The two new free rural delivery routes will be put on on the 1st of December. The citizens of the Osage and Live Oak sections will doubtless appreciate the convenience of having the mail brought to their homes daily.
Weimar Mercury, November 19, 1904, page 4 |
Live Oak News.Well, as the terrible storm has cleared away and we see no prospects for much cotton to be made, let's all plant a big fall patch of peas, potatoes and cabbage, and we will have plenty to eat. We are all proud we are left here to withstand another set-back, but hope the next one will be nothing to compare with last Wednesday's storm Everybody here is busy rebuilding houses, barns and fences. Everyone suffered great damage to their crops and houses. Benard Miles, G. W. Sanders, C. H. Ehlert, W. A. Rodgers and R. B. Miles- suffered much loss to houses, but each one is proud their lives were saved, so are not blue as would be expected. Weimar Mercury, September 30, 1909, page 1
LIVE OAK-OAK GROVE COUNCIL OF DEFENSEA Community Council of Defense was organized at Live Oak-Oak Grove Monday night, Sept. 9. Chairman J. W. Wagley addressed the crowd in a splendid speech in the interest of the organization of a Community Council of Defense. At the conclusion of his remarks . the following officers were appointed by the chairman: R. B. Miles, vice-chairman, W. A. Rodgers secretary. It was decided that the officers and heads of various committees constitute a War Board. Heads of committees were appointed as follows: Liberty Bonds, Geo. Miller; Thrift Stamps, Newt Williams; Publicity, Oscar Sanders; Food Production and conservation, Frank Sanders; Red Cross Work, Mrs. Oscar Sanders. Chairman of each committee to select his or her own assistants. QuIte a number signed the membership roll. Every "man, woman and child of accountable age is expected to enroll, and if you have not done so you have not done your duty. Do not wait to be solicited as a member, but hunt up the secretary and sigh the membership roll at once. Weimar Mercury, September 27, 1919, page 1 |
The Live Oak Baptist Church being remodeled in later years.
Is this after it burned in 1945 or before?
LIVE OAK BAPTIST CHURCH DEDICATIONThe new Baptist church at Live Oak is now about completed and we are told same will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies next Sunday week, same being the 25th day of November. On that day large crowds are expected, and arrangements are being made to have everybody bring along their dinners, eat same on the church grounds and spend the day there. Further particulars next week. Weimar Mercury, November 16, 1917, page 1Live Oak Church
Live Oak Baptist Church Burns to Ground SaturdayThe Live Oak Baptist Church in the Live Oak community was burned to the ground Saturday morning. Nothing was saved. It is thought that the building was set afire by some boys. This building was erected in 1917 when Rev. Ernest Stack was pastor of the Weimar First Baptist Church and also held services at Live Oak. The church, erected during the first World War at a cost of between $1600 and $2000. consisted of an auditorium and four Sunday School rooms. It was completely furnished with seats and an organ and pulpit. Everything was lost. At the time it was built all labor was donated by citizens of the little community and some from Weimar and Oakland. Among those were the late "Fed" Campbell and Ernest Obenhaus and many others. B. L. Townsend of Weimar had charge of the painting and paper hanging. To rebuild now would cost much more than back in 1917, but members are determined to make an attempt to have the building replaced with a new one, according to R. G. Wagley, who has made a start in the way of collecting donations to start a building program. Weimar Mercury, July 20, 1945, page 1
First Service Set In Re-Modeled Live Oak ChurchAncient Live Oak Baptist Church, one of the oldest church buildings in this area but after a thorough remodeling job looking like the newest, will have Sunday School and worship services this Sunday. Sunday School will be held at 9:30 a. m. At 10:30 the worship service will launch an 8-day revival, with the Rev. J. E. Jordan of Bridge City as the evangelist. Revival services will be held each night at 8, this Sunday through next Saturday. After Sunday School on June 19 the final revival service will be held, followed by dinner on the grounds and at 2:30 p. m. dedication service. Live Oak ‘s pastor is the Rev. F. R. O’Quinn, who also serves churches at Oakland, where a new building was erected recently and Glidden. Arnold Sanders and Ollie Wagley are Live Oak trustees. The 11-member congregation back in February announced plans to spend about $2000 in a face-lifting operation on the old church and school building. Nearly all the labor has been voluntary. Many friends of the community helped in a one-day effort that accomplished much of the task. A newly built farm-market road, FM 2434, makes the old landmark easily accessible now, and Pastor O’Quinn and his flock hope many of their friends here will join them in their first services, the revival, and the June 19 dedication. Weimar Mercury, June 10, 1960, page 1 |