

			White Alfred   Sr               M     1964-03-20

			White Annie Margaret            F     1987-04-17

			White Constance Lenore          F     1987-08-27

			White Cordelia                  F     1980-06-11

			White Elna H                    F     1993-03-06

			White Emily W                   F     1971-06-02

			White Essie Lee                 F     1988-09-25

			White Gale                      M     1996-01-02

			White Helen                     F     1972-02-26

			White Isiah                     M     1976-10-31

			White L E                       M     1983-07-24

			White Lee                       M     1975-06-13

			White Lela Mae  Mosley,         F     1969-01-26

			White Lester   Sr               M     1991-05-26

			White Malica                    F     1966-03-09

			White Mamie                     F     1987-07-02

			White Marjorie Edith  Branham=  F     1995-06-15

			White Marshall                  M     1966-09-18

			White Mary                      F     1973-12-05

			White Mary L                    F     1972-12-03

			White Mollie Nelson             F     1967-11-04

			White Rita M                    F     1982-01-30

			White Simon S                   M     1970-01-01

			Whitehead Charlie Prince        M     1966-08-12

			Whitehead Princess Cindy        F     1996-09-17

			Whiteley Margaret V             F     1979-02-01

			Whitelock Allen R  Jr           M     1988-09-17

			Whitfield Annie                 F     1966-08-23

			Whitfield Charlie               M     1966-05-26

			Whitfield Floyd J               M     1993-04-29

			Whitfield Gladys A              F     1993-11-23

			Whitfield Leona                 F     1981-12-25

			Whitfield Ola                   F     1975-01-01

			Whitsitt Mathilda Wilhelmina    F     1993-02-11

			Wick Annie D                    F     1970-05-13

			Wick Annie M                    F     1977-06-11

			Wick Christina                  F     1983-09-21

			Wick Ernestine                  F     1975-03-16

			Wick Frank Joseph               M     1968-10-01

			Wick Fred Paul                  M     1989-08-02

			Wick Leo F                      M     1993-03-11

			Wick Ottillie                   F     1967-06-06

			Wick Robert A                   M     1980-07-18

			Wick Rudolf                     M     1989-10-11

			Wick Steven                     M     1974-03-05

			Wicke Charles Leo               M     1969-03-09

			Wicke Clara Bell                F     1986-04-16

			Wicke Verina                    F     1975-02-28

			Wicks Henry   Sr                M     1973-01-27

			Wicks Lela                      F     1973-10-17

			Wicks Madison                   M     1966-10-21

			Wicks Wenetta                   F     1978-08-06

			Wiebe Thelma Okla               F     1991-10-25

			Wied Emma Alma                  F     1990-03-21

			Wied Josephine M                F     1996-06-23

			Wied Roy Robert                 M     1995-09-22

			Wiedemann Fred Henry            M     1968-08-28

			Wiedemann Margaret              F     1980-07-07

			Wiedemann Nicomedes M           F     1972-06-11

			Wienken Ernestine Marie         F     1982-12-27

			Wienken Katie                   F     1976-04-30

			Wiese Clifford Thomas           M     1980-02-11

			Wiese Edward A                  M     1970-05-12

			Wiese Henry Chris               M     1966-08-16

			Wiese Margaret                  F     1997-09-19

			Wigley Jimmie Ellis             M     1997-08-01

			Wilbeck Gilbert John  Sr        M     1997-04-27

			Wilburn Corinne A               F     1976-12-26

			Wilburn Garland P               M     1979-01-06

			Wilde Mary                      F     1973-08-10

			Wiley Mary                      F     1968-02-15

			Wilhelmina Hertha Louisa        F     1996-09-19

			Wilkerson Dennis Wayne          M     1982-01-16

			Wilkerson Elizabeth             F     1966-02-25

			Wilkerson Elizabeth N           F     1978-05-08

			Wilkerson Freddie               M     1973-06-23

			Wilkerson V Allen               M     1971-07-02

			Wilkinson Billy Mcfarland       M     1993-11-29

			Will Walter V                   M     1975-01-25

			Willard Howard Austin           M     1966-04-30

			Willbern Arthur David           M     1991-05-26

			Williams Ac                     M     1991-11-26

			Williams Alex L                 M     1970-01-12

			Williams Allen                  M     1968-04-07

			Williams Alline                 F     1978-05-13

			Williams Alma                   F     1993-06-29

			Williams Alvin                  M     1968-12-21

			Williams Annie J                F     1967-09-09

			Williams Aubrey                 M     1977-02-17

			Williams Barnes                 M     1992-11-30

			Williams Bertha Hubbard         F     1969-02-07

			Williams Bertha Lena            F     1989-01-28

			Williams Bessie H               F     1976-02-20

			Williams Bessie Lewis           F     1998-11-28

			Williams Betcie                 F     1976-01-16

			Williams Caroline               F     1973-10-18

			Williams Charlie H              M     1971-06-15

			Williams Clara                  F     1988-07-25

			Williams Clarence               M     1992-05-07

			Williams Clarence   Jr          M     1996-06-03

			Williams Clarence B             M     1995-04-02

			Williams Cleotris               F     1996-12-11

			Williams Creasie May            F     1985-05-18

			Williams Curtis                 M     1976-06-01

			Williams Dessie Mae             F     1992-09-16

			Williams Dliene                 F     1964-03-12

			Williams Doris Jean             F     1968-01-19

			Williams Dorothy Earle          F     1986-01-20

			Williams Dorothy L              F     1970-03-23

			Williams Dorothy Rosa           F     1986-03-07

			Williams Ed                     M     1969-05-24

			Williams Edison Dewayne         M     1981-05-02

			Williams Eldon Eugene  Jr       M     1994-04-30

			Williams Eliza                  F     1996-06-16

			Williams Emma                   F     1975-09-25

			Williams Ethel Mae              F     1983-01-21

			Williams Evelyn                 F     1977-12-19

			Williams Felix                  M     1972-02-19

			Williams Freddie Lee            M     1995-04-30

			Williams Gathenia               M     1978-09-29

			Williams Geneva Mary            F     1994-09-23

			Williams George                 M     1964-08-23

			Williams George W               M     1979-03-23

			Williams Georgia Mae            F     1988-01-31

			Williams Gerald Lee             M     1991-01-27

			Williams Godfrey B              M     1969-12-21

			Williams Godfrey Lajohn         M     1969-12-21

			Williams Hazel Marie            F     1995-01-25

			Williams Henrietta              F     1986-07-02

			Williams Henry                  M     1979-01-05

			Williams Henry                  M     1991-12-04

			Williams Henry Lee              M     1991-11-29

			Williams Ida B                  F     1980-05-16

			Williams Isaac   Jr             M     1974-04-09

			Williams Jaunita                F     1988-06-29

			Williams Jessie                 M     1990-01-14

			Williams Jimmie                 F     1976-04-13

			Williams John Henry             M     1987-05-26

			Williams Johnnie                M     1977-03-24

			Williams Johnnie Bernard        M     1995-08-14

			Williams Joseph George  Jr      M     1980-09-26

			Williams Kenneth Morris         M     1994-01-08

			Williams Lee W                  M     1967-06-01

			Williams Leroy                  M     1971-06-21

			Williams Light                  M     1965-01-23

			Williams Lillian                F     1972-05-26

			Williams Lillian                F     1976-08-24

			Williams Lillian                F     1993-10-08

			Williams Lillie Mae             F     1989-02-12

			Williams Lillie Sivilla         F     1995-12-17

			Williams Lydia Pearl            F     1980-06-27

			Williams Mabel Clara            F     1965-01-13

			Williams Mammie B               F     1978-12-27

			Williams Mary Kathryn           F     1986-10-22

			Williams Mckinley               M     1990-01-18

			Williams Mentha                 F     1990-09-12

			Williams Milton                 M     1971-07-20

			Williams Milton                 M     1971-07-20

			Williams Minnie                 F     1966-07-22

			Williams Minnie                 F     1972-08-03

			Williams Norma J                F     1971-09-30

			Williams Oliver                 M     1976-11-18

			Williams Ollie May              F     1980-10-17

			Williams Paul Lawrence          M     1994-09-01

			Williams Rachel Virginia        F     1986-09-02

			Williams Richard J              M     1991-09-22

			Williams Richard James          M     1993-01-30

			Williams Robert A               M     1997-02-23

			Williams Rosie                  F     1991-07-09

			Williams Rosie                  F     1995-07-26

			Williams Sam   Sr               M     1980-10-06

			Williams Seth                   M     1975-12-03

			Williams Sherlene Marie         F     1964-02-22

			Williams Sylvester Jacob        M     1980-10-04

			Williams Thomas                 M     1975-01-25

			Williams Tommie E               F     1978-05-18

			Williams Tuck   Sr              M     1964-10-23

			Williams Viola M                F     1978-09-28

			Williams Walter W               M     1985-06-16

			Williams Wiley K                M     1983-01-11

			Williams Willie                 F     1974-03-31

			Williamson Carol Ann            F     1985-03-16

			Williamson Charles A  Jr        M     1970-10-12

			Williamson Clyde Walton         M     1997-12-28

			Williamson Della Mae            F     1991-11-24

			Williamson Leon   Jr            M     1981-06-27

			Willie Vera Maude               F     1995-08-18

			Williford Beulah                F     1971-01-22

			Willingham Clifton H            M     1977-07-12

			Willis Edna F                   F     1977-03-01

			Willis Floyd L                  M     1976-09-12

			Willis James Arlo               M     1966-01-24

			Willis Melton                   M     1969-09-09

			Willis Wilbur                   M     1968-06-18

			Willman Arthur F                M     1992-05-18

			Willman Hilda                   F     1964-02-13

			Willmann Henry Ben              M     1968-10-30

			Willmann Leon Alouis            M     1998-05-20

			Willmann Leona C                F     1982-07-04

			Willms Walter James             M     1995-04-26

			Willrodt Emma Katherine         F     1990-08-10

			Wilson Alberta                  F     1994-12-21

			Wilson Alice                    F     1967-01-04

			Wilson Alvera                   F     1990-05-12

			Wilson Beatrice Inez            F     1984-08-26

			Wilson Bernice                  F     1994-11-02

			Wilson Bertie Mae               F     1998-02-26

			Wilson Charles                  M     1996-12-31

			Wilson Dochia                   F     1980-10-18

			Wilson Edel B                   F     1977-11-23

			Wilson Edna B                   F     1982-01-08

			Wilson Ethel Lee                F     1998-09-30

			Wilson Eva Mae                  F     1985-03-13

			Wilson Gladys B                 F     1989-07-23

			Wilson Gloria B                 F     1991-12-06

			Wilson Hugh R                   M     1971-03-26

			Wilson James H                  M     1969-02-07

			Wilson Johnnie                  F     1976-03-03

			Wilson Loretta                  F     1967-12-03

			Wilson Martha                   F     1968-04-25

			Wilson Mike   Sr                M     1969-10-22

			Wilson Napolian                 M     1970-01-05

			Wilson Nell                     F     1981-07-18

			Wilson Orral Jean               F     1987-03-04

			Wilson Ruby L                   F     1973-01-27

			Wilson Sophila                  F     1983-02-08

			Wilson Woodrow   Sr             M     1974-08-03

			Wilson Woodrow   Jr             M     1998-06-18

			Wilson Zelma Emma               F     1985-02-05

			Wind Elizabeth                  F     1982-09-01

			Winegar Robert Lee              M     1990-05-17

			Wines Ruth                      F     1994-12-31

			Wink Grace                      F     1988-08-08

			Wink Minnie I                   F     1972-01-25

			Winkler Alvin R  Sr             M     1988-10-30

			Winkler Amalia                  F     1971-05-29

			Winkler Anton J  Jr             M     1981-09-27

			Winkler Charlie                 M     1981-07-03

			Winkler Henry A                 M     1984-08-09

			Winkler Lillie                  F     1981-08-26

			Winkler Mary Hulda              F     1989-05-04

			Winkler Otillie Rosa            F     1986-05-19

			Winkler Pauline                 F     1991-01-31

			Winkley Evelyn                  F     1989-09-08

			Winn Booker T                   M     1972-09-23

			Winn Juanita Binkley            F     1981-04-06

			Winn Pearlean                   F     1998-03-15

			Winn Verna Mae                  F     1967-09-24

			Winn Walter                     M     1970-10-15

			Winnett Letty Alice             F     1966-03-09

			Winston Leoma Wells             F     1982-01-13

			Winston Louis Simpson           M     1981-05-02

			Winter Martha                   F     1989-10-05

			Wirag Stephanie Jaclyn          F     1995-02-12

			Wiseman Charles Cluiss          M     1995-01-09

			Wisemon Harrison                M     1970-01-09

			Wishert Eddie                   M     1988-08-05

			Wishert Walter W                M     1983-10-02

			Wisnoske Charles H              M     1974-07-18

			Wisnoske Georgia M              F     1974-02-26

			Witt Annie                      F     1969-11-03

			Witt Elo August                 M     1983-06-12

			Witt Hattie                     F     1996-06-22

			Witte Adela C                   F     1981-08-31

			Witte Henry A                   M     1975-09-13

			Witte Mathilda                  F     1971-05-08

			Witte Richard D                 M     1976-01-02

			Witte Ruth Elverta              F     1998-01-07

			Wleczyk Pete                    M     1990-10-06

			Wobbe Louis E                   M     1971-08-06

			Woehst Roland Grover            M     1996-02-27

			Wojtek Vlasta                   F     1974-09-28

			Wolf Roland P  Jr               M     1975-10-18

			Wolf Willie Corene              F     1983-03-11

			Wolff Eddie Carl                M     1991-04-21

			Wolff Reinhard G                M     1981-03-05

			Wolff Wilhelmina                F     1970-05-29

			Wolff William                   M     1971-11-19

			Wolters Edmund                  M     1964-12-10

			Wolters Emilee K                F     1979-01-12

			Wolters Oscar Herman            M     1965-03-16

			Womack Mary                     F     1996-12-13

			Wood Agnes B                    F     1976-08-05

			Wood Mina L                     F     1980-03-07

			Wood Sheila M                   F     1978-05-09

			Woodard Edgar                   M     1984-02-01

			Woodard Irene                   F     1998-01-30

			Woodard Johnnie Mae             F     1993-07-07

			Woodard Leona                   F     1970-10-06

			Woodard Myer O                  M     1985-05-01

			Woodard Sarah                   F     1996-11-23

			Woods Bertha                    F     1978-04-06

			Woods David                     M     1975-12-29

			Woods Donna L                   F     1977-05-26

			Woods Fannie                    F     1985-05-19

			Woods George                    M     1981-12-03

			Woods James                     M     1967-04-07

			Woods Jessie                    F     1965-07-08

			Woods Lee                       M     1978-07-15

			Woods Louis                     M     1989-12-27

			Woods Mahalia                   F     1990-12-26

			Woods Willie                    M     1976-02-04

			Woods Willie Mae                F     1996-05-09

			Woodson Charles Lacy            M     1997-02-28

			Woodson Donna                   F     1983-06-25

			Woodson Grady                   M     1969-11-22

			Woodson Joel                    M     1981-02-24

			Woodson Pinkie                  F     1993-03-02

			Woodson Thelma V                F     1995-11-28

			Wooldridge Beulah               F     1971-01-31

			Woolman Barbara June            F     1995-01-16

			Woolridge Henry                 M     1965-12-10

			Woolsey Fay Louise              F     1987-12-05

			Woolsey Lucy                    F     1973-08-11

			Woolsey Melinda Ann             F     1996-07-24

			Wooten James Harbert  Jr        M     1992-10-06

			Wooten Katherine Thomas         F     1993-05-19

			Worczak Clara Frances           F     1998-01-05

			Works Beulah Maybelle           F     1989-02-07

			Wormwood Eunice Irene           F     1982-10-12

			Wornat Bette Lou                F     1996-06-09

			Wornat Charles Arthur  Sr       M     1998-12-19

			Wornat Christine                F     1975-03-12

			Wornat Gus                      M     1979-04-11

			Wornat Louise                   F     1967-05-05

			Worthington Jacquelynn Mae      F     1993-12-11

			Wostarek Bertha Anna            F     1996-05-09

			Wotipka Walter M  Sr            M     1993-02-01

			Woytek Hilmer W  Jr             M     1970-03-10

			Woytek Travis W                 M     1970-03-10

			Wozencraft Marion               F     1976-03-05

			Wray Mildred Bland              F     1979-06-24

			Wright Beatrice                 F     1989-12-15

			Wright Darwin                   M     1968-07-29

			Wright Dicey                    F     1992-12-05

			Wright Emma J                   F     1974-07-06

			Wright Harvey                   M     1971-03-21

			Wright Hennie B                 F     1976-10-06

			Wright Jessie                   F     1983-06-09

			Wright John                     M     1977-12-09

			Wright Josephine                F     1982-12-05

			Wright Julia                    F     1969-03-11

			Wright Lottie L                 F     1970-11-13

			Wright Maria Woods              F     1968-08-21

			Wright Martin Ray               M     1967-10-29

			Wright Maude A                  F     1968-08-01

			Wright Obie                     M     1967-07-22

			Wright Olton                    M     1984-01-07

			Wright Robert Lee               M     1997-06-30

			Wright W R  Sr                  M     1972-08-01

			Wuensche Richard Herbert        M     1994-07-05

			Wyer Philip Hiram               M     1986-08-10

			Wylie Willis Milton             M     1995-01-31

			Wynn Guy Nicholas               M     1984-09-24

			Yanez Calletano                 M     1992-07-11

			Yanez Cipriano Olvera           M     1982-05-04

			Yanez Lucio Garza               M     1983-02-01

			Yanez Natividad                 F     1988-06-23

			Yanez Refugio                   F     1978-04-16

			Yankow Emilia C                 F     1976-10-23

			Yates Alma L                    F     1971-03-28

			Yell Clodine                    F     1995-09-03

			Yell Willie George  Sr          M     1981-12-15

			Yell Willie George  Jr          M     1986-01-22

			Yeverino Gonsalo                M     1992-04-21

			Yeverino Petra                  F     1990-04-26

			York Robert J                   M     1978-05-14

			Youens Charles L  Jr            M     1968-02-24

			Youens Harry Thomas  Sr         M     1983-01-14

			Youens Margaret Emily           F     1991-06-27

			Youens Willis G  Jr             M     1986-12-13

			Young Augusta E                 F     1974-01-26

			Young Craig Carrol              M     1983-01-12

			Young Daisy Mae  Johnson,       F     1969-08-27

			Young Davalyn Gwyn              F     1968-02-17

			Young Gladys                    F     1972-09-29

			Young Iva May                   F     1984-10-10

			Young James F                   M     1967-12-06

			Young Lucy M                    F     1974-12-17

			Young Nettie Laverne            F     1979-01-27

			Young Walter Leon  Sr           M     1995-05-09

			Yuen Joe Deep  Sr               M     1995-05-20

			Yuen Joe Linden  Sr             M     1991-06-10

			Zabransky Adolph                M     1972-06-27

			Zacek Agnes                     F     1972-05-13

			Zacek Julius                    M     1973-06-15

			Zackson Barbara Ann             F     1979-09-17

			Zahradnick Alfred Friedrich     M     1989-09-24

			Zahradnick David Joe            M     1987-11-14

			Zahradnick Effie                F     1989-10-07

			Zahradnick Mary Ella            F     1991-12-07

			Zais Sybil Leona                F     1996-10-26

			Zajicek Johanna                 F     1973-05-15

			Zajicek Paul O                  M     1985-07-25

			Zajicek Pauline Gaake           F     1964-05-14

			Zajicek William Adolph          M     1994-05-05

			Zak Joseph W                    M     1976-12-11

			Zalesak Charles                 M     1998-01-15

			Zapalac Anna Appollonia         F     1985-04-05

			Zapalac Annie N                 F     1978-03-14

			Zapalac Bertha                  F     1970-04-02

			Zapalac Bertha Anna             F     1992-07-31

			Zapalac Darrin D                M     1982-04-24

			Zapalac Erwin J                 M     1978-07-09

			Zapalac Jerry S                 M     1970-01-16

			Zapalac Jim                     M     1990-11-27

			Zapalac Kimberly Denise         F     1993-12-20

			Zapalac Matilda K               F     1985-11-11

			Zapalac Ortensia                F     1998-01-22

			Zapalac Rudolph Peter           M     1994-03-02

			Zapalac Vlasta Annie            M     1986-07-15

			Zapalac William   Sr            M     1964-03-17

			Zapata Frank                    M     1980-06-29

			Zappe Clara                     F     1978-03-04

			Zappe Paul Charles  Herman, Jr  M     1996-12-17

			Zarsky John                     M     1969-01-06

			Zaskoda Raymond                 M     1977-10-13

			Zaskoda Theresa                 F     1965-08-12

			Zaskoda Vera A                  F     1983-08-15

			Zatopek Alfred H                M     1976-10-02

			Zatopek Jessie A                F     1985-08-12

			Zatopek Joe                     M     1980-02-05

			Zatopek Lanny Ross              M     1969-11-04

			Zatopek Louis M                 M     1967-05-11

			Zatopek Minnie                  F     1981-01-03

			Zatopek Minnie Annie            F     1993-05-28

			Zavesky Pauline Maresh          F     1993-03-05

			Zbranek Albina Anna             F     1994-03-17

			Zbranek Bennie I                M     1972-06-20

			Zbranek Frank V                 M     1986-01-30

			Zbranek Henry Harvey            M     1992-08-24

			Zbranek Ignac                   M     1972-01-30

			Zbranek Mary Hattie             F     1997-08-19

			Zbranek Paul A  Jr              M     1988-12-13

			Zbranek Willie                  M     1995-04-03

			Zdaril Marie Hattie             F     1980-08-30

			Zeiner Jack Lee                 M     1985-08-30

			Zeiner Thomas H                 M     1969-04-19

			Zeiner Tom                      M     1977-01-24

			Zemleda John Rudolph            M     1979-08-28

			Zepeda Georgette Lynn           F     1992-10-11

			Zepeda Gilbert   Jr             M     1986-09-16

			Zepeda Gilbert   Sr             M     1987-03-26

			Zepeda Victoria S               F     1976-05-18

			Zetik Delphine Johnny           M     1996-01-11

			Zetik Hilda Alma                F     1995-07-23

			Zettel Alvin Ben                M     1994-05-08

			Zettel Edna                     F     1995-04-17

			Zickuhr Alfred Charley          M     1995-09-27

			Zickuhr Annie                   F     1980-05-03

			Ziekuhr Albert                  M     1967-06-16

			Zientek Stanley A               M     1966-07-29

			Zikuhr Alvin John               M     1980-07-24

			Zikuhr Annie                    F     1991-10-03

			Zikuhr Ben C                    M     1970-04-26

			Zikuhr Elizabeth                F     1973-12-21

			Zikuhr Henry                    M     1976-01-13

			Zikuhr Herman Adam  Sr          M     1991-11-22

			Zimmerman Jean Louise           F     1995-01-03

			Zimmermann Annie Louise         F     1997-05-11

			Zitelman Clara Marie            F     1980-08-06

			Zoeller Sophie Lillian          F     1998-02-18

			Zouzalik Mary                   F     1973-09-24

			Zubicek Leontine                F     1978-03-01

			Zuniga Jose Hilario             M     1989-04-25

			Zweschper Leo                   M     1977-07-26

			Zweschper Mathilda              F     1981-01-02

			Zwiegel John W                  M     1964-11-09


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